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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

People who live apart together (LATs) - how different are they?

Duncan, Simon, Phillips, M. January 2010 (has links)
Yes / ‘Living apart together’ – that is being in an intimate relationship with a partner who lives somewhere else – is increasingly recognised and accepted as a specific way of being in a couple. On the face of it, this is a far cry from the ‘traditional’ version of couple relationships, where co-residence in marriage was placed at the centre and where living apart from one's partner would be regarded as abnormal, and understandable only as a reaction to severe external constraints. Some commentators regard living apart together as a historically new family form where LATs can pursue a ‘both/and’ solution to partnership – they can experience both the intimacy of being in a couple, and at the same time continue with pre-existing commitments. LATs may even de-prioritize couple relationships and place more importance on friendship. Alternatively, others see LAT as just a ‘stage’ on the way to cohabitation and marriage, where LATs are not radical pioneers moving beyond the family, but are cautious and conservative, and simply show a lack of commitment. Behind these rival interpretations lies the increasingly tarnished spectre of individualisation theory. Is LAT some sort of index for a developing individualisation in practice? In this paper we take this debate further by using information from the 2006 British Social Attitudes Survey. We find that LATs have quite diverse origins and motivations, and while as a category LATs are often among the more liberal in family matters, as a whole they do not show any marked ‘pioneer’ attitudinal position in the sense of leading a radical new way, especially if age is taken into account. / ESRC

Sex, Love and Security: Accounts of Distance and Commitment in Living Apart Together Relationships.

Carter, J., Duncan, Simon, Stoilova, M., Phillips, M. 20 April 2015 (has links)
no / Drawing on a 2011 national survey and 50 semi-structured interviews, we explore the differing ways in which those in living apart together (LAT) relationships discuss and experience notions of commitment. We found that sexual exclusivity in LAT relationships is expected by the large majority, regardless of their reasons for living apart. The majority of the interviewees also expressed a high degree of commitment to their partner in terms of love, care and intimacy, alongside an appreciation of the increased freedom and autonomy that living apart has to offer. Respondents were divided into four groups according to their perceived commitment: 1. Autonomous commitment, 2. Contingent commitment, 3. Ambivalent commitment, and 4. Limited commitment. Despite differing degrees of commitment, however, the overall finding was that the importance of relating and making relational decisions was central, even in the lives of those living in such unconventional relationship styles.

Constructions, reconstructions and deconstructions of ‘family’ amongst people who live apart together (LATs)

Stoilova, M., Roseneil, S., Carter, J., Duncan, Simon, Phillips, M. 19 September 2016 (has links)
Yes / This article explores how people who live apart from their partners in Britain describe and understand ‘family’. It investigates whether, and how far, non-cohabiting partners, friends, ‘blood’ and legal ties are seen as ‘family’, and how practices of care and support, and feelings of closeness are related to these constructions. It suggests that people in LAT relationships creatively draw and re-draw the boundaries of family belonging in ways that involve emotionally subjective understandings of family life, and that also refer to normative constructions of what ‘family’ ought to be, as well as to practical recognitions of lived family ‘realities’. This often involves handling uncertainties about what constitutes ‘family’.

„Living apart together“ im Kontext von Partnerschaftsbildern, beruflichen Lagen und Eigenschaften der Herkunftsfamilie

Lois, Nadia 10 July 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Die kumulative Promotion befasst sich mit der Lebensform „Living apart together“ (LAT), worunter Paare verstanden werden, die nach Maßgabe ihre Selbstwahrnehmung in getrennten Haushalten leben. Die Arbeit besteht aus insgesamt vier Beiträgen, die in peer-review-Journals erschienen sind sowie einer zusammenfassenden Synopse. Ein erster Schwerpunkt des Promotionsprojektes besteht darin, die Binnendifferenzierung der partnerschaftlichen Lebensform LAT zu untersuchen. Dazu werden mit Daten des Beziehungs- und Familienpanels (Befragte zwischen 15 und 39 Jahre) verschiedene Typen von LAT-Partnerschaften mithilfe von Clusteranalysen identifiziert. Hierbei erweist sich eine heuristische Einteilung in drei Idealtypen – die LAT als Vorstufe stärker verfestigter Lebensformen, LAT als berufsbedingte Notlösung und LAT als Beziehungsideal – als weitgehend empirisch tragfähig. Gleichzeitig werden neue Typen wie z.B. die „ökonomisch deprivierte LAT“ identifiziert, bei der eine ökonomisch prekäre Lage und eine starke Betroffenheit von Arbeitslosigkeit die weitere Institutionalisierung der Partnerschaft zu hemmen scheinen. Das zweite Ziel der Arbeit besteht darin, die Entwicklung der LAT-Partnerschaften im Längsschnitt, d.h. die Übergänge in den gemeinsamen Haushalt einerseits und in eine Trennung andererseits, zu untersuchen. Hier zeigen sich zum Teil deutlich Unterschiede zwischen den zuvor identifizierten Clustern. Eine niedrige Übergangsrate in die Kohabitation sowie ein hohes Trennungsrisiko können z.B. für jugendliche LAT-Partnerschaften, aber auch für den ökonomisch deprivierten Typ, beobachtet werden. Die Kohabitationsneigung bei berufsbedingten Fernbeziehungen ist dagegen höher und das Trennungsrisiko geringer als theoretisch erwartet. Schließlich wird als dritter Schwerpunkt des Projektes der Frage nachgegangen, welche Rolle Eigenschaften der Herkunftsfamilie im Institutionalisierungsprozess spielen. Es zeigt sich, dass Jugendliche die für sie typische LAT-Partnerschaft insbesondere dann früh verlassen und einen Haushalt mit ihrem Partner gründen, wenn es sich nicht um Kernfamilien, sondern um alleinerziehende Eltern oder Stiefeltern handelt. Im Promotionsprojekt wird der Frage nachgegangen, auf welche Mechanismen diese Zusammenhänge hauptsächlich zurückführbar ist, wobei verschiedene theoretische Ansätze – ökonomische Deprivation, Transmissionseffekte, soziale Kontrolle, Stress – vergleichend gegenübergestellt werden.

Spatiality of Multiculturalism

Sarraf, Mohammad January 2015 (has links)
Multiculturalism, as a set of ideas and policies, is one of the normativeapproaches to the current situation of cultural diversity in multicultural cities.But how can the ideas of multiculturalism be translated into the reality of urbanform? The overall aim of this dissertation is to provide a theoretical andconceptual frame of reference for distilling and identifying the ideas ofmulticulturalism which can be translated into spatial form, and in this way, tohighlight the role urban form may play in addressing the situation of living‘together-in-difference’. In this study, the relation between the materiality ofurban form and the political framework of multiculturalism is at the core of thediscussion.In its exploration into multiculturalism, the thesis identifies theoretical lacunae inexplaining the spatial dimensions of multiculturalism. To be able to discussmulticulturalism in urban form terms, the dissertation chooses the position of a‘civility of indifference’, developed by Amin (2012), as one of many possiblestances within this discourse as an operative conception for such an exercise.Adopting the logical argumentation as the research strategy, the thesis delvesdeep into the conceptual domain mapped by space syntax theory as a primarysystem in this endeavour, and accordingly, describes how the spatial form of thecity, by way of human movement, has the potential to create a variety of socialgroupings. Thereupon the thesis develops a secondary conceptual system withexplanatory applicability to the relation between multiculturalism and spatialform. Supported by these systems of argumentation, the study describes how thespatial morphology of the city may have influence on the situation of livingtogether. It is suggested that overlapping spaces represent the spaces whereurban structure potentially can provide the spatial viability for the emergence ofa ‘civility of indifference’ and its two organizing principles of co-presence andmultiplicity.Hence, the dissertation intends to contribute to theoretical efforts into theexperience of living ‘together-in-difference’ from architectural and urban designperspectives, and argues that multiculturalism distinctly possesses spatialdimensions, which should be conceptualized and addressed through thetheoretical lens of spatial form. Hence, the thesis defends that notwithstandingbeing a complex of social processes, the spatial dimensions of multiculturalismshould not be belittled in efforts to address the situation of living together in themulticultural cities of the West. / <p>QC 20150522</p>

Testing reciprocal relationships between marital attitudes, time spent together, and marital satisfaction among newlyweds: a cross-lagged path model

Luu, Sharon January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Family Studies and Human Services / Jared R. Anderson / The present study tests the reciprocal relationships between marital attitudes, time spent together, and marital satisfaction in a sample of newlyweds (N = 1220). Using cognitive dissonance theory and the investment model, this study tests two sets of theoretically derived unidirectional pathways to provide empirical evidence for longitudinal associations between these three constructs. Two separate models were tested, one for husbands, and one for wives. For both husbands and wives, results of the panel models indicated significant autoregressive paths among all three variables from T1 to T2, T2 to T3, and T1 to T3. Among husbands, significant cross-lagged paths emerged between T1 marital satisfaction and T2 marital attitudes, T1 marital satisfaction and T2 time spent together, T1 time spent together and T2 marital satisfaction, T2 time spent together and T3 marital satisfaction, and T2 time spent together and T3 marital attitudes. For wives, cross-lagged paths between T1 marital satisfaction and T2 time spent together, T1 time spent together and T2 marital satisfaction, and T2 time spent together and T3 marital satisfaction were found to be significant. Bootstrap test for indirect effects resulted in no significant mediating effects in the models. The results of these models are discussed and implications for future research and intervention are given.

La citoyenneté des non-citoyens. La mobilisation des personnes en situation d'exclusion : l'expérience du groupe Pé no Chao, à Recife au Brésil. / The citizenship of non-citizens : the motivating forces of marginalized people based on the experience of the Pé no Chão Group, in Recife, Brazil

Delolm de Lalaubie, Ludovic 26 January 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur la façon dont la mobilisation des personnes en situation d'exclusion peut contribuer à la fabrication des politiques publiques. L'observation empirique prend appui sur une ONG brésilienne, travaillant avec des enfants et adolescents de deux favelas de Recife et qui utilise la notion de citoyenneté comme axe central de son projet politico-pédagogique. Nous faisons l'hypothèse que la notion recouvre un ensemble d'attentes espérées par le Brésil dans sa phase de redémocratisation et mises en échec par les politiques néolibérales. Après une première partie s'intéressant à la difficile mise en place des politiques publiques au Brésil et une deuxième qui tente une reconstruction de la notion de citoyenneté, la troisième partie s'intéresse au cadre de sa mise en œuvre. Associée à la démocratie, la citoyenneté devient un « art du vivre ensemble » supposant la reconnaissance d'une communauté politique qui ouvre à l'expérience du « participable » et du « partageable ». L'espace public est dès lors l'élément central de cette mise en scène autorisant l'existence de communautés particulières et permettant de répondre à la fois aux besoins d'assignation des individus et de diversité culturelle. Les notions d'égalité et de liberté complètent les notions qui précèdent en élargissant le champ de compréhension de la façon dont la citoyenneté peut devenir effective. La conclusion pointe la nécessaire formation du « sujet-citoyen » que le Groupe Pé no Chão nous a permis de concevoir et place la construction des identités individuelles et collectives comme élément de transformation sociale. / This thesis discusses the ways in which the motivating forces of marginalized people may contribute towards the development of public policy. The empirical observation uses a Brazilian NGO developing “Social Education in the Street”, which works with children and teenagers in two favelas in Recife. It uses the notion of citizenship as the central core of its politico-educational project. Observation demonstrates that this NGO is not the only one in Brazil to use the term of citizenship. The term is used by numerous players in civil and political society, and is almost excessively used. We hypothesise that the term covers a whole range of Brazil's expectations in its phase of re-democratisation, which are frustrated by neo-liberal policies. The first part of the research investigates the difficulties of implementing public policies on Brazil. The second part, a reconstruction of the notion of citizenship. Using this interpretation of citizenship, the third part investigates its implementation. Associated to democracy, citizenship becomes “the art of living together”, presupposing the recognition of a political community which allows the experience of taking part and sharing. Henceforth public space is the central element of this scenario, authorising the existence of individual communities and enabling the fulfilment of needs both of belonging and of cultural diversity. These notions are complemented by those of equality and liberty, widening understanding of the ways in which the citizen may become effective. The conclusion highlights the training necessary for the “subject-citizen” that the Pé no Chão Group enabled us to develop and positions the construction of individual and collective identities as an element of social transformation.

The Moderating Effect of Attachment Behaviors on the Association Between Video Game Use, Time Together as a Problem, and Relationship Quality

Dobry, Stella Christine 01 July 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to test whether video game use is associated with more problems with spending time together among married couples, whether problems with time together are associated with relationship quality, and whether attachment behaviors can moderate the association between time together as a problem and relationship quality. Previous studies have found a negative association between excessive video game use and couple relationship outcomes. Excessive video game use may negatively impact relationships by taking away from time spent on shared leisure and relationship maintenance activities. The Double ABCx model provided a theoretical framework for understanding how attachment behaviors such as accessibility, responsiveness, and engagement may act as protective factors that buffer the stress created by video game use and perceiving time together as a problem on couple relationships. A sample of 415 married couples who took the Relationship Evaluation Questionnaire between 2011 and 2013 and indicated that one or both partners played video games was used. Results indicated that there was a negative indirect effect of women's sports and music game use on women's relationship quality via women's reports of time together as a problem in the relationship. There was also a positive indirect effect of women's exercise game use on relationship quality. There was also a negative association between men's and women's reports of time together as a problem on own relationship quality. Men's attachment behaviors moderated the association between women's reports of time together as a problem and women's relationship quality. Clinical implications include more thoroughly assessing why video game use may be a problem in the relationship and fostering healthy attachment behaviors.

Äta ensam eller i grupp? : Skillnader i måltidsupplevelser

Lindberg, Jessica, Lagerroos, Louise January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Companionate Lives and Consonant Voices in We Two Together: The 1950 Dual Autobiography of Irish and Indian Reformers Margaret and James Cousins

Copland, Jennifer D 26 November 2012 (has links)
This thesis explores We Two Together, the unique dual autobiography of the reformers Margaret and James Cousins. It places this rich text in the context of the first half of the twentieth century and demonstrates its value as a source for Irish, Indian, gender, and global history. It investigates how the Cousinses represent their efforts to create and maintain a companionate marriage over a lifetime, depict their work as activists for women’s suffrage, Indian nationalism, educational reform, and other causes, and recount the impact of cross-cultural encounters on their cosmopolitan lives. We Two Together provides insight into the lives of two extraordinary individuals as they witnessed and participated in several key social and political movements in Ireland and India. In bringing attention to this book, I hope that other historians will make use of it and that librarians will preserve the rare copies in their possession.

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