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特種貨物及勞務稅條例(奢侈稅)對台北市房價之影響 / The influence of extravagance tax on housing price in Taipei city李傳信 Unknown Date (has links)
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從中國外銷瓷看英格蘭貴族的消費文化 (1688-1730) / From Chinese export porcelain to reflect the consumer culture of English aristocracy (1688-1730)賴芊曄, Lai, Chien Yeh Unknown Date (has links)
於17至18世紀之際的全球貿易擴張和英格蘭政治、經濟、社會等層面的變動之下,英格蘭社會頻繁的階層垂直流動,推升了英格蘭貴族「炫耀性消費」(conspicuous consumption)的消費形態,在外在行為上展現個人的品味和自我認同,以區隔並排除他人的晉升。於此,集實用品、商品、收藏品和奢侈品於一身的「中國外銷瓷」即符合了英格蘭貴族此種需求,而英屬東印度公司對於中國貿易之路的逐漸掌控,也推升了英格蘭貴族對中國外銷瓷的狂熱購買,這種消費文化遂成為逐漸上升的中間階層既批判又仿效的對象。此時期亦是當代知識份子辯論奢侈、奢侈品和其承載意義的高峰期,大量出現的文本顯示出社會對此議題的重視,和對不斷擴張的全球貿易和英格蘭社會瀰漫的奢侈風氣的回應。本文試圖以英格蘭貴族對中國外銷瓷的狂熱為中心,探討這個外來的奢侈品,讓英格蘭貴族得以運用「炫耀性消費」來彰顯自身的財富、地位和品味,並幫助其塑造出有別於中、下階層的消費文化,以與中、下階層產生區隔,甚而影響了整個英格蘭社會的餐桌禮儀、飲食習慣和消費品味。
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概觀全球奢侈品產業中之個人物品以及中國消費者對奢侈品品牌的態度 / Overview of the global personal goods luxury industry and chinese consumer attitudes towards luxury brands韓艾卡, Henao, Erika Unknown Date (has links)
The luxury industry is one of the most powerful and solid industries of all times. In 2015, it surpassed €1 trillion in retail sales value, increasing year after year with a constant growth rate around 5% at constant exchange rates. However, the luxury goods market found a slowdown in its growth, national economies started to recover step by step after the 2008-09 economic crisis and the market keeps attracting wealthy Chinese tourist's. Indeed, they bought half of the luxury goods sold in 2015.
The purpose of this thesis is to understand the Global personal luxury goods evolution over the years and the increasing role of Chinese consumers who fuel its continued growth. It provides an historical overview, summarizes the economic analysis of the industry, and includes a literature about the motivations of Chinese luxury purchases.
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對奢侈性財貨課徵特種銷售稅之研究----兼論我國高級消費品增課貨物稅問題吳金儒, Wu, Jin-Ru Unknown Date (has links)
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人口動態と富裕 : 貧困認識をめぐる文明史論と政治算術 : 18 世紀スコットランド、イングランド経済思想の一側面FUKAGAI, Yasunori, 深貝, 保則 31 March 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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我國不動產整體稅制及合理性之探討 / The Study of Taiwan's Real Property Tax System and Its Rationality林美杏 Unknown Date (has links)
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精品品牌奢侈量表建構之研究 / Constructing the Brand Luxury Scale楊淳聿, Yang,Chun-Yu Unknown Date (has links)
根據實證分析之結果,衍生出許多的策略涵意,包括掌握關鍵因素、規劃競爭策略以及未來發展方向等,可以作為奢侈品牌改善或塑造奢侈形象及規劃策略方向的參考依據。 / “Luxury Democratization” brings great growth to the luxury goods market, but also forced these brands to confront consumers with different attitudes and tastes. As a result, it is critical for luxury brand managers to understand consumer’s perception of brand luxury in order to maintain the brands’ luxury image. This research focused on the confirmation of Brand Luxury Scale to understand Taiwanese cousumers’ perception of brand luxury. Based on the Scale, the influence of purchase experience to luxury perception was tested, and the competitive advantages of five luxury brands were analyzed. Competitive strategies of each brand were futher developed.
Research was conducted by using five luxury brands and expected to achieve the following research purposes:
(1)Confirm the Brand Luxury Scale to establish a managerial tool for brand luxuriousness evaluation;
(2)Use the Brand Luxury Scale to evaluate the influence of purchase experience to luxury perception;
(3)Use the Brand Luxury Scale to evaluate consumers’ perception of different brands, and seek to imply different competitive strategies for these brands base on the analysis.
After the conduction of research framework, sampling design and data collection, Secondary Comfirmatory Factor Analysis was used to confirm the structure of Brand Luxury Scale. 1-Way ANOVA was used to test the influence of purchase experience to luxury perception. Finally, Multi-Dimensional Scaling Analysis was implied to analyze the perceptual position of each brand. The research findings are as below:
(1)Brand Luxury is constructed by five dimensions: Perceived Conspicuousness, Perceived Uniqueness, Perceived Quality, Perceived Hedonic, and Perceived Extended-self. The order of dimensional influence is Perceived Hedonic> Perceived Extended -self> Perceived Uniqueness> Perceived Conspicuousness> Perceived Quality.
(2)No difference in brand luxury perception between different purchasing experience consumers was found, showing that the perceptions of brand luxury of Taiwanese consumers’ remain unchanged after purchase.
(3)Perceived Quality is the most important dimension of all, and the five luxury brands tested needs to improve in dimensions of Perceived Quality, Perceived Hedonic, and Perceived Uniqueness.
According to the results, several managerial implications were derived, including key factors in marketing and competitive strategy of each brand. These strategies can be used in improving the performance of perceived luxuriousness of brand, enhancing brand luxury image, and planning the direction of luxury marketing and brand strategy.
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主要國家課徵不動產奢侈稅制度比較之研究 / A study on real estate luxury tax system levied in major countries.童佩慧, Tung, Pei Hui Unknown Date (has links)
2010年台灣經濟成長率創新高,然貧富差距卻是台灣面臨最大問題之一,為避免大眾不良觀感,行政院乃針對高價服務、商品或交易,研議特種銷售稅,即通稱之「奢侈稅」,並於2011年通過與施行「特種貨物及勞務稅條例」。各國採行特種銷售稅種類繁多,課徵目的、稅率各有不同。究竟我國課徵奢侈稅制度與他國制度有何不同? 課徵奢侈稅效果為何?此為本研究主要動機。
本研究針對上述問題,採文獻分析與深度訪談法,進行深入的分析與探討。經實證分析發現:(1)主要國家課徵奢侈稅,課徵項目與目的各異。(2)解決不動產飆漲問題,多管齊下多重效果。(3)透過交易稅抑制投機,短空長多。(4)國際間相互依存,政府政策相互影響。(5)資訊透明化是決定市場機制能否發揮功效之關鍵之一。(6)不動產市場存在三種價格,阻礙不動產市場發展,更違反社會正義。(7)我國房價高漲主因財產稅稅負偏低。 / Although economic growth in Taiwan hit an all-time high in 2010, the gap between the rich and the poor has become one of Taiwan’s most serious issues. The Executive Yuan, in an effort to avoid negative public perceptions, held deliberations on a special sales tax for high-priced services, goods and trade, also commonly known as a “luxury tax”. The “Specifically Selected Goods and Services Tax Act” was sent to the Legislative Yuan for review 2011. Countries around the world have implemented many kinds of special sales tax. Such taxes differ in regard to their intended purpose and imposed rate. Exactly how does Taiwan’s imposed luxury tax differ from those of other countries? What has been the result of imposing the luxury tax in Taiwan? Finding out the answers to these two questions is the primary objective of this paper.
This study conducted literature analysis and in-depth analys. Through the empirical analysis we found that: (1) The items and reasons for taxing should be considered separately. (2) In addressing the issue of soaring real estate prices, multi-pronged approaches bring multiple results. (3) Transaction taxes to control speculation result in short-term pain, but long-term gain. (4) Because of the interdependent nature of nations, the government policies of a given nation influence other nations. (5) information transparency is a key factor in deciding whether or not market mechanisms can be effectively leveraged. (6) the existence of three different prices in the real estate market is a barrier to the development of the market and, more importantly, violates the principles of social justice. (7) the main reason behind the rocketing price of housing in Taiwan is the low property tax burden.
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