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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Zařízení pro automatické měření voltampérových charakteristik / Device for automatic measurement of volt-ampere characteristics

Ondráček, Petr January 2020 (has links)
The Master's thesis discusses the design and realization of electronic meter of volt-ampere characteristics using Wifi module ESP32. The device is designed to be able to measure the characteristic in the voltage range of +/- 20 V and current range of +/- 200 mA. The device is controlled by web interface. The user is able to connect to it with for example his or her smartphone. This interface enables the user to configure various parameters, including the range of measurement and the power restriction. Furthermore, it is possible to graphically display the measured characteristic and export the data. To be independent on the outer network, the ESP32 is operated as an access point, which is creating a new simple network without the internet connection. In the Master's thesis, the principle of voltage and current measurement is explained theoretically, the circuit connection of device and the printed circuit board are designed and the cover of the device is modeled. Also the process of creating the device according to the design is described and the cover of the device is printed on 3D printer. After that, the control program is designed, described and uploaded into the resulting device. Finally, the functionality of the device is tested by measuring the volt-ampere characteristics of a few components.

Řízený laserový zdroj pro plašení ptactva / Controllable laser source for bird repelling

Vrtělková, Hana January 2021 (has links)
Tato diplomová práce se zabývá problematikou plašení ptáků a jejich humánního plašení pomocí laserů. Práce také pojednává o bezpečnosti laserů, problému řídicího obvodu laserových diod, kolimaci svazku a jeho rozšíření tak, aby výstupní výkon paprsku nepřekročil maximální hodnotu výstupního výkonu laseru třídy 2M.

Chytré čerpadlo na čerpání vody z nádrže / Smart water pump for water container

Janík, Vladimír January 2021 (has links)
This thesis deals with the implementation of a system for measuring the amount of water in the tank using a 12V water pump. The whole system is controlled by the ESP32 microcontroller. The introduction deals with the theoretical analysis of various principles of measuring the level of liquids. The next part deals with the procedure of the construction of the measuring device and its theoretical analysis. The last part of the work deals with the control of the pump and the individual functions that provide this control. The ultrasonic distance sensor AJ-SR04M was chosen for the implementation of the device. The volume of water in the tank is calculated from its data. The ESP32 microcontroller provides system control via a web interface. The whole system was implemented and tested to measure the volume of water and its pumping in the IBC container.

Útok na WiFi síť s využitím ESP32/8266 / WiFi Attacks Using ESP32/8266

Stehlík, Richard January 2021 (has links)
The goal of this thesis is an exploration of the possibilities of Espressif's ESP32 chips in combination with Espressif IoT Development Framework with intention of implementing well-known Wi-Fi attacks on this platform. In this work, multiple implementation proposals were done for deauthentication attack in two variants followed by WPA/WPA2 handshake capture, attack on PMKID, creation of rogue MitM access point, or brute-force attack on WPS PIN, and more. A universal penetration tool ESP32 Wi-Fi Penetration Tool was proposed and implemented, including deauthentication attacks with WPA/WPA2 handshake capture. This tool provides an easy way to configure and run malicious Wi-Fi attacks without any domain knowledge required from the user. The outcome of this work opens new attack vectors for the attacker, thanks to cheap, ultra-low powered, and lightweight ESP32 chips.

A Smart Surveillance System Using Edge-Devices for Wildlife Preservation in Animal Sanctuaries

Linder, Johan, Olsson, Oscar January 2022 (has links)
The Internet of Things is a constantly developing field. With advancements of algorithms for object detection and classification for images and videos, the possibilities of what can be made with small and cost efficient edge-devices are increasing. This work presents how camera traps and deep learning can be utilized for surveillance in remote environments, such as animal sanctuaries in the African Savannah. The camera traps connect to a smart surveillance network where images and sensor-data are analysed. The analysis can then be used to produce valuable information, such as the location of endangered animals or unauthorized humans, to park rangers working to protect the wildlife in these animal sanctuaries. Different motion detection algorithms are tested and evaluated based on related research within the subject. The work made in this thesis builds upon two previous theses made within Project Ngulia. The implemented surveillance system in this project consists of camera sensors, a database, a REST API, a classification service, a FTP-server and a web-dashboard for displaying sensor data and resulting images. A contribution of this work is an end-to-end smart surveillance system that can use different camera sources to produce valuable information to stakeholders. The camera software developed in this work is targeting the ESP32 based M5Stack Timer Camera and runs a motion detection algorithm based on Self-Organizing Maps. This improves the selection of data that is fed to the image classifier on the server. This thesis also contributes with an algorithm for doing iterative image classifications that handles the issues of objects taking up small parts of an image, making them harder to classify correctly.

Development and Evaluation of a Modular Multi-Sensor System for Comprehensive Water Quality Analysis / Utveckling och Utvärdering av ett Modulärt Multisensor System för Omfattande Analys av Vattenkvalitet

Daryaweesh, Arghad, Daryaweesh, Dani January 2024 (has links)
This study addresses the challenges faced by industries requiring precise water quality monitoring by developing and evaluating a modular multi-sensor system. Existing solutions often lack scalability and flexibility, necessitating multiple devices for comprehensive analysis. The methodology employed a recursive prototype development approach, integrating various hardware and software components, including microcontrollers and a user-friendly mobile application. The prototype facilitated real-time data acquisition and management through a dedicated server, supporting essential water quality parameters such as pH, temperature, and conductivity. Results indicate that the system significantly enhances measurement accuracy and operational efficiency. However, the implementation of a smart home connectivity standard was unsuccessful, highlighting the complexities associated with integrating new communication protocols. Despite this, the system offers a scalable, cost-effective solution for continuous water quality monitoring, presenting significant improvements over existing technologies in terms of flexibility, user engagement, and data reliability. / Denna studie behandlar de utmaningar som industrier står inför som kräver noggrann övervakning av vattenkvalitet genom att utveckla och utvärdera ett modulärt multisensorsystem. Befintliga lösningar saknar ofta skalbarhet och flexibilitet, vilket kräver flera enheter för omfattande analys. Metodiken använde en rekursiv prototyputvecklingsansats, som integrerade olika hårdvaru- och mjukvarukomponenter, inklusive mikrokontroller och en användarvänlig mobilapplikation. Prototypen underlättade insamling och hantering av realtidsdata genom en dedikerad server, som stödde viktiga vattenkvalitetsparametrar såsom pH, temperatur och konduktivitet. Resultaten indikerar att systemet avsevärt förbättrar mätnoggrannhet och operationell effektivitet. Dock var implementeringen av smarta hem-anslutningsstandard inte framgångsrik, vilket belyser komplexiteten med att integrera nya kommunikationsprotokoll. Trots detta erbjuder systemet en skalbar, kostnadseffektiv lösning för kontinuerlig övervakning av vattenkvalitet, med betydande förbättringar jämfört med befintliga teknologier när det gäller flexibilitet, användarengagemang och datareliabilitet.

Undersökning och validering av lågprissystem för kraftmätning : Hur bra kan en Wii Balance Board bli med ny elektronik? / Analysis and validation of low-price system for force measurement : How good can a Wii Balance Board become with new electronics?

Mustafa, Rahand January 2024 (has links)
Behovet för kraftplattor idag växer inom idrotts- och sportsammanhang såväl som inom medicinska sektorn. Problemet med majoriteten av kraftplattorna på marknaden idag är att de är dyra, samt stora och tunga. På Kungliga tekniska högskolans skola för medicinteknik och hälsosystem utvecklades en kraftplatteprototyp med Wii Balance Board i hopp om att vara billigare och kunna användas i medicinskt, terapeutiskt och idrottssyfte. Enligt konstruktören och uppdragsgivaren finns det ett behov att göra om denna prototyp genom att undersöka möjligheten till att använda komponenter som är billiga, tillgängliga för allmänheten men samtidigt är noggrann och pålitlig i mätningarna. I detta arbete undersöks möjligheterna samt konstrueras två prototyper för jämförelse och analys för att säkerställa pålitlighet och noggrannhet.  Två kraftplatteprototyper utvecklades, ena prototypen använde en HX711 som AD- omvandlare mellan lastcellerna på Wii Balance Boarden och ESP32 mikrokontrollern och den andra en AD7124-8 som AD-omvandlare mellan lastcellerna och ESP32 mikrokontrollern. Lastcellerna kopplades till dessa AD-omvandlare som sedan kopplades till en ESP32 mikrokontroller som tog emot datat och presenterade det i Arduino IDE samt i applikationen Blynk. Resultatet av arbetet visade att båda prototyperna är pålitliga och noggranna i viktmätningarna vid låga samplingsfrekvenser, men att AD7124-8 är betydligt mycket mer lämplig i idrott och medicinska syften på grund av dess höga samplingsfrekvens samt filtreringsalternativ för brus då det i dessa sammanhang är viktigt att kunna mäta snabba kraftförändringar. / The need for force plates is increasing today in the sports and medicine industry. The challenges with force plates are the price point and the immobility of them, they are often big and heavy. A force plate prototype with a Wii Balance Board was developed at Royal Institute of Technology’s school for biomedical engineering and health systems with the hope of achieving a cheaper solution that could be used in medical research and the sports industry. According to the constructor of the force plate prototype, there is a need to redo this prototype by doing research of using cheaper and more readily available components but at the same time be precise and trustworthy in measurements. The possibilities are evaluated in this work and two prototypes are constructed.  Two force plate prototypes were constructed, one of them used a HX711 AD-converter between the load cells of the Wii Balance Board and the ESP32 microcontroller and the other prototype used a AD7124-8. The load cells connected to the AD-converters and then to the ESP32 which showed the output values in the serial monitor of Arduino IDE and in the Blynk app. The results of the tests conducted showed that both prototypes provided a reliable and precise measurement of weight at low sample rates. But that the AD7124-8 was considerably more suitable for medicine research and sports research due to its capability to sample at high frequencies and noise filtering options, which is crucial when wanting to detect rapid changes in force.

IoT systém pro zahrádkáře / IoT system for gardening

Mlčák, Petr January 2021 (has links)
The thesis deals with the design and creation of a weather station suitable for gardeners. The created device is able to measure temperature, pressure, humidity, amount of precipitation, wind speed and direction, UV index and also temperature and soil moisture at several depths. The weather station is powered by a battery with auxiliary charging from a photovoltaic panel. The thesis is divided into several parts. The theoretical part describes the individual physical principles of measurement of the considered physical quantities. Subsequently, a comparison of available sensors is made and then a final selection is made. The third part deals with the design and implementation of the hardware circuitry including the creation of the PCB. In this section, the holders of each sensor are also designed for printing on a 3D printer, which are then printed. The fourth section deals with software design issues, which is described in more detail. Finally, the whole weather station is assembled, wired and the functionality of all components is verified by sending the measured data to Thingspeak.

Datový koncentrátor / Data concentrator

Dvorský, Petr January 2021 (has links)
The topic of this thesis is the design and realization of a modular Data concentrator for various types of measurements in diverse conditions. The device conception, basic principles, design and functionality are described herein. Also, the lightweight protocol design for radio communication, standardized XML format for data storage and cloud usage are described. The electrical design of the device as well as the design of the printed circuit board was made using the Eagle Autodesk electronic design automation software (Eagle Autodesk EDA). The control software written in C/C++ for a target microcontroller (ESP32-WROOM-32) is based on a FreeRTOS platform and ESP-IDF framework. An IDE for managing this software is Visual Studio Code with PlatformIO extension. Selected and used Cloud Platform is ThingSpeak from Mathworks, which uses certain components from Matlab platform.

Human Mo-cap System Based on Inertial Measurement Units / Human Mo-cap System Based on Inertial Measurement Units

Grzybowská, Martina January 2021 (has links)
Cieľom tejto práce je navrhnúť, zhotoviť a implementovať vlastný systém pre zachytávanie pohybu založený na inerciálnych meracích jednotkách. V rámci budovania teoretického základu bolo preskúmaných viacero metód, avšak primárne bola pozornosť venovaná samotnému inerciálnemu snímanu - jeho kladom a nedostatkom, kľúčovým vlastnostiam a jednotlivým komponentom potrebným pre zostrojenie systému na jeho báze. Tento úvodný zber informácií je nasledovaný fázami návrhu, zhotovenia a zhodnotenia, ktoré sa zaoberajú procesom vývoja a testovania daného riešenia. Hlavným prínosom realizácie systému je zostrojenie zariadení pre snímanie pohybu - jedná sa o malé, ľahké, batériovo napájané zariadenia, ktoré sú kompletne bezdrôtové, či už z hľadiska komunikácie s okolitým svetom, alebo vďaka napájaniu kompatibilnému so štandardom Qi.

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