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The geology of the Lead Mountain area, Pima County, ArizonaAlexis, Carl Odman, 1918- January 1939 (has links)
No description available.
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The geology of the Mineta Ridge area, Pima and Cochise Counties, ArizonaChew, Randall T. January 1952 (has links)
No description available.
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”Jag är inte polis, jag arbetar som polis” : En studie av förhållandet mellan rollen som polis och privatpersonLindfors, Daniel January 2011 (has links)
Denna studie syftar till att öka förståelsen för hur poliser inom Stockholms polismyndighet förhåller sig till sin yrkesroll och för hur relationen mellan yrkesroll och privatroll upprätthålls med fokus på det emotionella arbete som ingår i polisrollen. Studien bygger på fem kvalitativa samtalsintervjuer med poliser som arbetar inom två av Stockholms läns åtta polisdistrikt, och som har en tjänstgöringsålder på mellan två till fyra år. Den insamlade empirin har analyserats med hjälp av Goffmans dramaturgiska perspektiv samt tidigare forskning om emotioner relaterade till det polisiära yrket. Uppsatsen visar att respondenterna strävar efter att särskilja sin yrkesroll från rollen som privatperson i mötet med allmänheten, vilket av respondenterna anses vara en förutsättning för att kunna prestera i sin yrkesroll. Om denna åtskillnad ej görs kan den enskilda polisen få svårigheter att spela rollen som polis vilken kan leda till att allmänheten ej vet om individen agerar i egenskap av polis eller privatperson vilket kan leda till svårigheter för den enskilda polisen i sitt yrkesagerande. Uppsatsen visar vidare hur respondenterna under arbetstid kan skifta mellan rollen som polis och privatperson då allmänheten ej är närvarande och de befinner sig på en plats förbehållen för poliser. Intervjuerna vittnar om att skiftet mellan rollen som polis och privatperson kan ske mycket hastigt och ofta per automatik varför respondenterna menar att de ej behöver reflektera över detta skifte.
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Aspects of gully morphology along the shield edge north of MontrealHeginbottom, J. A. (J. Alan) January 1967 (has links)
No description available.
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The geology and geochemistry of Radiore 2 Mine, Matagami, Québec /Bonavia, Franco Ferdinand. January 1981 (has links)
No description available.
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Evaluation of eastern James Bay Cree women's dietsDelormier, Treena Wasonti:io January 1995 (has links)
Food use and nutrient intake were studied with Cree women of Wemindji and Eastmain, Quebec. Twenty-four hour recalls and food frequency questionnaires were used among three age groups of women and in two seasons. Age had an effect on the mean amount of traditional food consumed (p $<$ 0.0001). Species and amounts of traditional food consumed varied by season. Ninety-four percent of women exceeded 2/3 of the recommended nutrient intake (RNI) for protein and 80% exceeded 2/3 of the RNI for iron, despite lower than recommended reported energy intakes. Calcium intakes of less than 1/2 the RNI were reported by 44% of women. Mean total fat intake reported by young and middle adults was greater than 30% of total energy. Qualitative inquiry into changing food use revealed that most women agree that traditional food use has declined for a variety of reasons, and that community residents should use more traditional food.
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Seasonal variability of net carbon dioxide exchange in a headwater bog, Kenora, OntarioBhardwaj, Anuraag K. January 1997 (has links)
Daily net ecosystem CO$ sb2$ exchange (NEE) was monitored at several peatland communities in a mid-boreal headwater bog at the Experimental Lakes Area (Kenora, ON., Canada) throughout the 1995-96 growing seasons. Transparent and opaque chamber systems were used to measure NEE and dark respiration at replicate plots in which the vascular vegetation was either clipped or unclipped. CO$ sb2$ fixation and emission fluxes were estimated from NEE measurements and were compared within and among the peatland communities. Communities that supported shrubby, xerophytic vegetation fixed CO$ sb2$ at rates that ranged from, on average, 0.194 to 0.365 mg CO$ sb2$ m$ sp{-2}$ s$ sp{-1}$. These rates did not vary significantly on a daily to weekly timescale, and were comparable in magnitude to the wetter, sedge-dominated communities. CO$ sb2$ emissions varied within and among communities across the sampling season. Rates were, on average, from 0.0568 to 0.109 mg CO$ sb2$ m$ sp{-2}$ s$ sp{-1}$, and the variation was associated with differences in ground temperature and water table. Comparisons of CO$ sb2$ emissions from clipped and unclipped plots allowed an estimation of the contribution of vascular respiration to total CO$ sb2$ emissions. Contributions ranged from 25 to over 80%, depending on the community and season that the measurements were taken. Strong associations between vascular respiration and ground temperature were observed. Daily NEE had little variability between communities and throughout the sampling season. This was attributed to parallel variations for the CO$ sb2$ fixation and emission fluxes. Researchers should quantify the actual fluxes for vascular root respiration, as it possibly controlled a large part of the NEE variability within and between sites.
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Regional cooperation organizations in a multipolar world. Comparing the Baltic and the Black Sea regionsMelchiorre, Tiziana January 2014 (has links)
This dissertation analyses the phenomenon of regionalism around the Baltic and the Black Sea since the end of the Cold War with a comparative approach and by applying an extended neorealist theory that includes geopolitics and historical legacy. The main focus is regional organizations, the Council of the Baltic Sea States (CBSS) and the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC), which defines the geographical and political borders of the Baltic and the Black Sea region. These regional organizations are treated as international regimes. The three main varibales taken into consideration in this study are the distribution of power among the big states, the geographical location and the historical legacy that directly and indirectly affect the relations among the states in each region. These variables are consistently applied to the following four sector analysed in this study: hard security, energy, economic development, and environment. While the last three sectors are areas of cooperation within the CBSS and the BSEC, hard security is not. Its inclusion in this study is because of the fact that it strongly affects the power relations among the states in the two regions and that it is strictly linked to the other three sectors. Although the CBSS and the BSEC have established ad hoc Working Groups with the aim to make cooperation working effectively, regional states cooperate to the extent that it brings relative gains according to the neorealist theory. The analysis shows that the two regimes created around the Balti and the Black Sea are ineffective despite the fact that the CBSS has managed to create stronger cooperative links among its members compared to the BSEC.
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The Jomon clay figurines of the Kaminabe site, Kyushu, JapanTogawa, Minako January 2003 (has links)
This study considers the phenomenon of the sudden and brief appearance of clay figurines in west-central Kyushu towards the end of the Jomon Period (13,000-2,300 14C years BP). The baked clay figurines representing humans were made throughout the Jomon Period, but mostly in central and northern Honshu. Following a review of previous interpretations of the Jomon clay figurines in general, the study focuses on the case of the numerous figurines recovered at the Kaminabe (ca. 2,800 14C years BP) site in Kyushu. Data on lithic assemblages and plant remains at Kaminabe and the sites in the surrounding area during the period under consideration indicate that small-scale cultivation was being practiced in the region. It is suggested here that the Kaminabe figurines represent the females who played important role in production of plant resources.
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Labor access and unequal land holdings among peasant farmers in a lowland and upland community of the Peruvian AmazonBrisson, Stéphanie January 2003 (has links)
Researchers recognize the need to better understand the factors influencing indigenous land use in order to design sustainable tropical forest management programs. A key relationship that has been long overlooked in peasant societies is the one between communal labor access through social networks and land acquisition/accumulation. This study examines land distribution and labor patterns in traditional agriculture of a lowland and a upland community on the Maranon River near Iquitos, Peru. Data were gathered through household interviews (n=76) and field visits (n=396) between June and November 2001. Results reveal marked variations in access to land and communal labor between and within communities. Household age, initial land wealth and initial inputs of labor are crucial in explaining land and labor inequalities within villages. This research contributes to a better understanding of the factors that give rise to local heterogeneity in wealth holdings and livelihood strategies, necessary tools to promote conservation throughout the region and beyond.
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