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Estrutura de gestão ambiental na fase pós-aprovação da avaliação de impacto ambiental: Trecho Sul do Rodoanel Mário Covas / Environmental management structure in the follow-up phase of the environmental impact assessment: Southern Section of the Rodoanel Mário Covas. Master\'sGledson Chamareki da Silva Grigio 27 July 2010 (has links)
Avaliação de Impacto Ambiental AIA é um instrumento de gestão ambiental que tem como objetivo identificar, prever e interpretar as conseqüências sobre o meio ambiente de uma dada ação humana. Se bem conduzida pode auxiliar o processo de tomada de decisão, incrementar a viabilidade ambiental de projetos e propostas de desenvolvimento, e constituir em instrumento de gestão ambiental. Apesar de existirem exemplos de aplicação bem sucedida, verifica-se que em muitos casos os resultados esperados não têm sido satisfatórios para o que se pretende com ela. Falhas, tanto na elaboração dos Estudos de Impacto Ambiental, como na condução das demais fases e, conseqüentemente, prejudicando a eficácia da AIA e naquilo que se pretende com esse instrumento de política pública, que é a proteção e a melhoria da qualidade ambiental, têm sido verificadas. Trabalhos recentes, têm enfatizado as variáveis de ordem gerencial do processo de AIA como determinantes do seu sucesso, muito mais do que a qualidade técnica ou o conteúdo científico de um EIA. Um bom sistema de gerenciamento da implantação e operação de um empreendimento pode corrigir imperfeições resultantes das etapas prévias do processo de AIA. A fase de acompanhamento do processo de AIA pode ser considerada como etapa crítica para seu sucesso. Impactos que não são corretamente identificados ou previstos pelo EIA, podem ser corrigidos por meio de medidas mitigadoras desenvolvidas depois da aprovação do projeto. Nesse contexto, o presente trabalho buscou analisar a estrutura de gestão ambiental adotada para o cumprimento da fase pós-aprovação do processo de AIA desenvolvido para o Trecho Sul do Rodoanel, com base em documentos disponíveis no órgão ambiental estadual responsável pelo licenciamento, informações obtidas com o empreendedor, visitas técnicas e entrevistas. Os resultados permitem observar que, apesar da existência de deficiências, o desempenho ambiental alcançado pode ser considerado satisfatório, ainda mais considerando o porte do empreendimento e a complexidade ambiental da região de inserção. As principais falhas que podem ser apontadas referem-se ao subdimensionamento de determinadas medidas preventivas, prevalecendo assim uma atuação mais corretiva. Se por um lado, não-conformidades ambientais observadas podem ser atribuídas, em alguns casos, à falta de equipes e de equipamentos suficientes, e em outros, à falta de capacitação ou de interesse quanto ao trato das questões ambientais, mesmo considerando a padronização de procedimentos, a incorporação de medidas ambientais nos editais de contratação e a execução de programas de treinamentos ambientais; por outro, avanços tecnológicos e investimentos garantiram bom desempenho ambiental de algumas medidas mitigadoras implementadas. Conclui-se que apesar das etapas iniciais (avaliação preliminar e análise detalhada) da AIA contituirem em excelentes ferramentas de planejamento e otimização de esforços e recursos, a etapa pós-aprovação, que compreende a gestão ambiental da implantação dos empreendimentos, a partir da efetivação das medidas preventivas e mitigadoras propostas anteriormente, constitui etapa crucial no sentido de alcançar os seus objetivos, que é a busca pela sustentabilidade ambiental do desenvolvimento. Se não for bem executada, pode colocar todo o esforço e recursos conferidos às etapas anteriores a perder. Em caso contrário, pode suprir eventuais deficiências. / The Environmental Impact Assessment - EIA is an environmental management tool that aims to identify, predict and interpret the consequences on the environment of a particular human action. If well managed can help the process of decision making, enhance the environmental sustainability of projects and development proposals, and constitute an instrument of environmental management. Although there are examples of successful implementation, it appears that in many cases the expected results have not been satisfactory for what we expect from it. Failures both in the preparation of environmental studies, as in the conduct of other phases and, consequently, undermining the effectiveness of EIA and what is meant by this instrument of public policy, which is the protection and improvement of environmental quality, have been verified. Recent studies have emphasized the variables of management of the EIA process as critical to their success, much more than the technical quality and scientific content of an environmental study. A good management system implementation and operation of an enterprise can correct imperfections resulting from previous stages of the EIA process. The follow-up phase of the EIA process can be regarded as critical step for its success. Impacts that are not properly identified or anticipated by the environmental study, can be addressed by mitigation measures developed after the approval of the project. In this context, the present work was developed to sought, based on documents available at the state environmental agency, responsible for the licensing process, information obtained from the entrepreneurial, technical visits and interview, to review the environmental management structure adopted for the implementation of follow-up phase of the EIA process developed for the Southern Section of Rodoanel. The results allow us to observe that despite the deficiencies, the environmental performance achieved can be considered satisfactory, especially considering the size of the enterprise and the environmental complexity of the region of insertion. The main flaws that can be highlighted refer to the undersizing of certain preventive measures and, therefore, there was a further corrective action. On the one hand, environmental non-compliances observed can be attributed in some cases, to the lack of sufficient staff and equipment, and in other, the lack of training or interest in the treatment of environmental issues, even considering the standardization of procedures, the incorporation of environmental measures in the contracts and implementation of environmental training programs. On the other hand, technological advances and investments assure good environmental performance of some mitigation measures implemented. We conclude that despite the initial stages of EIA (preliminary assessment and detailed analysis) form it into an excellent tool for planning and optimization of efforts and resources, the post-approval stage, which includes the environmental management of the implementation of projects, from the accomplishment of preventive and mitigating measures proposed earlier, it is a crucial step towards achieving its goals, which is the quest for environmental sustainability of development. If not well implemented, it can put all the effort and resources given to the previous steps to lose. Otherwise, it can overcome any shortcomings from previous steps.
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Návrh strategie malé cukrárny / The Strategy of Small Sweet Shop ProposalSobol, Jan January 2010 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on strategy proposal for small sweet shop. It attempts to suggest changes, that would have helped in the sweet shop further development. For that it uses theoretical knowledge, especially enviromental analyses of the firm. With this tools thesis evaluates current state of the sweet shop and suggests changes. The thesis contains suggestions for the development in the spheres of promotion, distribution and product.
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Vývoj podváhy u populace českých sedmiletých dětí - srovnání s vývojem nadváhy a obezity / Underweight in the Czech seven year old children - comparison with overweight and obesity prevalenceMalechová, Anežka January 2020 (has links)
This diploma thesis is based on the fifth round of the Childhood Obesity Surveillance Initiative (COSI). This study is lead by World Health Organisation and on this study cooperate European countries including the Czech republic. In the Czech republic the study lead by Institute of Endocrinology in collaboration with practical paediatricians since the year 2008. The fifth round of this study took place in the Czech republic in 2019. We collected anthropometric data and characteristic of family and school enviroment from 2289 children 6,5-7,99 years old. Prevalence of underweight according to cut offs of WHO was 2,88% (2,74-3,02), according to National Anthropological Survey (NAS) was 2,27% (1,84- 2,7) and according to International Obesity Task Force was 1,35% (1,13-1,57). Prevalence of underweight was compared with prevalence of underweight in the last rounds of this study and with prevalence of overweight and obesity. Decrease of prevalence of underweight (WHO) in comparsion with last round of COSI study (2016) was significant in boys. We found non- significant increase in underweight prevalence in girls. A mild non-significant decrease of underweight in all children.. Prevalence of overweight and obesity according to cut offs of WHO was 22,24% (22,16-22,32), according to NAS was 18,92%...
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Povodně v Soběslavi v letech 1729 až 1740 / The Soběslav floods between 1729 and 1740Hudeček, Ondřej January 2012 (has links)
My thesis presents a study of floods which repeatedly hit the town of Soběslav and it's close surroundings between 1729 and 1740. The text is divided in a theoretical (metodological) and an empirical part. In the theoretical part I will briefly summarize methodological trends in the modern historiography, which were most relevant for the thesis - environmental history, historical anthropology and microhistory. The second part will be dedicated to the floods of Soběslav; it derives primarily from research of previously unpublished resources from the archive and focuses also on short history of the town and description of it's natural surroundings. The main part is devoted to the Soběslav millers, but there will be reflected also the documented disputes over water-washed material, the response of the town offices to natural disaster and other consequences of the flood. The broad objective of this study is to examine other directions of research on early modern floods and the related problems. The thesis is an attempt to more general application of findings which emerged from the analysis of archival sources, and consideration of the possibilities and limits of comparison of historical and modern floods.
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Economic Vulnerability to Environmental Risks: The Impact of Natural Hazards on Residential Development and Demographic CompositionLi, Xiaoyu January 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Future Residential ConstructionAn Exploration of Cross-Laminated TimberInabnit, Stephan 25 May 2023 (has links)
No description available.
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Betydelsen av ett första intryck : Hur rummets formgivning kan påverka upplevelsen av hotellet / The meaning of a first impressionFranzén, Amelia January 2016 (has links)
The meaning of a first impression is a thesis that aims to create a design for a hotel lobby, which can accommodate the needs of both the guests and the personnel in the best way possible. This study is based at the Scandic Park hotel in central Stockholm, were the lobby today appears to lack function. The desired effect of the design is to make the lobby area more enjoyable for the guest, and at the same time improve the flow of people through it. A detailed and thorough study of the lobby over different times and with different techniques suggests that the lobby is not a place where the guest wants to spend more time than necessary, it’s main function today appears to be as a transit hallway from the entrance of the hotel to the hotel rooms. The results of this study are used to create a design for an improved environment that not only welcomes the guest but that also shows them the identity that the Scandic Park’s management wishes to communicate. The creation and development of this design is also based on a study of relevant literature that includes, among others, theories of Spatial Design, Environmental Psychology, Servicescapes and Cognitive Psychology. The empirical data and the theories have helped me to create a design proposal that I believe conveys what Scandic Park stands for, while at the same time helping the guest to perceive and utilize an increased functionality in the lobby area. Hopefully this design will better accommodate the needs and wants that appear to be missing today, and at the same time promote the accessibility and the flow through the lobby.
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Gestão das Áreas de Recarga do Aqüífero Guarani: o caso do município de Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo / Management of the Guarani aquifer recharge area: The case of Ribeirão Preto municipality, São PauloVillar, Pilar Carolina 25 November 2008 (has links)
A sociedade contemporânea cria riscos de todas as ordens, ampliando o significado desse conceito. O risco pode estar associado à ameaças naturais, mas cada vez mais está relacionado à ações humanas, em especial devido ao uso de tecnologias. O uso do solo, tanto para fins agrícolas quanto urbanos, gera possibilidades de contaminação de áreas sensíveis, como é o caso da área de recarga do aqüífero Guarani, em Ribeirão Preto, no Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. Este trabalho objetivou realizar um estudo crítico de como a legislação aplicável às águas subterrâneas tratou a proteção das áreas de recarga do Aqüífero Guarani, frente aos riscos identificados pela literatura no município de Ribeirão Preto. A metodologia empregada foi a análise documental e a realização de entrevistas com os atores envolvidos na gestão desse recurso. Esse município é um dos mais importantes do Estado, além de elevado desenvolvimento econômico, destaca-se por estar situado junto à área de recarga do principal reservatório de água subterrânea do Cone Sul, bem como ter sido alvo de vários projetos para a proteção desse manancial subterrâneo, com destaque ao Projeto Aqüífero Guarani.A formulação de uma política de proteção para as áreas de recarga encerra o desafio de conciliar a gestão dos recursos hídricos com as políticas de uso e ocupação do solo e ambiental. A Política Nacional de Recursos Hídricos tratou o tema de maneira superficial. O Estado de São Paulo, apesar de seu pioneirismo normativo, não conseguiu moldar uma política eficaz. A possibilidade de criar Áreas de Proteção Máxima nas zonas de recarga dos aqüíferos é elogiável, porém as lacunas legais existentes inviabilizam a aplicação prática desse instrumento. No âmbito municipal percebeu-se a priorização dos interesses dos principais setores econômicos em detrimento da proteção dessas áreas. A multidiversidade dos riscos, a ausência de uma política federal que estabeleça diretrizes para as políticas estaduais de recursos hídricos subterrâneos, bem como a falta de integração e articulação entre os diversos órgãos e atores que tratam do tema prejudicou a implantação e aplicação de uma política eficaz para as águas subterrâneas. A proteção das áreas de recarga acaba ocorrendo de forma indireta, via os instrumentos da política ambiental, não porque estes as tenham como objeto, mas como um desdobramento natural da proteção ao meio ambiente. / The contemporary society has created many kinds of risks, enlarging the meaning of this concept. It can be associated to natural disasters, but more and more it is related to human actions, especially because technology use. When soil is used to agricultural or urbane proposes, it creates condition for contamination of sensible areas, such as the Guarani Aquifers recharge area at Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo State, Brazil. This research aimed to analyze how the current subterranean water legislation works in order to protect Guarani Aquifers recharge area, considering risks identified by literature in Ribeirão Preto City. Data were collected by documental analysis and interviews that were conducted to key actors. Ribeirão Preto is considered one of the most important cities of São Paulo State. Its economy is highly developed and it is located in the recharge area of Guarani Aquifer. In addition, the city has been target by many projects of preservation, such as Guarani Aquifer Project. In order to create effective protection policy, the challenge consists of conciliating the hydric resources management with soil and environment policy. The National Water Policy has been leaded with this subject in a very superficial way. Even though São Paulo State has been pioneer in a normative way, it has not been able to create an efficient regulation. The possibility of establishing Maximum Protection Areas in the recharge zones is appreciable, but inconsistent laws create obstacles that interrupt a real application of this instrument. In the municipally level, the priority is the interest of powerful economy sectors instead of the recharge areas protection. The implementation and application of an efficient subterranean water policy is prejudiced by risks diversity, lack of a national policy that indicates directives to the state policy, and lack of integration and articulation among various involved sectors and actors. Recharge areas protection have been realized as an indirect way through environmental instruments. These instruments are not specific, but they reach the recharge areas as a natural consequence of the environmental protection.
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Predição de erosão e capacidade de uso do solo numa microbacia do oeste paulista com suporte de geoprocessamento. / Prediction of erosion and land use capability with geoprocessing support in a watershed located on a western part of the state of São Paulo.Fujihara, Alberto Kazutoshi 19 April 2002 (has links)
O mapeamento do risco de erosão é uma ferramenta essencial para o planejamento de uso da terra. Este trabalho testa quatro modelos de predição do risco de erosão e capacidade de uso da terra: Risco de Erosão Natural, Risco de Erosão Simulado, Expectativa de Erosão e Capacidade de Uso da Terra. Esses modelos permitem diagnosticar as áreas potenciais e restritas ao uso agrícola em uma microbacia hidrográfica localizada na região do oeste paulista, utilizando recursos de geoprocessamento. O trabalho envolveu as seguintes etapas: i) caracterização da microbacia através de um banco de dados de atributos físicos construído com o auxílio de três sistemas de informações geográfica (SIG): Idrisi, Ilwis e ArcView; ii) elaboração dos mapas de risco de erosão gerados através dos três modelos derivados da Equação Universal de Perdas de Solo (EUPS) e da Capacidade de Uso da Terra; iii) validação do modelo de risco de erosão através da análise comparativa das erosões com os fatores erosivos e o grau de risco indicado pelo modelo. Foram definidos 33 setores para identificar e classificar as áreas mais críticas da microbacia. O risco de erosão foi analisado por 3 índices: de erosão natural (e), de erosão simulado (es) e expectativa de erosão (ee). Foi constatado que o índice de expectativa de erosão não é sensível a valores altos de potencial natural de erosão (PNE). Na microbacia há predomínio das classes de risco de erosão natural moderado a alto em 65,7% da área (3.649,2ha). Para condições simuladas de pastagem degradada, a área da microbacia que apresenta perda de solo em níveis toleráveis corresponde a 65,4% da área (3.634,6ha) para fator topográfico (LS) obtido pelo método das rampas e 83,1% (4.623,2ha) para o método automatizado. A estimativa de perda de solo média anual por setor variou de 7 a 40 toneladas por hectare para as condições simuladas e considerando-se os valores de LS do método automatizado. O uso com pastagem e reflorestamento é indicado como o mais adequado para 90,1% (5.022,7ha) da microbacia, segundo a classificação de Capacidade de Uso da Terra e 0,3% (16,0ha) da área total é recomendada para fins de preservação da vida silvestre. O modelo de risco de erosão simulado, utilizando valores de LS automatizado, foi o que apresentou a melhor correlação visual com os processos erosivos levantados na microbacia com equipamento GPS. As terras ocupadas com pastagem encontram-se em intenso estado de degradação devido a interação entre as condições naturais favoráveis e ao manejo inadequado. A ocorrência de erosões lineares (sulcos, ravinas e voçorocas) estão relacionadas ao caminhamento do gado e dimensionamento incorreto dos terraços, que intensificaram os efeitos erosivos da concentração do escoamento superficial. Os setores 28 e 12 foram os que apresentaram o nível mais crítico de risco de erosão. Os recursos de geoprocessamento, especificamente o SIG, foram importantes ferramentas de diagnóstico para o planejamento ambiental, simulando e analisando diversos cenários com agilidade. / The mapping of the erosion risk is an essential tool for the planning of land use. This work tests four models to predict erosion risk and land use capacity: Natural Erosion Risk, Simulated Risk of Erosion, Erosion Expectation and Land Use Capability. These models allowed the mapping of potential and restricted areas for agricultural use in a watershed located in the west side of the State of São Paulo, using geoprocessing resources. The work involved the following phases: i) characterization of the watershed based on a database of physical attributes constructed with the aid of three geographic information systems (GIS): Idrisi, Ilwis and ArcView; II) elaboration of the maps of erosion risk based on three models derived from the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) and the Capability of Land Use; III) validation of the model of erosion risk through the comparative analysis of the erosions with the erosion factors and the level indicated in the erosion risk model. Thirty three sectors were defined to identify and to classify the most critical areas in the watershed. The erosion risk was analyzed by 3 indexes: natural erosion risk (e), simulated erosion risk (es) and erosion expectation (ee). It was observed that the index of erosion expectation does not respond to high values of natural potential of erosion (PNE). In the watershed prevailed moderate to high categories of natural erosion risk in 65,7% of the area (3.649,2ha). For simulated conditions of degraded pasture, the area of the watershed that presents soil loss tolerance in tolerable levels corresponds 65,4% of the area (3.634,6ha) for topographical factor (LS) calculated by the manual method and 83,1% (4.623,2ha) for the automatic method (USLE-2D). The estimate of annual soil loss average for each sector varied from 7 to 40 tons per hectare on the simulated conditions and considering the LS-values of automatic method. Pasture and reforestation is the most indicated use suitable in 90.1% (5.022,7ha) of the watershed, according to the Capacity of Use of Land indicator, and 0,3% (16,0ha) of the total area are assigned to the preservation of the wildlife. The simulated erosion risk model, using automatized LS-values, presented the best visual correlation with the erosion processes surveyed on the field with GPS. The lands used with pasture present high degree of degradation due to the interaction of favorable natural conditions and inadequate management. The occurrence of linear erosions (rill and gully) is related to the cattle tracking and incorrect dimensioning of the terraces, that had intensified the erosive effect of the concentrated flow. Sectors 28 and 12 were the ones with the most critical level of erosion risk. The geoprocessing resources, specifically GIS proved to be an important tool to generate enviromentally adequate plans simulating and analyzing diferent scenarious with agility.
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Hledání pedagogických alternativ - Waldorfská škola z pohledu rodičů / Searching of pedagogical alternatives - Waldorf School from parent´s point of viewČERNOVSKÁ, Klára January 2019 (has links)
The subject of my master thesis is alternative school education. The main aim is to describe the parent's motivation for choosing alternative school education, specficially Waldorf school education. In the theoretical part the most important concepts will be defined which will provide a deeper insight into the issue. The practical part is carried out using qualitative research methodology, especially semi-??/ unstructured interviews with parents. I will also use my own experiences of having worked at these schools.
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