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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analyse des mécanismes d'action des traitements de carter dans les compresseurs axiaux

Legras, Guillaume 11 April 2011 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse, mené dans le cadre d’une convention CIFRE entre Snecma, le CERFACS et le LMFA, s’inscrit dans un contexte d’amélioration des performances et d’extension de la plage de fonctionnement des compresseurs de type axial équipant les turboréacteurs. L’une des principales difficultés rencontrée dans cette démarche concerne la maîtrise des écoulements dans la zone de jeu en tête des aubes rotors et qui peuvent entraîner une perte de stabilité du système (pompage et décollement tournant).Une solution technologique prometteuse pour améliorer la stabilité est le traitement de carter qui consiste en un dispositif passif complexe de fentes implantées au carter au droit des rotors. En vue d’en améliorer sa conception, les travaux de thèse visent plus particulièrement à approfondir la compréhension des mécanismes d’action grâce à une approche numérique CFD avec le code elsA développé par l’ONERA et le CERFACS, en modélisation stationnaire et instationnaire. Ces travaux s’articulent autour de trois axes principaux. Le premier a eu pour objectif de développer un outil numérique d’aide à la compréhension des mécanismes d’action des traitements de carter et de diagnostic de leur efficacité. Le principe de l’outil, qui est une extension du modèle initialement proposé par Shabbir et Adamczyk, repose sur une évaluation des contributions des termes des équations de Navier-Stokes stationnaires et instationnaires sur un volume de contrôle pris dans l’écoulement. Dans le cas pratique, cela revient à quantifier les efforts appliqués sur le fluide. Le second axe traite de l’analyse des mécanismes d’action des traitements de carter axisymétriques dans deux compresseurs axiaux : l’un subsonique à carter cylindrique (CREATE) et l’autre transsonique à carter conique (NASA Rotor 37). Les enseignements de cette étude indiquent que ce type de géométrie est marqué par son effet d’aspiration de fluide dans la veine. Ce mécanisme est d’autant plus amplifié par un phénomène d’interaction complexe des fentes avec l’écoulement de jeu et la proximité de l’intrados de l’aube adjacente. Cette partie s’est également attardé à la réponse des rainures à un phénomène instationnaire de type sillage de roue amont. Les résultats ont montré que les fentes amortissent les fluctuations de gradient de pression adverse. Le troisième axe porte sur l’analyse des mécanismes des traitements de carter non-axisymétriques à travers l’étude numérique d’un cas test transsonique à carter cylindrique (CBUUA). Le mécanisme d’action améliorant la stabilité de la machine tient en la capacité des fentes à limiter la migration dans la direction circonférentielle du vortex de jeu. Les résultats montrent que ce type de géométrie est caractérisé par son effet de réinjection d’air qui vient ré-énergétiser l’écoulement proche carter. / This thesis work, conducted as part of a CIFRE agreement between Snecma, CERFACS and LMFA, deals with the context of improving performance and extending the operating range of axial compressors fitted turbojets. One of the main difficulties in this approach is the flow control in the rotor tip region, which can cause the loss of the system stability (surge and rotating stall). A promising technology known to bring substantial stability is the casing treatment. This passive control device consists of slots of complex geometry within the rotor casing. In order to improve its design, the thesis aimed specifically at improving the understanding of their mechanisms through a numerical approach using the CFD code elsA developed by ONERA and CERFACS, with steady and unsteady approaches. This work focused on three main axes. The first concerns the development of a numerical tool to support the understanding of casing treatment mechanisms and the diagnosis of their efficiency. The principle of the tool, which is an extension of the model originally proposed by Shabbir and Adamczyk, is based on an assessment of the contributions of the terms of the steady and unsteady Navier-Stokes equations on a control volume taken in the flow. In practice, this permits to quantify the forces applied to the fluid. The second axis deals with the analysis of the flow mechanisms induced by axisymetric casing treatments in two axial compressors : one subsonic with a cylindrical casing (CREATE) and the other transonic with a conical casing (NASA Rotor 37). The findings of this study indicate that this type of geometry is characterized by its bleeding effect. This mechanism is further amplified by a complex phenomenon of interaction between grooves, tip leakage vortex and the proximity to the pressure side of the adjacent blade. This part has also dwelt on the groove’s response to unsteady upstream stator wakes. The results showed that the slots are able to damp fluctuations of adverse pressure gradient. The third area concerns the analysis of the flow mechanisms induced by non-axisymmetric casing treatment through the numerical study of a transonic compressor with cylindrical casing (CBUUA). The mechanism leading to an enhancement of the stability results in slots ability to limit the migration in the circumferential direction of the tip leakage vortex. The results show that this type of geometry is characterized by its effect of re-injection of fluid that comes re-energize the near casing flow.

Analyse des phénomènes liés à la présence de la phase liquide dans les turbines à vapeur et élaboration de modèles méridiens pour en prédire les effets

Fendler, Yoann 03 December 2012 (has links)
Lors de sa détente dans une turbine, la vapeur subit une chute d’enthalpie qui entraîne sa condensation spontanée sous forme d’un nuage de gouttelettes submicroniques. Ces gouttes vont se déposer sur les aubes aval et y former un film d’eau. Ce dernier est arraché sous l’effet de l’écoulement de vapeur environnant ce qui crée des gouttes de quelques dizaines de microns qui peuvent se redéposer sur les aubes aval. Ces phénomènes sont à l’origine de pertes, généralement regroupées sous le terme générique de ”pertes par humidité”, estimées grâce à la loi de Baumann. Le but de cette thèse est de mettre en place dans un code méridien des modèles permettant la prise en compte des phénomènes de condensation, de déposition et d’écoulement des films liquides afin de pouvoir estimer les pertes liées à chacun d’entre eux. Dans cette optique un modèle diphasique homogène permettant d’avoir accès à la fraction massique de liquide et au nombre de gouttes est implanté dans le code méridien. Ce modèle est validé sur un cas test expérimental de détente en tuyère et alimente le modèle de déposition. Les contributions de la diffusion, de la turbophorèse, de la thermophorèse, de la gravité et de l’inertie des gouttes à la déposition sont étudiées. Il apparaît nécessaire de prendre en compte la diffusion, la turbophorèse et la déposition inertielle sur les bords d’attaque des aubes. Un modèle permettant d’avoir accès à l’épaisseur et à la vitesse d’un film liquide soumis au cisaillement d’un écoulement environnant, à la force de frottement sur la paroi et aux effets de la rotation est mis en place. Ce modèle est validé par rapport à des résultats expérimentaux d’écoulement de film liquide sur une plaque plane dans des conditions proches de celles rencontrées en turbine à vapeur basse pression. Finalement, un calcul réalisé sur une géométrie réelle de turbine basse pression de 8 étages permet de démontrer l’applicabilité de la méthodologie mise en place sur un cas industriel. Les contributions des phénomènes étudiés aux pertes par humidité sont explicitées. / During the expansion in a turbine, the enthalpy of the steam fall. This fall leads the steam to cross the saturation line and brings about its spontaneous condensation and the appearance of fog droplets. The deposition of these droplets on downstream blades lies at the root of the creation of a liquid film. This film is torn off by steam flow and creates coarse water. These big droplets can impact downstream blades. Each of these phenomena induces some losses which are generally grouped in the ”wetness losses” estimated thanks to Baumann’s rule. The aim of this work is to develop, in a throughflow code, some models which allow to take into account the condensation, deposition and liquid film flow and the losses linked to each of these phenomena. An homogeneous two phases flow model is implemented in the throughflow code. Two transport equations on the mass fraction of liquid and on the droplets number are added to Euler’s equations written for gas phase. This model is validated on an experimental test case of expansion in nozzle and feeds the model of deposition. The influences of diffusion, turbophoresis, thermophoresis, gravity and of inertia of droplets on the deposition are studied. It appears to be necessary to take into account diffusion, turbophoresisand deposition due to inertia on the leading edges of blades. A model which allows to evaluate the thickness and the velocity of a liquid film submitted to aerodynamic shear, friction on blades and rotational effects has been developed. This model is validated on experimental results of a liquid film flow on a flat plate in some conditions representatives of those encountered in low pressure steam turbines. Finally a calculation realised on a real geometry of a 8-stages low pressure steam turbine has demonstrated that the methodology developed during this work can be used on an industrial test case. The contributions of the phenomena studied to wetness losses are evaluated.

Refrigerant-lubricated gas foil bearings : A thermo-hydrodynamic study (application to rigid bearings) / Lubrification par gaz réfrigérant des paliers à feuilles : Une étude thermo-hydrodynamique (application aux paliers à feuilles rigides)

Garcia, Mathieu 11 December 2012 (has links)
Des études internes à Liebherr-Aerospace France, concernant la conception de nouveaux compresseurs lubrifiés par gaz réfrigérant, ont montré que dans des conditions de fonctionnement spécifiques, un mélange de vapeur et de liquide apparaît au sein du compresseur, au lieu d'une phase vapeur seule. De ce fait, le comportement des paliers à feuilles lubrifiés au gaz réfrigérant est étudié, y compris la possibilité d'un écoulement diphasique du lubrifiant. L'étude porte sur le comportement du lubrifiant uniquement, dans des conditions de fonctionnement qui sont celles des paliers à feuilles. L'approche Thermo-Hydrodynamique décrit les caractéristiques du lubrifiant telles que la pression, la densité, la viscosité et la température. Dans ce modèle, une équation de Reynolds généralisée pour écoulement turbulent, une équation d'état non-linéaire pour écoulement diphasique et une équation de l'énergie tridimensionnelle pour film-mince et écoulement turbulent sont utilisées. Les paramètres globaux du palier sont calculés en régime permanent. / Internal experiments at Liebherr-Aerospace FRANCE on new refrigerant-lubricated compressor designs have shown that under specific operating conditions, a mixture of vapor and liquid appears in the compressor, instead of a single-phase vapor flow. Therefore, refrigerant-lubricated foil bearings behavior is studied, including the likelihood of two-phase flow in the lubricant. We focus on the lubricant behavior only, in the operating conditions of foil bearings. The Thermo-Hydrodynamic approach describes lubricant characteristics such as pressure, density, viscosity, and temperature. It involves the use of a generalized Reynolds equation for turbulent flow, a nonlinear cubic equation of state for two-phase flow and a 3D turbulent thin-film energy equation. Journal bearing global parameters are calculated for steady-state conditions.

Etude tribologique d'une butée aérodynamique en régime supersonique / Tribological study of an aerodynamic thrust bearing in superconic regime

Dupuy, Florence 10 December 2015 (has links)
L’amélioration des turbomachines passe par l’augmentation de leurs vitesses de rotation et peut conduire leurs composants à se trouver en présence d’un régime d’écoulement supersonique, en particulier leurs systèmes de pivoterie à air. L’étude d’une butée aérodynamique en régime supersonique est traitée dans ce manuscrit et s’inscrit dans la continuité de la recherche sur les butées hautes vitesses mais qui n’a que très peu été abordée dans la littérature. Ce problème se trouve à la frontière entre deux domaines scientifiques : la lubrification et l’aérodynamique. L’enjeu ici est développer un modèle réaliste traduit par un code de calcul écrit en FORTRAN, capable de capturer les phénomènes liés au régime supersonique (choc, détente) et d’être adapté à la géométrie des films minces. Pour cela, deux modèles ont été développés et codés à l’aide de la méthode numérique des différences finies : les équations de Reynolds Modifiées et les équations de Navier-Stokes adaptées aux films minces. Ce premier modèle est une extension de l’équation de Reynolds généralisée, prenant en compte l’inertie et déjà utilisé dans des études de la lubrification. Le second modèle a été établi à partir des équations de Navier-Stokes et conserve leur forme. Ce système possède l’avantage de pouvoir utiliser les outils numériques adaptés à la capture de choc (WENO). La comparaison des deux modèles montre que les équations de Reynolds Modifiées ne sont pas suffisantes pour l’étude d’un écoulement film mince en régime supersonique. Les résultats des simulations menées montrent la présence d’une détente sur le changement d’inclinaison du double profil qui dépend de la vitesse, de la température et de l’angle de la géométrie. Cette détente, même dans des conditions sévères de fonctionnement (grandes vitesses ou fort convergent), n’a pas beaucoup d’influence sur le comportement global statique de la butée. Les résultats montrent également que contrairement à la théorie des écoulements supersoniques, aucun choc n’est observé en film mince supersonique. Une transition géométrique obtenue par homothétie, entre un écoulement contenant un choc et un autre n’en contenant pas, a été observée à une certaine valeur du rapport des longueurs d’adimensionnement pour une vitesse et une géométrie donnée. L’extrapolation de ces résultats pour un cas réaliste montre qu’un choc ne peut se produire qu’à partir de 5500 m/s pour une épaisseur de film de 40 μm avec epsilon = 0.001. Il est donc peu probable qu’un choc ne se produise dans une butée en conditions supersoniques dans le cadre industriel. / The improvement of turbomachines requires to increase their rotational speeds and can leads components to be in presence of a supersonic regime, particularly their air bearing systems. This manuscript deals with a study of an aerodynamic thrust bearing in a supersonic regime. This work belongs to the research field on the high-speed thrust bearings, but very few studies are focused on this subject. This problem is at the boundary between two scientific fields: lubrication and aerodynamic. The aim of this study is to develop models transcribed as a FORTRAN code, able to capture phenomenon related to the supersonic regime (shock, expansion wave) and adapted to the thin film geometry. For this, two models have been developed as well as computer codes related to these models using the finite difference method: the Modified Reynolds equations and the Navier-Stokes equations adapted to thin films. The first model is an extension of the generalized Reynolds equation, taking into account inertia effects. It is a model already used in lubrication studies. The second model was developed from the Navier-Stokes and has their shape. This system has the advantage of using numerical schemes for shock capturing (WENO). The comparison of the two models shows that the Modified Reynolds equations are not appropriate to the study of a supersonic air thin film. Numerical results show the presence of an expansion wave at the end of the sloping region of the tapper flat geometry which depends on speed, on temperature and on the angle of the geometry. This expansion wave, under severe conditions, does not have much influence on the overall static behavior of the thrust bearing. The results also show that, contrary to the supersonic flow theory, a shock is not observed in a supersonic thin film. A geometrical transition obtained by homothetic, between a flow containing a shock and another with no shock, is observed at a given value of the characteristic length ratio for a given speed and geometry. Extrapolation of these results for a realistic case shows that a shock occurs from 5500 m/s for a film thickness of 40 μm with epsilon = 0.001. It is therefore unlikely that a shock occurs in a supersonic thrust bearing in industrial settings.

Etude expérimentale de la digitation visqueuse de fluides miscibles en cellule de Hele-Shaw / Experimental study of viscous fingering of miscible fluids in a Hele-Shaw cell

Maes, RENAUD,POL 07 May 2010 (has links)
La digitation visqueuse est une instabilité hydrodynamique apparaissant lorsque, dans un milieu poreux, un fluide moins visqueux déplace un fluide plus visqueux. L'objectif de notre thèse est l'étude expérimentale des propriétés des motifs de digitation lorsque l'échantillon de fluide visqueux est de taille finie et lorsqu'une réaction chimique modifie la viscosité dans un milieu poreux modèle, en l'occurrence une cellule de Hele-Shaw. En particulier, notre étude a permis de quantifier la contribution de dispersion et de la digitation visqueuse, l'étalement dans l'espace d'échantillons de taille finie en fonction des paramètres expérimentaux (contraste de viscosité, vitesse de déplacement et taille de l'échantillon). Pour les fluides réactifs, nous analysons la digitation induite par une réaction A + B C dont le produit C est plus visqueux que les réactifs A et B, ceux-ci ayant la même viscosité. Nous mettons en évidence l'effet des concentrations en réactifs, du choix du fluide vecteur et du débit d'injection sur le motif de digitation. / Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Experimental investigation of cavitation in a safety relief valve using water: extension to cryogenic fluids

Pinho, Jorge 27 April 2015 (has links)
This thesis addresses the experimental investigation of the cavitation phenomenon and its main consequences on the normal operation of a safety relief valve (SRV). More particularly, limitation of the mass flux discharged and alteration of the hydraulic fluid forces behavior is of main interest for the proper design and sizing of such devices. In nuclear or thermal engineering systems, the use of SRVs is mandatory since it represents the ultimate protection device before an accident occurs, caused by a sudden pressurization of the system. A careful design and sizing of the SRV is therefore essential. The complete understanding of the physics taking place in the flow through the valve is required to guaranty and optimize the security of the protected process.<p><p>In order to investigate the above effects of cavitation in a SRV, two different orifice sized valves (API 2J3 type and a transparent model based on an API 1 1/2G3 type) are tested in two different experimental facilities expressly built for this purpose. Instead of using a spring, the design of both valves allows the adjustment of the disc at any desired lift. Hence the static behavior of the valves is investigated. Both facilities, operating at different magnitude scales, allow the study of single phase and cavitating flow conditions required to properly determine the most important hydraulic characteristics, and access on any potential scaling effect between both sized SRVs. Experimental techniques used for the determination of the hydraulic characteristics include temperature, flow rate, fluid forces and pressure measurements both upstream and downstream the test sections. <p><p>Results show a similar influence of cavitation on the flow characteristics of both valves, minimizing any potential scaling effect. The liquid pressure recovery factor FL, which is normally used to identify a choked flow condition in a control valve, is experimentally determined for the first time in a SRV. The existence of a local minimum located at small openings of the lift indicates a change on the flow characteristics of both valves, which is related to the location of the minimum cross section of the flow that does not remain constant for every lift position. An extended experimental campaign is performed to analyse the effect of the blowdown ring adjustment located around the nozzle of the API 2J3 valve. Results confirm that the position of the ring has an important contribution for the hydraulic forces acting on the valve disc. <p><p>In the second part of the research, precise optical diagnostic techniques are successfully applied in the transparent valve to locally characterize the flow topology in a SRV experiencing cavitation. These results are innovative and enrich the experimental database available in the literature for the characterization and understanding of the flow physics in such devices. In a first configuration, high speed visualization is applied to observe qualitatively the flow pattern and the inception of liquid vaporization. Particle tracking results suggest that vapor bubbles are formed in the core of vortices detached from the shear layers attached to the valve. These rotational structures promote lower pressure regions allowing the liquid to vaporize. In the second configuration, particle image velocimetry is applied to extract the velocity field in both single phase and cavitating flow conditions. Results of PIV confirm the existence of a submerged jet just downstream the minimum section. This jet is characterized by two non-symmetric shear layers at its sides. Under cavitation conditions, PIV results confirm that vapor bubbles are formed preferentially inside the jet shear layers. The phenomenon of mass flux limitation caused by cavitation is reproduced at small openings of the valve and interaction with the flow topology is highlighted. It is observed that limitation of the flow occurs when the vena contracta is shifted towards the minimum geometrical section of the flow. Finally, instabilities of the flow downstream the critical section are investigated in the frequency domain by means of time resolved data. Results suggest that vortex shedding mechanism is dominated by a constant Strouhal number which is slightly affected by the valve opening. <p><p>In the last part of the research, the methodology used in water is extended and applied to cryogenic liquids. Two different geometries are investigated experimentally and numerically using water and liquid nitrogen as working fluids. Results suggest that both the flow coefficient (determined at single flow conditions), and the liquid recovery factor (used to identify choked flows), are independent on the fluid properties and therefore, an hydraulic similarity relation can be proposed.<p><p>This research project was carried out at the von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics (VKI), in Belgium, in close collaboration and with the funding of Centre Technique des Industries Mécaniques (CETIM) in France. / Doctorat en Sciences de l'ingénieur / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Numerical simulation of incompressible magnetohydrodynamic duct and channel flows by a hybrid spectral, finite element solver / Simulation numérique d'écoulements incompressibles magnétohydrodynamiques dans des conduites à l'aide d'un solveur hybride éléments finis, méthode spectrale

Dechamps, Xavier 08 September 2014 (has links)
In this dissertation, we are concerned with the numerical simulation for flows of electrically conducting fluids exposed to an external magnetic field (also known as magnetohydrodynamics or in short MHD). The aim of the present dissertation is twofold. First, the in-house CFD hydrodynamic solver SFELES is extended to MHD problems. Second, MHD turbulence is studied in the simple configuration of a MHD pipe flow within an external transverse magnetic field. Chapter 2 of this dissertation aims at reminding the physical equations that govern incompressible MHD problems. Two equivalent formulations are put forward in the particular case of quasi-static MHD. Chapter 3 is devoted to the detailed development of the hybrid spectral - stabilized finite element methods for quasi-static MHD problems. The extension of SFELES is made for both Cartesian and axisymmetric systems of coordinates. The short chapter 4 follows to provide the performances of SFELES executed by several processes in a parallel environment. The addition of a parallel direct solver is studied in regards with the memory and time requirements. The extension of SFELES is then validated in chapter 5 with test cases of increasing complexity. For this purpose, laminar flows with an existing analytical-asymptotic solution are considered. The subject of chapter 6 is the MHD turbulent pipe flow within an external transverse and uniform magnetic field. The results are partially compared with the corresponding hydrodynamic flow and with a few data available in the literature. / Le thème de cette thèse de doctorat est la simulation numérique d'écoulements de fluides conducteurs d'électricité qui sont exposés à un champ magnétique extérieur (également connu sous le nom de magnétohydrodynamique ou encore MHD). L'objectif de ce travail est double. Premièrement, le code CFD maison SFELES est étendu aux problèmes MHD. Deuxièmement, la turbulence MHD est étudiée dans la configuration de l'écoulement en conduite cylindrique à l'intérieur d'un champ magnétique transverse. Le chapitre 2 de cette thèse a pour but de rappeler les équations qui gouvernent les problèmes de MHD incompressible. Deux formulations équivalente sont mises en évidence dans le cas particulier de la MHD quasi-statique. Le chapitre 3 est dévoué au développement détaillé des méthodes spectrale - éléments finis pour la MHD quasi-statique. L'extension de SFELES est réalisée dans les systèmes de coordonnées cartésiennes et axisymétriques. Le court chapitre 4 suit pour fournir les performances de SFELES exécuté sur plusieurs processeurs dans un environnement parallèle. L'ajout d'un solveur parallèle direct est étudié en ce qui concerne les demandes en temps et mémoire. L'extension de SFELES est alors validée dans le chapitre 5 avec des cas d'étude de complexité croissante. Dans ce but, des écoulements laminaires avec solution théorique-asymptotique sont envisagés. Le sujet du chapitre 6 est l'écoulement MHD turbulent en conduite cylindrique à l'intérieur d'un champ magnétique transverse et uniforme. Les résultats sont partiellement comparés avec l'écoulement hydrodynamique correspondant et avec des données disponibles dans la littérature. / Doctorat en Sciences de l'ingénieur / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Study of an integrated pump and gas-liquid separator system and application to aero-engine lubrication systems

Gruselle, François 24 February 2012 (has links)
The subject of this PhD thesis is the development of an efficient system that can simultaneously pump and separate a gas-liquid mixture, in particular an oil-air mixture. Two-phase flows are encountered in many applications (petroleum extraction, flow in nuclear power plant pumps, pulp and paper processing, etc.) but this study is mainly focused on lubrication systems of aircraft gas turbine engines.<p><p>The pump and separator system (PASS) for two-phase flows developed in this PhD thesis aims to perform three functions simultaneously:<p>• Send back the oil to the tank (oil pumping)<p>• Separate the air from the oil (de-aeration)<p>• Separate the oil from the air (de-oiling) and release the sealing air into the atmosphere (venting). <p>Particular care is given to the liquid flow rate lost at the gas outlet of the system.<p>Consequently, it could replace the scavenge pumps and oil-air separators existing in present lubrication systems. This modification provides several advantages: simplification of the lubrication circuit, reduction of oil consumption and of the size of the lubrication system.<p><p>This research is divided into three axes: the theoretical study of the important physical mechanisms taking place inside the two-phase flow pump and separator system, the experimental development, tests and optimization of different PASS prototypes, and also the numerical simulations of the two-phase flow inside these prototypes. Although the experiments were the central pillar of this research, the three axes were closely imbricated.<p><p>The PASS design includes three main components:<p>• An inlet chamber with one or several tangential inlets giving a natural centrifugation to the flow,<p>• An impeller (forced centrifugation) with an axial and a radial part followed by a volute chamber,<p>• A metallic foam that lets pass micron and sub-micron droplets and which is followed by an axial vent port.<p><p>The centrifugation causes the liquid (oil) to move radially outwards in an annular body (a liquid ring) generating pressure. The thickness of this liquid ring inside the impeller is mainly determined by the pressure coefficient (related to the back-pressure and the rotational speed). When the back-pressure increases, the thickness of the liquid ring increases too. An advantage of the PASS is that it does not impose any relation between the liquid head and the liquid flow rate, contrary to common centrifugal pump. It self-regulates the radial position of the gas-liquid interface to sustain the operating conditions.<p><p>The de-aeration efficiency mainly depends on the pressure coefficient (for a constant liquid viscosity or temperature) or on the thickness of the liquid ring. The pressure gradient which appears in the liquid rotating in an annular body acts like a dam for the gas phase. Indeed, the gas movement is mainly determined by the pressure field (buoyancy) while the liquid distribution is dominated by centrifugal and Coriolis forces. Buoyancy tends to accumulate the gas phase near low pressure areas (PASS hub, suction side of the blades, clearances between closed impeller and casing).<p><p>The first oil-air PASS prototype produces high viscous losses due to the high peripheral velocity and liquid viscosity. Therefore, the pumping efficiency is poor compared to common impeller pumps. However, the pumping is not the key function of the PASS and a power consumption below 5 kW is acceptable for the application considered in this work. For applications that require lower power consumptions, a reduction of the rotational speed must be considered.<p><p>Thus, the rotational speed and the impeller diameter are two major constraints for the PASS design which determine the de-aeration and pumping efficiencies. The impeller diameter also influences the size of passage sections for the air flow. The air velocity must be kept as low as possible because the entrainment of droplets increases when the air velocity rises (drag forces on droplets). Indeed, this large influence of the air flow rate on the oil consumption (de-oiling efficiency) was demonstrated by a theoretical analysis, the experiments and the CFD simulations. The production of droplets in the inlet pipes when the two-phase flow is annular is a key phenomenon regarding the oil consumption.<p><p>In addition to the air flow rate, other variables also influence the oil consumption:<p>• Air-oil temperature: when the temperature rises, the oil consumption increases because the surface tension and the oil density are reduced. Moreover, as the air density also decreases, the air velocity rises.<p>• Oil flow rate: the oil consumption rises more or less linearly with the oil flow rate. However, the influence of the oil flow rate on the inlet droplet size is uncertain.<p>• Rotational speed: the rotational speed has obviously a strong impact on the oil consumption without metallic foam. However, experiments showed that the metallic foam efficiency is almost independent on the rotational speed. Therefore, the oil consumption with the Retimet foam does not depend on the PASS rotational speed.<p>• Altitude or air density: the oil consumption decreases when the air density is reduced because the drag forces on droplets also decrease.<p>The gas density (altitude) is also supposed to influence the de-aeration efficiency but this could not be tested or simulated in this work (the de-aeration efficiency gets probably better when decreasing the gas density because the buoyancy forces increase).<p><p>Theory, experiments and numerical simulations also allowed the prediction of performance of the first oil-air prototype for real in-flight operating conditions. Two problems have been identified: the de-aeration efficiency at MTO and cruise ratings and the oil leak throughout the vent in cold start and windmilling. To solve them, some modifications of the lubrication system have been suggested. With these modifications, the oil-air PASS should become very efficient and attractive for engine manufacturers. / Doctorat en Sciences de l'ingénieur / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Experimental study and modeling of single- and two-phase flow in singular geometries and safety relief valves

Kourakos, Vasilios 28 October 2011 (has links)
This research project was carried out at the von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics (VKI), in Belgium, in collaboration and with the funding of Centre Technique des Industries Mécaniques (CETIM) in France.<p>The flow of a mixture of two fluids in pipes can be frequently encountered in nuclear, chemical or mechanical engineering, where gas-liquid eactors, boilers, condensers, evaporators and combustion systems can be used. The presence of section changes or more generally geometrical singularities in pipes may affect significantly the behavior of twophase flow and subsequently the resulting pressure drop and mass flow rate. Therefore, it is an important subject of investigation in particular when the application concerns industrial safety valves.<p>This thesis is intended to provide a thorough research on two-phase (air-water) flow phenomena under various circumstances. The project is split in the following steps. At first, experiments are carried out in simple geometries such as smooth and sudden divergence and convergence singularities. Two experimental facilities are built; one in smaller scale in von Karman Institute and one in larger scale in CETIM. During the first part of the study, relatively simple geometrical discontinuities are investigated. The characterization and modeling of contraction and expansion nozzles (sudden and smooth change of section) is carried out. The pressure evolution is measured and pressure drop correlations are deduced. Flow visualization is also performed with a high-speed camera; the different flow patterns are identified and flow regime maps are established for a specific configuration.<p>A dual optical probe is used to determine the void fraction, bubble size and velocity upstream and downstream the singularities.<p>In the second part of the project, a more complex device, i.e. a Safety Relief Valve (SRV), mainly used in nuclear and chemistry industry, is thoroughly studied. A transparent model of a specific type of safety valve (1 1/2" G 3") is built and investigated in terms of pressure evolution. Additionally, flow rate measurements for several volumetric qualities and valve openings are carried out for air, water and two-phase mixtures. Full optical access allowed identification of the structure of the flow. The results are compared with measurements performed at the original industrial valve. Flowforce analysis is performed revealing that compressible and incompressible flowforces in SRV are inversed above a certain value of valve lift. This value varies with critical pressure ratio, therefore is directly linked to the position at which chocked flow occurs during air valve operation. In two-phase flow, for volumetric quality of air=20%, pure compressible flow behavior, in terms of flowforce, is remarked at full lift. Numerical simulations with commercial CFD code are carried out for air and water in axisymmetric 2D model of the valve in order to verify experimental findings.<p>The subject of modeling the discharge through a throttling device in two-phase flow is an important industrial problem. The proper design and sizing of this apparatus is a crucial issue which would prevent its wrong function or accidental operation failure that could cause a hazardous situation. So far reliability of existing models predicting the pressure drop and flow discharge in two-phase flow through the valve for various flow conditions is questionable. Nowadays, a common practice is widely adopted (standard ISO 4126-10 (2010), API RP 520 (2000)); the Homogeneous Equilibrium Method with the so-called !-method, although it still needs further validation. Additionally, based on !-methodology, Homogeneous Non-Equilibrium model has been proposed by Diener and Schmidt (2004) (HNE-DS), introducing a boiling delay coefficient. The accuracy of the aforementioned models is checked against experimental data both for transparent model and industrial SRV. The HNE-DS methodology is proved to be the most precise among the others. Finally, after application of HNE-DS method for air-water flow with cavitation, it is concluded that the behavior of flashing liquid is simulated in such case. Hence, for the specific tested conditions, this type of flow can be modeled with modified method of Diener and Schmidt (CF-HNE-DS) although further validation of this observation is required. / Doctorat en Sciences de l'ingénieur / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Intégration et validation expérimentale de la méthode VOF dans les calculs aérodynamiques automobiles: application au cas de l'entrainement d'eau dans les circuits de climatisation / Integration and experimentale validation of the VOF method in automotive aerodynamics computations: application to water entrainment into the HVAC system.

Berger, Rémi 26 October 2010 (has links)
Cette étude porte sur l'utilisation conjointe (appelée ” couplage ”) de modèle de turbulence à grandes échelles LES (Large Eddy Simulation) et du modèle multiphasique VOF (Volume of Fluid). Cette utilisation conjointe est nécessaire dans de nombreuses applications industrielles comme celles de l'automobile où l'on recherche par exemple à évaluer les prestations diphasiques de l'auvent liées au phénomène d'entraînement et d'ingestion d'une nappe d'eau par le HVAC (système d'air conditionné). Cependant, l'utilisation conjointe de ces méthodes nécessite un traitement particulier de la turbulence proche de la surface liquide afin de reproduire convenablement la quantité de mouvement transmise depuis la phase gazeuse, motrice, jusque dans la phase liquide.<p><p>Basée sur une approche numérique et expérimentale, notre étude est articulée autour de trois axes. Tout d'abord, le développement de techniques de mesures spécifiques pour l'étude expérimentale de notre problématique: le LeDaR pour mesurer les déformées d'une interface et la PIV d'interface afin d'accéder aux champs de vitesse et de turbulence dans chacune des deux phases. Le second axe est la constitution d'une base de données expérimentales sur une configuration de type jet impactant sur une surface liquide représentative des phénomènes rencontrés dans l'auvent. Enfin, le troisième axe de travail est l'évaluation des modèles existants dans le code Ansys Fluent et à partir de cette analyse le développement et la validation de modèles de couplage LES-VOF.<p><p>L'évaluation des modèles développés a permis de valider une stratégie de calcul adaptée aux simulations de l'entraînement d'une surface d'eau par un écoulement d'air turbulent. / Doctorat en Sciences de l'ingénieur / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

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