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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Knowledge transfer across cultures in the manufacturing industry : A study of Scania’s global implementation of employer branding

Olsson, Kristin, Lindkvist, Sofia January 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this paper was to examine how cultural differences affect an MNC’s knowledge transfer of the concept employer branding, and what support subsidiaries need from headquarters for the MNC to become a global employer brand. The result is based on theoretical findings of employer branding, knowledge transfer and culture, applied to interview results at Scania. The knowledge transfer of the concept employer branding involves the implementation of a global employer branding communication platform. Findings show that Scania face challenges in employer branding awareness within the MNC, knowledge transfer internalization in subsidiaries, and balance of standardization and adaptation in connection to cultural dimensions of the markets. To overcome these challenges, Scania needs to further develop relational, social and organizational contexts for the MNC to become a global premium employer brand. The thesis has high originality since it gives implications to a specific MNC regarding the specific topic employer branding in a certain time of the implementation process.

Švietimo kaitos dimensijų raiška Utenos rajone: pedagogų požiūriai / Expression of educational change dimensions in Utena region: standpoints of pedagogues

Sabelkienė, Zita 06 June 2006 (has links)
Educational change – a multiplex phenomenon, what impacts on the achievements of children, is hoped only then it encompas a whole chain of events: from education politics through the local context and its interpretation to the activity in the classroom. The radical social alternations caused the educational change in Lithuania. The purpose of the survey: to analyze the standpoints of Utena region pedagogues from different types of schools to the educational change. Smmarizing the results of survey it can be maintained, that the leaders and teachers of Utena region educational institutions, first in the country joint the establishment of educational system in independent Lithuania and are open to the changes.

Atskiri užlaidų ir tarpinių matmenų skaičiavimo atvejai / Separate cases for calculating of allowance and intermediate dimensions

Nikolaitis, Egidijus 13 June 2006 (has links)
The method of counting allowances is created by prof. V. M. Kovan more than 40 years ago. Therefore today, when computers are used, it is possible to estimate more deeply the components of allowances and in that way it is possible to make the method of counting more accurate. The research object: it is a theoretical character job, which include dependent on such factors as: material solidity and of used up instrument. The purpose of the paper the allowance size depends on the production cost. The increase of allowance size, it will increase metal outlay, cost on cutting tool, electrical power, and so on. However on decrease of allowance size it will depend on worse detail waster percent and in some case the netting tool will work in malevolence conditions. So it’s very important to calculate allowance size. The elastic deformations of technological system which appear because the hardness of the material changes and because the machining tool wears mechanically. It is shown in this case intermediate dimensions of parts are counted.

Įmonės įrengimų remonto baro darbo efektyvomo didinimas / The company equipment maintenance department of work expansion

Ozolas, Renatas 07 June 2005 (has links)
Analysis of jelly cubes measures. Relative coefficients determination and analysis. The company equipment maintenance department analysis.

6d (2, 0) Theory and M5 Branes: A KK Mode Approach

Hu, Shan 16 December 2013 (has links)
6d (2, 0) theory on M5 branes is investigated by considering its KK modes on a 2d space. Selecting KK modes on different 2d spaces amounts to choosing different set of selfdual strings as the perturbative degrees of freedom thus will give the 6d theories related to each other by U-duality. The 4d effective theory for the KK modes is studied via the M5-D3 duality. Except for the (p, q) open strings, which is the KK mode arising from the selfdual strings, the 3-string junction should also be added since it is the bound state of the (p, q) open strings. The quantization of the 3-string junctions gives the fields, which, when lifted to 6d, may account for the conformal anomaly of the 6d (2, 0) theory. The interaction between the open strings and the 3-string junctions is also considered. The Lagrangian and the corresponding N=4 supersymmetry transformation is obtained up to some additional terms to be added. Although the original 6d (2, 0) theory is not constructed directly, the 4d effective theory for the KK modes gives an equivalent description, from which the 6d S-matrix can be calculated.

Relatedness put in place : on the effects of proximity on firm performance

Östbring, Lisa January 2015 (has links)
This thesis contributes to recent theorizations in economic geography on the effects of proximity on firm competitiveness. One of the great challenge in the contemporary economy is for firms to remain competitive. Their innovative ability is highly dependent on the knowledge they possess and their ability to acquire new knowledge. It is argued that a relational proximity between individuals reduces uncertainty and offers a joint platform for communication and learning. Therefore, does this thesis apply a micro-perspective in which the labor force and the knowledge composition within plants is examined. The aim is pursued by exploring the interrelationship between different types of proximity in the labor force and plant performance. The proximity dimensions under scrutiny are; the cognitive-, the organizational-, and the geographical proximity dimension. The three empirical papers in the thesis are based on longitudinal micro-data from the database ASTRID. The database connects detailed socio-economic data of individuals to features of plants and firms in the entire Swedish economy. The empirical findings suggest that the different types of proximities are interdependent with regard to learning in firms. The interdependence is manifested through the variable impact on plant performance that a given distance in one dimension has, depending on what other type of proximity is accounted for at the plant. It is further found that the proximity dimensions have conditional effects on learning and innovation in firms. The empirical findings also indicate that the circumstances under which learning and knowledge application take place, vary between capital-intensive and labor-intensive sectors. Moreover, it is found that relatedness in the cognitive dimension is not unambiguously positive for interactive learning and innovativeness. Similarity in one dimension and unrelatedness in the cognitive dimension, has a significantly stronger impact on interactive learning than simply having relatedness in the cognitive dimension. It therefore seems as if the combined distance of several proximity dimensions should be taken into account when estimating the innovative power of a firm or industry. When the empirical findings are considered together it is evident that the local environment generates relational proximity between agents through formal- and informal networks. This proximity reproduces and rejuvenates the localized capabilities by allowing for the combination of heterogeneous pieces of knowledge in firms through local unrelated labor inflow. In conclusion, time and place are the paramount dimensions that shape the micro-dynamics of knowledge generation and innovation in firms.

Proposition d'ouverture du concept de dilemme de contact en PGRO : pour favoriser l'expression des dimensions déficitaires

Auger, François January 2013 (has links)
S'inscrivant dans le cadre de la Psychothérapie gestaltiste des relations d'objet (PGRO) de Delisle (1993, 1998, 2001, 2004, 2007), notre réflexion trouve d'abord sa source dans le travail clinique auprès de personnes ayant un trouble de la personnalité, puis dans l'expérience de supervision et de transmission du modèle de la PGRO auprès d'autres thérapeutes. En PGRO, le début de la démarche réflexive passe par la formulation d'un diagnostic structural qui repose, en bonne partie, sur la notion de dilemme de contact : ce concept invite en quelques sortes le thérapeute à réfléchir, à partir des informations dont il dispose sur le passé développemental de son client, sur les facteurs ayant pu contribuer au développement de son trouble de la personnalité. C'est dans l'utilisation clinique de ce concept que nous rencontrons un écueil : dans sa formulation actuelle, il semble mener à des énoncés toujours semblables, qui rendent mieux compte des aspects conflictuels que déficitaires de la pathogenèse. À partir de ce constat, nous avons été particulièrement inspirés par les travaux de Karasu (1992, 1995) : c'est à partir des catégories développées par cet auteur, soit les configurations dyadiques, triadiques, déficitaires et conflictuelles, que nous nous sommes proposé de revoir la démarche diagnostique en PGRO et plus spécifiquement le concept de dilemme de contact. Pour ce faire, nous nous sommes demandé si, chez des thérapeutes pratiquant à partir du modèle de la PGRO et qui acceptent d'élaborer sur leur compréhension clinique de l'un de leurs clients, il serait possible de trouver des éléments se rapportant à chacune de ces catégories. Le but est d'en arriver à proposer une nouvelle formulation, davantage opérationnelle pour les thérapeutes dans leur démarche diagnostique et d'assimilation du modèle en PGRO. À partir d'une méthodologie mixte qui s'inspire d'abord partiellement de l'analyse par théorisation ancrée, s'élabore à travers une démarche d'analyse qualitative à l'aide des catégories conceptualisantes et conduit à une vérification de la concordance interjuge, nous analysons neuf études de cas provenant d'autant de professionnels de la psychothérapie pratiquant dans une approche PGRO. À l'aide du logiciel Weft-QDA, nous définissons quatre catégories inspirées des travaux de Karasu (1992, 1995) et basée sur une séquence développementale allant des contextes dyadiques figure parentale-enfant vers les contextes triadiques mère-père-enfant (les catégories "contexte dyadique déficitaire", "contexte dyadique conflictuel", "contexte triadique déficitaire" et "contexte triadique conflictuel"). À partir de ces catégories, nous procédons à la codification de nos données, soit les extraits d'études de cas qui présentent des informations portant des affinités thématiques ou sémantiques avec ces catégories. Les résultats nous indiquent que les thérapeutes d'approche PGRO, dans leur efforts pour expliquer l'origine et le sens de la pathologie de leurs clients, ont recours à des éléments qui concernent à la fois les dimensions déficitaire, conflictuelle, dyadique et triadique de la pathogenèse. Nous proposons une reformulation du concept de dilemme de contact et nous explorons les implications de nos résultats pour la supervision et la formation des thérapeutes en PGRO.

Les prépotentiels de variétés de Frobenius de dimension trois et quatre

Cutimanco, Miguel January 2013 (has links)
Les variétés de Frobenius ont été introduites par B. Dubrovin dans les années 1990. Ces variétés sont en bijection avec les solutions du système d'équations différentielles de Witten-Dijkgraaf-Verlinde-Verlinde (WDVV) qui est apparu dans l'étude des déformations des théories de champs conformes en deux dimensions. Les structures d'une variété de Frobenius ont été trouvées dans plusieurs contextes, en particulier, sur les espaces de Hurwitz (les espaces de fonctions méromorphes sur des surfaces de Riemann). Ces dernières structures, appelées les variétés de Hurwitz-Frobenius, présentent des exemples très intéressants de variétés de Frobenius. L'aspect le plus intéressant c'est que nous pouvons étudier tous les objets liés à la variété de la façon explicite en utilisant la théorie des fonctions sur les surfaces de Riemann. Le but de ce mémoire est de calculer explicitement les solutions du système WDVV, appelées prépotentiels, qui correspondent à trois variétés de Hurwitz-Frobenius particulières.

Swedish management in a cross-cultural perspective : A qualitative study of how Swedish managers adapt their management to foreign cultures.

Melin, Rebecka, Emma, Rutholm January 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to analyze and study how Swedish managers manage cross-cultural differences and how their management style is adapted to foreign cultures. This thesis could contribute to getting a deeper understanding of how Swedish management is adapted to foreign cultures. The empirical material in this study has been collected through qualitative interviews with four different Swedish managers with experience of managing abroad. The theoretical framework is based on the concepts cultural dimensions, management and cross-cultural adaptation which also are the three concepts in our conceptual framework. The conceptual framework is present in the interview template, the empirical chapter and the analysis to provide the thesis with a clear line of argument. The empirical chapter describes how the Swedish managers have dealt with the challenges of working in a foreign culture and how they have adapted their management to another culture.In the analysis the empirical material is analyzed with the help of the theoretical framework. In the analysis the effect of cultural dimensions is discussed in relations to Swedish management and which challenges a Swedish manager encounter when managing abroad. The conclusion indicates that Swedish managers seem to adapt their management style to the extent that they have to be more clear and strict in their management and they have to make a lot more decisions. It seems to be a linkage between to what extent Swedish mangers have to adapt their management style to the local culture and what kind of management position they have.

Prekės ženklo vertė vartotojui: tarpkultūrinis aspektas / Consumer-Based brand equity: cross-cultural aspect

Bacevičiūtė, Rasa 26 June 2014 (has links)
Prekės ženklo vertės vartotojui kūrimo procesas tarptautinėje terpėje yra sudėtingas, tačiau šiuo atveju svarbiausia įvertinti egzistuojančius kultūrinius skirtumus. Literatūroje pasigendama nuoseklaus teorinio kultūrinių veiksnių įtakos prekės ženklo vertės vartotojui kūrime, pagrindimo. Vartojimo kultūriniai ypatumai skatina ieškoti naujų metodų, skirtų vartotojų prioritetams tirti. Dėl to ne visuomet prekės ženklo vertė vartotojui suvokiama taip, kaip tikisi ją kuriantys marketingo specialsitai. Darbo tikslas – atlikus teorines prekės ženklo vertės vartotojui tarpkultūriniu aspektu studijas, parengti kultūros ir prekės ženklo vertės dimensijų sąsajų modelį bei patikrinti jį empiriškai. Darbo tikslui pasiekti keliami uždaviniai: 1.Išanalizuoti prekės ženklo vertės vartotojui tarpkultūriniu aspektu problematikos teorinį reikšmingumą. 2.Pateikti prekės ženklo vertės vartotojui sampratą ir jos dedamąsias. 3.Identifikuoti tarptautinio prekės ženklo vertę lemiančius veiksnius. 4.Aptarti šalių kultūrų svarbą prekės ženklo vertei vartotojui. 5.Sukurti kultūros ir prekės ženklo vertės dimensijų sąsajų modelį. 6.Atlikti empirinį tyrimą pagal teorinėje dalyje parengtą modelį. Darbo rezultatai: -Teoriniu požiūriu išanalizuota ir susisteminta mokslinė literatūra apie prekės ženklo vertę vartotojui ir jos dedamąsias, prekės ženklo vertės kūrimo ypatumus tarptautiniu mastu, kultūrinių veiksnių įtaką prekės ženklo vertei vartotojui, apibrėžiama šalių kultūrų bei kultūrinių vertybių svarba... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / This master work examines consumer – based brand equity in cross – cultural aspect. Objective of master’s work is to execute theoretical studies of consumer – based brand equity in cross – cultural aspect and to check these studies empirically. The master work consist of three main parts. The first part of the master work includes theoretical analysis of a brand, consumer – based brand equity, the main factors of international branding and branding in different cultures, cultural differences and models of cultural dimensions. The second part of the master work includes theoretical approach of cross-cultural factors, which influence consumer - based brand equity and, according to empirical studies, conducted on consumer – based brand equity and cultural values, constructed theoretical brand value and culture chain based model. The third part of the master work consists of methodical rules and the empirical research, the purpose, task and the suggestions of the research; result analysis of the qualitative and quantitative data results; generalization of the research results, giving suggestions and recommendation. This master work presents theoretical and empirical researches results and recommendations. There are used 11 tables, 37 pictures and 5 additions in order to illustrate the theoretical and empirical results in master work. There are used 75 sources of scientific literature in Lithuanian and English in master work.

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