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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Using Digital PCR to Improve Quantitative Measurement of Bacterial and Fungal DNA from Carpet Dusts in the Built Environment

Bope, Ashleigh M. 15 August 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Evaluation of Digital PCR (dPCR) for the Quantification of Soil Nitrogen Turnover Bacteria in Wetland Mesocosms in Response to Season, Fertilization, and Plant Species Richness

Shah, Parita Raj 11 February 2019 (has links)
Excess nutrients from nonpoint sources are an ongoing problem that is expected to worsen as population and fertilizer usage rise. Conventional centralized treatment systems are not well suited to address nonpoint source pollution. More distributed best management practices (BMPs) like constructed wetlands are a promising alternative and have been widely implemented in the US since the 1970's. Constructed wetlands are multi-functional systems that can effectively store and transform harmful contaminants using primarily natural processes. However, the removal of pollutants like nitrogen by wetlands is highly variable, likely due to a combination of factors such as plant species-specific assimilation behavior, the effects of plant communities on microbial diversity and function, and variable nitrogen inputs. In this study, the effect of plant species richness (i.e., number of plant species in a system) and seasonal nutrient loading (i.e., nitrogen fertilization) on the microbial community responsible for regulating nitrogen turnover in wetland mesocosm soils was investigated. The chip-based QuantStudio 3D digital PCR (QS3D dPCR) system was used to quantify ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB), nitrite-oxidizing bacteria (NOB), comammox, anammox, and denitrifiers. Principal component analysis (PCA) was used to identify dominant patterns in the microbial community and nitrogen species. Resampling-based analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to assess statistical significance of any observed differences caused by nitrogen fertilization or plant species richness. Results indicated that fertilization or season, which was convolved with fertilization, was the dominant factor influencing the microbial community in the study environment (27% variance explained), as indicated by the disparate clustering of fall (fertilized) and spring (unfertilized) samples about principal component 1 (fall: negative PC1, spring: positive PC1). Because unplanted unfertilized controls sampled in November clustered within the season in which they were collected rather than with other unfertilized samples collected in May, season may have influenced microbial community shifts more than fertilization for unplanted systems. This finding should be interpreted cautiously, however, given the small number of unplanted unfertilized controls (N = 2) and the absence of similar controls in the planted systems. The most abundant bacterial groups detected in May (November) were AOB, nirK, anammox, and Nitrospira spp. NOB (AOB, anammox, Nitrospira spp. NOB, and nosZ). The effects of plant species richness were more nuanced, with greater richness significantly impacting the abundance of only a subset of bacterial groups (i.e., the nitrifying bacteria AOB, Nitrospira spp. NOB, and comammox, but not the denitrifying bacteria). Different relationships between richness and microbial abundance were observed in different seasonal nutrient loadings (i.e., interaction effects between richness and fertilization were detected for some bacterial groups). / MS / As global population continues to rise, fertilizer application is becoming more commonplace in order to meet increasing agricultural demand. Fertilizers supply nutrients like nitrogen that, in excess, can negatively affect water quality. Since conventional treatment systems are largely impractical to control such diffuse, nonpoint sources of pollution, more distributed best management practices (BMPs) like constructed wetlands are a promising alternative. Several important nitrogen transformations occur within wetlands, of which soil microbial communities have a significant influence over. For instance, nitrifying bacteria can transform ammonia into nitrate and denitrifying bacteria can transform nitrate into atmospheric nitrogen. Constructed wetlands are designed to mimic these complex, dynamic processes, and can be manipulated for more effective nitrogen pollution control. However, the removal of pollutants like nitrogen by wetlands is highly variable, likely due to a combination of factors such as plant species-specific assimilation behavior, the effects of plant communities on microbial diversity and function, and variable nitrogen inputs. In this study, the effects of plant species richness (i.e., number of plant species in a system) and seasonal nutrient loading (i.e., nitrogen fertilization) on several types of nitrifying and denitrifying bacteria in wetland mesocosm soils were investigated. Digital polymerase chain reaction (dPCR) was used to quantify bacterial abundance. Principal component analysis (PCA) was used to identify dominant patterns within the data and resampling-based analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to assess statistical significance of any observed differences caused by fertilization, season, and/or plant species richness. Results indicated that fertilization or season, which was convolved with fertilization, wasthe dominant factor influencing the microbial community in the study environment. The effects of plant species richness were more nuanced, with greater richness significantly impacting the abundance of only a subset of bacterial groups (i.e., the nitrifying bacteria AOB, Nitrospira spp. NOB, and comammox, but not the denitrifying bacteria).

Origine(s) et Fonction(s) de Gènes de Résistance aux Métaux Issus de Métatranscriptomes Eucaryotes de Sols / Origin(s) and function(s) of metal resistance genes isolated from eukaryotic soil metatranscriptomes

Ziller, Antoine 31 March 2017 (has links)
Le sol est essentiel à toute société humaine notamment pour la production d'aliments. Son fonctionnement repose sur des réseaux d'interactions entre les éléments qui le composent et toute perturbation modifie ces réseaux. Les microorganismes eucaryotes représentent une composante importante de l'écosystème édaphique car ils sont impliqués dans des processus essentiels comme la régulation de populations de procaryotes. Mais paradoxalement, ils restent peu étudiés comparés aux bactéries notamment lorsqu'on s'intéresse aux cycles biogéochimiques autres que celui du carbone comme par exemple ceux des métaux. Suite à une pollution par des métaux, certains de ces microorganismes eucaryotes développent des mécanismes « de résistance » cellulaires. Dans ce contexte, le laboratoire d'accueil a isolé, directement à partir d'extraits d'ARN de sol, des gènes eucaryotes impliqués dans la résistance cellulaire au Cd. Ces nouveaux gènes forment une famille codant des protéines riches en cystéines dont les positions sont conservées au sein de cette famille. Mon projet de thèse a eu pour but de caractériser l'origine taxonomique et la fonction de cette famille de gènes. Dans un premier temps, la purification de cinq de ces protéines produites dans Escherichia coli et leurs caractérisations biochimiques par des méthodes spectrométriques ont permis de montrer que cette famille génique constitue une nouvelle famille de métallothionéines capables de chélater in vitro le Zn, le Cu et le Cd. Dans un second temps, une méthode de quantification par PCR quantitative de l'expression de ces gènes, extraits à partir de sol provenant de microcosmes, a été mise au point. Dans un troisième temps, nous avons tenté d'obtenir les régions génomiques bordant ces gènes environnementaux afin d'affilier les organismes qui les portent à un groupe taxonomique et d'analyser les régions promotrices de ces gènes par capture ciblée de gènes / Soil is essential to human societies, especially for food production. Its functioning relies on interaction networks sensitive to environmental alterations. Eukaryotic microorganisms are an important component of the soil ecosystem where they are involved in essential processes such as the regulation of prokaryotic populations. However, they remain poorly studied compared to bacteria, especially concerning their roles in biogeochemical cycles other than the carbon one such as metal cycles. In response to soil metal contamination, some of these eukaryotic microorganisms develop cellular "resistance" mechanisms. In this context, the host laboratory has previously isolated, directly from soils, eukaryotic genes able to confer Cd resistance. These genes form a family coding for cysteine-rich proteins whose cysteine positions are conserved within this sequences. My thesis project aimed at characterizing the function and taxonomic origin of this gene family. First, the purification of five of these proteins produced in Escherichia coli and their biochemical characterizations by spectrometric methods demonstrated that this gene family constitutes a new family of metallothioneins capable of chelating in vitro Zn, Cu and Cd. Some of these proteins are also able to confer Zn resistance when expressed in a sensitive yeast strain. In a second step, quantitative PCR methods for measuring expression levels of these genes in soil microcosms were developed. This will allow to evaluate the level of expression of these genes as a function of an increasing supply of exogenous metal. In a third step, we tried to obtain the genomic regions flanking these environmental genes in order to be able to associate the organisms from which they originate to a taxonomic group and to analyze the promoter regions of these genes using targeted capture

Identificação e estudo de biomarcadores personalizados para avaliação e seguimento de pacientes com câncer de reto tratados com quimioradioterapia neoadjuvante / Identification and study of personalized biomarkers for assessment and follow-up of patients with rectal cancer treated with neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy.

Carpinetti-Oliveira, Paola de Avelar 20 January 2015 (has links)
O tratamento padrão para pacientes com câncer de reto localmente avançado consiste no uso de quimioradioterapia neoadjuvante (QRTn), seguida por cirurgia. Uma fração significativa dos pacientes responde completamente ao tratamento e no momento da reavaliação não apresenta evidência clínica nem radiológica de doença. Uma abordagem alternativa, Watch and Wait, propõe não operar imediatamente esses pacientes e submetê-los a um protocolo de observação frequente, a fim de evitar as morbidades associadas à cirurgia. No entanto, a avaliação da resposta ao tratamento ainda é um desafio, devido à subjetividade da avaliação clínica e a ausência de exames radiológicos suficientemente sensíveis e específicos para garantir a ausência de células tumorais residuais ou capazes de detectar a recorrência precoce da doença. DNA circulante contendo alterações genéticas específicas do tumor (ctDNA) pode ser encontrado na fração livre de células do sangue e tem sido utilizado para monitorar a dinâmica tumoral em tumores sólidos. Avanços recentes das tecnologias de sequenciamento permitem a identificação eficiente e rápida e a um custo relativamente baixo de alterações genéticas em tumores individuais, superando o problema imposto pela ausência de alterações genéticas recorrentes nesses tumores. Essas alterações podem ser utilizadas como biomarcadores personalizados para monitorar a resposta ao tratamento, detectar doença residual e a recidiva precoce do tumor. O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar e estudar biomarcadores personalizados em pacientes com câncer de reto localmente avançado tratados com QRTn e avaliar a capacidade desses biomarcadores para monitorar a dinâmica tumoral, e auxiliar na definição da conduta cirúrgica e na detecção da recidiva precoce da doença. Biópsias de seis pacientes com adenocarcinoma de reto distal (cT2- 3N0-1M0), foram coletadas prospectivamente pré-tratamento. O DNA genômico extraído a partir das biópsias foi usado para construir bibliotecas tipo mate-pair para o sequenciamento do genoma completo, utilizando a plataforma SOLiD. Rearranjos inter e intracromossômicos foram identificados utilizando programas computacionais desenvolvidos pelo nosso grupo de pesquisa e em seguida foram validados utilizando PCR e sequenciamento Sanger. Foram validadas, pelo menos, três variações estruturais para cada paciente. Amostras de plasma foram coletadas no momento do diagnóstico, depois da QRTn e durante o seguimento. DNA circulante total foi extraído a partir das amostras de plasma e ensaios personalizados foram desenvolvidos para monitorar a presença de variações estruturais através de PCR Digital. ctDNA foi detectado em todas amostras de plasma pré-tratamento de pacientes com tumores T3. A detecção desses biomarcadores apresentou boa correlação com a resposta ao tratamento, no entanto, esta abordagem não foi sensível o suficiente para detectar doença residual. Para dois pacientes que desenvolveram doença metastática foi verificado um aumento nos níveis de ctDNA com pelo menos 36 semanas antes do diagnóstico clínico de doença metastática, sendo possível correlacionar os níveis de ctDNA detectados em coletas subsequentes com a resposta ao tratamento sistêmico de segunda linha. Este estudo, embora de caráter exploratório, gerou dados relevantes e suficientes para justificar a realização de estudos adicionais para avaliar a aplicação dos biomarcadores personalizados na definição da conduta cirúrgica e no acompanhamento de pacientes com câncer de reto tratados com QRTn. / The standard treatment for patients with locally advanced rectal cancer comprises in neoadjuvant chemo radiotherapy (nCRT), followed by surgery. A significant fraction of these patients show complete response to the treatment and at the time of reassessment, there are no clinical and nor radiological evidence of residual tumor. An alternative approach, Watch and Wait, proposes not to immediately operate these patients, but to submit them to a protocol of frequent observation in order to avoid the morbidities associated with radical surgery. However, assessment of treatment response remains a significant challenge due to the subjectivity of the clinical examination and to the lack of sufficiently sensitive tools to ensure the absence of tumor cells or to detect early disease recurrence. Circulating DNA carrying tumor-specific genetic alterations (circulating tumor DNA - ctDNA) can be found in the cell-free fraction of the blood and has been successfully used to monitor the tumor dynamics in solid tumors. Recent advances in sequencing technologies have enabled the rapid and cost effective identification of genetic alterations in individual tumors, overcoming the problem imposed by the absence of recurrent genetic alterations in these tumors. These alterations can be used as personalized biomarkers to monitor treatment response, detect residual disease and early tumor recurrence. The purpose of this work was to identify and validate the use of personalized biomarkers for patients with locally advanced rectal cancer treated with nCRT and to evaluate the ability of these biomarkers to monitor the tumor dynamics, to define surgical approach and to detect early recurrence of the disease. Pre-treatment biopsies from 6 patients with cT2-3N0-1M0 distal rectal adenocarcinoma were prospectively collected. Genomic DNA extracted from the biopsies was used to construct mate-pair libraries for whole genome sequencing using SOLiD platform. Inter and intrachromosomal rearrangements were identified using an in-house bioinformatics pipeline and validated using PCR amplification and Sanger sequencing. At least three structural variations were validated for each patient. Plasma samples were collect at diagnosis, after nCRT and follow-up. Circulating DNA was obtained from the plasma samples and personalized assays were designed to monitor the presence of structural variations using Droplet Digital PCR. ctDNA was detected in all pre-treatment plasma samples for patients with T3 tumors. The detection of these biomarkers showed a good correlation with the treatment response, nonetheless, the approach was not sensitive enough to detect residual disease. In two patients who developed metastatic disease, an increase in ctDNA levels was observed at least 36 weeks before clinical detection of metastatic disease, and it was possible to correlate the level of ctDNA in subsequent plasma samples with response to the second-line treatment. This study, although exploratory, generated relevant and sufficient data to support additional studies to evaluate the use of personalized biomarkers in the surgical management and follow-up of rectal cancer patients treated with nCRT.

Development of novel droplet-based microfluidic strategies for the molecular diagnosis of cancer / Développement de nouvelles techniques de microfuidique en gouttes pour la détection des biomarqueurs de cancer

Pekin, Deniz 26 February 2013 (has links)
Le cancer constitue un problème majeur de santé publique en France. La nécessité de disposer d’un test capable de détecter très précocement une tumeur, avant même qu’elle ne soit décelable par l’imagerie (et surtout avant les métastases) ne fait pas doute. Pour l’heure, la voie la plus prometteuse pour détecter la maladie demeure la mise au point des tests simples, fiables, rapides et hautement sensibles, reposant sur le dosage de marqueurs génétiques (des biomarqueurs). Nous avons développé une procédure non-invasive, innovante et au moins 1000 fois plus sensible que les méthodes actuelles (0,0005% de séquences mutées détectées parmi un excès de séquences non-mutées), pour le criblage des biomarqueurs spécifiques des cancers. Elle peut facilement être utilisée pour le diagnostic, le pronostique ou la prédiction des procédures de gestion clinique des patients souffrant du cancer colorectal et par après pour les patients souffrant d’autres types de cancer. Cette méthode est basée sur l’utilisation des millions de microgouttelettes en tant qu’autant de bioréacteurs indépendants. Apportant ainsi la possibilité d’analyse chaque molécule d’ADN indépendamment, elle permettra de détecter spécifiquement une minorité de séquences mutantes au sein d’une forte quantité de séquences non mutées et avec un débit important. Nous avons développé cette stratégie pour la détection des mutations de l’oncogène KRAS (responsables des non-réponses aux thérapies ciblées) et nous l’avons validé avec la détection de mutations KRAS dans les échantillons de plasma sanguin et de tumeur des patients atteints d’un cancer colorectal métastatique. Notre méthode trouvera son utilité non seulement dans le domaine du diagnostic précoce des cancers, mais aussi dans cas de la prédiction de la réponse aux traitements ciblés grâce à la détection de biomarqueurs spécifiques. / The aim of this work is to establish novel strategies for the highly sensitive screening of cancer biomarkers in biological samples.To achieve this goal, we developed droplet-based microfluidic dPCR technique. Using a limiting dilution, individual DNA molecules are encapsulated within monodisperse droplets of a water-in-oil emulsion created with a microfluidic device. Fluorescent TaqMan® probes targeting the screened cancer biomarkers allow the detection of mutations. We focused on the mutations in the human KRAS gene for the development of our test. This method is also transposable in a multiplexed format for the parallel detection of multiple mutations in clinical samples.The developed technique allowed the precise quantification of a mutated KRAS gene in the presence of a 200,000-fold excess of un-mutated KRAS genes and enabled the determination of mutant allelic specific imbalance (MASI) in several cancer cell-lines. We validated our technique by screening for KRAS mutations in the blood plasma and tumor samples from patients with metastatic colorectal cancer.

Identificação e estudo de biomarcadores personalizados para avaliação e seguimento de pacientes com câncer de reto tratados com quimioradioterapia neoadjuvante / Identification and study of personalized biomarkers for assessment and follow-up of patients with rectal cancer treated with neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy.

Paola de Avelar Carpinetti-Oliveira 20 January 2015 (has links)
O tratamento padrão para pacientes com câncer de reto localmente avançado consiste no uso de quimioradioterapia neoadjuvante (QRTn), seguida por cirurgia. Uma fração significativa dos pacientes responde completamente ao tratamento e no momento da reavaliação não apresenta evidência clínica nem radiológica de doença. Uma abordagem alternativa, Watch and Wait, propõe não operar imediatamente esses pacientes e submetê-los a um protocolo de observação frequente, a fim de evitar as morbidades associadas à cirurgia. No entanto, a avaliação da resposta ao tratamento ainda é um desafio, devido à subjetividade da avaliação clínica e a ausência de exames radiológicos suficientemente sensíveis e específicos para garantir a ausência de células tumorais residuais ou capazes de detectar a recorrência precoce da doença. DNA circulante contendo alterações genéticas específicas do tumor (ctDNA) pode ser encontrado na fração livre de células do sangue e tem sido utilizado para monitorar a dinâmica tumoral em tumores sólidos. Avanços recentes das tecnologias de sequenciamento permitem a identificação eficiente e rápida e a um custo relativamente baixo de alterações genéticas em tumores individuais, superando o problema imposto pela ausência de alterações genéticas recorrentes nesses tumores. Essas alterações podem ser utilizadas como biomarcadores personalizados para monitorar a resposta ao tratamento, detectar doença residual e a recidiva precoce do tumor. O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar e estudar biomarcadores personalizados em pacientes com câncer de reto localmente avançado tratados com QRTn e avaliar a capacidade desses biomarcadores para monitorar a dinâmica tumoral, e auxiliar na definição da conduta cirúrgica e na detecção da recidiva precoce da doença. Biópsias de seis pacientes com adenocarcinoma de reto distal (cT2- 3N0-1M0), foram coletadas prospectivamente pré-tratamento. O DNA genômico extraído a partir das biópsias foi usado para construir bibliotecas tipo mate-pair para o sequenciamento do genoma completo, utilizando a plataforma SOLiD. Rearranjos inter e intracromossômicos foram identificados utilizando programas computacionais desenvolvidos pelo nosso grupo de pesquisa e em seguida foram validados utilizando PCR e sequenciamento Sanger. Foram validadas, pelo menos, três variações estruturais para cada paciente. Amostras de plasma foram coletadas no momento do diagnóstico, depois da QRTn e durante o seguimento. DNA circulante total foi extraído a partir das amostras de plasma e ensaios personalizados foram desenvolvidos para monitorar a presença de variações estruturais através de PCR Digital. ctDNA foi detectado em todas amostras de plasma pré-tratamento de pacientes com tumores T3. A detecção desses biomarcadores apresentou boa correlação com a resposta ao tratamento, no entanto, esta abordagem não foi sensível o suficiente para detectar doença residual. Para dois pacientes que desenvolveram doença metastática foi verificado um aumento nos níveis de ctDNA com pelo menos 36 semanas antes do diagnóstico clínico de doença metastática, sendo possível correlacionar os níveis de ctDNA detectados em coletas subsequentes com a resposta ao tratamento sistêmico de segunda linha. Este estudo, embora de caráter exploratório, gerou dados relevantes e suficientes para justificar a realização de estudos adicionais para avaliar a aplicação dos biomarcadores personalizados na definição da conduta cirúrgica e no acompanhamento de pacientes com câncer de reto tratados com QRTn. / The standard treatment for patients with locally advanced rectal cancer comprises in neoadjuvant chemo radiotherapy (nCRT), followed by surgery. A significant fraction of these patients show complete response to the treatment and at the time of reassessment, there are no clinical and nor radiological evidence of residual tumor. An alternative approach, Watch and Wait, proposes not to immediately operate these patients, but to submit them to a protocol of frequent observation in order to avoid the morbidities associated with radical surgery. However, assessment of treatment response remains a significant challenge due to the subjectivity of the clinical examination and to the lack of sufficiently sensitive tools to ensure the absence of tumor cells or to detect early disease recurrence. Circulating DNA carrying tumor-specific genetic alterations (circulating tumor DNA - ctDNA) can be found in the cell-free fraction of the blood and has been successfully used to monitor the tumor dynamics in solid tumors. Recent advances in sequencing technologies have enabled the rapid and cost effective identification of genetic alterations in individual tumors, overcoming the problem imposed by the absence of recurrent genetic alterations in these tumors. These alterations can be used as personalized biomarkers to monitor treatment response, detect residual disease and early tumor recurrence. The purpose of this work was to identify and validate the use of personalized biomarkers for patients with locally advanced rectal cancer treated with nCRT and to evaluate the ability of these biomarkers to monitor the tumor dynamics, to define surgical approach and to detect early recurrence of the disease. Pre-treatment biopsies from 6 patients with cT2-3N0-1M0 distal rectal adenocarcinoma were prospectively collected. Genomic DNA extracted from the biopsies was used to construct mate-pair libraries for whole genome sequencing using SOLiD platform. Inter and intrachromosomal rearrangements were identified using an in-house bioinformatics pipeline and validated using PCR amplification and Sanger sequencing. At least three structural variations were validated for each patient. Plasma samples were collect at diagnosis, after nCRT and follow-up. Circulating DNA was obtained from the plasma samples and personalized assays were designed to monitor the presence of structural variations using Droplet Digital PCR. ctDNA was detected in all pre-treatment plasma samples for patients with T3 tumors. The detection of these biomarkers showed a good correlation with the treatment response, nonetheless, the approach was not sensitive enough to detect residual disease. In two patients who developed metastatic disease, an increase in ctDNA levels was observed at least 36 weeks before clinical detection of metastatic disease, and it was possible to correlate the level of ctDNA in subsequent plasma samples with response to the second-line treatment. This study, although exploratory, generated relevant and sufficient data to support additional studies to evaluate the use of personalized biomarkers in the surgical management and follow-up of rectal cancer patients treated with nCRT.

L'invasion péri-nerveuse des carcinomes épidermoïdes cutanés humains / Perineural invasion in human cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma

Brugière, Charlotte 04 May 2018 (has links)
Le carcinome épidermoïde cutané (CEC) représente un enjeu important par sa fréquence et sa gravité potentielle.L’agressivité de ce cancer est liée à l’invasion péri-nerveuse (IPN), mode d’envahissement tumoral reconnu comme un facteur de mauvais pronostic.L’objectif de ce travail est de s’intéresser aux mécanismes favorisant l’IPN, en comparant 2 groupes appariés de CEC humains, avec et sans IPN.Pour cela nous avons réalisé une étude de facteurs et récepteurs neurotrophiques, de marqueurs de la transition épithélio-mésenchymateuse (TEM), et de la molécule NCAM1, par analyse immunohistochimique à partir de pièces chirurgicales de CEC et par analyse moléculaire en droplet digital PCR sur des cellules tumorales microdisséquées.L’analyse immunohistochimique a trouvé une forte expression de BDNF, TrkB, p75NGFR, Snail 1 et NCMA1 dans les cellules tumorales péri-nerveuses, contrastant avec une faible expression de ces marqueurs dans les cellules tumorales à distance du nerf. L’E-cadhérine était diminuée dans les cellules tumorales péri-nerveuses.L’analyse moléculaire en ddPCR montrait une diminution d’expression de l’E-cadhérine et une surexpression de BDNF, TrkB, p75NGFR, Snail1, Slug, Zeb2, Twist1 et NCAM1 dans les cellules tumorales péri-nerveuses par rapport aux cellules tumorales distantes du nerf.Nous avons démontré dans ce travail que l’invasion péri-nerveuse dans les CEC humains est liée aux neurotrophines, à la TEM et implique NCAM1. / Cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is an important issue because of its frequency and potential severity.The aggressiveness of this cancer is related to perineural invasion (PNI), a mode of tumor dissemination recognized as a poor prognosis factor.The aim of this work is to study the mechanisms of PNI, comparing 2 matched- groups of human SCC with and without PNI.For this, we studied neurotrophins, epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) markers, and the NCAM1 molecule, by immunohistochemistry analysis on surgical pieces of SCC and by molecular analysis with digital-droplet PCR on laser-microdissected tumor cells.Immunohistochemistry analysis found strong expression of BDNF, TrkB, p75NGFR, Snail 1 and NCMA1 in perineural tumor cells, contrasting with weak expression of these markers in tumor cells distant from the nerves. E-cadherin was decreased in perineural tumor cells.Molecular analysis in ddPCR showed decreased expression for E-cadherin and overexpression of BDNF, TrkB, p75NGFR, Snail1, Slug, Zeb2, Twist1 and NCAM1 in perineural tumor cells compared to tumor cells distant from the nerves.We have demonstrated in this work that PNI in human SCC is linked to neurotrophins and EMT, and involves NCAM1.

Développement de sondes et de systèmes microfluidiques pour la détection de nouveaux biomarqueurs spécifiques / Development of probes and microfluidic systems for the detection of new specific biomarkers

Bartolo, Jean-François 22 September 2014 (has links)
L’efficacité des traitements contre diverses pathologies dépend dans bien des cas de la précocité de la prise en charge des patients. Ce contexte pousse de nos jours les chercheurs à élaborer de nouvelles méthodes de diagnostic, généralement basées sur la détection de biomarqueurs spécifiques, permettant d’établir une corrélation entre un dérèglement moléculaire de l’organisme et la survenue d’une maladie. L’objectif de ces travaux était, par l’utilisation de la microfluidique digitale en gouttelettes, d’établir de nouvelles procédures simples et reproductibles, témoignant d’une sensibilité importante afin de déterminer d’infimes variations de l’état moléculaire de l’organisme à travers la recherche de biomarqueurs spécifiques. Pour cela nous avons élaboré une nouvelle gamme de tensioactifs fluorées adaptés aux applications biologiques en microfluidique digitale, ainsi que différentes stratégies d’étude des variations de l’expression de microARN extrait d’échantillons biologiques, basées respectivement sur les réactions induites par hybridation nucléotidique et sur la réaction de RT-PCR digitale. / Efficiency of treatments for various diseases depends in many cases in precocity of patient management. Nowadays, this context urges researchers to develop new methods of diagnosis, generally based on the detection of specific biomarkers. These new methods allowing to establish correlations between physiological disorders and arisen of diseases states.The aim of this study was, by the use of droplet-based microfluidic, to work out a simple and reproducible procedure, with an increased sensitivity, to determine tiny variations of physiological state through the detection of specific biomarkers. Thus, we developed a new range of fluorinated surfactants fitted to biological applications in droplet-based microfluidics as well as various strategies to study variations of microRNA expressions in a biological sample. These methods, based on DNA-template reaction and digital PCR reaction, allows performing a substantial number of simultaneous reactions in micro-compartments (microdroplets) of picolitre volumes.

Development of novel droplet-based microfluidic strategies for the molecular diagnosis of cancer

Pekin, Deniz 26 February 2013 (has links) (PDF)
The aim of this work is to establish novel strategies for the highly sensitive screening of cancer biomarkers in biological samples.To achieve this goal, we developed droplet-based microfluidic dPCR technique. Using a limiting dilution, individual DNA molecules are encapsulated within monodisperse droplets of a water-in-oil emulsion created with a microfluidic device. Fluorescent TaqMan® probes targeting the screened cancer biomarkers allow the detection of mutations. We focused on the mutations in the human KRAS gene for the development of our test. This method is also transposable in a multiplexed format for the parallel detection of multiple mutations in clinical samples.The developed technique allowed the precise quantification of a mutated KRAS gene in the presence of a 200,000-fold excess of un-mutated KRAS genes and enabled the determination of mutant allelic specific imbalance (MASI) in several cancer cell-lines. We validated our technique by screening for KRAS mutations in the blood plasma and tumor samples from patients with metastatic colorectal cancer.

Low Power, High Throughput Continuous Flow PCR Instruments for Environmental Applications

January 2013 (has links)
abstract: Continuous monitoring in the adequate temporal and spatial scale is necessary for a better understanding of environmental variations. But field deployments of molecular biological analysis platforms in that scale are currently hindered because of issues with power, throughput and automation. Currently, such analysis is performed by the collection of large sample volumes from over a wide area and transporting them to laboratory testing facilities, which fail to provide any real-time information. This dissertation evaluates the systems currently utilized for in-situ field analyses and the issues hampering the successful deployment of such bioanalytial instruments for environmental applications. The design and development of high throughput, low power, and autonomous Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) instruments, amenable for portable field operations capable of providing quantitative results is presented here as part of this dissertation. A number of novel innovations have been reported here as part of this work in microfluidic design, PCR thermocycler design, optical design and systems integration. Emulsion microfluidics in conjunction with fluorinated oils and Teflon tubing have been used for the fluidic module that reduces cross-contamination eliminating the need for disposable components or constant cleaning. A cylindrical heater has been designed with the tubing wrapped around fixed temperature zones enabling continuous operation. Fluorescence excitation and detection have been achieved by using a light emitting diode (LED) as the excitation source and a photomultiplier tube (PMT) as the detector. Real-time quantitative PCR results were obtained by using multi-channel fluorescence excitation and detection using LED, optical fibers and a 64-channel multi-anode PMT for measuring continuous real-time fluorescence. The instrument was evaluated by comparing the results obtained with those obtained from a commercial instrument and found to be comparable. To further improve the design and enhance its field portability, this dissertation also presents a framework for the instrumentation necessary for a portable digital PCR platform to achieve higher throughputs with lower power. Both systems were designed such that it can easily couple with any upstream platform capable of providing nucleic acid for analysis using standard fluidic connections. Consequently, these instruments can be used not only in environmental applications, but portable diagnostics applications as well. / Dissertation/Thesis / Ph.D. Electrical Engineering 2013

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