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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Crescimento e produção de um plantio de Tectona grandis, submetido a desbaste no município de Iracema RR / Growth and yield of a planting Tectona grandis subjected to thinning of the municipality Iracema - RR

Hilton Xavier de Araújo 17 September 2012 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Os plantios com espécies florestais exóticas vêm crescendo cada dia mais no Brasil, a exemplo disso observam-se plantios de Eucalipto das mais diversas variedades nas regiões Sul, Sudeste e Centro Oeste. Na Amazônia, a atividade madeireira é muito expressiva, principalmente quando se trata de extração de madeira de floresta natural, mas uma gama de normas e imposições legais tem inibido esta atividade. Uma saída para diminuir a pressão sobre as florestas naturais, é o reflorestamento com espécies que possam substituir as essências florestais nativas, como por exemplo, o Eucalipto o Mogno Africano e a Teca, afim de manter a viabilidade do setor madeireiro e proporcionar aos empreendedores deste setor expectativa de crescimento e maior geração de empregos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito do primeiro desbaste sobre o crescimento e a produção de Tectona grandis, (com 11 anos de idade), em espaçamento inicial de 3,0 x 2,0 metros, no município de Iracema estado de Roraima. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos ao acaso, com quatro tratamentos e três repetições, a testemunha (sem desbaste), a remoção de 20%, 30% e 40% da área basal em relação à testemunha. Houve diferença significativa ao nível de 5% para diâmetro à altura do peito (DAP), altura total, altura dominante e incremento em diâmetro. O DAP máximo observado foi de 15,67cm, e o tratamento com a remoção de 40% da área basal apresentou as maiores médias para volume total individual com casca e comercial sem casca. A produção máxima em volume foi obtida na testemunha, porém em número maior de indivíduos. Os parâmetros morfométricos deste povoamento foram influenciados pelo desbaste, sendo que apenas o índice de saliência e forma de copa não diferiram estatisticamente entre os tratamentos. O grau de esbeltez, diâmetro de copa e comprimento de copa aumentaram de acordo com o peso do desbaste, já para altura de inserção de copa ocorreu o inverso, pois as maiores densidades proporcionaram maiores médias. Observou-se na testemunha a altura de inserção de copa máxima de 4,25 m. A manutenção de 60% da área basal em relação à testemunha proporcionou maiores ganhos em DAP, área basal, volume total com casca e volume comercial sem casca, podendo-se concluir que este tratamento foi o mais indicado até o momento. / There has been an increase in the plantation of exotic forestall species in Brazil. An example of this can be observed in the eucalyptus plantation of vast diversity in the southern, southeast and central western regions. In Amazonia, the lumber industry is very impressive, especially when it comes to the extraction of timber from native forests, but a wide range of norms and legal impositions have inhibited this activity. A way of decreasing the pressure on native forests, for example, eucalyptus, African mahogany and Teak, in order to maintain the availability of the lumber sector and provide the entrepreneurs of this sector with expectation of growth and greater employment rate. The objective of this assignment was to evaluate the effect of the first thinning over the growth and production of Tectona grandis, (11 years old), with initial spacing of 3.0 x 2.0 meters, in Iracema region in the State of Roraima. The experimental outline used were randomized blocks, with four treatments and three replicates, the sample (without thinning) the removal of 20%, 30 % and 40 % of the basal area related to the experiment. There was significant difference to the level of 5% to the diameter at breast height (DBH), total height, dominant height and an increase in the diameter. The maximum DBH observed was 15.67 cm and the sample with removal of 40% of basal area showed the greatest average per individual total volume with the bark and without bark. The maximum production in volume was obtained with the sample, however in greater individual numbers. The morphometric parameters of this population were influenced by the thinning, while only the dimension of the projection and the formation of the canopy showed no difference in the samples. The degree of slenderness, the diameter and the length of the foliage increased according to the impact of the thinning, whereas with the altitude of the insertion e inverse occurred because the greater densities provided greater averages. In the sample it was observed that the insertion a maximum of 4.25 m of the canopy. The maintenance of 60% of the basal area in relation to the sample provided greater gains in DBH, basal area, total volume with bark and commercial volume without bark, which concludes that this sample was the best indicated until present.

Análise de metabólitos e proteínas totais em folhas de Eucalyptus grandis durante a infecção por Puccinia psidii / Analysis of total metabolites and proteins in Eucalyptus grandis leaves during the infection by Puccinia psidii

Felipe Garbelini Marques 06 April 2016 (has links)
Os mecanismos moleculares envolvidos na resistência de plantas contra patógenos são um tema bastante discutido no meio acadêmico, sendo o objetivo maior dos estudos a diminuição das perdas de produtividade provocadas por doenças em plantações do mundo todo. Muitos modelos de interação patógeno-hospedeiro foram propostos e desenvolvidos priorizando plantas e culturas de rápido desenvolvimento com ciclo de vida curto. Espécies de ciclo longo, porém, devem lidar durante anos - ao menos até a idade reprodutiva - contra o ataque de bactérias, fungos e vírus, sem contar, nesse meio tempo, com recombinações genéticas e mutações que tornariam possível o escape contra as moléstias causadas por microrganismos. Assim, como alternativa aos modelos usuais, o presente trabalho estudou um diferente par de antagonistas: Eucalyptus grandis e Puccinia psidii. Apesar da contribuição de programas de melhoramento genético, o patossistema E. grandis X P. psidii ainda é pouco descrito no nível molecular, havendo poucos estudos sobre os processos e as moléculas que agem de forma a conferir resistência às plantas. Assim, buscando o melhor entendimento da relação entre E. grandis X P. psidii, o presente trabalho estudou a mudança dos perfis de proteínas e metabólitos secundários ocorrida nos tecidos foliares de plantas resistentes e susceptíveis durante a infecção pelo patógeno, com o auxílio da técnica de cromatografia líquida acoplada à espectrometria de massas. Os resultados obtidos indicam que as plantas resistentes percebem a presença do patógeno logo nas primeiras horas pós-infecção, produzindo proteínas ligadas à imunidade (HSP90, ILITYHIA, LRR Kinase, NB-ARC disease resistance protein). Essa percepção desencadeia a produção de proteínas de parede celular e de resposta oxidativa, além de modificar o metabolismo primário e secundário. As plantas susceptíveis, por outro lado, têm o metabolismo subvertido, produzindo proteínas responsáveis pelo afrouxamento da parede celular, beneficiando a absorção de nutrientes, crescimento e propagação de P. psidii. No trabalho também são propostos metabólitos biomarcadores de resistência, moléculas biomarcadoras de resposta imune e sinais da infecção por patógeno em E. grandis. / The molecular mechanisms involved in the plant resistance against pathogens is a well-discussed theme in the academy, overall objecting to diminish worldwide plantation yield losses caused by diseases. Many pathogen-host models were proposed and developed prioritizing model plants and fast growing crops with short life cycles. However, long life cycle species need to cope with the attack of bacteria, fungi and virus throughout many years, or at least until its reproduction period, being unable, meanwhile, to escape the attack of these microorganisms through genetic recombination and mutation. Therefore, as an alternative to the usual models, the present work studied a different pair of antagonists: Eucalyptus grandis and Puccinia psidii. Despite the contribution of plant breeding programs, the E. grandis X P. psidii pathosystem is still poorly described in the molecular level, with few studies about processes and molecules that confer resistance to the plants. Thus, in order to better understand the E. grandis X P. psidii relationship, this project aimed to study the proteome and metabolome changes that occur on leaf tissues of resistant and susceptible plants infected by the pathogen, with the aid of the liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry technique. The results show that the resistant plants notice the presence of the pathogen shortly after being infected, producing immunity related proteins such as HSP90, ILITYHIA, LRR Kinase, NB-ARC disease resistance protein. This perception triggers the production of cell wall and oxidative burst proteins, also changing the primary and secondary metabolism. On the other hand, susceptible plants have its metabolism subverted, producing proteins responsible for the cell wall loosening, favoring P. psidii nutrient uptake, growth and spread. Metabolite biomarkers, Immune response biomarker molecules and infection signals triggered by P. psidii on E. grandis are also proposed on this work.

Atividade de enzimas do metabolismo de compostos secundários comprometidos com o enraizamento \"in vitro\" de Eucalyptus grandis HILL ex MAIDEN / Enzyme activity of metabolism of secondary compounds related to in vitro rooting of Eucalyptus grandis HILL ex MAIDEN

Isaac Stringueta Machado 18 November 1993 (has links)
O trabalho realizado constitui uma estratégia em Biotecnologia de Plantas para a investigação dos esquemas bioquímicos controladores da diferenciação celular no processo de enraizamento. Através da técnica da cultura de tecidos \"in vitro\" foram micropropagados clones de Eucalyptus grandis HILL ex MAIDEN (GO 250, GO 682 e GO 669) selecionadas no CEBTEC/USP. Em uma pesquisa preliminar foram estabelecidas e multiplicadas gemas, seguida de testes da composição de meios de cultura para elongação e enraizamento. Foram estudadas diversas possibilidades de balanceamento das substâncias reguladoras de crescimento - ácido indolilbutírico (AIB)/ benzilaminopurina (BAP). Os clones apresentaram comportamentos anatômico-fisiológicos (massa fresca e seca; teor protéico; taxas de multiplicação das brotações epicórmicas, elongação e enraizamento) diferenciados entre si. As frequências de enraizamento mostraram-se superiores às já observadas por outros autores. Foram estabelecidas, ainda, algumas alterações na composição dos meios de cultura empregados. Através de experimentos cinéticos foram determinados os padrões de indução e/ou inibição das enzimas fenilalanina amônia-liase (PAL) e glucose 6-fosfato-desidrogenase (G-6P-DH) importantes para a biossíntese de compostos flavonóides, considerados como os principais cofatores das auxinas endógenas no complexo iniciador do enraizamento. Verificou-se que embora o suprimento exógeno crescente de AIB tenha resultado em maiores taxas de enraizamento, as atividades da PAL e G-6P-DH não se mostraram significativamente alteradas. Contudo, foi observado também que as gemas que enraizaram apresentaram atividade da PAL significativamente superior, evidenciando maior fluxo do Metabolismo do Fenilpropano durante o enraizamento. / This study constitutes a strategy in Plant Biotechnology with the purpose to investigate the regulating biochemical development of the cellular differentiation in the rooting process. Through plant tissue culture \"in vitro\" technique, clones of Eucalyptus grandis Hill ex Maiden (GO 250, GO 682 e GO 669) selected at CEBTEC/USP, were micropropagated. In a preliminary study shoots were multiplied, followed by tests of media culture composition for shoot elongation and root initiation. Several possibilities and rates of plant growth regulators, indolilbutyric acid (IBA)/benzylaminopurine (BAP) were studied. The clones showed different anatomic-physiological behaviours (fresh and oven-dry weight; proteic content; epicormic shoots multiplication rates, elongation and rooting). The frequences of rooting were higher than those described by other authors. Some modifications in the composition of used cuIture media were also defined. Through kinetic experiments, induction and inhibition patterns of phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL) and glucose 6- phosphate-dehydrogenase (G-6P-DH) important to the biossyntesis of flavonoid compounds were determined. They were considered as the main cofactors of endogenous auxins in the root stimulating complex. Although, the increasing exogenous supply of AIB resulted in higher rooting rates, the activities of PAl and G-6P-DH enzyme did not present alterations. However, it was also observed that shoots wich rooted, in the treatments, showed higher PAL activity. resulting in higher flux of phenylpropanoid metabolism during the rooting.

Molecular characterisation of Eucalyptus grandis PGIP

Bhoora, Raksha 06 May 2005 (has links)
Coniothyrium zuluense is the causal agent of a serious Eucalyptus stem canker disease in South Africa (Wingfield et al., 1997). Eucalypts are the most important hardwood plantations in the world, and in South Africa these hardwoods occupy approximately 1.5 million hectares of plantation area, an area that is soon to be increased by an additional 600 000 hectares. As exotics, Eucalyptus plantations are constantly exposed to infection by fungal pathogens such as C. zuluense, which by secreting cell-¬wall degrading enzymes contribute to the degradation of plant cell walls and subsequent reduction and in the quality of timber produced. This ultimately affects the South African paper, pulp and timber industries. Selection of resistant clones through traditional breeding methods is the most common method currently employed in overcoming the problem of fungal infection. The genetic manipulation of Eucalyptus trees for enhanced resistance to fungal diseases is an alternative to the time-consuming and tedious approach of conventional breeding. The identification of several antifungal proteins, particularly polygalacturonase-inhibiting proteins (PGIPs) from various plant species including Eucalyptus, lead to the hypothesis that over-expression of these proteins could potentially reduce pathogen attack. However, prior to the expression of PGIPs in plants, isolation and molecular characterization of these genes are required. The aims of this study were therefore (l) to clone and characterize the complete Eucalyptus grandis pgip gene, (2) to transform Nicotiana tabacum (tobacco) plants with the E. grandis pgip gene and (3) to test for inhibition of C. zuluense PGs by PGIPs extracted from transgenic tobacco plants. This forms the first step towards the generation of E. grandis clones that are more disease tolerant. A review of the role of fungal endopolygalacturonases and polygalacturonase¬inhibitors in plant-pathogen interactions are presented in chapter I. Strategies employed to isolate and characterize pgip genes from a range of plant species are highlighted and the importance ofPGIPs in disease resistance is discussed. In chapter 2, the molecular cloning and characterization of the E. grandis pgip gene is discussed. The work presented in this chapter is a follow up on work previously conducted by Chimwamurombe (2001). Previously, a partial Eucalyptus pgip gene sequence was obtained with the use of degenerate oligonucleotide primers. In this study, the complete Eucalyptus pgip gene was obtained through the employment of genome walking strategies. Transformation of Nicotiana tabacum cv LA Burley plants with the Eucalyptus pgip gene and the molecular characterization of transgenic tobacco plants is discussed in chapter 3. The transformation and expression of foreign genes in tobacco plants is a well-established protocol, making tobacco the most appropriate candidate plant for assessing the functionality of the plant transformation construct. The production of endopolygalacturonases from virulent C. zuluense isolates and the subsequent PGIP assays conducted to determine levels of PG inhibition are included in this chapter. This thesis consists of three independent chapters representing studies on the molecular characterization of an E. grandis pgip gene and focusing on the potential for inhibition of PGs produced by C. zuluense by Eucalyptus PGIP extracted from transgenic tobacco plants. Repetition of certain aspects in the individual chapters has been unavoidable and the thesis is presented following a uniform style. / Dissertation (MSc)--University of Pretoria, 2003. / Genetics / Unrestricted

Pyrolysis of Eucalyptus grandis

Joubert, Jan-Erns 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In recent times, governments around the world have placed increasing focus on cleaner technologies and sustainable methods of power generation in an attempt to move away from fossil fuel derived power, which is deemed unsustainable and unfriendly to the environment. This trend has also been supported by the South African government, with clear intentions to diversify the country’s power generation by including, among others, biomass as a renewable resource for electricity generation. Woody biomass and associated forestry residues in particular, could potentially be used as such a renewable resource when considering the large amount of fast growing hardwood species cultivated in South Africa. Approximately 6.3 million ton of Eucalyptus grandis is sold annually for pulp production while a further 7 million ton of Eucalyptus species are sold as round wood. With these tree species reaching commercial maturity within 7 – 9 years in the South African climate, there is real potential in harnessing woody biomass as a renewable energy source. In this study, pyrolysis was investigated as a method to condense and upgrade E.grandis into energy and chemical rich products. The pyrolysis of E.grandis is the study of the thermal degradation of the biomass, in the absence of oxygen, to produce char and bio-oil. The thermal degradation behaviour of E.grandis was studied using thermo-gravimetric analysis (TGA) at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) in Germany and subsequently used to determine the isoconversional kinetic constants for E.grandis and its main lignocellulosic components. Slow, Vacuum and Fast Pyrolysis were investigated and optimised to maximise product yields and to identify the key process variables affecting product quality. The Fast Pyrolysis of E.grandis was investigated and compared on bench (KIT0.1 kg/h), laboratory (SU1 kg/h) and pilot plant scale (KIT10 kg/h), using Fast Pyrolysis reactors at Stellenbosch University (SU) in South Africa and at KIT in Germany. The Slow and Vacuum Pyrolysis of E.grandis was investigated and compared using a packed bed reactor at Stellenbosch University. The TGA revealed that biomass particle size had a negligible effect on the thermal degradation behaviour of E.grandis at a heating rate set point of 50 °C/min. It was also shown that increasing the furnace heating rates shifted the thermo-gravimetric (TG) and differential thermo-gravimetric (DTG) curves towards higher temperatures while also increasing the maximum rate of volatilisation. Lignin resulted in the largest specific char yield and also reacted across the widest temperature range of all the samples investigated. The average activation energies found for the samples investigated were 177.8, 141.0, 106.2 and 170.4 kJ/mol for holocellulose, alpha-cellulose, Klason lignin and raw E.grandis, respectively. Bio-oil yield was optimised at 76 wt. % (daf) for the SU1 kg/h Fast Pyrolysis plant using an average biomass particle size of 570 μm and a reactor temperature of 470 °C. Differences in the respective condensation chains of the various Fast Pyrolysis reactor configurations investigated resulted in higher gas and char yields for the KIT reactor configurations compared to the SU1 kg/h Fast Pyrolysis plant. Differences in the vapour residence time between Slow (>400 s) and Vacuum Pyrolysis (< 2 s) resulted in a higher liquid and lower char yield for Vacuum Pyrolysis. Local liquid yield maxima of 41.1 and 64.4 wt. % daf were found for Slow and Vacuum Pyrolysis, respectively (achieved at a reactor temperature of 450 °C and a heating rate of 17 °C/min). Even though char yields were favoured at low reactor temperatures (269 – 300 °C), the higher heating values of the char were favoured at high reactor temperatures (29 – 34 MJ/kg for 375 – 481 °C). Reactor temperature had the most significant effects on product yield and quality for the respective Slow and Vacuum Pyrolysis experimental runs. The bio-oils yielded for SP and VP were found to be rich in furfural and acetic acid. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Regerings regoor die wêreld het in die afgelope tyd toenemende fokus geplaas op skoner tegnologie en volhoubare metodes van kragopwekking in 'n poging om weg te beweeg van fossielbrandstof gebasseerde energie, wat geag word as nie volhoubaar nie en skadelik vir die omgewing. Hierdie tendens is ook ondersteun deur die Suid-Afrikaanse regering, met 'n duidelike bedoeling om die land se kragopwekking te diversifiseer deur, onder andere, biomassa as 'n hernubare bron vir die opwekking van elektrisiteit te gebruik. Houtagtige biomassa en verwante bosbou afval in die besonder, kan potensieel gebruik word as so 'n hernubare hulpbron, veral aangesien ‘n groot aantal vinnig groeiende hardehout spesies tans in Suid-Afrika verbou word. Ongeveer 6,3 miljoen ton Eucalyptus grandis word jaarliks verkoop vir pulp produksie, terwyl 'n verdere 7 miljoen ton van Eucalyptus spesies verkoop word as paal hout. Met hierdie boom spesies wat kommersiële volwassenheid bereik binne 7 - 9 jaar in die Suid-Afrikaanse klimaat, is daar werklike potensiaal vir die benutting van houtagtige biomassa as 'n hernubare energiebron. In hierdie studie is pirolise ondersoek as 'n metode om E.grandis te kondenseer en op te gradeer na energie en chemikalie ryke produkte. Die pirolise van E.grandis is die proses van termiese afbreking van die biomassa, in die afwesigheid van suurstof, om houtskool en bio-olie te produseer. Die termiese afbrekingsgedrag van E.grandis is bestudeer deur gebruik te maak van termo-gravimetriese analise (TGA) by die Karlsruhe Instituut van Tegnologie in Duitsland en daarna gebruik om die kinetiese konstantes vir die iso-omskakeling van E.grandis en sy hoof komponente te bepaal. Stadige, Vakuum en Snel pirolise is ondersoek en geoptimiseer om produk opbrengste te maksimeer en die sleutel proses veranderlikes wat die kwaliteit van die produk beïnvloed te identifiseer. Die Snel Pirolise van E.grandis is ondersoek en vergelyk op bank- (KIT0.1 kg / h), laboratorium- (SU1 kg / h) en proefaanlegskaal (KIT10 kg / h) deur gebruik te maak van Snel pirolise reaktore by die Universiteit van Stellenbosch (US) in Suid-Afrika en die Karlsruhe Instituut van Tegnologie (KIT) in Duitsland. Die Stadige en Vakuum Pirolise van E.grandis is ondersoek en vergelyk met behulp van 'n gepakte bed reaktor aan die Universiteit van Stellenbosch. Die TGA studie het openbaar dat biomassa deeltjiegrootte 'n onbeduidende uitwerking op die termiese afbrekingsgedrag van E.grandis het by 'n verhittings tempo van 50 ° C / min. Dit is ook bewys dat die verhoging van die oond verwarming tempo die termo-gravimetriese (TG) en differensiële termo-gravimetriese (DTG) kurwes na hoër temperature verskuif, terwyl dit ook die maksimum tempo van vervlugtiging laat toeneem het. Lignien het gelei tot die grootste spesifieke houtskool opbrengs en het ook oor die wydste temperatuur interval gereageer van al die monsters wat ondersoek is. Die gemiddelde aktiveringsenergieë vir die monsters wat ondersoek is, was 177,8, 141,0, 106,2 en 170,4 kJ / mol, onderskeidelik vir holosellulose, alpha-sellulose, Klason lignien en rou E.grandis. Bio-olie opbrengs is geoptimeer teen 76 wt. % (DAF) vir die SU1 kg / h Snel Pirolise aanleg met behulp van 'n gemiddelde biomassa deeltjiegrootte van 570 μm en 'n reaktor temperatuur van 470 ° C. Verskille in die onderskeie kondensasie kettings van die verskillende Snel Pirolise aanlegte wat ondersoek is, het gelei tot hoër gas- en houtskool opbrengste vir die KIT reaktor konfigurasies in vergelyking met die SU1kg/h FP plant. Verskille in die damp retensie tyd tussen Stadige (> 400 s) en Vakuum pirolise (<2 s) het gelei tot 'n hoër vloeistof en laer houtskool opbrengs vir Vakuum Pirolise. Plaaslike vloeistof opbrengs maksima van 41,1 en 64,4 wt. % (daf) is gevind vir Stadig en Vakuum pirolise onderskeidelik, bereik by 'n reaktor temperatuur van 450 ° C en 'n verhittingstempo van 17 ° C / min. Selfs al is houtskool opbrengste bevoordeel by lae reaktor temperature (269 - 300 ° C), is die hoër warmte waardes van die houtskool bevoordeel deur hoë reaktor temperature (29 - 34 MJ / kg vir 375 - 481 ° C). Reaktor temperatuur het die mees beduidende effek op die produk opbrengs en kwaliteit vir die onderskeie Stadige Pirolise en Vakuum Pirolise eksperimentele lopies gehad. Die bio-olies geproduseer tydens Stadige en Vakuum Pirolise was ryk aan furfuraal en asynsuur.

Chemical and physical modification of wood based hemicelluloses for use in the pulp and paper industry

Postma, Dirk 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Hemicelluloses are the most abundant plant polysaccharides available next to cellulose. The industrial usage of hemicelluloses however is very limited to nonexistent. As wood is processed in the Kraft pulping process, a large fraction of these hemicelluloses is degraded to low molecular weight isosaccharinic acids, which end up in the black liquor with the degraded lignin. The extraction of hemicelluloses prior to pulping and re-introducing them as a wet-end additive has been shown to improve the paper tensile -, burst- and tear index properties. It has also been proven that the pre-extraction of hemicelluloses does not negatively affect the downstream paper products. The objective of this project was to study the modification of extracted wood based hemicelluloses, focusing on glucuronoxylan in Eucalyptus grandis (E. grandis), by chemical and physical methods identified from literature. The methods investigated were; cationisation, carboxymethylation and ultrasound treatment. The modified hemicelluloses were applied as a wet-end additive to E. grandis pulp to test their effect on strength properties. An addition protocol for the new hemicelluloses additives was developed in this investigation. The E. grandis glucuronoxylan was extracted by using the mild alkali extraction method of Höije et al. The characterization of the extracted solids from the pure E. grandis chips showed that 4-O-methylglucuronoxylan was extracted with an average uronic acid content of 17.3 wt.%. The hemicelluloses yield was 50.75 wt.%, based on dry biomass, containing 40.76 wt.% xylose units. The solids still contained 26.6 wt.% lignin after extraction. The presence of lignin in the extracted solids indicated that the delignification step in the extraction method used, was not sufficient for the E. grandis biomass. The molecular weight of the extracted glucuronoxylan was 51 589 g.mol-1. It was proven that the modification methods from literature are applicable to E. grandis glucuronoxylan, producing cationic, carboxymethyl and low uronic acid content 4-O-methylglucuronoxylan. The cationic E. grandis glucuronoxylan produced had a degree of substitution between 0.05 and 0.73 and an uronic acid content ranging between 6.12 and 12.70 wt.%. The carboxymethylated E. grandis glucuronoxylan had a degree of substitution between 0.05 and 0.11 with a uronic acid content between 10.2 and 21.4%. The sonication of E. grandis glucuronoxylan resulted in products with molecular weights ranging from 54 856 to 57 347 g.mol-1 and uronic acid contents between 13.0 and 18.4 wt.%. Handsheet formation with the modified hemicelluloses added, showed that the cationic E. grandis glucuronoxylan improved handsheet strength and surface properties the best. Cationic E. grandis glucuronoxylan also outperformed the industrial additive, cationic starch at a dosage level of 1.0 wt.%. The addition protocol development for cationic E. grandis glucuronoxylan showed it is possible to add cationic hemicellulose before refining, which results in maximum contact time with the pulp fibres without inhibiting the effect of the additive. Cationic hemicellulose additive added before refining led to a decrease in refining energy required to reach the desired strength properties. It was concluded that the cationisation and carboxymethylation methods chosen from literature were applicable to the South African grown E. grandis glucuronoxylan. The cationic glucuronoxylan showed the best improvement in handsheet strength and surface properties. Cationic E. grandis glucuronoxylan could be added before refining in the papermaking process for maximum effectiveness of this new strength additive. The use of hemicellulosic additives will be more sustainable than starch, due to the presence of hemicelluloses in the initial biomass that enters the pulp and paper process. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hemiselluloses is die mees volopste plantpolisakkariede naas sellulose, alhoewel die industriële gebruik van hierdie hemiselluloses tans nog beperk is. In die huidige verwerking van hout met behulp van die Kraft verpulpingsproses word die hemiselluloses gedegradeer na lae molukulêre massa isosakkariniese sure wat saam met die lignien in die swartloog afvalstroom eindig. Die ekstraksie van hierdie hemiselluloses vóór die verpulpingsproses, en latere byvoeging as ‘n sterktebymiddel in die papier vervaardigings proses, kan die papier treksterkte, bars-, en skeur eienskappe verbeter. Dit is aangetoon dat die ekstraksie van hemiselluloses vóór die verpulpingsproses nie die opbrengs en kwaliteit van papierprodukte negatief beïnvloed nie. Die doelwit van hierdie projek was om die modifikasie van hemiselluloses, ge-ekstraheer uit Eucalyptus grandis (E. grandis) hout vóór verpulping, deur middle van chemiese en fisiese metodes uit literatuur te ondersoek. Die projek het spesifiek gefokus op glukuronoxilaan verkry uit E. grandis en wat gemodifiseer is met met behulp van kationisasie, karboksimetilering en ultraklank behandeling. Die gemodifiseerde hemiselluloses is daarna benut as ‘n nat-kant bymiddel tot E. grandis pulp, om die sterkte eienskappe van papier te ondersoek. ‘n Toevoegingsprotokol is vir die nuwe hemisellulose bymiddel ontwikkel in hierdie ondersoek. Die glukuronoxilaan is deur middle van die matige alkali-ekstraksie metode van Höije geekstraheer. Karakterisering van die vastestof residu wat uit die suiwer E. grandis biomassa geekstraheer is het getoon dat 4-O-metielglukuronoxilaan geëkstraheer is, met ‘n gemiddelde glukuronosuurinhoud van 17.3 massa%. Die hemisellulose opbrengs was 50.75 massa%, gebaseer op droë biomassa, en dit het 40.76 massa% xylose-eenhede bevat. Die lignieninhoud van die soliedes was 26.6 massa% na ekstraksie. Die teenwoordigheid van die lignien het daarop gedui dat die delignifikasie (van die metode) van E. grandis biomassa nie voldoende was nie. Die molekulêre massa van die geëkstraheerde glukuronoxilaan was 51 589 g.mol-1. Dit is bewys dat die modifikasiemetodes toepasbaar is op die E. grandis glukuronoxilaan, en dat kationiese, karboksiemetiel en lae glukuronosuur 4-0-metielglukurono-xilaan geproduseer is. Die kationiese glukuronoxilaan het ‘n graad van substitusie tussen 0.05 en 0.73 gehad, met ‘n glukuronosuur inhoud tussen 6.12 en 12.70 massa%. Die karboksiemetielglukuronoxilaan het ‘n graad van substitusie tussen 0.05 en 0.11 gehad, met glukuronosuurinhoude tussen 10.2 en 21.4 massa%. Die ultraklankbehandelde glukuronoxilaan het molekulêre massas tussen 54 856 en 57 347 g.mol-1 gehad met glukuronosuurinhoude tussen 13.0 en 18.4 massa%. Papier handvelproduksie van die pulp waar tydens die gemodifiseerde hemiselluloses toe gevoeg is, het aangedui dat die kationiese E. grandis glukuronoxilaan die grootste sterkte- en oppervlakeienskappe verbetering getoon het. Die kationiese glukuronoxilaan het ook, in terme van verbetering van pulpeienskappe, die industrieële kationiese stysel bymiddel oortref, by ‘n doserings vlak van 1.0 massa%. Die toevoegingsprotokol ontwikkeling vir die kationiese E. grandis glukuronoxilaan het getoon dat hemiselluloses byvoeging tot die papiermaakproses vóór die raffinerings stadium die mees gunstige was, met dosering tussen 0.5 en 2.0 massa%. Die byvoeging van kationiese hemiselluloses vóór raffinering het gelei tot ‘n afname in raffineringsenergie wat benodig word om die verlangde sterkteeienskap te verkry. Dit is bevesting gekose kationisasie- en karboksimetilerings metodes toepasbaar op die Suid Afrikaanse E. grandis glukuronoxilaan was. Die kationiese glukuronoxilaan het die grootste verbetering in pulpeienskappe, in terme van handvelsterkte en oppervlakeienskappe, getoon. Kationiese glukuronoxilaan moet vóór raffinering tot die papiermaakproses bygevoeg word vir maksimum doeltreffendheid van hierdie nuwe sterktebymiddel. Die gebruik van hemisellulose bymiddels sal meer volhoubaar wees as stysel, omdat die hemiselluloses wat in die biomassa aanwesig is, in die proses teruggrplaas word.

Effects of leaf litter diversity on nutrients and mosquito communities in Neotropical artificial tree holes

Komosinski, Rachel 31 July 2012 (has links)
Inputs from terrestrial habitats to aquatic habitats are important for structuring aquatic communities. Terrestrial producer diversity in the tropics may decline due to anthropogenic causes. I investigated how tree diversity affects aquatic communities. We used leaves from three timber-producing species (Dalbergia retusa, Pachira quinata, and Tectona grandis) to test the effects of leaf litter species composition and richness on invertebrate aquatic communities in Gamboa, Panama. We quantified macroinvertbrate species richness and abundances, leaf litter mass loss, and dissolved carbon to nitrogen ratios (C:N) after 4 weeks. We found that litter types differed in breakdown and C:N. Tectona grandis had lower dissolved C:N than both native species and supported the fewest number of invertebrates. C:N ratios declined with increasing litter diversity; however breakdown was not affected by litter richness. Mosquito abundance increased with litter species richness. Results of this study highlight the importance of diverse detritus in structuring aquatic treehole communities.

Consequência do corte raso e da pluviometria sobre a produção de raízes finas, CO2, N2O e CH4 até o lençol freático em povoamentos de Eucalyptus grandis conduzidos em talhadia /

Germon, Amandine Esther Louise. January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: Jean-Paul Laclau / Coorientador: Iraê Amaral Guerrini / Banca: Christophe Jourdan / Banca: José Leonardo de Moraes Gonçalves / Banca: Ciro Antonio Rosolem / Banca: Jean-Christophe Domec / Resumo: Melhorar nossa compreensão sobre a dinâmica espaço-temporal de raízes finas e dos gases de efeito estufa em camadas profundas do solo é um componente chave para identificar práticas silviculturais mais sustentáveis para florestas plantadas num contexto de mudança climática e para melhorar os atuais modelos biogeoquímicos. Nosso estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito do corte raso e da seca na produção de raízes finas, nos efluxos de CO2, CH4 e N2O do solo e da produção ao longo dos perfis profundos do solo até o lençol freático nas plantações de eucalipto manejadas em talhadia. A raízes finas foram amostradas até 17 m de profundidade num experimento de exclusão de chuva comparando parcelas com 37% de precipitação excluída (-W) e sem exclusão de chuva (+ W). A dinâmica das raízes foi estudada usando minirhizotron em duas trincheiras permanentes até 17 m de profundidade nos tratamentos -W e + W, durante 1 ano antes do corte raso e 2 anos depois do corte em talhadia, e tambem até 4 m de profundidade numa parcela sem corte (NH), servindo como controle. Os efluxos de CO2, CH4 e N2O na superfície do solo foram medidos ao longo de três anos utilizando o método de câmara manual nos tratamentos -W, + W e NH. As concentrações de CO2, CH4 e N2O no solo foram medidas a partir das trincheiras até uma profundidade de 15.5 m nos tratamentos -W, + W e NH durante 3 meses antes do corte raso e 1.5 ano depois em talhadia. Após o corte, ocorreu um grande crescimento radicular das árvores con... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Tree growth is highly dependent on the absorptive function of fine roots for water and nutrients. Fine roots also play a major role in the global carbon (C) cycle, mainly through production, respiration, exudation and decomposition processes. Improving our understanding of the spatiotemporal dynamics of fine roots and greenhouse gases in deep soil layers is a key component to identify more sustainable silvicultural practices for planted forests in a context of climate change and to improve the current biogeochemical models. Our study aimed to assess the effect of clear-cutting and drought on fine-root production, soil CO2, CH4 and N2O effluxes and production throughout deep soil profiles down to the water table in Brazilian coppice-managed Eucalyptus plantations. Fine roots (i.e. diameter < 2 mm) were sampled down to a depth of 17 m in a throughfall exclusion experiment comparing stands with 37% of throughfall excluded by plastic sheets (-W) and stands without rain exclusion (+W). Root dynamics were studied using minirhizotron in two permanent pits down to a depth of 17 m in treatments -W and +W, over 1 year before clear-cutting, then over 2 years in coppice, as well as down to a depth of 4 m in a non-harvested plot (NH) serving as a control. CO2, CH4 and N2O surface effluxes were measured over three years using the closed-chamber method in treatments -W, +W and NH. CO2, CH4 and N2O concentrations in the soil were measured from the pits down to a depth of 15.5 m in treatments -W, +W and NH over 3 months before the clear-cut and 1.5 years after in coppice. After harvesting, spectacular fine root growth of trees conducted in coppice occurred in very deep soil layers (> 13 m) and, surprisingly, root mortality remained extremely low whatever the depth and the treatment. Total fine-root biomass in coppice down to a depth of 17 m was 1266 and 1017 g m-2 in treatments +W and -W, respectively, at 1.5 years a ... / Resume: Améliorer notre compréhension de la dynamique spatio-temporelle des racines fines et des gaz à effet de serre dans les couches profondes du sol est un élément clé pour identifier des pratiques sylvicoles plus durables pour les forêts plantées dans un contexte de changement climatique et pour améliorer les modèles biogéochimiques actuels. Cette étude visait à évaluer l'effet de la coupe des arbres et de la sécheresse sur la production de racines fines et la production de CO2, N2O et CH4 dans des profils de sol très profonds en plantation d'Eucalyptus conduite en taillis au Brésil. Les racines fines, d'un diamètre inférieur à 2 millimètres, ont été échantillonnées jusqu'à une profondeur de 17 m sur un dispositif d'exclusion de pluie comparant des peuplements soumis à une exclusion de 37% des pluies (-W) et des peuplements sans exclusion (+ W). La dynamique des racines a été étudiée à l'aide de minirhizotrons installés dans deux fosses permanentes d'une profondeur de 17 m dans les traitement -W et + W, pendant un an avant la coupe des arbres, puis pendant deux ans en taillis, et jusqu'à 4 m de profondeur dans un peuplement non récolté (NH) servant de témoin. Les efflux de CO2, CH4 et N2O à la surface du sol ont été mesurés durant trois ans dans les traitements -W, + W et NH. Les concentrations en CO2, CH4 et N2O dans le sol ont été mesurées à partir de fosses permanentes jusqu'à une profondeur de 15.5 m dans les traitements -W, + W et NH durant 3 mois avant la coupe des arbres et 1.5 ans après la coupe, en taillis. La croissance des racines fines était considérable à grande profondeur (> 13 m) chez les arbres menés en taillis et, étonnamment, la mortalité des racines fines était extrêmement faible quelle que soit la profondeur et le traitement. La biomasse totale de racines fines jusqu'à 17 m de profondeur était de 1266 et 1017 g ... / Doutor

Estudos funcionais do gene EgTIP2 que codifica uma aquaporina de eucalipto /

Rodrigues, Marcela Iara. January 2013 (has links)
Orientador: Ivan de Godoy Maia / Banca: Douglas Silva Domingues / Banca: Marilia Gaspar / Resumo: A biotecnologia define-se pelo uso de conhecimentos sobre os processos biológicos e sobre as propriedades dos seres vivos, com o fim de resolver problemas e criar produtos de utilidade. É importante frisar que uma das principais vantagens da biotecnologia moderna voltada para a área vegetal é a de poder gerar estratégias de melhoramento aplicáveis a diferentes culturas. Uma das principais estratégias de ação nessa área trata da produção de plantas geneticamente modificadas com transgenes de interesse. Nesse contexto, a caracterização de promotores com padrão de expressão tecido-específico é essencial para que a expressão de tais transgenes em plantas de interesse agronômico e florestal, como em eucalipto, fique limitada a determinados órgãos/tecidos. . Assim, o presente trabalho teve por objetivo realizar a caracterização funcional do promotor do gene EgTIP2 que codifica uma putativa aquaporina intrínseca de tonoplasto (TIP) com expressão específica em raízes de eucalipto. Em paralelo, o perfil de expressão desse gene em resposta ao estresse osmótico foi investigado em eucalipto. Análises de expressão mostraram que tanto o promotor quanto o gene EgTIP2 são regulados positivamente pelo estresse osmótico curto e persistente, enquanto que o promotor parece ser regulado negativamente na presença de ABA-exógeno. Testes histoquímicos revelaram uma expressão vascular-específica dirigida pelo promotor EgTIP2 em plantas de tabaco transgênicas, sugerindo uma possível utilização como ferramenta para aplicação em engenharia genética de espécies lenhosas / Abstract: Not available / Mestre

Sequenciamento, identificação e análise de proteínas do caule de mudas de Eucalyptus grandis / Sequencing, identification and analysis of juvenile Eucalyptus grandis xylem proteins

Andrade, Alexander de 05 May 2006 (has links)
Apesar da importância econômica e ambiental que a madeira representa como fonte natural e renovável de energia e fibras, pouco é conhecido sobre os processos celulares, moleculares e bioquímicos envolvidos com a sua formação. Usando metodologias proteômicas como 2D-PAGE e espectrometria de massas foi iniciada a análise do proteoma do caule de Eucalyptus grandis em diferentes estádios de desenvolvimento (5 meses, 3 anos e 6 anos). O presente trabalho baseou-se especificamente na idade de cinco meses. As plantas tiveram suas folhas, raízes e cascas removidas e seus caules foram macerados em almofariz com nitrogênio líquido e as proteínas extraídas pelo método de extração fenólica. As proteínas foram separadas por eletroforese bidimensional em fitas IPG com gradiente de pH imobilizado linear de 4-7 na primeira dimensão e gel de poliacrilamida (12,5%) na segunda dimensão. A coloração dos géis foi realizada com coomassie G250. Foram detectados 438 spots e um total de 168 spots foram retirados do gel, digeridos com tripsina e submetidos ao sequenciamento por espectrometria de massas através do sistema LCMS/ MS. O sequenciamento por MS apresentou uma eficiência de 72,02% possibilitando a identificação de 121 spots, enquanto que 35 (20,83%) não apresentaram homologia com nenhuma base de dados. Entre as proteínas identificadas 22 foram representadas por mais de um spot, podendo indicar a ocorrência e eventos provenientes do splicing alternativo, modificações pós-traducional, variações alélicas de uma mesma proteína ou degradação da amostra. Entre os spots analisados, 22,02% estão relacionados com a produção de energia, (17,86%) metabolismo, (13,69%) processes celulares, (0,60%) transporte, (8,33%) componentes estruturais, (5,36%) metabolismo macromolecular, (4,17%) proteínas putativas, (20,83%) não apresentaram homologia com nenhuma base de dados e (7,14%) não demonstraram resultado. A comparação realizada entre o volume de 59 proteínas e os seus respectivos transcritos demonstrou que não existe correlação entre mRNA e as proteínas do caule. O método possibilitou uma rápida e precisa separação e identificação das proteínas do caule de Eucalyptus grandis que são diferencialmente expressas durante a fase de crescimento de cinco meses. / The process of wood formation is an important economical factor for the forestry industry and it is also of ecological importance, although little is known about the proteins involved in wood formation. The sequencing, identification and analysis of proteins provides such information of wood formation. Using proteomics techniques such as two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and mass spectrometry we have started a proteomic analysis of wood formation in Eucalyptus grandis at different stages of development (5 months, 3 and 6 years old). This work presents data related to the stage of 5 months. Using high resolution 2DE with linear pH gradient ranging from 4 to 7, a total of 438 spots were detected. However, only 168 spots were analyzed by LC ESIMS/ MS and 121 were identified (72.02%) while 35 (20.83%) presented no homology in the database used. Overall, 22 proteins appeared as multiple spots and accounted for most of the proteins found in the group. This observation may reflect post-translation modification, alternative splicing events, isozyme variation, allelic variation of the same protein, but also protein degradation. Over the 168 spots analysed, (22.02%) play a role in energy, (17.86%) metabolism, (13.69%) cellular processes, (0.60%) transport, (8.33%) structural components, (5.36%) macromolecular metabolism, (4.17%) putative protein, (20.83%) no homology and (7.14%) no result. For 59 proteins, the spot volume was compared with their respective transcript with mRNAs extracted from wood forming tissue. The method provided a faster and accurate tool for separation and identify of protein which are differentially expressed under different stages of development in Eucalyptus grandis.

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