Spelling suggestions: "subject:"direct investments"" "subject:"cirect investments""
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Nepřímé efekty přímých zahraničních investic ve vybraných zemích EU / spillover effects of foreign direct investments in selected countries of EULehmann, Richard January 2011 (has links)
This work deals with the problem of indirect effects (spillovers) of foreign direct investment. The aim is to examine these spillovers in Czech, Slovak and Hungarian manufacture industry on the basis of econometric models. As the most appropriate approach of estimation of spillover effects of foreign direct investments was selected method of American economists Levinsohn and Petrin, who developed econometric approach of Olley and Pakes. Statistical data from database Amadeus are processed using this method and econometric models are created for Czech, Slovak and Hungarian republic. The results of estimation are then compared with studies of other authors.
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Vnější ekonomická rovnováha České republiky se zaměřením na roli PZI / External Economic Balance of Czech Republic with a Focus on a Role of Foreign Direct InvestmentsKoubková, Marie January 2010 (has links)
The work deals with the structure of the balance of payments, including its compensation process. It also includes an analysis of this statement in the Czech Republic. Given the importance of foreign direct investment in today's economy, which is based on the international division of labor, the work also focuses on the role of FDI in the country.
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Empresas multinacionais na indústria brasileira de alimentos / Multinational Enterprise in the Brazilian Food IndustryViegas, Claudia Assunção dos Santos 03 June 2002 (has links)
O trabalho investiga o aumento da participação de investimentos estrangeiros diretos (IED) na indústria brasileira de alimentos. Além de conferir ao Brasil importante papel em atrair IED para o Mercosul, esse fluxo de investimento tem causado importantes modificações no arranjo industrial brasileiro. Aumento da concorrência, novas estratégias, mudanças no número de pessoal ocupado na indústria são alguns dos resultados mais marcantes. Investigar as razões de entrada, encontradas principalmente nas características do mercado brasileiro, os impactos na indústria local e sinalizar os efeitos de longo prazo dessas mudanças recentes são o objetivo principal deste trabalho. / The work investigates the increased share of foreign direct investments (FDI) in the Brazilian food industry. In addition to conferring on Brazil the important role of attracting FDI to Mercosur, this flow of investment has caused important changes in the Brazilian industrial arrangement. An increase in competition, new strategies, changes in the number of people occupied in the industry are a few of the more remarkable results. The main objective of this work is to investigate the reasons of entry, encountered mainly in the characteristics of the Brazilian market, and the impacts on the local industry, and to signal the long-run effects of these recent changes.
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A falta de internacionalização dos bancos brasileiros / The lack of internationalization of Brazilian banksJabra, Diana Hanna Stiphan 05 October 2018 (has links)
Esta pesquisa apresenta as vantagens competitivas de propriedade e de localização e as motivações na internacionalização bancária de países desenvolvidos e em desenvolvimento, abordando a internacionalização dos bancos americanos, alemães, ingleses, espanhóis, asiáticos em geral e chineses, além dos bancos brasileiros. O objetivo é compreender porque apenas quatro bancos brasileiros se internacionalizaram. Para tanto, foram pesquisados os conceitos de internacionalização, o papel dos centros de serviços financeiros, as características de internacionalização das empresas manufatureiras e do setor de serviços, além do paradigma eclético e do modelo de Uppsala. Dentre as muitas motivações e determinantes para a internacionalização bancária, constatou-se que, no Brasil, a quantidade total de bancos é pequena e os bancos nacionais compõem pouco mais da metade deste total. O número de bancos grandes é diminuto e são estes que normalmente se internacionalizam nos países desenvolvidos e em desenvolvimento. Ou ainda, em menor grau, os bancos pequenos e médios com nichos de especialização e competências para a internacionalização, o que não há no Brasil. O apoio governamental sob a forma de políticas, financiamentos, seguros e outros incentivos não existe para a internacionalização bancária e nem para a das empresas, de um modo geral. Faltaram os fatores propulsores do lado real da economia, como a exposição internacional do país através de exportações, participação em cadeias de valor globais e os investimentos diretos externos da indústria manufatureira. Aliada a todos estes fatores, a economia brasileira é voltada para o mercado doméstico. As elevadas taxas de juros e elevados spreads aumentam o custo de capital para bancos e empresas, o que, para os bancos, não incentiva a exportação de capital para países com taxas de juros menores porque o lucro é uma finalidade por si mesmo e o que importa é o retorno ajustado ao risco do capital. No mercado interno, a competição entre os bancos é acirrada, independentemente da origem do capital dos mesmos. No passado recente novos concorrentes surgiram, as fintechs, que operam com menos regulação do que os bancos, e cujos negócios tem crescido rapidamente. Esta é uma pesquisa qualitativa baseada em fontes secundárias. / This research presents the competitive advantages of ownership and location and motivations in the banking internationalization of developed and developing countries, addressing the internationalization of American, German, English, Spanish, Asian and Chinese banks, as well as Brazilian banks. The purpose is to understand why only four Brazilian banks have internationalized. In order to do so, the concepts of internationalization, the role of financial services centers, the internationalization characteristics of manufacturing companies and the services sector, as well as the ecletic paradigm and the Uppsala model were researched. Among the many motivations and determinants for banking internationalization it has been verified that in Brazil the total number of banks is small and national banks make up slightly more than half of this total. The number of large banks is tiny and these are usually the banks that internationalize in developed and developing countries. Or, to a lesser degree, small and medium-sized banks with niches of specialization and skills for internationalization, which do not exist in Brazil. Government support in the form of policies, financings, insurance and other incentives does not exist for the internationalization of banks or for companies in general. There was a lack of drivers on the real side of the economy, such as the country\'s international exposure through exports, participation in global value chains and foreign direct investments of the manufacturing industry. Allied to these factors, the Brazilian economy is geared towards the domestic market. High interest rates and high spreads raise the cost of capital for banks and companies which, for banks, does not encourage the export of capital to countries with lower interest rates because profit is a purpose in itself and what counts is the risk ajusted return on capital. Locally, the competition amongst banks is fierce, regardless of their origin. In the recent past new competitors have emerged, fintechs, which operate with less regulation than banks and whose business has grown rapidly. This is a qualitative research based on secondary sources.
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Attractivité économique des investissements directs étrangers en zone CEMAC : harmonisation des instruments juridiques aux règles internationales / Economic attractivity of foreign direct investments in CEMAC zone : harmonization of the legal instruments to the international rulesMemphil Ndi, Evelyne Patience 21 October 2015 (has links)
Les courants de la mondialisation des marchés, marqués par la libre circulation des capitaux et le phénomène du libre-échange ont favorisé la mise en œuvre de politiques communautaires de relance économique et d’attractivité des territoires. C’est dans cette lancée que des regroupements géographiques à visée économique comme la Communauté Économique et Monétaire de l’Afrique Centrale (CEMAC) sont apparus. Six pays de l’Afrique Centrale dont le Cameroun, le Congo, le Gabon, la Guinée Equatoriale, la République Centrafricaine et le Tchad en sont membres et font l’objet de notre analyse sur l’attractivité économique de l’investissement Direct étranger (IDE) dans cette sous-région. L’IDE est devenu un acteur incontournable du processus de développement, et la zone CEMAC une destination privilégiée pour les investisseurs. Il apparait néanmoins une ambiguïté dans les rapports entre le flux d’IDE, la croissance économique et le développement des pays membres de la CEMAC : le taux sans cesse croissant des flux d’IDE entrants dans la sous-région, n’est malheureusement pas toujours synonyme de croissance économique. Pour comprendre ce paradoxe, l’on procède à une analyse des instruments encadrement de l’IDE dans la sous-région CEMAC. Il en ressort que, pour un rendement optimal de ces dispositifs et la garantie d’une croissance économique à long terme dans ces États, il est nécessaire d’associer les politiques actuelles d’attractivité économique des IDE, à une diversification des domaines économiques exploitables , mais aussi adapter les standards internationaux aux spécificités socioculturelles mais aussi économiques de la sous-région CEMAC. / The currents of the globalization of the markets, marked by the free movement of capital and the phenomenon of free trade supported the implementation of Community policies of economic revival and attractivity of the territories. It is in this impetus that geographical regroupings with economic aiming like the Economic community and Monetarist of Central Africa (CEMAC) appeared. Six countries of Central Africa of which Cameroon, Congo, Gabon, Equatorial Guinea, the Central African Republic and Chad are members and are for it, the object our analysis on the economic attractivity of direct foreign investment (FDI) in this under-area. The FDI became an inevitable actor of the development process, and CEMAC zones, a privileged destination for the investors. It appears nevertheless an ambiguity in the relationship between the flow of FDI, the economic growth and the development of the member countries of the CEMAC : the rate unceasingly crescent of flows of FDI entering the under-area, is unfortunately not always synonymous with economic growth. To understand this paradox, one carries out an analysis of the instruments framing of the IDE under-area CEMAC. This reveals that, for an optimal output of these devices and the warranty of one long-term economic growth in these States, it is necessary to associate the current policies of economic attractivity of the FDI, with a diversification of the exploitable economic domains, but also to adapt the international standards to sociocultural but so economic specificities of under-area CEMAC. The case of the countries of the BRICS can in this respect, being used as illustration for an “other way” of thinking the development.
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Hospodářský vývoj keltského tygra: problematika přímých zahraničních investic / Economy of Celtic Tiger: Foreign Direct Investment IssueŠtiková, Adéla January 2011 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with investment incentives and their effect on the economy of Ireland in historical and contemporary context. The introduction focuses on the general issue of foreign direct investment and investment incentives. After the summary of geographic and socioeconomic characteristics of the state the work describes an economic development of Ireland from 17 century to the present, especially the important historical events and their influence on the Irish economy. In the main part of this thesis, which is focused on the Irish investment incentives, are listed the general factors of the Irish economy in the form of so-called comparative advantages (high mobility and high skills of workforce, low labor costs) including specific benefits for U.S. investors (culture similarity, no language barrier, favorable geographic location, quality infrastructure) and economic and political measures in the field of direct investment, that Ireland has implemented to attract foreign investors (building of modern telecommunications infrastructure, the international experience of workforce and the establishing of organizations to promote foreign direct investment). Next the work analyses development of investment incentives from the beginning of their application in the 70th of the 20th century through the industrial "boom" in the 90th of the 20th century to the present, focusing on those of them that were key for the development of the Irish economy (taxes on income, efficient infrastructure, a flexible labor market, etc.). Consequently, there is a given forecast of Ireland in the coming years. There is evaluated the impact of investment incentives on the development of the Irish economy and outlined the direction in which the incentives in Ireland will take in the near future.
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Investimentos diretos estrangeiros no setor sucroenergético / Foreign Direct Investments in the Brazilian Sugarcane IndustryPinto, Mairun Junqueira Alves 18 November 2011 (has links)
O setor sucroenergético é um dos mais dinâmicos do país. Ao longo dos últimos 10 anos, este setor tem passado por sucessivas transformações, que incluem diferentes ciclos de desenvolvimento e crise, a conquista de novos mercados e o desenvolvimento de novos produtos. Independente dessas recorrentes mudanças de cenário, algo parece estar sempre presente nessa indústria, a saber: a capacidade de atrair empresas estrangeiras de diversos países e setores da economia. Nesse contexto, esta importante agroindústrial do Brasil tem vivenciado uma forte evolução da presença do capital estrangeiro. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar e compreender a evolução desse processo, buscando identificar: quais tipos de empresa tem realizado investimentos diretos estrangeiros no setor, quais são suas principais motivações e quais são os fatores que possivelmente influenciam as decisões quanto às estratégias de entrada. Para tanto, são utilizadas, como referencial teórico, as principais teorias que tratam dos objetivos e estratégias de entrada do investimento direto estrangeiro. Estas, por sua vez, são contrastadas com os dados secundários, coletados por meio de uma pesquisa documental, e os dados primários, coletados por meio de entrevistas em profundidade com 5 reconhecidos especialistas do setor. Por fim, trata-se de uma pesquisa exploratória e qualitativa que pretende contribuir para a melhor compreensão do fenômeno de entrada de investimentos diretos estrangeiros no setor sucroenergético e estimular a realização de novas pesquisas sobre o tema. / The sugarcane industry is one of the most dynamic in the country. Over the past 10 years, it has undergone successive transformations, which include different cycles of prosperity and crisis, and the development of new markets and of new product. Regardless of these recurring changes of scenery, something seems to be always present in this industry, namely the ability to attract foreign companies from different countries and industries. In this context, this important agribusiness in Brazil has experienced a strong evolution of the presence of foreign capital. This paper aims to analyze and understand the evolution of this process, seeking to identify what kinds of firms have made foreign direct investments in the sector, what are their motivations and what are the factors that possibly influence the decisions regarding the entry strategies. For this purpose, the major theories that address the objectives of FDI and its entry strategies are used as theoretical base. Thereafter, their assumptions are contrasted with the secondary data collected through documentary research, and primary data collected through in-depth interviews with five recognized industry experts. Finally, it is an exploratory and qualitative research that aims to contribute to a better understanding of the phenomenon of inflows of foreign direct investment in the sugarcane industry and to stimulate the creation of new research on the topic.
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Un système d’aide à la décision pour la réorganisation des chaînes logistiques : une approche basée sur une analyse multicritère et un système de gestion des connaissances / Knowledge Based System for Manufacturing’s Investment by Using Multi-criteria AnalysisReeveerakul, Napaporn 04 January 2011 (has links)
La tendance actuelle des pays développés à s’investir à l'étranger dans le secteur de fabrication a rapidement impacté la croissance économique des pays d'accueil. De tels investissements impliquent notamment la création de nouveaux emplois, l'augmentation de l'utilisation des réseaux de distribution multinationales, ou encore les investissements dans la recherche et le développement afin de soutenir de nombreux projets nationaux. Ces impacts contribuent à l’amélioration de la productivité totale grâce à l’augmentation du capitale. De plus, plusieurs pays développés sont reconnus pour attirer les entreprises qui cherchent à s’investir à l’étranger afin de tirer profit des avantages offerts par les pays d’accueil. Toutefois, ces entreprises font face à de nombreux défis critiques liés aux turbulences économiques, à l'augmentation du coût du travail, une chaîne d'approvisionnement et des infrastructures inefficaces. De telles crises génèrent beaucoup de problèmes entrainant une perte de bénéfices aux Investisseurs Directs Etrangers (IDE) et une augmentation des coûts d'exploitation. Les investisseurs étrangers deviennent alors réticents à investir ou à étendre leurs métiers. Bien que plusieurs approches à prendre en considération pour les prises de décision sont connus pour ces investisseurs ; la délocalisation vers de meilleurs marchés dans des pays où la main d’œuvre est beaucoup moins chère ; ou encore d'arrêter l'exploitation, représentent la stratégie souvent mise en place. Toutefois, une telle situation n’aura pas uniquement un impact sur l’organisation interne, mais aussi la situation économique locale et mondiale, entrainant ainsi des problèmes sociaux dans la région. Ainsi, pour soutenir le fonctionnement des affaires et attirer de nouveaux IDE, ce travail de recherche vise à aider les fabricants à comprendre la situation actuelle, et à prendre les bonnes décisions en leur fournissant un ensemble d’outils pour valider leurs décisions d'investissement futures. En outre, fournir des informations utiles sur les IDE contribue également à attirer de nouveaux investisseurs. Ainsi, dans ce travail de recherche nous nous focalisons sur la problématique suivante :1 Quels sont les facteurs potentiels utilisés pour une aide à la prise de décision dédiée aux IDE faisant face à leurs crises économiques ? 2 Comment cette étude peut aider les fabricants à prendre les bonnes décisions dans leurs situations de crises ? 3 En vue de prendre une décision de délocalisation, de transfert ou de cession d’usines de fabrication, quels sont les facteurs spécifiques qui devraient être pris en considération? 4 Comment les organisations représentantes et le gouvernement peuvent aider à prévenir les crises générées par l’offshore ou la fermeture des usines de fabrication? Afin de répondre à la problématique, nous proposons un cadre intégré qui repose sur trois bases principales: La chaîne d'approvisionnement et l'infrastructure, les compétences des travailleurs et les performances, et la situation financière des différentes parties prenantes. Ces dernières sont représentées par des investisseurs étrangers, des intervenants locaux, et des fabricants. Cependant, les stratégies à analyser dans notre contexte de recherche peuvent être classées en analyse statique et dynamique. En termes d'analyse statique, la matrice de risques pour la prise de décision représentée comme un système de base de connaissances utilisé pour évaluer l'occurrence des risques existants dans les entreprises. Cette analyse permet également aux investisseurs ou aux fabricants d'évaluer les risques connexes à l’égard des entreprises existantes. En ce qui concerne l'analyse dynamique, la modélisation de la simulation des chaînes d'approvisionnement est construite en fonction du modèle SCOR (Supply Chain Operations Reference)..... / Since The investment of foreign manufacturing in developing countries result rapidly increasingly on economic growth to the host countries. Such contributions are creating new jobs by foreign companies, increasing the use of multinational distribution networks, or even spending on research and development to support many national projects. These have led to higher productivity through increased capital, which in turn has led to high living standards. Consequently, several developing countries are recognized to attracting foreign investors to invest their manufacturing business that they can gain benefits from them. However, they face many critical challenges linked to the economic turbulence, from the increasing of labor cost, ineffective supply chain and infrastructure. The crisis was raised many problems that give Foreign Direct Investments (FDIs) loss profits and increase operational costs. Then new and existing foreign investors are reluctant to invest or expand the businesses. While several approaches to be considered on making a decision are noticed for foreign investors. The relocation to cheaper laboring countries or shutting down operation is the possible strategy to be considered for them. However, these situations will not only impact internal organization but also the local and global economic situation. Since the crises can affect people’s income, as well raise economic problems, they finally lead to social problems in the area.Thus, to sustain the business operation and attract the new comers of FDIs, this research aims to help manufacturers understand the existing crises in their business situation, and then make the right decision by providing them with a tool to validate their future investment decision. Furthermore, providing useful information on FDIs’ investment also contributes to attracting new investors. Thus we will focus on the problematic as follows. 1 What are the potential factors used for a decision making while the FDIs is faced up with crises? 2 How can the study help manufacturers make the right decision in their manufacturing crises?3 In order to make a decision on relocating, transferring or divesting plants, are the specific factors that should be considered?4 How can the relevant organizations and the government help to prevent the crises generated by offshore or plant divestment?To answer on the problematic, our research proposes an integrated framework which is based on three main requirements: The supply chain and infrastructure, workers skills and performance, as well as the financial situation associated with the relevant stakeholders. Those three stakeholders are foreign investor, local industrial estate stakeholders, and manufacturers. However, the strategies to be analyzed in our research framework can be categorized into static and dynamic analysis. In terms of static analysis, the risk matrix decision represented as the knowledge base system used to evaluate the occurrence of existing risks in businesses. This analysis also helps investors or manufacturers evaluate their related risks on existing businesses. Regarding dynamic analysis, the modeling of the supply chain simulation is constructed according to the Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR) model. Supply chain modeling and analysis on future cost of investment are represented in this context. Besides, our research also applies the metrics and attributes based on Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR) to measure the supply chain performance....
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Essays on Public Macroeconomic PolicyPrado, Jr., Jose Mauricio January 2007 (has links)
<p>The thesis consists of three self-contained essays on public policy in the macroeconomy.</p><p>“Government Policy in the Formal and Informal Sectors” quantitatively investigates the interaction between the firms' choice to operate in the formal or the informal sector and government policy on taxation and enforcement. Taxes, enforcement, and regulation are incorporated in a general equilibrium model of firms differing in their productivities. The model quantitatively accounts for the keys aspects in the data and allows me to back out country-specific enforcement levels. Some policy reforms are analyzed and the welfare gains can be fairly large.</p><p>“Determinants of Capital Intensive and R&D Intensive Foreign Direct Investment” studies the determinants of capital intensity and technology content of FDI. Using industry data on U.S. FDI abroad and data on many different host countries' institutional characteristics, we show that there is a differential response of FDI flows to investment climate according to the capital intensity of the industries receiving the investments. We find that better protection of property rights has a significant positive effect on R&D intensive capital flows. We find evidence that an increase in workers' bargaining power results in a reduction of both kinds of FDI. </p><p>“Ambiguity Aversion, the Equity Premium, and the Welfare Costs of Business Cycles” examines the relevance of consumers’ ambiguity aversion for asset prices and how consumption fluctuations influence consumer welfare. First, in a Mehra-Prescott-style endowment economy, we calibrate ambiguity aversion so that asset prices are consistent with data: a high return on equity and a low return on risk-free bonds. We then use this calibration to investigate how much consumers would be willing to pay to reduce endowment fluctuations to zero, thus delivering a Lucas-style welfare cost of fluctuations. These costs turn out to be very large: consumers are willing to pay over 10% of consumption in permanent terms.</p>
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Internationalisation of companiesYman, Neil January 2000 (has links)
<p>Since the disintegration of the Soviet Union all conditions and principles for doing business in the area have changed. The shift from a planned economy to a market economy is connected with rapid and basic changes in political, social, economic and technological conditions. The Baltic countries Estonia, Latvia andLithuania are going through a gradual transition and the decrease of central economic power leads to the liquidation of state monopolies. The markets of the Baltic is giving great opportunities for Western European companies since the Baltic is a good springboard to the more Eastern European markets, which consists of over 400 million possible customers.The Baltic countries is not a homogeny group, they have different language, culture and history. Western European companies need to be aware of this facts if they are going to become successful with their establishments. The Western European companies choose different entry modes in order to fulfil their international ambitions. The entry mode signals to host governments and to competitors the companies ambitions in the hostcountry. For the majority of companies the most significant international marketing decision they are likely to take is therefore how they should enter new markets. The purpose of the study is to explain how foreign companies strategies theoretically match the Baltic countries strengths and weaknesses and what kind of entry modes provides a good match between the investor´s strategy and the local attractiveness.</p>
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