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Performance and cost evaluation to inform the design and implementation of Organic Rankine Cycles in New ZealandSouthon, Michael Carl January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to evaluate ORC systems and technologies from an energy and economic perspective. ORC systems are a growing renewable electricity generation technology, but New Zealand has limited local skills and expertise for identifying ORC resource opportunities and subsequently developing suitable technologies at low cost. For this reason, this thesis researches ORC technology, resource types, and international development, with the aim to determine guidelines for how to cost-effectively develop ORC systems, and to make recommendations applicable to furthering their development within a New Zealand context. This thesis first uses two surveys, one of commercial ORC installations, and a second of economic evaluations of ORC systems in literature, to determine what resources and economic scenarios are supportive of commercial development. It is found that geothermal resources provide the largest share of ORC capacity, with biomass and waste-heat recovery (WHR) being developed more recently. The surveys also found that countries with high electricity prices or policy interventions have developed a wider range of resources using ORC systems. This thesis then undertakes an EROI evaluation of ORC electricity generation systems using a combination of top-down and process based methodologies. Various heat sources; geothermal, biomass, solar, and waste heat are evaluated in order to determine how the utilised resource can affect energy profitability. A wide range of EROIstnd values, from 3.4 – 22.7 are found, with solar resources offering the lowest EROIs, and geothermal systems the highest. Higher still EROI values are found to be obtainable with longer system lifetimes, especially for WHR systems. Specific engineering aspects of ORC design and technology such as high-side pressure, heat storage, modularity, superheating, pinch-point temperature difference, and turbine efficiency are evaluated in terms of economic performance, and a variety of general conclusions are made about each. It is found that total system thermo-economic optimisation may not lead to the highest possible EROI, depending on the objective function. Lastly, the effects of past and potential future changes to the markets and economies surrounding ORCs are explored, including the New Zealand electricity spot price, steel and aluminium prices, subsidies, and climate policy. Of the subsidy types explored, it is found that directly subsidising ORC system capital has the greatest effect on the economic performance of ORC systems, as measured by common metrics. In conclusion, this thesis finds that ORC systems have a limited applicability to New Zealand’s electricity market under current economic conditions outside of geothermal and off-grid generation, but changes to these conditions could potentially make their development more viable. The author recommends that favourable resources should be developed using systems that provide high efficiencies, beyond what might provide the best economic performance, in order to increase EROI, and reduce the future need for costly investments into increasingly less favourable resources.
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Performance and cost evaluation to inform the design and implementation of Organic Rankine Cycles in New ZealandSouthon, Michael Carl January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to evaluate ORC systems and technologies from an energy and economic perspective. ORC systems are a growing renewable electricity generation technology, but New Zealand has limited local skills and expertise for identifying ORC resource opportunities and subsequently developing suitable technologies at low cost. For this reason, this thesis researches ORC technology, resource types, and international development, with the aim to determine guidelines for how to cost-effectively develop ORC systems, and to make recommendations applicable to furthering their development within a New Zealand context.
This thesis first uses two surveys, one of commercial ORC installations, and a second of economic evaluations of ORC systems in literature, to determine what resources and economic scenarios are supportive of commercial development. It is found that geothermal resources provide the largest share of ORC capacity, with biomass and waste-heat recovery (WHR) being developed more recently. The surveys also found that countries with high electricity prices or policy interventions have developed a wider range of resources using ORC systems.
This thesis then undertakes an EROI evaluation of ORC electricity generation systems using a combination of top-down and process based methodologies. Various heat sources; geothermal, biomass, solar, and waste heat are evaluated in order to determine how the utilised resource can affect energy profitability. A wide range of EROIstnd values, from 3.4 – 22.7 are found, with solar resources offering the lowest EROIs, and geothermal systems the highest. Higher still EROI values are found to be obtainable with longer system lifetimes, especially for WHR systems.
Specific engineering aspects of ORC design and technology such as high-side pressure, heat storage, modularity, superheating, pinch-point temperature difference, and turbine efficiency are evaluated in terms of economic performance, and a variety of general conclusions are made about each. It is found that total system thermo-economic optimisation may not lead to the highest possible EROI, depending on the objective function.
Lastly, the effects of past and potential future changes to the markets and economies surrounding ORCs are explored, including the New Zealand electricity spot price, steel and aluminium prices, subsidies, and climate policy. Of the subsidy types explored, it is found that directly subsidising ORC system capital has the greatest effect on the economic performance of ORC systems, as measured by common metrics.
In conclusion, this thesis finds that ORC systems have a limited applicability to New Zealand’s electricity market under current economic conditions outside of geothermal and off-grid generation, but changes to these conditions could potentially make their development more viable. The author recommends that favourable resources should be developed using systems that provide high efficiencies, beyond what might provide the best economic performance, in order to increase EROI, and reduce the future need for costly investments into increasingly less favourable resources.
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Energy input, carbon intensity, and cost for ethanol produced from brown seaweedPhilippsen, Aaron 15 January 2013 (has links)
Brown macroalgae or brown seaweed is a promising source of ethanol that may avoid the challenges of arable land use, water use, lignin content, and the food vs. fuel debate associated with first generation and cellulosic ethanol sources; however, this promise is challenged by seaweed’s high water content, high ash content, and natural composition fluctuations. Notably, lifecycle studies of seaweed ethanol are lacking in the literature. To address this gap, a well-to-wheel model of ethanol production from farmed brown seaweed was constructed and applied to the case of Saccharina latissima farming in British Columbia (BC), Canada, to determine energy return on energy invested (EROI), carbon intensity (CI), and near shore seaweed farming production potential for seaweed ethanol and to examine the production cost of seaweed ethanol. Seaweed farming and ethanol production were modeled based on current BC farming methods and the dry grind corn ethanol production process; animal feed was included as an ethanol co-product, and co-product credits were considered. A seaweed ethanol yield calculation tool that accounts for seaweed composition was proposed, and a sensitivity study was done to examine case study data assumptions.
In the case study, seaweed ethanol had lower CI than sugarcane, wheat, and corn ethanol at 10.1 gCO2e/MJ, and it had an EROI comparable to corn ethanol at 1.78. Seaweed ethanol was potentially profitable due to significant revenue from animal feed sales; however, the market for seaweed animal feed was limited by the feed’s high sodium content. Near shore seaweed farming could meet the current demand for ethanol in BC, but world near shore ethanol potential is likely an order of magnitude lower than world ethanol production and two orders of magnitude lower than world gasoline production. Composition variation and a limited harvest season make solar thermal or geothermal seaweed drying and storage necessary for ethanol production in BC. Varying seaweed composition, solar thermal drying performance, co-product credits, the type of animal feed produced, transport distances, and seaweed farming performance in the sensitivity study gave an EROI of over 200 and a CI of -42 gCO2e/MJ in the best case and an EROI of 0.64 and CI of 33 gCO2e/MJ in the worst case. Co-product credits and the type of animal feed produced had the most significant effect overall, and the worst cases of seaweed composition and solar thermal seaweed drying system performance resulted in EROI of 0.64 and 1.0 respectively.
Brown seaweed is concluded to be a potentially profitable source of ethanol with climate benefits that surpass current ethanol sources; however, additional research into seaweed animal feed value, co-product credits, large scale seaweed conversion, and the feasibility of solar thermal or geothermal seaweed drying is required to confirm this conclusion. / Graduate
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Integrated farming systems for food and energy in a warming, resource-depleting worldRodriguez, Lylian 29 August 2011 (has links)
Diese Arbeit ist ein Beitrag zur Entwicklung einer Strategie für die eine CO2 sparende zu- künftige Landwirtschaft, in der nur geringe Emissionen von Treibhausgasen entstehen, die Stromerzeugung vor Ort aus natürlichen Ressourcen erfolgt, eine maximale Ausnutzung der Sonnenenergie genutzt wird, und der Konflikt zwischen der Nutzung der verfügbaren Ressourcen für Nahrungsmittel und Treibstoff Produktion vermieden wird. Alle Versuche in der Arbeit wurden in den Jahren 2005 -2009 auf der Öko-Farm (TOSOLY) der UTA (Fundación para la Producción Agropecuaria Tropical Sostenible Capitulo Kolumbien - UTA) unter der Leitung von Dr. TR Preston (Präsident ) und MSc Lylian Rodríguez (Director) durchgeführt. / This thesis is a contribution to the strategy that should underpin all future farming systems: namely the need to “de-carbonize” the system, by reducing emissions of greenhouse gases, generating electricity locally from natural resources, making maximum use of solar energy and ensuring there is no conflict between use of available resources for both food and fuel production. All the experiments described in the thesis were carried out in the period 2005 -2009 at the ecological farm (TOSOLY) of the UTA Foundation (Fundación para la Producción Agropecuaria Tropical Sostenible Capitulo Colombia – UTA) of which the principals are Dr T R Preston (President) and MSc Lylian Rodríguez (Director).
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Questa tesi di dottorato analizza l’utilizzo del sorgo (Sorghum bicolour (L.) Moench) al fine di produrre energia elettrica, tramite combustione diretta della biomassa. Il focus della tesi è stato quello di sottolineare i benefici ed i rischi associati all’uso di tre genotipi di sorgo caratterizzati da diversa lunghezza del ciclo culturale (precoce, medio-tardivo e tardivo).
La dinamica e la durata del processo di essicazione in campo sono state simulate attraverso un modello ad hoc (“sorghum haying model”), il quale integrato a CropSyst, è stato utilizzato per realizzare un’analisi del rischio produttivo stimando le perdite di biomassa (respirazione e meccanizzazione), ed i mancati affienamenti. Nell’analisi del rischio vengono stimati il numero di ettari necessari e la probabilità di eccedere la soglia di 64.000 ton ss anno-1 necessari per l’alimentazione di una centrale nell’Oltrepò pavese .
Inoltre uno studio di Life Cycle Assessment è stato condotto per la valutazione dell’impatto ambientale dell’utilizzo del sorgo integrato a quello della paglia per il completamento del fabbisogno totale della centrale 94.000 ton ss anno-1. Particolare attenzione inoltre è stata data alla variazione del contenuto di C organico del suolo dovuto alla rimozione della paglia ed all’interramento dei mancati affienamenti di sorgo. Il genotipo precoce mostra le migliori performance produttive ed energetiche oltre che la più alta probabilità di eccedere la soglia di 64.000 ton ss anno-1. Lo studio di LCA non ha mostrato differenze significative tra i genotipi anche se il minor impatto ambientale, è stato evidenziato dal genotipo tardivo conseguenza dell’interramento della più alta quantità di mancati affienamenti. / This PhD thesis explores the use of sorghum (Sorghum bicolour (L.) Moench) as a dedicated bio-energy crop and highlights the benefits and risks associated with the use of early, medium-late and late sorghum genotypes to generate electricity by direct combustion in a biomass power plant.
The dynamics and duration of the field drying process were simulated through the development of a specific model ("sorghum haying model"), which integrated with CropSyst, was used to perform a production risk assessment analysis estimating the biomass losses (respiration and mechanical), the haymaking failures and consequently to quantify the amount of dry baled biomass available for the power plant. In addition, the number of hectares needed to plant sorghum and the probability to exceed the threshold of 64000 Mg DM y-1, necessary to feed a biomass power plant in Oltrepò Pavese, were estimated.
A complete Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) study was carried out in order to evaluate the environmental impact of the three sorghum genotypes involved in this study. The LCA study takes into consideration the use of winter wheat straw as an additional biomass source to satisfy the total biomass power plant needs (94000 Mg DM y-1). Particular attention was given to the soil organic C change (ΔSOC) due to straw removal and haymaking failures soil incorporation.
Early genotype showed the best biomass production and energy performance as well as the highest probability to exceed the threshold of 64000 Mg DM y-1. The LCA results did not show significant differences between genotypes although the lower environmental impact, has been achieved by the late genotype due to the highest amount of haymaking failures incorporated in the soil.
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