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Structural Characterization and Thermoelectric Performance of ZrNiSn Half-Heusler Compound Synthesized by Mechanical AlloyingGermond, Jeffrey 14 May 2010 (has links)
Thermoelectric (TE) ZrNiSn samples with a half-Heusler atomic structure were synthesized by mechanical alloying (MA) and consolidation by either Spark Plasma Sintering (SPS) or hot pressing (HP). X-Ray diffraction patterns of as milled powders and consolidated samples were compared and analyzed for phase purity. Thermal conductivity, electrical conductivity and Seebeck coefficient are measured as a function of temperature in the range 300 K to 800 K and compared with measurements reported for high temperature solid state reaction synthesis of this compound. HP samples, compared to SPS samples, demonstrate increased grain growth due to longer heating times. Reduced grain size achieved by MA and SPS causes increased phonon scattering due to the increased number of grain boundaries, which lowers the thermal conductivity without doping the base system with addition phonon scattering centers. Mechanical characterization of the samples by microindentation and depth sensing indentation for hardness and elastic modulus will be discussed.
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Croissance de nanotubes de carbone sur des fibres de carbone : application aux matériaux composites / Growth of carbon nanotubes on carbon fibres : application to composite materialsLaurent, Fabrice 23 June 2016 (has links)
Le travail présenté dans ce mémoire de thèse s’est inscrit dans le cadre du développement de la technologie flamme oxyacétylénique pour la synthèse de nanotubes de carbone (NTC) au Laboratoire de Physique et Mécanique Textile. La simplicité et l’originalité de ce procédé en font un candidat très sérieux pour envisager la mise en œuvre d’un pilote industriel pour la production de fibres de renforcement multidimensionnelles, notamment composées de fibres de carbone sur lesquelles ont cru de nanotubes de carbone. Ce travail a consisté à :- Réaliser une étude bibliographique sur les procédés de croissance de NTC,- Etablir la preuve de concept de la croissance des nanotubes sur des fibres,- Concevoir et réaliser un dispositif assurant une bonne maîtrise de la croissance,- Mettre au point le procédé de croissance sur des fibres,- Identifier les principaux paramètres influençant la qualité et la quantité des nanotubes,- Caractériser les nanotubes obtenus,- Faire croître ces nanotubes sur des fibres de carbone,- Intégrer des nouveaux matériaux multidimensionnels dans des matrices afin de réaliser des matériaux composites structurels,- Caractériser ces matériaux,- Décrire les mécanismes de croissance dans la flamme.Notre effort a porté sur le traitement des fibres avant exposition à la flamme et à évaluer les conditions de croissance des NTC en faisant varier notamment, la température d’exposition des fibres et la qualité des catalyseurs de croissance. Après synthèse des NTC sur les fibres de carbone et leur caractérisation nous avons réalisé des matériaux composites. Nous avons mesuré que les NTC améliorent significativement le module d’Young des composites mais altèrent sensiblement la contrainte à la rupture. Les propriétés électriques longitudinales et transversales sont améliorées d’un facteur 8 et 5 respectivement. Nous avons proposé des mécanismes de croissance des NTC. Ces mécanismes sont directement en relation avec propriétés physiques et chimiques des particules de catalyseur. / The research presented in this work aims to develop the oxyacetylene flame method for the Carbon Nanotubes (CNT) synthesis at the Laboratory of Physics and Mechanics of Textiles. The simplicity and the degree of innovation of this process make of it a serious candidate for manufacturing a pilot in order to produce new kind of tridimensional material made of CNT having grew on carbon fibres. This work consisted of:- Make a bibliographic study,- Establish a proof of concept of the growth of CNT,- Design and manufacture a device allowing process control,- Setup the process of growth on the fibres,- Identify the main parameters influencing CNT quality and quantity,- Characterize CNT,- Assume the CNT growth on carbon fibers,- Integrate these multidimensional materials into an organic matrix to realize structural composite materials,- Characterize these materials,- Describe and explain the growth mechanism in the flame.First, we focused our work on the fibres chemical treatment before flame exposition to evaluate the NTC growth conditions by varying notably, the fibres exposition temperature and the quality of the catalysts. After, the NTC syntheses on carbon fibres (CF) was done. The multidimensional product was characterized par various examinations and analyses. Composite materials were molded with epoxy resin to evaluate mechanical properties of NTC-FC. Young’s modulus was increased and tensile strength at break decreased. Transverse and longitudinal electrical properties were increased by 500 to 800 % respectively. Finally, we proposed NTC growth mechanisms. They are directly linked to the chemical and physical catalyst particles properties.
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Estudo morfológico e hidroquímico de pequenas depressões na Nhecolândia, Pantanal, MS / Morphological and hydrochemical study of small depressions in Nhecolândia, Pantanal, MSParizotto, Tatiana Mascari 28 September 2012 (has links)
A porção sul do Leque Aluvial do Taquari, chamada Nhecolândia, é uma sub-região do Pantanal Mato-Grossense, que apresenta um complexo sistema de lagoas arredondadas, vazantes, cordilheiras, corixos e pequenas depressões. Estudos anteriores mostraram que os fluxos de águas subsuperficiais dependem da intensidade das cheias, e da presença e forma dos horizontes verdes argilosos, localmente cimentados, que limitam fortemente a permeabilidade, e comandam os fluxos laterais. Inicialmente associados a ambientes alcalinos das salinas, esses horizontes também ocorrem em ambientes diluídos, como as pequenas depressões. O objetivo geral deste trabalho é compreender o funcionamento hídrico de três pequenas depressões, em relação com as características morfológicas dos solos. Métodos de indução eletromagnética foram utilizados para mapear a condutividade elétrica aparente (CEa); complementados por métodos de descrições das características morfológicas dos solos, e de análises granulométricas e mineralógicas em laboratório. Estes trabalhos foram complementados por análises físico-químicas das águas nas depressões; e pelo monitoramento do nível do lençol freático entre uma depressão e uma baía. O horizonte verde argiloso, mais ou menos endurecido, aparece na base das sequências de solos nas três pequenas depressões, ao qual se superpõem horizontes arenosos superficiais e subsuperficiais. As principais diferenciações morfológicas observadas referem-se aos processos de redistribuição de ferro e da matéria orgânica, ligados ao regime hídrico. No período seco, quando ocorre um rebaixamento do nível freático, o horizonte verde argiloso funciona como uma soleira e fragmenta o lençol, que passa a funcionar como dois segmentos, um ligado à Depressão Fechada, e outro à Baía. Ao longo do ano, a Depressão Fechada acumula água apenas temporária e fugazmente. Na maior parte do tempo, ela funciona como área dispersora de água às unidades morfológicas adjacentes, salientando sua importância funcional na Nhecolândia. / The southern part of the Taquari alluvial fan, called Nhecolândia, is a sub-region of the Pantanal of Mato-Grosso exhibiting a complex of round shape lakes, draining fields, forested sandy areas, small watercourses and small depressions. Former studies have shown that the sub-superficial water fluxes depend on the intensity of the flood and on the presence and shape of a sandy clay loam greenish horizon, locally cemented, which acts as an impervious layer and drives lateral fluxes. Although its presence has always been associated to the alkaline-saline parts of this singular landscape, it also occurs below small freshwater depressions. The objective of this study is to understand the hydrological functioning of these small depressions in relation to the soil cover layout. Electromagnetic induction methods were used to draw apparent electrical conductivity (CEa) maps, crossed with direct auger holes and pits observations, and laboratory analysis (grain size distribution and mineralogy). Physico-chemical analysis of the ground water in the depressions and a monitoring of the groundwater fluctuation along one year were also performed. The greenish horizon, more or less cemented, occurred at the base of the soil system in all the studied depressions. It was overlaid by more sandy horizons. The main pedological differentiation was organic matter and iron redistribution along the soil sequences, in relation with the hydrological regime. During the dry season, the watertable goes down and the greenish horizon acts as a threshold, disconnecting various watertables in the different parts of the landscape. Along the year, the closed depressions accumulate the water only temporarily and fleetingly. Most of the time, they work as areas of water redistribution towards the surrounding landscape units, and therefore have a essential function in the Nhecolândia.
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Aplicação da reflectometria no domínio do tempo (TDR) na estimativa da condutividade elétrica da solução do solo e de concentrações de nitrato, potássio e cloreto em coluna de solo não saturado / Applying Time domain reflectometry (TDR) on estimating electrical conductivity and nitrate, potassium and chloride concentrations under unsaturated soil columns conditionsPonciano, Isaac de Matos 17 January 2012 (has links)
Devido à importância do monitoramento da composição iônica da solução do solo, no que diz respeito ao meio ambiente e ao manejo da fertirrigação, associada às limitações práticas dos métodos tradicionais de sua determinação é crescente a procura por um método confiável que possibilite o monitoramento desta composição em tempo real e em curtos intervalos de tempo. Neste sentido a TDR tem sido uma alternativa viável. O presente trabalho objetivou, pelo uso da TDR, avaliar o desempenho de sete modelos na determinação da CEw; relacioná-los com a concentração dos íons potássio nitrato e cloreto avaliando os modelos em determinar a concentração dos íons; e por fim monitorar e determinar a concentração destes íons na água lixiviada em coluna de solo não saturado. O trabalho foi divido em dois experimentos, no primeiro os modelos foram calibrados em colunas de solo sendo formado por 24 tratamentos composto por 4 faixas de umidade volumétrica e 6 concentrações da solução de KCl. Para cada coluna de solo era realizada uma leitura com a TDR ( e CEa) e a CEw na solução do solo era determinada por condutivímetro de mesa, nesta solução foram determinadas as concentrações de potássio e cloreto. No segundo experimento o mesmo procedimento foi realizado, entretanto, foi aplicado KNO3 e determinados potássio e nitrato. Desta forma, foi possível calibrar os modelos para a estimativa da CEw, e para determinação das concentrações dos íons potássio, nitrato e cloreto. Os modelos foram avaliados pelos coeficientes de determinação (R²) e exatidão (d), pela estimativa do erro padrão (EEP) e, ainda, foram classificados de acordo com o índice c, produto dos dois coeficientes citados. Os resultados mostram que os modelos de Rhoads et al. (1976) e Vogeler et al. (1996) se ajustam melhor para solos com características texturais argilosas sendo classificados como Ótimos métodos para a determinação da CEw, tanto pela aplicação de KCl como pela aplicação de KNO3 via água de irrigação. Na estimativa da CEw no solo arenoso os modelos de Munõz-Carpena et al. (2005), Mualen e Friedman (1991), Vogeler et al. (1996) e Rhoads et al. (1976) apresentam melhores ajustes na determinação da CEw, sendo classificados com Muito bom. Na determinação do potássio pelos modelos avaliados o melhor ajuste se dá pela associação da relação K-CEw do tipo potência aplicada para solos argilosos e linear para solos arenosos, apresentando classificação de: Ótimo e Muito bom, respectivamente. Para o cloreto e o nitrato o melhor ajuste se dá pela relação de CEw-Cl e CEw-NO do tipo linear, apresentando classificação de Muito Bom e Ótimo respectivamente. A TDR é uma técnica confiável no monitoramento da concentração dos íons potássio e cloreto lixiviados no perfil do solo. / There is a growing demand for a reliable method applied to monitoring ionic composition of soil solution in real-time and short time intervals, due the importance to environmental sustainability and fertigation management and limitations of traditional methods for determination. Time domain reflectometry (TDR) is often considered a viable alternative to traditional methods. Consequently, this research looks for using TDR evaluate the performance of seven mathematical models for determining electrical conductivity (CEw) by comparing simulated and measured concentrations of potassium, nitrate and chloride, and to monitor and determine the concentration of these ions in water leached from unsaturated soil columns. The research was carried out under two experiments conditions. In the first experiment the models were calibrated with input data from 24 soil columns consisting of four soils with six different KCl concentrations. For each soil column CEw was determined by both TDR ( and CEa readings) and the CEw of soil solution was determined by direct measurements of potassium and chloride concentrations. In the second experiment the procedure was the same, but with KCl being replaced with KNO3. This was possible to calibrate the models to estimate the CEw, and to determine potassium, nitrate and chloride ions concentrations. The models were ranked using the c-index, the coefficient of determination (R²) and estimated standard error (ESE). The results showed were Rhoads et al. (1976) and Vogel et al. (1996) classified as \"Great\" for the CEw determination associated with the application of both KCl and KNO3 to irrigation water in clay soils. For estimating CEw in sandy soils, the models Muñoz-Carpena et al. (2005), Mualen and Friedman (1991), Vogel et al. (1996) and Rhoads et al. (1976) were classified as \"Very Good.\" The relationship between CEw and potassium concentration was best represented by a power function in clay soils, and a linear function in sandy soils, with index of \"Great\" and \"Very Good\", respectively. For chloride and nitrate, the best fits were obtained by representing the CEw-Cl and CEw-NO3 relationships with linear functions, which were classified as Very Good and Good, respectively. TDR proved to be a reliable technique for monitoring the concentration of potassium and chloride ions leached in soil profiles.
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Densificação e condutividade elétrica da Zircônia-Escândia-Céria / Densification and electrical conductivity of Zirconia-Scandia-CeriaRobson Lopes Grosso 22 May 2012 (has links)
Estudos recentes demonstram que o sistema cerâmico zircônia-escândia-céria (ScCeSZ) apresenta-se promissor para aplicações como eletrólito sólido em células a combustível de óxido sólido de temperaturas intermediárias de operação (600 a 800 °C). Neste trabalho, foi realizada a sinterização convencional, de duas etapas e assistida por campo elétrico do ZrO2 contendo 10% em mol de Sc2O3 e 1% em mol de CeO2 comercializado pela Fuel Cell Materials visando melhorar a densificação com reduzido tamanho médio de grãos. A condutividade elétrica de amostras densas de ScCeSZ sinterizadas pelos diferentes métodos foi investigada por espectroscopia de impedância. Diferentes condições de sinterização foram analisadas. A taxa de retração dos compactos é máxima a 1180 °C, determinada pela análise de dilatometria. Foi confirmado por difração de raios X que a adição de céria à zircônia-escândia promove a estabilização da fase cúbica à temperatura ambiente. No entanto, dependendo das condições de sinterização pode haver a formação de fases secundárias, as quais foram detectadas por difração de raios X e espectroscopia Raman. A sinterização assistida por campo elétrico promoveu a formação das fases cúbica e tetragonal. Considerando os métodos convencional e de duas etapas, para a obtenção do material cúbico monofásico é necessária uma seleção cuidadosa das condições de sinterização. Os valores de condutividade elétrica estão de acordo com as condutividades do ScCeSZ reportadas na literatura. / Recent reports show that scandia-and ceria-doped zirconia (ScCeSZ) is a promising material for application as solid electrolyte in solid oxide fuel cells operating at intermediate temperatures (600 - 800 °C). In this work, ZrO2 containing 10 mol% Sc2O3 and 1 mol% CeO2 commercial powder (Fuel Cell Materials) was used to investigate the densification along with the mean grain size in specimens sintered by different methods: conventional, two-step sintering and electric field assisted sintering. The electrical conductivity of dense sintered specimens was studied by impedance spectroscopy. The linear shrinkage was followed by dilatometry. The maximum shrinkage rate of powder compacts was obtained at 1180 ºC. X-ray diffraction experiments revealed that ceria stabilizes the cubic phase of scandia-doped zirconia at room temperature. However, secondary phases (rhombohedric and tetragonal) were detected by both X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy depending on the sintering conditions. The field assisted sintering method resulted in specimens with cubic and tetragonal phases. In the case of conventional and two-step sintering methods, a careful selection of the temperatures and sintering times is essential to obtain a cubic single-phase material. Values of the electrical conductivity of ScCeSZ are in general agreement with those reported in the literature.
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Densificação e condutividade elétrica da Zircônia-Escândia-Céria / Densification and electrical conductivity of Zirconia-Scandia-CeriaGrosso, Robson Lopes 22 May 2012 (has links)
Estudos recentes demonstram que o sistema cerâmico zircônia-escândia-céria (ScCeSZ) apresenta-se promissor para aplicações como eletrólito sólido em células a combustível de óxido sólido de temperaturas intermediárias de operação (600 a 800 °C). Neste trabalho, foi realizada a sinterização convencional, de duas etapas e assistida por campo elétrico do ZrO2 contendo 10% em mol de Sc2O3 e 1% em mol de CeO2 comercializado pela Fuel Cell Materials visando melhorar a densificação com reduzido tamanho médio de grãos. A condutividade elétrica de amostras densas de ScCeSZ sinterizadas pelos diferentes métodos foi investigada por espectroscopia de impedância. Diferentes condições de sinterização foram analisadas. A taxa de retração dos compactos é máxima a 1180 °C, determinada pela análise de dilatometria. Foi confirmado por difração de raios X que a adição de céria à zircônia-escândia promove a estabilização da fase cúbica à temperatura ambiente. No entanto, dependendo das condições de sinterização pode haver a formação de fases secundárias, as quais foram detectadas por difração de raios X e espectroscopia Raman. A sinterização assistida por campo elétrico promoveu a formação das fases cúbica e tetragonal. Considerando os métodos convencional e de duas etapas, para a obtenção do material cúbico monofásico é necessária uma seleção cuidadosa das condições de sinterização. Os valores de condutividade elétrica estão de acordo com as condutividades do ScCeSZ reportadas na literatura. / Recent reports show that scandia-and ceria-doped zirconia (ScCeSZ) is a promising material for application as solid electrolyte in solid oxide fuel cells operating at intermediate temperatures (600 - 800 °C). In this work, ZrO2 containing 10 mol% Sc2O3 and 1 mol% CeO2 commercial powder (Fuel Cell Materials) was used to investigate the densification along with the mean grain size in specimens sintered by different methods: conventional, two-step sintering and electric field assisted sintering. The electrical conductivity of dense sintered specimens was studied by impedance spectroscopy. The linear shrinkage was followed by dilatometry. The maximum shrinkage rate of powder compacts was obtained at 1180 ºC. X-ray diffraction experiments revealed that ceria stabilizes the cubic phase of scandia-doped zirconia at room temperature. However, secondary phases (rhombohedric and tetragonal) were detected by both X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy depending on the sintering conditions. The field assisted sintering method resulted in specimens with cubic and tetragonal phases. In the case of conventional and two-step sintering methods, a careful selection of the temperatures and sintering times is essential to obtain a cubic single-phase material. Values of the electrical conductivity of ScCeSZ are in general agreement with those reported in the literature.
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Obten??o e Caracteriza??o F?sico-Qu?mica do Sistema Comp?sito PEG-TiO2Maria, Roberta Patr?cia Medeiros de 24 February 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:41:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2011-02-24 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / Hybrid systems formed from polymers and transition metals have now their physical and chemical properties extensively investigated for use in electronic devices. In this work,
Titanium Dioxide (TiO2) from the precursor of titanium tetrabutoxide and the composite system Poly(Ethylene Glycol)-Titanium Dioxide (TiO2-PEG) were synthesized by sol-gel
method. The PEG as acquired and TiO2 and composites powders were analyzed by X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), Spectroscopy in the Infrared region with Fourier transform (IRFT), Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM)
and Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS). In the XRD analysis were observed in the TiO2 crystal faces of one of its polymorphs - anatase phase, crystal planes in Poly
(Ethylene Glycol) with considerable intensity and in the composite systems the mixture of crystal faces of their precursors isolated and reduction of crystallinity. The TG /
DTG suggested increasing the thermal instability of PEG in the composite powders as TiO2 is incorporated into the system. Spectral analysis presented in the infrared overlapping bands
for the polymer and metal oxide, reducing the intensity of symmetric stretching of ligand groups in the main chain polymer and angular deformations; were observed using SEM
micrographs of the morphological changes suffered by composite systems with the variation of the oxide concentration. Analyses by impedance spectroscopy indicated that the increased conductivity in composite occurs in line with the addition of the metal oxide concentration in the composite system / Sistemas h?bridos formados a partir de pol?meros e metais de transi??o atualmente t?m suas propriedades f?sicas e qu?micas extensivamente investigadas para aplica??o em dispositivos eletr?nicos. Neste trabalho, o Di?xido de Tit?nio (TiO2) a partir do precursor Tetrabut?xido de Tit?nio e o sistema comp?sito Poli (Etileno Glicol)-Di?xido de Tit?nio (PEG-TiO2) foram sintetizados pelo m?todo sol-gel. O PEG como adquirido e os p?s de TiO2
e comp?sitos obtidos foram analisados por Difra??o de Raios X (DRX), Espectroscopia de Absor??o na regi?o do Infravermelho com Transformada de Fourier (EIV-TF), An?lise Termogravim?trica (TG), Microscopia Eletr?nica de Varredura (MEV) e Espectroscopia de Imped?ncia Eletroqu?mica (EIE). Nas an?lises por DRX foram observadas no TiO2, faces
cristalinas de um de seus polimorfos fase anat?sio, planos cristalinos no PEG com intensidade substancial e nos sistemas comp?sitos a mistura de faces cristalinas dos seus
precursores na forma isolada, bem como, redu??o da cristalinidade. As curvas TG/DTG sugeriram o aumento da instabilidade t?rmica do PEG nos p?s comp?sitos ? medida que TiO2 ? incorporado ao sistema. A an?lise espectral na regi?o do infravermelho apresentou sobreposi??o de bandas relativas ao pol?mero e ao ?xido met?lico, redu??o da intensidade de
estiramentos sim?tricos dos grupos ligantes da cadeia principal polim?rica e deforma??es angulares; foram observadas atrav?s das micrografias de MEV modifica??es morfol?gicas sofridas pelos sistemas comp?sitos com a varia??o da concentra??o do ?xido. As an?lises por imped?ncia eletroqu?mica indicaram que o aumento da condutividade nos comp?sitos ocorre em conson?ncia com a adi??o da concentra??o do ?xido met?lico no sistema comp?sito
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Analyse du vieillissement d'un adhésif silicone en environnement spatial : influence sur le comportement électrique / Analysis of a silicone adhesive aging in the space environment : influence on the electrical behaviorRoggero, Aurélien 24 November 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse s'inscrit dans la thématique technologique des décharges électrostatiques sur les panneaux solaires des satellites de télécommunication en orbite géostationnaire. Son objectif est de déterminer les évolutions des propriétés électriques d'un adhésif silicone commercial en environnement spatial et de les corréler aux évolutions de sa structure chimique. Les principaux constituants du matériau ont été identifiés et des échantillons dépourvus de particules de renfort - assimilés à la matrice polymère isolée - ont été élaborés. Afin d'évaluer l'influence des particules, ils ont été systématiquement comparés aux échantillons nominaux dans l'ensemble de ces travaux. La structure physico-chimique du matériau à l'état initial a été caractérisée en étudiant ses relaxations enthalpiques, mécaniques et en pratiquant des analyses chimiques. Son comportement électrique (relaxations dipolaires et conductivité) a été sondé grâce à une approche expérimentale inédite croisant la technique de relaxation de potentiel électrostatique de surface, la spectroscopie diélectrique dynamique et l'analyse des courants thermo-stimulés. Le vieillissement du matériau en environnement spatial a été simulé expérimentalement par l'exposition des échantillons à des flux élevés d'électrons de haute énergie. Les analyses chimiques, notamment en RMN du solide, ont montré la prédominance d'un processus de réticulation du matériau sous irradiation, et des mécanismes de dégradation à l'échelle microscopique ont été proposés. Le comportement électrique du matériau est fortement impacté par l'évolution de sa structure chimique : sa résistivité augmente considérablement avec la dose ionisante. Il est suggéré que la résistivité de ce matériau soit directement liée à son degré de réticulation, influant sur la mobilité des porteurs dans le cadre du hopping et de la percolation électrique. Cette augmentation est beaucoup plus marquée en présence de particules, ce qui a été attribué à la formation de nœuds de réticulation matrice-particules qui constituent des pièges plus profonds pour les porteurs de charges. Ces travaux apportent une meilleure compréhension des phénomènes de vieillissement des élastomères silicones en environnement spatial. Ils permettront d'anticiper des évolutions structurales qui pourraient mettre en péril leur fonction d'adhésion, ainsi que des évolutions de résistivité électrique intrinsèque, facteur décisif dans le déclenchement de décharges électrostatiques. / This PhD thesis falls within the technical field of electrostatic discharges occurring on the solar arrays of communications satellites in the geostationary orbit. Its main objective consists in assessing the evolutions of a space-used commercial silicone adhesive's electrical properties, and to correlate them with the evolutions of its chemical structure. The main components of this material have been identified, and neat samples (deprived of fillers) were elaborated so as to study the isolated polymer matrix. In order to assess the influence of filler incorporation, neat samples were systematically compared with the commercial ones in this study. The material's physicochemical structure in the initial state was characterized by studying its enthalpy relaxations, mechanical response, and by performing chemical analysis. Its electrical behavior (dipole relaxations and conductivity) was investigated thanks to an original experimental approach combining surface potential decay measurements, broadband dielectric spectroscopy, and thermally stimulated depolarization currents. Aging in the space environment was experimentally simulated by exposing the samples to high fluxes of high energy electrons. Chemical analysis (solid state NMR in particular) revealed the predominant crosslinking tendency of this material under ionizing radiations, and allowed to suggest degradation mechanisms at the microscopic scale. These structural evolutions also strongly impact its electrical behavior: a great increase in electrical resistivity has been observed with increasing ionizing dose. It is believed that electrical resistivity directly depends on the degree of crosslinking, which affects charge carrier mobility, in the theoretical frame of hopping and percolation models. The increase in resistivity is considerably more pronounced in the filled material, which could be associated with crosslinking occurring at the matrix-particles interface. Such crosslinks are thought to represent deeper traps for charge carriers. This work brought better understanding of aging phenomena in silicone elastomers exposed to the ionizing space environment. This knowledge will help predicting structural evolutions that may compromise vital properties such as adhesion, and the evolutions of intrinsic conductivity, a critical factor involved in the triggering of electrostatic discharges.
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Analyse de la résistance d'un conducteur électrique en fonction des paramètres du procédé d'écrouissage et de sa géométrie / Electrical resistance analysis of a conductor according to the hardening processes parameters and its geometryZeroukhi, Youcef 18 November 2014 (has links)
Le mémoire de thèse propose une méthode de modélisation multi physique capable de quantifier l’influence des paramètres des processus d’écrouissage, le câblage et le compactage, sur le comportement mécanique et électrique des câbles électriques. Les propriétés électriques d’un câble dépendent de la nature du matériau utilisé, de son état métallurgique, des contraintes mécaniques exercées et de la conductance électrique des aires de contact inter-fils. De nombreuses mesures ont permis de définir les caractéristiques des câbles mais aussi des matériaux utilisés, comme par exemple la variation de la conductivité électrique d’un fil de cuivre en fonction de l’écrouissage. La modélisation mécanicoélectrique, réalisée avec le logiciel Abaqus®, est utilisée pour étudier les différents paramètres impliqués dans les processus de câblage et de compactage. Cela a permis de déterminer les déformations géométriques des fils ainsi que les contraintes mécaniques dans le câble. Les résultats de simulation sont comparés aux mesures afin de valider la précision des modèles numériques développés.Un couplage faible entre les modèles mécanique et électrique permet de mettre en évidence la distribution non-homogène de la conductivité électrique à l’intérieur d’un conducteur après qu’il ait subi des contraintes mécaniques dues au processus de déformation à froid, le câblage et le compactage. Ensuite, en appliquant une procédure d’optimisation, nous avons identifié les paramètres capables de réduire de 2 % la masse du matériau conducteur utilisés dans les processus de fabrication, tout en conservant des propriétés mécaniques et électrique répondant aux exigences normatives des constructeurs de câbles. / The presented PhD thesis propose multi-physics modeling method able to predict the impact of stranding and compacting processes parameters on the mechanical and electrical behavior of stranded conductors. The electrical properties of stranded conductors depend on the nature of the material, on its metallurgical state, on the mechanical pressure within the conductor and on the electrical conductance of contact areas between wires. A wide range of measurements has allowed us to define the characteristics of structures and materials, such as for example the resistivity as a function of the stresses due to material hardening. The electromechanical modeling with Abaqus and Vector Fields software are used to study different parameters involved in the stranding and compacting processes to determine actual wires shapes, induced deformations and actual stresses between wires within the conductor. The results obtained by simulation were compared with experimental measurements to analyze the accuracy of the model. By coupling mechanical and electrical simulations, we pointed out the non-homogeneous distribution of the electrical conductivity along conductor cross sections resulting from the hardness of each single wire. Applying the optimization procedure, we have identified the parameters able to reduce the mass of conducting material by 2 % while maintaining mechanical and electrical properties that meet the prescriptive requirements of cables manufacturers and standards.
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Combined structural and magnetotelluric investigation across the West Fault Zone in northern ChileHoffmann-Rothe, Arne January 2002 (has links)
Untersuchungen zur internen Architektur von großen Störungszonen beschränken sich üblicherweise auf die, an der Erdoberfläche aufgeschlossene, störungsbezogene Deformation. Eine Methode, die es ermöglicht, Informationen über die Tiefenfortsetzung einer Störung zu erhalten, ist die Abbildung der elektrischen Leitfähigkeit des Untergrundes.<br />
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Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der kombinierten strukturgeologischen und magnetotellurischen Untersuchung eines Segmentes der 'West Fault'-Störung in den nordchilenischen Anden. Die West Fault ist ein Abschnitt des über 2000 km langen Präkordilleren-Störungssystem, welches im Zusammenhang mit der Subduktion vor der südamerikanischen Westküste entstanden ist. Die Aktivität dieses Störungssystems reichte vom Eozän bis in das Quartär. Der Verlauf der West Fault ist im Untersuchungsgebiet (22°04'S, 68°53'W) an der Oberfläche klar definiert und weist über viele zehner Kilometer eine konstante Streichrichtung auf. Die Aufschlussbedingungen und die Morphologie des Arbeitsgebietes sind ideal für kombinierte Untersuchungen der störungsbezogenen Deformation und der elektrischen Leitfähigkeit des Untergrundes mit Hilfe magnetotellurischer Experimente (MT) und der erdmagnetischen Tiefensondierung (GDS). Ziel der Untersuchungen war es, eine mögliche Korrelation der beiden Meßmethoden herauszuarbeiten, und die interne Störungsarchitektur der West Fault umfassend zu beschreiben.<br />
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Die Interpretation von Sprödbruch-Strukturen (kleinmaßstäbliche Störungen sowie Störungsflächen mit/ohne Bewegungslineationen) im Untersuchungsgebiet weist auf überwiegend seitenverschiebende Deformation entlang von subvertikal orientierten Scherflächen hin. Dextrale und sinistrale Bewegungsrichtungen können innerhalb der Störungszone bestätigt werden, was auf Reaktivierungen des Störungssystems schliessen läßt. Die jüngsten Deformationen im Arbeitsgebiet haben dehnenden Charakter, wobei die kinematische Analyse eine unterschiedliche Orientierung der Extensionsrichtung beiderseits der Störung andeutet. Die Bruchflächendichte nimmt mit Annäherung an die Störung zu und zeichnet einen etwa 1000 m breiten Bereich erhöhter Deformationsintensität um die Störungsspur aus (damage zone). Im Zentrum dieser Zone weist das Gestein eine intensive Alteration und Brekzierung auf, die sich über eine Breite von etwa 400 m erstreckt. Kleine Störungen und Scherflächen in diesem zentralen Abschnitt der Störung fallen überwiegend steil nach Osten ein (70-80°).<br />
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Innerhalb desselben Arbeitsgebietes wurde ein 4 km langes MT/GDS Profil vermessen, welches senkrecht zum Streichen der West Fault verläuft. Für die zentralen 2 km dieses Hauptprofils beträgt der Abstand der Meßstationen jeweils 100 m. Ein weiteres Profil, bestehend aus 9 Stationen mit einem Abstand von 300 m zueinander, quert die Störung einige Kilometer entfernt vom eigentlichen Arbeitsgebiet. Die Aufzeichnung der Daten erfolgte mit vier S.P.A.M MkIII Apparaturen in einem Frequenzbereich von 1000 Hz bis 0.001 Hz.<br />
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In den GDS Daten beider Profile ist die Störung für Frequenzen >1 Hz deutlich abgebildet: Die Induktionspfeile kennzeichnen eine mehrere hundert Meter breite Zone erhöhter Leitfähigkeit, welche sich entlang der West Fault erstreckt. Die Dimensionalitätsanalyse der MT Daten rechtfertigt die Anpassung der gemessenen Daten mit einem zwei-dimensionalen Modell für einen Frequenzbereich von 1000 Hz bis 0.1 Hz. In diesem Frequenzbereich, der eine Auflösung der Leitfähigkeitsstruktur bis mindestens 5 km Tiefe ermöglicht, läßt sich eine regionale geoelektrische Streichrichtung parallel zum Verlauf der West Fault nachweisen.<br />
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Die Modellierung der MT Daten beruht auf einem Inversionsalgorithmus von Mackie et al. (1997). Leitfähigkeitsanomalien, die sich aus der Inversions-Modellierung ergeben, werden anhand von empirischen Sensitivitätsstudien auf ihre Robustheit überprüft. Dabei werden die Eigenschaften (Geometrie, Leitfähigkeit) der Strukturen systematisch variiert und sowohl Vorwärts- als auch Inversionsrechnungen der modifizierten Modelle durchgeführt. Die jeweiligen Modellergebnisse werden auf ihre Konsistenz mit dem Ausgangsdatensatz überprüft. Entlang beider MT Profile wird ein guter elektrischer Leiter im zentralen Abschnitt der West Fault aufgelöst, wobei die Bereiche erhöhter Leitfähigkeit östlich der Störungsspur liegen. Für das dicht vermessene MT Profil ergibt sich eine Breite des Störungsleiters von etwa 300 m sowie ein steiles Einfallen der Anomalie nach Osten (70°). Der Störungsleiter reicht bis in eine Tiefe von mindestens 1100 m, während die Modellierungsstudien auf eine maximale Tiefenerstreckung <2000 m hinweisen. Das Profil zeigt weitere leitfähige Anomalien, deren Geometrie aber weniger genau aufgelöst ist.<br />
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Die Störungsleiter der beiden MT Profile stimmen in ihrer Position mit der Alterationszone überein. Im zentralen Bereich des Hauptprofils korreliert darüber hinaus das Einfallen der Sprödbruch-Strukturen und der Leitfähigkeitsanomalie. Dies weist darauf hin, daß die Erhöhung der Leitfähigkeit im Zusammenhang mit einem Netzwerk von Bruchstrukturen steht, welches mögliche Wegsamkeiten für Fluide bietet. Der miteinander in Verbindung stehende Gesteins-Porenraum, der benötigt wird, um die gemessene Erhöhung der Leitfähigkeit durch Fluide im Gestein zu erklären, kann anhand der Salinität einiger Grundwasserproben abgeschätzt werden (Archies Gesetz). Wasserproben aus größerer Tiefe, weisen aufgrund intensiverer Fluid-Gesteins-Wechselwirkung eine höhere Salinität, und damit eine verbesserte Leitfähigkeit, auf. Für eine Probe aus einer Tiefe von 200 m ergibt sich demnach eine benötigte Porosität im Bereich von 0.8% - 4%. Dies legt nahe, daß Wässer, die von der Oberfläche in die Bruchzone der Störung eindringen, ausreichen, um die beobachtete Leitfähigkeitserhöhung zu erklären. Diese Deutung wird von der geochemischen Signatur von Gesteinsproben aus dem Alterationsbereich bestätigt, wonach die Alteration in einem Regime niedriger Temperatur (<95°C) stattfand. Der Einfluß von aufsteigenden Tiefenwässern wurde hier nicht nachgewiesen. Die geringe Tiefenerstreckung des Störungsleiters geht wahrscheinlich auf Verheilungs- und Zementationsprozesse der Bruchstrukturen zurück, die aufgrund der Lösung und Fällung von Mineralen in größerer Tiefe, und damit bei erhöhter Temperatur, aktiv sind.<br />
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Der Vergleich der Untersuchungsergebnisse der zur Zeit seismisch inaktiven West Fault mit veröffentlichten Studien zur elektrischen Leitfähigkeitsstruktur der aktiven San Andreas Störung, deutet darauf hin, daß die Tiefenerstreckung und die Leitfähigkeit von Störungsleitern eine Funktion der Störungsaktivität ist. Befindet sich eine Störung in einem Stadium der Deformation, so bleibt das Bruchnetzwerk für Fluide permeabel und verhindert die Versiegelung desselben. / The characterisation of the internal architecture of large-scale fault zones is usually restricted to the outcrop-based investigation of fault-related structural damage on the Earth's surface. A method to obtain information on the downward continuation of a fault is to image the subsurface electrical conductivity structure.<br />
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This work deals with such a combined investigation of a segment of the West Fault, which itself is a part of the more than 2000 km long trench-linked Precordilleran Fault System in the northern Chilean Andes. Activity on the fault system lasted from Eocene to Quaternary times. In the working area (22°04'S, 68°53'W), the West Fault exhibits a clearly defined surface trace with a constant strike over many tens of kilometers. Outcrop condition and morphology of the study area allow ideally for a combination of structural geology investigation and magnetotelluric (MT) / geomagnetic depth sounding (GDS) experiments. The aim was to achieve an understanding of the correlation of the two methods and to obtain a comprehensive view of the West Fault's internal architecture.<br />
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Fault-related brittle damage elements (minor faults and slip-surfaces with or without striation) record prevalent strike-slip deformation on subvertically oriented shear planes. Dextral and sinistral slip events occurred within the fault zone and indicate reactivation of the fault system. Youngest deformation increments mapped in the working area are extensional and the findings suggest a different orientation of the extension axes on either side of the fault. Damage element density increases with approach to the fault trace and marks an approximately 1000 m wide damage zone around the fault. A region of profound alteration and comminution of rocks, about 400 m wide, is centered in the damage zone. Damage elements in this central part are predominantly dipping steeply towards the east (70-80°).<br />
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Within the same study area, the electrical conductivity image of the subsurface was measured along a 4 km long MT/GDS profile. This main profile trends perpendicular to the West Fault trace. The MT stations of the central 2 km were 100 m apart from each other. A second profile with 300 m site spacing and 9 recording sites crosses the fault a few kilometers away from the main study area. Data were recorded in the frequency range from 1000 Hz to 0.001 Hz with four real time instruments S.P.A.M. MkIII.<br />
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The GDS data reveal the fault zone for both profiles at frequencies above 1 Hz. Induction arrows indicate a zone of enhanced conductivity several hundred meters wide, that aligns along the WF strike and lies mainly on the eastern side of the surface trace. A dimensionality analysis of the MT data justifies a two dimensional model approximation of the data for the frequency range from 1000 Hz to 0.1 Hz. For this frequency range a regional geoelectric strike parallel to the West Fault trace could be recovered. The data subset allows for a resolution of the conductivity structure of the uppermost crust down to at least 5 km.<br />
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Modelling of the MT data is based on an inversion algorithm developed by Mackie et al. (1997). The features of the resulting resistivity models are tested for their robustness using empirical sensitivity studies. This involves variation of the properties (geometry, conductivity) of the anomalies, the subsequent calculation of forward or constrained inversion models and check for consistency of the obtained model results with the data. A fault zone conductor is resolved on both MT profiles. The zones of enhanced conductivity are located to the east of the West Fault surface trace. On the dense MT profile, the conductive zone is confined to a width of about 300 m and the anomaly exhibits a steep dip towards the east (about 70°). Modelling implies that the conductivity increase reaches to a depth of at least 1100 m and indicates a depth extent of less than 2000 m. Further conductive features are imaged but their geometry is less well constrained.<br />
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The fault zone conductors of both MT profiles coincide in position with the alteration zone. For the dense profile, the dip of the conductive anomaly and the dip of the damage elements of the central part of the fault zone correlate. This suggests that the electrical conductivity enhancement is causally related to a mesh of minor faults and fractures, which is a likely pathway for fluids. The interconnected rock-porosity that is necessary to explain the observed conductivity enhancement by means of fluids is estimated on the basis of the salinity of several ground water samples (Archie's Law). The deeper the source of the water sample, the more saline it is due to longer exposure to fluid-rock interaction and the lower is the fluid's resistivity. A rock porosity in the range of 0.8% - 4% would be required at a depth of 200 m. That indicates that fluids penetrating the damaged fault zone from close to the surface are sufficient to explain the conductivity anomalies. This is as well supported by the preserved geochemical signature of rock samples in the alteration zone. Late stage alteration processes were active in a low temperature regime (<95°C) and the involvement of ascending brines from greater depth is not indicated. The limited depth extent of the fault zone conductors is a likely result of sealing and cementation of the fault fracture mesh due to dissolution and precipitation of minerals at greater depth and increased temperature.<br />
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Comparison of the results of the apparently inactive West Fault with published studies on the electrical conductivity structure of the currently active San Andreas Fault, suggests that the depth extent and conductivity of the fault zone conductor may be correlated to fault activity. Ongoing deformation will keep the fault/fracture mesh permeable for fluids and impede cementation and sealing of fluid pathways.
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