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Understanding the ancient Egyptians : an examination of living creature hieroglyphsRay, Corey Carpenter 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 1999. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In this thesis an exploration is made into whether or not hieroglyphs reflect ideas of
the ancient Egyptians themselves. By examining "living creature" hieroglyphs one
may contemplate why the ancient Egyptian chose a particular manner of depiction.
The manner of depiction can then be examined insofar as what ideas they may
reflect. In this way study into other groups of signs such as those of the
environment may be used to further illuminate the lives and our understanding of
the ancient Egyptian(s).
This thesis begins with an examination of both the problem inherent in such
a task and an overview of some of the "processes" involved. By understanding that a
reconstructed reality, that of the hieroglyph, reflects both real and perceived
characteristics represented in glyphic form, one may seek out the mental
impressions considered relevant to the people themselves.
Next the role literacy played and still plays is discussed. This discussion
includes a brief historical overview of both the history of decipherment and the
"language" of the ancient Egyptians. The importance of "writing", artistic in nature
in Egypt in regards to hieroglyphs, is then discussed as it relates to its use as symbol.
Hieroglyphs are then discussed in their role as art, communication, and language
emphasizing the multitudinous role(s) which they served. The importance is thus
reiterated that hieroglyphs served as a communication of ideas to both the literate
and the "illiterate" in at least a menial manner.
After providing a "background" context of both the world and time of
hieroglyphs and their subsequent "understanding" and interpretation, there is an
analysis of the hieroglyphs for living creatures including the following Gardiner
groupings: (1) mammals, (2) birds, (3) amphibians and reptiles, (4) fish, (5)
invertebrates and lesser animals. The signs are examined in regards to their
function and variations followed by some observations and comments related to the
"structure" and perspective of the sign itself. Summary observations and comments
are then made about each group.
The thesis is then brought full circle by examining the implications of what
hieroglyphs can tell us about the ancient Egyptians, via the perceptive and
communicative role which they played. By understanding hieroglyphs as
"fingerprints" of/from the mind of the people and subsequently their culture, this
framework may provide a new mechanism into understanding the Egyptian via
their own visualization and perceptive nature. A case is then proposed that this new
"mechanism", if it is indeed considered feasible, can be applied to not only the physical world consisting of nature such as the environment, but also to groups
which depict manmade objects. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In hierdie tesis is die moontlikheid ondersoek dat hierogliewe iets van die
ideewereld van die antieke Egiptenare reflekteer. In die bestudering van "lewende
wese" hierogliewe kom vrae op soos waarom die antieke Egiptenare juis 'n spesifieke
vorm van voorsteIIing verkies het. Die vorm van voorsteIIing kan dan bestudeer
word vir die idees wat dit moontlik mag reflekteer. Ander groepe/velde van tekens,
soos die van die breër omgewing, kan gebruik word om verdere lig te werp op die
lewe van die antieke Egiptenaar(e) en ons verstaan daarvan.
Die tesis begin met 'n bestudering van die inherente probleme in die aanpak
van so 'n taak en 'n oorsig oor sommige van die "prosesse" daarby betrokke. By die
verstaan van die hieroglief as 'n gekonstrueerde realiteit, wat weklike sowel as
afgeleide eienskappe reflekteer, ontdek die ondersoeker daarvan iets van die
persoonlike/kulturele indrukke wat deur hierdie groep mense as relevant ervaar is.
In die volgende afdeling kom die rol van geletterdheid aan die beurt. Hierdie
bespreking sluit 'n bondige historiese oorsig oor die geskiedenis van ontsyfering
asook die taal van die Egiptenare in. Die belang van die "skryfkuns" en veral die
kunsaard daarvan in die Egiptiese hierogliewe word vervolgens bespreek. Dit is
veraI waar soos dit in verhouding staan met die gebruik daarvan as simbool. Die
veelsydige rol(le) en belang van hierogliewe in die kuns, kommunikasie en taal
word dan ondersoek en bespreek. Die klem word daarop gelê dat hierogliewe as die
kommunikasie van idees aan beide die geletterde en "ongeletterde" dien.
Nadat 'n agtergrondkonteks van die wereld en tyd van die hierogliewe en die
daaruitvloeiende "verstaan" en interpretasie daarvan gegee is, word 'n analise van
die "lewende wese" hierogliewe gedoen. Dit sluit die volgende groeperinge van
Gardiner in: (1) soogdiere, (2) voels, (3) amfibiee en reptiele, (4) visse, (5)
invertebrata en kleiner diere. Hierdie hierogliewe word ondersoek in terme van
hulle funksie en variasies, gevolg deur waarnemings en opmerkings aangaande die
"struktuur" en die perspektief van die teken. Opsommende observasies en enkele
opmerkings oor elke groep volg daarna.
Die tesis word afgerond met 'n ondersoek na die implikasies van wat ons kan
wys word uit die hierogliewe aangaande die antieke Egiptenare, via die
perspektiwiese en kommunikatiewe rol wat dit vervuI. Deur hierogliewe te verstaan
as die "vingerafdrukke" van die begrip van hierdie mense kan hierdie raamwerk 'n
nuwe meganisme in die verstaan van die Egiptenaar via die visualisasie en
waarneembare aard daarvan, vorm. 'n Voorstel word gemaak dat hierdie nuwe
"meganisme", indien dit uitvoerbaar is, toegepas kan word, nie net op die hierogliewe van die fisiese wereld bestaande uit die natuur en die omgewing nie,
maar ook op hierogliewe wat mensgemaakte voorwerpe voorstel.
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Beer as a signifier of social status in ancient Egypt with special emphasis on the New Kingdom period (ca. 1550-1069 BC) : the place of beer in Egyptian society compared to wineKlop, Damian 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Some academics are of the generalist opinion that ancient Egyptian beer was only
consumed by the lower classes because of its low social status. This is based on the
generalization that individuals only consume alcoholic beverages matching the status of
their social class. Therefore the lower classes consumed beer while the upper classes
consumed an alcoholic beverage of higher status, i.e. wine. However, other academics are
of the universalist opinion that Egyptian beer was universally consumed by all Egyptian
social classes irrespective of the status of beer.
This study aims to test the validity of these opposing academic opinions and also strives
to understand how statements of status in Egyptian society were devised, and what they
were conveying. This was achieved by determining the status of Egyptian beer and wine
and then comparing them to the respective status of beer and wine drinkers in the New
Kingdom period (c. 1550-1069) according to the factors of production, consumption,
health, economic exchange & distribution, and religion. Use is made of an
anthropological approach which allows the researcher to limit social bias and understand
ancient Egyptian society on its own terms.
Results of this study indicate that Egyptian beer had a much lower status than Egyptian
wine and all social classes consumed beer while only the upper classes consumed wine.
The generalist opinion, therefore, is falsified and the universalist opinion validated. The
results also indicate that the upper classes justified their beer consumption by producing,
consuming and exchanging an elite beer of higher status in a manner reminiscent of wine
so that it compared more favourably with the status of their social classes. This study, therefore, not only settles an old academic dispute but also provides new
insight into Egyptian beer. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Sommige akademici huldig die algemene siening dat antieke Egyptiese bier uitsluitlik
deur die laer klasse gebruik is, omdat bier ‘n laer status geniet het. Dit is gegrond op die
veralgemening dat individue slegs alkoholiese drank gebruik het wat ooreenstem met hul
eie sosiale klas. Die laer klasse het dus bier gedrink terwyl die hoër klasse alkoholiese
drank van ‘n hoër status, naamlik wyn, gedrink het. Ander akademici is egter van mening
dat Egiptiese bier deur alle Egiptiese sosiale klasse gebruik is, ongeag die status van bier.
Hierdie studie poog om die geldigheid van hierdie teenstrydige akademiese menings te
toets en poog ook om te verstaan hoe stellings oor status in die Egiptiese samelewing
bedink is en wat hulle wou oordra. Dit is bereik deur die status van Egiptiese bier en wyn
te bepaal en dit dan te vergelyk met die besondere status van bier en wyndrinkers in die
Nuwe Koningkryk tydperk (c. 1550-1069) volgens die faktore van produksie, verbruik,
gesondheid, ekonomiese uitruiling & verspreiding en godsdiens. ‘n Antropologiese
benadering is gevolg omdat dit die navorser in staat stel om sosiale partydigheid te
beperk en sodoende die Egiptiese samelewing in eie reg te kan verstaan.
Resultate van hierdie studie dui aan dat alhoewel Egiptiese bier ‘n veel laer status as
Egiptiese wyn geniet het, het alle sosiale klasse nietemin bier gedrink, terwyl net die hoër
klasse wyn gedrink het. Die algemene mening is gefalsifiseer, terwyl die universele
mening gestaaf word. Die resultate dui ook aan dat die hoër sosiale klasse hul
bierverbruik geregverdig het deur ‘n elite bier van hoër status te produseer, uit te ruil en
te gebruik op ‘n wyse soortgelyk aan diè van hul wynverbruik, sodat dit gunstig vergelyk
met die status van hul sosiale klasse. Hierdie studie los dus nie net ‘n ou akademiese meningsverskil op nie, maar gee ook ‘n
nuwe insig in Egiptiese bier en die gebruik daarvan deur die hoër klasse.
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The sources of royal power : a study on the migration of power structures from the kingdom of Argead Makedonia to early Ptolemaic EgyptLianou, Margarita January 2010 (has links)
This thesis discusses the sources of royal power in the kingdoms of Argead Makedonia and early Ptolemaic Egypt. The overarching aim is to assess the degree of change and continuity between the structures and networks that framed Argead and Ptolemaic royal power. Viewing power not as an abstraction but as the outcome of the real and observable interrelations between individuals and groups, this thesis builds upon the historical sociology of Michael Mann in order to identify four main sources of royal power: dynastic, courtly, military and economic. In their capacity to enhance or limit royal power, the social networks that are formed between the king and representatives of these groups in each context, as well as the structures that produce and reproduce their behaviour, form the focal points of this research. As such, this thesis distances itself from that segment of socio-historical tradition, which grants ultimate primacy to human agency. The Introduction presents the main scholarly debates surrounding the nature of Ptolemaic and Argead kingship and highlights the fact that although both have received considerable attention separately, they have not yet been the focus of a systematic, comparative analysis. At the same time, this chapter brings in the theoretical and methodological framework employed in the thesis. Chapter One discusses the structural organisation of the dynasty, focusing on patterns of marriage and succession, and the manipulation of dynastic connections, real or constructed, as instruments of legitimation. It is argued that the colonial circumstances in early Ptolemaic Egypt led to an amplification of the importance of the dynasty as a source of power. Chapter Two examines the interrelations of the ruler with his extended circle of friends and associates, i.e. the courtiers. A discussion of the physical and social structure of the courts in Aigai, Pella and Alexandria in the early Ptolemaic period confirms that administration at the highest level continued to be organised around personal relations. Chapter Three identifies the enabling mechanisms, which sustained the military power of the Makedonian king. It is argued that royal military leadership and the integration of facets of military organisation (e.g. the institution of klerouchia) and values (through education) in society remained integral to the social organisation of early Ptolemaic Egypt. Finally, Chapter Four examines the economic power of the ruler, as revealed by the organisation of property rights. The absence of the Makedones and the prominence of temples as economically significant groups in early Ptolemaic Egypt underline the structural discontinuities that arise from the necessary adaptation to different local conditions. This thesis concludes that the structures that framed Argead royal power were in their majority remembered and instantiated in the organisational practices of the early Ptolemaic rulers. Deviations from the Argead paradigm occurred when pragmatism led to the introduction of corrective practices, such as the co-regency principle aimed at eradicating the dynastic instability that had plagued the Argead monarchy, and when ecological and political considerations, such as the needs of their non-Hellenic, non-Makedonian audience, dictated a greater degree of accommodation to local conditions, especially in the field of economic organisation. Even there, however, one can discern the influence of the flexible, all-inclusive model of Argead administration of its New Lands as an organisational template.
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Transnational Islamism and political moderation: a comparative analysis of Egypt and MoroccoUnknown Date (has links)
This dissertation examines how transnationalism can affect Islamists’ moderation
in both Egypt and Morocco. In this dissertation, I do an in-depth comparative case study
analysis to assess the prospects of moderation of two Islamists political entities, the
Muslim Brotherhood as a transnational social movement and the Morocco Party of
Justice and Development (JDP), which has no transnational ties. Both the Muslim
Brotherhood and PJD came to power after the Arab uprising in 2011 and were key
players in the democratic transitions in both countries; however, the entities are not
related. Further, the dissertation will explore the moderation level of the Muslim
Brotherhood and PJD. Current literature on Islamists and moderation theory focuses on
political inclusion, political learning and repression as factors that would affect the
moderation of an Islamist group. Looking at Islamists as a transnational social movement
is a new aspect in the study of Islamism. / Includes bibliography. / Dissertation (Ph.D.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2015. / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection
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Social democratization or political manipulation? : social funds in Egypt and BoliviaEl-Mahdi, Rabab. January 2005 (has links)
No description available.
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Adapting authoritarianism : institutions and co-optation in Egypt and SyriaStacher, Joshua A. January 2007 (has links)
This PhD thesis compares Egypt and Syria’s authoritarian political systems. While the tendency in social science political research treats Egypt and Syria as similarly authoritarian, this research emphasizes differences between the two systems with special reference to institutions and co-optation. Rather than reducibly understanding Egypt and Syria as sharing similar histories, institutional arrangements, or ascribing to the oft-repeated convention that “Syria is Egypt but 10 years behind,” this thesis focuses on how events and individual histories shaped each states current institutional strengthens and weaknesses. Specifically, it explains the how varying institutional politicization or de-politicization affects each state’s capabilities for co-opting elite and non-elite individuals. Beginning with a theoretical framework that considers the limited utility of democratization and transition theoretical approaches, the work underscores the persistence and durability of authoritarianism. Chapter two details the politicized institutional divergence between Egypt and Syria that began in the 1970s. Chapter three and four examines how institutional politicization or de-politicization affects elite and non-elite individual co-optation in Egypt and Syria. Chapter five discusses the study’s general conclusions and theoretical implications. This thesis’s argument is that Egypt and Syria co-opt elites and non-elites differently because of the varying degrees of institutional politicization in each governance system. Rather than view one country as more politically developed than the other, this work argues that Syria’s political institutions are more politicized than their Egyptian counterparts. Syria’s political arena is, thus, described as politicized-patrimonialism. Syria’s politicized-patrimonial arena produces uneven co-optation of elites and non-elites as they are diffused through competing institutions. Conversely, the Egyptian political arena remains highly personalized as weak institutions and individuals are manipulated and molded according to the president’s ruling clique. This is referred to as personalized-patrimonialism. As a consequence, Egypt’s political establishment demonstrates more flexibility in ad hoc altering and adapting its arena depending on the emergence of crises. This study’s theoretical implications suggest that, contrary to modernization and democratization theory’s adage that institutions lead to a political development, politicized institutions within a patrimonial order actually hinder regime adaptation because consensus is harder to achieve and maintain. It is within this context that Egypt’s de-politicized institutional framework advantages its top political elite. In this reading of Egyptian and Syrian politics, Egypt’s personalized political arena is more adaptable than Syria’s. These conclusions do not indicate that political reform is a process underway in either state.
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The political economy of Nasserism and Sadatism : the nature of the state in Egypt and its impact on economic strategyCraissati, Dina January 1989 (has links)
No description available.
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Social democratization or political manipulation? : social funds in Egypt and BoliviaEl-Mahdi, Rabab. January 2005 (has links)
"Inclusion" in the broad sense of access to, and participation in, public policy and services has been lacking in the majority of developing countries---whether authoritarian or democratic---due to highly skewed political, social and economic power structures. To understand why this tends to be the case, the dissertation provides a political economy model for understanding civil society, arguing that the evolution of civil society and its potential as a vehicle for inclusion are conditioned by the economic imperatives in place and the state prerogatives. More specifically, I question the extent to which the neoliberal model allows civil society to fulfill this role, by examining the impact of Social Funds (SFs), a key social policy institution created and promoted solely under the neoliberal model, on civil society in Egypt and Bolivia. / I argue that neoliberalism severely limits the possibility of: citizenship construction, achieving development synergy between the state and civil society, or strengthening the latter. These limitations are structural, inherent to the neoliberal development model and the changes it has brought about economically and politically. The research shows how these changes have manifestations within the state, the economy and civil society and more specifically social policy. Just as important, there are limitations intrinsically grounded in the structures found in many developing countries, pre-neoliberal changes. Such structures, I argue, do not allow new institutions like SFs to push forward such an ideal three-way relationship among the economy, state and civil society. Rather than strengthening civil society and creating development synergy, SFs are shown to be just an attempt to give neoliberal policies a human face and subdue any potential for structural changes. / More generally, by contrasting the dynamics of civil society under neoliberalism in a developing country with a democratic regime (Bolivia) with those of a soft authoritarian regime (Egypt). I argue that a dichotomous framework, which sees democracy as antithetically opposed to authoritarianism is not necessarily appropriate to the analysis of developing countries. The cases illustrate that the state and civil society, under two-different regime types, continue to share a number of similarities.
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The many faces of Cleopatra : from propaganda to myth.Hardman, Naomi Susan. January 2003 (has links)
Few women of antiquity have gripped the public imagination as Cleopatra has. For centuries, she has inspired playwrights, poets, artists and film-makers, with the result that she and Antony are arguably history's most famous lovers. However, I have not yet encountered a study which discusses, in one work, the multiple constructions of Cleopatra across the range of genres in which she has been represented. Certainly, many books and articles are devoted to revealing how Cleopatra has been constructed in one or other specific genre, but it seems as though no attempts have been made to portray, in juxtaposition to one another, the many faces of Cleopatra. This dissertation seeks to do just that. Although I could not possibly include a discussion ofevery genre in which Cleopatra has been constructed, I have chosen six areas for study: ancient Greek biography
(using Plutarch's Life ofAntony); the poetry of the Augustan poets: Vergil (the Aeneid), Horace (Ode 1.37) and Propertius (Elegies 3.11); Shakespearean tragedy (Antony and Cleopatra); art (numismatics
and ancient sculpture); film (Joseph Mankiewicz's Cleopatra), and, briefly, Africanist historiography. I have chosen these areas because each offers such diverse constructions of Cleopatra that one begins to appreciate how historiography, propaganda and representation have contributed to the shaping ofthe Cleopatra myth, coloured by the ideology ofthe age in which she has been interpreted afresh. Current Africanist appropriations ofCleopatra suggest that historiography is never neutral: race and gender often intersect to create 'historical' identities. / Thesis (M.A.)-University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2003.
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The concept of law and justice in ancient Egypt, with specific reference to "The tale of the eloquent peasant"Van Blerk, Nicolaas Johannes 31 March 2006 (has links)
This thesis discusses the interaction between the concepts of ”justice” (ma‛at) and ”law” (hpw) in ancient Egypt. Ma‛at, one of the earliest abstract terms in human speech, was a central principle and, although no codex of Egyptian law has been found, there is abundant evidence of written law, designed to realise ma‛at on earth. The king, as the highest legal authority, was the nexus between ma‛at and the law.
Egyptologists have few sources of knowledge about law and justice in ancient Egypt because the ancient Egyptians used commonplace language in legal documents and they only had a few imprecise technical terms relating to law. For Egyptology to advance, therefore, we need to reappraise its sources. The Tale of the Eloquent Peasant has a strong legal background and should be treated as an additional source of information about how law and justice were perceived and carried out in ancient Egypt. / Classics and Modern European Languages / M.A. (Ancient Languages and Cultures)
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