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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Campus da Fiocruz no Ceará: aplicação das infraestruturas verdes no contexto do semiárido / Fiocruz Campus in Ceará: application of green infrastructures in the context of semi-arid

Gerson Amaral Lima 16 June 2016 (has links)
O conceito de Infraestruturas Verdes, apesar de bastante abrangente em suas aplicações, vem sendo consolidado nos últimos anos no Brasil vinculado principalmente à utilização de soluções técnicas de baixo impacto e alto desempenho para manejo das águas pluviais, com o objetivo de reduzir as taxas de escoamento superficial e retenção da poluição difusa no meio urbano. Essas soluções, integradas tanto às edificações quanto aos espaços livres, possuem matriz orgânica e utilizam os recursos naturais locais para sua construção. As variações na composição de solo, no clima, na composição biótica, na situação urbanística, econômica e social influenciam de forma decisiva a configuração final e aplicação das soluções de infraestruturas verdes. Por esse motivo, a tecnologia exige que seja absorvida e reformulada em consonância aos condicionantes locais, formulando uma técnica própria para cada contexto em que se aplica. A dissertação aqui apresentada faz uma análise do desenvolvimento do projeto de infraestruturas verdes desenvolvido para o Campus da Fiocruz no Ceará, o qual consiste na primeira experiência de aplicação de tais conceitos no contexto do semiárido nordestino. O autor da pesquisa é também o autor do projeto em tela, de forma que a dissertação adquire certo caráter de memorial de projeto, explanando os objetivos desejados, os desafios enfrentados para alcance das metas de projeto e apresenta o projeto das soluções finais para cada um dos componentes do sistema de drenagem proposto. Ao final, fica evidente a dificuldade para a incorporação de conceitos inovadores de drenagem pluvial em um projeto com tantos profissionais envolvidos, mas, ao mesmo tempo, as infraestruturas verdes mostraram, em projeto, sua facilidade em trazer respostas mais simples, eficientes e de menor custo para a resolução de diferentes desafios que surgiram durante o processo de concepção. / The concept of Green Infrastructures, although quite comprehensive in its applications, Has been consolidated in recent years in Brazil, mainly linked to the use of Of low-impact, high-performance technical solutions for water management With the objective of reducing the rates of surface runoff and retention of Pollution in the urban environment. These solutions, integrated with both buildings and Spaces, have an organic matrix and use local natural resources to Its construction. Variations in soil composition, climate, biotic composition, Urban, economic and social situation have a decisive influence on the And implementation of green infrastructure solutions. For this reason, technology Requires it to be absorbed and reformulated in line with local constraints, formulating A technique appropriate to each context in which it applies. The dissertation here Presents an analysis of the development of the green infrastructures project Developed for the Campus of Fiocruz in Ceará, which consists of the first experience Of application of such concepts in the context of the northeastern semi-arid region. The author of the research Is also the author of the project on screen, so that the dissertation acquires a certain character Of project memorial, explaining the desired objectives, the challenges faced To reach the project goals and presents the project of the final solutions for each One of the components of the proposed drainage system. In the end, the difficulty For the incorporation of innovative concepts of rainwater drainage in a project With so many professionals involved, but at the same time, green infrastructures Project, its ease in providing simpler, more efficient and Lower cost to solve the different challenges that arose during the process Of design.

Metsästyksen ongelmapuhe

Karsikas, L. (Leevi) 07 August 2007 (has links)
Abstract In this treatise I will describe and analyse the problematic dialogue about hunting, which, especially after the Second World War has been on the increase. Some of the critics have even demanded that hunting should be stopped altogether. Hunting is criticised and opposed both on ecological and other grounds. These other grounds include religious, philosophical and ethical considerations. The research material includes sociological, anthropological, philosophical and other scientific literature, general literature, newspapers and articles from magazines, video tapes, fairy tales; all that according to the knowledge of sociology is valid information about the society. The applied methods include discursive analysis, tabulation and mathematical models (Boole's algebra) The second chapter focuses on reviewing and analysing literature; its purpose is to point out how the justification of hunting is perceived especially in recent times. In the next three chapters I will analyse the articles published in Helsingin Sanomat in 1992–1996. The sixth chapter focuses on describing the group of criticisers. The background of those critical views will be discussed in conclusions. Hunting can be restricted by ecological premises when the game stock in question would not stand hunting. We are talking about ecological squandering when the spontaneously renewing natural resources, i.e. game, is left unused when people still need to be fed with food that is ecologically more expensive than food obtainable freely from nature e. g. through hunting. Man's own deontological principles require that, when hunted, animals are not tortured or teased. In the beginning, when food was acquired, the prevailing principle was that of ecological primacy principle and total ecology. All food came straight from nature. Nothing was gained by man's own production. Ecological primacy means that part of the food still comes straight from nature, no matter how slight that part may be. Ecological primacy cannot cease to exist because there will always be nature's own yield, available for man as food. If it is not used, it will result in ecological squandering. / Tiivistelmä Tässä tutkimuksessa kuvaillaan ja analysoidaan metsästyksen ongelmapuheita. Niitä on alkanut lisääntyvästi esiintyä toisen maailmansodan jälkeen. Näissä puheissa kritisoidaan metsästystä aina sen lopettamisen vaatimiseen saakka. Metsästystä arvostellaan ja vastustetaan sekä ekologisilla että muilla perusteilla. Näitä muita perusteita ovat uskonnolliset, filosofiset ja eettiset näkökohdat. Tutkimusaineistona on käytetty sosiologista, antropologista, filosofista ja muuta tieteellistä kirjallisuutta, yleistä kirjallisuutta, sanomalehti- ja muita lehtikirjoituksia, videonauhoja, satuja: kaikkea sitä, joka tiedonsosiologian mukaan käy tiedosta yhteiskunnassa. Menetelminä on käytetty diskurssianalyysiä, taulukointia ja matemaattisia malleja (Boolen algebra). Toisessa luvussa selostetaan ja analysoidaan kirjallisuutta ja pyritään osoittamaan, miten metsästyksen oikeutusta mielletään erityisesti viime aikoina. Seuraavissa kolmessa luvussa analysoidaan Helsingin Sanomissa vuosina 1992–1996 julkaistuja kirjoituksia. Kuudennessa luvussa kuvataan arvostelijoiden ryhmää. Johtopäätöksissä pohditaan sitä, miten noihin kriittisiin kannanottoihin on tultu. Metsästys pyritään mitoittamaan ekologisilla perusteilla, niin että kysymyksessä olevan riistaeläimen kanta kestäisi kulloisenkin metsästyksen. Ekotuhlaus taas on kysymyksessä, kun spontaanisti uusiutuvaa luonnonvaraa, riistaa, jätetään käyttämättä, kun ihmisille on kuitenkin tuotettava ruokaa, joka on ekologisesti selvästi kalliimpaa kuin luonnosta vapaasti esimerkiksi metsästämällä saatava ruoka. Ihmisen oma velvollisuusetiikka vaatii, ettei eläimiä niitä metsästettäessä kiduteta eikä kiusata. Alussa vallitsi ruoan hankinnassa suora luonnon käyttö, ekologinen primariteettiperiaate, jossa kaikki ruoka tuli suoraan luonnosta. Mitään ei saatu ihmisen oman tuotannon tuloksena. Se oli ekototalismia, kun ei vielä viljelty kasveja eikä kasvatetettu karjaa. Nykyäänkin osa ruoasta saadaan yhä suoraan luonnosta. Se voi olla kuinka vähäinen osa tahansa. Tämä suora, osittainen luonnon käyttö, ekoprimarismi, ei voi loppua, koska aina on olemassa luonnon spontaania tuottoa, jota ihminen voi käyttää ruokanaan. Jollei sitä käytetä, aiheutetaan siltä osin turhaa viljelyä ja eläinten kasvatusta. Sellainen on ekotuhlausta.

Into Hot Air- : Exploring the Link Between Embodied Cognition and Reality Framing to Explain Escalation During an Everest Emergency Event

Lindgren, Björn January 2017 (has links)
Contemporary crisis literature often returns to [in]famous and extraordinary cases with a recurring conclusion of how ill-irrational human factors lead to disastrous escalation. I argue in every crisis observed, there are human traits and paradoxes visible that commit itself to survival that can help us to explain how and why escalation occur. To enable escalation we inevitably construct realities to define aims to solve the crisis. Still if these realities can be inherently viewed as illusionistic they are inevitable and inherent to our mental states. So far there is a lacuna about how actors embody the experience of everyday life and crisis as such. Lately, management literature starts to appreciate how rationality often begins with irrational impulses, but also how crisis is socially materialized that involves how escalation builds up. Finally, how it is incorporated into our cognitive frames that constitutes reality. From an embodied perspective, this thesis aims to answer two questions, how does escalation occur and why do we escalate? Based on data from 2016, present thesis conducted an in-depth case study to explore an impromptu rescue mission on Everest. Method used was a video ethnography of 120 video clips that was analyzed through grounded theory. Specifically targeting verbal and non-verbal communication between members which is referred as a study of embodied cognition. Findings show how we tend to thinking from previous patterns from previous events. Emotions and embodiment are influential but equally important in the process, emotions are communicated that commit actions that shapes the events to become alive. Why it accomplishes is through constant reframing. I argue that our cognitive frame is a fabrication and that the embodiment helps us to revise the reality and emotions. The constant revision is accomplished since our interpretation is intimately connected to the existing fabric that also determines the emotional state. I finally propose a concept that illustrate how the fabrication process goes in loops. The conclusion of this thesis suggests emotions as prominent when and how we experience the world, the embodied dimensions are highly influential and important which not only triggers but airborne the mental cognition by making the reality come “alive”.

The role of non-human creation in the liturgical feasts of the Eastern Orthodox tradition : towards an Orthodox ecological theology

Gschwandtner, Christina M. January 2012 (has links)
This thesis examines the role played by non-human creation in the liturgies for the feast of Holy Pascha (Easter), of the twelve major feasts of the Orthodox Church, and of the period of Great Lent. Applying to liturgical texts and practices the methodology developed by Paul Ricoeur for biblical interpretation, the thesis argues that the kind of world opened by these liturgies allows for the participation of non-human creatures in the liturgy and thus is amenable to an ecological theology. It investigates the implications of the liturgical texts for contemporary theological reflection about salvation, incarnation, sin, and theosis in light of the ecological crisis and the frequent Orthodox claim that the liturgy is ‘cosmic’ in scope. Chapter 1 looks at the role of non-human creation in the Paschal/Pentecost season and lays out the case for the need to include all of creation. Chapter 2 focuses on the feasts of the incarnation and argues for a more inclusive theological interpretation of the incarnation. Chapter 3 examines the liturgies of Lent and Holy Week and develops hamartiological implications of the ecological crisis. The final chapter focuses on the feasts of Theophany and the Transfiguration and proposes a view of theosis that extends beyond humans.

Best management systems for intensifying a maize – soybean rotation: integrating field production, plant physiology, and modeling

Balboa, Guillermo January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Department of Agronomy / Ignacio Ciampitti / Potential yield (PY) is defined by the yield limited by temperature, radiation, and genetics – under no limitation on nutrients or water. The difference between PY and actual yield (AY) is defined as yield gap (YG). Management practices such as planting date, row spacing, seeding rate, fertilization program, pest, and disease control can help producers to intensify the productivity of the farming systems and consequently, close the YGs. To evaluate the impact of different management system (MS, specific combination of management practices) on closing the YG the following objectives were established: i) conduct a historical synthesis analysis to characterize shifts in soybean yields, biomass and nutrient uptake and partitioning dissecting the main physiological component related to nutrient use efficiency, seed nutrient composition and nutrient stoichiometry; ii) study the contribution of five MS for intensifying maize-soybean production systems; iii) quantify the nitrogen (N) contribution from the biological N fixation (BNF) process for soybeans under two contrasting MSs (low vs. high inputs); and iv) utilize the same contrasting input treatments to calibrate the Agricultural Production System Simulator (APSIM) for modeling a maize – soybean rotation and apply the parametrized model to estimate a long-term (1980-2016) simulation. For the first objective, main findings indicate that soybean yield increase over time was driven by an increase in biomass with a relatively small variation in harvest index, and with modern varieties producing more yield per unit of N uptake. For the second objective, field experiments demonstrated that intensification practices (narrow row spacing, increasing seeding rate and implementation of a balanced nutrition program) increased yields in both soybeans and maize under rainfed and irrigated conditions. For the third objective, to better understand the soybean N status, BNF measurements were collected during the 2015 growing season and also investigated in a greenhouse setting. The B value, N fixation when plants are fully relying on atmospheric N, changed among varieties, growth stages and plant fractions. Overall B value at R7 (beginning of maturity) was -1.97 contrasting with the -1.70 value reported as mode according to a literature review. For the range of fixation measured in this research (average of 45-57%), utilization of a B value obtained from the scientific literature or measured in field conditions will have a reduced impact on BNF estimations. Lastly, for the last and fourth objective, the APSIM performed well in estimating yield, biomass production and total N uptake with a high model efficiency and low relative root mean square error (RRMSE). The long-term simulation helped characterize the YG for each crop and MS according to different weather patterns. The modeling approach increased the value of data collected in field experiments. Overall, this research project provided an approach to quantifying and understanding YGs in a maize-soybean rotation and the impact of different MSs on intensifying productivity. Future work can be conducted to model specific MSs to advise producers on the best management systems (BMSs) for sustainably intensifying productivity while minimizing the environmental footprint of current farming systems.

Hybridization Associated with Cycles of Ecological Succession in a Passerine Bird

Duckworth, Renée A., Semenov, Georgy A. 10 1900 (has links)
Identifying the diversity of contexts that can lead to hybridization is important for understanding its prevalence and dynamics in natural populations. Despite the potential of ecological succession to dramatically alter species co-occurrence and abundances, it is unknown whether it directly promotes hybridization and, if so, has long-lasting consequences. Here, we summarize 30 years of survey data across 10 populations to show that in western and mountain bluebirds, heterospecific pairing occurs during repeatable and transient colonization events at the early stages of species turnover. Despite mixed pairing occurring only during early succession, genetic data showed presence of hybrids at both early and late successional stages. Moreover, hybrids showed novel patterns of variation in morphology and behavior, emphasizing that even ephemeral contexts for hybridization can have important evolutionary consequences. Our results suggest that because ecological succession often brings together closely related competitors in disparate numbers but lasts for only a brief period of time, it may be a widespread but underappreciated context for hybridization.

Patterns of variation in energy management in wintering tits (<em>Paridae</em>)

Broggi, J. (Juli) 22 August 2006 (has links)
Abstract Winter energy management in small passerines living year-round in boreal or alpine areas presumably results in strong selective pressure since they need to find food, at a time when natural resources diminish and become less available, and energy requirements increase dramatically. In this thesis energy management during the non-breeding season was studied in three species of tits (Parus spp.), from three different populations: Coll de Pal (Spanish Pyrenees), Lund (Southern Sweden) and Oulu (Northern Finland). Energy management strategies vary significantly between species and among populations and individuals of the same species. Such differences may depend on several environmental factors, food predictability and individual characteristics. Birds from the studied populations appear to react to energetic challenges on a short-term basis and in a highly flexible way. The coal tit (Parus ater) in Coll de Pal and the willow tit (Parus montanus) in Oulu, both hoarding species, relied mostly on short-term management of energy for winter survival. Social and residence status appeared to be the most important factors in determining the level of energy reserves, underlining the importance of food predictability for energy management in wintering tits. Further studies were carried out on two distinct populations of great tit (Parus major) exposed to different winter hardiness. Birds from both populations increased their resting metabolic rate (MR) with experimentally decreasing ambient temperatures. Birds from Oulu maintained higher expenditures than birds from Lund in all cases, but also experienced higher energetic cost of thermoregulation at the lowest temperatures. The differences probably did not arise from a differential insulation capacity between populations, despite the differences in plumage structure found, but from a differential metabolic acclimatization. Birds from Lund probably became hypothermic at the lowest temperatures, which may have exceeded the levels they were acclimatized for. The observed differences in basal MR in laboratory conditions were consistent in wild birds throughout the non-breeding season. Birds from both populations experienced similar patterns of variation in basal MR, with expenditures increasing with mass but decreasing with day length, size and age. Great tits modulate their energy expenditure in a flexible way as a means for surviving the non-breeding season. Further, despite such flexibility, populations appear to be locally adapted for such metabolic acclimatization. These results may have important implications on their life-history and distribution. Winter acclimatization appears to be a complex set of entangled strategies that are based on a metabolic adjustment to cope with changing energy requirements. Other mechanisms that apparently play a secondary role, for example the long term management of reserves through fattening or hoarding, or conserving heat through hypothermia and by developing a better insulative plumage, are certainly important emergency strategies that in natural conditions may explain how some populations can endure winter conditions.

Implementation of a novel pigment recovery process for a paper mill

Jortama, P. (Pirjo) 19 December 2003 (has links)
Abstract The objective of this study is to demonstrate an ecological and economic recovery process, which was developed and implemented at Stora Enso Oyj Fine Paper Oulu mill during the period 2000 to 2002. The ECO plant recovers the material called ECO pigment from the effluent treatment sludge and it can be used as a filler in multicoated fine paper production for art printing purposes. The ECO plant process consists of the following process stages. First, there is a separating phase for the recoverable material from fibres and other rejects, which is done with a wire washer. Then the fractionating of the recoverable material is performed with two-stage centrifugal cleaners. Chemical treatment with peracetic acid is used as a preservative and to increase the brightness of the ECO pigment a little. Then the recoverable material is stored in the pigment storage area and dosed to the paper machines as a filler. The rejects from the ECO plant are thickened in belt filter presses and then transferred to the bark storage area, where they are mixed with bark and combusted in a solid fuel boiler. The majority of the particles of the recovered ECO pigment were less than 45 μm; this size of particle accounted for 96.4% (on average) according to the studies made between June and December 2002. The use of ECO pigment is not found to cause more web defect problems on the base paper than before, according to the studies of the number of total web defects with the achieved particle size distribution and because the microbe content has been controlled. There are three sources from which the ash content of the base paper is composed after the start-up of the ECO plant, i.e. the broke, the virgin filler and ECO pigment. Therefore the use of ECO pigment partly decreases the need to use virgin filler. The ECO pigment was tested in the coating colour in pilot tests, and based on these results it could be used in the coating colour. The dry solid content of the ECO pigment has to be increased from the present level for the coating application.

Predation on Early Recruitment in Mediterranean Forests after Prescribed Fires

Sagra, Javier, Moya, Daniel, Plaza-Álvarez, Pedro, Lucas-Borja, Manuel, Alfaro-Sánchez, Raquel, De Las Heras, Jorge, Ferrandis, Pablo 08 July 2017 (has links)
Wildfires play a significant role in many different elements of Mediterranean forest ecosystems. In recent years, prescribed fires have started being used more often as a fuel reduction tool, and also as silvicultural treatment to help the regeneration and health improvement of stands. Apart from the fact that fire may alter microsite conditions, very little is known about the impact of prescribed burning on natural regeneration or plant species renewal in Mediterranean pine forests. Likewise, knowledge about the influence of seedling predators on post-fire regeneration is still scarce. In this study, we aimed to compare the effects of seedling predation on recruitment in earlier stages after prescribed burnings in three pine stands in Central Spain: a pure stand of Pinus nigra; a mixed stand of Pinus halepensis and Pinus pinaster and a mixed stand P. nigra with P. pinaster. In situ we superficially sowed seeds from two different species. In the sowing experiment, we tested two different seed provenances (drier and more humid spanish regions) for each species. In all, 60 plots (30 burned, 30 unburned) per site, with 10 seeding units per plot and more than 20,000 seeds, were used in the whole study. Seedling predation was evaluated by replicating the seeding units inside and outside a wire cage as protection for rodents and birds. Our results showed that prescribed fires alter initial seedling predation intensity: predation was significantly higher in the seedlings grown in the plots affected by prescribed fire. The individuals sown before the fire passed showed slightly more predation than those sown after fire passage. Provenances did not appear as an important predation drive. Understanding the role of the predation associated with these treatments can help improve Mediterranean pine forest management.

Ecological integrity assessment of the Mvoti Estuary, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

Swemmer, Riaan 29 June 2011 (has links)
M.Sc. / Estuaries are regarded as South Africa's most productive ecosystems due to the important functions that they perform, such as providing nursery areas and feeding sites for juvenile macro-invertebrate and fish species. Furthermore, ecologically healthy estuaries are not only of critical importance since they facilitate the provision and recirculation of nutrients, they also provide conduits for catadromous or anadromous fish and act as buffers during floods. In South Africa these functions are continuously threatened by residential and/or industrial developments. It is thus essential to determine the ecological integrity (structure and function) of these systems. An ecological integrity study was carried out on the Mvoti Estuary, KwaZulu-Natal during 2004/2005. An ecological integrity study was also carried out on the Amatigulu/Nyoni Estuary, KwaZulu–Natal during the same period and was used as a reference study. The ecological integrity of the Mvoti Estuary was assessed in terms of the effects of selected abiotic drivers on specific biological responses. The study was carried out according to the guidelines of the ecological reserve determination methodologies and the resource directed measures for aquatic resources as set out by the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry. Surveys were carried out during low flow (September 2004) and high flow (March 2005) periods. Abiotic and biotic monitoring was carried out at four sites on the Mvoti Estuary and five sites on the Amatigulu/Nyoni Estuary. The abiotic components, such as the substrate composition and physico-chemical properties of the water and sediment, was analysed using standard methods. Biological monitoring included the study of the benthic macro-invertebrate-, ichthyofaunal- and avifaunal communities. The biotic and abiotic components were analysed using various indices, where applicable. The ecological integrity of a system can be assessed on the basis of its ability to carry out its natural functions. Results show that various anthropogenic activities in the upper reaches of the Mvoti River contributed to the highly modified state of the Mvoti Estuary. The abiotic drivers of the aquatic system that contributed to the modified state of the Mvoti Estuary is unacceptable water quality, a loss and/or modification of habitat and an altered hydrological pattern. As a result of the abiotic drivers, results show that the xi ichthyofaunal-, macro-invertebrate- and, to a lesser degree, the avifaunal communities also reside in a modified state. Physico-chemical, geomorphological and hydrological changes in this system resulted in the Mvoti Estuary suffering a loss in both its biological and ecological function as well as aesthetic value. It is apparent from the above that there is not only a need for rehabilitation, but also a need for an effective and continuous management strategy. This management strategy can only be successful if the biomonitoring of the system includes the effects at both economical and social levels.

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