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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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精品品牌奢侈量表建構之研究 / Constructing the Brand Luxury Scale

楊淳聿, Yang,Chun-Yu Unknown Date (has links)
「奢侈平民化」帶動奢侈品牌年年高成長的業績,卻迫使品牌必須面對截然不同的消費者態度與品味。品牌欲持續保有強勢地位,必須了解奢侈在消費者心目中的意義以及消費者如何評估奢侈品牌。因此,本研究欲探討台灣精品消費者認知中構成品牌奢侈的因素,建構衡量品牌奢侈之量表,並以量表探討消費者購買經驗對奢侈認知之影響,及分析個別品牌的現況及優劣勢,研擬具體的競爭策略方向。 本研究選取五個奢侈品牌作為分析標的,進行實證研究,期望達到下列研究目的: (1)驗證品牌奢侈量表,建立評估奢侈品牌的管理工具; (2)探討不同奢侈品牌購買經驗之消費者對各品牌奢侈認知的差異性; (3)探討各奢侈品牌在消費者心目中的知覺定位,擬定未來的策略方向。 依本研究之目的,擬定研究架構及確立抽樣設計,並發放問卷收集消費者資訊。之後以二階驗證性因素分析檢驗品牌奢侈量表模式品質;再利用量表探討不同購買經驗對奢侈認知的影響;最後則以多元尺度分析進行知覺定位分析,經實證分析得到以下研究發現: (1)品牌奢侈包含知覺炫耀性、知覺獨特性、知覺品質、知覺享樂價值與知覺延伸自我等五個構面,其影響力依序排列為知覺享樂價值>知覺延伸自我>知覺獨特性>知覺炫耀性>知覺品質。 (2)台灣地區消費者於購買奢侈品牌之產品後,對品牌奢侈程度的認知無明顯地降低,對品牌的奢侈評價與無購買經驗者沒有顯著差異。 (3)各奢侈品牌的改善重點主要包括知覺品質、知覺享樂價值以及知覺獨特性等三項,其中知覺品質為市場最重要之關鍵因素。 根據實證分析之結果,衍生出許多的策略涵意,包括掌握關鍵因素、規劃競爭策略以及未來發展方向等,可以作為奢侈品牌改善或塑造奢侈形象及規劃策略方向的參考依據。 / “Luxury Democratization” brings great growth to the luxury goods market, but also forced these brands to confront consumers with different attitudes and tastes. As a result, it is critical for luxury brand managers to understand consumer’s perception of brand luxury in order to maintain the brands’ luxury image. This research focused on the confirmation of Brand Luxury Scale to understand Taiwanese cousumers’ perception of brand luxury. Based on the Scale, the influence of purchase experience to luxury perception was tested, and the competitive advantages of five luxury brands were analyzed. Competitive strategies of each brand were futher developed. Research was conducted by using five luxury brands and expected to achieve the following research purposes: (1)Confirm the Brand Luxury Scale to establish a managerial tool for brand luxuriousness evaluation; (2)Use the Brand Luxury Scale to evaluate the influence of purchase experience to luxury perception; (3)Use the Brand Luxury Scale to evaluate consumers’ perception of different brands, and seek to imply different competitive strategies for these brands base on the analysis. After the conduction of research framework, sampling design and data collection, Secondary Comfirmatory Factor Analysis was used to confirm the structure of Brand Luxury Scale. 1-Way ANOVA was used to test the influence of purchase experience to luxury perception. Finally, Multi-Dimensional Scaling Analysis was implied to analyze the perceptual position of each brand. The research findings are as below: (1)Brand Luxury is constructed by five dimensions: Perceived Conspicuousness, Perceived Uniqueness, Perceived Quality, Perceived Hedonic, and Perceived Extended-self. The order of dimensional influence is Perceived Hedonic> Perceived Extended -self> Perceived Uniqueness> Perceived Conspicuousness> Perceived Quality. (2)No difference in brand luxury perception between different purchasing experience consumers was found, showing that the perceptions of brand luxury of Taiwanese consumers’ remain unchanged after purchase. (3)Perceived Quality is the most important dimension of all, and the five luxury brands tested needs to improve in dimensions of Perceived Quality, Perceived Hedonic, and Perceived Uniqueness. According to the results, several managerial implications were derived, including key factors in marketing and competitive strategy of each brand. These strategies can be used in improving the performance of perceived luxuriousness of brand, enhancing brand luxury image, and planning the direction of luxury marketing and brand strategy.

Houding teenoor televisie-advertensie : 'n psigometriese perspektief / Attitude towards television commercials : a psychometric perspective

Joubert, Johan Pierre Retief 06 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Dit is belangrik vir bemarkingsorganisasies om die effek van bemarkingsaksies en meer spesifiek reklame te meet van wee eskalerende koste-oorwegings. Wat die rol van reklame in verbruikersgedrag betref, is die belewing van of houding-teenoor-reklame konsepte van sentrale be lang. Aangesien die term bel ewing meer beskrywend is oor die impak wat advertensies op verbruikers het word hierdie term algemeen gebruik. Hierdie studie ondersoek die konsep advertensiewaardering en ontleed die invloed daarvan op advertensiebelewing. Die kyker-responsprofiel soos deur Schlinger (1979) ontwikkel, word algemeen gebruik om televisiekykers se houding teenoor televisie-advertensies te meet. Hierdie studie poog om die toepaslikheid en geldigheid van die kyker-responsprofiel onder Suid-Afrikaanse televisiekykers te ondersoek. Die navorsingsmetode het uit twee fases bestaan. Die eerste fase was meer kwalitatief van aard, en ondersoek kykers se kognitiewe struktuur van houding teenoor televisie-advertensies. Die teoretiese uitgangspunt tydens hierdie fase is persoonlike-konstrukteorie. Repertoriumrooster onderhoude is met 50 volwasse televisiekykers (ouer as 16 jaar) uit verskillende taalgroepe gevoer. Daar is bevind dat kykers gemiddeld ses konstrukte gebruik ten einde die waarderingsvlak van advertensies te bepaal. 313 Konstrukte is in totaal deur die 50 respondente ontlok. Hierdie konstruke is deur individuele roosterontledings en ooreenkomsanalise tot 'n aantal konstrukgroepe gereduseer. Beskrywings van konstrukgroepe is aan die hand van n literatuurnavorsing gedoen. Die konstrukgroepe (tevredenheid, vermaaklikheid, interessantheid, sosialiteit, duidelikheid, realiteit, tempo en emosialiteit) toon 'n mate van ooreenstemming met die sewe Schlinger basisfaktore. Die onderliggende indiwiduele konstrukte wat vermaaklikheid, sosialiteit tempo en interessantheid beskryf, toon hoe korrelasies met waardering wat daarop dui dat waardering meer as net vermaaklikheid behels. Fase twee was meer kwantitatief van aard en het die ontleding van 382 kykerresponsprofiele behels. 'n Faktorontleding van die 32 Schlinger-items het sewe basisfaktore tot gevolg. Die eerste vyf faktore (vermaaklikheid, verwarring, relevante nuus, handelsmerkversterking en empatie) beskik oor soortgelyke faktorladings as faktorontledings wat in die V.S.A. gedoen is. Hierdie bevinding dui daarop dat die affektiewe belewingstruktuur van televisiekykers in Suid-Afrika grootliks dieselfde is as kykers in die Verenigde State. Die ander twee faktore (familiariteit en vervreemding) se ladings verskil van die in die Verenigde State maar hierdie verskille kan gegewe die aard van die advertensies ( bestaande en nuwe advertensiekonsepte) en die kruiskulturele aard van Suid-Afrikaanse kykers verklaar word. Die Schlingeritems is statisties beskryf en ontleed deur die rol wat die tipe advertensie (bestaande versus nuwe), produk-kategorie en kulturele teikenmark speel in waardering van advertensies te ondersoeK. Nuwe konsepte is geneig om meer vermaaklik en relevant te wees. Zulu, Sotho en Xhose kykers is geneig om advertensies as meer positief te beleef. Kosmetika en medisinale-, korporatiewe- en motoradvertensies is verder minder vermaaklik as voedsel en handelsadvertensies. Die Schlingeritems wat advertensiewaardering die beste beskryf en voorspel is bepaal deur bondelontledings en meerdimensionele verskaling. Daar is gevind dat waardering die mate waartoe 'n advertensie aan die vermaaklikheids, empatie en relevante nuus doelwitte voldoen sonder om verwarrend, vervreemdend of oorbekend te wees. Dit wil voorkom of daar twee dimensies bestaan wat die meeste variansie in Schlingeritems verklaar naamlik waardering (positief of negatief) en relevansie. Bondelontleding dui verder daarop dat 'n positiewe persepsie van 'n geadverteerde handelsmerk kykers ontvanklik maak om meer van 'n advertensie te hou of te waardeer. / It is important that, given escalating cost considerations, marketing organisations determine the effect that their marketing efforts have. With regard to the role of advertising m consumer behaviour, attitude towards commercials is of utmost importance. This study examined the liking of television advertisement concept and analyses the effect of this concept on attitude towards television advertising. The viewer response profile as developed by Schlinger (1979) is commonly used to evaluate viewer's attitude towards television commercials. This study attempted to investigate the applicability and validity of this instrument amongst South African television viewers. The study consisted of two phases. Phase one was more qualitative in nature and investigated the viewer's cognitive structure of attitude towards television commercials. The theoretical approach used during this phase was personal construct theory. It was found that viewers on average use six constructs to evaluate whether they like or dislike commercials. 313 Constructs were elicited and based on individual grid analyses and correspondence analysis a reduced number of construct groups was identified. These construct groups ( contentness, entertainment, interesting, sociality, clearness, reality, emotionality, and tempo) show a measure of similarity to the seven Schlinger factors or dimensions. The individual constructs, which make up entertainment, sociality, emotionality, tempo and interesting, show high levels of correlation with advertisement liking. This finding suggests that advertisement liking involve more than pure entertainment. Phase two was more quantitative and consisted of analysing 382 viewer response profiles. A factor analysis of the 32 items, which make up the viewer response profile, resulted in seven factors. The first five factors (entertainment, confusion, relevant news, brand reinforcement and empathy) show similar factor loading to factor analytical studies done in the United State of America. The other two factors (familiarity and alienation) show different loading to the United States of America study but these differences could be explained given the nature of commercials tested (existing commercials and new commercial concepts) and the cross cultural nature of South African viewers. The Schlinger items were analysed in greater detail by investigating the role which type of commercial (existing versus new), product category and cultural target market play in liking of commercials. New concepts are proven to be more entertaining, creative and relevant. Zulu and Sotho viewers are likely to be more positively disposed towards television commercials while cosmetic, medicine, corporate and motor vehicle commercials are less entertaining than food and commercial commercials. Those Schlinger items, which best describe and predict commercials liking were determined by using cluster and multi dimensional scaling techniques. It is apparent from this analysis that likability is the extent to which the objective of entertainment, empathy or relevant news is achieved without confusion, alienation or familiarity. Cluster analysis furthermore suggests that a positive perception of an advertised brand predispose viewers to higher levels of commercial liking. Multi dimensional scaling suggest two dimensions explaining most of the Schlinger factor variance namely liking (positive of negative) and relevance. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / D. Com. (Bedryfsielkunde)

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