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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Die maatskaplike werker as ondersteuningsbron vir geneeshere in privaat praktyk

Vogt, Tertia 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSocialWork)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The aim of this study was to compile practical guidelines to assist medical practitioners in utilizing social work services in their practices. Exploratory, descriptive and applied research was done to determine and describe medical practitioners' knowledge of psychosocial problems and their present and potential utilization of social work services. Results were generalized in respect of the population as a whole. In the theoretical study social functioning was conceptualized by the description of micro, mezzo and macro levels of functioning. The approach towards rendering of services (in the Medical field) and intervention (in the Social Work field) was described, followed by recommendations for the eclectical utilization of the approaches. The eclectical application of the intervention approaches requires that social workers should have certain knowledge, values and skills to interpret certain roles. This occurs within certain social work areas, with the achievement of the aims and functions of Social Work as goal. The ethical and value basis of Social Work and Medical Science shows certain similarities and disparities. The values of Social Work, as contained in the Behavioural- and Ethical Code for Social Work and the Oath of Hippocrates, in Medical Science, are described in this study. In the empirical study qualitative and quantitative information was gathered, inter alia, about the existence of psychosocial problems of patients in medical practitioners' practices, how medical practitioners handled them, how well equipped they were to do it, their present and potential utilization of Social Work services, the role of third parties in the rendering of services and referral procedures. Thirty nine (39) medical practitioners, selected by random sampling procedure, were involved in the study and completed selfadministered questionnaires. The majority respondents indicated that their undergraduate training was inadequate in enabling them to handle psychosocial problems of patients. The entire spectrum of psychosocial problems existed in all the respondents' practices. The majority of respondents handled such problems themselves, while specialists, psychologists and psychiatrists were at times used as resources. The majority of respondents indicated that they could perhaps utilize Social Work services and that there is a great need for such a resource. Most medical practitioners preferred to send written referrals via patients, with the responsibility being with the patient for making an appointment with the social worker. Minimal use was made of third parties in the patients' frame of reference in the assessment and treatment of patients. Third parties, within the reference framework of patients, were used minimally by medical practitioners in the making of assessments and the rendering of services. Respondents had divergent opinions regarding their competence in the psychosocial field of service rendering. The majority of respondents indicated the need for training programs focusing on the handling of patients' psychosocial problems. Limited time for attending such training programs was however mentioned as the biggest obstacle. These findings of the empirical study, together with the theoretical framework, were used as a guideline for the composition of a practical guideline for the referral of services to social workers in private practice. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doelstelling van hierdie studie was om praktykriglynne te ontwikkel, waarvolgens geneeshere in privaat praktyk maatskaplike werkers as ondersteuningshulpbron kan benut. Verkennende, beskrywende en toegepaste navorsing is gedoen, ten einde geneeshere se kennis van psigososiale probleme en hul huidige en potensiele benutting van maatskaplikewerkdienste te bepaal en te beskryf. Bevindinge is ten opsigte van die populasie as geheel veralgemeen. In die teoretiese studie is maatskaplike funksionering deur die beskrywing van mikro-, meso- en makrovlakfunksionering, gekonseptualiseer. Die benaderings tot dienslewering (in Geneeskunde) en intervensie (in Maatskaplike Werk) is beskryf. Daarna is 'n aanbeveling vir die eklektiese benutting van die benaderings gedoen. Die eklektiese benutting van die intervensiebenaderings vereis dat maatskaplike werkers oor sekere kennis, waardes en vaardighede moet beskik en sekere rolle moet vertolk. Dit geskied binne sekere maatskaplikewerkvelde en het as mikpunt die verwesenliking van die doelstellings en funksies van Maatskaplike Werk. Die etiese en waardegrondslag van Maatskaplike Werk en Geneeskunde toon sekere ooreenkomste en verskille. Die waardes van Maatskaplike Werk, soos vervat in die Gedrags- en Etiese Kodes vir Maatskaplike Werk, en van Geneeskunde, soos vervat in die Eed van Hippocrates, word in hierdie studie bespreek. In die empiriese studie is kwalitatiewe en kwantitatiewe inligting ingesamel oor, onder andere, die voorkoms van psigososiale probleme by pasiente in geneeshere se praktyke, geneeshere se hantering daarvan, hul bekwaamheid om sodanige probleme te hanteer, hul huidige en potensiele benutting van maatskaplikewerkdienste, die rol van derde partye by dienslewering en verwysingsprosedures. Nege-en-dertig (39) geneeshere, geselekteer deur ewekansige steekproeftrekking, is by die ondersoek betrek en het self die vraelyste ingevul. Die meeste geneeshere het aangedui dat hul voorgraadse opleiding hulle nie voldoende toegerus het om psigososiale probleme by pasiente te hanteer nie. Die hele spektrum van psigososiale probleme het in respondente se praktyke voorgekom. Die meeste respondente het sodanige probleme self hanteer, terwyl spesialiste, sielkundiges en psigiaters soms as hulpbronne benut is. Die meeste respondente het aangetoon dat hulle moontlik van maatskaplike werkers gebruik kan maak en dat daar 'n groot behoefte aan sodanige hulpbron bestaan. Die verwysingsprosedure wat deur die meeste geneeshere verkies is, was die stuur van skriftelike verwysings saam met pasiente. Derde partye, in pasiente se verwysingsraamwerk, is minimaal deur geneeshere by assessering en dienslewering betrek. Geneeshere het uiteenlopende menings gehad oor hul bevoegdhede in die psigososiale veld van dienslewering. Die behoefte aan opleidingsprogramme, wat fokus op die hantering van psigososiale probleme by pasiente, is deur die meeste respondente aangedui. Beperkte tyd is egter as die grootste struikelblok vir die bywoning van sodanige opleidingsessies aangevoer. Hierdie bevindinge van die empiriese studie, saam met die teoretiese raamwerk, is as riglyn benut vir die ontwikkeling van 'n praktykriglyn vir verwysing van dienste na maatskaplike werkers in privaat praktyk.

Parent orientated sex education for pre-school children

Campbell, Joan 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M Social Work)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The aim of the study was to present guidelines for the composition of a parent orientated sex education programme for pre-school children. An exploratory study was undertaken to describe and investigate the nature and extent of parental sex education to pre-school children. The investigation was done by first exploring existing research literature and describing it. The empirical study was based upon both the literature study and mothers' opinions on sex education. Pre-school children are disproportionately !ll0re likely to be sexually abused with devastating consequences which result in behavioural and emotional problems throughout their lives. The ultimate responsibility of prevention of child sexual abuse should be with the parent. However, two problems persist. Firstly, parents are often the perpetrators and therefore it is not justified to leave the responsibility solely to the parents. Secondly, parents who want to teach their children prevention strategies often lack the skills and knowledge. Therefore, the concept of a prevention structure in which the child can live and find support should be put into practice by the school. Prevention strategies should include sex education, a neutral home environment and a safe environment for disclosure of sexual abuse. This prevention structure should include the teacher, the social worker and the parent. These three components should support each other to implement an atmosphere of prevention and healthy sexual development. Linking and inter-dependence are important because there is always a possibility that one of the participants may be corrupt. Social workers should provide an effective basis for a personal safety programme to parents which should be supported and facilitated by schools. Training parents to become sex educators encourages better parent-child communication, builds the family support network, and has an impact on the ability of the family to deal more positively with sexual concerns. This does not only result in the prevention of sexual abuse but also contributes to the healthy sexual functioning, development and understanding of the sexuality of pre-school children. Through parent orientated sex education, parents can also dispel sexual myths and misinformation that their preschool children gain from peers and other sources. Despite the increasing public awareness devoted to sexual abuse and the advantage of sex education, a formal prevention education structure has not yet been implemented for pre-school children in South Africa. The first objective of this study was to describe and investigate the extent of parental sex education presented to pre-school children. The second objective was to investigate the acceptability of a sex education programme for pre-school children. The third objective was to describe the physical and sexual boundaries existing in the home environments of parents of pre-school children and finally to determine the sexual behaviours of pre-school children, which parents regard as acceptable. The main conclusions, based on the findings of the study, indicated that parents were in favour of sex education for pre-school children and that they require more information which would empower them to sex educate their pre-school children at home. They were also in favour of a classroom-based sex education programme. In conclusion it is recommended that a sex education programme is to be implemented at pre-schools for parents of pre-school children, as well as a classroom based sex education and a personal safety programme for pre-school children. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van die navorsing is om moontlike riglyne vir 'n ouer-georiënteerde seksopvoedingsprogram vir pre-primêre kinders saam te stel. 'n Verkennende studie is onderneem om die omvang en aard van ouer-georiënteerde seksopvoeding vir pre-primêre kinders te ondersoek. Verder is bestaande navorsingsliteratuur bestudeer en beskryf. Die empiriese ondersoek wat daarop volg, is gebaseer op sowel die literatuurstudie as moeders se menings oor seksvoorligting. Pre-primêre kinders het 'n groter kans om seksueel gemolesteer te word wat kan lei tot die ervaring van emosionele- en gedragsprobleme, met vernietigende gevolge vir die res van hul lewens. Die uiteindelike verantwoordelikheid om die kind teen molestering te beskerm, berus by die ouers. Dit skep egter twee probleme. Ten eerste is die ouer dikwels self die oortreder en daarom kan die verantwoordelikheid nie uitsluitlik by die ouer berus nie. Tweedens, is die ouers wat wel seksopvoeding aan hul kinders wil bied, dikwels weens 'n gebrek aan kennis en vaardighede, onbevoeg om dit te doen. Dit is daarom die skool se verantwoordelikheid om 'n voorkomende struktuur te skep waarin die kind kan leef en ondersteuning kan vind. 'n Voorkomende strategie moet seksvoorligting, 'n neutrale leefruimte sowel as 'n veilige omgewing vir die bekendmaking van seksuele molestering insluit. Hierdie voorkomende struktuur moet die onderwyser, die maatskaplike werker en die ouer betrek. Hierdie drie komponente moet mekaar ondersteun om "n atmosfeer van voorkoming en gesonde seksuele ontwikkeling te implimenteer. Aangesien die integriteit van die partye nie gewaarborg kan word nie, is noue skakeling en interafhanklikheid van die drie komponente belangrik. Maatskaplike werkers behoort "n effektiewe persoonlike veiligheidsprogram, wat deur die skool ondersteun en gefasiliteer word, aan die ouers te voorsien. Ouers as seksvoorligters bevorder die kommunikasie tussen ouer en kind, verstewig die ondersteuningsnetwerk van die gesin en ontwikkel die vermoë om seksuele aangeleenthede openlik te hanteer. Gevolglik word seksuele molestering voorkom en gesonde seksuele funksionering bevorder. Die ouer verkry ook insig in die seksuele ontwikkeling van die pre-primêre kind. Deur middel van ouer-georiënteerde seksvoorliging, kan ouers mites en verkeerde inligting, wat dikwels deur die portuurgroep oorgedra word, regstel. Ten spyte van die toenemende mediadekking en bewuswording van die voordeel van seksopvoeding, is daar nog geen formele opvoedkundige voorkomende veiligheidsprogram in Suid-Afrika geïmplementeer nie. Die eerste doelwit van die studie was om die omvang en aard van pre-primêre kinders se seksuele opvoeding te ondersoek. Die tweede doelwit was om ouers se aanvaarding van seksvoorligting van pre-primêre kinders te ondersoek; die derde doelwit was om die fisiese en seksuele grense in die huislike omgewing te ondersoek en laastens, om aanvaarbare seksuele gedrag van pre-primêre kinders te ondersoek. Daar word tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat ouers wel ten gunste is van ouergeoriënteerde seksvoorligting vir pre-primêre kinders en dat hulle die behoefte het aan leiding om dit te doen. Die ouers is ook ten gunste van die aanbieding van seksvoorligting in die klaskamer. Daar word aanbeveel dat 'n veiligheidsprogram, wat 'n ouer-georiënteerde seksvoorligtingsprogram vir ouers van pre-primêre kinders, sowel as seksvoorligting in die klas behels, in skole geïmplimenteer moet word.

Die toepassing van die ondersteuningsfunksie in supervisie aan voorgraadse maatskaplikewerkstudente

Engelbrecht, Lambert K. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 1995. / Een kopie mikrofiche. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The application of the support function in supervision of undergraduate students in social work liberates the students' emotional energy in order to contribute to the success of the students. To be a source of support to the students, the supervisor must be aware of the possible causes of stress, the students' reaction thereto and methods in which they could deal with it. This exploratory study endeavours to create a scientifically based framework for the application of the support function in supervision of undergraduate students in social work in order to deal with stress. The causes of, reaction towards and ways in which undergraduate students in social work deal with stress were determined by means of questionnaires and described in terms of the students' personalities and their unique circumstances, their contact with the client system and supervision of the students. The respondents were 60 undergraduate students in social work. Conclusions and recommendations were made which focussed, amongst others, on the development of knowledge regarding the application of the support function in supervision, pro-active support, communication during support and application of the support function with regard to the practice education of the students. The framework of this research can be utilised by supervisors for effective supervision of undergraduate students in social work. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die toepassing van die ondersteuningsfunksie in supervisie aan voorgraadse maatskaplikewerkstudente stel die studente se emosionele energie vry ten einde tot suksesvolle studente by te dra. Om 'n bron van ondersteuning vir studente te wees, moet die supervisor bewus wees van die moontlike oorsake van stres, die studente se reaksies daarop en die wyses waarop stres hanteer kan word. Hierdie verkennende studie het ten doel om 'n wetenskaplik gefundeerde raamwerk daar te stel vir die toepassing van die ondersteuningsfunksie in supervisie aan voorgraadse maatskaplikewerkstudente ten einde stres te hanteer. Die oorsake, reaksies en hantering van voorgraadse maatskaplikewerkstudente se stres is deur middel van vraelyste bepaal en in terme van die studente se persoonlikheid en omstandighede, hulle kontak met die klientsisteem en supervisie aan die studente beskryf. Die respondente het uit 60 voorgraadse maatskaplikewerkstudente bestaan. Gevolgtrekkings en aanbevelings is gemaak wat onder andere gefokus het op ontwikkeling van kennis oor die toepassing van die ondersteuningsfunksie in supervisie, pro-aktiewe ondersteuning, kommunikasie tydens ondersteuning en toepassing van die ondersteuningsfunksie met betrekking tot studente se praktykopleiding. Die raamwerk van hierdie navorsingsverslag sal deur supervisors vir effektiewe supervisie aan voorgraadse maatskaplikewerkstudente benut kan word.

Maatskaplike gevallewerkintervensie aan adolessente met aggressiewe gedrag

Kruger, Richard 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M Social Work (Social Work))--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study is to develop a theoretical framework for social workers in nongovernmental organisations with regards to the nature and scope of social casework intervention with aggressive adolescents. The research was done based on an extensive literature study, which focussed on theories of aggression and factors which contribute to aggressive behaviour in adolescents, as well as the nature and scope of social casework intervention with aggressive adolescents. A combined qualitative and quantitative research method and an explorative and describing research design have been used in this study, since this combination resulted in reaching the goal of the study. The empirical research investigated the nature and scope of social casework intervention with aggressive adolescents. The universe consisted of all nongovernmental organisations in the Boland-district. Semi-structured questionnaires were used as an interview instrument with a purposive sample of 20 social workers. In light of the findings derived from the literature study and empirical research, appropriate conclusions and related recommendations were made. The main conclusion for this study is that various factors, such as the caseload of social workers and involvement of significant others during intervention, influence participants’ ability to utilise case work effectively during intervention with aggressive adolescents. The main recommendation of this study is that the delivery of social services be prioritized to avoid social work tasks or situations hindering or prohibiting intervention with aggressive adolescents. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie studie was om ‘n teoretiese raamwerk vir maatskaplike werkers in nieregeringsorganisies te bied vir die aard en omvang van maatskaplike gevallewerkintervensie aan adolessente met aggressiewe gedrag. Die ondersoek is gedoen aan die hand van ‘n uitgebreide literatuurstudie, wat gefokus het op teorieë oor aggressie en faktore wat tot aggressiewe gedrag by adolessente aanleiding gee, sowel as die aard en omvang van maatskaplike gevallewerkintervensie aan adolessente met aggressiewe gedrag. ‘n Gekombineerde kwalitatiewe- en kwantitatiewe navorsingsbenadering en ‘n verkennendeen beskrywende navorsingsontwerp is in hierdie studie benut, aangesien hierdie kombinasies die gestelde doelwitte van die studie die beste kon bereik. Die empiriese ondersoek het die aard en omvang van maatskaplike gevallewerkintervensie aan aggressiewe adolessente verken. Die universum het bestaan uit alle nie-regeringsorganisasies in die Boland-distrik. Semi-gestruktureerde vraelyste is as ‘n onderhoudskedule benut. ‘n Doelbewuste-steekproef het uit 20 maatskaplike werkers bestaan. Op grond van die bevindings, voortspruitend uit die literatuurstudie en empiriese ondersoek, kon toepaslike gevolgtrekkings en verbandhoudende aanbevelings gemaak word. Die hoofbevinding van hierdie studie is dat verskeie faktore soos die grootte van maatskaplike wekers se gevalleladings en die betrokkenheid van betekenisvolle ander tydens intervensie, respondente se vermoë beïnvloed om gevallewerkintervensie te benut. Die kernaanbeveling van hierdie studie is dat dienslewering geprioritiseer moet word dat intervensie met betrekking tot aggressiewe adolessente nie ten koste van ander maatskaplikewerk-take en situasies, benadeel word nie.

Opvoedingsrolle van versorgers van adolessente met fetale-alkoholsindroom

Cloete, Marise Louise 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M Social Work)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) is a condition which occurs when women drink alcohol during pregnancy. The use of alcohol during pregnancy has permanent and serious consquences which manifests in developmental delays and causes harmful effects to the central nervous system. FAS is seen as completely preventable and irreversable which lasts into adulthood. The prevalence rate of FAS in the Western Cape is the highest in the world. FAS is not just a health problem but also a social welfare problem, since the care for adolescents with FAS brings about exceptional demands for the carer. For this reason it became vital to explore the educational roles of the carers of adolescents with FAS. This research study firstly describes the characteristics of FAS within the physical, cognitive and social development of the adolescents with FAS. Secondly, the study describes and explores the educational roles of the carers of adolescents with FAS. The study combines both quantitative and qualitative research. The exploratory and descriptive research designs were used and a purposive sampling method was used. The participants were interviewed individually with the help of a semi-structured questionnaire. The findings of the empirical investigation show that the carers of FAS adolescents according to their perceptions and experiences know what is expected of them within their respective educational roles and they do make an effort to fulfil this role to the best of their ability. Further findings show that due to aspects like poverty and illiteracy of the participants, the carers need the support of the social worker in order for them to fulfil their educational roles. Recommendations resulting from the empirical investigation indicated that social workers need to support the carers of adolescents with FAS in parenting programmes which is simple and practical for the carers to understand and to implement. Further recommendations focus on awareness programmes and actions where the carers also take part in educating the community in terms of FAS. Through these actions the carers of adolescents with FAS can build a support system for themselves whithin the community. Therefore the community can be utilized by the carers of adolescents with FAS as a valuable resource in the fulfilment of their educational roles. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Fetale-alkoholsindroom (FAS) is ‘n toestand wat veroorsaak word wanneer vroue alkohol drink tydens swangerskap. Alkoholgebruik tydens swangerskap het blywende en ernstige nagevolge wat manifesteer in ontwikkelingsagterstande en skade in die senuweestelsel. FAS word dus beskou as heeltemal voorkombaar, maar is onomkeerbaar en duur voort tot in volwassenheid. Die voorkomsyfer van FAS is wêreldwyd die hoogste in veral die Wes-Kaap. FAS is nie net ‘n gesondheidsprobleem nie, maar ook ‘n maatskaplike probleem aangesien die versorging van adolessente met FAS besondere eise aan versorgers stel. Om hierdie rede is dit noodsaaklik om die opvoedingsrolle waaroor versorgers van FAS-adolessente moet oor beskik te ondersoek. Hierdie navorsingstudie beskryf eerstens die kenmerke van FAS binne die fisiese-, kognitiewe- en sosiale ontwikkeling van die adolessent met FAS. Tweedens beskryf studie die opvoedingsrolle waaroor versorgers van FAS-adolessente moet oor beskik. Die studie kombineer beide kwalitatiewe en kwantitatiewe navorsing. Die verkennende en beskrywende navorsingsontwerp is gebruik en daar is ‘n doelbewuste steekproef gedoen. Individuele onderhoude is met die deelnemers gevoer met behulp van gestruktureerde vraelyste. Die bevindinge van die empiriese ondersoek toon dat die versorgers van FAS-adolessente volgens hulle persepsie en belewenisse, weet wat van hulle verwag word in die verskillende opvoedingsrolle en dat hulle wel pogings aanwend om hierdie rolle te probeer vervul. Verdere bevindings toon dat as gevolg van aspekte soos armoede en ongeletterdheid van die deelnemers die maatskaplike werker ondersteuning sal moet bied aan die versorgers van FAS-adolessente in die vervulling van hul opvoedingsrolle. Aanbevelings vanuit die empiriese ondersoek dui daarop dat die versorgers van FASadolessente deur veral die maatskaplike werker ondersteun moet word deur ouerleidingsprogramme wat eenvoudig en prakties aangebied behoort te word sodat die versorgers die inhoud maklik kan verstaan en kan toepas. Verdere aanbevelings fokus op bewusmakingsprogramme en -aksies waarin die versorgers ‘n rol kan speel om sodoende die gemeenskap ook op te voed ten opsigte van FAS. Hierdeur kan die versorgers van FASadolessente vir hulleself ‘n ondersteuningsnet binne die gemeenskap bou en die gemeenskap as ‘n waardevolle hulpbron benut in die vervulling van hul opvoedingsrolle.

Views of social workers on their role in mental health outpatient and community-based services

Ornellas, Abigail 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M Social Work)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Mental health is a fundamental aspect of social functioning which affects a significant portion of the population. The movement toward deinstitutionalization became the core focus of mental health policies such as the White Paper (1997) and the Mental Health Care Act (17 of 2002) post-apartheid. However, this process was implemented at a rapid rate, with poor corresponding development of necessary outpatient and community-based facilities and services. Social, cultural, and economic conditions have significant and measurable effects on both individual health status and the delivery of health care. As a result, there is a growing recognition of the need for social work services within the mental health outpatient and community-based care context. Research regarding the role of the social worker within mental health care, particularly within a South African context is poor and therefore a research gap with regard to examining the views of social workers on their role in mental health outpatient and community-based services exists. The overall objective of the study was to, in light of the above, examine the views of social workers on their role in mental health outpatient and community-based care. A combination of both qualitative and quantitative research approaches was employed for the study, with a stronger emphasis on the use of qualitative data. A combination of exploratory and descriptive research designs was utilized as the framework for the implementation of the research approach. This was appropriate for the utilization of both quantitative and qualitative design elements. A purposive sample of twenty social workers was compiled, and data was collected through the means of semi-structured interviews; a pilot study was implemented to test the measurement instrument with two social work participants. Two literature chapters are presented, focusing on the topic of mental health and its related policy, as well as expanding on mental health care and service rendering according to an ecological perspective. These chapters served to achieve established objectives of the study. Chapter four is a presentation of the empirical study. Data which was collected was both relayed and analyzed, in accordance also with the literature study. Data was analyzed, through both quantitative and qualitative analysis and was presented according to identified themes, sub-themes and categories. Relevant tables, figures and participant narratives were used to further substantiate the analysis of data. Chapter five gives an overview of relevant conclusions and recommendations, in terms specifically of the role of the social worker in mental health outpatient and community-based care, in light of the empirical study and data analysis. Five specific roles were identified as being significant for the social worker in mental health care, with regard to their role in therapeutic intervention, working with clients and families in a one-on-one, counseling capacity; supportive services, through linking of clients to necessary resources; advocacy, through fighting for, and protecting the rights of clients and related vulnerable groups within mental health; relational role, recognizing the importance of social and interpersonal aspects on the functioning of mentally ill clients; and finally their role as a holistic worker within a multidisciplinary team, incorporating key aspects of the ecological perspective into assessments and interventions. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Geestesgesondheid is ʼn fundamentele aspek van maatskaplikefunksionering wat ʼn beduidende gedeelte van die bevolking affekteer. Die beweging na deïnstitusionalisering het die kern fokus van verwysings na geestesgesondheidsbeleide soos vervat in die Witskrif (1997) en die Wet op Geestesgesondheidsorg (17 van 2002) geword. Hierdie proses is teen ʼn vinnige tempo geïmplementeer, wat die ooreenstemmende ontwikkeling tussen dienste aan buitepasiënte en gemeenskapsgebaseerde fasiliteite en dienste benadeel het. Maatskaplike, kulturele en ekonomiese toestande het ʼn groot en meetbare uitwerking op beide individue se gesondheidstatus en die lewering van gesondheidsorg. As gevolg hiervan, is daar ʼn groeiende erkenning van die behoefte aan maatskaplike dienste in die geestesgesondheidsorg van buitepasiënte en binne ʼn gemeenskapsgebaseerde konteks. Navorsing oor die rol van die maatskaplike werker in die geestesgesondheidsorg, veral binne ʼn Suid-Afrikaanse konteks is onvoldoende. ʼn Gaping bestaan veral in navorsing oormaatskaplike werkers se rol in geestesgesondheidsorg met betrekking tot buitepasiënte en die gemeenskapsgebaseerde dienste. Die oorkoepelende doel van die studie was om, in die lig van die bogenoemde, ondersoek te doen oor die sienings van maatskaplike werkers met betrekking tot hul rol in geestesgesondheidsorg van buitepasiënte en gemeenskapsgebaseerde dienste. ʼn Kombinasie van beide kwalitatiewe en kwantitatiewe navorsingsbenaderings is gebruik vir die studie, met ʼn sterker klem op kwalitatiewe navorsing. ʼn Kombinasie van verkennende en beskrywende navorsingsontwerpe is gebruik as ʼn raamwerk vir die implementering van die navorsing benadering. 'n Doelgerigte steekproef, bestaande uit twintig maatskaplike werkers is saamgestel, en data is ingesamel deur middel van semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude met behulp van ʼn onderhoudskedule. Loodsonderhoude met twee deelnemende maatskaplike werkers is gevoer ten einde die onderhoudskedule te toets. Twee literatuurhoofstukke word aangebied, wat fokus op die onderwerp van geestesgesondheid en verwante beleide, sowel as geestesgesondheidsorg en -dienslewering volgens ʼn ekologiese perspektief. Hierdie hoofstukke dien as fondasie om die doelwitte van die studie te bereik. Hoofstuk vier dien as ʼn verslag oor die empiriese studie. Die data wat ingesamel is, is op grond van die literatuurstudie ontleed. Data is geanaliseer deur middel van beide kwantitatiewe en kwalitatiewe analise en is aangebied volgens geïdentifiseerde temas, sub-temas en kategorieë. Toepaslike tabelle, figure en narratiewe is gebruik om die analisering van data te substansieer. Hoofstuk vyf bied relevante gevolgtrekkings en aanbevelings aan in terme van spesifiek die rol van die maatskaplike werker in geestesgesondheidsorg met betrekking tot buitepasiënte en gemeenskapsgebaseerde dienste. Vyf spesifieke rolle is geïdentifiseer as belangrik vir die maatskaplike werker in geestesgesondheidsorg: maatskaplike werkers se rol in die terapeutiese intervensie met betrekking totberading van individue en gesinne; ʼn ondersteunende rol wat kliënte met die nodige hulpbronne in verbinding bring; ʼn voorspraakrol, deur te beding vir die beskerming van die regte van kliënte en verwante kwesbare groepe in geestesgesondheidsorg; ʼn verhoudingsrol in die erkenning van die belangrikheid van sosiale en interpersoonlike aspekte in die funksionering van geestesgesondheidskliënte; en die rol as ʼn holistiese werker binne ʼn multidissiplinêre span, waarin belangrike aspekte van die ekologiese perspektief in assessering en intervensie geïnkorporeer word.

Maatskaplike werkers se funksionering as bestuurders van geloofsgebaseerde organisasies

Pienaar, Elizabeth Katrina 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M Social Work)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Since the earliest times the church or faith communities had been involved in charity work and as a result of the increasing social problems, demands and challenges that the church was confronted with, faith-based organisations such as the Diaconal Services within the context of the URCSA (Uniting Reformed Church in Southern Africa) and Religious Social Services within the context of the DRC (Dutch Reformed Church) came into existence. These organisations serve as the compassionate components of the faith-based communities and they emerged as a result of the belief that it is important for the church to address the needs of the communities in which it is based. Faith-based organisations are confronted with many challenges and it is important that these organisations are managed effectively to cope with the current challenges. Faith-based organisations as welfare organisations form part of the so called third sector organisations or non profit organisations and various authors (Lewis, 2007; Goel and Kumar, 2004; Keys and Ginsberg, 1988) also confirm the importance of the management element in respect of these organisations. Weinbach (2008:3) also emphasises that the emergence of recent changes regarding service delivery to people, suggests that there is a need for greater focus on the issue of management within welfare organisations as well as for the study of relevant theory. Social workers can play an effective management role within any organisation, including a faith-based organisation. Managers need to have a variety of skills in order to perform management functions or tasks effectively. A social worker as part of the management team of a faith-based organisation needs to have the necessary management skills to ensure effective management. The aim of the study is to develop an understanding of the management skills that social workers need to have as managers of faith-based organisations. A qualitative as well as a quantitative approach was used in this study. Elements of a qualitative approach were employed to develop a better understanding of a strange or complex situation and therefore the study is also explorative in nature (Leedy and Ormond, 2005:94-95; Struwig and Stead, 2002:12, 19; Mouton and Marais, 1990:45). Furthermore the study was also descriptive in nature. Mouton en Marais (1990:47) are of the opinion that the most important consideration with regard to descriptive studies is the gathering of accurate information or data. After completion of the literature study, empirical research was undertaken with the aim to develop a better understanding of the functioning of the social worker as manager within a faith-based organisation. The statistical population of this study is the social work managers who operate within faith-based organisations and especially within the Religious Social Services and Dutch Reformed Welfare in the Northern Cape and Dutch Reformed Welfare in North-West and Gauteng. Deliberate selection classified as non-probability test sampling was used (Struwig and Stead, 2001:124; Blaxter Hughes and Tight, 2001:163; Huysamen, 1993:46). According to Singleton et al (1988) in De Vos (1988:198-199), a purposeful test sample depend totally on the judgement of the researcher. The researcher was able to select participants who complied with the criteria of inclusion. A semi-structured questionnaire consisting of open and closed questions was compiled after the completion of the literature study and the self-administrated questionnaires were distributed to the respondents to complete. Twenty respondents participated in the empirical study. The results of the empirical research were used as a basis for the conclusions and the recommendations that were made. The results of the study show that faith-based organisations as non profit organisations register and adhere to the regulations and requirements of the Nonprofit Organizations Act, 71 of 1997. The latter ensures that faith-based organisations have an equal change with other non profit organisations for funding from government as well as other national and international donors. It is evident from the research that social work managers need to have a variety of management skills and have to perform certain management functions in order to ensure effective management of faith-based organisations. It is also evident that social work managers are not formally trained as managers. The outcome of the study can be used by management boards of faith-based, as well as non governmental organisations to appoint social work managers as well as for performance appraisals of social work managers. It can also be used by current social work managers with regard to the management skills that social workers as managers of faith-based organisations need for effective functioning as managers. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Reeds van die vroegste tye af was die kerk of geloofsgemeenskappe betrokke by barmhartigheid en juis vanweë die toenemende sosiale probleme en die eise en uitdagings wat dit aan kerke gestel het, het geloofsgebaseerde organisasies soos, onder andere, Diakonale Dienste binne die VGK-konteks (Verenigende Gereformeerde Kerk-konteks) en Kerklike Maatskaplike Dienste binne die NG Kerk-konteks (Nederduits Gereformeerde Kerk-konteks) die lig gesien. Die organisasies dien as barmhartigheidsbeen van die geloofsgemeenskappe en het tot stand gekom vanuit die geloofsoortuiging om die nood te help verlig in die gemeenskappe waar die kerk geleë is. Geloofsgebaseerde organisasies word gekonfronteer met baie uitdagings en moet effektief bestuur word ten einde die hedendaagse uitdagings te kan hanteer. Geloofsgebaseerde organisasies as welsynsorganisasies vorm deel van die sogenaamde derdesektor-organisasies of nie-winsgewende organisasies en verskeie skrywers (Lewis, 2007; Goel en Kumar, 2004; Keys en Ginsberg, 1988) onderskryf ook die belangrikheid van die bestuurselement t.o.v. hierdie organisasies. Weinbach (2008:3) benadruk ook dat die veranderinge wat onlangs in die dienslewering aan mense begin kop uitsteek het, daarop dui dat daar ʼn behoefte is aan ʼn groter fokus op die kwessie van bestuur binne welsynsorganisasies, sowel as vir die bestudering van relevante teorie. Maatskaplike werkers kan ʼn effektiewe bestuursrol binne enige organisasie insluitende ʼn geloofsgebaseerde organisasie vervul. Bestuurders van enige organisasie moet oor ʼn verskeidenheid vaardighede beskik ten einde die bestuursfunksies of take effektief uit te voer. ʼn Maatskaplike werker as deel van die bestuurspan van ʼn geloofsgebaseerde organisasie moet oor die nodige bestuursvaardighede beskik om effektiewe bestuur te verseker. Die doel van die studie is om ʼn begrip te ontwikkel vir die bestuursvaardighede wat maatskaplike werkers as bestuurders van geloofsgebaseerde organisasies benodig. In hierdie studie is ʼn kwalitatiewe benadering sowel as ʼn kwantitatiewe benadering gevolg. Elemente van ʼn kwalitatiewe benadering is gevolg om ʼn beter begrip te kry van ʼn onbekende of komplekse situasie en die studie was verkennend van aard (Leedy en Ormond, 2005:94-95; Struwig en Stead, 2002:12,19; Mouton en Marais, 1990:45). Die studie was verder ook beskrywend van aard. Mouton en Marais (1990:47) is van mening dat die verkryging van akkurate inligting/data oor die domeinverskynsel onder bestudering, die belangrikste oorweging is in beskrywende studies. Na die afhandeling van die literatuurstudie, is ’n empiriese ondersoek gedoen met die doel om ʼn beter begrip van die funksionering van die maatskaplike werker as bestuurder binne ʼn geloofsgebaseerde organisasie te verkry. Die universum van hierdie studie is alle maatskaplike werk bestuurders wat binne geloofsgemeenskappe funksioneer, en spesifiek binne die Kerklike Maatskaplike Diens en NG Welsyn in Suid-Afrika. Dit was egter beperk tot die Kerklike Maatskaplike Diens in die Vrystaat, NG Welsyn in die Noordkaap en NG Welsyn Noordwes en Gauteng. Daar is gebruik gemaak van doelbewuste seleksie wat as nie-waarskynlikheidsteekproewe (Struwig en Stead, 2001:124; Blaxter Hughes en Tight, 2001:163; Huysamen, 1993:46) geklassifiseer word. Volgens Singleton et al (1988) in De Vos (1988:198-199), berus ʼn doelbewuste steekproef heeltemal op die oordeel van die navorser. In die geval van hierdie studie kon die navorser die deelnemers kies wat aan die kriteria vir insluiting voldoen het. ’n Semi-gestruktureerde vraelys wat bestaan het uit oop en geslote vrae is na die voltooiing van die literatuurstudie opgestel en die self-geadministreerde vraelyste is aan die respondente verskaf om te voltooi. Twintig respondente het aan die empiriese studie deelgeneem. Die resultate van die empiriese ondersoek is as basis gebruik vir die gevolgtrekkings en die aanbevelings wat in hierdie studie gemaak is. Die resultate van die studie toon dat geloofsgebaseerde organisasies as nie-winsgewende organisasies registreer en by die voorskrifte en vereistes van Die Wet op Organisasies Sonder Winsoogmerk, 71 van 1997 hou. Laasgenoemde verseker dat hulle ʼn gelyke kans het net soos ander nie-winsgewende organisasies vir befondsing van die staat en ander nasionale of internasionale donateurs. Uit die studie blyk dit dat die maatskaplike werk bestuurders van geloofsgebaseerde organisasies oor ʼn verskeidenheid van bestuursvaardighede moet beskik en sekere bestuursfunksies moet verrig ten einde effektiewe bestuur van geloofsgebaseerde organisasies te verseker. Dit blyk ook verder dat maatskaplike werk bestuurders van geloofsgebaseerde organisasies nie formeel as bestuurders opgelei is nie. Die uitkoms van die studie sal deur die besture van geloofsgebaseerde en nie-regeringsorganisasies gebruik kan word vir die aanstelling van maatskaplike werk bestuurders en prestasie-evaluasies van maatskaplike werk bestuurders. Dit kan ook deur bestaande maatskaplike werk bestuurders benut word met betrekking tot die bestuursvaardighede wat maatskaplike werkers as bestuurders van geloofsgebaseerde organisasies benodig vir effektiewe funksionering as bestuurders.

Views of social workers on trans-racial adoptions of abandoned children

Doubell, Lara Susan 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M Social Work)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Thousands of children are being abandoned in South Africa each year, consequently entering the child-care and protection system. The Children’s Act 38 of 2005, which governs all practices involving children in South Africa, clearly advocates for adoption as the superior form of intervention in cases of abandonment. Yet adoption continues to be one of the most under-utilised childcare practices in South Africa, especially by the black, majority population. This is unfortunately despite the fact that most of the adoptable children are from the black population group. This study therefore aimed to investigate the views of adoption social workers regarding the practice of trans-racial adoptions of abandoned children. Both quantitative and qualitative approaches were employed for this study. A combination of exploratory and descriptive research designs was utilised as the framework for the research approach. Data was collected by means of a semi-structured interview schedule, which was conducted during personal interviews with social work professionals. The findings of the empirical investigation revealed that according to the views of the social workers under-graduate social work training was largely inadequate in preparing social workers to work in the field of adoption. It was also found that social workers felt that the importance of permanency planning in all work with children was not comprehensively explored during under-graduate studies. Findings further indicated that trans-racial adoption is viewed positively amongst adoption social workers, and is regarded as the far superior alternative to foster-care or institutional care for children who have been abandoned. It was however found that in cases of abandonment, adoption might be an under-utilised option amongst child-protection workers. Children available for adoption were reported as being predominantly from the black population group, while it was indicated that the majority of parents wanting to adopt are from the white community. In line with this, it was noted that there are not many prospective adoptive parents from the black community. Of significance was therefore the finding that very few adoption organisations have active recruitment programmes focused on recruiting black adoptive parents, inevitably bringing trans-racial adoption to the fore. One of the most important recommendations of this study is therefore that adoption organisations should develop and implement recruitment programmes, which specifically target prospective black adopters in an effort to increase the potential pool of black adopters. In addition, the recommendations emphasised the importance of adequate education of social workers in order to ensure that the Children’s Act 38 of 2005 is adequately understood and implemented in cases of abandonment. Ensuring that social workers move towards adoption as fast as possible in cases of abandonment can not only increase the chances of the child being adopted, but can also help to prevent developmental problems associated with institutional care. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Duisende kinders word jaarliks in Suid-Afrika deur hulle ouers verlaat (“abandon”), en betree gevolglik die kindersorg en beskermingsisteem. Die Kinderwet 38 van 2005, wat alle praktyke rakende kinders in Suid Afrika reguleer, promoveer duidelik aanneming as die beste vorm van intervensie in gevalle van kinderverlating. Steeds bly aanneming egter een van die mees onderbenutte kindersorg praktyke in Suid-Afrika, veral onder die swart meerderheidsbevolking. Dit ten spyte van die feit dat meeste aanneembare kinders uit die swart bevolkingsgroep kom. Hierdie studie was daarop gemik om die menings van aannemings-maatskaplike werkers rakende die praktyk van inter-ras aannemings van kinders wat deur hulle ouers verlaat is te ondersoek. Beide kwantitatiewe en kwalitatiewe benaderings is toegepas vir hierdie studie. ‘n Kombinasie van ondersoekende en beskrywende navorsingsontwerpe is gebruik as die raamwerk vir die navorsingsbenadering. Data is versamel deur middel van ‘n semi-gestruktureerde onderhoud skedule wat uitgevoer is tydens persoonlike onderhoude met maatskaplike werkers. Die empiriese ondersoek het bevind dat die maatskaplike werkers van mening was dat voorgraadse opleiding in maatskaplike werk grootliks onvoldoende was om maatskaplike werkers voor te berei vir werk op die gebied van aanneming. Daar is ook bevind dat maatskaplike werkers die standpunt huldig dat die belangrikheid van permanensie-beplanning in alle werk met kinders nie omvattend verken is tydens voorgraadse studies nie. Verdere bevinding dui daarop dat inter-ras aanneming positief beskou word deur aannemings-maatskaplike werkers en dat dit by verre as die beste alternatief tot pleegsorg of institisionele sorg vir kinders wat deur hulle ouers verlaat is, beskou word. Daar is egter bevind dat in gevalle van kinderverlating die opsie van aanneming onderbenut mag wees deur kinderbeskermings werkers. Daar is aangedui dat kinders wat beskikbaar is vir aanneming grootliks uit die swart meerderheids bevolkingsgroep kom, terwyl daar ook aangedui is dat die meerderheid van ouers wat kinders wil aanneem uit die wit gemeenskap kom. Daar is aangedui dat min van die prospektiewe aannemings ouers uit die swart gemeenskap kom. ‘n Betekenisvolle bevinding was gevolglik dat baie min aannemings-organisasies aktiewe werwingsprogramme het wat daarop fokus om swart aannemingsouers te werf, wat noodwendig inter-ras aanneming na vore bring. Een van die belangrikste aanbevelings van hierdie studie is dus dat aannemings-organisasies werwingsprogramme moet ontwikkel en implementeer wat spesifiek prospektiewe swart aannemers teiken in ‘n poging om die poel van swart aannemers te vergroot. Verder beklemtoon die aanbevelings die belangrikheid van voldoende opleiding van maatskaplike werkers ten einde te verseker dat die Kinderwet 38 van 2005 voldoende verstaan word en geïmplementeer word in gevalle van kinderverlating. Deur toe te sien dat maatskaplike werkers so gou moontlik beweeg na aanneming in gevalle van kinderverlating verbeter nie slegs die kind se kans om aangeneem te word nie, maar dit kan ook help om die ontwikkelingsprobleme geassosieer met institusionele versorging te voorkom.

The use of visual imagery and reflective writing as a measure of social work students' capstone experience

Orton, Dianne J. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DPhil (Social Work))--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / Traditional means for social work students to share their capstone field work experiences in the academic setting have primarily focused on articulating this experience using verbal skills, reports and other forms of written documentation. The ability of students to explain the nuances of agency environments, clientele, the acquisition and demonstration of transferable skills such as communication, teamwork, organizing and planning skills and critical thinking abilities in a descriptively rich fashion is quite limited. The aim of the study is to determine the perceived meaning, and significance of students’ photographed artifacts. This qualitative study incorporated an exploratory design using visual imagery, reflective writing techniques and photo-elicitation interviews. This process provided students the opportunity to illustrate the depth and breath of their capstone field work experiences. The study resulted in 110 participant-produced photographs taken in three domains: At the agency, Outside the agency and Personal. Six overarching themes developed from the analyzed data: (1) safety, (2) environment and atmosphere, (3) transportation, (4) frustration and stress, (5) inspiration, coping and hope and (6) transferable skills. The findings reflect the unique perspective of students’ capstone field work experience that can be shared with social work students, educators, and practitioners.

Beroepstres en streshantering by maatskaplike werkers wat betrokke is by intervensie met seksueel misbruikte kinders

Van Wyk, Carlien 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Social Work))--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Maatskaplike werkers kry daagliks te doen met seksueel misbruikte kinders en daar word spesifiek deur wetgewing en beleidsdokumente voorsiening gemaak vir hierdie intervensie. Sommige maatskaplike werkers is in diens van 'n spesifieke organisasie wat van hulle verwag om aan 'n spesifieke groep kliënte dienste te lewer. Die fokus van hierdie studie is gerig op maatskaplike werkers wat betrokke is by intervensie met seksueel misbruikte kinders. Dienslewering geskied in 'n emosioneel hooggelaaide omgewing waar die moontlikheid van beroepstres groot is. Beroepstres kan veroorsaak word deur faktore in die interne omgewing (individu), die eksterne omgewing (werk/omgewing) of in die aard van die werk. Die doel van hierdie studie was om begrip te ontwikkel vir beroepstres en streshantering by maatskaplike werkers wat betrokke is by intervensie met seksueel misbruikte kinders. Die navorsingsvraag vir die studie lui soos volg: “Hoe word beroepstres ondervind en hanteer deur maatskaplike werkers wat betrokke is by intervensie met seksueel misbruikte kinders?” Hierdie navorsingsvraag is aangespreek deur kwalitatiewe navorsing te onderneem. Die studie kan geklassifiseer word as verkennende en beskrywende navorsing. Twee- en-twintig maatskaplike werkers, werksaam by vyf organisasies wat spesifiek fokus op intervensie met seksueel misbruikte kinders in die Kaapse Metropolitaanse Gebied, is deur middel van 'n doelgerigte, nie-waarskynlike steekproef geselekteer. 'n Profiel van deelnemers is saamgestel en semi-gestruktureerde een-tot-een onderhoude is benut om 'n gedetailleerde beeld te verkry van beroepstres en streshantering by maatskaplike werkers wat betrokke is by intervensie met seksueel misbruikte kinders. Hierdie onderhoude is aan die hand van 'n onderhoudskedule gevoer wat na aanleiding van die literatuurstudie saamgestel is. Die onderhoude is getranskribeer vir die doeleindes van data-analisering en aan die hand van Creswell (2009) se stappe geanaliseer. Sewe temas is geïdentifiseer, naamlik (1) perspektiewe op keuse van beroep, (2) dienslewering binne die konteks van 'n organisasie-struktuur, (3) oorsake van beroepstres, (4) manifestering van beroepstres, (5) implikasies van beroepstres, (6) voorkoming en hantering van beroepstres, en (7) ontwikkeling en groei van maatskaplike werkers. Hierdie temas is in subtemas en kategorieë verdeel en aan die hand van toepaslike narratiewe uit die onderhoude bespreek en met literatuur gekontroleer. Ten opsigte van elke tema is daar bepaalde gevolgtrekkings en aanbevelings gemaak. Daar is bevind dat maatskaplike werkers om verskeie redes in die veld van seksuele misbruik begin werk het, waarvan die meerderheid toevallig in hierdie veld begin werk het. Aangesien die intervensie in die konteks van 'n organisasie-struktuur plaasvind, is dit belangrik dat hierdie organisasies die verantwoordelikheid aanvaar vir werknemers se welstand, die nodige ondersteuning bied en hulpbronne/infrastruktuur voorsien. Daar is verder insig ontwikkel in watter faktore 'n oorsaak van beroepstres is, op watter wyses dit manifesteer en wat die implikasies daarvan vir die maatskaplike werker, gesin/huis/vriende en werkopset is. Daar is verskeie primêre, sekondêre en tersiêre strategieë wat benut kan word om beroepstres te voorkom of te hanteer. Dit blyk dat ondersteuning wat op verskeie vlakke aan die maatskaplike werkers gebied moet word, een van die belangrikste bevindinge in hierdie verband is. Laastens is die belang van ontwikkeling en groei van maatskaplike werkers in die veld van seksuele misbruik beklemtoon en verskeie wyses waarop dit kan geskied is geïdentifiseer. Aanbevelings is gemaak na aanleiding van die gevolgtrekkings van die studie. Die belangrikste aanbeveling is dat maatskaplike werkers wat betrokke is by intervensie met seksueel misbruikte kinders op verskeie wyses na hul eie welstand moet omsien. Daar moet verder ook ondersteuning ontvang word van die organisasie in wie se diens hulle is ten einde effektiewe betrokkenheid te verseker by intervensie met seksueel misbruikte kinders. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Social workers work with sexually abused children on a daily basis and legislation and policy documents contain specific provisions for this intervention. Some social workers are employed by a specific organisation that expects them to render services to a specific group of clients. The focus of this study is on those social workers who are involved in intervention with sexually abused children. Service delivery takes place in an emotionally charged environment where occupational stress is a very real threat. Occupational stress can be caused by factors in the internal environment (individual), the external environment (work/environment) or in the nature of the work. The aim of this study was to create awareness of occupational stress and the handling thereof by social workers involved in intervention with sexually abused children. The research question for this study is as follows: “How do social workers that are involved in intervention with sexually abused children experience and handle occupational stress?” This research question was addressed through the use of qualitative research. The study can be classified as explorative and descriptive research. Twenty-two social workers, working at five organisations that are specifically focussing on intervention with sexually abused children in the Cape Metropolitan Area, were selected by means of a purposive, non-probability sample. A Profile of participants was compiled and semi-structured one-on-one interviews were used to obtain a detailed reflection of occupational stress and the handling thereof by social workers involved in intervention with sexually abused children. These interviews were conducted following an interview schedule that was compiled in accordance with the literature study. The interviews were transcribed for the purpose of data analysis and were analyzed according to the steps of Creswell (2009). Seven themes were identified, namely (1) perspectives on the choice of occupation, (2) service delivery within the context of an organisation structure, (3) causes of occupational stress, (4) manifestation of occupational stress, (5) implications of occupational stress, (6) prevention and handling of occupational stress, and (7) development and growth of social workers. These themes were divided into sub-themes and categories and discussed according to relevant narratives from the interviews and controlled with literature. Conclusions and recommendations were made according to each theme. It was concluded that social workers started working in the field of sexual abuse for a number of different reasons, with the most workers starting in this field by chance. Because this intervention takes place within the context of an organisation structure, it is important that the organisations take responsibility for the wellbeing of employees, give the necessary support, and supply resources/infrastructure. Insight was further gained into the factors causing occupational stress, the ways in which it manifests, and what the implications are for the social worker, family/home/friends and the work setup. There are different primary, secondary and tertiary strategies which can be used to prevent and handle occupational stress. It seems that one of the most important findings in this regard is that support must be given to social workers on various levels. The importance of development and growth of social workers in the field of sexual abuse was lastly emphasized and various ways in which this can be done were identified. Recommendations were made in accordance with the conclusions of the study. The most important recommendation is that social workers who are involved in intervention with sexually abused children must look after their own wellbeing in various ways. Support must also be received from the organisation by which they are employed in order to be effectively involved in intervention with sexually abused children.

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