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Effect of Long Chain Fatty Acids on Anaerobic Digestion of Municiapal Sewage Sludge in Completely Mixed ReactorsZhu, Kuang 10 June 2013 (has links)
Fats, oil and grease (FOG) are generated in large amounts by cooking and food processing. Anaerobic co-digestion with municipal sewage sludge has proven to be one of best alternatives for FOG disposal due to its high potential for biogas production. However, excessive addition of long chain fatty acid, the major content of FOG, has been reported to have inhibitory effects on the anaerobic digestion process and to cause operational challenges. In this study, high purity long chain fatty acids (LCFAs) including linoleic acid, oleic acid, and a mixture of oleic acid and stearic acid were added to laboratory completed mixed anaerobic digesters. The performance of the digesters in terms of solids destruction, COD degradation, LCFAs accumulation and gas production was investigated. After reaching steady state, a large amount of palmitic acid was found in the reactors with oleic acid addition and mixture of stearic and oleic acid addition. In the meantime, no palmitic acid increase was observed in reactors where linoleic acid was added. A better solids and COD reduction and a higher biogas production were observed in reactors with higher LCFAs addition. For reactors with the same dosage of LCFAs addition, linoleic acid addition resulted in the greatest improvement in digester performance; the mixture of stearic acid and oleic acid achieved the least increase in biogas production and solids and COD reduction. A high concentration of both palmitic and stearic acid in the reactors with oleic acid addition and with 20% mixed acid addition was observed. In contrast, linoleic acid and 30% mixed acid addition did not lead to a greater palmitic or stearic acid concentrations. Up to 30% of pure linoleic acid, oleic acid and mixed acid addition are able to enhance the performance of anaerobic digesters. It is recommended that the dosage of oleic acid be below 30% to avoid LCFAs accumulation and to increase reactor stability. / Master of Science
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Integrating Microbial Electrochemical Technology with Forward Osmosis and Membrane Bioreactors: Low-Energy Wastewater Treatment, Energy Recovery and Water ReuseWerner, Craig M. 06 1900 (has links)
Wastewater treatment is energy intensive, with modern wastewater treatment processes consuming 0.6 kWh/m3 of water treated, half of which is required for aeration. Considering that wastewater contains approximately 2 kWh/m3 of energy and represents a reliable alternative water resource, capturing part of this energy and reclaiming the water would offset or even eliminate energy requirements for wastewater treatment and provide a means to augment traditional water supplies. Microbial electrochemical technology is a novel technology platform that uses bacteria capable of producing an electric current outside of the cell to recover energy from wastewater. These bacteria do not require oxygen to respire but instead use an insoluble electrode as their terminal electron acceptor. Two types of microbial electrochemical technologies were investigated in this dissertation: 1) a microbial fuel cell that produces electricity; and 2) a microbial electrolysis cell that produces hydrogen with the addition of external power. On their own, microbial electrochemical technologies do not achieve sufficiently high treatment levels. Innovative approaches that integrate microbial electrochemical technologies with emerging and established membrane-based treatment processes may improve the overall extent of wastewater treatment and reclaim treated water. Forward osmosis is an emerging low-energy membrane-based technology for seawater desalination.
In forward osmosis water is transported across a semipermeable membrane driven by an osmotic gradient. The microbial osmotic fuel cell described in this dissertation integrates a microbial fuel cell with forward osmosis to achieve wastewater treatment, energy recovery and partial desalination. This system required no aeration and generated
more power than conventional microbial fuel cells using ion exchange membranes by minimizing electrochemical losses.
Membrane bioreactors incorporate semipermeable membranes within a biological wastewater treatment process. The anaerobic electrochemical membrane bioreactor described here integrates a microbial electrolysis cell with a membrane bioreactor using conductive hollow fiber membrane to produce hydrogen gas, treat wastewater and reclaim treated water. The energy recovered as hydrogen gas in this system was sufficient to offset all the electrical energy requirements for operation.
The findings from these studies significantly improve the prospects for simultaneous wastewater treatment, energy recovery and water reclamation in a single reactor but challenges such as membrane biofouling and conversion of hydrogen to methane by methanogenesis require further study.
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Analysis of dropbox assisted hydraulic traction / Analys av en dropboxstödd hydraulisk drivlinaLI, Zhen January 2017 (has links)
The research looks at the advantages and disadvantages of a hydraulic auxiliary drive (HAD) system which is installed on a 25 meter long timber transport vehicle. The purpose is to investigate the performance with regard to energy, economy and environment of the system due to the added components, the hydraulic accumulators. The auxiliary system that is used on the vehicle is simply a hydrostatic transmission system. Ideally, the fuel consumption and cost can be reduced by using accumulators. To verify this hypothesis, model-based simulations were performed in a software environment and the result was analyzed for a linear and repeatedly accelerating and decelerating driving cycle. Additionally, comparisons were made between the HAD system with and without the assistance of accumulators. From the simulation results, the system assisted by accumulators consumes approximately 14% less fuel than the other. And it produces 15% more tractive effort when the vehicle is accelerating. The paper also includes the determination of the size of accumulators, both theoretically and with simulations. By comparison, there is a small difference between the results from the theoretical calculation and the simulations, which might be caused by a neglecting the volumetric losses in the simulation process. Ideally, an accumulator with a size of 57 L was found to be the most efficient size for the studied driving cycle. Beyond that speed, the efficiency will decrease to some extent. Physical tests are not presented in this paper, but they will be done in the future. / Den presenterade forskningen studerade fördelar och nackdelar med ett hydraulisk hjälpsystem för fordonsdrift (HAD) för en 25 meter lång timmerlastbil. Syftet var att undersöka hur drivlinans prestanda med avseende på energy, ekonomi och miljöpåverkan, påverkas av de adderade komponenterna, de hydrauliska ackumulatorerna. Hjälpsystemet är helt enkelt ett hydrostatiskt transmissionssystem. Idealt, kan bränsleförbrukning och kostnad reduceras genom att använda ackumulatorer i systemet. För att verifiera denna hypotes, har modell-baserade simuleringar utförts och resultaten har analyserats för konstantfartskörning och en körcykel med upprepade accelerationer och inbromsningar. Dessutom, har ett HAD-system med och utan ackumulator jämförts. Simuleringsresultaten visar att ett system med ackumulatorer förbrukar ca 14% mindre bränsle än ett system utan ackumulatorer. Ett ackumulatorstött system ger också 15% högre framdrivningseffekt vid accelereration. I avhandlingen dimensionera också storleken på ackumulatorerna, både teoretiskt och med simuleringar. Det finns en liten skillnad mellan resultaten från den teoretiska beräkningen och simuleringarna, som kan bero på att volymetriska förlusterna inte har tagits med i simuleringarna. En ackumulator med en storlek på 57 L visar sig ha den mest effektiva storleken för den studerade körcykeln. Vid högre körhastigheter, kommer verkningsgraden att minska till viss del. Inga fysiska tester har gjorts, men de kommer att utföras i framtiden.
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Feasibility Study for Production of Biogas from Wastewater and Sewage Sludge : Development of a Sustainability Assessment Framework and its ApplicationGupta, Akash Som January 2020 (has links)
Clean water and renewable energy are essential requirements to build resilience towards the adverse effects of climate change and global warming. Advanced wastewater treatment options may provide a unique opportunity to recover various useful resources such as energy (biogas), fertilizers, minerals, and metals embedded in the wastewater stream. However, considerable challenges remain when it comes to designing and planning sustainable wastewater treatment systems. This thesis focuses on the avenues of energy recovery from wastewater treatment plants (WWTP), by evaluating the potential for biogas recovery from wastewater and sewage sludge treatment in WWTPs. Various available technologies for biogas recovery are examined and evaluated to understand their viability in different applications and relative performance. Further, the methodologies and tools employed to assess such energy recovery systems are evaluated, covering the technical, economic, and environmental performance aspects. A sustainability assessment framework is then developed, using appropriate sustainability indicators to assess performance. The framework is applied to a case study of a WWTP in the emerging city of Tbilisi, Georgia. A spreadsheet tool is also developed to aid the sustainability (technoeconomic and environmental) assessments for the case study. The case study results reveal a significant biogas recovery potential, with annual energy generation potential of 130 GWh from combined heat and power (CHP) recovery, and a potential to avoid 28,200 tCO2eq emissions every year, when biogas is recovered only from the wastewater. The recovery potential increases when biogas is recovered from both wastewater and sewage sludge. Further, the contribution of overall resource (energy and nutrient) recovery in WWTPs to the Sustainable Development Goals is examined. By studying the linkage of various benefits to the different SDGs, the multilateral and cross-cutting nature of benefits from resource recovery is clearly illustrated. The thesis concludes with the discussion of possible future technologies and perspectives that can enhance the sustainability of WWTPs and help transform them into Wastewater Resource Recovery Facilities (WRRFs). / Rent vatten och förnybar energi är väsentliga krav för att bygga motståndskraft mot de negativa effekterna av klimatförändringar och global uppvärmning. Avancerade avloppsreningsalternativ kan ge en unik möjlighet att återvinna olika användbara resurser som energi (biogas), gödselmedel, mineraler och metaller inbäddade i avloppsvatten strömmen. Det finns emellertid stora utmaningar när det gäller att utforma och planera hållbara reningssystem. Denna avhandling fokuserar på möjligheterna till energiåtervinning från avloppsreningsverk (WWTP), genom att utvärdera potentialen för biogasåtervinning från avloppsvatten- och avloppssrening i WWTP. Olika tillgängliga tekniker för återvinning av biogas undersöks och utvärderas för att förstå deras livskraft i olika applikationer och relativa prestanda. Vidare utvärderas de metoder och verktyg som används för att utvärdera sådana system för energiåtervinning som täcker de tekniska, ekonomiska och miljömässiga aspekterna. En ram för hållbarhetsbedömning utvecklas sedan med hjälp av lämpliga hållbarhetsindikatorer för att bedöma prestanda. Ramverket tillämpas på en fallstudie av en WWTP i den framväxande staden Tbilisi, Georgien. Ett kalkylarkverktyg utvecklas också för att underlätta bedömningarna av hållbarhet (teknisk ekonomi och miljö) för fallstudien. Resultaten från fallstudien avslöjar en betydande återvinningspotential för biogas, med en årlig energiproduktions potential på 130 GWh från kombinerad värme och kraft (CHP), och en potential att undvika 28.200 ton CO2-utsläpp varje år, när biogas endast återvinns från avloppsvattnet. Återvinningspotentialen ökar när biogas utvinns från både avloppsvatten och avloppsslam. Vidare undersöks bidraget från den totala återhämtningen av energi (energi och näringsämnen) i WWTP till målen för hållbar utveckling. Genom att studera kopplingen mellan olika fördelar till de olika SDG: erna illustreras den multilaterala och tvärgående karaktären av fördelarna med resursåtervinning. Avhandlingen avslutas med diskussionen om möjliga framtida tekniker och perspektiv som kan förbättra WWTP: s hållbarhet och hjälpa till att omvandla dem till anläggning för återvinning av resurser från avloppsvatten.
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Shape Memory Based Self-Powered Fluid PumpKatzenburg, Stefan, Spanke, Nina, Langhoff, Moritz, Faller, Clemens 13 February 2024 (has links)
In the range of 25°C - 80°C (ultra-low grade heat), a large quantity of waste heat from various processes
is available unused. Special alloys made of nickel and titanium, so-called Shape Memory Alloys
(SMA), could be an alternative technology to Organic Rankine Cycles to make this energy usable
in the low power range. The 'THEAsmart 2' research project is therefore investigating the service
life and energy lifecycle of this material to test the benefits of shape memory alloys in energy recovery
and the efficiency levels that can be achieved.
To this end, a demonstration prototype is being built that converts thermal energy into rotary motion.
The next step is to link the demonstration prototype with a conventional fluid pump to create
an SMA fluid pump that is driven by the thermal energy of the fluid to be pumped. The advantage of
such a pump would be that it would be energy-independent, i.e. it would be operated solely by the
thermal energy of the fluid without an electrical connection. Furthermore, such a pump could contribute
to energy savings if it is used in cooling circuits in which the thermal energy of the fluid is the
waste product from another process. In this case, it replaces an electric pump and utilizes the 'waste
product' heat.
The aim of the project is to investigate how and whether coil springs made of shape memory alloy
are suitable for energy recovery. This is considered via the energy lifecycle: if more energy is required
to manufacture a spring than this spring can convert kinetic energy from thermal energy in
its lifecycle, then its use for energy recovery does not make sense in principle. As a secondary result
of this research, statements about the efficiency of shape memory alloy coil springs and statements
about their service life are expected.
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A Micro-Cooling, Heating, And Power (M-CHP) Instructional ModuleOliver, Jason Ryan 10 December 2005 (has links)
Cooling, Heating, and Power (CHP) is an emerging category of energy systems consisting of power generation equipment coupled with thermally activated components. The application of CHP systems to residential and small commercial buildings is known as micro-CHP (m-CHP). This instructional module has been developed to introduce engineering students to m-CHP. In the typical engineering curriculum, a number of courses could contain topics related to m-CHP. Thermodynamics, heat transfer, HVAC, heat and power, thermal systems design, and alternate energy systems courses are appropriate m-CHP topics. The types of material and level of analysis for this range of courses vary. In thermodynamics or heat transfer, basic problems involving a m-CHP flavor are needed, but in an alternate energy systems course much more detail and content would be required. This instructional module contains both lecture material and a compilation of problems/exercises for both m-CHP systems and components.
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Proposed Design for a Coupled Ground-Source Heat Pump/Energy Recovery Ventilator System to Reduce Building Energy DemandMcDaniel, Matthew Lee 29 July 2011 (has links)
The work presented in this thesis focuses on reducing the energy demand of a residential building by using a coupled ground-source heat pump/energy recovery ventilation (GSHP-ERV) system to present a novel approach to space condition and domestic hot water supply for a residence. The proposed system is capable of providing hot water on-demand with a high coefficient of performance (COP), thus eliminating the need for a hot water storage tank and circulation system while requiring little power consumption. The necessary size of the proposed system and the maximum and normal heating and cooling loads for the home were calculated based on the assumptions of an energy efficient home, the assumed construction specifications, and the climate characteristics of the Blacksburg, Virginia region. The results from the load analysis were used to predict energy consumption and costs associated with annual operations.The results for the predicted heating annual energy consumption and costs for the GSHP-ERV system were compared to an air-source heat pump and a natural gas furnace. On average, it was determined that the proposed system was capable of reducing annual energy consumption by 56-78% over air-source heat pumps and 85-88% over a natural gas furnace. The proposed GSHP-ERV system reduced costs by 45-61% over air-source heat pump systems and 52-58% over natural gas furnaces. The annual energy consumption and costs associated with cooling were not calculated as cooling accounts for a negligible portion (6%) of the total annual energy demand for a home in Blacksburg. / Master of Science
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Feasibility of using Waste Heat as a power source to operate Microbial Electrolysis Cells towards Resource RecoveryJain, Akshay 05 May 2020 (has links)
Wastewater treatment has developed as a mature technology over time. However, conventional wastewater treatment is a very energy-intensive process. Bioelectrochemical system (BES) is an emerging technology that can treat wastewater and also recover resources such as energy in the form of electricity/hydrogen gas and nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus compounds. Microbial electrolysis cell (MEC) is a type of BES that, in the presence of an additional voltage, can treat wastewater and generate hydrogen gas. This is a promising approach for wastewater treatment and value-added product generation, though it may not be sustainable in the long run, as it relies on fossil fuels to provide that additional energy. Thus, it is important to explore alternative renewable resources that can provide energy to power MEC. Waste heat is one such resource that has not been researched extensively, particularly at the low-temperature spectrum. This was utilized as a renewable resource by converting waste heat to electricity using a device called thermoelectric generator (TEG). TEG converted simulated waste heat from an anaerobic digester to power an MEC. The feasibility of TEG to act as a power source for an MEC was investigated and its performance compared to the external power source. Various cold sources were analyzed to characterize TEG performance. To explore this integrated TEG-MEC system further, a hydraulic connection was added between the two systems. Wastewater was used as a cold source for TEG and it was recirculated to the anode of the MEC. This system showed improved performance with both systems mutually benefitting each other. The operational parameters were analyzed for the optimization of the system. The integrated system could generate hydrogen at a rate of 0.36 ± 0.05 m3 m-3 d-1 for synthetic domestic wastewater treatment. For the practical application, it is necessary to estimate the cost and narrow the focus on the functions of the system. Techno-economic analysis was performed for MEC with cost estimation and net present value model to understand the economic viability of the technology. The application niche of the BES was described and directions for addressing the challenges towards a full-scale operation were discussed. The present system provides a sustainable method for wastewater treatment and resource recovery which can play an important role in human health, social and economic development and a strong ecosystem. / Doctor of Philosophy / An average person produces about 50-75 gallons of wastewater every day. In addition to the households, wastewater is generated from industries and agricultural practices. As the population increases, the quantity of wastewater production will inevitably increase. To keep our rivers and oceans clean and safe, it is essential to treat the wastewater before it is discharged to the water bodies. However, the conventional wastewater treatment is a very energy (and thus cost) intensive process. For low-income and developing parts of the world, it is difficult to adapt the technology everywhere in its present form. Furthermore, as the energy is provided mostly by fossil fuels, their limited reserves and harmful environmental effects make it critical to find alternative methods that can treat the wastewater at a much lower energy input. For a circular and sustainable economy, it is important to realize wastewater as a resource which can provide us energy, nutrients, and water, rather than discard it as a waste. Bioelectrochemical systems (BES) is an emerging technology that can simultaneously treat wastewater and recover resources in the form of electricity/hydrogen gas, and nitrogen and phosphorus compounds. Microbial electrolysis cell (MEC) is a type of BES that is used to treat wastewater and generate hydrogen gas. An additional voltage is supplied to the MEC for producing hydrogen. In the long run, this may not be sustainable as it relies on fossil fuels to provide that additional energy. Thus, it is important to explore alternative renewable resources that can provide energy to power MEC. Waste heat is a byproduct of many industrial processes and widely available. This was utilized as a renewable resource by converting waste heat to electricity using a device called thermoelectric generator (TEG). TEG converted simulated waste heat from an anaerobic digester to power an MEC. The mutual benefit for MEC and TEG was also explored by connecting the system electrically and hydraulically. Cost-estimation of the system was performed to understand the economic viability and functions of the system were developed. The present system provides a sustainable method for wastewater treatment and resource recovery which can play an important role in human health, social and economic development and a strong ecosystem.
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Pressure Pulse Generation with Energy RecoveryRotthäuser, Siegfried, Hagemeister, Wilhelm, Pott, Harald 02 May 2016 (has links) (PDF)
The Pressure Impulse test-rig uses the principal energetic advantages of displacementcontrolled systems versus valve-controlled systems. The use of digital-control technology enables a high dynamic in the pressure curve, according to the requirements of ISO6605. Accumulators, along with inertia, make energy recovery possible, as well as, enabling the compression energy to be re-used. As a result of this, there is a drastic reduction in operating costs. A simulation of the system before starting the project allows the development risks to be calculated and the physically achievable performance limits to be shown.
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Etude des voies de valorisation de la vinasse par combustion en mélange avec des biomasses / Study of vinasse recovery by combustion with biomassesDaragon, Guillaume 24 September 2015 (has links)
L’industrie, quel que soit son domaine d’activité, produit une quantité importante d’effluents chargés, couramment appelés coproduits. La gestion et le traitement de ces eaux usées sont aujourd’hui strictement encadrés car leurs propriétés physiques et leurs compositions chimiques interdisent leurs rejets directs vers le milieu naturel. Cependant, la présence en forte concentration de certains éléments valorisables tels que les sels minéraux ou des composés organiques dans certains de ces effluents, leurs confèrent alors de nouvelles propriétés qui trouvent échos dans diverses applications (fertilisation des sols, alimentation animale, méthanisation, co-compostage, etc.). Le carbone étant le constituant majoritaire de tout combustible, une valorisation thermique par combustion en chaudière biomasse des effluents organiques semble être une alternative envisageable. L’objet de cette thèse est l’étude de cette voie de valorisation énergétique et de la faisabilité de cette application. Du fait de leur état liquide, les effluents seuls sont de mauvais combustibles comparés aux biomasses standards (plaquettes forestières, paille, etc.). Les travaux de recherche se concentrent donc sur l’étude et la caractérisation de biomasses en tant que support d’imprégnation, puis sur la formulation d’un co-combustible homogène imprégné d’un effluent organique industriel. Les biomasses sont en effet connues dans la littérature pour avoir des propriétés d’adsorption et d’absorption intéressantes. Une étude paramétrique à l’échelle du laboratoire a été menée afin de quantifier la capacité d’imprégnation et la sélectivité de différents types de biomasse vis-à-vis de l’effluent choisi. Le but était également de déterminer les paramètres qui influençaient l’imprégnation afin de modéliser les phénomènes. Suite à cela, des essais à l’échelle pilote sur une installation de combustion de 40 kW ont été effectués en vue de vérifier la conformité des combustibles imprégnés en termes d’émissions à la cheminée et dans l’optique de préparer le changement d’échelle pour une potentielle application industrielle. / Important amounts of organic effluents, also called wastewaters or byproducts, are produced whatever the type of industry which is considered. Nowadays, the wastewaters management and treatment are strictly controlled since the physical properties and the chemical composition of these byproducts disallow the direct reject through natural media. However, the presence of some specific compounds confers to effluents new advantages and opens the door to several applications (such as soil fertilization, cattle feed, methanization, co-composting, etc.). Carbon being the main component of every fuel, the thermal valorization of these organic effluents by combustion in a standard biomass boiler seems to be possible. The study of this recovery method and its feasibility are the subjects of the thesis here. Due to their liquid state, effluents alone cannot be considered as fuels compared to standard biomass (woodchips, straw, etc.). Therefore research works are focused on study and characterization of biomasses as impregnation base, then formulation of fuels impregnated with an industrial organic effluent. Indeed, the adsorptive and absorptive properties of biomasses are well-known in the literature. A parametric study at laboratory scale was carried out in order to quantify the impregnation capacity of different types of biomass regarding the effluent. The main goal was also to highlight the parameters which influence the impregnation in order to modeling the phenomenon. Then impregnation and combustion tests were performed at pilot scale using a biomass boiler of 40 kW to ensure the conformity of impregnated fuels in terms of stack emissions. This part of the work was conducted with the perspective of preparing the process scale-up for a potential industrial utilization.
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