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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Development of Real-Time Predictive Analytics Tools for Small Water Distribution System

Woo, Hyoungmin January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Effect of Temporal and Spatial Aggregation on Cross Correlation of Indoor Residential Water Demands

Moughton, Lynette Jane 22 December 2009 (has links)
No description available.

A Framework to Protect Water Distribution Systems Against Potential Intrusions

Lindley, Trevor Ray 11 October 2001 (has links)
No description available.

Establishing a sustainable water supply in Chonyonyo, Karagwe, Tanzania

Holmberg, Kristin January 2017 (has links)
The small village Chonyonyo, in the district Karagwe in the northwest of Tanzania has a shortage of safe drinking water. Women and children spend several hours a day fetching water and gathering firewood to boil the water to make it more suitable for drinking. The need of new sustainable water supply solutions is fundamental for providing more people with safe drinking water.   Two water distribution alternatives was suggested by Engineers Without Borders and MAVUNO as possible solutions to supply the community with water.  Alternative 1 consisted of a 10 km distribution system from an already existing groundwater well at the MAVUNO office to Chonyonyo. Alternative 2 consisted of a 3.5 km distribution system from the most neighboring valley to Chonyonyo, where no groundwater well exists today. Both alternatives would be powered by solar panels and operated six hours a day. The most sustainable distribution solution was chosen by modeling the distribution alternatives in the modeling software EPANET. Input parameters to simulate the model were position, elevation and dimension of storage tanks and pipes. Other required input parameters were absolute roughness, water withdrawal, operation hours, description of the withdrawal pattern for the water outlet and other modelling conditions such as a suitable simulation time. The selection of water distribution system was based on minimum requirements of energy used for operation weighed with lowest possible water residence time in the storage tank. Water quality analyses of the raw water source for distribution alternative 1 were performed in order to classify the water and select suitable water treatment solutions. The analyses consisted of microbiological and metal/metalloid analyses, and measurements of EC and pH. The result of the simulation showed that neither of the distribution alternatives met all the pipe design criteria. The main reason is that the system can not be constantly operated. If this criterion is excluded the optimal solution is distribution alternative 1 with an outer pipe diameter of 110 mm throughout the whole distribution system and a water residence time in the storage tank of 57.1 hours. The water quality analysis showed that the ground water source for distribution alternative 1 was affected by surface water and is thus classified as unusable because of high levels of harmful bacteria and lead. The most suitable water treatment solution due to the aspects of sustainable water supply are the microbiological barriers ultrafiltration and UV-light in combination with a treatment method to remove lead from the water. / I samhället Chonyonyo i distriktet Karagwe i nordvästra Tanzania råder brist på säkert dricksvatten. Kvinnor och barn spenderar flera timmar om dagen för att hämta vatten och samla ved för att koka vattnet så att det blir säkrare att dricka. Behovet av nya hållbara vattenlösningar är fundamental för att kunna försörja fler människor med säkert dricksvatten.   Två vattendistributionsalternativ lades fram av Ingenjörer utan gränser och MAVUNO som möjliga lösningar för att försörja invånarna i Chonyonyo med dricksvatten. Alternativ 1 bestod av ett 10 km distributionssystem från en befintlig grundvattenbrunn vid MAVUNO:s kontor. Alternativ 2 bestod av ett 3.5 km distributionssystem från den närmaste dalen till samhället Chonyonyo, där det inte finns någon befintlig grundvattenbrunn. Båda alternativen kommer att drivas av solpaneler och vara under drift sex timmar per dygn. Det lämpligaste distributionsalternativet valdes ut genom simulering i mjukvaran EPANET. Ingångsparametrar för simuleringen var bl.a. position, höjd och dimension på reservoarer och ledningar. Ytterligare nödvändiga parametrar var skrovlighet på ledningar, storlek på vattenuttag, antal driftstimmar, uttagmönster från vattenkranar i systemet samt andra modelleringsförhållanden såsom en lämplig simuleringstid. Valet av distributionssystem grundades på lägsta möjliga energibehov för drift viktat mot lägsta möjliga uppehållstid i vattenreservoarerna.   Kvalitetsanalyser av råvattnet för distributionsalternativ 1 genomfördes för att klassificera vattnet och göra lämpliga val av vattenreningslösningar. Analyserna omfattade mätning av ett antal mikrobiologiska parametrar, metaller/metalloider samt EC och pH. Simuleringen visade att ingen av alternativen kunde uppnå alla designkriterierna. Huvudorsaken till det är att systemet endast är i drift periodvis. Bortsett från dessa kriterier var det optimala lösningen distributionsalternativ 1 med en yttre rördiameter på 110 mm genom hela systemet med en maximal uppehållstid i vattenreservoaren på ca 57 timmar.   Analyserna visade att grundvattnet var ytvattenpåverkat och klassificeras som otjänligt med höga nivåer av skadliga bakterier och bly. De lämpligaste vattenreningslösningarna i förhållande till hållbarhetsaspekterna var de mikrobiologiska barriärerna ultrafiltrering och behandling med UV-ljus kombinerat med en reningsmetod för att avskilja bly från vattnet.

A Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment Associated with Cross-Connections in the Drinking Water Network in Combination with Hydraulic Modeling / En kvantitativ mikrobiell riskbedömning kopplad tillkorskopplingar i dricksvattennätet i kombination medhydraulisk modellering

Alzuhairi, Fatin January 2022 (has links)
Drinking water companies have the technology and responsibility to deliver safe and high-quality drinking water to the water distribution systems network (WDN). However, many events within the WDN, such as cross-connections and backflow, might degrade water quality and pose public health risks to consumers. Cross-connection and backflow events may occur if there is physical contact between the external non-potable water source and the drinking water. When the pressure in the external source is greater than in the WDN, and when there are inadequate cross-connections controls, cross-connections and backflows may occur. This project aimed to investigate the circumstances that influence cross-connection and backflow events and estimate the health risk of infection. The method used for this study included hydraulic and water quality modeling EPANET to simulate the fate and transport of pathogens in the WDN during the outbreak. Besides, the quantitative microbial risk assessment QMRA was used to evaluate the health risks associated with cross-connections and backflow events due to ingestion of contaminated water. The modeled events included four reference pathogens (viruses: Norovirus and Rotavirus, bacteria: Campylobacter, and protozoa: Cryptosporidium) from four water types (wastewater, greywater, treated wastewater, and treated greywater). The simulation considered three potential pathogen load risk levels entering WDN: extreme, evaluated, and endemic. The results indicate that the factors that influence pathogen intrusion and consequently the risk of infection were the duration and intensity of the low-pressure event, the location of the cross-connection, and the pathogen concentration in water sources. The estimated daily risk of infection from cross-connection and backflow events generally exceeded the acceptable target level of 10−6 per person per day for all reference pathogens and modeled events. The exception was for the endemic risk level during the cross-connections with treated wastewater and greywater, where the risk was 10−7 and 10−10. Several measures can be implemented to manage and mitigate the risk of cross-connections, such as demanding plumbing installation procedures and backflow prevention devices and developing an early detection system to predict the cross-connection earlier before the outbreak happens to the system, for instance, by applying a machine learning system. / Vattenreningsindustrin har tekniken och ansvaret för att leverera säkert och högkvalitativt dricksvatten till nätverket för vattendistributionssystem (WDN). Däremot många händelser inom WDN, såsom korskopplingar och återflöde, kan försämra vattenkvaliteten och utgöra folkhälsorisker för konsumenterna. Korskoppling och återflödeshändelser kan inträffa om det finns fysisk kontakt mellanden externa vattenkällan för icke dricksvatten och dricksvattnet. När trycket i den externa källan är högre än i WDN, och när det finns otillräckliga korskopplingskontroller, kan korskopplingar och återflöden inträffa. Syftet med detta projekt var att undersöka omständigheterna som påverkar korskopplings- och återflödeshändelser samt uppskatta hälsorisken för infektion. Metoden som användes för denna studie inkluderade hydraulisk och vattenkvalitetsmodellering med EPANET för att simulera transporten och förekomsten av patogener i WDN under utbrottet. Dessutom användes kvantitativ mikrobiell riskbedömning (QMRA) för att utvärdera hälsoriskerna i samband medkorskopplingar och återflödeshändelser på grund av intag av förorenat vatten. De modelleradehändelserna inkluderade fyra referenspatogener (virus: Norovirus och Rotavirus; bakterier:Campylobacter; och protozoer: Cryptosporidium) från fyra vattentyper (avloppsvatten, gråvatten, renatavloppsvatten och renat gråvatten). Simuleringen beaktade tre potentiella patogenbelastningsrisknivåer som kommer in i WDN: extrem, utvärderad och endemisk. Resultaten tyder på att de faktorer som påverkar patogenavbrott och följaktligen risken för infektionvar lågtryckshändelsens varaktighet och omfattning, platsen för korskopplingen och patogenkoncentrationen i vattenkällor. Den uppskattade dagliga risken för infektion från korskopplingoch återflödeshändelser översteg i allmänhet den acceptabla målnivån på 10e6 per person och dag föralla referenspatogener och modellerade händelser. Undantaget var den endemiska risknivån vidkorskopplingarna med renat avloppsvatten och gråvatten, där risken var 10e7 och 10e10. Flera åtgärder kan implementeras för att hantera och minska risken för korskopplingar, såsom atttillämpa krav på installationsprocedurer för VVS och anordningar för att förhindra återflöde samt attutveckla ett system för tidig upptäckt för att förutsäga korskopplingen tidigare innan utbrottet inträffarmed systemet, till exempel genom att tillämpa ett maskininlärningssystem.

Hydraulic Modeling and Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment of Intrusionin Water Distribution Networks Under Sustained Low-Pressure Situations / Hydraulisk modellering och kvantitativ mikrobiell riskbedömning av inläckage i vattendistributionsnät under ihållande lågtryckssituationer

Shakibi, Maryam January 2022 (has links)
Drinking water systems aim to remove, reduce, and prevent microbial contamination in water by usingmultiple barriers from catchments to consumers. Water distribution networks are vulnerable tocontamination from external sources if they lose their physical or hydraulic integrity. The leading causeof intrusion is losing hydraulic integrity due to low pressure in the water distribution networks. Eventsthat lead to low pressure in the water distribution networks can result in transient or sustained lowpressure lasting from milliseconds in a transient to hours and days in sustained low-pressure events.This study studied two sustained low-pressure events with durations of one to five hours, leading tointrusion in the water distribution network. The first event was the pump shut down, and the secondwas the pipe repair. Different durations, start times, and locations were simulated for the pumpshutdown and pipe repair events. Hydraulic and water quality modelling using EPANET 2.2 was usedto simulate low-pressure events and intrusion of microbial contamination in the drinking waterdistribution networks. Quantitative microbial risk assessment (QMRA) was used to estimate potentialpublic health risks using the Swedish QMRA tool. Campylobacter, Norovirus, and Cryptosporidiumwere selected as reference pathogens for simulating intrusion transport within the drinking waternetwork based on their health problem severity, persistence in water supplies, and resistance to chlorinecompound disinfectants. The study area was taken from the virtual network files generated usingHydroGen. This study showed that the volume of intrusion depended on the magnitude but mainly onthe duration of pressure drop. Also, the length of the pipes experiencing pressure drop and the numberof intrusion nodes affected the volume of intrusion. The location and magnitude of maximum nodalpathogen concentration changed significantly by changing the pump shutdown's start time and locationof pipe repair. Generally, the pump shutdown event affected extended areas with low pressure in thewater distribution network than the pipe repair. The QMRA results showed a considerable infection riskin all studied pump shutdown scenarios. The pipe repair duration was crucial in increasing or decreasingthe infection probability. The findings of hydraulic modelling and QMRA could benefit the watermanagers in deciding mitigation strategies.

Dimensionamento do volume útil de reservação de água considerando o consumo de energia elétrica no horário de ponta do setor elétrico / Dimension of useful volume of water reservoir considering the consumption of electricity in the time of attachment of the electrical sector

MOREIRA, Francisca Nara da Conceição 07 February 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Kelren Mota (kelrenlima@ufpa.br) on 2018-05-15T17:47:41Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Dissertacao_DimensionamentoVolumeUtil.pdf: 4176647 bytes, checksum: 3237cca508009d83a5fd01555078157d (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Kelren Mota (kelrenlima@ufpa.br) on 2018-05-15T17:49:04Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Dissertacao_DimensionamentoVolumeUtil.pdf: 4176647 bytes, checksum: 3237cca508009d83a5fd01555078157d (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-05-15T17:49:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Dissertacao_DimensionamentoVolumeUtil.pdf: 4176647 bytes, checksum: 3237cca508009d83a5fd01555078157d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-02-07 / Determinação do volume útil de reservação para eficiência hidroenergética em sistemas de abastecimento de água. A pesquisa foi realizada no sistema de bombeamento e reservação de água do Setor Guanabara, Ananindeua, Belém, Pará. Para isto, o trabalho foi dividido em três etapas, a saber, na primeira foram verificadas as condições de projeto e operacionais do Setor Guanabara para avaliação do desempenho hidroenergético. Na segunda Etapa foram determinados três (3) volumes teórico úteis de reservação, considerando diferentes métodos. Na terceira Etapa, considerando quatro (4) diferentes volume úteis, de projeto e três (3) teóricos, foram realizadas simulações hidroenergética para verificar o volume útil mais eficiente em termos hidroenergéticos. Para tanto, foi considerado a mesma curva de consumo e vazão média de bombeamento, porém, diferentes volumes úteis nas simulações. Na pesquisa foi verificado que o volume útil do reservatório elevado do Setor Guanabara não permite a redução do bombeamento de água no posto horário de ponta, o que, naturalmente, influencia no valor da despesa de energia elétrica e que o reservatório elevado estava sendo utilizado como “caixa de passagem”. Assim, foram estudadas três alternativas para modificar a atual situação operacional da unidade de reservação do Setor Guanabara, visando a redução do consumo e despesa de energia elétrica. No dimensionamento dos volumes úteis pelos 3 métodos estudados, foram obtidos 808,96 m³ com o Método da CETESB (1987), 936,77 m³ com os procedimentos recomendados na NBR 12.217 (1994) e 1.411,10 m³ quando foi utilizada o método proposto por Gomes (2012). Nas simulações realizadas no Epanet 2.0 resultou despesa de energia elétrica em R$ 25.789,54/mês para o volume útil do reservatório elevado projetado. De R$ 26.363,87/mês para o volume útil do reservatório elevado CETESB (1987). De R$ 26.191,71/mês para o volume útil do reservatório elevado NBR 12.217 (1994). E para o Método proposto por Gomes (2012) resultou em despesa mensal de R$ 14.698,95/mês. Contudo, a utilização do volume útil do reservatório dimensionado pelo Método de Gomes foi cerca de 66,39% superior ao da NBR 12.217 (1994), cerca de 64,56% superior ao de projeto e 57,33% superior ao CETESB (1987). Desse modo, o maior valor do volume impactará no valor a ser investido para a implantação do reservatório elevado. Por essa razão, na pesquisa foi estudada a economia com despesa de energia elétrica ao longo de 10 anos. Assim, considerando o Método de Gomes (2012) estimou-se economia de R$ 1.379.131,30 (78,19%) em relação ao Método da NBR 12.217 (1994) e de R$ 1.399.789,40 (79,36%) em relação ao Método da CETESB (1987). / Determination of the useful volume of reservation for hydroenergetic efficiency in water supply systems. The research was carried out in the Guanabara, Ananindeua, Belém, Pará Pumping and Water Reservation System. For this, the Guanabara Sector's design and operational conditions were verified for hydroenergetic performance evaluation. In the second step three (3) useful theoretical reservation volumes were determined, considering different methods. In the third stage, considering four (4) different useful project volumes and three (3) theoretical, hydroenergetic simulations were performed to verify the most efficient useful volume in hydroenergetic terms. For that, the same consumption curve and mean pumping rate were considered, but different useful volumes in the simulations. In the research it was verified that the useful volume of the high reservoir of the Guanabara Sector does not allow the reduction of water pumping at peak hours, which, naturally, influences the value of electric energy expenditure and that the high reservoir was being used as " junction box". Thus, three alternatives were studied to modify the current operating situation of the Guanabara Sector Reservation Unit, aiming at reducing electricity consumption and expenditure. In the sizing of the useful volumes by the 3 methods studied, 808.96 m³ were obtained with the CETESB Method (1987), 936.77 m³ with the procedures recommended in NBR 12.217 (1994) and 1.411,10 m³ when the proposed method was used by Gomes (2012). In the simulations carried out in Epanet 2.0 resulted in an electric energy expense of R$ 25.789,54/month for the useful volume of the projected high reservoir. From R$ 26.363,87/month for the useful volume of the high reservoir CETESB (1987). From R$ 26.191,71/month to the useful volume of the high reservoir NBR 12.217 (1994). And for the method proposed by Gomes (2012) resulted in monthly expenses of R$ 14.698,95/month. However, the utilization of the useful volume of the reservoir as measured by the Gomes Method was about 66,39% higher than that of NBR 12.217 (1994), about 64,56% higher than that of the project and 57,33% higher than CETESB (1987). In this way, the higher value of the volume will impact the value to be invested for the implantation of the raised reservoir. For this reason, in the research was studied the economy with expenditure of electric energy over 10 years. Accordingly, considering the Gomes Method (2012), savings of R $ 1.379.131,30 (78,19%) were estimated in relation to NBR 12.217 (1994) and R $ 1.399.789,40 (79,36%) in relation to the CETESB Method (1987).

Booster Disinfection In Water Distribution Networks

Sert, Caglayan 01 July 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Disinfection of the municipal water systems is mostly achieved by means of chlorine addition at water treatment plants known as sources. Thus, there should be an adequate chlorine concentration at the source for an effective disinfection throughout the system by considering upper and lower limits of disinfectant. However, since the disinfectants are reactive and decays through the system, chlorine added at the source may not be enough to maintain desired disinfectant residuals which may lead to water quality problems in the water distribution system. Moreover, the disinfectants such as chlorine has also an effect to be carcinogen due to formation of disinfectant by-products. Thus, the system should balance the amount of disinfectant supplied while minimizing the health risk. In such a case, it is recommended that one or more booster disinfection stations can be located throughout the system. Such a method can provide more uniform distribution of the chlorine concentration while reducing the amount of the disinfectant used. In this thesis, optimum scheduling, and injection rates of the booster disinfection stations have been searched. The objective is to minimize the injected mass dosage rate subjected to the provision of adequate and more uniform residual concentration in the network. Determination of variable network hydraulics and chlorine concentrations is held out by EPANET network simulation sofware. A C++ code was developed to interface with EPANET by means of the EPANET Programmer&#039 / s Toolkit for linear optimization of the disinfectant mass dosage rate applied to the network.

Modelagem da degradação de cloro residual livre na rede de distribuição de água da cidade de Campina Grande – PB.

SANTOS, Whelton Brito dos. 20 March 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Dilene Paulo (dilene.fatima@ufcg.edu.br) on 2018-03-20T15:47:53Z No. of bitstreams: 1 WHELTON BRITO DOS SANTOS– DISSERTAÇÃO PPGECA 2017.pdf: 2787950 bytes, checksum: 176fe1aec4e0f28aec671343bd1e4daf (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-03-20T15:47:53Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 WHELTON BRITO DOS SANTOS– DISSERTAÇÃO PPGECA 2017.pdf: 2787950 bytes, checksum: 176fe1aec4e0f28aec671343bd1e4daf (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-03-14 / A qualidade sanitária da água é assegurada na etapa de desinfecção do processo de tratamento. No Brasil a Portaria 2.914/2011 do Ministério da Saúde, que dispõe sobre os procedimentos de controle e de vigilância da qualidade da água para consumo humano e seu padrão de potabilidade recomenda residual mínimo de cloro livre de 0,2mgCl2/L, máximo de 2,0mgCl2/L e valor máximo permitido de 5,0mgCl2/L que devem ser assegurados na rede de distribuição. Devido a fatores como, idade das tubulações, vazamentos, material, diâmetro e longas distâncias entre os sistemas de tratamento e os centros de consumo, nem sempre as concentrações recomendadas de cloro residual livre são mantidas em todos os pontos da rede de distribuição de água. Este trabalho tem como objetivo modelar o decaimento do cloro residual livre na rede de distribuição da cidade de Campina Grande, Paraíba, através da determinação dos coeficientes cinéticos de degradação da concentração de cloro residual livre no volume do escoamento (kb), pelo teste da garrafa, e na parede das tubulações (kw), pelo método da tentativa e erro. Como ferramenta de modelagem foi utilizado o EPANET 2.0. A área de estudo desta pesquisa foi a rede de distribuição do bairro da Prata, localizada na zona de pressão B. Este bairro foi escolhido por apresentar rede diversificada, com tubulações de PVC e cimento amianto sendo sua rede de distribuição abastecida pelo reservatório R5 .Com os resultados obtidos foi possível concluir que o decaimento do cloro residual livre na rede de distribuição do bairro da Prata ocorre por reações no volume do escoamento, os valores de kb são elevados nos trechos de ponta de rede e a degradação mais intensa da concentração de cloro residual livre ocorre devido à estagnação da água nas tubulações. / The sanitary quality of the water is assured in the disinfection step of the treatment process. In Brazil Ordinance 2.914/2011 of the Ministry of Health, which regulates the procedures for controlling and monitoring water quality for human consumption and its potability water standard, recommends a minimum free chlorine residual of 0,2mgCl2/L, maximum of 2,0mgCl2/L and the maximum permitted value of 5,0mgCl2/L that must be ensured in the distribution network. Due to factors such as age of pipes, leaks, material, diameter and long distances between treatment systems and consumption centers, the recommended concentrations of free residual chlorine are not always maintained at all points in the water distribution network. This study aims to model the decay of free residual chlorine in the distribution network of the city of Campina Grande, Paraiba, by determining the residual chlorine concentration degradation kinetic free coefficients in the flow volume (kb) by the bottle test and in the wall of the pipes (kw) by the trial and error method. As a modeling tool was used EPANET 2.0. The study area of this research was the distribution network of the district of Prata, located in zone of pressure B. This local was chosen for presenting a diversified network, PVC pipes and asbestos cement being its distribution network supplied by the reservoir R5. With the results was concluded that the decay of the free residual chlorine in the distribution network of the district of Prata occurs by reactions in the volume of the flow, the values of kb are high in the sections of the network and the degradation more intense concentration of free chlorine residual occurs due to stagnation of water in the pipes.

Análisis, caracterización y diseño de Hidrantes multiusuario para riego

Balbastre Peralta, Iban 05 April 2016 (has links)
[EN] A rational and correct usage of available water resources in irrigation entails access to infrastructures that utilise pressurised pipelines to carry the required volumes of water from the catchment to the plant. The pressurised irrigation systems, whether at collective or smallholding level, permit a high degree of control over the water applied, and guarantee a high rate of application efficiency. Over the last 30 years, the adoption of these irrigation systems have led to the construction and start-up of numerous collective pressurised irrigation networks. In the Mediterranean region, where the production model is based on the intensive farming of small and medium-sized plots of land (areas not exceeding 0.5 hectares), the water distribution systems from the network to the allotment is normally via so-called multi-user hydrants. These devices have unique features that make them difficult to characterise and model. Traditionally their design and configuration has been the responsibility of the engineering design team who use their own experience as a criterion of design, disregarding the fact in many cases, of how the design and configuration affects the hydraulic response of these devices as well as the influence this will have on the infrastructure works connected downstream from these devices. This thesis deals with the study of these multi-user hydrants. Firstly it analyses their current state of operation, compiling the problems encountered at present, highlighting the metrological blocking of meters, corrosion, leaks, excessive load losses, unsuitable materials and equipment, etc. Problems that impair the equipment and make it impossible for them to perform the functions for which they were installed. Secondly, an attempt to organise the devices based on their configuration is done, classifying them according to the position of the water meter, in horizontal and vertical. Analyses of the regulations that define the characteristics of the hydrants (UNE-EN14267) is carried out, demonstrating that it is insufficient for these types of elements. Therefore, through the experience gained in the LHIR of UPV (The Hydraulics and Irrigation Laboratory of the Politechnic University of Valencia), and from the hydraulic trials of 13 of these devices, we propose tests of hydraulic characterisation that allow us to assess the correct configuration and operation of the aforementioned devices, analysing and proposing solutions for the main problem that was encountered - the blocking of metrological meters. Thirdly, once the situation of the multi-user hydrants is analysed, and after the problems encountered in the field and laboratory are compiled, a design protocol is developed that culminates in a draft of the Technical Specifications of the types of devices. The application of this draft with the collaboration of SEIASA (Spanish Society of Agricultural Infrastructures) leads to the development of a hydrant configuration type called "Costella", where the main challenges that were encountered ultimately are solved. This part of the thesis ends with validation through hydraulic tests in the laboratory (LHIR), of three hydrants with this configuration. The fourth and last part of the thesis proposes a method of analysis, based on the EPANET 2.0 application, which makes it possible to verify and configure this type of hydrant validating its operation before its installation in the network. Utilising all the experimental framework a model has been constructed using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) from the collectors of the trialed hydrants. In paralllel every type of hydrant has been characterised by means of EPANET adjusting the resitance coefficients of the different unique components that constitute each hydrant. These CFD models have made it possible to validate the models in EPANET that simulate with great precision the real response of the collectors and therefore apply to the simulation of the whole hydrant. / [ES] Un aprovechamiento racional y ajustado de los recursos hídricos disponibles en el regadío implica la necesidad de disponer de infraestructuras que mediante conducciones a presión permitan llevar desde captación hasta la planta los volúmenes requeridos. Los sistemas de riego a presión, tanto a nivel colectivo como en parcela, permiten un alto control sobre el agua aplicada y garantizan una alta eficiencia de aplicación. La adopción de estos sistemas de riego ha conllevado en los últimos 30 años la construcción y puesta en marcha de numerosas redes colectivas de riego a presión. En el arco mediterráneo donde el modelo productivo se basa en una agricultura intensiva de parcelas de tamaño pequeño y medio (superficies medias no superiores a 0,5 ha), el sistema de distribución del agua desde la red a la parcela se realiza normalmente a través de hidrantes denominados multiusuario. Estos dispositivos presentan unas características singulares que los hacen difíciles de caracterizar y modelizar. Tradicionalmente su diseño y configuración ha corrido a cargo de los ingenieros proyectistas utilizando la propia experiencia como criterio de diseño, desconociendo, en muchos casos, cómo afecta el diseño y configuración a la respuesta hidráulica de estos dispositivos, y la influencia que éstos tendrán en las obras de infraestructura conectadas aguas abajo de los mismos. Esta Tesis aborda el estudio de estos hidrantes multiusuario. En primer lugar analizando su estado actual de funcionamiento, recopilando los problemas que se encuentran en la actualidad, resaltando el bloqueo metrológico de contadores, oxidaciones, fugas, pérdidas de carga excesivas, materiales y equipos no adecuados, etc. Problemas que deterioran estos equipos e imposibilitan que realicen las funciones para los que fueron instalados. En segundo lugar se intenta organizar, los dispositivos en función de su configuración, clasificándolos según la posición del contador de agua, en horizontales y verticales. Se analiza la normativa que define las características de los hidrantes (UNE-EN 14267), demostrando que es insuficiente para este tipo de elementos. Por lo que a través de la experiencia recogida en el LHIR (Laboratorio de Hidráulica y Riegos) de la UPV, y del ensayo hidráulico de 13 de estos dispositivos, se proponen ensayos de caracterización hidráulica que permitan evaluar la correcta configuración y funcionamiento de los mismos, analizando y proponiendo soluciones al principal problema encontrado, el bloqueo metrológico de contadores. Una vez analizada la situación de estos hidrantes multiusuario, y tras la recopilación de los problemas encontrados en campo y en laboratorio, se desarrolla un protocolo de diseño que culmina con la redacción de un Pliego de Condiciones Técnicas para este tipo de dispositivos. La aplicación de este pliego junto con la colaboración de SEIASA (Sociedad Española de Infraestructuras Agrarias) desemboca en el desarrollo de una configuración de hidrante tipo denominado "Costella", donde se solucionan los principales problemas planteados. Esta parte finaliza con la validación a través de ensayos hidráulicos en el laboratorio (LHIR), de tres hidrantes con esta configuración.La cuarta y última parte propone un método de análisis, basado en la aplicación EPANET, que permita verificar y realizar configuraciones de este tipo de hidrantes validando su funcionamiento antes de su instalación en la red. Utilizando toda la base experimental se ha construido un modelo mediante Técnicas Computacionales de Fluidos (CFD) de los colectores de los hidrantes ensayados. Paralelamente se ha caracterizado cada tipo de hidrante mediante EPANET ajustando los coeficientes de resistencia de los diferentes elementos singulares que configuran cada hidrates. Estos modelos CFD han permitido validar los modelos en EPANET que simulen con gran precisión la respuesta real de los colectores y por tanto aplicarlos a la s / [CAT] Un aprofitament racional i ajustat dels recursos hídrics disponibles en el regadiu implica la necessitat de disposar d'infraestructures que, mitjançant conduccions a pressió, permeten portar els volums requerits des de la captació fins a la planta. Els sistemes de reg a pressió, tant en l'àmbit col·lectiu com en parcel·les, permeten un alt control sobre l'aigua aplicada i garanteixen una alta eficiència d'aplicació. L'adopció d'aquests sistemes de reg ha comportat en els últims trenta anys la implantació de nombroses xarxes col·lectives de reg a pressió. En l'arc mediterrani, on el model productiu es basa en una agricultura intensiva de parcel·les de dimensions petites i mitjanes (superfícies mitjanes no superiors a 0,5 ha), el sistema de distribució de l'aigua des de la xarxa fins a la parcel·la es du a terme normalment a través de hidrant denominades multiusuari. Aquests dispositius presenten unes característiques singulars que els fan difícils de caracteritzar i modelitzar. Tradicionalment, el disseny i la configuració han anant a càrrec dels enginyers projectistes utilitzant la pròpia experiència com a dissenyadors, i desconeixent, en molts casos, com afecta el disseny i la configuració a la resposta hidràulica d'aquests dispositius, i la influència que aquests tindran en les obres d'infraestructura connectades aigües avall. Aquesta tesi aborda l'estudi d'aquestes hidrants multiusuari. En primer lloc, analitzant-ne l'estat actual de funcionament, recopilant els problemes que hi ha en l'actualitat, ressaltant el bloqueig metrològic de comptadors, oxidacions, fuites, pèrdues de càrrega excessives, materials i equips no adequats, etc. Problemes que deterioren aquests equips i impossibiliten que duguen a terme les funcions per a les quals van ser instal·lats. En segon lloc, s'intenta organitzar els dispositius en funció de la configuració, i així es classifiquen, segons la posició del comptador d'aigua, en horitzontals i verticals. S'analitza la normativa que defineix les característiques de les hidrants (UNE-EN 14267), i es demostra que és insuficient per a aquesta classe d'elements. Per això, a través de l'experiència arreplegada en el LHIR (Laboratori d'Hidràulica i Regs) de la UPV, i de l'assaig hidràulic de 13 d'aquests dispositius, es proposen assajos de caracterització hidràulica que permeten avaluar-ne la configuració i el funcionament correctes, s'analitza el bloqueig metrològic de comptadors i es proposen solucions a aquest problema, que és el principal problema detectat. Una vegada analitzada la situació d'aquestes hidrants multiusuari de reg, i després de la recopilació dels problemes trobats en camp i en laboratori, es desenvolupa un protocol de disseny que culmina amb la redacció d'un plec de condicions tècniques per a aquest tipus de dispositius. L'aplicació d'aquest plec juntament amb la col·laboració de SEIASA (Societat Espanyola d'Infraestructures Agràries) desemboca en el desenvolupament d'una configuració de hidrant tipus denominat "Costella", en què se solucionen els principals problemes plantejats. Aquesta part finalitza amb la validació, a través d'assajos hidràulics en el laboratori (LHIR), de tres hidrants amb aquesta configuració. La quarta i última part proposa un mètode d'anàlisi, basat en l'aplicació EPANET 2.0, que permeta verificar i fer configuracions d'aquest de tipus hidrants validant-ne el funcionament abans d'instal·lar-los en la xarxa. Utilitzant tota la base experimental, s'ha construït un model mitjançant tècniques computacionals de fluids (CFD) dels col·lectors de les hidrants assajades. Paral·lelament, s'ha caracteritzat cada tipus d'hidrant mitjançant EPANET ajustant els coeficients de resistència dels diversos elements singulars que configuren cada hidrant. Aquests models CFD han permès validar els models en EPANET que simulen amb gran precisió la resposta real dels col·lectors y per tant aplicar-los a la / Balbastre Peralta, I. (2016). Análisis, caracterización y diseño de Hidrantes multiusuario para riego [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/62214 / TESIS

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