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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Spolupráce studijního centra Basic a běžné základní školy při výuce angličtiny u dyslektiků. / Cooperation with the study centre BASIC and an elementary school in teaching English of dyslexic students

KOŘÍNKOVÁ, Linda January 2012 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on the Basic study centers in the Czech Republic. It maps its foundation, goals, roles and study technology. Also, it is concerned with the parent´s reactions on the results of the educational program. It deals with the evaluation of the cooperation between teachers and Basic teachers. This diploma thesis also contains a student evaluation of the program.

Fonologické dovednosti v prevenci čtenářských obtíží / Phonological skills in prevention of reading disabilities

KRAJÍCOVÁ, Markéta January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis called ?Phonological skills in prevention of readers difficulty? focuses on recognizing of the relationship between phonological skills and reading in czech (transparent) language environment. Theoretical part gives a definition of dyslexia and gives her typology. It delimits the causes, diagnostics, rectification and influence of dyslexia on a child. It advises how to work with pupils with dyslexia. Practical part contains own testing of pupils´ phonological skills. It describes procedure and the method of measurement, it gives description of exercises and gained experience.

Speciální pomůcky pro žáky postižené specifickou poruchou učení na 1. stupni základní školy. / Special aids for young learners afflicted with specific disorder of learning in elementary schools.

MEDOVÁ, Michaela January 2007 (has links)
The theoretical part of the thesis describes problems of diagnoses of specific disorders of learning, especially dyslexia, dysgraphia and dysortographia. It establishes the notions, describes the manifestations, etiology and diagnostics of learning disorders. Afterwards, the re-education of dyslexia is described in more detail. The practical section contains learning aids for students who suffer from specific disorders of learning in the subject of Czech langueage in grade 5, term 1. This regards the use of working lists and flash cards designed for use with the given age group. Also included are systematic instructions with which, through the use of these aids, characterizes and offers their use during teaching.

Speciální pomůcky pro žáky postižené specifickou poruchou učení na 1. stupni základní školy. / Special aids young learners afflicted with specific disorders of learning in elementary schools

SVOBODOVÁ, Olga January 2007 (has links)
The theoretical part of the thesis deals a history, an etiology and a diagnosos of the specific disorders of learning. It marginally signs a re-education of these disorders too, mainly a dyslexy, dysgraphy and a dysortography. The practical part consist of the working sheets for each topic of the Czech language in Year 3, in the second mid-year. The thesis cintains also a method thet characterizes created aid, its using and working with it in education.

Účinky specifických poruch učení na self-koncept a sociometrickou pozici dítěte ve třídě / Self concept in children with learning disabilities

GORNIAKOVÁ, Kateřina January 2009 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the self-concept of children in the class which have the specific diseases of learning. These kids are in their pre-adolescent age (12-15 years). The first part of the thesis gives the definitions related to the discussed topic and these defined terms aim to offer basic information to the reader about the issue. The next part reflects the research itself which aspires to find out and compare the self-concept of children with the specific learning disorder with children who were not diagnosed with this disease. The standardized tests were used for the research which allowed to find out the level of extroversion, introversion and neuroticism in case of children and also, these research were used to find out whether there is an effort for desiderabiltiy, and further such child´s positiion among other kids, his imagination of learning skills and abilities in different subject; i.e. whether the types of specific learning disorder can negatively influence mental stability of the child and whether these have a contribution in relation to his possible neurotic development.

Prožívání rozumově nadaných jedinců s dyslexií / Talented individuals with dyslexia and their well-being

Kletečková, Eliška January 2017 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the topic of the experience of talented people with dyslexia. These 'twice exceptional' students are a group of people who deserves more attention than it is nowadays devoted. It is a specific group of people who are rationally talented - traits such as the aim of learning quickly, adopting new information and working with them. They are inquiring, interested in abstract and difficult questions. Their creativity is striking but at the same time they have limitations which is brought by the very specific learning disability in this case mainly dyslexia and some other affiliated disorders. This work's main goal is to describe the experience of this specific group of people, at first by the help of literary survey and then in the empiric part by interview followed by the comparison of the talented people with dyslexia and talented people without dyslexia. This thesis is concluded by suggesting the intervention program for schools in which students are often incorrectly identified and they did not obtain necessary care. key words: twice exceptionality, dyslexia, talent, well-being

Problematika vzdělávání žáků se specifickými poruchami učení ve výuce zeměpisu / Geography teaching of students with a specific learning disabilities

Blablová, Veronika January 2015 (has links)
My thesis "Geography teaching of students with a specific learning disabilities" is concerned with specific learning disabilities related to lessons of Geography. It presents the ways of manifestation of the issue in educational process and, subsequently, the effective solutions in a form of recommendations usable in lessons of Geography. The practical part is based on the assumption of displays of certain learning disabilities that may occur in lessons of Geography. The ways how the disabilities may be displayed were estimated through studying available literature in question. Based on the above Frame Education Programme for Elementary Education was analysed. Certain proposals have been worked out for the items that seem to be problematic for pupils with dyslexia and dyscalculia. The proposals are presented in a common format usual in Geography lessons and, subsequently, in adjusted format to be checked if it is easier to understand to the corresponding pupil's. The practical part contains adapted tasks, pupils work description in Geography lessons, and analysis of results. The results represent comparing success rates of both the versions, and potential additional information acquired from pupils. Keywords Dyslexia, dysgraphia, dysortografia, specificlearningdisabilities, geography, teaching.

Porozumění problému dyslexie prostřednictvím strukturovaného dramatu / Understanding of Problem of Dyslexy Through Drama

Stocková, Jana January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis consists of practical and theoretical part. It is focused on an issue of dyslexia and its understanding through structured drama. The theoretical part contains three sections. The first section deals with drama education, the second section covers structured drama and the third section is focused on dyslexia itself. The part concerning drama education is subdivided into three chapters demonstrating drama education in general, the subject itself and its forms. The part focused on structured drama is divided into five chapters that define structured drama in general and its subsequent implementation in education together with its structures, techniques and planning. The part dealing with dyslexia includes five chapters as well. The first chapter explains the term dyslexia. The next chapters demonstrate its symptoms, diagnosis and re- education, specific learning disabilities and relationships between dyslectic pupils and their family, school and classmates. The practical part contains a lesson of structured drama with reflections and perceptions collected during drama implementation.

Morphométrie de trois sillons d'intérêt dans la dyslexie développementale / Morphometry of three sulci of interest in developmental dyslexia

Scotto Di Covella, Lou 14 December 2016 (has links)
La dyslexie développementale est un trouble spécifique de l'apprentissage de la lecture qui affecte 3 à 7% des enfants d'âge scolaire. Il est bien établi aujourd'hui que la dyslexie découle en partie de variations génétiques qui causent des changements lors du développement cérébral, qui, à leur tour, ont des conséquences au niveau cognitif. Cette thèse s'appuie sur les analyses morphométriques de trois des sillons principaux du cerveau dans trois grands ensembles de données d'imagerie par résonance magnétique : 102 participants français, 80 participants polonais et 70 participants allemands, avec, dans chaque jeu de données, environ la moitié de participants ayant été diagnostiqués dyslexiques et la moitié de lecteurs normaux. J'ai étudié le sillon central, la scissure Sylvienne et le sillon temporal supérieur grâce aux outils de labellisation automatique et de mesures du logiciel BrainVISA. J'ai mesuré des propriétés quantitatives (surface et profondeur) ainsi que des propriétés qualitatives (configuration) de chaque sillon. J'ai montré une triple interaction entre groupe, sexe et hémisphère dans la profondeur moyenne du sillon central, laissant penser que les participants contrôles et dyslexiques diffèrent en terme d'asymétrie de profondeur de ce sillon. Comme la sulcation est un processus se déroulant de façon précoce lors du développement du cerveau et qui semble moins plastique que d'autres mesures cérébrales (comme, par exemple, les volumes de matière grise), ce résultat pourrait s'avérer être un marqueur précoce du risque de dyslexie plutôt que la conséquence de mauvaises capacités de lecture. / Developmental dyslexia is a specific disorder of reading acquisition that affects 3 to 7% of school-aged children. It is well established that dyslexia is partly caused by genetic variations whitch cause changes in brain development, whitch then have consequences at the cognitive level. This Ph.D thesis is based on morphometry analysis of three main sulci of the brain in three large databases of brain magnetic resonance images: 102 participants from France, 80 particpants from Poland and 70 participants from Germany, with, in each database, about half of participants were diagnosed with dyslexia and half of normal readers. I have studied the central sulcus, the Sylvian fissure and the superior temporal sulcus thanks to the automatic labelisation and measures tools in the BrainVISA software. I have measured some quantitative properties (surface and depth) as well as some qualitative ones (configuration) of each sulcus. I have shown a triple interaction between group, sex and hemisphere in the mean depth of the central sulcus. This result allows us to think that control and dyslexic participants may be different in terms of depth asymetry in this particular sulcus. Given that sulcation is an early process during brain development et that it seems to be less plastic than other brain measures (like, for example, grey matter volumes), this result may be an early marker of risk factors for dyslexia rather than a consequence of poor reading.

Améliorer la compréhension de textes narratifs chez les élèves dyslexiques de CM2 : le rôle des modalités de présentation / Improve reading comprehension of narrative texts for dyslexic students in grade 5 : role of modality

Vandenbroucke, Geneviève 05 July 2016 (has links)
L’acquisition de la lecture, au-delà du décodage, nécessite la maîtrise d’un ensemble complexe de processus qui conduisent à la compréhension. Pour certains enfants, l’étape du décodage est imparfaitement franchie à cause d’un trouble spécifique de la lecture, communément nommé dyslexie. Les sujets dyslexiques représenteraient 5% de la population. Si la recherche a permis de mieux comprendre l’étiologie du trouble, la question de la prise en charge des élèves dyslexiques n’a pas donné lieu à beaucoup de travaux. L’objectif de cette thèse est de mesurer si d’une part, la modalité a un effet significatif sur les performances en compréhension de textes narratifs pour des élèves de CM2, d’autre part si la mise en relief de morphèmes peut avoir aussi un effet significatif. Trois expériences ont été menées sur la modalité de présentation des textes (présentation orale/écrite). Les résultats montrent que la modalité orale n’améliore pas les performances en compréhension des élèves dyslexiques. De plus, dans les trois expériences, les dyslexiques ont des performances inférieures aux normo-lecteurs, quelle que soit la modalité de présentation utilisée. Une expérience concernant la morphologie et manipulant le format de présentation des lettres écrites a donné les mêmes résultats non significatifs : la mise en relief des éléments saillants des mots n’améliore pas la compréhension. Le résultat principal de ces études est de mettre en évidence l’importance du paramètre temporel dans la réalisation des tâches de compréhension pour les enfants dyslexiques. Ces résultats corroborent certaines données issues des recherches menées dans le cadre de la théorie de la charge cognitive et sur la mémoire de travail, notamment le modèle TBRS (Time-Based Resource Sharing, modèle de partage temporel des ressources) de Barrouillet, Bernardin et Camos (2004). Des pistes de recommandations pédagogiques sont envisagées. / Reading comprehension, beyond decoding, is based on a complex set of processes. For some students, decoding is impaired because of specific reading disorder commonly called dyslexia. Dyslexic people represent approximatively 5% of the population. Many studies allow to better understand etiology of dyslexia but only few ones are devoted to the compensation or to circumvent the difficulties associated with reading. The aim of this research is, on one hand, to evaluate if spoken presentation improves narrative texts comprehension, and, on the other hand, to evaluate if highlighting some morphemes can also improve reading comprehension of narrative texts for students in grade 5. Three experiments compared spoken vs. visual presentations. Results show that oral modality doesn’t improve reading comprehension. However, in the three experiments, dyslexic students perform less than control group, regardless of the modality. One experiment manipulated the color of morphemes written letters presentation. The same non-significant results were obtained: highlighting the salient elements of the words does not improve text comprehension. The main element of these studies is to highlight the importance of time in achieving comprehension tasks for dyslexic children: reading time of dyslexic students is longer than control group’s and seems to compensate comprehension much more than document presentation. These results confirm some data from research conducted in the framework of Cognitive Load Theory and working memory, including TBRS model (Time-Based Resource Sharing model) of Barrouillet, Bernardin and Camos (2004). Instructional recommendations are considered.

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