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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Breaking up without breaking down? : A case study on the communication of withdrawal with a period of notice in an economic downturn, pitfalls and remedies.

Hersi, Ahmed, Carlsson, Magnus January 2010 (has links)
It has been difficult lately, in the wake of the global financial crisis, to open any given newspaper without finding proof of organizational decline – companies laying off personnel or closing down. The reasons for this action are of course many but the fact that it is never going to be easy to notice an individual and co-worker remains.   The purpose for this research was to; “explore how organisational downsize has been communicated, how the situation is perceived and how the change has affected subjective work motivation among employees and managers”, something which we approached by utilizing a qualitative case study through interviews and an abductive research approach.   The result indicates incongruent opinions between managers and workers as to what had been communicated as well as the extent to which sufficient information about the impending RIF had been provided. There was no sign of general attitude deterioration as a result of the reorganization but there was evidence of a slight decline in motivation for one of the respondents. As to the communication climate there was consensus that vertical communication could easily be undertaken, in either direction.       Keywords: notice, communication, downsize, management, RIF, motivation, trust.

企業重組決策分析 - 以全譜科技為例

黃品嘉, Huang , Pin- Chia Unknown Date (has links)
台灣電子業中多半是替國外代工為主的業務,而台灣的掃描器產業曾經享有市場的先佔優勢,也培植出上下游週邊零組件供應商的技術能力,最重要的是累積了豐富的製造技術,進而開創出市場通路及自有品牌的行銷,掃描器產業,似乎扭轉了台灣廠商專做代工的印象,累積這數十年的努力,建立自創品牌研發及通路的無形價值。 1998年起,台灣廠商開始殺價競爭,隨著跌價效應,快速的侵蝕掃描器產業的基礎,雖然台灣廠商在全球市場佔有率上升,產值卻逐年下降,另外消費型IC設計公司的興起,提供 (類比轉數位影像) 自動控制的晶片,降低技術壁壘,這個產業變成只能外移到大陸製造,低利潤的組裝行業,廠商為了維持現有產能及經濟規模,台灣廠商再度淪為替美日大廠專業代工製造,以求獲利穩定,卻又造成國外買主殺價、同業搶單的窘境。 全譜科技設立於1992年,歷經掃瞄器市場價格崩盤,經過內部經營者徹底檢討,1999年進行企業重組,調整公司的經營定位,運用研發創新能力,專注於利基市場的開發,本文會依循創造股東最大價值的觀念,說明重組過程中,其策略應該注意的方向,重組後公司經營績效的變化、企業價值的展現、為本研究重點。

Lived Experiences of Women Over 50 Who Have Experienced Involuntary Job Loss

Phillips, Roxine Denise 01 January 2015 (has links)
Both the short-term and long-term unemployment rates for older workers in the United States have increased significantly since the 2007 recession. Researchers who examine the impact of involuntary job loss have predominantly focused on the experiences of men. Limited prior research exists on the job loss experiences of women over 50 years of age compared to men. The goal of this study was to address this gap in knowledge by examining the lived experiences of women over 50 who had experienced involuntary job loss, the barriers faced to reemployment, and the ways women overcame the barriers to reemployment. A phenomenological design was employed to gather data from a convenience sample of 10 women in a northeastern metropolitan city. Guided by the frameworks of Bandura and Leana and Feldman, this transcendental approach aimed to capture the lived experiences of the women who incurred involuntary job loss. Data transcribed from audio-taped interviews were manually coded and aligned with the appropriate research question. The findings highlighted the emotions, finances, family and social life of women following job loss. The findings suggest women faced age discrimination, organizational practices, technological challenges, and stereotypical beliefs in their attempts toward reemployment. The results of the study can be used to inform organizational leaders of the need for greater emphasis on programs offering solutions to older female workers seeking reemployment. The study promotes potential positive social change by informing organizational leaders of the experiences of women over 50 who had experienced involuntary job loss.

Lived Experiences of Women Over 50 Who Have Experienced Involuntary Job Loss

Phillips, Roxine Denise 01 January 2015 (has links)
Both the short-term and long-term unemployment rates for older workers in the United States have increased significantly since the 2007 recession. Researchers who examine the impact of involuntary job loss have predominantly focused on the experiences of men. Limited prior research exists on the job loss experiences of women over 50 years of age compared to men. The goal of this study was to address this gap in knowledge by examining the lived experiences of women over 50 who had experienced involuntary job loss, the barriers faced to reemployment, and the ways women overcame the barriers to reemployment. A phenomenological design was employed to gather data from a convenience sample of 10 women in a northeastern metropolitan city. Guided by the frameworks of Bandura and Leana and Feldman, this transcendental approach aimed to capture the lived experiences of the women who incurred involuntary job loss. Data transcribed from audio-taped interviews were manually coded and aligned with the appropriate research question. The findings highlighted the emotions, finances, family and social life of women following job loss. The findings suggest women faced age discrimination, organizational practices, technological challenges, and stereotypical beliefs in their attempts toward reemployment. The results of the study can be used to inform organizational leaders of the need for greater emphasis on programs offering solutions to older female workers seeking reemployment. The study promotes potential positive social change by informing organizational leaders of the experiences of women over 50 who had experienced involuntary job loss.

Les aspects de la variabilité génétique et cytogénétique, et de la biologie reproductive chez Sisyrinchium micranthum Cav. (Iridaceae) dans le sud du Brésil / Aspects of the genetic and cytogenetic variability, and of the reproductive biology of Sisyrinchium micranthum Cav. (Iridaceae) in South Brazil / Aspectos da variabilidade genética e citogenética, e da biologia reprodutiva de Sisyrinchium micranthum Cav. (Iridaceae) no sul do Brasil

Tacuatiá, Luana Olinda 28 September 2012 (has links)
Sisyrinchium micranthum Cav. is an herbaceous plant, one of the rare species of the genus which is described as annual. In Brazil, its distribution occurs throughout the states of Rio Grande do Sul (RS), Santa Catarina (SC), Paraná (PR), São Paulo (SP), and Rio de Janeiro (RJ). The species has a wide morphological variability reported in several studies, and different combinations of morphological features can be observed in the wild. Based on these combinations that characterize various plant profiles, three morphological types have been described as CI, CII and CIII. Sisyrinchium micranthum has three ploidy levels described in the literature whose basic number is x = 8, 2n = 2x = 16, 2n = 4x = 32, and 2n = 6x = 48. To contribute to the knowledge on the taxonomy, reproduction and evolution of the species, this study investigated genetic and cytogenetic characteristics of S. micranthum, as well as aspects of reproductive biology. To study the population genetic structure of S. micranthum in southern Brazil, firstly, nine microsatellite markers were isolated using an enriched genomic library, and characterized in a diploid population. Later, from the analysis of genetic variability with seven markers for 583 plants of 14 sampled sites in the states of RS, SC and PR, populations with individuals of different ploidy levels were observed. An autopolyploid origin was presumed for these polyploids. The gene and allelic diversities were rather similar for most of the accessions. The inbreeding coefficient over all loci showed that S. micranthum exhibited an average excess of heterozygotes (negative inbreeding coefficient value), but the FIS values of individual populations ranged from -0.273 to 0.454. The heterozygote excess could be expected since autopolyploids present polysomic inheritance, which contributes substantially for a high heterozygosity. In addition, the populations were highly structured. The results from the cytogenetic analyses, demonstrated that the variability of S. micranthum is also present in terms of genome organization. Regarding S. micranthum and related species S. laxum Otto ex Sims and S. rosulatum E.P. Bicknell, it was verified that the 18S-26S rDNA varies in number of loci, with a notable reduction of the same in polyploids in relation to diploids, while 5S locus showed a proportional increase in the number of signals as increased ploidy level. The data on genome size (Cx) for the three species studied showed a genome downsizing from diploids to polyploids, and also a small inter and intraspecific variation with respect to the C-value. In terms of reproductive biology, selfing and outcrossing were recorded for the species. Furthermore, crossing between different morphological categories of S. micranthum are compatible as resulted in the formation of fruits. Likewise, the data suggest that S. micranthum and S. laxum do not present complete reproductive isolation. The genetic variability of S. micranthum demonstrated in this study in terms of genetic divergence between populations and variation in rDNA loci number possibly reflect the complex relationship between polyploidy and reproductive aspects of the species. / Sisyrinchium micranthum Cav. est une espèce herbacée, l'une des rares du genre qui est décrite comme annuelle. On la trouve au Brésil dans les états du Rio Grande do Sul (RS), Santa Catarina (SC), Paraná (PR), São Paulo (SP) et Rio de Janeiro (RJ). Cette espèce montre une grande variabilité morphologique signalée dans plusieurs études, et différentes combinaisons de caractères morphologiques peuvent être observées dans la nature. Sur la base de ces combinaisons qui caractérisent les profils de plantes différentes, trois types morphologiques ont été décrits, CI, CII et CIII. Sisyrinchium micranthum a trois niveaux de ploïdie décrits dans la littérature à partir du nombre de base x = 8, 2n = 2x = 16, 2n = 4x = 32 et 2n = 6x = 48. Pour contribuer à la connaissance taxonomique, reproductive et évolutive de l’espèce, cette étude a considéré des caractéristiques génétiques et cytogénétiques de S. micranthum, ainsi que les aspects de la biologie de la reproduction. Pour étudier la structure des populations de S. micranthum dans le sud du Brésil, neuf marqueurs microsatellites ont été isolés à l'aide d'une banque génomique enrichie, et caractérisés dans une population diploïde. A partir de l'analyse de la variabilité génétique avec sept marqueurs pour 583 plantes de 14 localités d’échantillonnage de RS, SC et PR nous avons observé l'existence de populations possédant des individus à différents niveaux de ploïdie. Une origine autopolyploïde a été présumé pour ces polyploïdes. La diversité génique et allélique était à peu près similaire dans la plupart des populations. Le coefficient de consanguinité sur tous les loci a montré que les populations de S. micranthum ont présenté un excès des hétérozygotes (coefficient de consanguinité négative), mais les valeurs de FIS de populations individuelles variaient de -0,273 à 0,454. L'excès d'hétérozygotes peut être dû à un héritage polysomique des autopolyploïdes, ce qui contribue sensiblement à une hétérozygotie élevée. En outre, les populations sont très structurées. Les résultats de l'analyse cytogénétique montrent que la variabilité chez S. micranthum s’exprime aussi en termes d'organisation du génome. En ce qui concerne S. micranthum et les espèces proches S. laxum Otto ex Sims et S. rosulatum E.P. Bicknell, il a été démontré que l'ADNr 18S-26S varie en nombre de loci, avec une réduction importante chez les polyploïdes par rapport aux diploïdes, tandis que le locus 5S a montré une augmentation du nombre de signaux proportionnelle au niveau de ploïdie. Les données sur la taille du génome pour les trois espèces étudiées ont montré une tendance à la baisse du génome monoploïde (1Cx) chez les polyploïdes (« genome downsizing »), ainsi qu’une faible variation inter et intraspécifique de la valeur C. En termes de la biologie de reproduction, l'autofécondation et l’allofécondation ont été observées chez cette espèce. En outre, il a été constaté que des croisements entre différentes catégories morphologiques de S. micranthum ont été possibles puisqu’ils ont abouti à la formation des fruits. De même, les données obtenues suggèrent aussi qu’il n’existe pas une barrière reproductive complète entre S. micranthum et S. laxum. La variabilité génétique de S. micranthum mise en évidence dans cette étude en termes de divergence génétique entre les populations et variation dans le nombre de loci d’ADNr probablement reflètent une relation complexe existante entre la polyploïdie et les aspects de la reproduction de l’espèce. / Sisyrinchium micranthum Cav. é uma planta herbácea, sendo uma das raras espécies do gênero que são descritas como anuais. No Brasil, sua distribuição ocorre ao longo dos estados do Rio Grande do Sul (RS), Santa Catarina (SC), Paraná (PR), São Paulo (SP) e Rio de Janeiro (RJ). A espécie apresenta ampla variabilidade morfológica relatada em vários trabalhos, sendo que diferentes combinações de aspectos morfológicos podem ser observadas na natureza. Baseando-se nessas combinações que caracterizam diversos perfis vegetais, três tipos morfológicos foram descritos, CI, CII e CIII. Sisyrinchium micranthum tem três níveis de ploidia descritos na literatura a partir do número básico x = 8, sendo eles 2n = 2x = 16, 2n = 4x = 32 e 2n = 6x = 48. A fim de contribuir para o conhecimento taxonômico, reprodutivo e evolutivo da espécie, neste trabalho foram investigadas características genéticas e citogenéticas de S. micranthum, assim como aspectos da biologia reprodutiva. Para estudar a estrutura populacional de S. micranthum no sul do Brasil, primeiramente, nove marcadores microssatélites foram isolados usando uma biblioteca genômica enriquecida, e caracterizados em uma população diploide. Posteriormente, a partir da análise da variabilidade genética com sete marcadores para 583 plantas de 14 localidades amostradas nos estados do RS, SC e PR observou-se a existência de populações com indivíduos de diferentes níveis de ploidia, e uma possível origem autopoliploide para os poliploides. As diversidades gênica e alélica foram aproximadamente semelhantes para a maioria dos acessos. O coeficiente de endogamia sobre todos os locos mostrou que S. micranthum apresentou um excesso médio de heterozigotos (valor de coeficiente de endogamia negativo), mas os valores FIS das populações individuais variaram de -0,273 a 0,454. O excesso de heterozigotos poderia ser esperado uma vez que autopoliploides apresentam herança polissômica, o que contribui substancialmente com uma heterozigosidade elevada. Além disso, as populações mostraram-se altamente estruturadas. Os resultados provenientes das análises citogenéticas, mostram que a variabilidade de S. micranthum está presente também em termos de organização do genoma. Considerando S. micranthum e as espécies relacionadas S. laxum Otto ex Sims e S. rosulatum E.P. Bicknell, foi possível verificar que o rDNA 18S-26S varia em número de locos, com notável redução dos mesmos em poliploides em comparação com os diploides, enquanto o loco 5S mostrou aumento proporcional no número de sinais conforme o aumento no nível de ploidia. Os dados relativos ao tamanho do genoma (Cx) para as três espécies estudadas mostraram uma tendência de redução do genoma de diploides para poliploides; e também uma pequena variação inter e intraespecífica com relação ao valor C. Em termos de biologia reprodutiva, foi registrada a ocorrência de autofecundação e fecundação cruzada para a espécie. Além disso, foi verificado que cruzamentos entre as diferentes categorias morfológicas de S. micranthum são compatíveis uma vez que resultaram na formação de frutos. Da mesma forma, os dados obtidos sugerem que S. micranthum e S. laxum não representam táxons totalmente isolados reprodutivamente. A variabilidade genética de S. micranthum encontrada no presente estudo em termos de divergência genética entre populações e de variação do número de locos de rDNA, possivelmente, reflete a complexa relação existente entre a poliploidia e os aspectos reprodutivos da espécie.

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