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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Drying characteristics of Saskatoon berries under microwave and combined microwave-convection heating

Reddy, Lakshminarayana 20 March 2006 (has links)
The study on dehydration of frozen saskatoon berries and the need for dried fruits has been strategically identified in the prairies. Our motivation was to find a suitable method for dehydration in order to extend saskatoon berry shelf life for preservation. Microwave, convection and microwave-convection combination drying processes were identified to finish-dry saskatoon berries after osmotic dehydration using sucrose and high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) sugar solutions. Osmotic dehydration removes moisture in small quantities and also introduces solutes into the fruit that acts as a preservative and also reduces the total drying time. <p>Due to the very short harvesting season of saskatoon berries, an accelerated process like microwave combination drying can bring down the moisture to safe storage level, immediately after harvest. Untreated and osmotically dehydrated berries were subjected to convection (control), microwave and microwave-convection combination drying conditions at different product drying temperatures (60, 70 and 80C) until final moisture content was 25% dry basis. A laboratory-scale microwave combination dryer was developed, built with temperature and moisture loss data acquisition systems using LabView 6i software. Thin-layer cross flow dryer was used for convection-only drying and for comparison. <p>Drying kinetics of the drying processes were studied and curve fitting with five empirical equations including Page equation, was carried to determine drying constant, R2 and standard error values. The microwave-combination drying method proved to be the best for drying saskatoon berries. Dehydrated product quality analysis by means of color changes, rehydration ratio measurements and observed structural changes with scanning electron microscope technique were the factors in drying method selection for saskatoon berries.<p> This research was instrumental in the modification and development of a novel drying system for high-moisture agricultural materials. Microwave-convection combination drying at 70oC, yields good results with higher drying rates and better end-product quality.

Development of technology for the production of stable high moisture dried fruit

Erwee, Anton 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc Food Sc )--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Dried fruit is a well-known food product that has been produced for many years. The product characteristics have remained constant throughout this time with a moisture content of ca. 18 - 26% (mlm). However, in recent times there has been a definite trend towards a fmal dried fruit product in the intermediate moisture range with a moisture content of ca. 36%. The high water activity (aw) of the product (ca. 0.85) makes the product susceptible to microbiological spoilage and the product therefore requires a subsequent pasteurisation step to ensure a safe product. A further consequence of the increased moisture content, higher aw and the temperature of the pasteurisation step, is the increased rate of non-enzymatic browning reactions. Currently the shelf life is only 15 weeks while a minimum shelf life of 30 weeks is required to enable product export. Moisture sorption isotherms may be used to depict the relationship between moisture content and aw. Moisture sorption isotherms were thus determined for Royal type apricots and nectarines at 25° and 40°C. Samples, equilibrated at relative humidities in the range of 11-97%, were obtained using saturated salt solutions and a static gravimetric method. Isotherms were found to be of type I, typical of dried fruit. Six mathematical models namely; BET, GAB, Iglesias and Chirife, Halsey, Henderson, and Chung and Pfost, were fitted to experimental data. The GAB model predicted the aw of both apricots and nectarines the best at 25° and 40°C with the Henderson equation second best in all instances. The binding energy, as a function of moisture content, was calculated to determine energy requirements for drying. At low moisture contents « 20%) an increase of energy was required for drying. Discolouration of macerated dried Royal type apricots and nectarines during accelerated storage as affected by moisture (32, 36, and 40%, mlm) and sulphur dioxide (S02) content (2500, 3000 and 3300 mg.kg" for apricots; 1800, 2200 and 2600 mg.kg" for nectarines) was investigated. The macerated samples were stored at 30°, 40°, 50° and 60°C. Colour was quantified in terms of the L* value of the CIELab system (used throughout the study). Moisture and S02 contents affected both the initial fruit colour and the rate of discolouration. The highest L* values, i.e. lightest fruit colour, were obtained for fruit at 40% moisture content and the highest S02 levels. Increasing storage temperature accelerated the loss of moisture and S02. The influence of a 10°C increase in storage temperature on the rate of browning and thus shelf life was described in terms of the QIO value. QIO and aw values of apricots ranged from 1.96 - 2.47 and 0.833 - 0.890, respectively, while QIO values of 1.50 - 4.61 and aw values ofO.844 to 0.890 were obtained for nectarines. Discolouration of dried nectarine halves during accelerated storage at 40°C as affected by rehydration method, moisture content, packaging atmosphere and pasteurisation method, was investigated. The fruit halves were rehydrated using three different methods to obtain moisture contents of 36 and 40%, respectively. Dry heat and steam pasteurisation techniques were used to render a microbiologically safe product. Commercial packaging material was used and the atmosphere was modified with CO2 to lower the O2 concentration in the headspace. A two-step rehydration at 45°C, steam pasteurisation at 90°C for 150 minutes and packaging under a high CO2 atmosphere rendered a product with the best colour retention under accelerated storage conditions of 40°C for eight weeks. To confirm the results obtained with accelerated storage at temperatures that the product would normally be retailed at, shelf life tests were also performed at 5° and 25°C. Discolouration of whole dried Royal type apricot and nectarine halves as affected by rehydration method, moisture content, packaging atmosphere and pasteurisation method was investigated. The methodology for rehydrating, pasteurising and packaging the high moisture dried fruit developed in this study was compared against the standard method used by the industry. The new processing method increased shelf life. Samples were stored for a period of 30 weeks and were tested every five weeks to determine CO2 concentration in headspace, colour retention and S02 concentration of the fruit. Both apricots and nectarines achieved a shelf life of 30 weeks at both storage temperatures and an extrapolated shelf life of 89 weeks at 5°C, but only 32 weeks at 25°C. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Droë vrugte is 'n welbekende voedselproduk en word reeds vir baie jare vervaardig. Die produkeienskappe het konstant gebly gedurende hierdie tydperk met 'n produkvoginhoud van ca. 18 - 26% (mlm). Daar is egter 'n tendens die afgelope tyd na 'n finale produk in die intermediêre voggebied met 'n voginhoud van ca. 36% en 'n water aktiwiteit (aw) van ca. 0.85. Hierdie verandering in voginhoud en aw maak die produk vatbaar vir mikrobiologiese bederf, en gevolglik word pasteurisasie benodig om dit te preserveer. 'n Verdere gevolg van die verhoogde voginhoud en aw en die hoë temperature van pasteurisasie, is die verhoogde tempo van nieensiematiese verbruiningsreaksies. Huidig is die produk se rakleeftyd 15 weke terwyl 'n minimum van 30 weke benodig word om hierdie produk suksesvol uit te voer. Vogsorpsie-isoterme kan gebruik word om die verwantskap tussen voginhoud en aw uit te beeld. Vogsorpsie-isoterme van Royal tipe applekose en nektariens is gevolglik bepaal by 25° en 40°C. Monsters, geëkwilibreer by relatiewe humiditeite van 11 - 97%, is verkry deur gebruik te maak van versadigde soutoplossings en 'n statiese gravimetriese metode. Tipe I isoterme, wat tipies van droëvrugte is, is verkry. Ses wiskundige modelle naamlik; BET, GAB, Iglesias en Chirife, Halsey, Henderson, en Chung en Pfost, is gepas op die data. Die GAB model het die aw van beide appelkose en nektariens by 25° en 40°C die beste voorspel en die Henderson model die tweede beste in al die gevalle. Die bindingsenergie as 'n funksie van voginhoud is bereken om die energie vereistes van droging te bepaal. By lae voginhoude (<20%) is 'n skerp styging in benodigde energie waargeneem. Die verkleuring van gemaalde gedroogde Royal tipe appelkose en nektariens gedurende versnelde opberging en die invloed van voginhoud (32, 36, en 40%, mlm) en swaweldioksied (S02) konsentrasie (2500, 3000 en 3300 mg.kg' vir appelkose; 1800, 2200 en 2600 mg.kg" vir nektariens) is ondersoek. Die gemaalde monsters is gestoor by 30°, 40°, 50° en 60°C. Kleur is gekwantifiseer in terme van L* waardes van die CIELab sisteem (ook gebruik vir daaropvolgende ondersoeke). Vog en S02 het albei die aanvanklike kleur asook die tempo van verbruining beïnvloed. Die hoogste L* waardes, d.i. die ligste kleur, is verkry vir die monsters met 40% voginhoud en die hoogte S02 vlakke. Verhoogde temperature tydens opberging het aanleiding gegee tot verhoogde verliese van vog en S02. Die invloed van 'n 10°C verhoging in opbergingstemperatuur op die tempo van verbruining en dus rakleeftyd, word beskryf in terme van QIO waardes. QIO en aw waardes van die appelkose het gestrek van 1.96 - 2.47 en 0.833 - 0.890, onderskeidelik, terwyl QIO waardes van 1.50 - 4.61 en aw waardes van 0.844 tot 0.890 verkry is vir die nektariens. Verkleuring van gedroogde nektarien halwes gedurende versnelde opberging by 40°C en die invloed van rehidrasie metode, voginhoud, verpakkingsatmosfeer en pasteurisasiemetode is ondersoek. Die vrughalwes is gerehidreer deur middel van drie metodes om die voginhoud te verhoog tot 36 en 40%, onderskeidelik. Droë hitte en stoompasteurisasie metodes is gebruik om 'n mikrobiologiese veilige produk daar te stel. Kommersiële verpakkingsmateriaal is gebruik en die CO2 konsentrasie van die atmosfeer in die verpakking is verhoog om die invloed daarvan te bepaal. 'n Twee-stap-rehidrasie by 45°C, stoompasteurisasie by 90°C vir 150 minute en 'n hoë C02 atmofeer het aanleiding gegee tot die monster met die beste kleurbehoud tydens versnelde opberging by 40°C vir agt weke. Om die resultate, verkry met die versnelde rakleeftyd studie, te bevestig by temperature waarby die produk normaalweg blootgestel sal word tydens kleinhandel, is 'n rakleeftyd studie uitgevoer by 5° en 25°C. Verkleuring van heel gedroogde Royal tipe appelkoos en nektarien halwes, die invloed van rehidrasie metode, voginhoud, verpakkingsatmosfeer en pasteurisasiemetode is ondersoek. Die metodiek vir die rehidrasie, pasteurisasie en verpakking van hoë vog droëvrugte ontwikkel in hierdie studie, is getoets teen die standaardmetode wat deur die industrie gebruik word. Die nuwe prosesseringsmetode het aanleiding gegee tot 'n langer rakleeftyd. Monsters is opgeberg vir 'n tydperk van 30 weke om die rakleeftyd te bepaal. Die CO2 konsentrasie in die pakkie, kleurbehoud en S02 konsentrasie van die vrugte is elke vyf weke getoets. Beide appelkose en nektariens het 'n rakleeftyd van 30 weke by albei opbergingstemperature behaal, terwyl 'n ekstra-gepoleerde rakleeftyd van 89 weke by 5°C en 32 weke by 25°C behaal is.

Optimizacija sušenja voća u vakuumu / Optimization of fruit drying in vacuum

Šumić Zdravko 28 November 2014 (has links)
<p>Istraživanja u okviru disertacije usmerena su na razvoj vakuumskog postupka su&scaron;enja voća. Konstruisan je prototip laboratorijske vakuumske su&scaron;are i optimizovan proces su&scaron;enja vi&scaron;anja i borovnica. U cilju optimizacije procesa su&scaron;enja ispitan je uticaj nezavisno promenljivih procesa, temperature i pritiska, na parametre kvaliteta osu&scaron;enog voća (aktivnost vode, sadržaj ukupnih fenola, ukupnih monomernih antocijana i vitamina C, antioksidativnu aktivnost, promenu boje, teksturu i sposobnost rehidratacije). Proces su&scaron;enja optimizovan je kori&scaron;ćenjem metode odzivnih povr&scaron;ina (engl. Response Surface Methodology, RSM).<br />Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da tehnika su&scaron;enja voća u vakuumu daje odlične rezultate u pogledu očuvanja visokovrednih komponenata voća i ima perspektivu za &scaron;iru primenu u zanatskim i poluindustrijskim postrojenjima.</p> / <p>Research in the framework of the thesis focuses on the development of fruit vacuum-drying process. Laboratory vacuum dryer prototype was constructed. Cherries and blueberries vacuum drying process was optimized. In order to optimize the drying process, the influence of independent variables of the process (temperature and pressure) on the quality parameters of dried fruit (water activity, total phenol content, total monomeric anthocyanins and vitamin C, antioxidant activity, colour change, texture, and rehydration capability) was investigated. The drying process was optimized using Response Surface Methodology (RSM).<br />There is the possibility of application of the results in plants at semi-industrial and industrial level.</p>

Food quality and safety of solar dried fruits and vegetables in the Butha-Buthe district, Lesotho.

Miricho, Esther W. January 2005 (has links)
This study investigated the quality and safety of solar dried fruits and vegetables produced by households in three locations in the Butha-Buthe district of Lesotho from November 2002 to March 2003. The aim of the study was to enhance year round availability of fruits and vegetables and reduce post-harvest losses, contributing to increased food availability and accessibility in the district. The study analysed the quality and safety of dried fruits and vegetables by assessing the processing techniques applied by the respondents during the production of dried fruits and vegetables, analysing the quality of dried fruits and vegetable samples produced by the study respondents using Appropriate Technology Section (ATS) solar driers, and by identifying the constraints that hamper the improvement of quality and safety of solar dried fruits and vegetables in the study area. Data was collected through focus group discussions, interviews, and laboratory food quality analysis of dried fruit and vegetable samples provided by the respondents. The dried fruits and vegetables produced by the respondents were of low quality due to poor processing techniques and unhygienic practices that increased chances of contamination and deterioration during processing and storage. Lack of processing skills and information, particularly on quality and safety standards, and weak extension support contributed to poor product. For the respondents to improve the quality and safety of dried fruits and vegetables, they need training and support with respect to quality and safety that includes training on the importance of food safety, best processing and storage practices and marketing of dried produce. / Thesis (M.Agric.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2005.

Exploring Food Safety Implications of Home Fruit Dehydration: A Case Study of Apple Drying

Megan Mei Yee Low (12890486) 17 June 2022 (has links)
<p>  </p> <p>Dried fruits have traditionally received little food safety attention despite multiple <em>Salmonella</em> and <em>E. coli</em> outbreaks associated with low-moisture foods. Given the popularity of dried apples, many consumers produce dried apples at home. However, little is known about this niche population, their apple drying practices and their sources of food safety information. Therefore, this thesis aimed to use apple drying as a case study to i) identify the fruit drying practices in a domestic setting, ii) determine the factors influencing the associated behaviors and iii) evaluate the food safety information in fruit drying recipes.</p> <p><br></p> <p>The first two studies used quantitative methods with survey data on home apple dryers in the United States. In the first, apple drying practices were identified and evaluated for level of food safety using a safe practice index. Then, regression analyses showed the influence of demographic factors, attitudes, perceived behavioral control (PBC), subjective norms, risk perception and exposure to food safety information on selected apple drying practices. The third study was a content analysis using a qualitative approach to analyze recipe information on blogs, YouTube videos, cookbooks and university extension publications.</p> <p><br></p> <p>Findings revealed that the level of safe food handling in home apple drying was low. Home apple dryers had inadequate frequency of handwashing during apple preparation, potential points of cross-contamination from kitchen tools, a lack of hurdle technology without an apple pre-treatment step, failure to incorporate a thermal kill step during drying, and a lack of objective measurements to ensure that target parameters are attained. The investigated demographic factors, risk perception and food safety information or training had significant influence on current safe apple handling behaviors. Attitudes, PBC and subjective norms were strong predictors of behavior intention. An evaluation of apple drying recipes showed that food safety emphasis was missing. There were omission of food safety controls and a lack of standardization in the recommended procedures.</p> <p><br></p> <p>The results provided handling practice data to support the development of more accurate food safety risk assessment models, and to guide the development of food safety education for home apple dryers. It urged the need for food safety improvement not only in home apple dryers’ practices, but also the information disseminated to them.</p>

The application of Fourier transform near infrared (FT-NIR) spectroscopy in the wine, fruit and dried fruit industries of South Africa

Van Zyl, Anina 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc Food Sc )--Stellenbosch University, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study shows Fourier transform near infrared (FT-NIR) spectroscopy's application on wine, fruit and dried fruit for quantitative determinations or as a discriminative method for classification purposes. During wine production optimum yeast growth, resulting in healthy alcohol fermentation rates, is monitored by the amount of free amino nitrogen (FAN) present in the must. The status of malolactic fermentation (MLF) in Chardonnay wines is monitored by determining the degree of conversion of malic to lactic acid. Ethyl carbamate (EC), a suspected carcinogen, is mainly formed during ageing of wine and is restricted by legislation in some countries. It is therefore necessary to determine the EC content in wine. Fourier transform near infrared spectroscopy can be used on wine as a rapid method to measure the °Brix (residual sugars) content of must and to discriminate between different must samples in terms of their FAN values. It can also be used as a rapid method to discriminate between Chardonnay wine samples in terms of the MLF status and between table wine samples in terms of the EC content. Calibrations were derived and it was found that a very strong correlation existed in the sample set for the FT-NIR spectroscopic predictions for °Brix (r = 0.99, SEP = 0.31%), but poorer correlations for the FAN (r = 0.405, SEP = 275%), malic acid (r = 0.64, SEP = 1.02%), lactic acid (r = 0.61, SEP = 1.35%) and EC predictions (r = 0.47, SEP = 3.6%). When soft independent modelling by class analogy (SIMCA) was applied as a discriminative method, the must and wine samples were classified in terms of their FAN and EC values and MLF status, respectively, obtaining results with recognition rates exceeding 80%. The canning of peaches has become a significant industry in South Africa, producing approximately 4.1 million cartons per year. Fourier transform near infrared spectroscopy was applied as an alternative non-destructive method for the quantitative determination of the total soluble solid (TSS) content of whole fresh peaches. The TSS content of fresh clingstone peaches is an indication of the internal quality, maturity and perceived sweetness of the fruit for the peach canning industry. By determining the TSS, fresh peaches can be graded and the farmers compensated accordingly. Results obtained by building QUANT+™calibrations for the TSS content (r = 0.96, SEP = 0.55%) showed acceptable accuracy and can replace the present destructive methods. Peak periods during the harvesting season necessitate storage of peaches for up to three weeks before canning. Approximately 5 - 10% of the peaches stored, disintegrate during canning due to loose skin, large stone cavities, soft flesh and rot. The storage potential of fresh clingstone peaches can be successfully predicted with FT-NIR and SIMCA models, using subjective internal quality evaluations. Results with recognition rates exceeding 80% were obtained in most cases and this method proved useful as a non-destructive method of quality assessment. By applying this method, losses caused when storing peaches with poor storage quality will be reduced. The golden sultana industry plays an important role in the dried fruit exporting market of South Africa. Due to the large numbers of consignments that must be checked upon arrival, and the need for rapid decision making during processing, it is essential to replace the present time-consuming analytical methods. Fourier transform near infrared spectroscopy was used as a rapid, analytical technique to determine whether the S0₂ and moisture contents of sultanas are within specifications upon arrival at the factory and during processing. High positive correlation was found between the measured values and those predicted by FT-NIR spectroscopy for S0₂ (r = 0.99, SEP = 24.09%) and moisture (r = 0.99, SEP = 0.051 %) contents. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie dui op Fourier transformasie naby-infrarooi (FT-NIR) spektroskopie se toepassing op wyn, vrugte en droëvrugte vir die uitvoer van kwantitatiewe bepalings of vir klassifikasie doeleindes om as 'n diskriminasie metode te dien. Gedurende wynproduksie word die optimum groei van giste wat lei tot 'n gesonde alkohol fermentasie gemonitor deur die hoeveelheid vry-aminostikstof (VAS) wat in die mos teenwoordig is te bepaal. Die status van appelmelksuurgisting (AMG) in Chardonnay wyne word gemonitor deur die mate van omskakeling van appelsuur na melksuur te bepaal. Etielkarbamaat (EK), 'n vermoede karsinogeen wat hoofsaaklik in verouderde wyne voorkom, word in sekere lande deur wetgewing beperk en dus die bepaling van die EK inhoud van wyne noodsaak. Fourier transformasie naby-infrarooi spektroskopie kan op mos toegepas word as 'n vinnige metode vir die bepaling van °Brix (residuele suiker) en om tussen die monsters te onderskei in terme van hulle VAS inhoud. FT-NIR kan ook gebuik word as 'n vinnige metode om tussen Chardonnay monsters te onderskei op grond van die status van AMG en tussen tafelwyn monsters op grond van die EK inhoud. Kalibrasies is ontwikkel en daar is gevind dat baie sterk korrelasies bestaan in die monsterstel vir die FT-NIR spektroskopiese voorspelling van °Brix (r = 0.99, SEP = 0.31%), maar swakker korrelasies vir die VAS (r = 0.405, SEP = 275%), appelsuur (r = 0.64, SEP = 1.02%), melksuur (r = 0.61, SEP = 1.35%) en EK voorspellings (r = 0.47, SEP = 3.6%). Met die toepassing van soft independent modelling by class analogy (SIMCA) as diskriminasie metode, is die mos- en wynmonsters geklassifiseer op grond van hul VAS en EK waardes en die status van AMG, en herkenningswaardes van bo 80% is onderskeidelik behaal. Die inmaak van perskes het 'n beduidende industrie in Suid-Afrika geword en produseer jaarliks ongeveer 4.1 miljoen kartonne. Fourier transformasie nabyinfrarooi spektroskopie is toegepas as alternatiewe, nie-beskadigende metode om kwantitatiewe bepalings van die totale oplosbare vastestowwe (TOV) inhoud van heel vars perskes, te doen. Vir die perske inmaak-industrie is die TOV inhoud van vars taaipitperskes 'n aanduiding van interne kwaliteit, rypheid en die soetheid van die vrugte. Vars perskes kan gradeer word deur die TOS te bepaal en sodoende kan boere oreenkomstige vergoeding ontvang. Resultate' wat verkry is deur QUANT+™ kalibrasies vir TOS inhoud te ontwikkel (r = 0.96, SEP = 0.55%), dui op aanvaarbare akkuraatheid en kan die huidige metodes vervang. Tydens oestyd kom piektye voor wanneer dit soms nodig is om perskes vir tot drie weke op te berg voordat dit ingemaak kan word. Ongeveer 5 tot 15% van hierdie opgebergte perskes disintegreer tydens inmaak omdat opberging lei tot defekte in die perskes soos skille wat loskom, groot pitholtes, sagte vleis en vrot. Die opbergingspotentiaal van vars taaipitperskes kan suksesvol voorspel word deur FTNIR en SIMCA modelle te bou en subjektiewe interne kwaliteitsevaluerings daarop toe te pas. Herkenningsresultate wat 80% in die meeste gevalle oorskry, is behaal wat hierdie metode as 'n suksesvolle nie-beskadigende kwaliteitbepalingsmetode bewys. Hierdie metode sal verliese kan beperk wat voorkom as gevolg van opberging van perskes met swak opbergingskwaliteit. Die goue sultana industrie speel 'n belangrike rol in die droë vrugte uitvoermark van Suid-Afrika. As gevolg van die hoeveelheid monsters wat gelyktydig getoets moet word en besluite wat vinnig geneem moet word tydens prosessering, is dit belangrik om die huidige tydrowende analitiese metodes te vervang. Fourier transformasie naby-infrarooi spektroskopie is gebruik as 'n vinnige, analitiese tegniek om tydens ontvangs by die fabriek en gedurende prosessering te bepaal of die S0₂- en voginhoud van goue sultanas binne die spesifikasies val. Goeie positiewe korrelasie is gevind tussen die bepaalde en voorspelde FT-NIR spektroskopiese waardes vir SO₂- (r = 0.99, SEP = 24.09%) en voginhoud (r = 0.99, SEP = 0.051 %).

Fitohemijska karakterizacija i biohemijska ispitivanja plodova vrsta roda Sorbus L. 1753 (Rosaceae, Maloideae) kao izvora prirodnih nutraceutika / Phytochemical characterization and biochemical activity of fruits of genus Sorbus L. 1753 (Rosaceae, Maloideae) as natural source of nutraceutics

Mrkonjić Zorica 02 October 2017 (has links)
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; Cilj ove doktorske disertacije predstavljao je ispitivanje fitohemijskog sastava i biolo&scaron;ke aktivnosti vodenih i metanolnih ekstrakata svežih i suvih plodova, kao&nbsp; i pekmeza&nbsp; pripremljenog&nbsp; po tradicionalnoj recepturi od plodova&nbsp; četiri (od kojih se jedna javlja u dve forme)&nbsp; samonike&nbsp; vrsta&nbsp; roda&nbsp; <em>Sorbus</em>&nbsp; L.:&nbsp; S.<em> aucuparia</em>, S.<em> domestica</em>, S. <em>torminalis</em>&nbsp; f.&nbsp; t<em>orminalis</em>, S. <em>torminalis</em>&nbsp; f. <em>semitorminalis</em>&nbsp; i&nbsp; S. intermedia Ispitivanje fitohemijskog sastava obuhvatalo je LC-MS/MS analizu&nbsp; 44 odabrana fenolna jedinjenja&nbsp; i&nbsp; hinske kiseline (organska&nbsp; kiselina). Takođe, spektrofotometrijski je&nbsp; određen&nbsp; sadržaj&nbsp; ukupnih fenolnih i flavonoidnih jedinjenja, kao i&nbsp; sadržaj askorbinske kiseline. Evaluacija biolo&scaron;ke aktivnosti obuhvatala je&nbsp; <em>in vitro&nbsp; </em>ispitivanja antioksidantne aktivnosti, kao i ispitivanje uticaja ekstrakata odabranih vrsta&nbsp; roda&nbsp;<em> Sorbus</em>&nbsp; na aktivnost enzima acetilholinesteraze, antimikrobni, kao i antiproliferativni potencijal.</p><p>&nbsp;&nbsp; Sumiranjem dobijenih rezultata može se zaključiti da sveži i suvi plodovi ispitivanih vrsta&nbsp; <em>Sorbus</em>,&nbsp; kao i&nbsp; pekmezi&nbsp; predstavljaju&nbsp; umeren izvor&nbsp; fenolnih jedinjenja.&nbsp; Kao najzastupljenije fenolne kiseline izdvojile su se protokatehinska i&nbsp; ferulna, a među flavonoidima amentoflavon i kvercetin-3<em>-O-</em>glukozid.&nbsp; Pored toga, hinska kiselina je zabeležena u značajnoj količini u svim analiziranim ekstraktima.</p><p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Ekstrakti ispitivanih vrsta pokazali su&nbsp; umeren&nbsp; antioksidantni potencijal koji se ogleda u njihovoj sposobnosti neutralizacije nekoliko radikalskih vrsta, redukcionom potencijalu i sposobnosti inhibicije lipidne peroksidacije.&nbsp; Ispitivanjem uticaja ekstrakata odabranih vrsta&nbsp;<em> Sorbus</em>&nbsp; naaktivnost&nbsp; enzima&nbsp; acetilholinesteraze&nbsp; dokazana&nbsp; je&nbsp; jedino&nbsp; umerena aktivnost&nbsp; ekstrakata vrste&nbsp; <em>S. aucuparia</em>.&nbsp; Takođe, ispitivani ekstrakti&nbsp; vrsta roda&nbsp; <em>Sorbus</em>&nbsp; ispoljili su umerenu&nbsp; antimikrobnu&nbsp; aktivnost u pogledu inhibicije&nbsp; rasta Gram pozitivne bakterije,&nbsp; <em>Staphylococcus aureus</em>, i Gram negativne bakterije,&nbsp;<em> Escherichia coli</em>.&nbsp; Vodeni i metanolni ekstrakti svežih i suvih plodova vrste&nbsp; <em>S. aucuparia</em>&nbsp; pokazali su umeren i inhibitorni potencijal prema rastu tumorskih (HeLa, MCF7, HT-29), ali i netumorskih ćelijskih linija (MRC-5).&nbsp; Rezultati dobijeni u ovoj doktorskoj distertaciji&nbsp; ukazuju na značajan&nbsp; biopotencijal plodova i pekmeza&nbsp; ispitivanih vrsta&nbsp;<em> Sorbus</em>&nbsp; i ukazuju na njihovu primenu u prehrambenoj industriji u vidu funkcionalne hrane.</p> / <p>The aim of presented&nbsp; PhD&nbsp; thesis was investigation of phytochemical composition and biological activity of water and methanol extracts of fresh and air-dried&nbsp; fruits, as&nbsp;&nbsp; well&nbsp; as&nbsp; jam,&nbsp; made according to traditional recipe,&nbsp; of fruits&nbsp; of four&nbsp; (one of them occurs in two forms)&nbsp; wild growing&nbsp; <em>Sorbus</em>&nbsp; L. species:&nbsp; <em>S. aucuparia, S. domestica, S. torminalis&nbsp; f. torminalis, S. torminalis f. semitorminalis</em> and <em>S. intermedia</em>. Examination of phytochemical composition included LC-MS/MS analysis of 44 selected phenolic compounds&nbsp; and&nbsp; quinic acid (organic acid).&nbsp; Also, total phenolic and flavonoid contents, as well as&nbsp; ascorbic acid&nbsp; content,&nbsp; were determined spectrophotometrically. Biological activity evaluation of extracts of<em>&nbsp; Sorbus</em>&nbsp; species included&nbsp;<em> in vitro&nbsp;</em> investigation of antioxidant, anti-acetylcholinesterase, antimicrobial&nbsp; and cytotoxic activity.</p><p>&nbsp;&nbsp; According to obtained results, fresh and air-dried&nbsp; fruits, as well as jam&nbsp; present&nbsp; moderate&nbsp; source of phenolic compounds. Amongs examined phenolic acids protocatechuic&nbsp; and ferulic acids were the most abundant, and amongs investigated flavonoids amentoflavone and quercetin-3-<em>O</em>-glucoside wete present in noticeable amount.&nbsp; Furthermore, high concentration of quinic acid was present in all examined extracts.</p><p>&nbsp;&nbsp; Extracts of all examined species showed&nbsp; moderate&nbsp;&nbsp; antioxidant activity in terms of radical scavenging ability, reduction potential and inhibition of lipid peroxidation.&nbsp; Also, investigation of&nbsp; anti-acetylcholinesterase activity revealed moderate activity only of extracts of <em>S. aucuparia</em>. Furthermore, examinated extracts of<em> Sorbus</em> species showedmoderate antimicrobial activity against Gram&ndash;positive bacteria, <em>Staphylococcus aureus</em>, and Gram-negative bacteria,&nbsp;<em> Escherichia coli</em>.&nbsp; In addition, water&nbsp; and methanol&nbsp; extracts of fresh and air-dried&nbsp; fruits of&nbsp;<em> S.aucuparia</em>&nbsp; showed&nbsp; inhibitory activity toward&nbsp; tumor (HeLa, MCF7, HT-29), and also non-tumor (MRC-5) cell lines. Presented results indicate significant&nbsp; biopotential of examined&nbsp; fruits of&nbsp; <em>Sorbus&nbsp;</em> species&nbsp; and&nbsp; support their use in food industry as functional food.</p>

Caracterización fisicoquímica, tecnológica y funcional del residuo procedente de la obtención de la bebida vegetal de almendra. Estrategias de valorización.

Duarte Serna, Stevens 09 October 2024 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] El mercado de bebidas vegetales está experimentando un crecimiento constante debido a la creciente demanda de productos de origen vegetal. Dentro de este mercado, la bebida de almendra, perteneciente al grupo de las oleaginosas, destaca por su alto contenido en nutrientes, compuestos fenólicos y sus propiedades antioxidantes. Por otra parte, la generación masiva de residuos y subproductos por parte de la industria alimentaria representa uno de los mayores desafíos a nivel global. De acuerdo con la Comisión Europea, aproximadamente se desperdicia un 13% de la producción alimentaria mundial, equivalente a 366 millones de toneladas dentro de la Unión Europea. La industria alimentaria ha estado trabajando en la implementación de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) adoptados por las Naciones Unidas en 2015, con especial atención en el ODS 12, que promueve la producción responsable y sostenible. Este objetivo busca prevenir el desperdicio de alimentos, revalorizar residuos y promover la economía circular como parte de la Agenda 2030. En este contexto, el objetivo general de la presente tesis fue estudiar las posibilidades de revalorización del subproducto resultante del proceso de obtención de la bebida vegetal de almendra. Determinar las propiedades fisicoquímicas, tecnológicas y funcionales de la materia prima. Evaluar el efecto de la deshidratación (secado con aire caliente y liofilización) sobre las propiedades fisicoquímicas, el contenido de componentes bioactivos, su bioaccesibilidad y su influencia sobre la microbiota. Finalmente, se consideró la posibilidad de obtener un producto deshidratado con probióticos. La consecución de este objetivo se abordó desde tres enfoques que se presentan en tres capítulos en los que se ha estructurado el apartado de resultados. En el primer capítulo se evaluó el impacto del secado por aire caliente a 60 °C y 70 °C y de la liofilización, sobre las propiedades tecno-funcionales del bagazo de almendra. Se analizaron las curvas de secado y las isotermas de sorción. Luego, se evaluó el efecto del almacenamiento a temperatura ambiente y en condiciones aceleradas de los polvos obtenidos por ambos métodos de secado; durante 6 meses, se monitoreó el crecimiento microbiológico, la acidez, el índice de peróxidos, la capacidad antioxidante y el contenido de polifenoles. Finalmente, se evaluó la idoneidad del polvo de bagazo de almendra como sustituto en la elaboración de productos de panadería, concretamente galletas. Tanto el secado por aire caliente como la liofilización resultaron ser operaciones adecuadas para estabilizar el bagazo de almendra. Ambos métodos de secado, combinados con un triturado adecuado, proporcionaron polvos con propiedades favorables para su uso en la industria alimentaria. En relación con la actividad antirradical, no se presentaron diferencias significativas entre las muestras deshidratadas, si bien el contenido en fenoles totales fue mayor en las muestras liofilizadas. En cuanto al almacenamiento durante 6 meses, al finalizar dicho periodo se observó un aumento en la capacidad antirradical, así como en el contenido de fenoles totales, especialmente notable en las muestras secadas por aire caliente y sometidas a almacenamiento acelerado. Los valores de acidez e índice de peróxido aumentaron considerablemente durante el almacenamiento acelerado, posiblemente debido a la descomposición de los ácidos grasos. Finalmente, se evaluó la idoneidad del polvo de bagazo de almendra como ingrediente sustitutivo en la elaboración de productos de panadería. Los resultados mostraron la idoneidad del subproducto para ser utilizado como sustituto de la harina de trigo en la elaboración de galletas ya que proporcionó un producto de textura adecuada con mayor contenido en fibra y componentes con capacidad antirradical. / [CA] El mercat de begudes vegetals està experimentant un creixement constant a causa de la demanda creixent de productes d'origen vegetal. Dins aquest mercat, la beguda d'ametlla, pertanyent al grup de les oleaginoses, destaca pel seu alt contingut en nutrients, compostos fenòlics i propietats antioxidants. D'altra banda, la generació massiva de residus i subproductes per part de la indústria alimentària representa un dels desafiaments més grans a nivell global. D'acord amb la Comissió Europea, aproximadament es desaprofita un 13% de la producció alimentària mundial, equivalent a 366 milions de tones dins de la Unió Europea. La indústria alimentària ha estat treballant en la implementació dels Objectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible (ODS) adoptats per les Nacions Unides el 2015, amb especial atenció a l'ODS 12, que promou la producció responsable i sostenible. Aquest objectiu cerca prevenir el malbaratament d'aliments, revalorar residus i promoure l'economia circular com a part de l'Agenda 2030. En aquest context, l'objectiu general de la present tesi va ser estudiar les possibilitats de revaloració del subproducte resultant del procés d'obtenció de la beguda vegetal d'ametlla. Determinar les propietats fisicoquímiques, tecnològiques i funcionals de la matèria primera. Avaluar l'efecte de la deshidratació (assecat amb aire calent i liofilització) sobre les propietats fisicoquímiques, el contingut de components bioactius, la bioaccessibilitat i la influència sobre la microbiota. Finalment, es va considerar la possibilitat d'obtenir un producte deshidratat amb probiòtics. La consecució d'aquest objectiu es va abordar des de tres enfocaments que es presenten en tres capítols en el que s'ha estructurat l'apartat de resultats. En el primer capítol es va avaluar l'impacte de l'assecat per aire calent a 60 °C i 70 °C, i de la liofilització, sobre les propietats tecno-funcionals del bagàs d'ametlla. Es van analitzar les corbes d'assecat i les isotermes de sorció. Després, es va avaluar l'efecte de l'emmagatzematge a temperatura ambient i en condicions accelerades de les pols obtingudes pels dos mètodes d'assecat; durant 6 mesos, es va monitoritzar el creixement microbiològic, l'acidesa, l'índex de peròxids, la capacitat antioxidant i el contingut de polifenols. Finalment, es va avaluar la idoneïtat de la pols de bagàs d'ametlla com a substitut en l'elaboració de productes enfornats, concretament galetes. Tant l'assecat per aire calent com la liofilització van resultar ser operacions adequades per estabilitzar el bagàs d'ametlla. Ambdós mètodes d'assecat, combinats amb un triturat adequat, van proporcionar pols amb propietats favorables per al seu ús a la indústria alimentària. En relació amb l'activitat antirradical, no es van presentar diferències significatives entre les mostres deshidratades, si bé el contingut en fenols totals va ser més gran en les mostres liofilitzades. En relació amb l'emmagatzematge durant 6 mesos, en finalitzar aquest període es va observar un augment en la capacitat antirradical, així com en el contingut de fenols totals, especialment notable a les mostres assecades per aire calent i sotmeses a emmagatzematge accelerat. Els valors d'acidesa i índex de peròxid van augmentar considerablement durant l'emmagatzematge accelerat, possiblement degut a la descomposició dels àcids grassos. Finalment, es va avaluar la idoneïtat de la pols de bagàs d'ametlla com a ingredient substitutiu en l'elaboració de productes enfornats. Els resultats van mostrar la idoneïtat del subproducte per ser utilitzat com a substitut de la farina de blat en l'elaboració de galetes ja que va proporcionar un producte de textura adequada amb més contingut en fibra i components amb capacitat antirradical. / [EN] The vegetable beverage market is experiencing steady growth due to the increasing demand for products of vegetable origin. Within this market, the almond beverage, which belongs to the oilseed group, stands out for its high content of nutrients, phenolic compounds and antioxidant properties. On the other hand, the massive generation of waste and by-products by the food industry represents one of the major global challenges. According to the European Commission, approximately 13% of the world's food production is wasted, equivalent to 366 million tonnes within the European Union. The food industry has been working on the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by the United Nations in 2015, with a particular focus on SDG 12, which promotes responsible and sustainable production. This goal aims to prevent food waste, revalue waste and promote the circular economy as part of the 2030 Agenda. In this context, the general objective of this thesis was to study the possibilities of revaluing the by-product resulting from the process of obtaining almond plant-based beverage. To determine the physicochemical, technological and functional properties of the raw material. Evaluate the effect of dehydration (hot air drying and freeze-drying) on the physicochemical properties, the content of bioactive components, their bioaccessibility and their influence on the microbiota. Finally, the possibility of obtaining a dehydrated product with probiotics was considered. The achievement of this objective was approached through three perspectives presented in three chapters, structuring the results section accordingly. In the first chapter, the impact of hot air drying at 60 °C and 70 °C and freeze-drying on the techno-functional properties of almond bagasse was evaluated. Drying curves and sorption isotherms were analysed. Then, the effect of storage at room temperature and under accelerated conditions of the obtained powders by both drying methods was evaluated; over a period of 6 months, microbiological growth, acidity, peroxide index, antioxidant capacity, and polyphenol content were monitored. Finally, the suitability of almond bagasse powder as a substitute in the production of bakery products, specifically biscuits, was assessed. Both hot air drying and freeze drying proved to be suitable operations to stabilise almond bagasse. Both drying methods, combined with appropriate grinding, provided powders with favourable properties for use in the food industry. Regarding the antiradical activity, there were no significant differences between the dehydrated samples, although the total phenol content was higher in the freeze-dried samples. After a 6-month storage period, an increase in antiradical capacity and total phenolic content was observed, particularly noticeable in the samples dried by hot air and subjected to accelerated storage. Acidity and peroxide index values increased considerably during accelerated storage, possibly due to the decomposition of fatty acids. Finally, the suitability of almond bagasse powder as a substitute ingredient in the production of bakery products was evaluated. The results indicated its suitability as a substitute for wheat flour in the production of biscuits, providing a product with appropriate texture, increased fibre content, and components with antiradical capacity. / Duarte Serna, S. (2024). Caracterización fisicoquímica, tecnológica y funcional del residuo procedente de la obtención de la bebida vegetal de almendra. Estrategias de valorización [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/204146 / Compendio

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