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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Current State of Augmented Reality Adoption : A look at emerging technology adoption / Det aktuella läget för användning av försträkt verklighet

Berggren, Oliver January 2023 (has links)
Augmented reality (AR) has seen a rise in public and corporate interest in recent years and with Apple's announcement of the Vision Pro headset, it is an exciting time to study the technology. The question on many people's minds is if AR is the computing platform of tomorrow or if it is a fad. However, this uncertainty is generally the case for emerging technologies and challenges exist with adoption for it to go from interest to value creator. This research paper explores technology adoption and the current state of Augmented Reality (AR) adoption in a mobile context, by utilizing common innovation frameworks. These frameworks were Diffusion of Innovations, Hype Cycle, and Disruptive Innovations. There seems to be a disparity between the practical and theoretical understanding of technology adoption. Some concepts are misused or unused in practice but well understood in theory and the other way around. This ambiguity and disparity could lead to suboptimal theory development and practical application. The purpose of this paper is to explore emerging technology adoption and to nuance the academic and practical knowledge of technology adoption, by studying the AR. It is important to evolve understanding in this area to decrease resource waste and to increase societal and technological progress. This paper analyzed Google's ARCore data, search topic data, and research publications data and interviewed AR companies to answer the research questions. The results were first that the level of mobile AR adoption is at 40 percent of the total AR mobile market. Secondly, the current interest in AR is 50 to 60 percent compared to the peak interest in 2016 while research isincreasing exponentially. Finally, the study found that the technology is not disruptive to a high degree at the moment. / Argumented reality (AR) eller förstärk verklighet har fått ett ökat intresse bland allmänheten och företag under de senaste åren, och med Apples tillkännagivande av Vision Pro-headsetet är det en spännande tid att studera tekniken. Frågan som många ställer sig är om AR är morgondagens datorplattform eller om det är en modefluga. Denna osäkerhet är dock generellt sett fallet för ny teknik och det finns utmaningar med införandet för att den ska gå från intresse till värdeskapande. I det här forskningsdokumentet undersöks teknikadoption och det aktuella läget för Augmented Reality (AR) i en mobil kontext, genom att använda vanliga innovationsramverk. Dessa ramverk var Diffusion of Innovations, Hype Cycle och Disruptive Innovations. Det verkar finnas en skillnad mellan den praktiska och teoretiska förståelsen av teknikadoption. Vissa begrepp missbrukas eller används inte i praktiken, men är väl förstådda i teorin och tvärtom. Denna tvetydighet och skillnad kan leda till suboptimal teoriutveckling och praktisk tillämpning. Syftet med denna artikel är att utforska ny teknik och nyansera den akademiska och praktiska kunskapen om teknikadoption genom att studera AR. Det är viktigt att utveckla förståelsen inom detta område för att minska resursslöseriet och öka de samhälleliga och tekniska framstegen. I den här artikeln analyserades Googles ARCore-data, data om sökämnen och data om forskningspublikationer, och AR-företag intervjuades för att besvara forskningsfrågorna. Resultaten var för det första att användningen av mobil AR ligger på 40 procent av den totala mobila AR-marknaden. För det andra är det nuvarande intresset för AR 50 till 60 procent jämfört med toppen 2016, samtidigt som forskningen ökar exponentiellt. Slutligen visade studien att tekniken för närvarande inte är särskilt disruptiv.

A historical examination of disruptive innovation management in the global media & entertainment industry

Pieterse, Petrus Jacobus 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: "The goal of university research is the creation, dissemination, and preservation of knowledge." – Steven E. Hyman, Provost of Harvard University 2001–2011 The Department of Trade and Industry recently identified the media and entertainment industry as a strategic sector in South Africa because of its growing contribution to economic development through both local and foreign investments, export opportunities and job creation potential, as well as the significant spill-over possibilities in industries like tourism and retail usually associated with emergent industries. However, deficient research and development has been identified as one of the notable constraints to ensuring sustainability and competitiveness of local cultural industries, in which annual expenditure currently amounts to R100 billion. This emergent nature of South Africa’s cultural industries, their strategic importance as part of South Africa’s growth path as dictated by the government and the current dearth of academic literature concerning entertainment technology innovations instigated a three-tiered research objective: First, to determine whether this industry is a legitimate subject for engineering management study by examining its technology-foundation; second, to examine the impact which technological change has historically had on the industry, building on theories by Meza (2007) and Burgelman and Grove (2007); and thirdly, to provide an analysis of the global trend of contention and convergence between content creators and technology companies. Integrating these objectives into one deliverable, the ultimate aim of this study is to establish a synthesised knowledge base on the media and entertainment industry for the Department of Industrial Engineering with specific emphasis on the intersection between technological innovation and business model innovation. A hybrid multiple-case study research approach is utilised to answer eight research questions which contribute to this research goal. Four notable insights gained from answering these are (1) entertainment companies have historically reacted to technological change in a very particular manner, reducible to a four-phase process: invention, ascension, contention and sensation – referring to the observation that incumbent organisations’ response to disruptive innovations is usually one of trepidation, a reaction which leads to legal battles and subsequent contention between technology and media content companies yet simultaneously providing opportunity for inter- and intra-industry convergence and for new business models to be developed; (2) cross-boundary disruptors are those organisations which have the capability of influencing not only inter-industry organisations but also how business is conducted in entirely-different industries; (3) industry effects account for more than 60% of profit variance in the Entertainment and Lodging economic sector, justifying a study of entertainment companies from an industry perspective; and (4) because of digitalisation, the Internet, exponentially increasing computing power and the proliferation of networking capabilities, the media and entertainment industry is transitioning from a business model which is based on media-directed “push” relationships, fragmented audiences and the provision of passive consumption to one which provides ubiquitous immersive experiences, multi-device operability and value-based content which may be customised to consumer requirements. As Porter (2008b) suggests, a historical analysis may prove to be not only informative but also instructive. The synthesised knowledge base and deductions made from this historical examination of disruptive innovation management in the media and entertainment industry may consequently be used as a basis for future research, for which a few possibilities are offered. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: "Ons sal nie ophou verken nie, en die einde van al ons verkenning sal wees om te arriveer waar ons begin het maar om dan die plek vir die eerste keer te verstaan." — T. S. Eliot Die media- en vermaaklikheidsbedryf is onlangs deur die Departement van Handel en Nywerheid geïdentifiseer as 'n strategiese sektor in Suid-Afrika as gevolg van die groeiende bydrae wat hierdie industrie lewer tot ekonomiese ontwikkeling deur middle van plaaslike en buitelandse beleggings, uitvoergeleenthede en werkskeppingpotensiaal. Hierdie industrie beskik ook oor beduidende oorloopmoontlikhede in bedrywe soos toerisme en kleinhandel. Gebrekkige navorsing en ontwikkeling is egter geïdentifiseer as een van die vernaamste beperkings tot volhoubaarheid en mededingendheid van plaaslike kulturele industrieë, `n bedryf waarin jaarlikse besteding reeds R100 biljoen beloop. Die kombinasie van hierdie ontluikende aard van Suid-Afrika se kulturele industrieë, hul strategiese belangrikheid as deel van Suid-Afrika se Industriele Aksieplan en die gebrekkige akademiese literatuur met betrekking tot vermaaklikheidstegnologië het gelei tot 'n drie-ledige navorsingsdoelwit: Eerstens, om vas te stel of hierdie bedryf 'n legitieme akademiese onderwerp vir die ingenieursbestuur-dissipline is deur die aard en tegnologie-fondasie van die industrie te bestudeer; tweedens, om die impak wat tegnologiese verandering histories op die bedryf gehad het te ondersoek, met Meza (2007) en Burgelman en Grove (2007) se teorieë as fondasietekste; en derdens, om 'n analise te verskaf omtrent die wêreldwye mededinging en konvergensie tussen inhoudverskaffers en tegnologie-maatskappye. Geïntegreerd in een aflewerbare is die uiteindelike doel van hierdie studie om ‘n saamgestelde kennisbasis aangaande die media- en die vermaaklikheidsbedryf vir die Departement Bedryfsingenieurswese te lewer, met spesifieke klem op die ontmoetingspunt tussen tegnologiese innovasie en die innovasie van besigheidsmodelle. 'n Hibriede meervoudige-gevallestudie navorsingsbenadering is aangewend om uiteindelik agt navorsingsvrae te beantwoord. Hierdie vrae het gedien as riglyne om die doel van die tesis te bereik. Vier noemenswaardige insigte wat uit die beantwoording van hierdie vrae gekom het is (1) die vermaaklikheidsbedryf het histories op `n besondere wyse gereageer op 'n tegnologiese verandering, een wat gereduseer kan word tot 'n vier-fase proses: uitvinding, aanvaarding, mededinging en sensasie. Hierdie proses verwys na die waarneming dat bestaande organisasies aanvanklik met angs reageer tot ontwrigtende innovasies, 'n reaksie wat lei tot wetlike gevegte en daaropvolgende twis tussen tegnologie maatskappye en inhoudverskaffers, maar tegelykertyd geleentheid bied vir inter- en intra-industrie konvergensie sowel as vir die ontwikkeling van nuwe sake-modelle; (2) ontwrigtende innovasies bied geleentheid vir kruis-grens ontwrigters om die manier te beïnvloed wat ander organisasies, insluitende diegene in geheel-verskillende industrieë, besigheid doen (3) bedryfsfaktore is verantwoordelik vir meer as 60% van winsvariansie in die vermaaklikheidsbedryf, `n waarneming wat 'n studie van vermaaklikheidsbedryf vanuit 'n industrie-perspektief regverdig, en (4) digitalisering, die Internet, eksponensieel-groeiende berekeningspoed en die vermenigvuldiging van netwerke het veroorsaak dat die media- en vermaaklikheidsbedryf `n besigheidsmodelaanpassing moes ondergaan vanaf een wat gebaseer is op media-gerigte "stoot" verhoudings, gefragmenteerde gehore en die verskaffing van passiewe verbruik na een waar aanpasbare, waarde-gebaseerde inhoud alomteenwoordig beskikbaar is en verbruik kan word op veelvuldige toestelle volgens verbruikers se behoeftes. Porter (2008b) noem dat 'n maatskappy se geskiedenis nie slegs informatief is nie, maar selfs ook voorskriftelik. Gevolglik kan die afleidings wat gemaak is uit hierdie historiese ondersoek aangaande ontwrigtende innovasies in die media- en vermaaklikheidsindustrie gebruik word as `n fondasie vir toekomstige navorsing –`n paar aanbevelings hiervoor word in die gevolgtrekking van hierdie dokument gelys.

Identifying Sources of Disruption in the Context of Sustainability-Driven Innovation

Ottosson, Fredrik, Sevandersson, Rickard January 2019 (has links)
Introduction: Research shows that the lifespan of large companies gets shorter and shorter, the average age of companies on the list of fortune 500 is 33 years, the average age is expected to decline to 12 years by 2027 (Anthony et al., 2018). Innovations that are driven by social, environmental or sustainability issues are defined as sustainability-driven innovations (Metz, 2016). Not much is known when it comes to what sources can trigger a disruptive sustainability-driven innovation.    Problem background: There has been many troubling studies about the damage we as humans bring upon our blue planet, these studies are apocalyptic (Osborn 1948; Carson 1962; Meadows et al 1972; Cole et al 1973). To be able to meet the aspirations of millions rising from poverty, we need transformation and change throughout society, and disruptive innovations is the key to unlock this transformation (Sterman, 2015). The disruption literature is well developed when it comes to what sources can trigger a disruptive innovation. There does not exist literature on what sources that can trigger sustainability-driven innovations.   Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to create a conceptual model that show possible sources of disruption for sustainability-driven innovations. The knowledge created by the conceptual model will be used at a later stage to develop a monitoring tool for TOMRA. To fulfill the purpose of this master thesis we have developed the following research question: what sources can trigger a disruptive sustainability-driven innovation?   Methodology: To answer the research question, this thesis used an exploratory research design, inductive research approach and the single case study with participants from four companies that acts in three different industries and five interviews with experts in the field of sustainability-driven innovations as the chosen research method. The primary data has been collected from 13 interviews from new entrants, incumbents, experts and governmental agencies. Secondary data were collected to support the analysis.   Findings: The key findings of this thesis are eight new sources of disruption; established technology, public value, public opinion, political decisions, political goals, legislations, subsidizations and demo-pilots    Conclusion: Our study showed that there was a gap in the disruption literature, especially when it comes to the source of disruption. Because the study found other sources that might trigger a disruption rather than only new technology and new BMs. Realizing that, the sources of disruption were expanded to have three subcategories that influence each other, technology and BM, citizen awareness and policy.

Exploring the Financial Management Skills of Independent Rock Bands

Hobson, Mary A. 01 January 2016 (has links)
In the post-Napster era of disruptive innovations, independent artists are managing more nonmusical roles and more revenue streams to remain competitive and earn a living wage from their music. The purpose of this single case study was to explore the financial management strategies that one independent rock band needed to understand music royalties. Disruptive innovation was the conceptual framework used to guide the study. The sample was comprised of 4 members of an independent rock band based in Northeast Ohio. The selected band met the criteria for the study as members who earned revenue from copyrighted works, merchandise, and CD sales. The multiple data sources included face-to-face interviews with band members; public document review of ReverbNation standard policy, Fox licensing agreement, and the IRS W-9 Form; and direct observations of band members during a rehearsal and live performance. Member checking was used to strengthen the credibility and trustworthiness of interpretations. Four themes emerged from the data analysis: organizational governance of band member responsibilities, financial management education and skills, developing multiple revenue streams from royalties, and financial strategies to manage all revenue streams. Social change from this study might include college-level financial training certificate programs designed for artists given their time constraints, mobility, and need to attract financing sources other than major labels.

Managing Organizational Adoption of IoT : Revisiting Rogers' Diffusion of Innovation Theory

Gomes, Rafael, Osman, Sema Seyfi January 2019 (has links)
As a disruptive innovation, IoT has been creating a high impact over organizations’ current strategies and business models. This continuous process of change will have an increasing influence on how organizations and industries as a whole conduct their businesses, and is set to have an active role towards the development of entirely new business models and markets. With the development of IoT technologies, and its predicted exponential spread across all sectors of society, one can conclude that the future holds many opportunities for organizations looking to explore new ways of capturing and creating value, but at the same time there are also plenty of challenges to be addressed. While the diffusion and adoption process of IoT has been an ongoing phenomenon over the past decade, there is still not much certitude as to how organizations ought to adjust in order to successfully integrate IoT technologies in their structure and operations. In parallel fashion, there have also been many difficulties in ensuring that different smart, connected devices and ecosystems are able to effectively communicate between each other, as achieving interoperability has become one of the major concerns associated with IoT. The main focus of this study is to analyze the process of how organizations are currently integrating IoT within their businesses, while also investigating causes that hinder interoperability, and evaluating the future potential deployment of the Open IoT ecosystems in companies. For our research we have followed a case-study approach where we conducted semi-structured interviews with managers and project leaders from two organizations conducting pilot studies on Green IoT and Open IoT, and where one has been adopting IoT technologies in its business. Theoretically, we draw on a framework by combining Rogers’ Diffusion of Innovations theory and Christensen’s theory of Disruptive Innovations in order to analyze the integration of IoT into businesses’ core structure. The research goes through a functional framework that outlines the process of IoT adoption while also presenting the present challenges that are faced by the actors in the industry and the key enablers for successful IoT integration.

New media and self-directed learning : enhancing pedagogical transformation in an open distance learning landscape

Mbatha, B. (Blessing) 02 1900 (has links)
Modern technological innovations are constantly seen throughout every aspect of life, and higher education is no exception. To this end, this article sheds some light on the types of and pedagogical value of new media adopted by academics to promote self-directed learning at the University of South Africa. The study answers the following questions: Which new media approaches have been adopted by academics to enhance self-directed learning? What is the pedagogical value of new media in an ODL environment? A qualitative approach was employed and data was collected through face-to-face interviews with 30 purposively selected Unisa academics. The Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology model was found relevant to this study. Thematic categorisation was employed for data analysis. The findings depict that a variety of new media have been adopted to promote self-directed learning at Unisa. The study also found that new media are playing a pivotal role in promoting self-directed learning in an ODL landscape. It is therefore important to note that new media have emerged as strong catalysts in fostering pedagogical transformation. / College of Education / M. Ed (Open and Distance Learning)

An Ethnography of Direct-to-Consumer Genomics [DTCG]: Design Anthropology Insights for the Product Management of a Disruptive Innovation

Artz, Matthew 08 1900 (has links)
Direct-to-consumer genomics (DTCG) health testing offers great promise to humanity, however to date adoption has lagged as a result of consumer awareness, understanding, and previous government regulations restricting DTCG companies from providing information on an individual's genetic predispositions. But in 2017 the broader DTCG market which also includes genealogical testing demonstrated exponential growth, implying that DTCG is starting to diffuse as an innovation. To better understand the sociocultural forces affecting diffusion, adoption, and satisfaction, qualitative ethnographic research was conducted with DTCG genealogy and health consumers. The data was qualitatively analyzed using thematic analysis to understand the similarities and differences in beliefs, attitudes, intentions, and mediating factors that have influenced consumers. Design anthropology theory and methods were used to produce ethnographically informed insights. The insights were then translated into actionable product management and business strategy recommendations.

行動通訊產業的創新策略研究 - 以台灣行動通訊產業為例 / Research on the innovation strategies of mobile telecommunications industry – An example of Taiwan mobile telecommunications industry

周明峯, Chou, Ming Feng Unknown Date (has links)
行動通訊產業隨著日韓、西歐、亞太、北美和中國大陸陸續啟動B3G行動通訊的商業運轉,全球行動通訊服務和技術的發展進入嶄新的紀元,傳輸速度的大幅提昇,行動通訊服務商積極推動多媒體簡訊、行動音樂、行動影音、行動遊戲、行動訊息和企業數據應用等服務,寄望透過多元應用服務及創新經營模式提升顧客價值與獲利能力;另一方面,行動廣播、無線寬頻、網路電話等新興技術匯流至行動通訊領域,不僅催生行動通訊技術朝IMS和All-IP網路發展,並促使行動通訊服務商在行銷、服務、帳務和網路等層面朝向行動和固網雙網融合與數位匯流的願景佈局。在政府開放營運執照後,行動通訊服務業者皆投入巨額資金經營,期藉由傳輸速度快的優勢,可以發展出更多的行動加值服務內容,以期在語音營收成長飽和之下,創造另一營收來源;但是,行動通訊產業在大規模的投資下,未產生預期的效益,產業間渴望能讓產業創新的殺手級應用(Killer Application),引導台灣行動通訊產業找到高獲利的藍海市場。本研究期望,透過分析行動通訊產業的價值供應鏈在營運發展過程中碰到的困境,及其面對創新的技術與商業模式如何評估與發展,在面對市場與技術的不確定性下,分析出產業價值鏈的廠商面對創新的競爭所必須思考的關鍵因素,提供台灣行動通訊業者經營業務的一些建議,以便協助台灣在行動通訊市場的產業創新能力,提昇業者對行動加值服務應用與行動通訊設備市場的創新決策正確性,以期推動台灣電信市場的蓬勃發展。 本研究以克雷頓‧克里斯汀生(Clayton M. Christensen)所提出的對突破性科技的看法,利用提出的破壞性創新及資源、流程與價值理論分析模式;以傑佛瑞‧墨爾(Geoffrey A. Moore)提出的技術採用生命周期(Technology Adoption Life Cycle)模式分析五種消費者,探討行動通訊產業如何分析電信業創新的鴻溝,如何邁向康莊大道。在訪談台灣行動通訊產業價值鏈的五家廠商中,就創新的驅動方式、創新的風險評估、如何管理創新與當前產業創新所面臨的問題與解決方案等議題,做充分意見交流,再經由文獻與理論探討、行動通訊產業市場的趨勢與分析、行動通訊產業技術的趨勢與分析,與台灣行動通訊產業個案分析後,最後作成結論與建議,並提出後續研究課題的建議。 經研究與分析台灣行動通訊產業的創新模式,了解行動通訊產業價值鏈創新發展過程中,所碰到過的困境及其後續改善之方案,並對台灣政府與行動通訊業者提出以下的結論與建議: 壹、結論: 一、技術驅動的創新重視程度通常是愈接近產業價值鏈的上游愈高;市場驅動的創新重視程度通常是愈接近產業價值鏈的下游愈高;突破性的創新可能發生於產業鏈中的每一環節。 二、突破性的創新需要同時處理產業鏈中的市場風險與技術風險,兩大天險必須要降低其中一項才容易創新成功;兩種風險都與財務因素息息相關。 三、創新常常來自邊陲,發展創新的組織需要不同於主流產品的績效目標與財務支援。 四、政府正確的產業監理政策常常是行動通訊產業的發展要件;產業生態系的活躍與否常取決於政府對產業的科技政策走向與合宜的法律。 貳、建議: 一、 政府方面: 1.基地台網路: 協調業者以共構的方式及加速整合寬頻接取技術以解決網路品質的問題。 2.技術平台與內容產業:制定適當的產業政策,以協助整合產業上中下游業者,以帶動產業研究與發展。 二、行動通訊營運商: 1.投入研究行動通訊的消費者行為: 行動通訊服務業者應投入資源研究本地消費者行為,以便洞悉創新的殺手級應用。 2.內容與服務平台:積極扮演內容服務開發與技術平台整合角色,以帶動內容產業的蓬勃發展創造「皆贏」的局面。 3.合宜費率: 根據消費者所獲得的行動通訊價值與成本動因計費。 / The mobile telecommunication industry along with Japan, Korea, Western Europe, Asia Pacific, North America and mainland China, it starts the B3G mobile telecommunications commercial subscriber service launch, the global mobile telecommunications service and the technology development enter a brand-new era. Following by the transmission speed of infrastructure network is improved rapidly, the mobile telecommunications service providers are positively to promote the multimedia services, mobile music, mobile video streaming, mobile gaming, mobile messaging and enterprise data service applications. We hope the penetration multi-dimensional applications to serve and innovate the business model to promote the customer value and profit ability. On the other hand, those emerging technologies, such as mobile broadcasting, wireless broadband, IP network telephony are converged to mobile telecommunications domain. Not only expedites the mobile telecommunications technology to IMS and the All-IP network development, but also urges the mobile telecommunications service provider in all aspects of marketing, service, billing and network infrastructures migrate to the wireless and wire-line network fusion and the vision of digital convergences. After the restriction of operation licenses released by government, the mobile telecommunications service providers invest a large amount of funds on new business development. Relying on the quick transmission speed superiority, may develop more mobile value-added service content. We expect to have more another revenue increasing objects while the voice-only service revenue mutuality. Nevertheless, the mobile telecommunications industry under the large-scale investment has not had the anticipated benefit, the industry hope we can let the industrial innovation to produce the “Killer Applications” that guides the Taiwan mobile telecommunications industry to find the high profitable blue sea market. The research expects that, by the penetration analysis mobile telecommunications industry value supply chain the difficult position which bumps into in transport business developing process, and how faces the innovative technology and the business model appraised and development, is facing the indefinite market and the technology, analyzes the industrial innovation the competitive strategy and the key success factors, provides Taiwan the mobile telecommunications entrepreneur to manage the business strategies and suggestions. In order to assist Taiwan in mobile telecommunications market industrial innovation ability, promotes the entrepreneur to the value-added service field and motivates the communication equipment market innovative decision-making accuracy, impels the Taiwan telecommunications market by the time the vigorous development. The research is based on the viewpoint of disruptive technology issued by Clayton M. Christensen to leverage the analysis model of disruptive innovations and resource, process and value theorem; analyzes the five types of consumers by Technology Adoption Life Cycle model issued by Geoffrey A. Moore to investigate how telecommunications industry analyzes the chasm of innovations and how to adopt the early majority of market. In the interview of 5 enterprises across Taiwan mobile telecommunications industrial value chain, we make good communications and share opinions about all the issues of the method of innovation driven, risk assessment on innovations, how to manage innovations, to face problems and resolutions on industrial innovation. By leveraging the entire reference thesis, issued papers and theorem, the trends of market, analysis of market, and technology issues in the mobile telecommunications industry, collaborate with case study of Taiwan mobile telecommunications industry to study and make comments and conclusions on this topic. Also, we provide the suggestions on governing policies, industry strategies, and further research direction. A.Conclusions: 1.Nearby the front end of industry value chain, technology driven innovations methodology is highly enhanced and focused; Nearby the rear end of industry value chain, market driven innovations methodology is highly enhanced and focused. Disruptive technology is possibly occurred in any section of industry value chain. 2.The two major risk factors, market and technology, need to be handled together while manage disruptive innovations. It would make success to assess at least one of two major risk factors and they are all related to financial variables. 3.Innovation is always occurred in the border of organizations which is supported by key performance indicator setting of different major products and necessary financial funding. 4.The mobile telecommunications industry grows by major inferences of correct governing policies and proper regulations issued by technology management department of government. B.Suggestions: 1.For government: a.Base Station System: Coordinate all operators to co-construct the system to speed the integration of broadband wireless access technology to resolve the network quality issues. b.Technology platform and content industry: Collaborate with the enterprises of industry chain to support the research and development by proper industry regulations. 2.For wireless operators: a.Research on wireless consumer behaviors: Coordinate all operators to invest subscriber behaviors and statistic analysis in local market to learn how to produce the killer applications. b.Content and service platform: Proactively involve the content service developing and technology platform integration to develop the content industry as win-win purpose. c.Proper subscriber fare: Charge wireless consumers by the value of requisition and cost driven factor.

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