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Návrh implementace metody Balanced Scorecard s využitím EFQM modelu excelence do podniku v odvětví nanotechnologieMatoušek, Jakub January 2017 (has links)
The thesis aims to propose a form of implementation of the Balanced Scorecard method to management of a company in the field of nanotechnology. In the context of implementation of the Balanced Scorecard the thesis uses analysis of corporate activities through self-assessment based on EFQM Model Excellence. Theoretical parts of the thesis focus on defining strategic and financial analysis, EFQM Model Excellence and Balanced Scorecard. Following parts of the thesis are dedicated to practical implementation of the method into a particular company in the nanotechnology sector using strategic and financial analysis tools and EFQM excellence model.
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Hodnocení výkonnosti podnikůSobková, Simona January 2018 (has links)
Sobková, S. Evulation of a company performance. Diploma thesis. Brno: Mendel University, 2018. The diploma thesis is focused on evaluation of performance of two agricultural holdings with the purpose of subsequent comparison for the whole sector. Both financial and non-financial methods are used to assess performance. The financial approaches used the financial analysis and the non -financial approaches were used by Weckert's analysis and EFQM excellence model. This work is divided into two parts. The first part describes theoretical concepts, which are subsequently used in the second part of the thesis entitled "Custom work". In their own work, individual companies are introduced and the above methods are applied. Based on the results of these methods, proposals are made for increasing the efficiency of companies and generalizing approaches for the whole sector.
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Zvýšení výkonnosti podniku prostřednictvím benchmarkinguHelísková, Eva January 2019 (has links)
Helísková, E. The increase of the efficiency of a company with benchmarking. Diploma thesis. Brno: Mendel University, 2019. The purpose of this diploma thesis is to propose suitable suggestions to increase the efficiency of the construction company Geprostav, based on the analysis and comparison with the benchmarking partner. In the summary of the literature the basic theoretical information about the method of benchmarking and about the rating of the efficiency of a company has been stated. Besides the description of the index, on which the financial condition of companies is regarded and compared, the Model excellence EFQM is described there. The Model excellence EFQM is the basis of appreciation of the non-financial factors as well. In the next part, the analysed company and the benchmarking partner are introduced. Pursuant the comparing analysis, the significant deficiencies have been identified and suitable measures are suggested.
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Propuesta metodológica para la mejora de la capacidad de gestión de las pyme mediante la aplicación de modelos de excelencia organizacionalRodríguez Sánchez, Francisco Javier 24 July 2013 (has links)
Aquesta tesi doctoral presenta una proposta metodològica per millorar la competitivitat de les petites i mitjanes empreses veneçolanes (PYMEV) mitjançant la millora de la seva capacitat de gestió.
Per això, primer s'ha realitzat una extensa revisió de la literatura sobre models d'excel¿lència organitzacional, de qualitat total, de qualitat de gestió, i sobre altres disciplines relacionades amb la investigació. En paral¿lel s'analitzen les empreses a Veneçuela, en particular les PYMEV, i el seu nivell i model de gestió. D'aquesta manera s'ha pogut diagnosticar els reptes i amenaces a què s'enfronten les PYMEV, les causes relacionades amb la seva capacitat i model de gestió, i les oportunitats que els models d'excel¿lència organitzacional poden suposar per a les PYMEV.
A continuació s'ha proposat una metodologia basada en el desenvolupament d'un model de gestió: el Manual FIM model 1: Aquesta metodologia comprèn la descripció del model, de les seves àrees funcionals, la manera de ponderar i la descripció de la metodologia d'aplicació del model tant per al diagnòstic com per al pla de millora.
La metodologia s'ha aplicat a un ampli rang de PYMEV, aprofitant l'experiència per millorar-la en els aspectes no conformes amb la qualitat exigida. L'autor va poder participar o coordinar l'ús del manual FIM en diversos programes d'assistència tècnica per a la millora de la capacitat de gestió a les PYMEV, executant 726 aplicacions al llarg de deu anys. Del total, s'analitzen 626 aplicacions de diagnòstic de qualitat de gestió a PYMEV, a les quals se'ls va aplicar el Manual FIM model 1. I d'aquestes, 492 van estar en programes que van incloure diagnòstic i plans de millora amb un diagnòstic ex Post. En aquest segon grup es mostren resultats i impactes. També s'analitza la satisfacció dels experts, precisant més els elements d'ajust que es van abordar per la seva actualització i millora.
La tesi acaba amb una proposta d'evolució de la metodologia existent. Entre altres, aquestes millores inclouen, primer, normalitzar la metodologia amb un cicle "Planificar-Fer-Comprovar-Actuar" (cicle PDCA per les seves sigles en anglès). A més es proposa revisar les àrees funcionals i les seves sub-àrees, també la seva ponderació, la incorporació d'una àrea de "RSE", i afegir un àrea de "Resultats". / Rodríguez Sánchez, FJ. (2013). Propuesta metodológica para la mejora de la capacidad de gestión de las pyme mediante la aplicación de modelos de excelencia organizacional [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/31383
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Management des connaissances, déploiement des TIC et GRH des organisations : cas de l'Algérie / Knowledge management, IT deployment and HRM of organisations : case of AlgeriaBenabderrahmane-Bouriche, Yasmina 09 March 2012 (has links)
La gestion des connaissances, fortement facilitée par l’introduction des TIC, est perçue au niveau de l’organisation comme un moyen de gérer au mieux son capital intellectuel. La connaissance étant devenue à la fois un support et un facteur important du changement organisationnel, l’intérêt des TIC se situe dans la possibilité de générer une importante base de connaissances interactive et facilement accessible et exploitable par les utilisateurs. Dans cette thèse, nous proposons d’étudier l’adoption de la gestion des connaissances comme une nouvelle approche pour la gestion des organisations en Algérie. Nous orientons notre problématique vers la création de valeur organisationnelle, qui a pour conséquence l’amélioration de la performance. La spécificité de notre objet de recherche est abordée à travers une méthodologie qualitative. L’originalité de ce travail se trouve dans la prise en compte de deux niveaux d’analyse : le niveau global et le niveau des organisations. Pour étudier le niveau global, nous nous inscrivons dans une démarche de compréhension de l’application d’une stratégie de gestion des connaissances à un projet de gouvernance électronique en Algérie. Le niveau des organisations est étudié à travers une étude de cas multiple destinée à rechercher des régularités, des divergences et des convergences entre les éléments des différents cas étudiés. L’objectif de cette recherche, qui s’inscrit dans un cadre d’analyse multidimensionnel et reste essentiellement exploratoire, est de comprendre etd’expliquer les relations qualitatives qui régissent le phénomène que nous étudions. / Knowledge management, which is very simplified by the IT introduction, is seen in the organisation as a means for the best management of the intellectual capital. As knowledge has become both a support and an important factor of the organisational change, the IT’s interest lies in the capacity of generating an important interactive base of knowledge which is easy to access and to exploit. In this thesis, we study the adoption of knowledge management as a new approach for the management of organisations in Algeria. Our problematic is turned towards the organisational value creation, which results in performance improvement. The specificity of our research’s object is dealt through a qualitative methodology. The originality of this work is to take into account two analysis levels: the global level and the organisations level. To study the global level, we lead an approach to understanding the application of a strategy of knowledge management in an electronic governance project in Algeria. We study the organisations level through a multi-case study, to look for regularities, divergences and convergences between the elements of the different studied cases. The objective of this research, which is essentially exploratory, lies within the framework multidimensional analysis to understand and explain the qualitative relations which characterize the phenomenon we are studying.
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Hodnocení výkonnosti společnosti SRP s.r.o. podle modelu START a návrhy na její zlepšení / Company Performance Assessment of SRP Ltd. According to Model START and Suggestions for its ImprovementZelinová, Jitka January 2016 (has links)
This master`s thesis is focused on performance evaluation of SRP Ltd. company while Model START was applied. The first part of the thesis contains theory of the evaluation of business performance using of Model START based on the EFQM Excellence Model. The next part deals with the evaluation of current situation of the company and the evaluation of questionnaire. Suggestions for performance improvement are provided at the end of the thesis.
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Contribution à l’implantation de la méthode Lean Six Sigma dans les Petites et Moyennes Entreprises pour l’amélioration des processus / Contribution to the implantation of the Lean Six Sigma method in the Small and Medium Enterprises to improve the processLeseure - Zajkowska, Ewa 14 December 2012 (has links)
A l’image des grands groupes, les PME souhaitent, elles aussi, profiter des méthodes modernes de management pour améliorer leurs processus, leurs performances et leur compétitivité. L’intérêt du secteur des PME se porte sur les éléments du concept Lean Six Sigma qui leur semblent appropriés pour réaliser ces objectifs. Après avoir constaté une lacune dans les recherches sur ce sujet et une lacune méthodologique concernant l’implémentation du LSS dans les PME, nous proposons une méthodologie de conception, d’application et de contrôle du LSS pour ces PME, que nous avons appelée LSS Plutus. Elle est dédiée aux PME de la production et elle prend en compte leur spécificité. Dans ce but, nous avons restreint la boîte à outils traditionnelle du LSS utilisée dans les grands groupes. Nous avons également créé deux variantes pour mettre en œuvre notre méthodologie qui correspondent aux besoins, capacités et maturités différents des PME. Nous avons élaboré des indicateurs, des outils, ainsi qu’un guide d’application de la méthode LSS pour les PME de la production et sa version informatique en TIBCO. Nous avons décidé de renforcer l’efficience des améliorations, en déployant les actions de planification, de standardisation et de pérennisation des changements. Dans ce but, nous proposons de modifier les critères du Modèle d’Excellence E.F.Q.M. pour qu’elles puissent prendre en compte les conditions de fonctionnement de la méthode LSS dans les PME. La méthodologie proposée a été vérifiée dans deux PME de la production en Pologne et en France, ce qui a confirmé son utilité et son efficacité en termes d’amélioration des performances et de développement des organisations / As well as the large companies, also the small and medium-sized enterprises desire to take advantage of modern management methods to improve their process, their performances and competitiveness. The interest of the SMEs is focused on the elements of the Lean Six Sigma concept that seem to be appropriate to achieve these goals. As we have identified a gap in the research on this topic and a methodological gap about the LSS implementation in the small and medium companies, we propose a methodology that we called LSS Plutus to design, apply and control Lean Six Sigma in the SMEs. It is dedicated to the small and medium production enterprises and it takes into account their specificity. For this purpose, we have limited the traditional LSS toolbox used by the large companies. We have also created two variants to apply our methodology according to the different needs, capacities and maturities of the SMEs. We have developed indicators, tools, as well as a practical guide for applying the LSS for the production SMEs and its computerized version in TIBCO. To enhance the efficiency of the improvements, we have deployed the planning, standardization and sustainability of the changes. For this purpose, we propose to modify the criteria of the EFQM Excellence Model in order to adapt it to the operating conditions of the Lean Six Sigma method in the SMEs. The proposed methodology has been verified in two production SMEs in Poland and in France that confirmed its utility and effectiveness in terms of performance improvement and organizational development
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Hodnocení výkonnosti podniku / Company Performance MeasurementHurytová, Nikola January 2018 (has links)
The master thesis is focused on efficiency evaluation of company IN-EKO TEAM, s. r. o. The theoretical part contains the relevant information from professional publications, basic concepts are explained here and models supporting business management, business process modeling models, and models emphasizing self-evaluation are presented. The second part is an efficiency evaluation by using the selected START Plus model. The key part is the suggestion part in which measures will be proposed to improve the efficiency of examined subject.
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Hodnocení výkonnosti společnosti s využitím modelu EFQM / A Company Performance Evaluation Using the EFQM Excellence ModelZourek, Vojtěch January 2020 (has links)
The master´s thesis is focused on the performance evaluation for the MIKROP ČEBÍN a.s. company using the EFQM Excellence Model. The theoretical part of the thesis is focused on the definition of performance and the ways in which it can be measured and evaluated. The current situation of the company is characterized in the analytical part. The evaluation is performed according to the START Model questionnaire, which is derived from the EFQM Model of Excellence. The final part contains measures leading to increase the company's performance.
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Hodnocení výkonnosti společnosti s využitím EFQM Excelence Model / The Performance Evaluation of the Company using the EFQM Excellence ModelKocián, Oldřich January 2021 (has links)
The master’s thesis evaluates the performance of SUEZ CZ a.s. company applying the EFQM Excellence Model and subsequently discusses proposals to improve company’s performance. The thesis is divided into three parts. The first part outlines the necessary theoretical bases, that are further used and applied to the chosen company SUEZ CZ a.s. in the second part. Lastly, in the third part, the conducted questionnaire survey is evaluated and measures for improvement in problematic areas are proposed.
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