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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sala de descanso em empresas de telemarketing e qualidade de vida / Quiet room in telemarketing and quality of life

Almeida, Victor Hugo de 16 October 2008 (has links)
Para sistematizar a produção, majorar a produtividade, suprimir gastos e economizar tempo, empresas aderiram ao telemarketing, principal atividade terceirizada no Brasil e uma das maiores empregadoras do país (665 mil teleoperadores). Todavia, doenças desencadeadas pela atividade laboral são freqüentes em teleoperadores, fato que tem motivado empresas a buscarem recursos no próprio ambiente laboral, como a implementação de uma sala de descanso para seus funcionários, para atender ao recém aprovado Anexo II, da Norma Regulamentadora 17, que instituiu a obrigatoriedade da realização do intervalo para refeição/descanso fora do posto de trabalho. O presente trabalho teve por objetivo verificar, junto a teleoperadores e supervisores de telemarketing, o uso da sala de descanso implementada na empresa e suas opiniões sobre a relação entre uso e afastamentos por motivo de saúde, promovendo uma intersecção entre Psicologia Ambiental e Direito Ambiental do Trabalho. Realizou-se, primeiramente, um estudo piloto com 15 teleoperadores (10 mulheres e 5 homens) e 1 advogado da empresa, resultando em algumas alterações no questionário para teleoperadores. Participaram da pesquisa, fora do ambiente e expediente de trabalho: 80 teleoperadores (48 mulheres e 32 homens), 56% entre 18-25 anos; 73% solteiros; 59% do turno manhã/manhã-tarde; 74% sem ou cursando nível superior, sendo 39% de indicações de ensino médio completo e 35% de ensino superior incompleto; 56% iniciaram na atividade de telemarketing entre 2004-2007 e, nesse mesmo período, 60% ingressaram nessa empresa em que atualmente trabalham; e três supervisores de telemarketing do sexo masculino, entre 26-28 anos, nível superior completo, turno M/M-T, dois solteiros e um casado, contratados entre 2000-2001. Evidenciou-se que: (1) tanto teleoperadores (97%) como supervisores (100%) consideram a atividade parcialmente ou plenamente estressante; (2) durante as curtas pausas, a maioria freqüentemente permanece no refeitório (teleoperadores 71%, supervisores 100%); (3) seja antes (50%), durante (43%) ou após o expediente de trabalho (74%), a maioria nunca utiliza a sala de descanso; (4) relaxamento (41%) e interação (teleoperadores 31%, supervisores 100%) são as atividades mais realizadas pelos teleoperadores, quando do uso da sala; (5) cerca da metade dos teleoperadores (53%) nunca se afastaram, embora 75% dos supervisores indicassem certa freqüência de afastamentos na empresa, porém 60% dos participantes entraram na empresa entre 2004-2007; (6) a maioria atribui fatores positivos à sala (76%) e acredita em sua influência na saúde e bem-estar (teleoperadores 84%, supervisores 75%); (7) 67% dos teleoperadores e 100% dos supervisores julgam necessário ou relevante a implementação de políticas de saúde na empresa, para estimular o uso da sala de descanso e reduzir afastamentos por doenças ocupacionais. Em suma, os resultados evidenciaram o não uso dessa sala de descanso por diversos fatores (ambientais, cultuais, sociais e econômicos), embora os participantes a considerem relevante para a questão da saúde do trabalhador, sugerindo a necessidade de se repensar este espaço, bem como a organização do trabalho, observando-se as sugestões dos participantes apontadas neste estudo, como recreação e interação, atividades que se contrapõem às características rígidas e penosas do telemarketing. (CAPES/CNPq) / To systematize the production, increase productivity, eliminate costs and save time, companies has joined to telemarketing, the main activity outsourced in Brazil and one of the largest employers in the country (665 thousand teleoperators). However, occupational diseases are common in this context, motivating firms to seek resources in this own workplace, such as the implementation of a quiet room for its employees, to mut the newly approved Anexo II, of the Norma Regulamentadora 17 (rule), wich established the obligatory completion of break for meal/rest off workplace. This study aimed to check, next to the teleoperators and supervisors of telemarketing, the use, for teleoperators, of the quiet room implemented in the company and its opinions about relation between use and removal for reason of health, proposing an intersection between Environmental Psychology and Enviromental Labour Law. There was a pilot study with 15 teleoperators (ten women and five men) and a lawyer of the company, resulting in some changes in the final questionnaire for teleoperators. Participated on the survey, out of the company and expediency of work, 80 teleoperators: 48 women and 32 men; 56% between 18-25 years; 73% single; 59% of the turn morning/morning-late; 74% without or taking higher level, with 39% of indications of complete average education and 35% of incomplete higher education; between 2004-2007, 56% had started in the activity of telemarketing and 60% joined the company in wich they work. Three male supervisors had also participated, between 26-28 years, higher level complete, turn morning/late-morning, two singles and one married, recruited between 2000-2001. The results showed no significant differences between the teleoperators (sex/shift of work) and had showed that: (1) 97% of the teleoperators and all the three supervisors had considered the activity partially or fully shessful; (2) during short breaks, 71% of the teleoperators had indicated the frequent use of the cafeteria, also indicated for the three supervisors; (3) the majority of the teleoperators never uses the quiet room, either before (50%), during (43%) or after hours of work expedient (74%); (4) when the use of the room, activities were held more relaxing (indicated by 40% of the teleoperators) and interaction (indicated by 29% of the teleoperators and two supervisors); (5) 54% of the teleoperators has never moved away for health reason, however two supervisors had indicated frequent removals and one, sometimes; (6) 84% of the teleoperators and two supervisors had indicated the influence of the use of the quiet room in health; (7) 67% of the teleoperators and all the supervisors had judged necessary or relevant the implementation of politics of health in the company, to stimulate use of the quiet room and reduce injuries by occupational diseases. In conclusion, although the results showing the non-use by teleoperators of the quiet room, which had the many factors (environmental, personal, cultural, social, economic, etc.), the participants had considered it excellent for the health of the worker, suggesting the need to reflect about this space and the organization of the work, in compliance with the suggestions of participants, such as the need for recreation and interaction, activities no common on the rigid and heavy context of telemarketing. (CAPES/CNPq)

A produtividade do discurso da sustentabilidade nas instiuições financeiras: desafios para a educação ambiental contemporânea

Viel, Vitória Regina Casagrande 18 November 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-04T20:06:52Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 18 / Nenhuma / Na atualidade, a temática ambiental tem seu espaço ampliado para além do âmbito da Educação, onde vários setores e instituições assumem esse desafio, de modo que, na sociedade contemporânea, até mesmo instituições financeiras, como os bancos, entre outras, estão engajadas nas demandas advindas da referida temática e, na mídia, apresentam campanhas publicitárias com base no desafio da preservação do ambiente e da sustentabilidade. Considerando a produtividade da temática ambiental na contemporaneidade, esta dissertação de Mestrado toma como objetivo analisar os Programas de Responsabilidade Socioambientais como marketing das instituições financeiras, utilizando como exemplar a análise do material publicitário do Banco Real. Do ponto de vista metodológico, tal pesquisa constitui-se uma análise textual e cultural de materiais publicitários da instituição financeira Banco Real sobre a temática ambiental. A pesquisa aponta que as estratégias de marketing das instituições financeiras estão amplamente articuladas ao / Nowadays, the environmental issue has broadened its scope for beyond the field of education, where several sectors and institutions take on this challenge so that, in contemporary society, even financial institutions such as banks, among others, are engaged in the demands arising from this thematic, and the media produce advertising campaigns based on the challenge of preserving the environment and sustainability. Considering the productivity of the environmental subject in contemporary times, this Master’s thesis proposes to analyze the Social and Environmental Responsibility Program as marketing campaigns of financial institutions, using as an example the analysis of the advertising material of Banco Real. From the methodological point of view, this research is a textual analysis of cultural and publicity materials of the financial institution Banco Real on environmental issues and sustainability. The study suggests that the marketing strategies of such financial institutions are widely linked to the politi

Novos direitos no estado democrático de direito: meio ambiente e sociedade de risco

Malgarim, Emmanuelle de Araújo 25 September 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-05T17:20:08Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 25 / Nenhuma / O presente trabalho analisa a crise ambiental a partir da relação estabelecida entre o homem e a natureza ao longo da História e, como os movimentos ambientais influenciaram e ainda atuam para a formação de um sujeito ecológico, com modos próprios de pensar a si mesmo e as relações com os outros neste mundo. Contextualiza-se a sociedade contemporânea mediante a idéia de sociedade de risco proposta por Urich Beck, ao passo que os problemas ambientais tomaram proporções globais, gerando insegurança e incerteza de futuro. Percebe-se a existência de consciência dos riscos, todavia estas não são acompanhadas de políticas de gestão, fenômeno denominado irresponsabilidade organizada, sendo que a capacidade e eficácia regulatória do Direito Ambiental convive cotidianamente com a difícil tarefa de modificar, adequar e compatibilizar as próprias condições jurídicas perante a necessidade de conciliar e garantir a proteção do desenvolvimento econômico e da capacidade de inovação tecnológica, com a obrigação de protege / The present work analyzes the ambient crisis from the relation established between the Man and nature throughout history and, as the ambient movements had influenced and still they act for the formation of an ecological citizen, with proper ways to exactly think itself and the relations with the others about this world. The Society contemporary is based on the risk society proposal for Urich Beck, to the step that the ambient problems had taken ratio global, generating unreliability and uncertainty of future. It is perceived existence of conscience of the risks, however, these is not folloied of management politics, called phenomenon organized irresponsibility, having been that the capacity and regulatória effectiveness of the Enviromental law daily coexist the difficult task to modify, to adjust and to modify, to adjust and to make compatible the proper legal conditions before the necessity to conciliate and to guarantee the protection of the economic development and the capacity of technological innovati

La place de l'homme dans le cosmos selon Gregoire de Nysse à la lumière de la crise écologique contemporaine / Man’s place in the cosmos according to Gregory of Nyssa in the light of the contemporary environmental crisis

Swietochowski, Jerzy 20 June 2018 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse présente la pensée de Grégoire de Nysse sur la corrélation entre le cosmos et l’homme. La recherche a pour ambition d’expliquer et de comprendre la conception grégorienne de la création et l’interprétation du rôle de l’homme dans la création pour voir si elle apporte ou non un complément potentiel au débat contemporain sur la crise écologique. Il s’avère que cette problématique contemporaine conduit à renouveler notre regard sur les textes de Grégoire et à dégager ses réflexions sur un mode de comportement envers la création, propre à sa vision théologique de Grégoire. L’analyse des concepts concernant le cosmos et l’homme démontre une bipolarité de leurs relations possibles, qui s’exprime dans l’idée d’ontologie et d’éthique cosmique. L’éthique semble alors être la liberté vécue de l’homme sur cette terre, avec pour résultat le principe agissant de son rapport avec le reste de la création au cours de sa vie. D’après Grégoire, l’approche humaine en ce qui concerne l’environnement n’est qu’une question de liberté de choix qui pourtant marque le cheminement de l’homme vers la nouvelle création, celle créée par le Christ. / This thesis presents Gregory of Nyssa’s point of view about the relation between man and the cosmos. The current analysis aims to understand and explain Gregory’s concept of creation and the way this concept perceives the role of the human in the creation; this is in order to verify if it makes any eventual addition to the contemporary debate on ecological crises. Actually, this contemporary problematic contributes in renewing our view on Gregorian texts and shows a way of behaviour towards the nature/creation itself in accordance with the theological vision of Gregory. The analysis of concepts concerning the human and the cosmos stresses a twofold relation between them, expressed through the idea of ontology and cosmic ethics. In this case ethics seem to be the experimental liberty of man on this earth and as a consequence, the active principle of the relation with the rest of the creation in the frame of life. According to Gregory, the human approach towards the environment is only a question of free will which nevertheless determines the way of man to the new creation established by Christ.

UK sea fisheries policy-making since 1945

Stewart, Heather Jackson January 2018 (has links)
This is a study of approaches to fisheries management in the United Kingdom (UK) between 1945 and 1996. It examines the choices and incentives faced by UK Governments when designing policy instruments to deliver international commitments to sustainable fishing. The failure of international agreements to sustainably manage fisheries resources is often attributed to international institutions, the politicization of negotiations and their distributive outcomes. This thesis makes an original contribution by arguing that the success of international agreements was also dependent upon local negotiations that shaped the design of national delivery mechanisms. The central research question concerns the role and influence of local interests in delivering global economic and environmental agendas and how national governments accommodate local tensions within this process. A sustained content analysis of UK Government archives is used to argue that local political and sectional industry interests had a significant bearing on the development of UK fisheries policy and the design of domestic delivery mechanisms. The exception was UK policy on the international distribution of fisheries resources at the United Nations Law of the Sea Conferences (1958, 1960 and 1973-82). Economic considerations drove early environmental policy with sectional fishing industry interests of secondary importance to the potential economic benefits associated with the more valuable energy resources. In then seeking to implement controls on fishing activity, this thesis argues that UK fisheries management mechanisms were designed to compensate for tension between global commitments mandating a reduction in fishing effort and the local fleets and communities that had to bear the costs of industry contraction. This created a policy-making environment in which social and political motivations continually trumped the application of economic and scientific advice. This advice advocated a contraction in the size of the fleet which had become necessary as technical change and falling stocks resulted in overcapacity. The use of fisheries policy as a political tool to ease local tensions incentivised policy choices that directly contributed to the UK's failure to reduce fishing pressure and deliver international commitments. This thesis demonstrates the importance of local negotiations and interests in the construction of national and international approaches to environmental and natural resources problems.

Att inkludera hållbarhet i projektledning : Ett arbetssätt eller personliga värderingar? / To include sustainability in project management : a way of work or personal values?

Larsson, Aron January 2019 (has links)
Individuals and organisations are encouraged to reduce their climate impact every day.  Companies are adapting and using sustainability policies as one way to demonstrate their work towards a sustainable future. The construction industry is one of the industries that affects the environment to a large degree. Within that industry, together with several others, project work is a common practice. Project managers have therefore an important role in making and guiding the projects to be more sustainable. Therefore, this thesis aimed to investigate how project managers in a consulting company experience that they can influence the sustainability work in their projects. A qualitative study was conducted. Background information and theories about corporate sustainability and competence needed to implement sustainability were performed through a literature review. Interviews were conducted with project managers from the consulting company WSP Management in Stockholm Sweden. The study shows that the project managers are aware about their opportunity to influence the  sustainability work in their projects. However, the amount is strongly affected by the priority of the client and if resources are available. To improve and move towards a more sustainable approach the study shows that sustainability must be demanded from the permanent organization or the client, and not only be included because the project manager itself values it.

Environmental information : A study of environmental disclosure in financial analyst reports, annual reports, CSR reports and environmental risk profiles

Boström, Daniel January 2008 (has links)
<p>The awareness of environmental issues has increased among the public the last decades. An environmental movement is occurring and companies are beginning to adapt themselves and their business activities to the changing view of environmental issues. Greater attention are turning to companies around the world due to the view that they have a responsibility concerning environmental and sustainability matters in their business operations. The development of environmental guidelines such as the Global Reporting Initiative and the presenting of separate Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) reports illustrate the emerged demand of an environmental awareness from various stakeholders. Government regulations and inter-continental agreements of carbon taxes, emission trade rights and various environmental targets are influencing the operations and the environmental approach for the companies.</p><p>An important link in the information chain is the financial analysts and their role as information intermediaries. The characteristics of their profession combined with their expertise knowledge of evaluating companies are reasons behind their function in the investment value chain. Traditionally, the valuation of companies has been based on financial figures and the models derive from typical tangible assets such growth numbers, estimated future earnings and cash flow. Environmental issues have throughout the years been considered of secondary importance due to the specific kind of information it represents.</p><p>This study examines factors influencing the amount of environmental information presented in financial analyst reports. The amount of environmental information presented in annual reports, CSR reports and an environmental risk profile developed by GES Investment Services have been selected as predictor variables to determine the amount of environmental information in the financial analysts’ reports.</p><p>40 companies from the industrial sector have been included in the study and the results reveal that no or very little environmental information can be found in the financial analyst reports. The financial analysts’ seem to prioritize other kinds of information when evaluating companies and creating analyst reports. The study also reveals that companies with separate CSR reports seem to have a higher amount of environmental information presented in annual reports as well as a better environmental risk profile.</p>

Environmental information : A study of environmental disclosure in financial analyst reports, annual reports, CSR reports and environmental risk profiles

Boström, Daniel January 2008 (has links)
The awareness of environmental issues has increased among the public the last decades. An environmental movement is occurring and companies are beginning to adapt themselves and their business activities to the changing view of environmental issues. Greater attention are turning to companies around the world due to the view that they have a responsibility concerning environmental and sustainability matters in their business operations. The development of environmental guidelines such as the Global Reporting Initiative and the presenting of separate Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) reports illustrate the emerged demand of an environmental awareness from various stakeholders. Government regulations and inter-continental agreements of carbon taxes, emission trade rights and various environmental targets are influencing the operations and the environmental approach for the companies. An important link in the information chain is the financial analysts and their role as information intermediaries. The characteristics of their profession combined with their expertise knowledge of evaluating companies are reasons behind their function in the investment value chain. Traditionally, the valuation of companies has been based on financial figures and the models derive from typical tangible assets such growth numbers, estimated future earnings and cash flow. Environmental issues have throughout the years been considered of secondary importance due to the specific kind of information it represents. This study examines factors influencing the amount of environmental information presented in financial analyst reports. The amount of environmental information presented in annual reports, CSR reports and an environmental risk profile developed by GES Investment Services have been selected as predictor variables to determine the amount of environmental information in the financial analysts’ reports. 40 companies from the industrial sector have been included in the study and the results reveal that no or very little environmental information can be found in the financial analyst reports. The financial analysts’ seem to prioritize other kinds of information when evaluating companies and creating analyst reports. The study also reveals that companies with separate CSR reports seem to have a higher amount of environmental information presented in annual reports as well as a better environmental risk profile.

Visão econômica sobre o desmatamento na Amazônia: o papel da ilegalidade e os mecanismos públicos para a preservação da floresta

Saporta, Luis Alberto da Cunha 18 November 2008 (has links)
Submitted by Daniella Santos (daniella.santos@fgv.br) on 2008-11-18T13:35:45Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao_Luis _Saporta_2008.pdf: 714856 bytes, checksum: 6d539d601783deaee9d41dca8fdf4f62 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Antoanne Pontes(antoanne.pontes@fgv.br) on 2008-11-18T13:39:36Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao_Luis _Saporta_2008.pdf: 714856 bytes, checksum: 6d539d601783deaee9d41dca8fdf4f62 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2008-11-18T13:39:36Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao_Luis _Saporta_2008.pdf: 714856 bytes, checksum: 6d539d601783deaee9d41dca8fdf4f62 (MD5) / In this work, we study the role that the perception of law enforcement has in agents’ decisions to invade public areas and explore in a predatory way the forest within. We developed a microeconomic model of choice under uncertainties, in which farmers compare their payoff of invasion with their payoff of following the rules. The payoff of invasion is calculated from the gain/loss resulted of being caught or not in this process, weighed by the probability of each event, which is a function of the government spending in law enforcement institutions. Following this, we calculate the ideal amount of government spending in order to achieve the maximum yield in the agricultural sector, as deforestation results in more land, but also decreases the productivity of the sector. Then, we make an analysis of mechanism design and deforestation, deriving the best direct mechanism from a Nash Equilibrium in a complete information game. Finally, we describe the real mechanisms that the Brazilian government has to reduce deforestation, and propose the ways these mechanisms can be used in different regions of the Amazon. / Nesse trabalho, estudamos o papel que a percepção de impunidade tem sobre os agentes que escolhem invadir áreas públicas na Amazônia para explorar de forma predatória os recursos florestais e ocupar a terra. Para isso, foi desenvolvido um modelo microeconômico de escolha sob incerteza, em que os fazendeiros comparam os payoffs provenientes da invasão ou de seguir a lei. O payoff da invasão foi calculado do ganho/perda resultante de ser pego ou não no ato ilegal, pesando as probabilidades de cada um desses eventos ocorrer (que é função dos gastos do governo com fiscalização na região). Em seguida, foi calculado a quantidade ótima de gastos do governo em fiscalização, levando em conta um governo interessado em maximizar a produção agropecuária regional, já que, por um lado, o desmatamento resulta em maior disponibilidade de terra para o setor agropecuário, porém, por outro, diminui a produtividade dado seu impacto sobre a qualidade ambiental. Depois, fazemos uma analise sobre desenho de mecanismo e desmatamento, desenvolvendo o melhor mecanismo direto de um Equilíbrio de Nash no jogo de informação perfeita, para em seguida descrever as opções de mecanismos possíveis para o governo brasileiro lidar com o desmatamento na Amazônia.

Meio ambiente e a empresa: o mapeamento dos stakeholders relevantes na gestão ambiental das indústrias fluminenses

Medeiros, Luis Cláudio Meirelles de 13 August 2003 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2009-11-18T18:56:12Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2003 / This study aims to analyze the complex relationship between firms and stakeholders in Rio de Janeiro' s industries. This study focused on the analysis of the influence of the stakeholders engaged in enviromental management in the state of Rio de Janeiro. The first session is aimed at synthesizing the trajectory of the environment movement in the world and in Brazil. The second session aims to present a research in Rio de Janeiro' s industries. / Este estudo procura analisar o complexo relacionamento entre as organizações e os stakeholders nas indústrias do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Este trabalho focalizou a análise na influencia dos stakeholders envolvidos no processo de gestão ambiental nas indústrias fluminenses. A primeira parte do trabalho apresenta de forma sintetizada a trajetória do movimento ambiental no mundo e no Brasil. Nesta parte do trabalho procuramos ressaltar as temáticas e as abordagens privilegiadas, destacando as principais contribuições dos mais destacados autores relacionados ao tema. Na segunda parte do estudo é apresentada uma pesquisa nas indústrias do Rio de Janeiro. Os resultados encontrados neste estudo mostram que o Estado é um agente fundamental no processo de implementação de ações ambientais corporativas.

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