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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The impact of disruptive innovation on the demand for coworking space

Bronkhorst, Johan 26 January 2021 (has links)
This thesis investigates whether the phenomenon of companies that seek to disrupt markets through innovation play a role in the rise of coworking spaces. The city of Cape Town in South Africa was selected as the location for this study due to an increase in the establishment of coworking spaces and the appearance of the aforementioned phenomenon. The premise for this thesis is based on the demands for commercial real estate, which has changed as a result of the implementation of new technologies and the sharing economy. This change is argued to have altered the way companies utilise working environments which, in turn, amended the requirements of these companies. The study seeks to establish whether coworking spaces serve as adequate supply to these demands or whether the increase in the establishment of coworking spaces is unaffiliated. Grounded theory was used as the research method in this study. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with seven respondents that were all active founders of coworking spaces at the time of the study. Additional documentary evidence was collected in cases where it was available. An analysis of the responses indicates that there is a strong relationship correlation between the rise of disruptive innovation and the increase in available coworking spaces. This relationship correlation was based on the value that flexibility, affordability and community facilitation held for companies that associate with disruptive innovation. These companies were mainly start-ups, skunkworks teams, research and development departments and other forms of companies that primarily work within the industry of technology. Limitations to the study included that additional documentary evidence was limited due to poor record-keeping of active memberships by coworking space operators, in addition to restrictions that were placed on accessing company information such as revenue statements. The research findings provide academic support and market-related evidence to developers and investors within the real estate sector that could enable them to make more informed decisions relating to the supply of coworking spaces. Moreover, the findings shed light on the general views shared by the founders of the coworking spaces. These views should provide insight to those interested in the industry, and more specifically within the Cape Town region.

How does a mobile network infrastructure incumbent vendor use BMI in the context of 5G & 6G technological disruption? : A case study

Toncev, Mladen, Mruthyunjaya, Naga Thejus January 2022 (has links)
Abstract Background The major mobile infrastructure incumbent vendors form an oligopoly of mobile technology leaders that have not changed their business models significantly as new mobile technology generations have been introduced since 1980. The introduction of 5G and research in 6G have created uncertainty calling for openness, disaggregation of software from hardware, and variety of industrial customers. The incumbent vendors need to innovate technology and business model (BM) to increase their chances of survival. Objectives This thesis aims to investigate how mobile network infrastructure incumbent vendors use business model innovation (BMI) in context of uncertainties related to 5G & 6G disruptive innovation. The purpose of the thesis is to refine the extant theory of BMI and to provide practitioners with recommendations on how to use BMI in the nascent phase of disruptive innovation. Methodology The grounded theory research process based on an exploratory qualitative single-case holistic study is used. The primary data is collected from thirteen semi-structured interviews while supportive secondary data is publicly available and collected via the Internet. Using inductive reasoning the study data analysis process produced first-order concepts, second-order themes and aggregate dimensions used to refine and extend the initial theoretical framework for BMI process usage. Findings When faced with uncertainty of disruptive innovation, the industry incumbents use the scenario-driven thinking to simultaneously develop a portfolio of BMs both by in-house diversification and by mergers and acquisitions. The management of BMI process leads to foreseeing and leveraging of both the internal resources and external resources. The internal resources are developed using BM ambidexterity, double ambidexterity, and intra-organizational learning, The external resources are developed via business ecosystems development and open BM innovation. Development of the resources creates unique managerial challenges related to ambidexterity, coopetition, and cultural transformation. Conclusions Our study provides the empirical grounds for a model of BMI usage by industry incumbents. Our model extends the scope of the extant theoretical discussions and provides details supported with rich empirical evidence from the nascent phase of technological disruption. The emphasis is on the firm’s dynamics that deal with multiple BMs and their innovation. We argue that while studying the process of single BMI is beneficial, the full understanding of BMI can be achieved only by covering the management of interactions and interdependencies among multiple simultaneous BMIs. Recommendations for future research Multiple-case studies to cover other industries would be beneficial to achieve generalization. Also, the longitudinal approach should be used in future studies to understand the impact of the BMI process management choices in the nascent phase on the survival and performance of the incumbents.

Strategies for Integrating Technological Innovations in Small Businesses

Samuel, Petra 01 January 2017 (has links)
The effective integration of technological innovation is vital to the success of small businesses and can catapult growth and profitability. Some business managers and supervisors, however, may not have a firm understanding of strategies for integrating technological innovations in businesses; this lack of knowledge may result in employee frustration and costly roadblocks to achieving business objectives. This case study was conducted to identify the strategies used by business managers and supervisors to integrate technological innovations in small businesses. Christensen's theory of disruptive innovation and Rogers' theory of diffusion of innovation served as the conceptual framework. Ten business managers and supervisors from Castries, St. Lucia, participated in semistructured interviews. Participants who were selected using purposive sampling worked in a small business in St. Lucia for atleast 5 years, were part of senior management, and used strategies for integrating technological innovations in a small business. Two of the themes that emerged from data analysis were integration challenges relating to technological innovation complexity, and technology cost regarding hardware, upgrades and software procurement. Findings from this study may contribute to positive social change by providing business managers and supervisors insight about strategies and innovative solutions they can use to develop better business practices, increase tax revenues, and employment opportunities, improve profitability, and boost the economy.

Innovative Business Models within the Swedish Proptech sector / Innovativa Affärsmodeller inom den svenska Proptech-sektorn

Lazarevic, David, Saleh, Seif January 2019 (has links)
The technological changes and digitalization are on the rise within the real estate market as new innovations are being developed and is within the real estate market known as proptech. However, the real estate sector is known to be slow in adapting to new innovative changes and therefore, been slow in developing the real estate market which has led to lagging behind in creating new solutions. The purpose of this research is to examine the current proptech sector in regards of existing business models and business model innovations. The proptech sector is in parts divided into real estate fintech and smart buildings, where this study will explore how these innovative business models can be established within the Swedish property sector and what is needed in order for this to be achieved. The research is of the qualitative method and is conducted through semi-structured interviews with four participants in each of the proptech sectors. This research also evaluates the theory of disruptive innovation and how the business models relates to the theory. The findings of the research are the business models of the companies identified and interviewed. The concepts and the business models presented, are following structures from previous research on business model, where each defined aspect of their business model is presented. The findings represent the answer and a small portion of what business models that exist within the Swedish proptech-sector today. The findings are thematically analyzed, enabling answering and drawing conclusion on the research question. The conclusion is that the key factors of the establishment of a business model is based on having a product that provides a solution to an existing problem and creating a demand. There also has to be a receptive market for the possibility of establishment. Future research suggests that a research on the process of business model innovation within incumbents of the property sector is a highly relevant research field, lacking previous research. / En ständig utveckling i teknologin och en ökade möjligheter för digitalisering, har lett till en ökning av digitala verktyg och lösningar inom fastighetsbranschen, känt som proptech. Fastighetsbranschen däremot, är känd för att vara en traditionell bransch där en långsam anpassning till innovativa och digitala lösningar såsom proptech har gjort att fastighetsbranschen idag hamnat efter i digitaliseringsprocessen. Syftet med denna rapport är att undersöka nuvarande proptech-sektorn och deras affärsmodeller och affärsmodellsinnovation. Rapporten har utefter tidigare studier delat upp proptech i två segment; real estate fintech och smarta byggnader, där denna studie kommer att undersöka etableringsprocessen för innovativa affärsmodeller inom proptech, samt vad som krävs för att lyckas med att etablera sig. Undersökningen är en kvalitativ studie där semi-strukturerade intervjuer ligger till grund för resultaten. Undersökningen bygger även på teorin kring disruptive innovation och hur affärsmodellerna som undersöks förhåller sig till denna. Resultaten i rapporten består dels av de identifierade affärsmodellerna som representerar en del av den befintliga proptech-sektorn i Sverige idag. Företagens affärsmodeller är presenterade utefter tidigare forskning på affärsmodeller och affärsmodellsinnovation, där en klar fördelning av samtliga aspekter av en affärsmodell presenteras. För att möjliggöra ett svar på etableringsprocessen har en tematisk analys genomförts på resultaten. Detta har även möjliggjort en slutsats. Slutsatsen är att nyckelfaktorerna i en etableringsprocess består av en värdeskapande produkt, som skapar ett behov och tillfredsställer en lösning till nuvarande problem inom dess specifika marknad. Ytterligare en nyckelfaktor är en marknad som är mottaglig för att möjliggöra en etableringsprocess. Slutligen föreslås framtida studier inom affärsmodellsinnovations-processen hos etablerade företag inom fastighetsbranschen, det saknas studier inom detta område och det anses vara relevant.

3D Bioprinting : Future Challenges and Entrepreneurial Possibilities of a Growing Technology

Nilsson, Olivia January 2023 (has links)
Bioprinting is one of the most promising technologies for future healthcare as it may benefit the repairing of wounds and injuries, disease modeling and development, transplantation of organs and reduce animal testing. This thesis aim to investigate this industry further, as there is no excessive literature on how to handle the innovation in regards to entrepreneurial and biotechnological knowledge. Hence, a research gap can be spotted and the purpose of the conducted research questions should contribute to this gap. In order to fully understand the bioprinting industry, an outline of the technology is made as part of the research. In addition to this, secondary data for patents, market valuation and annual growth rates are collected to support arguments from previous literature. Also, interviews are conducted to gather specific knowledge. As a result, bioprinting may be presented as a disruptive innovation in an uncertain market, which places certain demands on companies to act more in line with the complexity of the technology. Such companies must think more strategically and design more complex and long-term strategies. The patent data shows that there has been a decline in the technological development as patent applications have decreased significantly. Even though the technology (regarding the patents) has started to slowly decline, there is still hope for some technological improvements to come. It can be concluded that developments in bioink, scaffolds, expansion of cells and diffusion is expected, and that the use of bioprinting is increasing and will most likely continue to do so.

Digitalization of Facility Management : Financial Incentives

Hall, Jonathan January 2018 (has links)
The digital reality is within this current moment debated and something that affects people. Upcoming years in real estate in general, it will be crucial of developments within the industry concerning digital solutions. The processes, business and approaches that have affected an industry for a very long time are changing in its foundations. Owning a property or managing an object in the coming years in an increasingly digitized world will bring new types of demands on organizations that intend to participate in the development. For a long time, digitization has existed as a concept seeming exciting and interesting. Smart devices have taken a larger part of time through telephones, televisions and likewise. Banking processes have evolved through phones and other digital tools to provide new variations of banking services. Airports have developed digital check-in services, which mean that you are actually virtually on the plane before you arrive at the airport. The development of these banking and tourism services changes the market and companies have been able to take part of the market by providing new solutions.  In development and innovation, there is a term used repeatedly, the idea of a “disruptive innovation”. More explicitly, a new innovation that destroys the previously functioning market. As a concrete example, the previously well-functioning camera - today largely exchanged for the digital camera. Or the previously mentioned development of banks and flight processes. It has previously been functioning markets, however, these new processes and innovations have eliminated earlier working solutions by performing better.   The study investigates possibilities closer if there are potential "disruptive innovations" in facility management and digital key control. The thesis has been focusing on the consequences of digital keys by using a model to analyse the impact on work in a future process. The physical key is one of the most ancient innovations that have been refined and developed over the centuries. With the new digital reality, it may be possible to find a new process that create better functions. / Kommande år i fastighetsförvaltning i allmänhet kommer det att vara avgörande för utvecklingen inom industrin med digitala lösningar. De processer, affärer och tillvägagångssätt som har påverkat en bransch under en mycket lång tid är på väg att förändras i grunden. Äga en fastighet eller förvalta ett objekt de närmaste åren i en alltmer digitaliserad värld kommer att medföra nya typer av krav på organisationer som avser att delta i utvecklingen och vara aktuell på marknaden. Under lång tid har digitalisering funnits som ett koncept som synes spännande och intressant. Smarta enheter har tagit en större del av tiden via telefoner, tv-apparater och liknande. Bankprocesser har utvecklats genom telefoner och andra digitala verktyg för att ge nya variationer av banktjänster. Flygplatser har utvecklat digitala incheckningstjänster, vilket innebär att du faktiskt är på planet innan du kommer till flygplatsen. Utvecklingen av dessa bank- och turismtjänster förändrar marknaden och företagen har kunnat ta del av marknaden genom att erbjuda nya lösningar. Inom utveckling och innovation finns det ett begrepp vilket används återkommande, en idé om en ”disruptive innovation”. Mer explicit, att en ny innovation förstör den tidigare fungerande marknaden, där det konkreta exemplet är den tidigare väl fungerande kameran vilken idag i stor omfattning är utbytt till den digitala kameran. Eller den tidigare nämnda utvecklingen av bank och flygprocesser. Det har tidigare varit fungerande marknader, dock har nya processer och innovationer slagit ut tidigare fungerande lösningar.  I det här arbetet har möjligheterna undersökts närmre ifall det går att finna potentiella ”disruptive innovations” inom fastighetsförvaltning. Den fysiska nyckeln är en utav de mest antika innovationerna som genom årtusenden och århundranden har förfinats och utvecklats. Med den nya digitala verkligheten kan det vara möjligt att finna en ny process vilken fungerar på ett bättre sätt.

Disruptiv innovation och hållbar design i produktutvecklingsprocesser : En fallstudie / Disruptive innovation and sustainable design in product development processes : A case study

Eriksson, John, Holmberg, Jacob January 2021 (has links)
Dagens samhälle behöver genomgå en hållbarhetstransformation för att kunna möta de globala klimatutmaningarna. Disruptiva företag väntas leda denna rörelse då de har en möjlighet att leverera innovation och presentera produkter och lösningar som världen aldrig tidigare sett. Etablerade aktörer har ofta har svårt att ställa om och lyckas leverera hållbara produkter, bland annat då de har en förmåga att förbise lönsamheten i tillväxtmarknader eller att företagsstruktur och kultur är svårförändrad. Då innovativa företag av disruptiv karaktär väntas leda morgondagens gröna produktutveckling är det därmed intressant att undersöka ifall ambitiösa hållbarhetsstrategier kan vara en källa till disruptiv innovation. Syftet med detta arbete är att undersöka om hållbarhetsambitioner kan utgöra drivkraft för disruptiv innovation inom produktutvecklingsprocessen, samt att undersöka de möjligheter och utmaningar som tillkommer. Detta är en kvalitativ litteraturstudie där en teoretisk referensram byggts upp kring disruptiv innovation och hållbarhet. Intervjuer har genomförts hos ett företag som lyckats leverera en högpresterande och hållbar produkt som fått ett disruptivt genomslag. Resultatet från intervjuerna har analyserats sedan och jämförts mot teorin för att kunna besvara syftet. Resultaten påvisar att just hållbarhetsambitionerna hos företaget inte nödvändigtvis är den bakomliggande faktorn till den disruptiva produkten. Det disruptiva genomslaget beror troligtvis mer på företagets övergripande vision och koncept gällande att erbjuda en premiumprodukt innehållande; kvalitet, mätbar prestanda, framkant av innovation samt att produkten ska uppfylla ett större syfte. För att leverera på denna vision har företaget behövt utveckla nästintill samtliga komponenter själva, vilket ger en total komponentroll och därav stora möjligheter att påverka gällande innovation, hållbarhet och prestanda. / Today's society needs to undergo a sustainability transformation in order to meet the global climate challenges and goals. Disruptive companies are expected to lead this movement as they have an opportunity to deliver innovation and present products and solutions that the world has never seen before. Established players often have difficulty adjusting and succeeding in delivering sustainable products, among other things because they have an ability to overlook profitability in emerging markets or because the company structure and culture are difficult to change. As innovative companies of a disruptive nature are expected to lead tomorrow's green product development, it is thus interesting to investigate whether ambitious sustainability strategies can be a source of disruptive innovation. The purpose of this report is to investigate whether sustainability ambitions can act as a driving force for disruptive innovation in the product development process, as well as to investigate opportunities and challenges that arise. This is a qualitative literature study where a theoretical frame of reference is built around disruptive innovation and sustainability. Interviews have been conducted with a company that has succeeded in delivering a high-performance and sustainable product, which had a disruptive impact. The results from the interviews have been analyzed and compared against existing theory in order to be able to answer the purpose. The results show that the sustainability ambitions of the company are not necessarily the underlying driver for the disruptive product. The disruptive factor probably depends more on the company's overall vision and concept of offering a premium product which include quality, measurable performance, cutting edge of innovation and that the product must fulfill a larger purpose. To deliver on this vision, the company has had to develop almost all of the components itself, entailing a total component control and therefore great opportunities to influence on innovation, sustainability and performance.

A Qualitative Analysis of African American Female High School Graduates' Perceptions of Participating in an Asynchronous Credit Recovery Program

Waters, Eric Leftwich January 2010 (has links)
Asynchronous online credit recovery programs have been implemented in public schools across the United States for a variety of reasons. In this case, African American female students who are deficient in course credits towards high school graduation have taken advantage of this relatively new e-programming mechanism as a means to capture course credits that were lost during the course of a student's high school career. Female enrollees in the asynchronous credit recovery program are lacking in course credits due to course failure for reasons such as truancy, excessive absences, maternity, incarceration, employment, health associated and domestic related demands outside of school. Beyond the aforementioned, the school climate in terms of organization, discipline, safety, and supportive relationships plays a significant role towards student success or failure. Because African American females are positioned at the bottom of the ethno-gender stratum, concentration on African American females is vital to ensuring academic success in addition to their well being. The purpose of this qualitative study is to investigate and ultimately understand the perceptions, attitudes, and behaviors of a group of African American female graduates while enrolled in an asynchronous credit recovery program. The study was guided by the following research questions: How does enrollment in an asynchronous credit recovery program affect non-traditional African American female's perceptions of education? How does enrollment in an asynchronous credit recovery program affect the lives of non-traditional African American female student participants? What are the factors that contribute to the success of the non-traditional African American female student participants? Data were collected through semi-structured interviews, intense site immersion and observation, and thorough review of school district and student records. At the culmination of the data collection process, data analysis was conducted using the constant comparison method. Results from the data analysis revealed a reinvigorated perception of education as well as a reversal of lowered expectations, behaviors, standards, and attitudes while enrolled in the asynchronous credit recovery program. Enrollment in the asynchronous credit recovery program assuredly fostered academic success and strengthened the independent nature and identity formation of the African American female participants. Several of the implications for practice are: strengthening adult/student relationships; culturally relevant professional development exercises; consideration of a female centered curriculum; address the at-risk student population as early as elementary school; and continuing research on the effectiveness of asynchronous credit recovery programs. / Educational Administration

The opportunities intangible assets generate for forest management : A case study of a service company from a disruptive innovation perspective

Lappalainen, Johanna January 2024 (has links)
Intangible assets are gaining market share in forest management and the economy. These solutions can be related to achieving carbon neutrality and creating services that incumbent forest companies do not provide.Incumbent companies may see the market changes and react to those. However, to avoid losing the market-leading position, incumbent companies can use disruptive innovation theory as a framework to evaluate the possible disruption. Moreover, the interviews and document analyses supported the framework usage in service innovation.Industry 4.0 has changed forest management with BigData and artificial intelligence technology and changed service management. Forests can be scanned with machines; for example, carbon sequestration can be calculated based on data and create a service for less-demand customers and niche markets. Intangible innovations have a field to serve these low-end consumers, and there is a potential for these markets to grow exceedingly and attract the main customers.

企業破壞式創新程度與績效:台灣資訊電子業之實證研究 / Innovation disruptiveness and firm performance:A Study of Taiwan information technology industry

李垂泰, Eric Lee Unknown Date (has links)
摘要 本研究之目的在透過實政研究方法回答兩個關於破壞式創新研究問題,首先,產業延續性創新速度與企業破壞式創新程度之關係為何?其次企業的破壞式創新程度對其績效影響為何?本研究透過文獻探討,設計問卷並以台灣資訊電子產業公開發行之企業進行問卷調查蒐集初級資料。經由統計分析,本研究得出兩重大發現,首先,產業延續性創新速度與企業破壞式創新程度為負相關,而企業對新產品開發專案之決策資訊充足要求程度會弱化此關係。其次,企業規模與財務績效有正相關,而企業破壞式創新程度會強化此關係。 / The aim of this research is to answer two research questions about disruptive innovation with empirical methodology. First, what is the relation between industrial sustaining innovation rate and a company's disruptiveness. Second, does a company’s disruptiveness impact firm financial performance? By collecting primary data, this research developed the questionnaire based on literature review and collected data from the publicly-listed companies in the Taiwan IT industry. With statistic analysis, this research has two significant findings. First, industrial sustaining innovation rate has a negative impact on an incumbent company’s disruptiveness and the accuracy of company investment decision on NPD project will weaken this relation. Second, firm size has a positive impact on firm financial performance and a company's disruptiveness will strengthen this relationship.

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