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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Colonization of recent coniferous versus deciduous forest stands by vascular plants at the local scale

Wulf, Monika, Heinken, Thilo January 2008 (has links)
Questions: 1. Are there differences among species in their preference for coniferous vs. deciduous forest? 2. Are tree and shrub species better colonizers of recent forest stands than herbaceous species? 3. Do colonization patterns of plant species groups depend on tree species composition? Location: Three deciduous and one coniferous recent forest areas in Brandenburg, NE Germany. Methods: In 34 and 21 transects in coniferous and deciduous stands, respectively, we studied the occurrence and percentage cover of vascular plants in a total of 150 plots in ancient stands, 315 in recent stands and 55 at the ecotone. Habitat preference, diaspore weight, generative dispersal potential and clonal extension were used to explain mechanisms of local migration. Regression analysis was conducted to test whether migration distance was related to species’ life-history traits. Results: 25 species were significantly associated with ancient stands and ten species were significantly more frequent in recent stands. Tree and shrub species were good colonizers of recent coniferous and deciduous stands. In the coniferous stands, all herbaceous species showed a strong dispersal limitation during colonization, whereas in the deciduous stands generalist species may have survived in the grasslands which were present prior to afforestation. Conclusions: The fast colonization of recent stands by trees and shrubs can be explained by their effective dispersal via wind and animals. This, and the comparably efficient migration of herbaceous forest specialists into recent coniferous stands, implies that the conversion of coniferous into deciduous stands adjacent to ancient deciduous forests is promising even without planting of trees.

Migration of an annual myrmecochore : a four year experiment with Melampyrum pratense L.

Heinken, Thilo January 2004 (has links)
A seed sowing experiment was conducted in a mixed secondary woodland on acidic soils in NE Germany with <i>Melampyrum pratense</i>, an annual ant-dispersed forest herb which lacks a natural population in the study area, but is abundant in similar habitats. Each set of 300 seeds was sown within one square metre at three sites in 1997, and the development of the populations was recorded from 1998 onward. Additionally, seed fall patterns were studied in a natural population by means of adhesive cardboard. All trials resulted in the recruitment of populations, which survived and increased in both individual number and area, up to the year 2001. Thus, local distribution of <i>Melampyrum pratense</i> is dispersallimited. Total individual number increased from 105 to 3,390, and total population area from 2.07 to 109.04 m². Migration occurred in all directions. Mean migration rate was 0.91 m per year, and the highest migration rate was 6.48 m. No individual was recorded beyond 7.63 m from the centres of the sawn squares after three years, suggesting exclusive short-distance dispersal. As primary dispersal enables only distances of up to 0.25 m, ants are presumed to be the main dispersal vectors. Despite differences in individual number and colonization patterns, migration rates did not differ significantly between the populations, but were significantly higher in 2001 due to an increased population size. Colonization patterns were characterized by a rapid, negative exponential decrease of population density with increasing distance from the sown plot, suggesting a colonization by establishment of more or less isolated outposts of individuals and a subsequent gradual infill of the gaps between. My results resemble myrmecochorous dispersal distances in temperate woodlands, and migration rates and patterns across ecotones from ancient to recent deciduous forests. They may function as a colonization model of <i>Melampyrum pratense</i> after accidental long-distance dispersal.

Spread of an ant-dispersed annual herb : an individual-based simulation study on population development of Melampyrum pratense L.

Winkler, Eckart, Heinken, Thilo January 2007 (has links)
The paper presents a simulation and parameter-estimation approach for evaluating stochastic patterns of population growth and spread of an annual forest herb, Melampyrum pratense (Orobanchaceae). The survival of a species during large-scale changes in land use and climate will depend, to a considerable extent, on its dispersal and colonisation abilities. Predictions on species migration need a combination of field studies and modelling efforts. Our study on the ability of M. pratense to disperse into so far unoccupied areas was based on experiments in secondary woodland in NE Germany. Experiments started in 1997 at three sites where the species was not yet present, with 300 seeds sown within one square meter. Population development was then recorded until 2001 by mapping of individuals with a resolution of 5 cm. Additional observations considered density dependence of seed production. We designed a spatially explicit individual-based computer simulation model to explain the spatial patterns of population development and to predict future population spread. Besides primary drop of seeds (barochory) it assumed secondary seed transport by ants (myrmecochory) with an exponentially decreasing dispersal tail. An important feature of populationpattern explanation was the simultaneous estimation of both population-growth and dispersal parameters from consistent spatio-temporal data sets. As the simulation model produced stochastic time series and random spatially discrete distributions of individuals we estimated parameters by minimising the expectation of weighted sums of squares. These sums-ofsquares criteria considered population sizes, radial population distributions around the area of origin and distributions of individuals within squares of 25*25 cm, the range of density action. Optimal parameter values, together with the precision of the estimates, were obtained from calculating sums of squares in regular grids of parameter values. Our modelling results showed that transport of fractions of seeds by ants over distances of 1…2 m was indispensable for explaining the observed population spread that led to distances of at most 8 m from population origin within 3 years. Projections of population development over 4 additional years gave a diffusion-like increase of population area without any “outposts”. This prediction generated by the simulation model gave a hypothesis which should be revised by additional field observations. Some structural deviations between observations and model output already indicated that for full understanding of population spread the set of dispersal mechanisms assumed in the model may have to be extended by additional features of plant-animal mutualism.

Genetic Disequilibria and the Interpretation of Population Genetic Structure in Daphnia

Berg, Lars M. January 2001 (has links)
Understanding the processes that shape the spatial distribution of genetic variation within species is central to the evolutionary study of diversification and demography. Neutral genetic variation reflects past demographic events as well as current demographic characteristics of populations, and the correct interpretation of genetic data requires that the relative impact of these forces can be identified. Details of breeding systems can affect the genetic structure through effects on effective migration rate or on effective population size. Restrictions in recombination rate lead to associations between neutral marker genes and genes under natural selection. Although the effects on genetic structure can be substantial, the process will often be difficult to tell apart from stochastic effects of history or genetic drift, which may suggest erroneous conclusions about demography. In cyclically parthenogenetic freshwater invertebrates, which alternate between sexual and asexual reproduction, demographic fluctuations and reliance on diapausing eggs for dispersal enhances neutral genetic differentiation as well as effects of selection on associated genes. Although genetic founder effects are expected to be profound and long-lasting in these species, genetic hitch-hiking may reduce initial strong differentiation rapidly if better adapted genes are introduced by mutation or immigration. Fluctuating environmental conditions have been suggested to generate rapid shifts in the frequencies of clones during the asexual phase. In the presence of egg banks resting in sediments, genetic diversity is stabilised and the importance of migration for differentiation is reduced. Studies of unstable and young populations of cyclically parthenogenetic Daphnia pulex showed substantial variation for important fitness traits, within as well as between populations, despite hypothesised recent founder effects. Neutral markers indicated genetic equilibrium, but changes in clonal composition during asexuality disrupted the genetic structure in a manner compatible with local adaptation and exclusion of immigrants. This illustrates that the forces affecting sexual progeny may be markedly different from those shaping the structure among asexual individuals.

Impact of Geographical and Environmental Structures on Habitat Choice, Metapopulation Dynamics and Genetic Structure for Hazel Grouse (Bonasa bonasia)

Sahlsten, Jonas January 2007 (has links)
In this work suitable habitats for hazel grouse (Bonasa bonasia) were identified using ecological niche factor analysis (ENFA). The results from ENFA reveal that hazel grouse utilize a different and more restricted niche than what is generally available in the study area. When a landscape is fragmented the amount of edge increases, which is negative for many species and thus will affect the amount of available area. The perimeter-area ratio was used to analyze the relative importance of geometric shape. In order to estimate a correlation between incidence of hazel grouse and landscape features census data and land cover maps were analyzed with logistic regression models. It is concluded that hazel grouse is tied to coniferous forest and avoid open areas. However, the result indicates that there is a scale effect that should be considered. The amount of edge in a landscape seems to be important and shape of patches could be a better measure in metapopulation dynamics. In this study the Incidence function model was used to estimate occupancy levels and capacity of a landscape to sustain a metapopulation according to four different area measurement scenarios. Results from the simulations indicate that perimeter-area related measures of patch size combined with capacity could be a more important measure for estimation of population dynamics compared to a basic area measurement. Using a landscape genetic approach, hazel grouse genetic structure, neighbourhood size and dispersal distance were estimated. Genetic estimates of dispersal were in concordance with previous ecological estimates. The results indicate evidence of a population structure reminiscent of what has been found in many other Scandinavian animals with a basic north-south divide. No evidence was found that geographic and environmental structures affected gene flow and dispersal patterns for the hazel grouse.

The spatial and temporal dynamics of plant-animal interactions in the forest herb Actaea spicata

von Zeipel, Hugo January 2007 (has links)
Landscape effects on species performance currently receives much attention. Habitat loss and fragmentation are considered major threats to species diversity. Deciduous forests in southern Sweden are previous wooded pastures that have become species-rich communities appearing as islands in agricultural landscapes, varying in species composition. Actaea spicata is a long-lived plant occurring in these forests. In 150 populations in a 10-km2 area, I studied pre-dispersal seed predation, seed dispersal and pollination. I investigated spatio-temporal dynamics of a tritrophic system including Actaea, a specialist seed predator, Eupithecia immundata, and its parasitoids. In addition, effects of biotic context on rodent fruit dispersal and effects of flowering time and flower number on seed set, seed predation and parasitization were studied. Insect incidences of both trophic levels were related to resource population size and small Eupithecia populations were maintained by the rescue effect. There was a unimodal relationship between seed predation and plant population size. Seed predator populations frequently went extinct in small plant populations, resulting in low average seed predation. Parasitoids were present in large plant populations but did not affect seed predator density. Seed predators aggregated at edges, relaxing seed predation in patch interiors. Flowering phenology was unrelated to seed set and insect incidence. A higher flower number did not influence seed predation but was associated with higher seed set and a tendency for a higher parasitization rate. In the study on fruit dispersal more fruits were removed inside than outside populations. Within plant populations more fruits were removed from large aggregations. Overall, this thesis underlines the importance of plant-animal interactions during different phases of the life cycle. The spatial configuration of host plants plays an important role for the outcome of plant-animal interactions and trophic cascades.

Population Genetic Analyses of Natal Dispersal and Substructure in Three Bird Species

Sahlman, Tobias January 2007 (has links)
Genetic variation within and among populations is a result of past and ongoing processes. Among the most important of such processes are dispersal, habitat fragmentation and selection. This thesis use neutral genetic variation as a tool to investigate these processes in three bird species. In the Siberian jay, the timing of dispersal is dependent on social dominance among siblings. Mark-recapture data, radio-tracking and genetic variation was used to investigate whether timing of dispersal had an effect on dispersal distance. The results show that early dispersing individuals also disperse longer. In the same species, genetic correlation between neighbours was used to find areas with high production of philopatric individuals, which could be indicative of high habitat quality. Great snipe populations in northern Europe have a breeding range divided into two regions. A QST-FST approach was applied to study variation in selection between regions. Differentiation between the regions in neutral molecular markers was low, indicating high gene flow, or short time available for neutral divergence. Morphological divergence between the regions was high, and QST &gt; FST, which indicates divergent selection. Thus, neutral genetic markers can be misleading in identifying evolutionary significant units, and the QST-FST approach might be valuable to identify targets for conservation. Rock ptarmigan, or its ancestors, originated in Beringia, and spread throughout the Holarctic region. Their distribution has subsequently been affected by glaciations, most likely leading to withdrawals and re-colonisations. Neutral genetic variation among five populations around the northern Atlantic was investigated. There was strong genetic structure among the populations, and evidence that Scandinavian rock ptarmigan has been isolated from other populations for considerable time. Rock ptarmigan in Svalbard showed slightly lower genetic variation than others, and comparisons with other studies suggested an eastern colonisation route to Svalbard.

Plant responses after drainage and restoration in rich fens

Mälson, Kalle January 2008 (has links)
Rich fens are an important, but threatened, habitat type in the boreal landscape. In this thesis I have examined responses of rich fen vascular plants and bryophytes after drainage and restoration. The effects of drainage on the rich fen flora were observed in a long time study and the responses were rapid and drastic. During an initial stage a rapid loss of brown mosses was observed, followed by increases of sedges and early successional bryophytes, and later by an expansion of dominants. Initial effects of hydrological restoration showed that rewetting can promote re-establishment of an ecologically functional rich fen flora, but has to be combined with other treatments, such as mowing or surface disturbance. After restoration, re-establishment of locally extinct species may be hampered by dispersal limitations. To test if reintroductions could help to overcome dispersal limitations I performed transplantation studies with four common rich fens bryophytes to a rewetted site. The results showed that the species were able to establish, and that survival and growth were promoted by desiccation protection and liming. I further examined competition among three of the most common bryophytes in natural boreal rich fens that usually occur mixed in a mosaic pattern but show small but important microtopographical niche separation. The results indicate similar competitive abilities among the species, and no case of competitative exclusion occurred. The results help to explain the coexistence of these species under natural conditions with microtopographic variation and repeated small scale natural disturbances. Restoring a functional flora in drained rich fens is a complex task, which requires understanding of underlying causes of substrate degradation in combination with suitable restoration measures. The thesis suggests how the results can be used in practical restoration work, and also stresses the need for monitoring of restoration experiments over longer time.

Anuran colonization of newly constructed ponds : The importance of time and distance to source populations

Almhagen, Jimmy January 2007 (has links)
Dispersal is an important factor in animal ecology. Anurans (frogs and toads) are often philopatric (home loving) but some specimens in a population usually have the capacity to disperse relatively long distances. In this study I investigated the colonization of newly constructed ponds in the southwest of Sweden by three anuran species: The common toad (Bufo bufo), the moor frog (Rana arvalis) and the common frog (Rana temporaria). The ponds were constructed between two and five years ago and were now as frequently occupied as older source ponds in the area. For the common toad and the common frog there was no correlation between distance to source populations and degree of colonization. The moor frog was more common in ponds that were situated in the vicinity of older source ponds with ample populations. The main impression was that these species rapidly colonize newly constructed ponds, at least within moderate distances from source populations. There were some differences between the species though and it seems like the moor frog have more limited dispersal abilities than the other two species.

Species extinctions in food webs : local and regional processes

Eklöf, Anna January 2009 (has links)
Loss of biodiversity is one of the most severe threats to the ecosystems of the world. The major causes behind the high population and species extinction rates are anthropogenic activities such as overharvesting of natural populations, pollution, climate change and destruction and fragmentation of natural habitats. There is an urgent need of understanding how these species losses affect the ecological structure and functioning of our ecosystems. Ecological communities exist in a landscape but the spatial aspects of community dynamics have until recently to large extent been ignored. However, the community’s response to species losses is likely to depend on both the structure of the local community as well as its interactions with surrounding communities. Also the characteristics of the species going extinct do affect how the community can cope with species loss. The overall goal of the present work has been to investigate how both local and regional processes affect ecosystem stability, in the context of preserved biodiversity and maintained ecosystem functioning. The focus is particularly on how these processes effects ecosystem’s response to species loss. To accomplish this goal I have formulated and analyzed mathematical models of ecological communities. We start by analyzing the local processes (Paper I and II) and continue by adding the regional processes (Paper III, IV and V). In Paper I we analyze dynamical models of ecological communities of different complexity (connectance) to investigate how the structure of the communities affects their resistance to species loss. We also investigate how the resistance is affected by the characteristics, like trophic level and connectivity, of the initially lost species. We find that complex communities are more resistant to species loss than simple communities. The loss of species at low trophic levels and/or with high connectivity (many links to other species) triggers, on average, the highest number of secondary extinctions. We also investigate the structure of the post-extinction community. Moreover, we compare our dynamical analysis with results from topological analysis to evaluate the importance of incorporating dynamics when assessing the risk and extent of cascading extinctions. The characteristics of a species, like its trophic position and connectivity (number of ingoing and outgoing trophic links) will affect the consequences of its loss as well as its own vulnerability to secondary extinction. In Paper II we characterize the species according to their trophic/ecological uniqueness, a new measure of species characteristic we develop in this paper. A species that has no prey or predators in common with any other species in the community will have a high tropic uniqueness. Here we examine the effect of secondary extinctions on an ecological community’s trophic diversity, the range of different trophic roles played by the species in a community. We find that secondary extinctions cause loss of trophic diversity greater than expected from chance. This occurs because more tropically unique species are more vulnerable to secondary extinctions. In Paper III, IV and V we expand the analysis to also include the spatial dimension. Paper III is a book chapter discussing spatial aspects of food webs. In Paper IV we analyze how metacommunities (a set of local communities in the landscape connected by species dispersal) respond to species loss and how this response is affected by the structure of the local communities and the number of patches in the metacommunity. We find that the inclusion of space reduces the risk of global and local extinctions and that lowly connected communities are more sensitive to species loss. In Paper V we investigate how the trophic structure of the local communities, the spatial structure of the landscape and the dispersal patterns of species affect the risk of local extinctions in the metacommunity. We find that the pattern of dispersal can have large effects on local diversity. Dispersal rate as well as dispersal distance are important: low dispersal rates and localized dispersal decrease the risk of local and global extinctions while high dispersal rates and global dispersal increase the risk. We also show that the structure of the local communities plays a significant role for the effects of dispersal on the dynamics of the metacommunity. The species that are most affected by the introduction of the spatial dimension are the top predators.

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