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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Role of Computer-mediated Communication in Non-native Speakers’ Acquisition of Academic Literacy

Cheng, Rui 01 April 2007 (has links)
Research shows that academic literacy is discipline specific. Students have to learning the ways of communication in order to gain access to the discourse community of the selected discipline through understanding and performing required genres and learning necessary disciplinary knowledge. Scaffolding is important in the process to help students internalize the disciplinary knowledge and improve students' performance on academic papers. Computer-mediated communication (CMC) provides good chances of scaffolding and mediation especially for non-native graduate students who may have lost many opportunities of class participation due to their limited language proficiency or other cultural issues. In this dissertation, the researcher investigated how a group of L2 students tried to acquire academic literacy in applied linguistics by completing a series of teacher preparation classes. CMC was built naturally into the classes where students kept online discussions on various components of applied linguistics and were engaged in some online peer review activity on draft papers. Data were gathered from 8 sources: observations, questionnaire, online discussion entries, online peer feedback, students' major assignments, source materials, interviews and discourse-based interviews. The various sources of data were analyzed both quantitatively and qualitatively using different methods and schemes to present how L2 graduate students negotiate their academic literacy in CMC environment in terms of language functions and focus; how CMC influences both the process and the product of student's academic writing; and how students perceive CMC in the academic literacy acquisition process. Analysis of data indicated that non-native English speaking students used various language functions in their negotiation of academic literacy with their peers in the online discussion. They tended to apply a wider range of language function as they became more familiar with the discourse community. Students in this study also applied multiple intertextual techniques in the online discussion, whereas only a few were used in face-to-face class discussions. Results also indicated that computer-mediated communication facilitated students' understanding of tasks, performance of writing activities and applying citation conventions correctly. The scaffolding among students enabled them to effectively learn disciplinary knowledge and develop their academic literacy. Analysis of the students draft and final papers in the online peer review activities indicated that students incorporated peers' feedback into their revisions and benefited from such activities although they claimed high quality feedback was still not enough. Finally, although the students considered that computer-mediated communication had some drawbacks, it did facilitate their acquisition of academic literacy in the field of applied linguistics.

Etude de l'articulation des démarches d'investigation scientifique avec les autres savoirs composant la structure disciplinaire : cas d'enseignants de sciences de la vie et de la Terre exerçant en collège français / Study of the articulation of scientific inquiry with the other knowledge components of the disciplinary structure

Perron, Séverine 21 November 2018 (has links)
Les démarches scientifiques sont présentes à la fois dans les textes institutionnels et dans la documentation scientifique. Dans cette recherche, nous étudions comment des enseignants français articulent les démarches d’investigation scientifique (DIS) avec les autres savoirs en sciences de la vie et de la Terre (SVT). Notre travail repose sur trois construits : les démarches d’investigation scientifique, les savoirs disciplinaires et les pratiques d’enseignement. La méthodologie s’appuie sur une recherche mixte de type séquentiel explicatif et de nature descriptive. Trois types d’instrumentation sont mis en œuvre pour recueillir les données : un questionnaire, des entrevues semi-dirigées et des observations de séances de classe. Les données issues des questions fermées du questionnaire sont analysées suivant une approche statistique à l’aide du logiciel SPSS®. Les données provenant des entrevues et des observations sont analysées selon une approche thématique en utilisant une grille construite a priori. Et enfin, les données issues des questions ouvertes du questionnaire sont analysées suivant une double approche lexicale et thématique. Nous identifions à travers ce travail de recherche une disparition des savoirs conceptuels lors de mises en oeuvre de DIS en classe. Les enseignants ne souhaitent pas nécessairement que leurs élèves acquièrent ou mobilisent des savoirs conceptuels. Les habiletés ou les attitudes souvent en lien avec les DIS sont priorisées. Finalement, certains enseignants pourraient, par manque de connaissances épistémologiques en lien avec la construction des savoirs en SVT, ignorer que l’objectif des DIS est la reconstruction de savoirs conceptuels et, à ce titre, considérer les DIS comme une façon de raisonner, comme des habiletés, voire même des habiletés pluridisciplinaires (anglais, français, etc.). / Scientific inquiry are present both in institutional texts and in scientific literature. In this research, we study how French teachers articulate the processes of scientific inquiry (DIS) with other knowledge in the sciences of life and the Earth (SVT). Our work is based on three constructs: investigation procedures, disciplinary knowledge and teaching practices. The methodology is based on a mixed research of explanatory sequential type and descriptive nature. Three types of instrumentation are used to collect the data: a questionnaire, semi-directed interviews and observations of class sessions. Data from closed and open questionnaire questions are analyzed using a lexical approach using SPSS® and IRaMuTeQ® software.Data from interviews and observations are analyzed using a thematic approach using a grid constructed a priori. We identify through this research work a disappearance of conceptual knowledge during implementation of DIS in the classroom. Teachers do not necessarily want their students to acquire or mobilize conceptual knowledge. The skills or attitudes often associated with DIS are prioritized. Finally, some teachers may, for lack of epistemological knowledge related to the construction of knowledge in SVT, ignore that the objective of the DIS would be the reconstruction of conceptual knowledge and as such consider the DIS as a way of reasoning, such as skills or even multidisciplinary skills (English, French, etc.)

A construção dos saberes disciplinares do curso normal da Escola Superior de Educação Física do estado do Rio Grande do Sul (1940-1956)

Begossi, Tuany Defaveri January 2017 (has links)
O Curso Normal foi o primeiro oferecido pela Escola Superior de Educação Física (ESEF), quando esta instituição iniciou suas atividades em 1940. A ESEF foi pioneira na formação de professores(as) civis de Educação Física no estado do Rio Grande do Sul e permaneceu por 30 anos nesta condição. Tal fato robustece a relevância do Curso Normal, que proveu as escolas com professores(as) de Educação Física durante os 15 anos que se manteve em funcionamento (1940- 1956). Neste cenário emerge o seguinte problema de pesquisa: como ocorreu a formação de professores(as) do Curso Normal de Educação Física da ESEF, notadamente com respeito aos saberes disciplinares, no período de 1940 a 1956. O recorte temporal compreende o ano de 1940, quando o Curso Normal entrou em funcionamento, até 1956, o último ano em que foi oferecido, sendo substituído no ano seguinte pelo curso de Educação Física Infantil. Esta pesquisa tem como alicerces os pressupostos teórico-metodológicos da História das Disciplinas Acadêmicas e Escolares, dos Saberes Disciplinares e da Nova História Cultural. Nesta perspectiva, foram analisadas fontes documentais compostas pelos Programas de Ensino das disciplinas do Curso Normal de Educação Física e por documentos legais, especialmente, a legislação do período. Além disso, fizeram parte do corpus de análise fontes orais, que procederam do depoimento de exalunas( os) do Curso Normal. A interpretação das fontes de pesquisa evidenciaram que a construção dos saberes disciplinares do Curso Normal da ESEF foi influenciada pela contribuição de médicos e militares, os quais imprimiram seus preceitos nas bases da escola sul-rio-grandense. Ademais, figuraram nesse cenário prescrições advindas de normativas legais e, também, de modelos e orientações que perpassavam a Educação Física no período. Os contornos adquiridos pelos saberes disciplinares, apresentaram características pontuais vinculadas ao Método Francês de ginástica, abarcando também aspectos de ordem pedagógica e influências advindas das trajetórias vivenciadas por alguns dos docentes vinculados ao Curso Normal. / The Regular Course was the first course offered by Escola Superior de Educação Física (ESEF), when this institution began its activities in 1940. ESEF was the pioneer on the training of Physical Education teachers in the state of Rio Grande do Sul and remained for 30 years in this condition. This fact strengthens the relevance of the Regular Course, which provided Physical Education teachers for schools during the 15 years that remained in operation (1940-1956). In this scenario the following research problem emerges: how did the training of teachers from the Regular Course of Physical Education of ESEF happen, especially considering the disciplinary knowledges, from 1940 to 1956. The temporal cutting comprises the year 1940, when the Regular Course began its operation, until 1956, the last year when it was offered, being replaced in the following year by the course of Physical Education for Children. This research has as its basis the theoretical and methodological assumptions the History of Academic and School Disciplines, Disciplinary Knowledge and New Cultural History. In this perspective, documentary sources composed by the Teaching Programs of the subjects of the Regular Course of Physical Education and legal documents, especially the legislation of the period, were analyzed. In addition, oral sources were part of the corpus of analysis, which proceeded from the testimony of former students of the Regular Course. The interpretation of the research sources showed that the construction of the disciplinary knowledge of the Regular Course of ESEF was influenced by the contribution of doctors and the military, who impressed their precepts in the basis of the school from Rio Grande do Sul. Moreover, prescriptions coming from legal norms appeared in this scenario, and also from models and orientations that pervaded the Physical Education in the period. The outlines acquired by the disciplinary knowledges presented specific characteristics linked to the French Gymnastics Method, also covering pedagogical aspects and influences coming from the trajectories experienced by some of the teachers from the Regular Course.

A construção dos saberes disciplinares do curso normal da Escola Superior de Educação Física do estado do Rio Grande do Sul (1940-1956)

Begossi, Tuany Defaveri January 2017 (has links)
O Curso Normal foi o primeiro oferecido pela Escola Superior de Educação Física (ESEF), quando esta instituição iniciou suas atividades em 1940. A ESEF foi pioneira na formação de professores(as) civis de Educação Física no estado do Rio Grande do Sul e permaneceu por 30 anos nesta condição. Tal fato robustece a relevância do Curso Normal, que proveu as escolas com professores(as) de Educação Física durante os 15 anos que se manteve em funcionamento (1940- 1956). Neste cenário emerge o seguinte problema de pesquisa: como ocorreu a formação de professores(as) do Curso Normal de Educação Física da ESEF, notadamente com respeito aos saberes disciplinares, no período de 1940 a 1956. O recorte temporal compreende o ano de 1940, quando o Curso Normal entrou em funcionamento, até 1956, o último ano em que foi oferecido, sendo substituído no ano seguinte pelo curso de Educação Física Infantil. Esta pesquisa tem como alicerces os pressupostos teórico-metodológicos da História das Disciplinas Acadêmicas e Escolares, dos Saberes Disciplinares e da Nova História Cultural. Nesta perspectiva, foram analisadas fontes documentais compostas pelos Programas de Ensino das disciplinas do Curso Normal de Educação Física e por documentos legais, especialmente, a legislação do período. Além disso, fizeram parte do corpus de análise fontes orais, que procederam do depoimento de exalunas( os) do Curso Normal. A interpretação das fontes de pesquisa evidenciaram que a construção dos saberes disciplinares do Curso Normal da ESEF foi influenciada pela contribuição de médicos e militares, os quais imprimiram seus preceitos nas bases da escola sul-rio-grandense. Ademais, figuraram nesse cenário prescrições advindas de normativas legais e, também, de modelos e orientações que perpassavam a Educação Física no período. Os contornos adquiridos pelos saberes disciplinares, apresentaram características pontuais vinculadas ao Método Francês de ginástica, abarcando também aspectos de ordem pedagógica e influências advindas das trajetórias vivenciadas por alguns dos docentes vinculados ao Curso Normal. / The Regular Course was the first course offered by Escola Superior de Educação Física (ESEF), when this institution began its activities in 1940. ESEF was the pioneer on the training of Physical Education teachers in the state of Rio Grande do Sul and remained for 30 years in this condition. This fact strengthens the relevance of the Regular Course, which provided Physical Education teachers for schools during the 15 years that remained in operation (1940-1956). In this scenario the following research problem emerges: how did the training of teachers from the Regular Course of Physical Education of ESEF happen, especially considering the disciplinary knowledges, from 1940 to 1956. The temporal cutting comprises the year 1940, when the Regular Course began its operation, until 1956, the last year when it was offered, being replaced in the following year by the course of Physical Education for Children. This research has as its basis the theoretical and methodological assumptions the History of Academic and School Disciplines, Disciplinary Knowledge and New Cultural History. In this perspective, documentary sources composed by the Teaching Programs of the subjects of the Regular Course of Physical Education and legal documents, especially the legislation of the period, were analyzed. In addition, oral sources were part of the corpus of analysis, which proceeded from the testimony of former students of the Regular Course. The interpretation of the research sources showed that the construction of the disciplinary knowledge of the Regular Course of ESEF was influenced by the contribution of doctors and the military, who impressed their precepts in the basis of the school from Rio Grande do Sul. Moreover, prescriptions coming from legal norms appeared in this scenario, and also from models and orientations that pervaded the Physical Education in the period. The outlines acquired by the disciplinary knowledges presented specific characteristics linked to the French Gymnastics Method, also covering pedagogical aspects and influences coming from the trajectories experienced by some of the teachers from the Regular Course.

A construção dos saberes disciplinares do curso normal da Escola Superior de Educação Física do estado do Rio Grande do Sul (1940-1956)

Begossi, Tuany Defaveri January 2017 (has links)
O Curso Normal foi o primeiro oferecido pela Escola Superior de Educação Física (ESEF), quando esta instituição iniciou suas atividades em 1940. A ESEF foi pioneira na formação de professores(as) civis de Educação Física no estado do Rio Grande do Sul e permaneceu por 30 anos nesta condição. Tal fato robustece a relevância do Curso Normal, que proveu as escolas com professores(as) de Educação Física durante os 15 anos que se manteve em funcionamento (1940- 1956). Neste cenário emerge o seguinte problema de pesquisa: como ocorreu a formação de professores(as) do Curso Normal de Educação Física da ESEF, notadamente com respeito aos saberes disciplinares, no período de 1940 a 1956. O recorte temporal compreende o ano de 1940, quando o Curso Normal entrou em funcionamento, até 1956, o último ano em que foi oferecido, sendo substituído no ano seguinte pelo curso de Educação Física Infantil. Esta pesquisa tem como alicerces os pressupostos teórico-metodológicos da História das Disciplinas Acadêmicas e Escolares, dos Saberes Disciplinares e da Nova História Cultural. Nesta perspectiva, foram analisadas fontes documentais compostas pelos Programas de Ensino das disciplinas do Curso Normal de Educação Física e por documentos legais, especialmente, a legislação do período. Além disso, fizeram parte do corpus de análise fontes orais, que procederam do depoimento de exalunas( os) do Curso Normal. A interpretação das fontes de pesquisa evidenciaram que a construção dos saberes disciplinares do Curso Normal da ESEF foi influenciada pela contribuição de médicos e militares, os quais imprimiram seus preceitos nas bases da escola sul-rio-grandense. Ademais, figuraram nesse cenário prescrições advindas de normativas legais e, também, de modelos e orientações que perpassavam a Educação Física no período. Os contornos adquiridos pelos saberes disciplinares, apresentaram características pontuais vinculadas ao Método Francês de ginástica, abarcando também aspectos de ordem pedagógica e influências advindas das trajetórias vivenciadas por alguns dos docentes vinculados ao Curso Normal. / The Regular Course was the first course offered by Escola Superior de Educação Física (ESEF), when this institution began its activities in 1940. ESEF was the pioneer on the training of Physical Education teachers in the state of Rio Grande do Sul and remained for 30 years in this condition. This fact strengthens the relevance of the Regular Course, which provided Physical Education teachers for schools during the 15 years that remained in operation (1940-1956). In this scenario the following research problem emerges: how did the training of teachers from the Regular Course of Physical Education of ESEF happen, especially considering the disciplinary knowledges, from 1940 to 1956. The temporal cutting comprises the year 1940, when the Regular Course began its operation, until 1956, the last year when it was offered, being replaced in the following year by the course of Physical Education for Children. This research has as its basis the theoretical and methodological assumptions the History of Academic and School Disciplines, Disciplinary Knowledge and New Cultural History. In this perspective, documentary sources composed by the Teaching Programs of the subjects of the Regular Course of Physical Education and legal documents, especially the legislation of the period, were analyzed. In addition, oral sources were part of the corpus of analysis, which proceeded from the testimony of former students of the Regular Course. The interpretation of the research sources showed that the construction of the disciplinary knowledge of the Regular Course of ESEF was influenced by the contribution of doctors and the military, who impressed their precepts in the basis of the school from Rio Grande do Sul. Moreover, prescriptions coming from legal norms appeared in this scenario, and also from models and orientations that pervaded the Physical Education in the period. The outlines acquired by the disciplinary knowledges presented specific characteristics linked to the French Gymnastics Method, also covering pedagogical aspects and influences coming from the trajectories experienced by some of the teachers from the Regular Course.

Deconstructing “de/colonised knowledge” in South Africa: the case of radical academic history under apartheid (1960-1991)

Martinerie, Camille 29 March 2023 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis explores the inherent complexities and contradictions embedded in the radical turn in South African historiography with regards to the decolonisation of the discipline of history in South African universities under apartheid from 1960 to 1991. By choosing to deconstruct radical history in a white liberal university, the study seeks to further demonstrate the limits of intellectual decolonisation and its underlying assumptions in the academic field during apartheid. It interrogates radical history as a form of academic resistance and leads a reflection on the political role of the intellectual in the context of the anti-apartheid struggle, asking more broadly: to what extent can radical academic history be considered “de/colonised knowledge”? Building on the links between ideology and curriculum, this study aimed to measure the coloniality of history using history examination questions as tools to investigate the methodological, theoretical and ideological assumptions of historians. Theoretically, the study relied on the role of the historian as a recontextualising agent of disciplinary knowledge taught and examined within a historically white higher education institution to study its concomitant underlying historiographical silences at the time. Methodologically, it deployed quantitative and qualitative research methods, using interviews and semi-structured questionnaires with a targeted cohort of authentic interlocutors to triangulate the discursive analysis of institutionalised “de/colonised” historical knowledge. This interdisciplinary study was thus inscribed in a critical deconstructionist approach to knowledge which contributed to a finer conceptual and empirical understanding of the coloniality of history as a discipline and its reproduction in the South African higher education context. The study hopes (1) to contribute to understanding the nuanced intersections between the history of intellectual colonisation and decolonisation and how these tensions impacted on history education in the apartheid university, (2) to provide an original interdisciplinary mixed method of analysis of institutionalised “de/colonised knowledge”, and (3) to contribute new critical insights into blind spots in South African radical historiography in higher education during the period 1960 to 1991, which could shed light on the various understandings of the imperative for decolonisation today in the discipline.

Citation Context Analysis of Theory Use in Instructional Design and Technology Academic Articles

Gentry, Wendy Ann 03 November 2016 (has links)
Citations allow researchers to define relationships across articles and develop arguments by building on the work of others. This study explores citation of theory symbols in Instructional Design and Technology (IDT) academic articles. The term theory symbol is used to define a concept that, after its original publication, is subsequently incorporated by later writers through citation. Exploring the citation history of the seminal publications makes it possible to trace theory symbol use over time and thus to trace its dissemination in the field. A typology of theory symbol use in IDT academic publication is developed through a citation context analysis (CCA) of a sample of articles published in Educational Technology Research and Development (ETRD) and its predecessor journals (1953–2012) which incorporate theory symbols through citation. This analysis contributes to an understanding of how theory has shaped IDT disciplinary knowledge and augments discourse analysis and bibliometrics by examining the context in which theory is incorporated into academic publication. / Ph. D. / This study explores the citation of theory symbols in Instructional Design and Technology (IDT) academic articles. A <i>theory symbol</i> is a concept that is included in a publication deemed to be foundational to a theory’s creation or development and subsequently incorporated by later writers through citation. Exploring the relationships between these cited and citing documents, with specific attention to the content of prior work passed from one to the other, makes it possible to trace the dissemination of theory symbols in the field and develop a typology of theory symbol use in IDT academic publication. This process is called citation context analysis (CCA) (Ritchie, 2008). A sample of articles published in <i>Educational Technology Research and Development</i> (ETRD) and its predecessor journals (1953–2012) serves as the foundation of the study. This analysis contributes to an understanding of how theory has shaped IDT disciplinary knowledge by examining the context in which theory is incorporated into academic publication. As Baskerville and Dulipovici (2006) argue, it is valuable to understand the application of theory because theory is used to support research arguments, methodology and in turn the development of other theories.

Les manuels scolaires comme instruments d’autoformation en culture religieuse chez les enseignants du secondaire

Sirois, Chantal 03 1900 (has links)
L’implantation du programme d’éthique et culture religieuse (ECR) en septembre 2008 au Québec a généré d’importants besoins de formation chez les enseignants, et ce, particulièrement à l’égard du volet culture religieuse. Les plans régionaux de formation déployés au moment de la mise en oeuvre du programme n’auront pas suffi à répondre aux différents besoins. Certaines activités de formation continue se sont poursuivies dans quelques régions suivant la volonté de conseillers pédagogiques, mais cela demeure une tendance peu répandue. Compte tenu de l’offre limitée de formation proposée par les commissions scolaires à l’égard du volet culture religieuse, les enseignants doivent le plus souvent initier des démarches individuelles d’autoformation pour répondre à leurs besoins. Parmi les moyens jugés efficaces et accessibles se trouvent les manuels scolaires. Jusqu’à quel point les manuels scolaires peuvent-ils contribuer à répondre aux besoins de formation des enseignants d’ECR au secondaire à l’égard de la culture religieuse ? Ce mémoire vise à explorer en quoi et comment les manuels scolaires constituent des instruments d’autoformation pour les enseignants à l’égard du volet culture religieuse du programme de formation en ECR au secondaire, et ce, pour trois principaux objectifs : le rapport qu’entretiennent les enseignants avec le savoir disciplinaire en culture religieuse, les représentations qu’ils ont des manuels scolaires comme outils de développement professionnel et l’expérience d’utilisation qu’ils ont acquise en cours d’emploi. La collecte de données a été effectuée auprès de quatre enseignants via un sondage électronique et des entretiens individuels durant lesquels les manuels ont été examinés par les enseignants en lien avec les besoins qu’ils ont identifiés. Nos résultats montrent que quels que soient la formation initiale et le nombre d’années d’expérience, il existe un déficit de formation en culture religieuse chez les enseignants. De plus, bien que les manuels scolaires constituent des outils utiles et intéressants pour l’autoformation, ils ne suffisent pas à combler les besoins des enseignants. Enfin, les manuels scolaires, bien qu’ils soient destinés aux élèves, sont très souvent utilisés par les enseignants interrogés dans la phase préparatoire de leur enseignement. / Implementing the program of ethics and religious culture (ECR) in September 2008 in Quebec has generated important needs of training among teachers, and particularly concerning the religious culture element. Regional training plans developed at the time of the implementation of the program will be insufficient to meet the different needs. Continuing training activities are pursued in some regions at the request of academic advisors but still not widespread. Given the limited training offered by the school boards towards the religious culture, teachers have to initiate more individual self-study approaches to meet their needs. Some textbooks are accessible and efficient. To what extent textbooks can contribute to meeting teachers training needs in secondary schools concerning the religious culture of ECR? This essay intends to explore on what and how textbooks are self-training tools for teachers with respect to the aspect of religious culture in the ECR program in secondary school, and this, according to three main orientations: teachers relationship with the knowledge of religious culture discipline, images they have about textbooks as professional development tools and the experience they have acquired in continuous training. Finally, we are exploring some contributions and barriers related to the use of textbooks to meet potential training needs among surveyed teachers. The data to be fed will be collected among four teachers via an electronic survey and personal interviews during which manuals will be reviewed according to the needs identified by the teachers. Our results show that textbooks, intended for students, are very often used by teachers interviewed in their preparatory stage, mainly in terms of programs and training content for the upper secondary level.

Práticas epistêmicas, comunidades epistêmicas de práticas e o conhecimento biológico: análise de uma atividade didática sobre dinâmica de crescimento populacional / Epistemic practices, epistemic communities of practices and biological knowledge: analysis of a didactic activity on population growth dynamics

Gerolin, Eloisa Cristina 17 November 2017 (has links)
Com base nos pressupostos da psicologia sociocultural, da alfabetização científica, da antropologia social e dos estudos de sociologia e filosofia da Ciência, nesta dissertação buscamos analisar como as práticas epistêmicas da ciência mobilizadas no ensino e na aprendizagem de ecologia se relacionam com as práticas epistêmicas comumente utilizadas nos estudos científicos desenvolvidos nesse campo do conhecimento; e como o engajamento com tais práticas proporcionou aos estudantes a oportunidade de se apropriar de aspectos da cultura cientifica. Neste trabalhamos também procuramos compreender como o envolvimento em uma atividade investigativa sobre dinâmica populacional propiciou a formação de uma comunidade epistêmica de práticas, na qual estudantes e professora trabalharam de maneira coletiva e colaborativa, por meio do compartilhamento e validação de práticas socioculturais (as práticas epistêmicas), valores, critérios, procedimentos, explicações, ideias, argumentos, etc. Esta pesquisa foi conduzida como um estudo de caso qualitativo. Os dados analisados nesta pesquisa foram coletados por meio de gravações audiovisuais durante as aulas de biologia do primeiro ano do ensino médio (alunos com idades entre 15 e 16 anos) de uma escola pública estadual da cidade de São Paulo. As gravações audiovisuais foram transcritas, organizadas em unidades de análise e interpretadas por meio de rubricas/descritores das categorias de análise. Nossos resultados indicam que o compartilhamento de um objetivo em comum (responder à pergunta de investigação da atividade investigativa), o engajamento com as práticas epistêmicas e os processos de validação e legitimação de técnicas, ferramentas, conhecimentos, procedimentos e evidências, conduziram o grupo sala a um processo de constituir-se como uma comunidade epistêmica de práticas. Nesse processo destaca-se o papel da professora na avaliação e legitimação das proposições dos estudantes, promovendo a consolidação da comunidade e o estabelecimento de critérios para julgamento do que conta como dado, evidência e justificativa na atividade investigativa. Este estudo também trouxe evidências de como a natureza do conhecimento que tematiza a atividade didática influenciou na mobilização de práticas epistêmicas similares às empregadas nos estudos científicos sobre dinâmica de populações. As interações discursivas dos estudantes e da professora evidenciaram um engajamento com práticas epistêmicas muito similares às dos estudos ecológicos de dinâmica de populações, como a utilização e construção de gráficos que expressam a dinâmica da população ao longo do tempo e o estabelecimento de metodologias e técnicas de contagem e amostragem de indivíduos. / Based on the assumptions of sociocultural psychology, scientific literacy, social anthropology and the studies of sociology and philosophy of science, in this dissertation we seek to analyze how the epistemic practices of science mobilized in the teaching and learning of ecology are related to the epistemic practices commonly used in the scientific studies developed in this field of knowledge; and how engaging with such practices has given students the opportunity to appropriate aspects of the scientific culture. In this work we also try to understand how the involvement in a inquiry activity about population dynamics led to the formation of an epistemic community of practices, in which students and teachers worked in a collective and collaborative way, through the sharing and validation of sociocultural practices (epistemic practices), values, criteria, procedures, explanations, ideas, arguments, etc. This research was conducted as a qualitative case study. The data analyzed in this research were collected through audiovisual recordings during biology classes of high school (students aged 15 to 16 years) of a state public school in the city of São Paulo. Audio-visual recordings were transcribed, organized into units of analysis and interpreted through descriptors of analysis categories. Our results indicate that the sharing of a common objective (answering the research question of the inquiry activity), the engagement with epistemic practices and the validation and legitimation processes of techniques, tools, knowledge, procedures and evidence led the group to a process of establishing itself as an epistemic community of practices. In this process, the role of the teacher in the evaluation and legitimation of the students\' proposals is highlighted, promoting the consolidation of the community and establishing criteria for judging what counts as data, evidence and justification in the inquiry activity. This study also provided evidence of how the nature of the knowledge that thematicised the didactic activity influenced the expression of epistemic practices similar to those used in scientific studies on population dynamics. The discursive interactions of the students and the teacher showed an engagement with epistemic practices very similar to those of the ecological studies of population dynamics, such as the use and construction of graphs that express the dynamics of the population over time and the establishment of methodologies and techniques of counting and sampling of individuals.

Práticas epistêmicas, comunidades epistêmicas de práticas e o conhecimento biológico: análise de uma atividade didática sobre dinâmica de crescimento populacional / Epistemic practices, epistemic communities of practices and biological knowledge: analysis of a didactic activity on population growth dynamics

Eloisa Cristina Gerolin 17 November 2017 (has links)
Com base nos pressupostos da psicologia sociocultural, da alfabetização científica, da antropologia social e dos estudos de sociologia e filosofia da Ciência, nesta dissertação buscamos analisar como as práticas epistêmicas da ciência mobilizadas no ensino e na aprendizagem de ecologia se relacionam com as práticas epistêmicas comumente utilizadas nos estudos científicos desenvolvidos nesse campo do conhecimento; e como o engajamento com tais práticas proporcionou aos estudantes a oportunidade de se apropriar de aspectos da cultura cientifica. Neste trabalhamos também procuramos compreender como o envolvimento em uma atividade investigativa sobre dinâmica populacional propiciou a formação de uma comunidade epistêmica de práticas, na qual estudantes e professora trabalharam de maneira coletiva e colaborativa, por meio do compartilhamento e validação de práticas socioculturais (as práticas epistêmicas), valores, critérios, procedimentos, explicações, ideias, argumentos, etc. Esta pesquisa foi conduzida como um estudo de caso qualitativo. Os dados analisados nesta pesquisa foram coletados por meio de gravações audiovisuais durante as aulas de biologia do primeiro ano do ensino médio (alunos com idades entre 15 e 16 anos) de uma escola pública estadual da cidade de São Paulo. As gravações audiovisuais foram transcritas, organizadas em unidades de análise e interpretadas por meio de rubricas/descritores das categorias de análise. Nossos resultados indicam que o compartilhamento de um objetivo em comum (responder à pergunta de investigação da atividade investigativa), o engajamento com as práticas epistêmicas e os processos de validação e legitimação de técnicas, ferramentas, conhecimentos, procedimentos e evidências, conduziram o grupo sala a um processo de constituir-se como uma comunidade epistêmica de práticas. Nesse processo destaca-se o papel da professora na avaliação e legitimação das proposições dos estudantes, promovendo a consolidação da comunidade e o estabelecimento de critérios para julgamento do que conta como dado, evidência e justificativa na atividade investigativa. Este estudo também trouxe evidências de como a natureza do conhecimento que tematiza a atividade didática influenciou na mobilização de práticas epistêmicas similares às empregadas nos estudos científicos sobre dinâmica de populações. As interações discursivas dos estudantes e da professora evidenciaram um engajamento com práticas epistêmicas muito similares às dos estudos ecológicos de dinâmica de populações, como a utilização e construção de gráficos que expressam a dinâmica da população ao longo do tempo e o estabelecimento de metodologias e técnicas de contagem e amostragem de indivíduos. / Based on the assumptions of sociocultural psychology, scientific literacy, social anthropology and the studies of sociology and philosophy of science, in this dissertation we seek to analyze how the epistemic practices of science mobilized in the teaching and learning of ecology are related to the epistemic practices commonly used in the scientific studies developed in this field of knowledge; and how engaging with such practices has given students the opportunity to appropriate aspects of the scientific culture. In this work we also try to understand how the involvement in a inquiry activity about population dynamics led to the formation of an epistemic community of practices, in which students and teachers worked in a collective and collaborative way, through the sharing and validation of sociocultural practices (epistemic practices), values, criteria, procedures, explanations, ideas, arguments, etc. This research was conducted as a qualitative case study. The data analyzed in this research were collected through audiovisual recordings during biology classes of high school (students aged 15 to 16 years) of a state public school in the city of São Paulo. Audio-visual recordings were transcribed, organized into units of analysis and interpreted through descriptors of analysis categories. Our results indicate that the sharing of a common objective (answering the research question of the inquiry activity), the engagement with epistemic practices and the validation and legitimation processes of techniques, tools, knowledge, procedures and evidence led the group to a process of establishing itself as an epistemic community of practices. In this process, the role of the teacher in the evaluation and legitimation of the students\' proposals is highlighted, promoting the consolidation of the community and establishing criteria for judging what counts as data, evidence and justification in the inquiry activity. This study also provided evidence of how the nature of the knowledge that thematicised the didactic activity influenced the expression of epistemic practices similar to those used in scientific studies on population dynamics. The discursive interactions of the students and the teacher showed an engagement with epistemic practices very similar to those of the ecological studies of population dynamics, such as the use and construction of graphs that express the dynamics of the population over time and the establishment of methodologies and techniques of counting and sampling of individuals.

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