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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Digital capabilities in the construction industry

Atuahene, Bernard Tuffour, Kanjanabootra, S., Gajendran, T. 24 March 2023 (has links)
No / Digitalization is transforming the way of doing business, and the construction industry is experiencing its fair share. It has necessitated the influx and growth of digital technologies application on construction projects and, to a larger extent, construction firms. In as much as this is a great initiative, early adopters in construction are still exploring, experimenting, and exploiting the potential of these digital transformations in their projects. There appears to be a gap in the digital capabilities needed in the construction life cycle and how these should be developed. A systematic review approach was used to identify digital technologies used in the construction industry. Literature on organization and digital capabilities was used to identify these capabilities and supported with examples from the UK and Australia to explain the capabilities. A case was made for how developing countries can develop digital capabilities in the construction industry from geographical distribution analysis from the systematic review and inference from the identified capabilities and the enabling approaches. Three main digital capabilities (digital mindset, digital infrastructure/investment and digital skillset) with sub-capabilities and two main approaches (firm and external) to developing these capabilities are discussed in this chapter. By implication, these capabilities are also useful in the construction industry in developing countries

The relationship between digital capabilities and digital business performance

Freitas Junior, José Carlos da Silva January 2018 (has links)
A presente pesquisa apresenta um estudo das Capacidades Digitais a fim de compreende-las e examiná-las melhor, e analisar o impacto dessas capacidades digitais na performance de negócios digitais. A literatura indica que as Capacidades Digitais são um alicerce fundamental a partir do qual os negócios digitais podem transformar a experiência do cliente, os processos operacionais e os modelos de negócios. Do estudo teórico dessas capacidades emergiram as seguintes questões de pesquisa: quais são as capacidades digitais relacionadas a performance de negócios digitais? E, qual o impacto das capacidades digitais na performance de negócios digitais? Para responder essas questões os objetivos gerais estabelecidos são: entender quais são as capacidades digitais relacionadas ao desempenho dos negócios digitais e medir o impacto dos recursos digitais no desempenho dos negócios digitais. A pesquisa é apresentada em quatro artigos que foram desenvolvidos em sequência de acordo com o processo da pesquisa científica para responder à questão de pesquisa. O primeiro é uma revisão sistemática de literatura que foi desenvolvida para entender as capacidades digitais. Esta pesquisa é apresentada no artigo 1. Na sequência, foram desenvolvidos estudos qualitativos, com entrevistas e estudos de caso apresentados nos artigos 2 e 3. O segundo artigo examina as capacidades digitais e seu papel no desempenho dos negócios digitais. O terceiro trabalho foi desenvolvido para entender a relação entre os ecossistemas digitais e o valor dos negócios digitais. Após isso, o modelo de pesquisa foi ajustado e uma pesquisa quantitativa foi realizada para medir o impacto das capacidades digitais no desempenho dos negócios digitais, que é apresentado no artigo 4. Por fim, foi possível entender que um negócio digital necessita desenvolver capacidades a fim de monitorar o ambiente, ser responsiva, ter processos digitais eficientes e deve ser capaz de pertencer a outros ecossistemas, com isso ela conseguirá melhorar sua performance. Além disso, os principais resultados indicam que a capacidade de resposta é um recurso crucial que causa um impacto significativo no desempenho dos negócios digitais. / This research presents a study of digital capabilities in order to better understand these capabilities and the impact of these digital capabilities on digital business performance. The literature indicates that digital capabilities is a critical foundation from which digital business can transform the customer experience, operational processes, and business models. From the theoretical study of these capabilities emerged the following research questions: what are the Digital Capabilities that are related to digital business performance? And, what is the impact of digital capabilities on digital business performance? To answer these questions, the following general objectives were elaborated: to understand what are the digital capabilities that are related to digital business performance, and to measure the impact of digital capabilities on digital business performance. Then research started and is presented in here in four articles that have been developed in sequence in order to answer the research question. So, the first step was a systematic review that was developed in order to understand the digital capabilities state of the art. This research is presented in article 1. In the sequence, qualitative studies were developed, with interviews and case studies presented in article 2 and 3. The second paper examines digital capabilities and their role in the digital business performance. We could better understand the digital capabilities, but it was noticed that ecosystem capability needed more studies as it is a new and fundamental theme for understanding the impact of digital capabilities on the performance of the digital business. So, the third paper was developed to understand the relationship between ecosystems and digital business value. Finally, the research model was adjusted, and a survey was carried out in order to measure the impact of digital capabilities on the performance of the digital business, which is presented in article 4. Finally, it was possible to understand that a digital business should develop digital capabilities in order to be capable of monitoring, being responsive, having efficient digital process and able to belong to other ecosystems what will lead to a improve the digital business performance. In addition, the primary results indicate that responsiveness is a crucial capability that makes a significant impact on digital business performance.

Digitalt och fysiskt? En studie om hur digitala kanaler kan kombineras med fysiska butiker inom möbelbranschen

Zejnilovic, Majda January 2020 (has links)
I samband med att e-handeln på bara några få år ökat är teknologin ett verktyg för företag att växa. Följande studie undersöker därmed hur företag inom möbelbranschen knyter an sina digitala kanaler med fysiska butiker och ifall de använder sig av digital capabilities. Vidare diskuterar studien hur digitaliseringen påverkat handeln och hur det kommer att se ut framöver. Undersökningen är genomförd med en kvalitativ metod genom intervjuer med sex respondenter i kombination med en kvantitativ metod i form av en webbenkät. Resultatet visar att det i princip krävs en fysisk butik som ett komplement till de digitala kanalerna för att företagen ska få ett ökat värde, både gentemot kund men också gentemot företag. Vidare visar resultatet också att respondenterna inte är insatta i användningen av den nya teknologin i samband med digital capabilities. I diskussionen förklaras hur möbelföretag kan kombinera sina digitala kanaler med sina fysiska butiker, vad som krävs för att frodas i den digitala världen och hur företagen förhåller sig till digital capabilities. / Within a few years e-commerce has grown, which leads to that technology has become a tool for companies to grow. This study examines how companies in the furniture industry associate and combine their digital channels with their physical channels and if they aim to use digital capabilities. The study also discusses how digitalization has affected the trade and what it will look like in the future. The survey was conducted using a qualitative method through interviews with six respondents. The result shows that a physical store is needed as a complement to the digital channels in order for companies to gain added value, both towards the customer, but also towards the company. Furthermore, the results also show that the respondents are not familiar with digital capabilities. The discussion explains how digital channels can be combined with physical stores, what it takes to thrive in the digital world and how the companies relate to digital capabilities.

Plan de negocio para la creación de una empresa de servicios de consultoría en el diagnóstico y programas de capacitación para la adopción de transformación digital en empresas y entidades del sector logístico, marítimo y portuario de Perú / Business plan for the creation of a consulting services company in the diagnosis and training programs for the adoption of digital transformation in companies and entities of the logistics, maritime and port sectors of Peru

Gutarra Ramos, Mariela 23 March 2021 (has links)
El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo desarrollar un plan de negocio para la creación de BSmartPorts&Logistics, una empresa que brindará servicios de consultoría para el diagnóstico y programas de capacitación para la adopción de transformación digital en empresas del sector logístico, marítimo y portuario de Perú; considerando la importancia de lograr un posicionamiento en el mercado nacional e internacional debido a que la transformación digital es una reestructuración de la empresa como un todo generando nuevas capacidades digitales y actualizando capacidades existentes buscando adaptarse con el nuevo mercado que está en constante cambio. Se ha encontrado una oportunidad en el mercado para el servicio de consultoría, esto a razón de cuatro principales factores, gestión del cambio, el cual siempre va un paso delante preparando a la empresa o entidad para lo que viene, convirtiendo la transformación en un cambio incremental como un espiral; personas, quienes deben tener nuevas capacidades digitales apalancadas en tecnología para generar ventaja diferencial hacia el nuevo mercado; cultura consciente, donde se cuentan con personas conectadas a través de un propósito que da sentido al trabajo, líderes que permiten liberar el potencial a través de nuevas habilidades propias de la era digital, que es una nueva manera de funcionar incrementando la adaptabilidad y manteniendo la estabilidad basada en la experimentación y adaptación a nivel estratégico, táctico y operacional. Se ha evaluado la oportunidad del negocio que es factible y rentable con un VAN de S/1,212,744.05, la TIR 154 % y un payback de 1.52 años. sobre una inversión inicial de S/134,000. / The objective of this research work is to develop a business plan for the creation of BSmartPorts & Logistics, a company that will provide consulting services for diagnosis and training programs for the adoption of digital transformation in companies in the logistics, maritime and port sectors of Peru. ; considering the importance of achieving a position in the national and international market because the digital transformation is a restructuring of the company as a whole generating new digital capabilities and updating existing capabilities seeking to adapt to the new market that is constantly changing. An opportunity has been found in the market for the consulting service, this due to four main factors, change management, which always goes one step ahead preparing the company or entity for what is to come, turning the transformation into a incremental change like a spiral; people, who must have new digital capabilities leveraged in technology to generate differential advantage towards the new market; conscious culture, where there are people connected through a purpose that gives meaning to work, leaders who allow to unleash the potential through new skills typical of the digital age and an agile organization, which is a new way of operating increasing adaptability and maintaining stability based on experimentation, inspection and adaptation at a strategic, tactical and operational level. The business opportunity that is feasible and profitable has been evaluated with a NPV of S/1,212,744.05, the IRR 154% and a payback of 1.52 years on an initial investment of S/134,000. / Trabajo de investigación

Capabilities and Processes to Mitigate Risks Associated with Machine Learning in Credit Scoring Systems : A Case Study at a Financial Technology Firm / Förmågor och processer för att mitigera risker associerade med maskininlärning inom kreditvärdering : En fallstudie på ett fintech-bolag

Pehrson, Jakob, Lindstrand, Sara January 2022 (has links)
Artificial intelligence and machine learning has become an important part of society and today businesses compete in a new digital environment. However, scholars and regulators are concerned with these technologies' societal impact as their use does not come without risks, such as those stemming from transparency and accountability issues. The potential wrongdoing of these technologies has led to guidelines and future regulations on how they can be used in a trustworthy way. However, these guidelines are argued to lack practicality and they have sparked concern that they will hamper organisations' digital pursuit for innovation and competitiveness. This master’s thesis aims to contribute to this field by studying how teams can work with risk mitigation of risks associated with machine learning. The scope was set on capturing insights on the perception of employees, on what they consider to be important and challenging with machine learning risk mitigation, and then put it in relation to research to develop practical recommendations. The master’s thesis specifically focused on the financial technology sector and the use of machine learning in credit scoring. To achieve the aim, a qualitative single case study was conducted. The master’s thesis found that a combination of processes and capabilities are perceived as important in this work. Moreover, current barriers are also found in the single case. The findings indicate that strong responsiveness is important, and this is achieved in the single case by having separation of responsibilities and strong team autonomy. Moreover, standardisation is argued to be needed for higher control, but that it should be implemented in a way that allows for flexibility. Furthermore, monitoring and validation are important processes for mitigating machine learning risks. Additionally, the capability of extracting as much information from data as possible is an essential component in daily work, both in order to create value but also to mitigate risks. One barrier in this work is that the needed knowledge takes time to develop and that knowledge transferring is sometimes restricted by resource allocation. However, knowledge transfer is argued to be important for long term sustainability. Organisational culture and societal awareness are also indicated to play a role in machine learning risk mitigations. / Artificiell intelligens och maskininlärning har blivit en betydelsefull del av samhället och idag konkurrerar organisationer i en ny digital miljö. Forskare och regulatorer är däremot bekymrade gällande den samhällspåverkan som sådan teknik har eftersom användningen av dem inte kommer utan risker, såsom exempelvis risker som uppkommer från brister i transparens och ansvarighet. Det potentiella olämpliga användandet av dessa tekniker har resulterat i riktlinjer samt framtida föreskrifter på hur de kan användas på ett förtroendefullt och etiskt sätt. Däremot så anses dessa riktlinjer sakna praktisk tillämpning och de har väckt oro då de möjligen kan hindra organisationers digitala strävan efter innovation och konkurrenskraft. Denna masteruppsats syftar till att bidra till detta område genom att studera hur team kan arbeta med riskreducering av risker kopplade till maskininlärning. Uppsatsens omfång lades på att fånga insikter på medarbetares uppfattning, för att sedan ställa dessa i relation till forskning och utveckla praktiska rekommendationer. Denna masteruppsats fokuserade specifikt på finansteknologisektorn och användandet av maskininlärning inom kreditvärdering. En kvalitativ singelfallstudie genomfördes för att uppnå detta mål. Masteruppsatsen fann att en kombination av processer och förmågor uppfattas som viktiga inom detta arbete. Dessutom fann fallstudien några barriärer. Resultaten indikerar att en stark förmåga att reagera är essentiellt och att detta uppnås i fallstudien genom att ha tydlig ansvarsfördelning och att teamen har stark autonomi. Vidare så anses standardisering behövas för en högre nivå av kontroll, samtidigt som det bör vara implementerat på ett sådant sätt som möjliggör flexibilitet. Fortsättningsvis anses monitorering och validering vara viktiga processer för att mitigera maskininlärningsrisker. Dessutom är förmågan att extrahera så mycket information från data som möjligt en väsentlig komponent i det dagliga arbetet, både för värdeskapande och för att minska risker. En barriär inom detta arbetet är att det tar tid för den behövda kunskapen att utvecklas och att kunskapsöverföring ibland hindras av resursallokering. Kunskapsöverföring anses däremot vara viktigt för långsiktig hållbarhet. Organisationskultur och samhällsmedvetenhet indikeras också påverka minskningen av risker kring maskininlärning.

Digitalisering inom teknikhandelns småföretag : Hur småföretag hanterar digitaliseringens möjligheter och utmaningar inom den traditionella industrin.

Svensson, Peter January 2021 (has links)
Digitaliseringen erbjuder utmaningar och möjligheter för såväl små som stora företag och driver inom partihandeln effektivisering, stordriftsfördelar och automatisering vilket bedöms leda till fortsatt konsolidering med färre och större företag. Forskning visar att förutsättningarna att hantera utmaningar och möjligheter ser olika ut beroende på olika faktorer som företagsstorlek, ålder, bransch och resurser. Det kan leda till digitala klyftor mellan dem som tar vara på möjligheterna och de som inte gör det. Utvecklingen behöver nödvändigtvis inte betyda att det är de moderna sektorer som förändras mest. Forskning visar på en utmanande situation när småföretag med begränsade resurser skall driva digitalisering till en högre nivå av digital mognad. Med bättre kunskap om hur förutsättningar ser ut kan ny viktig förståelse bidra till att förbättra möjligheten att hantera utmaningarna och ta vara på möjligheterna. För att undersöka detta har en kvalitativ studie genomförts på sex småteknikhandelsbolag i den mogna industrin. Vald teori bygger på Westerman, et al., (2014) digitala mognadsmodell med utgångspunkt i digital förmåga och ledarskapsförmåga.Forskningsresultatet som vald teori grundar sig på är baserad på den mogna industrin, vilket gör den relevant för uppsatsens problemformulering och forskarfråga. Studien i uppsatsen visarpå kundorienterade små teknikhandelsbolag med olika verksamheter som befinner sig i en liknande situation utifrån digitaliseringen. Företagen visar en medvetenhet om sina digitala brister och en ambition att utvecklas, men med en försiktighet och osäkerhet i genomförandet. Det kan kopplas samman med brist på främst relevant digital förståelse. Ambitionen leder till olika digitala insatser inom olika område, men en övergripande digital helhetssyn saknas. Samtidigt uttrycker företagen ingen noterbar oro för situationen, vilket ger en något motsägelsefull bild. Studien visar på ett samstämmigt resultat vilket stämmer överens med tidigare forskning, och kan indikera att tusentals andra småföretag befinner sig i samma båt. Teorin är relevant, men för att de studerade företagen skall kunna omsätta teorin praktiskt på ett sätt som leder dem framåt behöver de nå en högre digital mognad. Därför matchar det valda teoretiska perspektivet inte företagens behov i nuläget. Den enskilt största utmaningen är relaterad till brist på digital kompetens för att strategiskt driva digital omställning. Med en traditionell och relativt digitalt omogen kundsektor blir omvandlingstrycket lågt med för- och nackdelar. Företag inom teknikhandel skapar ett mervärde genom specialistkunnande, lokal marknadskännedom, kvalificerad teknisk rådgivning, lagertillgänglighet och hög service. Det är livsviktigt att fortsätta utveckla detta mervärde för ökad konkurrenskraft mot ökad digital transparens av prisjämförelser och mot resursstarka globala och digitala e-handelsplattformar. Genom att lyfta blicken över den vardagliga situationen bör företagen mer proaktivt fokusera på extern kundnytta och intern effektivitet. Med ökad förståelse om kunders digitala behov, kan företagen kraftsamla inom område med störst behov, vilket kan attrahera nya kunder med högredigital mognad som skapar incitament till att driva den digitala omställningen framåt. För Sveriges tusentals industriföretag är potentialen i dessa frågor stor och avgörande på sikt. / Digitalization offers challenges and opportunities for both small and large companies and drives efficiency, economies of scale and automation within the technical trade sector, which isexpected to lead to continued consolidation with fewer and larger companies. Research shows that the conditions for managing these challenges and opportunities are different depending on different factors such as company size, age, industry, and resources. This can lead to a situation where digitalization divides between those who seize the opportunities and those who don´t. The development does not necessarily mean that it is the modern sectors that are changing the most.Research shows a challenging situation, when small businesses with limited resources want to drive digital transformation to a higher level of digital maturity. With better knowledge of what the conditions look like, important understanding can improve the ability to manage the challenges and seize the opportunities. Therefore, a qualitative study has been carried out on six small technical trading companies in the mature industry. The chosen theoretical framework is based on Westerman, et al., (2014) digital maturity model with two dimensions, digital capabilities, and leadership capabilities. The research results on which the chosen theory is based is the mature industry, which makes the chosen theory relevant to the thesis's problem formulation and research question. The study shows customer oriented small technical trading companies with different businesses that are in a similar situation due to digitalization. Companies show an awareness of their digital shortcomings and an ambition to develop, but with caution and uncertainty in their implementation. This can be linked to a lack of mainly relevant digital understanding. The ambition leads to different digital efforts in different areas, but an overall digital holistic approach is lacking. At the same time, companies do not express any notable concern about the situation, which paints a somewhat contradictory picture. The study shows a consistent result, also with previous research, and may indicate that many thousands of similar small businesses are in the same boat. The theory is relevant, but for the companies studied to be able to put the theory into practice in a way that leads them forward, they need to reach a higher digital maturity. Therefore, the chosen theoretical perspective does not match the needs of the companies at present. The single largest challenge is related to a lack of digital skills to strategically drive digital transformation. With a traditional and relatively digitally immature customer sector, the conversion pressuresare low resulting in both advantages and disadvantages. Technical trading companies create added value through a specialist know-how, local market knowledge, qualified technical consultations, product availability and high service. It is vital to continue to develop this added value for increased competitiveness towards increased digital transparency of price comparisons and towards resource-rich global and digital e-commerce platforms. By looking above, the daily business, the companies should focus more proactively on external customer benefit and internal efficiency. With an increased understanding of customers' digital needs, companies can gather strength in areas with the greatest need, which can attract new customers with higher digital maturity who creates incentives to drive the digital transition forward.

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