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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Die benutting van maatskaplikewerksupervisie in die onderrrig van 'n diverse studentepopulasie

Von Schlicht, Helena 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSocialWork)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Internationally accepted opinion is that the education of social work students is currently under pressure to more effectively prepare the students concerned for service delivery in changing circumstances. Emphasis is placed on the role that social justice, relevance of theory, respect for human rights, cross-cultural competencies and diversity currently play in service delivery to the client system and therefore also within the educational situation. Social work educators must be equipped to provide students with effective education and to facilitate an effective learning process for a diverse student population. Various authors point out that during the learning process students must first be empowered to take control of their own life decisions before being able to successfully render services to a client system. Such empowerment in a diverse setting can be achieved through both the educators and students utilizing their diversity of cultures, backgrounds and experiences as resources to increase learning expenences. Education of social work students occurs amongst others through supervision, which a competent social work educator gives to the student. It is the purpose of this study to examine the nature of education by means of supervision in a diverse student population. Appropriate adult learning models that strive towards empowering students through supervision in a diverse setting, are discussed, as well as the nature of the multicultural competencies of the social work educator concerned. Finally practical and theoretical guidelines are provided according to which social work supervision can be used successfully in the education of a diverse student population. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Internasionaal word die mening gehuldig dat die onderrig van maatskaplikewerkstudente tans onder druk is om die betrokke studente meer effektief vir dienslewering in veranderende omstandighede voor te berei. Klem word geplaas op die rol wat sosiale geregtigheid, relevansie van teorie, respek vir menseregte, kruiskulturele kompetensies en diversiteit tans in dienslewering aan die kliëntsisteem en dus ook in die onderrigsituasie, vertolk. Maatskaplikewerkdosente moet toegerus wees om effektiewe onderrig aan studente te gee en om 'n effektiewe leerproses vir 'n diverse studentepopulasie te fasiliteer. Verskeie outeurs wys daarop dat studente tydens die leerproses eers bemagtig moet word om beheer oor hulle eie lewensbesluite te neem alvorens tot suksesvolIe dienslewering aan 'n kliëntsisteem oorgegaan kan word. Sodanige bemagtiging in 'n diverse opset kan bereik word deurdat beide dosente en studente hulle verskeidenheid van kulture, agtergronde en ervarings as hulpbronne gebruik om leerervarings te verhoog. Onderrig van maatskaplikewerkstudente geskied onder andere deur supervisie wat deur 'n kompetente maatskaplikewerkdosent aan die studente gegee word. Hierdie studie het ten doel om die aard van onderrig deur middel van supervisie in 'n diverse studentepopulasie te ondersoek. Geskikte volwassene onderrigmodelle wat tydens supervisie in 'n diverse opset die bemagtiging van studente nastreef, word bespreek, asook die aard van die multikulturele kompetensies van die betrokke maatskaplikewerkdosent. Ten slotte word praktiese en teoretiese riglyne daargestel waarvolgens maatskaplikewerksupervisie suksesvol benut kan word in die onderrig van 'n diverse studentepopulasie.

Moeders se fasilitering van hul voorskoolse kinders se emosionele ontwikkeling : 'n kinderregte perspektief

Albertyn, Angelique 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M Social Work)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The emotional development of a preschool child is of great importance, since it serves as a basis for later emotional development. South African policy and legislation emphasizes the protection of preschool children and the provision of programmes that support the development of preschool children. Mothers are often the caregivers of preschool children and need to facilitate the emotional development of their preschool child. Therefore a study that examines mothers’ knowledge of the facilitation of preschool emotional development was conducted. An exploratory and descriptive study was conducted with 30 mothers that served as the primary caregiver of a preschool child or children. A semi-structured interview was conducted with each mother where quantitative as well as qualitative questions were asked. These questions were based on basic preschool emotional development in order to study mothers’ knowledge, perception and needs regarding preschool basic emotional development. Mothers’ knowledge of the Child Care Act 38 of 2005 was also researched. In this study mothers had good knowledge of basic preschool emotional development, but regardless of this knowledge, most mothers still had a need to learn more about preschool emotional development. Since only basic preschool emotional development was assessed, a study that investigates secondary emotional development needs to be conducted in order to create programmes that enhance knowledge of preschool emotional development. Regardless of mothers’ good knowledge of basic preschool emotional development, knowledge of the Child Care Act 38 of 2005 was poor. The Child Care Act 38 of 2005 is a national legal document that is applicable to all mothers and therefore it is important that mothers have knowledge regarding the content of this document. In this study mothers also indicated a need to learn more about the Child Care Act 38 of 2005, therefore the improvement of knowledge of the Child Care Act 38 of 2005 is a recommendation for service delivery for social workers at welfare organisations. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die emosionele ontwikkeling van ‘n voorskoolse kind is belangrik omdat dit dien as ‘n basis vir latere emosionele ontwikkeling. Suid-Afrikaanse beleid en wetgewing beklemtoon ook die beskerming van voorskoolse kinders en die voorsiening van programme wat ontwikkeling in hierdie ouderdomsgroep fasiliteer wat op die belangrikheid hiervan dui. Moeders is dikwels die versorgers wat emosionele ontwikkeling van voorskoolse kinders fasiliteer. Daarom is ‘n studie na die kennis wat moeders oor beskik om hierdie ontwikkeling te fasiliteer uitgevoer om areas vir vermeerdering van kennis te kan identifiseer. ‘n Verkennende en beskrywende studie is met 30 moeders wat die primêre versorgers van hul voorskoolse kinders is, onderneem. ‘n Semi-gestruktureerde onderhoud is met elke moeder gevoer, waarin kwantitatiewe sowel as kwalitatiewe vrae gevra is oor basiese voorskoolse emosionele ontwikkeling om moeders se kennis, persepsies en behoefte aan kennis te ondersoek. Moeders se kennis van die Suid-Afrikaanse Kinderwet 38 van 2005 is ook ondersoek. Daar is bevind dat moeders oor goeie kennis beskik rakende die basiese emosionele ontwikkeling van ‘n voorskoolse kind. Alhoewel kennis van basiese emosionele ontwikkeling goed was, het meeste moeders meegedeel dat hulle oor ‘n behoefte aan verdere kennis beskik. Deurdat slegs basiese emosionele ontwikkeling ondersoek is, moet verdere studies onderneem word om sekondêre ontwikkeling te ondersoek en daarvolgens moet programme saamgestel word om areas waar kennis onderbreek, aan te vul. Ten spyte daarvan dat moeders se kennis van basiese voorskoolse emosionele ontwikkeling in hierdie studie goed was, was kennis van die Kinderwet 38 van 2005 min. Die Kinderwet 38 van 2005 word nasionaal toegepas op moeders met kinders en daarom is dit belangrik dat moeders van hierdie Wet kennis dra. In hierdie studie is‘n behoefte aan hierdie kennis rakende die Kinderwet 38 van 2005 aangedui en is die verbetering van kennis ten opsigte van die Kinderwet 38 van 2005 as ‘n aanbeveling vir dienslewering deur maatskaplike werkers by gesinsorgorganisasies gemaak.

The views of social workers on diversion programmes for male juvenile delinquents

Kleinhans, Lizelle Alexis 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M Social Work)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Adolescence is a challenging development stage because youths engage in risk-taking behaviour, including anti-social and criminal acts. Factors which contribute to youth becoming involved in crime include having a poor self-concept, being male, the negative behaviour of parents, family dysfunction, low socio-economic status, low literacy levels or being illiterate, peers who exercise a negative influence, and poor role models. Diversion strategies are practised worldwide, including South Africa, to deal with the growing number of youth in conflict with the law. After diversion practice was legalised in South Africa, some challenges have been experienced with implementation. However, the views of social workers are limited regarding diversion practices after the Child Justice Act no 75 of 2008 was introduced. The objective of the study is to gain insights from social workers who facilitate diversion programmes with male juvenile delinquents. In this study, attention was paid to explaining the nature of juvenile delinquency of male adolescents in a South African context; describing diversion programmes in terms of the Child Justice Act no 75 of 2008 to deal with children outside the criminal justice system; discerning the scope, nature and contribution of diversion programmes for the rehabilitation of delinquents; investigating the views of social workers on diversion programmes for male juvenile delinquents; and to make recommendations regarding the facilitation of diversion programmes with male juvenile delinquents. A combination of quantitative and qualitative research approaches were used in the study. The study further assumed an exploratory and descriptive research design due to the limited information available regarding the views of social workers on diversion programmes with male juvenile delinquents. A purposive sampling method was used to select the participants. Data was gathered by means of a structured questionnaire, which was administered during 20 individual interviews. This allowed for a holistic view to be gained of participants' opinions about and insights into the topic. The design of the questionnaire was based on the information obtained from the literature review. The findings of the empirical investigation mainly confirmed the findings of the literature study that males are more vulnerable to juvenile delinquency, that parents and families play substantial roles in the causes of juvenile delinquency and, lastly, that diversion programmes offer much benefit to youth offenders. The most important recommendations resulting from the study indicate that social workers should become more skilled and equipped to facilitate therapeutic groups as this will contribute to the reduction of re-offending. Parental and family involvement in diversion programmes is essential as it will increase the impact on the youth offender. In addition, the recommendations indicate the significance of monitoring and evaluation of diversion programmes, in this way ensuring the proper implementation of the Act. Lastly, it is suggested that more research be done about diversion practices internationally to increase knowledge regarding implementation. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die puberteitsjare is 'n uitdagende ontwikkelingsfase omdat die jeugdige riskante gedrag toon, soos antisosiale optrede en die pleeg van misdaad. Faktore wat bydra tot die jeugdige se betrokkenheid by misdaad is die feit dat hy tot die manlike geslag behoort, 'n lae selfbeeld het, die negatiewe gedrag van ouers, uit 'n gebroke huis kom, aan lae sosioekonomiese status ly, die lae vlak van of geen geletterdheid het nie, vriende wat 'n negatiewe invloed uitoefen, en swak rolmodelle. Afwendingstrategieë word wêreldwyd beoefen, ook in Suid-Afrika, om die toenemende aantal jeugdiges wat met die gereg bots, te help. Nadat afwendingspraktyke in Suid-Afrika gewettig is, is sekere uitdagings in die praktyk ervaar. Min menings is deur maatskaplike werkers geopper oor afwendingspraktyke nadat bepalings ingevolge die Kindergeregtigheidswet nr 75 van 2008 toegepas is. Die doel van die studie is om insigte te verleng van maatskaplike werkers wat afwendingsprogramme met manlike jeugmisdadigers fasiliteer. Aandag is geskenk aan die aard van jeugoortredings deur manlike jeugdiges in Suid-Afrika, beskrywings van afwendingsprogramme wat jeugdiges buite die strafregtelike stelsel behandel ingevolge die Kindergeregtigheidswet nr 75 van 2008, om insigte te win oor die omvang, aard en bydrae van afwendingsprogramme vir manlike jeugoortreders met die oog op rehabilitasie, om die menings en insigte van maatskaplike werkers oor afwendingsprogramme vir manlike jeugoortreders te ondersoek, en om aanbevelings te doen oor die fasilitering van afwendingsprogramme vir sulke oortreders. 'n Kombinasie van kwantitatiewe en kwalitatiewe navorsingsbenaderings is in hierdie studie gevolg. Tydens hierdie ondersoek is ook beide 'n verkennende en beskrywende navorsingsontwerp benut, omdat die literatuur 'n gebrek toon aan die insigte van maatskaplike werkers oor afwendingsprogramme met manlike jeugoortreders. 'n Doelgerigte steekproeftrekking is gebruik om die deelnemers te keur. Gegewens is ingewin deur middel van 'n gestruktureerde vraelys in twintig afsonderlike onderhoude. Sodoende kon 'n geheelbeeld van die deelnemers se menings en insigte aangaande die onderwerp verkry word. Die samestelling van die vraelys is gegrond op inligting wat uit die literatuuroorsig verkry is. Die bevindinge van die ondersoek het grootendeels dié van die literatuuroorsig bevestig, naamlik dat mans meer kwesbaar is vir jeugoortredings, dat ouers en gesinne 'n groot rol speel in die oorsake van jeugoortredings, en dat jeugoortreders baat kan vind by afwendingsprogramme. Die belangrikste aanbevelings voortspruitend uit hierdie studie dui daarop dat maatskaplike werkers meer vaardighede moet opdoen en toegerus moet word om terapeutiese groepe te fasiliteer aangesien dit sal bydra tot die vermindering van die herhaling van die oortreding. Dit is belangrik dat ouers en families betrokke is by afwendingsprogramme omdat dit 'n groter uitwerking op die jeugoortreder sal hê. Die aanbevelings dui ook op die belangrikheid van die monitering en evaluering van afwendingsprogramme om te verseker dat die bepalings ingevolge die Wet korrek toegepas word. Laastens, daar word voorgestel dat meer navorsing oor afwendingspraktyke internasionaal gedoen word om kennis oor die implementering daarvan te verbreed.

Psychosocial implications of stillbirth for the mother and her family : a crisis-support approach

Human, Melanie 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M Social Work)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: According to South African annual statistics, stillbirth is a relevant issue and National health policies, social welfare services and health care providers should place special focus on pregnant women to avoid the possible occurrence of a negative pregnancy outcome such as a stillbirth. An event that should have been a joyous birth, ended in a tragic death, forcing the mother to deal with the emotions of birth and death simultaneously. The bereaved mother needs to receive special care and support as soon as possible and the crisis intervention approach is seen as being helpful to regain a sense of equilibrium in her and the family’s life before starting to adapt to the new situation. This study explores and describes the lived experience of 25 mothers who experienced a stillbirth. Focus was given to the psychosocial implications of stillbirth on mothers and their families. This study examined the mothers’ feelings about the stillbirth six months or longer after the event, as well as its impact on relationships with partners and other children. By adopting a crisis intervention approach, the effectiveness of crisis intervention shortly after the stillbirth could be investigated. This study used a combination of quantitative and qualitative research approaches and assumed an exploratory and descriptive research design to provide a detailed description of the phenomenon being studied, i.e. the psychosocial implications of stillbirth. A questionnaire was used to obtain demographic (quantitative) data and a semi-structured questionnaire – the design based on information from literature - was administered during individual interviews. Obtained data was both measurable and rich in description and revealed that mothers still longed for their stillborn babies after a period of six or more months had passed. It also indicated that the father or partner of the baby and other children were affected by a stillbirth. Gender differences in how stillbirth is experienced by each partner, consequently adds extra tension on the relationship. Most of the mothers experienced the stillbirth as a crisis and found support in their mothers, family and a counsellor. Significantly, mothers felt crisis-intervention was beneficial, but preferred that crisis intervention be followed by on-going therapy. The stillbirth also resulted in feelings of alienation from community, friends and family - who did not know how to approach them. Generally, mothers were satisfied with medical care received but several issues regarding autopsy consent and guilt feelings surrounding this are highlighted. Important recommendations resulting from the study indicate that the crisis-intervention approach as method in social work is effective when rendering service for bereaved mothers and families after a stillbirth. It helps to regain a sense of equilibrium, but further intervention is recommended to facilitate the grief process. In addition, the study emphasizes the importance of social workers being aware that the stillbirth causes tension in partner- and family relationships. Receiving social work intervention is not only highly effective, but allows bereaved mothers to feel empowered and encouraged to openly grieve for their stillborn babies - much needed in an environment where a stillbirth is seen as a silent birth. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Volgens jaarlikse Suid-Afrikaanse statistieke, is stilgeboorte ‘n relevante onderwerp en die Nasionale gesondheidsbeleid, maatskaplike welsynsdienste en gesondheidssorgverskaffers moet fokus op swanger vroue ten einde moontlike negatiewe swangerskapuitkomstes, soos stilgeboorte, te voorkom. Tydens ‘n stilgeboorte, eindig die heuglike vooruitsig van ‘n geboorte in die tragiese afsterwe van die baba en word die moeder geforseer om emosies van geboorte en sterfte gelyktydig te hanteer. Sulke moeders benodig spesiale versorging asook ondersteuning so spoedig moontlik. Krisis intervensie is ‘n effektiewe metode om die moeder te help om ‘n mate van balans in haar en haar gesin se lewe te herwin voordat hulle kan begin aanpas by die nuwe situasie. Hierdie studie ondersoek en beskryf ervarings van 25 moeders wat ‘n stilgeboorte ervaar het. Fokus word geplaas op die psigososiale effek van stilgeboorte op moeders en hul gesinne. Moeders se gevoelens rakende die stilgeboorte ses maande of langer na die geboorte, is ondersoek, asook die effek daarvan op hul verhoudings met lewensmaats en ander kinders. Deur die krisis intervensie benadering te gebruik, kon die effektiwiteit daarvan kort na die stilgeboorte ondersoek word. Kwantitatiewe en kwalitatiewe navorsingsmetodes is in hierdie studie gebruik. Die studie veronderstel ʼn verkennende en beskrywende navorsingsontwerp om sodoende ʼn uitvoerige beskrywing van die psigososiale implikasie van stilgeboorte te verskaf. Data word verkry deur ʼn vraelyste - demografiese (kwantitatiewe) data, asook semigestruktureerde vraelyste (kwalitatief) wat tydens individuele onderhoude toegedien is. Die ontwerp van die semi-gestruktureerde vraelys is gebaseer op inligting vanuit die literatuurstudie. Die bevindinge van die empiriese ondersoek dui aan dat moeders na ses maande of langer steeds hunker na hul stilgebore babas. Geslagsverskille rakende die wyse waarop moeders en vaders die stilgeboorte ervaar dra gevolglik by tot ekstra spanning in die verhouding. Die meeste moeders het die stilgeboorte as ‘n krisis ervaar en het ondersteuning gevind by hulle moeders, gesinne en ‘n berader/maatskaplike werker. ‘n Beduidende bevinding was dat moeders krisis intervensie as voordelig beskou het, maar verkies dat dit opgevolg moet word deur deurlopende terapie. Die stilgeboorte veroorsaak ook dat die moeders ‘n gevoel van vereensaming van die gemeenskap, vriende en familie ervaar het. Volgens hulle was mense te bang en onseker in hoe om hulle te benader. In die algemeen was moeders tevrede met die mediese sorg wat hulle ontvang het, maar kwessies rakende toestemming en skuldgevoelens rondom nadoodse ondersoeke word uitgelig. Belangrike aanbevelings dui aan dat krisis intervensie as metode in maatskaplike werk effektief is ten opsigte van dienslewering vir ‘n moeder en haar gesin na ‘n stilgeboorte. Dit help om ‘n mate van balans te herstel, maar verdere intervensie word aanbeveel om die rouproses te fasiliteer. Die studie beklemtoon ook dat dit belangrik is dat maatskaplike werkers bewus moet wees dat ‘n stilgeboorte spanning veroorsaak in huweliks- en gesinsverhoudings. Die ontvangs van maatskaplike werk intervensie is nie net hoogs effektief nie, maar bemagtig en motiveer moeders om openlik te rou vir hulle stilgebore babas, iets wat nodig is in ‘n samelewing waar stilgeboorte as ‘n geboorte beskou word waaroor daar nie gepraat word nie.

Social work intervention for unmarried teenage fathers

Smith, Patrick J. D. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DPhil (Social Work))--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / The study aimed to explore and describe the experiences, perceptions and needs of unmarried adolescent fathers and to assess the attitudes and attentiveness of selected social workers and organisations that provide services to adolescent parents. In view of the position in which teenage fathers find themselves and with regard to stereotyping and the disregard for their role as fathers, no concerted attempt is made by organisations to provide services to them. They are marginalized and despite changes in legislation and a Bill of Human Rights their needs are not attended to. A mixed research methodology was employed in conducting this exploratorydescriptive study. The study was advertised in the waiting rooms of relevant organisations, in consultation with pregnancy help centres, social work agencies and youth services. Those who responded were interviewed according to inclusion criteria for the study and those who did not qualify were referred to appropriate services. Confidentiality was assured and consent to participate in the study was discussed. A non-random sample of 32 participants was identified, ranging from 13 to 19 years were located of who 15 agreed to participate. Further attrition resulted in the sample being reduced to 12. Interview schedules were used to facilitate the discussion and to ensure that all participants were asked the same questions. The second part of the study explored the attitude and attentiveness of services to adolescent parents. All organisations providing such services were invited and seven eventually agreed to participate. Of these, four indicated that they were participating in their personal capacity. Interviews were guided by an interview schedule which aimed to explored attitude, attentiveness and capacity to provide services to unmarried teenage fathers. The findings of the study revealed that teenage fathers want to be involved with their children, but social stereotyping, unrealistic expectations of partners and family, and social discrimination militate against them. However, the support of family and the natal partner and her family, are factors that determine continued involvement. Services were perceived and experienced as negative and dismissive of their role as fathers.

The perceptions and experiences of African women in violent partner relationships : an exploratory study

Mesatywa, Nontando Jennifer 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DPhil (Social Work))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This is an exploratory study on the perceptions and experiences of African women in violent partner relationships. The study was conducted in two phases at Ilitha Community Psychological Centre at Ezibeleni Township near Queenstown. Since this is a qualitative exploratory study, in-depth interviews were conducted with a sample of twenty women. In addition a focus group interview was also conducted with five women from the same site in order to gain a better insight into the phenomenon of violence in partner relationships. A literature review that focused on the existing literature concerning African women in violent partner relationships was conducted. African women’s perspectives on the experiences of abuse were explored, a gender perspective based on radical feminist views was discussed and ethnicsensitive empowerment needs and the role of the social service practitioners were investigated. The findings suggest that many African women experience violence in partner relationships. They sustain physical, emotional and economic abuse. A patriarchal system, alcohol abuse, infidelity and failure to support the children financially have been cited as some of the reasons for abuse. Formal and informal social networks assisted these women to some extent. However, there is need for an ethnic-sensitive interdisciplinary training approach and a legal system that is accessible to rural women to prevent further battery. Various recommendations have been postulated. The study indicated a need for ethnic-sensitive empowerment programmes for the abused women, rehabilitative programmes for these women and for the abusers, and an effective legal system to curb violence in partner relationships. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie, wat verkennend van aard is, handel oor die persepsies en ervaringe van Afrikavroue wat binne gewelddadige saamwoonverhoudings verkeer. Die studie is in twee fases by die Ilitha Community Psychological Centre en die Ezibeleniwoonbuurt naby Queenstown onderneem. Aangesien dit ’n kwalitatief-verkennende studie is, is diepgaande onderhoude met ’n eksperimentele groep van twintig vroue gevoer. Hierbenewens is fokusgroeponderhoude ook met vyf vroue van dieselfde buurt gevoer ten einde beter insig te verkry van die fenomeen van geweld binne saamwoonverhoudings. ’n Studie van relevante literatuur wat op bestaande literatuur ten opsigte van Afrika-vroue in gewelddadige saamwoonverhoudings betrekking het, is onderneem. Die perspektiewe van Afrika-vroue oor die wyse waarop hulle mishandeling ervaar, is verken. ’n Geslagsgebaseerde perspektief gebaseer op feministiese beskouinge is onderling bespreek en die behoefte aan etniessensitiewe bemagtigingsbehoeftes asook die rol van sosiale diensleweringspraktisyns het aandag geniet. Die bevindinge dui daarop dat ‘n groot aantal Afrika-vroue geweld binne saamwoonverhoudings ervaar. Hulle ondervind fisieke, emosionele en ekonomiese mishandeling. ’n Patriargale stelsel, alkoholmisbruik, ontrouheid, en gebrek aan geldelike versorging van die kinders binne die gesin, is genoem as sommige van die redes vir die mishandeling. Formele en informele netwerke het hierdie vroue in ’n sekere mate bygestaan. Daar bestaan egter ’n behoefte aan ’n etnies-sensitiewe interdissiplinêre opleidingsbenadering asook ’n regstelsel wat toeganklik is vir landelike vroue om verdere mishandeling te voorkom. Verskeie aanbevelings is gepostuleer. Die studie het aangetoon dat daar ’n behoefte bestaan aan etnies-sensitiewe bemagtigingsprogramme vir mishandelde vroue, rehabilitasieprogramme vir sodanige vroue asook vir diegene wat hulle mishandel, en ’n effektiewe regstelsel om geweld binne saamwoonverhoudings aan bande te lê.

Social casework : an afrocentric perspective

Thabede, Dumisani Gaylord 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Of the three primary methods of intervention in social work - casework, group work and community work - the focus of this study is on social casework. Every country structures its own model of casework practice and this model is determined by the social conditions and the diversity of ethnic groups and their specific cultures. For any social work intervention to be effective it must incorporate the cultural elements and nuances that influence the life of the people in a given country. In South Africa the implementation of the western paradigm of casework normally leaves out of account the dynamics of African culture. Consequently, current practice in social casework will have need to undergo a fundamental paradigm shift in order to address the needs of clients in a culturally sensitive way. The problem that this study will address, therefore, is the lack of sensitivity to African culture in the practice of social casework. Not surprisingly, research on the indigenization of casework in South Africa is meagre. This study attempts to contribute to the scientific inquiry about indigenizing casework theory and practice in South Africa. The aim of this study is to present an Afrocentric perspective on the method of social casework that will provide guidelines for practice in African communities in South Africa. To achieve this aim, four objectives are pursued: to describe casework within the context of the history of social work; to identify cultural elements that are essential to practice casework with African clients; to determine to what extent social caseworkers are culturally sensitive; and to investigate how far social caseworkers are equipped to render services to African clients. An exploratory study which is qualitative in nature was conducted. The phenomenological research strategy was used where the researcher, through in-depth interviews with respondents, developed insight into the experiences of social workers with regard to their practice of casework with African clients. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with ten respondents who were social workers employed either by the state or by private welfare organizations in the Limpopo Province. The findings of the study are that social work training does not adequately prepare social workers to practice casework effectively with African clients. Indeed, social workers practising casework are not always culturally competent. Guidelines to be considered when practising casework with African clients are presented, and ways are suggested of how social workers can achieve cultural competence in service rendering to African clients. For social casework to succeed in South Africa, it is crucial that caseworkers acknowledge the existence of the African worldview, which is profoundly informed by African culture, and also incorporate the implications of this worldview in their casework framework of practice with African clients. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Van die drie primêre intervensiemetodes in maatskaplike werk - gevallewerk, groepwerk en gemeenskapswerk, is die fokus van die studie op gevallewerk. Elke land stel sy eie model vir die beoefening van gevallewerk saam en die model sal afhang van die sosiale toestande en die diversiteit van etniese groepe en hulle spesifieke kulture. Vir maatskaplike werk intervensie om effektief te wees moet die kultuur elemente en nuanses wat die lewe van mense in 'n bepaalde land beïnvloed, in ag geneem word. In Suid-Afrika neem die implementering van die westerse paradigma van gevallewerk normaalweg nie die dinamika van die Afrikakultuur in ag nie. Gevolglik moet die huidige beoefening van gevallewerk in Suid-Afrika 'n fundamentele paradigma skuif ondergaan ten einde die behoeftes van kliënte in 'n kultuur sensitiewe manier aan te spreek. Die probleem wat hierdie studie derhalwe sal ondersoek is die gebrek aan sensitiwiteit vir die Afrika kultuur in die beoefening van gevallewerk. Dit is ook nie verbasend dat navorsing oor die verinheemsing van gevallewerk in Suid-Afrika gebrekkig is nie. Die studie beoog om 'n bydrae te lewer tot die wetenskaplike ondersoek van die verinheemsing van gevallewerk teorie en praktyk in Suid-Afrika. Daar bestaan 'n dringende behoefte om gevallewerk benaderings en prosesse te kontekstualiseer en te verheems ten einde sensitief te wees vir en te reageer op die sosiale realiteite wat die meeste Suid-Afrikaners ervaar. Die doel van die studie is om 'n Afrosentriese perspektief van die gevallewerk metode van maatskaplike werk, wat riglyne sal verskaf vir die beoefening van gevallewerk in Afrika gemeenskappe in Suid-Afrika, aan te bied. Om dit te bereik is vier doelwitte vir die studie gestel: om gevallewerk binne die konteks van die geskiedenis van maatskaplike werk te beskryf; om die kultuur elemente wat essensieel is vir die beoefening van gevallewerk met Afrika kliënte, te identifiseer; om by gevallewerkers vas te stel tot watter mate hulle toegerus is om kultuur sensitief te wees en om die mate waarin gevallewerkers bevoeg is om dienste en Afrika kliënte te lewer, te ondersoek. 'n Verkennende studie wat kwalitatief van aard is, is onderneem. Die fenomenologiese strategie is gebruik waartydens die navorser met behulp van in-diepte onderhoude met respondente insig ontwikkel het in die ervarings van maatskaplike werkers in die beoefening van gevallewerk met Afrika kliënte. Semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude is met tien respondente wat maatskaplike werkers in diens van óf die staat óf privaat welsynsorganisasies in die Limpopo Provinsie is, is gevoer. Die bevindinge van die studie is dat maatskaplikewerk-opleiding maatskaplike werkers nie voldoende voorberei om gevallewerk met Afrika kliënte effektief te beoefen nie. Inderdaad is maatskaplike werkers wat gevallewerk beoefen nie altyd kultuur sensitief nie. Riglyne wat oorweeg kan word vir die beoefening van gevallewerk met Afrika kliënte word aangebied en maniere waarop kulturele kompetensie bereik kan word in dienslewering aan Afrika kliënte word voorgestel. Vir maatskaplike werk om suksesvol te wees in Suid-Afrika is dit kardinaal dat gevallewerkers erkenning sal verleen aan die bestaan van 'n Afrika wêreldbeskouing wat hoofsaaklik ontleen is aan die Afrikakultuur en dat die implikasies van hierdie wêreldbeskouing vir hulle deel sal maak van hulle gevallewerk praktyk raamwerk met Afrika kliënte.

The experiences of low-income female survivors of domestic violence

Slabbert, Ilse 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Social Work))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Domestic violence crosses all boundaries and is regarded as a universal challenge affecting women of all spheres of life. Domestic violence is seen as a serious social problem in South Africa. It is regarded by many researchers as a leading cause of female injury. Domestic violence can be described as an act by a member of a family against another member with intent to do physical injury, psychological or emotional harm, or an assault or a threat that reasonably places that member in fear of imminent physical injury or emotional harm. It has major consequences, not only for the abused woman, but also for her children and society at large. Many low-income women cannot escape their abusive circumstances due to a lack of resources. Despite the fact that they cannot leave their situation, many women display certain strengths, helping them to deal with their difficult situation. These women can be viewed as heroic, assertive and persistent. They are not victims, but active survivors. The social work profession could benefit from greater insight into the strengths and coping mechanisms of low-income female survivors of domestic violence. The goal of the study is to gain an understanding of low-income female survivors’ experience of domestic violence, focusing on their environmental resources (including family, friends and community) and on their coping mechanisms (inner resources/strengths). To achieve this goal, the objectives are: to present a theoretical overview of the nature and extent of domestic violence; to describe the environmental resources (such as family, friends and community) of low-income abused women from the ecological perspective; to explore the coping mechanisms (inner resources) of these women in terms of the principles of the strengths perspective; and to analyse and interpret the data obtained from the study. The research utilises an exploratory and descriptive design. The research question is, “What are the experience (environmental resources) and coping mechanisms (inner resources) of lowincome female survivors of domestic violence?” This question was addressed by means of qualitative research. Twenty participants took part in the study. Purposive and snowball sampling were used to select the participants. They were interviewed by the researcher, and the data obtained from the interviews were organised into themes. Five themes namely, the experience of domestic violence, low-income, resources, coping mechanisms and statutory intervention were identified. These themes were further divided into sub-themes and categories. Conclusions derived from the data included: domestic violence is a phenomenon that cuts across all racial, marital status or age boundaries; some low-income female survivors of domestic violence experience their situation as stressful; low-income is one of the determining factors preventing some abused women to leave their situation; resources play a significant part in the lives of some low-income abused women; certain strengths from some low-income battered women help them cope; and some abused low-income women do not find an Interim Protection Order (IPO) or the police to be helpful. The recommendations are that social workers should assess primary, secondary and tertiary intervention in dealing with domestic violence; the ecological and strengths perspectives combined would be helpful in assessing resources and coping mechanisms in low-income abused women and collaboration between social workers, the court and the police could help low-income abused women to use statutory services effectively. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Gesinsgeweld ken geen grense nie en word beskou as ’n universele bedreiging vir vroue uit alle sektore van die samelewing. Gesinsgeweld word beskou as ’n ernstige maatskaplike probleem in Suid-Afrika. Dit word deur baie navorsers beskou as ’n hoofoorsaak van vrouebeserings. Gesinsgeweld kan beskou word as ’n daad deur een lid van die gesin teen ’n ander wat gemik is op fisieke skade, sielkundige of emosionele teistering, of ’n aanval of ’n dreigement wat die lid van die gesin laat vrees vir fisieke beserings of emosionele skade. Dit het grootskaalse gevolge, nie net vir die mishandelde vrou nie, maar ook vir haar kinders en vir die breër gemeenskap. Baie lae-inkomste vroue kan nie uit hulle gewelddadige situasie ontsnap nie, vanweë beperkte bronne. Nieteenstaande die feit dat baie vroue nie hul huidige omstandighede kan ontkom nie, toon hulle sekere sterktes wat hulle help in hulle moeilike omstandighede. Hierdie vroue kan beskou word as heldinne wat nie tou opgooi nie. Hulle is nie slagoffers nie, maar oorleef aktief [Engels: “active survivors”]. Die maatskaplikewerkprofessie kan baat by groter insig in die sterktes en hanteringsvaardighede van lae-inkomste vroue wat gesinsgeweld oorleef. Die doel van die studie is om groter insig te verkry in lae-inkomste vroue se ervaring van gesinsgeweld, veral hulle omgewingsfaktore (insluitende familie, vriende en gemeenskap) en van hulle hanteringsmeganismes (innerlike bronne/sterktes). Om hierdie doel te bereik, is die doelwitte: om ’n teoretiese aanbieding van die aard en omvang van gesinsgeweld te gee; om die omgewingsbronne (soos familie, vriende en gemeenskap) van lae-inkomste mishandelde vroue te verduidelik; om die hanteringsmeganismes (innerlike bronne) van hierdie vroue te eksploreer in terme van die beginsels van die sterkte perspektief; en om die data van die studie te analiseer en te interpreteer. Die navorsingsontwerp is eksploratief-beskrywend van aard. Die navorsingsvraag lui soos volg: “Wat is die ervaring (omgewingsfaktore) en hanteringsmeganismes (innerlike bronne) van lae-inkomste vroue wat gesinsgeweld te bowe kom?” Die vraag is aangespreek deur middel van kwalitatiewe navorsing. Twintig deelnemers het deelgeneem aan die studie. Doelgerigte- en sneeubal steekproeftegnieke is gebruik om die deelnemers te verkry. Die navorser het met hulle onderhoude gevoer en die data wat verkry is, is georganiseer in temas. Vyf temas, naamlik die ervaring van gesinsgeweld; lae inkomste; bronne; hanteringsmeganismes; en statutêre intervensie is geïdentifiseer. Die temas is in subtemas en kategorieë onderverdeel. Gevolgtrekkings wat gemaak is uit die data is: gesinsgeweld is ’n verskynsel wat alle ras-, huwelikstatus- of ouderdomsgrense oorskry; sekere lae-inkomste vroulike oorwinnaars van gesinsgeweld ervaar hulle situasie as stresvol; hulpbronne speel ’n betekenisvolle rol in die lewens van sommige lae-inkomste mishandelde vroue; sekere sterktes van lae-inkomste mishandelde vroue help hulle om die situasie te hanteer; en sekere lae-inkomste, mishandelde vroue vind nie ’n Interim Beskermingsbevel (IB) of die polisie as hulpvaardig nie. Die aanbevelings is dat maatskaplike werkers primêre, sekondêre en tersiêre intervensie behoort te assesseer by gesinsgeweld; die ekologiese en sterktes perspektiewe behoort saam aangewend te word om die omgewingsbronne en hanteringsmeganismes van lae-inkomste mishandelde vroue te ondersoek; en samewerking tussen maatskaplike werkers, die hof en polisie kan lae-inkomste mishandelde vroue help om statutêre dienste beter te benut.

The management and development of multi-cultural social work practice in the South African National Defence Force

Pretorius, Andre Johannes 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Multi-cultural social work practice necessitates that the social worker possesses specific knowledge and practice skills in order to render a competent service to a diverse client system. To date, the SANDF does not possess any definite guidelines regarding multi-cultural social work practice. Consequently social work practitioners are ill-equipped to render a needs-based, multi-cultural competent service to the culturally different client system. The purpose of this study, was to develop theoretical and practical guidelines for multi-cultural social work practice within the SANDF. An attempt is made to ensure that the social service delivery system is attentive to cultural diversity among clients, whilst providing social work interventions to the client system. The objectives of the study were: firstly, to present a profile of the current consumers of social work services within the SANDF; secondly, to reflect on the nature and function of military social work within the SANDF, and to investigate the need to incorporate multi-cultural social work practice into the military setting; thirdly, to determine how the existing social work programmes in the SANDF are meeting the needs of the client system of diverse origin and culture; fourthly, to investigate the extent to which the social worker gives attention to the different cultural backgrounds of the client system; and fifthly, to explore the knowledge and practice skills needed by the social work practitioner to render multi-cultural social work services in the military setting. The study was confined to a purposive sample of 557 clients to assess their need for multi-cultural social work services. They were representative of the unique diversity in ethnic and cultural heritage, gender, and religious affiliations. The results were analysed qualitatively as well as quantitatively. Structured interviews were conducted with 16 key figures in social work management in order to assess how existing social work programmes have been designed and are managed to meet the requirements of multi-cultural social work. The results were also analysed qualitatively and quantitatively. Furthermore, group interviews with a randomly selected sample of 45 social work officers [production workersl, were conducted to determine their knowledge and perceptions of and attitudes towards multi-cultural social work and to investigate the extent to which they were attentive to the cultural backgrounds of clients when rendering social work services. These results were again analysed both qualitatively and quantitatively. The empirical study enabled the researcher to draw certain conclusions. From the client system's responses it was obvious that social workers should be aware of the client system's cultural, ethnic and/or religious background. Social work managers on the other hand must be skilled in the management of a multi-cultural social work personnel system. The processes used during strategic planning, which should always be preceded by an environmental study, would have an effect on service rendering within multi-cultural social work practice. Most social work programmes have been adapted to suit the needs of a diverse client system. The research results pointed out that the DSW's business plan should focus more on developmental issues like HIV/AIDS. The majority of the social work managers regarded their service rendering as being culturally competent. Although certain misconceptions were evident, social work practitioners do understand the meaning of a multi-cultural competent service rendering. Social work practitioners are not clear whether their cultural, ethnic and/or language background has an influence on their service rending. Concerning communication it was pointed out that communication in a person's mother tongue is most effective during social work intervention. Although all social work approaches are utilised by the practitioners, their overall theoretical knowledge and skills application of these approaches are questionable. In the light of these aspects confusion exists amongst the respondents as to whether social work programmes are meeting the needs of a multi-cultural client system. A number of recommendations flow from the findings and conclusions. The DSW's business plan should focus more on developmental social work aspects, and should continuously stress the importance of having a diverse knowledge and skills base of the most significant models and approaches. The social work delivery system requires more theoretical knowledge and skills in the management and implementation of a multi-culturally competent social work service, and should be skilled in how to convert social work programmes into culturally competent programmes. The workers should further be competent at addressing problems experienced within their own cultural/ethnic background, before engaging in any social work intervention with a diverse client system. Social workers should further be empowered regarding the role, function and implementation of social development strategies within the daily service rendering and thus be guided to work in a multi-cultural social work environment. In the broader sense, staff in each social work office and/or section should identify the stumbling blocks that communication has on their service delivery. Training programmes should be developed for preparing or ongoing education of the social service delivery system regarding cultural competence. Further research should be undertaken concerning factors such as: decreasing stress experienced by social workers towards a diverse client system; the effectiveness of social work programmes in reaching cultural competence; and lastly, the effect of social work management on culturally competent practice. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die praktyk van multi-kulturele maatskaplike werk vereis dat die maatskaplike werker oor spesifieke kennis en praktykvaardighede moet beskik ten einde 'n bevoegde diens aan die kultureel-diverse kliëntsisteem te lewer. Die Suid-Afrikaanse Nasionale Weermag (SANW) beskik tans oor geen definitiewe riglyne rakende multi-kulturele maatskaplikewerk-dienslewering nie. Gevolglik is maatskaplike werkers nie toegerus om 'n behoefte-gebaseerde, multi-kulturele diens aan die kultureel-diverse kliëntsisteme te lewer nie. Die doel van hierdie studie is om teoretiese en praktiese riglyne vir multi-kulturele maatskaplike werk in die SANW daar te stel. Daar is gepoog om die maatskaplikewerk-diensleweringsisteem bedag te maak op die variasies van kultuur wat by kliënte tydens maatskaplikewerk-dienslewering teenwoordig is. Die doelwitte van die studie is soos volg: eerstens, om die huidige profiel van die verbruikers van maatskaplikewerk-dienste in die SANW weer te gee; tweedens, om te fokus op die aard en funksie van militêre maatskaplike werk in die SANW, en die nut van multi-kulturele maatskaplike werk binne die militêre omgewing te ondersoek; derdens, om vas te stel of die huidige maatskaplikewerk-programme binne die SANW wel aan die behoeftes van 'n kultureel-diverse kliëntsisteem voldoen; vierdens, om die mate waarin die maatskaplike werker aandag skenk aan die kulturele agtergronde van kliëntsisteme te ondersoek; en laastens om vas te stel watter kennis en vaardighede maatskaplike werkers benodig ten einde 'n multi-kulturele maatskaplikewerk-diens binne die weermag opset daar te stel. Die studie het 'n doelbewuste steekproef van 557 kliënte ingesluit om die behoefte aan multi-kulturele maatskaplikewerk-dienste vas te stel. Hulle was verteenwoordigend van 'n verskeidenheid van etniese en kulturele agtergronde, geslag asook godsdienstige affiliasies. Die resultate is beide kwalitatief en kwantitatief ontleed. Gestruktureerde onderhoude is gevoer met 16 sleutel figure wat deel vorm van maatskaplikewerk-bestuur ten einde vas te stel hoe huidige maatskaplikewerk-programme ontwerp en bestuur word ten einde aan die vereistes van multi-kulturele maatskaplike werk te voldoen. Hierdie resultate is ook kwalitatief en kwantitatief ontleed. Voorts is groepsonderhoude gevoer met 'n ewekansige geselekteerde steekproef van 45 maatskaplikewerk-offisiere [produksie werkers] om hulle kennis, en menings van en houdings teenoor multi-kulturele maatskaplike werk vas te stel. Daar is verder bepaal in hoe 'n mate hulle wel sensitief is vir kliënte se kulturele agtergronde tydens dienslewering. Hierdie resultate is ook kwalitatief en kwantitatief ontleed. Na aanleiding van die empiriese ondersoek is bepaalde gevolgtrekkiogs gemaak. Die kliëntsisteem het aangedui dat dit belangrik is vir maatskaplike werkers om bewus te wees van die kulturele, etniese en godsdienstige agtergronde van die kliënte. Maatskaplikewerk-bestuurders moet vaardig wees in die bestuur van 'n multi-kulturele maatskaplike werk personeel sisteem. Die proses wat tydens strategiese beplanning gebruik word, en voorafgegaan word deur 'n omgewingsontleding, sal wel 'n effek hê op dienslewering binne 'n multi-kulturele maatskaplike werk. Maatskaplikewerk-progamme is wel aangepas om aan die behoeftes van 'n kultureel-diverse kliëntsisteem te voldoen. Die navorsing het aangedui dat die Direktoraat Maatskaplikewerk-dienste se besigheidsplan meer op ontwikkelingsaspekte soos MIV/VIGS moet fokus. Die meerderheid maatskaplikewerk-bestuurders beskou hul dienslewering as kultureel aanvaarbaar. Ten spyte van sekere wanopvattings, verstaan maatskaplikewerk-praktisyns wel die betekenis van multi-kultureel bevoegde dienslewering. Onduidelikheid bestaan egter of hulle eie kulturele/etniese/taal agtergrond wel dienslewering kan beïnvloed. Met betrekking tot kommunikasie is aangedui dat maatskaplikewerk-intervensie meer effektief is indien dit in 'n persoon se moedertaal plaasvind. Alhoewel die meeste maatskaplikewerk-benaderings wel deur die praktisyns benut word, word hul teoretiese kennis en die toepassing daarvan, bevraagteken. In die lig van veral hiervan is die respondente in die war of die maatskaplikewerk-programme wel aan die behoeftes van die multi-kulturele kliënt sisteem voldoen. Aanbevelings na aanleiding van die bevindinge sluit in dat die besigheidsplan van die Direktoraat Maatskaplikewerk-dienste meer moet fokus op ontwikkelingsaspekte en die noodsaaklikheid moet aandui dat 'n verskeidenheid kennis- en vaardigheidsbasisse nodig is van toepaslike modelle en benaderings in die praktyk. Die maatskaplikewerk-diensleweringsisteem benodig meer teoretiese kennis en vaardighede in die bestuur en implementering van In multi-kulturele bevoegde maatskaplikewerk-diens, asook die vaardigheid om maatskaplikewerk-programme in kultureel aanvaarbare programme om te skakel. Hulle moet verder ook oor die vaardigheid beskik om probleme binne hul eie kulturele/etniese agtergrond effektief te hanteer, alvorens enige maatskaplikewerk-intervensie met In kultureel-diverse kliëntsisteem kan plaasvind. Maatskaplike werkers moet ook bemagtig wees met betrekking tot die rol, funksie en implementering van maatskaplike ontwikkelingsstrategieë binne die konteks van daaglikse dienslewering en dus gehelp word om binne die multi-kulturele maatskaplikewerk-omgewing te werk. Verder moet personeel in elke maatskaplikewerk-kantoor en/of -afdeling kommunikasie stuikelblokke identifiseer wat dienslewering negatief kan beïnvloed. Opleidingsprogramme moet ontwikkel word vir die voorbereiding en voordurende onderrig van die maatskaplikewerk-diensleweringsisteem rakende kulturele bevoegdheid. Voorts moet navorsing onderneem word oor die verligting van spanning by maatskaplike werkers teenoor In kultureel-diverse kliëntsisteem; die effektiwiteit van maatskaplikewerk-programme om kulturele bevoegdheid te bereik; en die effek van maatskaplikewerk-bestuur op In kutureelbevoegde-praktyk.

The management of community development projects in disadvantaged communities in the Eastern Cape

Mbandazayo, Nosinodi Patricia. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The purpose of this research study is to present a profile of the community needs and a description of the community programmes which are in operation at the SHARE organisation. Furthermore, the study aims at compiling data that will attempt to determine how the SHARE project meets the principles for social welfare, namely securing basic welfare and human rights, equity, non-discrimination, accountability, accessibility, appropriateness, transparent quality service, democracy and ubuntu. For purposes of achieving the above aims and the objectives of the study, a literature review was undertaken and empirical research data were gathered and are presented in this study. The literature review support data relevant to the study, and it involves the historical background of social work and community development in Britain, Europe, Great Britain, the United States of America and South Africa. The above historical background is crucial in understanding events that led to community development initiatives in South Africa, especially in relation to the SHARE project under study. Furthermore, a developmental approach to social welfare in South Africa, families living in poverty, management of community work projects from a social work perspective and models of social welfare have been presented. From the above literature presentation, the role of a community social worker in managing community projects has been identified. A community social worker's involvement in managing community projects is important because a social worker possesses expert knowledge and the skills necessary to facilitate the community's own initiatives in the development of the community. Community members are therefore supported towards self-help and self-determination. A local social work practitioner has succeeded in facilitating the efforts of the KwaNobuhle community in the establishment of the SHARE projects. She has made use of her expert knowledge and skill to foster self-initiatives to the KwaNobuhle community to develop their own community. A pre-assessment review undertaken by the researcher at the SHARE project and the KwaNobuhle needs assessment survey data have provided a basis for the empirical study. In this study, an applied research design has been utilised to demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of a project. Data gathering has been applied by utilising two instruments. The first instrument, a structured questionnaire was designed to collect data from a sample size of ten SHARE respondents consisting of service providers and beneficiaries. The data gathered have been analysed quantitatively. The second unstructured instrument has collected data from a sample size of eleven respondents. Respondents interviewed were SHARE beneficiaries and service providers. Data gathered have been analysed qualitatively. Variables to be operationalised were the SHARE programmes and the principles of social welfare which were identified earlier. The purpose of operationalising the above variables was to determine whether the SHARE programmes are able to meet the principles of social welfare. With reference to the results of the findings it has been established that hypothetically the SHARE programmes have been able to meet no less than 70% of the principles of social welfare as proposed by the White Paper (1997). In conclusion, the SHARE project has projected a positive image of social work practitioners in South Africa. Social work practitioners in the various provinces are urged to initiate similar projects so as to enhance social development in South Africa. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie navorsingstudie is om 'n profiel van die gemeenskap se behoeftes asook 'n beskrywing van die gemeenskapsprogramme wat in gebruik is by die SHARE-organisasie, saam te stel. Vervolgens is die ondersoek toegespits op die insameling van inligting om te bepaal in watter mate die SHARE-projek aan die beginsels van maatskaplike welsyn voldoen, naamlik die versekering van basiese welsyns- en menseregte, gelykheid, nie-diskriminasie, aanspreeklikheid, toeganklikheid, relevantheid, gehalte dienslewering, demokrasie en Ubuntu. Ten einde die genoemde doelstellings en die doelwitte met hierdie studie te bereik, is 'n literatuurstudie gedoen en empiriese navorsingsdata ingesamel. Die literatuuroorsig rugsteun die data wat relevant is vir hierdie studie en verwys na die historiese agtergrond van maatskaplike werk en gemeenskapsontwikkeling in Brittanje, Europa, die Verenigde State van Amerika en Suid-Afrika. Verwysing na die historiese agtergrond is onontbeerlik om die gebeure te begryp wat aanleiding gegee het tot gemeenskapsontwikkelingsinisiatiewe in Suid-Afrika, veral met betrekking tot die betrokke SHARE-projek. Voorts word 'n ontwikkelingsbenadering vir maatskaplike welsyn in Suid-Afrika, gesinne wat in armoede leef, die bestuur van gemeenskapswerkprojekte vanuit 'n maatskaplike werk oogpunt, en modelle vir maatskaplike welsyn aangebied. Uit die bogenoemde literatuuraanbieding word die rol van 'n maatskaplike werker in die bestuur van gemeenskapsprojekte uitgelig. Die betrokkenheid van 'n maatskaplike werker in die bestuur van gemeenskapsprojekte is belangrik, omdat 'n maatskaplike werker oor die kundigheid en vaardighede beskik wat nodig is om die gemeenskap se eie inisiatiewe by die ontwikkeling van die gemeenskap betrek. Lede van die gemeenskap word sodoende ondersteun om hulself te help en word selfverwesenliking bevorder. 'n Plaaslike maatskaplike werker het daarin geslaag om die inisiatiewe van die KwaNobuhle gemeenskap te fasiliteer om sodoende die "SHARE"-projekte te ontwikkel. Sy het haar kundigheid en vaardigheid aangewend om eie inisiatiewe by die KwaNobuhle gemeenskap te bevorder in die ontwikkeling van hul samelewing. 'n Verkenningstudie wat deur die navorser by die SHARE-projek gedoen is, asook die data van die KwaNobuhle behoeftebepaling, het die grondslag gelê waarop die empiriese studie onderneem kon word. In hierdie studie is van 'n toegepaste navorsingsmodel gebruik gemaak om die doeltreffendheid en doelmatigheid van 'n projek aan te toon. Dataversameling het dus geskied deur die gebruik van twee instrumente. Die eerste gestruktureerde vraelys is ontwerp om inligting uit 'n monstergrootte van tien "SHARE"-respondente, wat uit diensverskaffers en begunstigdes saamgestel was, te verkry. Hierdie data is kwantitatief ontleed. Die tweede ongestruktureerde instrument het data versamel uit 'n monstergrootte van elf respondente. Respondente met wie onderhoude gevoer is, was SHAREbegunstigdes en diensverskaffers. Die data wat versamel is, is kwalitatief ontleed. Veranderlikes wat in werking gestel moes word, was die "SHARE"-programme en die beginsels van maatskaplike welsyn wat vroeër geïdentifiseer is. Die oogmerk met die operasionalisering van voorgenoemde, was om te bepaal of die SHARE-programme aan die beginsels van maatskaplike welsyn voldoen. Na aanleiding van die resultate van hierdie bevindings is vasgestel dat die "SHARE"-programme, hipoteties gesproke, aan nie minder nie as 70% van die beginsels van maatskaplike welsyn, soos voorgestel deur die Witskrif (1997), voldoen het. Die "SHARE"-projek het 'n positiewe beeld ten opsigte van maatskaplike werkers in Suid-Afrika geprojekteer. Maatskaplike werkers in die onderskeie provinsies word aangespoor om soortgelyke projekte te inisieer ten einde maatskaplike ontwikkeling in Suid-Afrika te bevorder. / wa201509

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