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Víceúčelový objekt v Olomouci / The Multipurpose Centre in OlomoucToman, Tomáš January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with design of timber load-bearing structure of a Multi-functional object in Olomouc. This object has an eliptical ground plan with dimensions 50x30 metres and height of 11 metres. The idea of the shape is an eliptical dome. This dome was designed in two options, those are a Rib dome and a Föppel dome.
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Sub, Counter and SomeothersBearse, Tim 02 July 2010 (has links)
Textual accompaniment to the exhibition Blizzard Skitch. This thesis discusses parallels between body cognition in skateboarding and object cognition in sculpture and architecture.
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An Analysis of the Green Knoll Salt Dome, located in the Southeast Green Canyon, Deep Water Gulf of MexicoBroussard, Randal J 16 May 2014 (has links)
The western portion of the Mississippi/Atwater fold belt in the Gulf of Mexico contains what is known as The Green Knoll Salt Dome. The creation and growth of this salt diapir is punctuated by salt deposition, salt migration, sediment loading, and is linked to the “Frampton” fold belt. An indicator of these growth periods is exhibited in an angular unconformity (halo-kinetic sequence boundary) that flanks the diapir. This unconformity developed during the Miocene-Pliocene chronostratigraphic boundary. The “Redwood” (Green Canyon 1001) prospect was drilled after the discovery of middle Miocene sands containing hydrocarbons in the Mad Dog field (GC 826). The objective Miocene sand in the “Redwood” borehole was thin due to this angular unconformity causing the sand to pinch out. An evaluation of seismic and well log data provided by Bureau of Ocean Energy Management indicated that the unconformity might not provide the seal needed to trap hydrocarbons on the flank of the salt dome, or it did not allow enough sand to be deposited. A palinspastic structural restoration of the Green Knoll Salt Dome revealed that the growth of the Green Knoll and Frampton are connected. It is still possible that if a well were to be drilled further down dip from where The “Redwood” prospect was drilled, one may find a potential hydrocarbon reservoir.
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Caracterização magnetomérica do Kimberlito Janjão, Domo de Lages, Santa Catarina / Magnetometric characterization of kimberlite Janjão, Dome of Lages, Santa CatarinaCoelho, Daniel Cunha 14 May 2019 (has links)
Neste trabalho apresenta-se uma revisão da técnica de magnetometria terrestre, com informações detalhadas a respeito do planejamento, aquisição e processamento dos dados. A técnica foi aplicada em uma área de 0,7 km2 no Planalto Catarinense, na região do Domo de Lages, o qual diferencia-se em relação aos demais domos da Bacia do Paraná pela presença de rochas alcalinas com idade de aproximadamente 75 Ma. Estas rochas, já foram alvo de investigações principalmente mineralógica e petrológica. A investigação magnetométrica de detalhe apresentada neste trabalho teve como objetivo inferir a geometria de um corpo kimberlítico, denominado \"Janjão\". Trabalhos geofísicos, anteriormente realizados nessa região, tiveram baixa resolução e pouca representatividade da área de estudo. Este trabalho permitiu gerar um mapa de campo magnético anômalo que apresentou duas anomalias dipolares. Essas anomalias apresentaram polarização reversa àquelas esperadas para anomalias induzidas na latitude e inclinação do campo da região do levantamento, o que indica forte magnetização remanescente das rochas estudadas. A técnica de Amplitude do Sinal Analítico forneceu informações a respeito dos limites laterais dos corpos magnéticos geradores das anomalias. Foi realizada também uma estimativa da profundidade do topo desses corpos a partir da técnica da Meia Largura e da Deconvolução de Euler 3D. Os resultados obtidos entre as duas técnicas se mostraram compatíveis. As informações obtidas por meio do processamento dos dados magnéticos serviram de base para avaliar o modelo gerado pela Inversão do Vetor de Magnetização. A inversão apresentou um modelo de distribuição de susceptibilidade magnética em subsuperfície e dois corpos magnéticos sub-verticalizados, com vetor de magnetização oposto à direção principal do campo magnético terrestre, associados às posições do corpo kimberlítico. Os valores de susceptibilidade magnética variaram de 8 até 20 X \'10 POT.-3\'(SI). Para a susceptibilidade de 8 X \'10 POT-3\'(SI), os corpos magnéticos referentes às duas anomalias são conectados entre si em profundidades de aproximadamente 180 m. O vetor de magnetização indicou fraca susceptibilidade magnética e magnetização primariamente induzida em regiões onde se estima a presença de rochas sedimentares encaixantes à Diatrema Janjão, cujas características físicas são compatíveis com aquelas sugeridas pelo modelo da inversão. Por fim, com a hipótese de campo magnético reverso no momento da formação da diatrema e com as idades estimadas para essas rochas kimberlíticas, foi possível reduzir a incerteza da idade de formação da Diatrema Janjão. Para trabalhos futuros foram mencionadas a localização de outras 16 ocorrências kimberlíticas na região do domo, também foi proposto, além da magnetometria terrestre, o emprego de gravimetria e técnicas eletromagnéticas que possam auxiliar na identificação e caracterização dessas ocorrências, e assim, contribuir com o conhecimento sobre a Província Kimberlítica de Lages, em Santa Catarina. / This work presents a review of the ground magnetometry technique, with detailed information regarding its planning, acquisition and data processing. The technique was applied in an area of 0.7 km2 in the Planalto Catarinense, in the Dome of Lages. The Dome of Lages differs from the other domes of the Paraná Basin by the presence of alkaline rocks with an age of approximately 75 Ma. These rocks, in the 70s and 80s of the last century, were the subject of investigations mainly mineralogical and petrological. The detailed magnetic survey presented in this work had the goal of inferring the geometry of a kimberlite body, named \"Janjão\"(in homage to its discoverer). Geophysical work, previously performed in this region, had low resolution and low representativity of the study area. This work allowed to generate an anomalous magnetic field map that presented two dipole anomalies. These anomalies presented reverse bias to those expected for induced anomalies in the latitude and inclination of the magnetic field of the survey region, indicating strong remanent magnetization in the rocks studied. The Analytical Signal Amplitude technique provided information about the lateral limits of the magnetic bodies that generate the anomalies. An estimation of the depth of the top of these bodies was also made from the Half-Width technique and the 3D Euler Deconvolution. The results obtained between the two techniques were compatible. The information obtained through the processing of the magnetic data served as a basis to evaluate the model generated by the Inversion of the Magnetization Vector. The inversion presented a model of magnetic susceptibility distribution in subsurface and two sub verticalized magnetic bodies, with magnetization vector opposite the main direction of the geomagnetic field, associated to the positions of the kimberlite body. The values of magnetic susceptibility ranged from 8 to 20 X \'10 POT.-3\'(SI). For the susceptibility of 8 X \'10 POT.-3\'(SI), the magnetic bodies relating to the two anomalies are connected to each other at depths of approximately 180 meters. The magnetization vector indicated weak magnetic susceptibility and magnetization primarily induced in regions where it is estimated the presence of sedimentary rocks nesting to Janjão diatreme, whose physical characteristics are compatible with those suggested by the inversion model. Finally, with the hypothesis of reverse magnetic field at the time of diatreme formation and with the estimated ages for these kimberlite rocks, it was possible to reduce the age uncertainty of the Janjão diatreme formation. For future work, was mentioned the location of 16 other kimberlite occurrences in the dome region and also proposed the use of gravimetry and electromagnetic techniques that may help in the identification and characterization of these occurrences, and thus, contribute to the knowledge about the Lages Kimberly Province in Santa Catarina.
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Tectônica rúptil meso-cenozóica na região do Domo de Lages, SC / Meso-cenozoic brittle tectonics of the Lages Dome, SCRoldan, Luiz Fernando 22 June 2007 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como objetivo discutir a evolução tectônica meso-cenozóica do Domo de Lages, SC, envolvendo análise das estruturas rúpteis que afetam as rochas da região, análise morfométrica e da rede de drenagem e aspectos geomorfológicos relevantes. O Domo de Lages, localizado na borda leste da Bacia do Paraná, na porção sul do estado de Santa Catarina, é caracterizado pela ocorrência de uma grande variedade de rochas alcalinas de idade neo-cretácea. Estas rochas afloram na forma de sills e diques e são intrusivas no pacote sedimentar da Bacia do Paraná, causando-lhe um soerguimento da ordem de centenas a milhares de metros. As rochas alcalinas foram afetadas por estruturas rúpteis, particularmente falhas transcorrentes e normais, denotando a presença de uma tectônica ativa durante o cenozóico. Para o entendimento do quadro evolutivo do domo, além da análise estrutural, foram elaborados diversos mapas morfométricos (hipsométrico, declividades, orientação de vertentes, superfícies de base, rugosidade, gradiente hidráulico e densidade de lineamentos e drenagens) derivados diretamente do Modelo Digital de Elevação, que por sua vez foi obtido pelo tratamento de dados SRTM (Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission) da Agência Espacial Americana (NASA). O trabalho foi complementado com a análise da rede de drenagem e de lineamentos extraídos de imagens, juntamente com a elaboração de perfis topográficos. Os resultados mostram tratar-se de uma estrutura dômica alongada com eixo maior orientado na direção NW-SE, marcada pelo alinhamento de intrusões alcalinas e basculamento dos acamamentos das rochas sedimentares que apresentam mergulho radial para fora da estrutura. A análise do relevo revelou a existência de uma superfície de aplainamento, hoje preservada na cota de 1200 m, que teria sido afetada por falhas normais de direções NW-SE e NE-SW. O modelo tectônico evolutivo elaborado para a região contempla a seguinte seqüência de eventos: atuação de esforços compressivos NE-SW no final do cretáceo, gerando falhas normais NE-SW, que afetam as rochas básicas da Formação Serra Geral e condicionam a colocação de diques alcalinos e a estruturação do domo; geração de falhas transcorrentes destrais que afetam todas as rochas da região, incluindo as rochas alcalinas, com binário orientado na direção NNE-SSW; configuração de uma superfície de aplainamento preservada na cota de 1200m, que perdurou, provavelmente, até o mioceno; distensão NE-SW e geração de falhas normais NW-SE que abatem e basculam a superfície aplainada e reorganizam a rede de drenagens; instalação de um provável evento distensivo NW-SE, responsável pela formação de falhas normais NE-SW, marcadas principalmente nos mapas morfométricos. / This study was focused on the meso-cenozoic tectonic evolution of the Domo de Lages region (south Santa Catarina State, Southern Brazil), through the analysis of brittle structures affecting sedimentary and igneous rocks, morphometric parameters, drainage network and main geomorphological features. Located in the border of the Paraná sedimentary basin, the Domo de Lages is characterized by a great variety of Late Cretacic alkaline rocks, which crops out as sills and dikes cutting the Paleozoic sedimentary rocks, and are associated with an uplift of hundreds to thousands of meters. These alkaline rocks are affected by brittle structures, mainly transcurrent and normal faults, indicative of Cenozoic active tectonics. In addition to the structural analysis, several morphometric maps were developed, as an aid to enlighten the evolutionary history of the region. Maps of hypsometry, slope, aspect, isobase surfaces, surface roughness, hydraulic gradient, lineament density and drainage density were derived from SRTM (Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission) Digital Elevation Models provided by NASA, and were complemented by topographic profiles, analysis of drainage network and lineament orientation. Results show that the dome has a elongated shape with major axis oriented NW-SE, defined by alignment of intrusive bodies and tilting of sedimentary rocks bedding planes, dipping radially outwards the center of the structure. Topographic analysis revealed the existence of a planation surface, preserved at 1200m a.s.l., wich would have been affected by NW-SE and NE-SW normal faults. A tectonic evolutionary model for the region was elaborated, according the following sequence of events: in the end of Cretaceous, a compressive NE stress generates NE-SW normal faults, which affect the basic rocks of Serra Geral Formation and controls the emplacement of alkaline dikes and the uplift of the domic structure; formation of transcurrent dextral faults affecting all rocks of the area, including the alkalines, with NNE-SSW oriented binary; development of a planation surface preserved at 1200m a.s.l. which remained probably until the Miocene; NE-SW extension, creating NW-SE normal faults that lowered and tilted the levelled surface and affected the drainage network; a last extensive NW-SE event probably happened, responsible for NE-SW normal faults seen mainly in the morphometric maps.
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Technological Characteristics Of A Brick Masonry Structure And Their Relationship With The Structural BehaviourAktas, Yasemin Didem 01 November 2006 (has links) (PDF)
The aim of this study is to investigate the physical and mechanical properties of construction materials in relation with the structural behaviour of a historic structure. Within this framework, the brick masonry superstructure of Tahir ile Zuhre Mescidi, a XIIIth century Seljuk monument in Konya was selected as case study. The study started with the determination of the basic physical (bulk density, effective porosity, water absorption capacity), mechanical (modulus of elasticity, uniaxial compressive strength), durability and pozzolanic properties of original brick and mortar by laboratory analysis. The obtained data was utilized as material information at the modelling of superstructure, by means of structural analysis software, SAP2000. At the modelling stage, finite element method was used and the complexity of masonry in terms of nonlinearity and heterogeneity was taken into account within practical limits. The constructed model was investigated under dead load, wind load, snow load, temperature load and earthquake load and their possible combinations. Structural investigation was continued with two scenarios representing possible wrong interventions i.e. completion of the partially collapsed superstructure with concrete and the concrete coating over superstructure. These cases were investigated under uniform and randomly distributed temperature loads.
The results approved the safety of the superstructure under normal service conditions, defined as the appropriate combinations of dead load, snow load, wind load and temperature load. The structure appeared to be safe under the earthquake load too. The analyses carried out to simulate the inappropriate restoration works demonstrated the structural damage formations at the original structure.
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Tectonique et minéralisation de la terminaison sud du Dôme de La Mure- Alpes françaises.Poulain, Pierre Andre 17 December 1967 (has links) (PDF)
Ce travail reprend les résultats d'une prospection sur les indices minéralisés du Dôme de la Mure. Il décrit succintement les indices minéralisés rencontrés dans le socle et la couverture sédimentaire. Ceci de Laffrey jusqu'à Mens .
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Geoconservation of abandoned goldmines and granite quarries in the Vredefort Dome World Heritage Site, South Africa / Jacobus Marthinus Jansen van RensburgVan Rensburg, Jacobus Marthinus Jansen January 2012 (has links)
Since the Vredefort Dome‟s listing as a World Heritage Site in June 2005, the area has seen a steady increase in tourists to both the local towns of Parys and Vredefort and the Vredefort Structure. Tourists venturing into the field in an attempt to explore the area have an insatiable appetite for information. By unfolding the gold and granite mining heritage of the area, a world of interesting facts and fables is exposed.
The special geological character of the Vredefort Dome World Heritage Site is enhanced by the mining interventions which started in the 1800s. The mines provide a glimpse into the earth‟s fresh crust which would otherwise have been obscured form the eye of the scientist/researchers, young potential earth scientists and the enquiring tourist.
This study is aimed at identifying, for the first time, the localities of the major mining and quarrying sites in the area. This enabled investigation into and characterization of the exposed sites on the basis of their tourism and academic value. These sites were classified in order to identify those sites that should be made safe, rehabilitated and allowed access to tourists and scientists and those where access should be restricted but made safe in such a way that will allow access to animals and birds.
The value of this initiative with regard to the stimulation of learners‟ scientific needs should not be under-estimated. The wide spectrum of natural, biological and physical sciences can be inspiring. / Thesis (MSc (Environmental Sciences))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013
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Geoconservation of abandoned goldmines and granite quarries in the Vredefort Dome World Heritage Site, South Africa / Jacobus Marthinus Jansen van RensburgVan Rensburg, Jacobus Marthinus Jansen January 2012 (has links)
Since the Vredefort Dome‟s listing as a World Heritage Site in June 2005, the area has seen a steady increase in tourists to both the local towns of Parys and Vredefort and the Vredefort Structure. Tourists venturing into the field in an attempt to explore the area have an insatiable appetite for information. By unfolding the gold and granite mining heritage of the area, a world of interesting facts and fables is exposed.
The special geological character of the Vredefort Dome World Heritage Site is enhanced by the mining interventions which started in the 1800s. The mines provide a glimpse into the earth‟s fresh crust which would otherwise have been obscured form the eye of the scientist/researchers, young potential earth scientists and the enquiring tourist.
This study is aimed at identifying, for the first time, the localities of the major mining and quarrying sites in the area. This enabled investigation into and characterization of the exposed sites on the basis of their tourism and academic value. These sites were classified in order to identify those sites that should be made safe, rehabilitated and allowed access to tourists and scientists and those where access should be restricted but made safe in such a way that will allow access to animals and birds.
The value of this initiative with regard to the stimulation of learners‟ scientific needs should not be under-estimated. The wide spectrum of natural, biological and physical sciences can be inspiring. / Thesis (MSc (Environmental Sciences))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013
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Tectono-metamorphic Evolution Of The Northern Menderes Massif: Evidence From The Horst Between Gordes And Demirci Basins (west Anatolia, Turkey)Bugdaycioglu, Cagri 01 September 2004 (has links) (PDF)
The Menderes Massif forms a large metamorphic culmination in western Turkey & / #8211 / an extensional province where continental lithosphere has been stretching following Palaeogene crustal thickening. Northern sector of the Massif on the horst between Gö / rdes and Demirci Basins was chosen for structural
analysis aimed to study the tectono-metamorphic evolution of the northern Menderes Massif.
Within the study area, four groups of rocks are recognized: (1) the metamorphic rocks & / #8211 / orthogneisses and metasediments / (2) pegmatoids / (3) Neogene sedimentary rocks / and (4) Quaternary alluvial sediments.
The tectono-metamorphic history of the region involves a regional metamorphism (M1) at upper-amphibolite-facies conditions, coeval with a top-tothe-NNE contractional D1 deformation during the northward backthrusting of Lycian Nappes (Eocene main Menderes metamorphism). Partial anatexis during the latest stages of the M1 was speculated to be the main mechanism for the formation of the migmatites and the granitic magma. Pegmatoid domes and dikes/sills formed during late increments of this phase.
A second metamorphism (M2) and coeval top-to-the-NNE deformation (D2) took place during the Early Miocene exhumation of the metamorphic rocks along a
presently low-angle normal fault in an extensional shear zone at presumably greenschist facies conditions during declining P-T conditions.
The latest deformation phase (D3) is high-angle normal faulting due to N& / #8211 / S extension affecting western Anatolia. The E& / #8211 / W grabens dissecting the Massif into northern, central and southern submassifs are the result of this phase, commenced during Pliocene-Pleistocene and gave the western Anatolia
much of its present-day shape. The evidence presented supports the idea of episodic two-stage extension in western Turkey.
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