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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The role of corporate social responsibility in retrenchment / Ryk Ludolph Croukamp

Croukamp, Ryk Ludolph January 2007 (has links)
Personeelvermindering as gevolg van operasionele redes word gelykgestel aan 'n ekonomiese doodstraf, aangesien geaffekteerde werknemers weinig, indien enige skuld het aan hierdie traumatiese ervaring. Die toenemende bekommernis oor hierdie verskynsel en die totstandkoming van mense-en arbeidsregte het dan ook veroorsaak dat hierdie verskynsel op 'n internasionale vlak omsigtig en deeglik benader word deur beide wetgewers en arbeidsorganisasies. Verandering in die wêreld geskied teen 'n snelle pas en vind op alle terreine van die samelewing plaas. Suid-Afrika is onlosmaakbaar deelgemaak van hierdie wêreld en word dus ook blootgestel aan honger internasionale maatskappye wat almal veg vir oorlewing en groter markaandele in 'n globaliserende wêreldekonomie. Dit laat Suid - Afrika met 'n dringende behoefte om meer mededingend te word. Om dit te kan bereik, moet aan die knellende behoefte aan opleiding aandag geskenk word, sowel as aan die skepping van aantreklike internasionale beleggingsgeleenthede. Internasionale beleggers raak gou afgeskrik deur hoë werkloosheid en misdaad, en hier is Suid -Afrika ver agter die Ooste. Die tendens van globalisering en die uitwerking van sekere aspekte daarvan op werkloosheid noodsaak dus dringende fokus op kwellende kwessies, soos: Hoe om werkloosheid te verminder, teenoor die behoefte aan verhoogde produktiwiteit en verbeterde internasionale mededingingsvermoë. Hierdie veranderinge het ook meegebring dat verbruikers, werknemers en die gemeenskap waarin maatskappye besigheid bedryf, uiters sensitief begin word het vir onverantwoordelike optrede van maatskappye teenoor die gemeenskap, die werknemers en die omgewing. Hierdie veranderinge en die gevolge daarvan lei tot 'n groeiende bewustheid van en ernstige behoefte aan korporatiewe sosiale verantwoordelikheid. Die waarde hiervan word in 'n al hoe groter mate besef en maatskappye aanvaar hierdie verantwoordelikheid toenemend in alle dimensies van die gemeenskap. Die manier waarop maatskappye met mense omgaan, word direk beïnvloed deur werkspraktyke en korporatiewe sosiale verantwoordelikheid het dus 'n fundamentele uitwerking op hoe potensiële hoëgehalte kennis-werkers die maatskappy beskou. Dit word derhalwe al hoe belangriker dat werkgewers die menings van hulle eksterne en interne belangegroepe ernstig opneem, aangesien globalisering besig is om die magsbasis tot voordeel van die werknemers te verskuif. Intussen sal personeelvermindering voortgaan ten spyte van duidelike bewyse dat die langtermynvoordele daarvan verdag is, en dit plaas 'n enorme sosiale verantwoordelikheid op werkgewers. Die goed nagevorste verband tussen misdaad en werkloosheid dui duidelik op die onderprestering van die regering teenoor beloftes wat gemaak is. Dit is juis om dié rede dat die rol van maatskappye in die gemeenskap al hoe meer onlosmaaklik deel van die besigheid word. Die uiteindelike gevolg hiervan is 'n onaanvaarbare hoë misdaadsyfer, wat weer lei tot 'n gebrek aan beleggingsvertroue, wat op sy beurt weer lei tot personeelvermindering. / Thesis (Ph.D. (Industrial Sociology))--North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2008.

Social Exchange Under Fire: Direct and Moderated Effects of Job Insecurity on Social Exchange

Bultena, Charles D. (Charles Dean) 05 1900 (has links)
This study is concerned with the impact of job insecurity on the vital social exchange relationship between employee and employer. Specifically, it explored the relationship between job insecurity and two important social exchange outcomes—organizational commitment and organizational citizenship behavior. Moreover, it assessed the moderating effects of individual factors (communal orientation and powerlessness) and situational factors (trust in management, procedural fairness, and organizational support) on these relationships.

The adequacy of the current social plan to address retrenchment challenges in South Africa

01 September 2015 (has links)
D.Phil. / Prior to the democratic elections in 1994, South Africa had a "captive" market. There were regulations that were specifically designed to protect South African organisations. There were various tariffs and taxes imposed on foreign organisations that did business in South Africa. After the democratic elections, South Africa introduced market reforms that resulted in the country being part of globalization. The globalization process brought about significant changes. South African organisations had an opportunity to expand their business opportunities, but at the same time they were faced with competition from other organisations from different parts of the world ...

Mudar ou partir : o impacto da era de demissões da imprensa sobre jornalistas

Pithan, Liana Haygert January 2018 (has links)
A era do downsizing (CALDAS, 2000) se alastra sobre o jornalismo brasileiro. De forma cíclica e ininterrupta desde 2012, jornalistas são expulsos dos empregos e do mercado de trabalho na área – seja em reduções cirúrgicas de gastos ou em demissões coletivas, conhecidas no jargão de classe como “passaralhos”. O grande êxodo das redações, fenômeno que atinge todo o mundo (REINARDY, 2016) e levou à demissão milhares de profissionais da imprensa no país, é uma das evidências de um setor que tenta se adaptar às transformações do cenário instável da era informacional (CASTELLS, 2011), com alterações profundas na produção e no consumo de notícias. Falências, fusões e enxugamento organizacional se incorporam à rotina da imprensa e mudam as vidas tanto dos que são demitidos quanto dos que continuam em atuação, com insegura e sobrecarga de trabalho. As escolhas da imprensa são mudar ou morrer (TANDOC, 2014), em um processo cada vez mais evidente, para os trabalhadores, de destruição e reconstrução de saberes, práticas e valores de ofício. Apesar de o jornalismo estar em uma espiral da morte (MCCHESNEY, 2016) e seu fenômeno lembrar o desmonte do trabalho bancário (OLTRAMARI, 2010), é irrisória a produção acadêmica brasileira sobre a situação desse contingente ocupacional expulso de sua atividade. Em busca do entendimento dessas mudanças, esta dissertação investiga como a era do downsizing impacta a percepção dos jornalistas em relação a sua profissão, a seu trabalho e a seus planos de continuar na atividade. Para tanto, este estudo qualitativo básico, de natureza exploratória e interpretativa, realizou investigação empírica por meio de três grupos focais (MORGAN, 1996, 1997) na cidade de Porto Alegre. Selecionados por meio da técnica de snowball, foram ouvidos 18 jornalistas que foram vítimas ou sobreviventes da demissão coletiva. Em atenção à necessidade de conciliar informações multiníveis ao estudar ocupações e estruturas de trabalho em conflito (ABBOTT, 1993), são abordados os níveis macrocontextual, do sistema produtivo e do mundo do trabalho na pós-modernidade (FARIA, 2003, 2009; HARVEY, 1998); mesocontextual, da indústria e da profissão jornalística (FONSECA, 2005; MARCONDES FILHO, 2000; NEVEU, 2006; SCHUDSON, 1978; WAISBORD, 2013), e microcontextual, a respeito dos efeito do downsizing sobre os indivíduos (GREENHALGH; ROSENBLATT, 2010; NOER, 2009). Em consonância com a literatura adotada e a análise de conteúdo dos grupos focais (BARDIN, 2011), identificou-se que a vivência do downsizing provoca nos jornalistas a percepção de que as relações de trabalho foram intensificadamente precarizadas; há uma desesperança em relação às organizações empregadoras; tem-se a sensação de destruição e reconstrução de valores e práticas do ofício; e o exercício laboral causa exaustão e insatisfação. O downsizing é percebido como expressão de um declínio organizacional irreversível, no qual a demissão parece ser irremediável. As condições no presente levam os trabalhadores a projetarem o futuro em duas direções: a desistência, a partir da evasão da profissão; e a resistência, por meio da retomada de valores basilares, com a reafirmação da função social e da credibilidade; ou pela adaptação ao mercado em mutação, adquirindo novas qualificações e reinventando como fazer e “vender” o trabalho. / The era of downsizing (CALDAS, 2000) is spreading over Brazilian journalism. Cyclically and uninterrupted since 2012, journalists are expelled from jobs and from their professional area - whether in surgical spending cuts or collective layoffs, known in the class jargon as "passaralho." The great exodus of newsrooms is a worldwide phenomenon (REINARDY, 2016) and it has forced thousands of media professionals to resign, as the industry tries to adapt to the transformations of the unstable scenario of the information age (CASTELLS, 2011) when the changes in news production and consumption are profound. Bankruptcies, mergers and organizational downsizing are commonplace into the press routine and change the lives of both those who are fired and those who continue to work with insecure and overworked conditions. The choices of the press are to change or die (TANDOC, 2014), in an increasingly evident process for the workers of destruction and reconstruction of knowledge, practices and values of office. Although journalism is in a spiral of death (MCCHESNEY, 2016) and its phenomenon reminds the dismantling of banking work (OLTRAMARI, 2010), the is no relevant Brazilian academic production about the journalists who are expelled from their jobs and profession. In order to understand these changes, this dissertation investigates how the era of downsizing impacts the perception of journalists in relation to their profession, their work and their plans to continue in the activity. For this purpose, this basic qualitative study, of an exploratory and interpretative nature, carried out empirical research through three focus groups (MORGAN, 1996, 1997) in Porto Alegre city. Selected by snowball technique, were heard 18 journalists victims or survivors of layoff. It was analyzed the macro-contextual, productive and labor-based levels of postmodernity (FARIA, 2003, 2009, HARVEY, 1998); (1998), and in the literature on the effects of downsizing on individuals (GREENHALGH and ROSENBLATT, 2010; NOER, 2009). Interpreted from the content analysis (BARDIN, 2011), the results showed that the layoff experience made journalists perceive intensely precarious working relationships, and they feel hopeless that the employers' organizations succeed. They also feel there are destruction and reconstruction of values and practices of the craft, and the workload causes exhaustion and dissatisfaction. Downsizing is seen as proof of an irreversible organizational decline, in which being dismissed will be inevitable one day. The present leads the workers to project the future in two directions: leaving journalism; or resist, either through the recovery of basic values, such as social function and credibility; either by adapting to the changing market, acquiring new skills and reinventing how to do and "sell" the work.

Application of a continuously variable transmission to engine boosting and exhaust energy recovery systems

Rose, Adam January 2013 (has links)
Governments across the world are implementing legislation for ever more strict limits for vehicle emissions; combined with customer expectations for growing levels of performance and equipment, automotive manufacturers face a significant challenge. With the aim of meeting this challenge, downsizing is an established trend in passenger car engine development. However, since downsizing is commonly achieved through pressure charging (turbocharging, for example), the associated benefits in improved fuel economy and emissions are often obtained at the expense of engine dynamic response, and, consequently, vehicle driveability. This thesis presents predominantly simulation-based research into a novel combined charging system comprising a conventional turbocharger used in conjunction with a declutchable supercharger driven through a CVT. An initial investigation using this system in place of a variable geometry turbocharger on an already downsized passenger car diesel engine demonstrated greatly increased low speed torque as well as improved dynamic response. A downsizing project that involved replacing a naturally aspirated gasoline engine with a highly boosted engine with 40% of the original displacement formed the basis for more extensive investigations. Although it was unable to produce the low speed transient response of the naturally aspirated engine, in tip-in tests the CVT-supercharger system was shown to achieve the target torque much quicker than an equivalent system with a fixed supercharger drive ratio. However, balancing this with good fuel efficiency for the initial part load period was a complex trade-off. In vehicle acceleration simulations the CVT-supercharger system did not outperform the fixed drive ratio configuration, but on the CVT system the boost limit was reached at an early stage during the transients. Thus there may be potential to include an ‘over-boost’ facility, allowing boost pressure to temporarily exceed normal steady state limits in order to improve transient performance and bring it closer to that of the baseline vehicle. It is suggested that the CVT-supercharger provides the best flexibility for calibration and compromise between performance and fuel efficiency, perhaps incorporating different user-selectable modes (such as ‘economy’ and ‘sport’ modes).

A responsabilidade social empresarial nos processos de reestrutura??o organizacional: uma contribui??o ao estudo dos programas de demiss?es respons?veis. / The corporate social responsibility in process of organization restructures: a contribution for programs responsibility lay-offs study.

Carvalho, Andr? Luis de 29 November 2004 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T20:19:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2004- Andre Luis de Carvalho.pdf: 823383 bytes, checksum: e5aaa9cd4a2253c1f69164dc8f9c6e9e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2004-11-29 / Before demands from organizational restructures, though of fusion, acquisition, privatization or any another form of organizational reconfiguration join the downsizing process, the lay-off, generally in mass, established presence in every organizational environment. Not obstante this situation, several other factors that progressive support of the job in front to that hard situation for worked society, the present research approaches the question of responsible lay-offs, an enterprise action innovator based in French model obligatory called social plan of driving of dismissed professionals, providing them, through specialized programs of accompaniment the dismissed, the necessary support for acquisition of the new proposal of job and income, in service for present conception of the corporate social responsibility in the Brazilian setting. Among the new alternatives of labors to the egresses stand out the possibility of the entrepreneurship, cooperative work and autonomy are distinguished it as alternatives forms to the paradigm job. The objective this research is to add information to the study of the subject in epigraph reinforcing your relevance with the world trend of unemployment, reinforce the private participation in the driving of social problems. Towards the execution this explorer study, based on bibliography research, relative to the themes in question, case studies about some real experiences adopted recently for reorganized companies, approaching its contexts in the occasion. Beyond one it searches for checking the outplaced in social lay-off perceives its new situation of work with relation to the previous one. The results of this work point to the positives aspect of the companies to adopt this type of procedure in its practical of collective lay-offs. / Diante das permanentes demandas de reestrutura??es organizacionais, sejam por processos de fus?o, aquisi??o, privatiza??o ou qualquer outra forma de reconfigura??o organizacional ligada aos processos de downsizing, a demiss?o, geralmente massiva, estabeleceu onipresen?a no ambiente organizacional. N?o obstante a esta situa??o, encontram-se diversos outros fatores que alimentam progressivamente a precariza??o e escassez do emprego. Frente a esta dura realidade para a sociedade trabalhadora, o presente trabalho aborda a quest?o das demiss?es respons?veis, uma pr?tica empresarial inovadora, baseada no modelo compuls?rio franc?s denominado Plano Social, de condu??o dos profissionais demitidos, proporcionando-lhes, atrav?s de programas especializados de acompanhamento ao demitido, o suporte necess?rio para aquisi??o de novas possibilidades de trabalho e renda, em atendimento ? concep??o vigente dos princ?pios de responsabilidade social empresarial no cen?rio brasileiro. Dentre as novas alternativas de frentes de trabalho aos egressos destes programas destacam-se a possibilidade de empreendedorismo, trabalhos cooperativados e aut?nomos etc. como formas alternativas ao paradigma emprego. Objetiva-se com este trabalho agregar informa??es ao estudo do tema em ep?grafe refor?ando a sua pertin?ncia com a tend?ncia mundial de desemprego, despertando a participa??o privada na condu??o dos problemas sociais. Para a realiza??o deste estudo explorat?rio, utilizou-se uma pesquisa bibliogr?fica relativa aos temas em quest?o, bem como se fez uso de algumas experi?ncias reais adotadas recentemente por empresas reestruturadas, abordando-se seus contextos na ocasi?o de implanta??o do processo de demiss?o, resultados obtidos com os demitidos e suas conseq??ncias para os mesmos. Al?m de uma pesquisa voltada a verificar como o ex-empregado afetado por um processo de demiss?o respons?vel percebe sua nova situa??o de trabalho com rela??o ? anterior. Os resultados deste trabalho apontam para uma viabilidade de as empresas adotarem mais este tipo de procedimento em suas condu??es de demiss?es coletivas, uma vez que esta pr?tica socialmente respons?vel, mas acima de tudo, estrat?gica, afeta positivamente profissionais, empresa e sociedade, ao minimizar os diversos impactos a todos os atores sociais envolvidos direta e indiretamente no processo.

The Effects of Downsizing on Organizational Culture in the Newspaper Industry

Sweeney, Marcella 01 January 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this case study was to explore the effects of downsizing on organizational culture based on the perceptions of contractors who work for an independent distributor in a large metropolitan city in the southern United States. Organizational culture is important to a company's overall success. Organizational culture theory was the basis for the conceptual framework of this study. Using a purposeful sampling approach and methodological triangulation of sources, 3 newspaper delivery contractors who experienced downsizing described their lived experiences. Participants completed the Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument (OCAI) and a qualitative questionnaire. The OCAI survey results were scored and depicted graphically using organizational culture profiles. Qualitative data were analyzed and coded, revealing 14 themes that described the pre and postdownsizing culture types, the preferred culture type, and the effects of downsizing on organizational culture. The findings of this study revealed that downsizing can affect organizational culture in both positive and negative ways and that contractors' experiences differed from those of employees. The results of this study may influence positive social change by highlighting the need for leaders to assess the organizational culture before, during, and after a downsizing event to ensure that a preferred culture is created or preserved to minimize the negative effects of downsizing. A preferred culture could promote a more effective working environment, benefiting the company, its workers, and by extension the industry and society.

Retaining Employees After Downsizing

Nwoye, Chizoba C. 01 January 2017 (has links)
Oil and gas industry business leaders who fail to implement adequate talent retention strategies experience reduced profits and sustainability challenges. During the first 2 years following downsizing, 67% of organizations using excuse-based downsizing reflected reduced sales and profitability, and 11% of such organizations experienced financial losses. The purpose of this multiple case study was to explore the strategies that successful Calgary medium size oil and gas businesses implemented to retain talented employees after downsizing. The population for the study included business leaders of 3 medium oil and gas businesses in Calgary, Canada, who had successfully implemented talented employee retention strategies. Data were collected from interviews with the leaders and from artifacts such as the company websites and social media pages. Inductive analysis was guided by the transformational leadership theory and human capital theory, and trustworthiness of interpretations was bolstered by member checking. Five themes emerged: transformational leadership, training survivors, establishing trust, rewarding and recognizing surviving employees, and competing for survivor employees with other industries. The application of the findings from this study could contribute to positive social change by providing insights for medium oil and gas business leaders on the strategy implementation for talent retention that increases workplace stability and employees supporting their families as well as contributing positively to their communities.

Genomförande av uppsägningar : En studie av tre ledare vid uppländska företag

Nottebohm-Kaiser, Emil, Hanje, Sofia January 2009 (has links)
<p>Under en lågkonjunktur använder sig många företag av varsel och uppsägningar som ett sätt att minska kostnader och möta en vikande efterfrågan. Dessa uppsägningar innebär en förändring vilket är något som ofta möts av motstånd. I den här uppsatsen belyses de problem en ledare ställs inför i samband med en förändring som innebär uppsägningar och hur de har valt att genomföra dem.</p><p>Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att beskriva hur tre ledare i tre olika organisationer genomför uppsägningar som sker till följd av arbetsbrist.</p><p>En kvalitativ metod har använts där vi genomfört tre halvstrukturerade intervjuer med ledare som haft insyn i beslutsprocessen från varsel fram till uppsägningar och varit de som till största del förmedlat besluten till berörda individer. Med insamlad empirisk data analyserades hur ledarna genomförde uppsägningarna utifrån teori som behandlar förändring, ledarskap och ett företags situation.</p><p>Resultaten visade att trots liknande yttre förutsättningar i form av lågkonjunktur och vikande orderingång så skilde sig genomförandet av förändringen mellan de tre företagen. En likhet var att kommunikation varit en viktig strategi under processen. I samtliga fall var ledarskapet dessutom säkert, direkt och beslutsamt.</p><p> </p> / <p>During a recession, many companies are using layoffs as a way to reduce costs and meet declining demand. These layoffs mean changes, which is often met with resistance. This thesis highlights the problems a leader is faced with during a change involving layoffs and how they have chosen to implement the same.</p><p>The purpose of this thesis is to describe how three leaders in three different organizations implement layoffs occurring as a result of shortage of work.</p><p>The research used is semi-structured interviews with three leaders who have taken part in the decision-making process of the layoffs. They have been, for the most part, responsible for conveying the decisions to the employees concerned. The collected empirical data was analyzed on the basis of theory dealing with organizational change, leadership and situational variables in order to understand how the layoffs have been carried out.</p><p>The results showed that despite similar external environment in terms of recession and declining order, the implementation was different between the three companies. One similarity was that communication was an important strategy in the process. In each case the leadership was also secure, direct and decisive.</p>

Civil service reforms and changes in the local economy of Hong Kong, 1996 to 2005

Yim, Chi-wah, Richard. January 2006 (has links)
Thesis (M. A.)--University of Hong Kong, 2006. / Title proper from title frame. Also available in printed format.

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