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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Terénní čtyřkolový motocykl pro seniory / Off-road four-wheel motorcycle for seniors

Mihálik, Boris January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the design and realization of function pattern of off-road four-wheel vehicle for seniors. First part of the work consist of research of current commercial vehicles for the elderly, as well as small four-wheeled off-road vehicles and their individual design elements. In this part of the work were also dismantled the proposed legislation allowing legal movement of vehicles on public roads and seniors ergonomics. Another section dealt with the proposal of possible variants for solving the essential structural elements of the vehicle. The last major parts of the work deals with detail description of each selected construction elements of the vehicle. Functional pattern has been manufactured and tested. At the end of this work were published the results of testing of the vehicle and also were proposed possible changes of design.

Investigating Air Pollution and Equity Impacts of a Proposed Transportation Improvement Program for Tampa

Kocak, Talha Kemal 21 March 2019 (has links)
Transportation infrastructure is important for human mobility and population well-being. However, it can also have detrimental impacts on health and equity, including through increased air pollution and its unequal social distribution. There is a need for better understanding of these impacts and for better approaches that improve health and equity outcomes of transportation planning programs. In this study, we are investigating the air pollution and health equity impacts of an ongoing large-scale metropolitan transportation improvement program, Tampa Bay Next (TBNext). Specific objectives are: 1) to characterize and quantify the air pollution levels and population exposures resulting from the roadway expansion currently planned under TBNext, and 2) to identify key attributes that could improve health and equity consideration in TBNext and similar programs. Using a multi-component modeling system that combines agent-based travel demand simulation with air pollution dispersion estimation, we simulated population exposures to oxides of nitrogen (NOx) resulting from two scenarios: one with the proposed TBNext lane expansions and one without it. To elucidate potential impacts on equity, including disparities in exposure for low-income and minority groups, the distribution of exposure among the population was compared using three measures of inequality. Additionally, through document review, we also performed a qualitative analysis of the TBNext program from a Health in All Policies (HiAP) perspective. Results from the modeling component indicate that the proposed lane scenario increased the number of vehicles, NOx emission rates, NOx concentration, and block group NOx exposure densities in downtown Tampa and its surrounding neighborhoods during the morning and evening rush hours. However, the proposed lanes also caused a decrease in the simulated total emissions and the daily average NOx concentration in Hillsborough County. The average individual-level NOx exposure also decreased, but disparities in exposure for minority and the below-poverty population groups increased in the proposed lane scenario. Results of the HiAP analysis suggest that health and equity should be priorities in major policies and programs such as transportation improvement programs. Multi-sectoral collaboration that provides benefit for all parties and stakeholders is also essential to improve the health and equity outcomes. Furthermore, health departments and public health agencies should be included in the transportation decision-making process. Finally, improving active transportation modes was commonly found in HiAP case studies to promote public health and equity in transportation planning programs. Evaluation of TBNext transportation improvement program from the HiAP perspective show that health consideration was not one of the priorities in the program. However, the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) frequently engaged with stakeholders in community meetings throughout the recent development process of the program. Additionally, FDOT and local governments addressed some inequity issues as a response to public concerns. Through assessment of a real case study, the results of this study contribute to the body of knowledge on the air quality and equity impacts of large-scale transportation improvement programs. Further, they suggest that air quality assessments and equity analyses should be conducted in more detail than what the law currently requires for transportation programs. Lastly, this study also shows that the HiAP paradigm could promote health and equity outcomes of transportation improvement programs.

"Hudebnice nebo kuriozity?" Československá dívčí kapela Satanic Girls / "Musicians or Curiosities?" Czechoslovak All-Girl Band Satanic Girls

Svobodová, Eliška January 2015 (has links)
The thesis deals with the Czechoslovakian all-girl band Satanic Girls (in South America performing under the name Las Satánicas), which performed in exile since August 1968. The author, using music and anthropological approaches based on the analysis of interviews (conducted in the period February 2013 - March 2014), press articles, photos, videos and archival materials, describes, analyses and interprets the history of the band. Doing so, the main emphasis is being put on the processes of negotiation. Setting out the thematic line "women - musicians - emigrants", the text observes how the emigration and the constant extreme changes in the cultural environment as well as the managers influenced the musical and visual style of the band. One of the central themes is a permanent, involuntary (and sometimes unconscious) oscillation of the band between being presented as the musicians or as the sexual attractions.

Topic Introduction Elements in All-Women and Mixed-Gender Social Club Meetings

McGarry, Theresa 01 October 2004 (has links)
No description available.

Messung von Impulsflüssen in der Mesosphäre / unteren Thermosphäre mit dem SKiYMET Meteorradar in Collm – Methode und erste Ergebnisse

Placke, M., Jacobi, Ch, Stober, G. 17 August 2017 (has links)
Schwerewellen transportieren Energie und Impuls aus den unteren in die oberen Atmosphärenschichten. Impulsflüsse und ihre Divergenz beschreiben dabei die Kopplung der Wellen mit der mittleren Zirkulation. Mit einer Methode von Hocking (2005) können Varianzen und Schwerewellenimpulsflüsse in der Mesosphäre / unteren Thermosphäre mit einem All-Sky Interferometric (SKiYMET) Meteorradar bestimmt werden. Diese Methode wurde auf die Datensätze des Meteorradars in Collm (51.3°N,13.0°E) angewandt. Erste Ergebnisse für die Varianzen und Impulsflüsse sowie speziell für die Höhenprofile des vertikalen Flusses zonalen Impulses im Jahresgang und die Untersuchung dessen auf periodische Schwankungen werden hier vorgestellt. / Gravity waves transport energy and momentum from the lower to the upper atmosphere. Momentum fluxes and their divergence describe the coupling of the waves with the background circulation. By using a method presented by Hocking (2005), wind variances and gravity wave momentum fluxes in the mesosphere/lower thermosphere can be determined with an all-sky interferometric (SKiYMET) meteor radar. This method has been applied to the data sets of the meteor radar at Collm (51.3°N,13.0°E). First results for the variances and momentum fluxes as well as for the height profiles of the vertical flux of zonal momentum, its seasonal cycle and periodic variations are presented.

Internet Protocol based Mobile Radio Access Network Architecture for Remote Service Areas

Shahzad, Hamid, Jain, Nishant January 2007 (has links)
When it comes to their Radio Access Network (RAN) infrastructure, no two Mobile Operators, serving remote service areas, are alike. Despite situations and technologies being diverse, a well designed optimized RAN solution must adapt itself to the existing networking technologies, both with regard to legacy core networks and modern telecommunication networks in order to produce the best network which is possible subject to many constraints. There is a misconception in technical circles that an optimized internet protocol (IP) enabled RAN architecture is more theoretical than practical. On the contrary, the aforesaid is highly dependent on the technology used. Packet optimized IP- GSM Radio Access Network (GRAN) architecture is proposed in this thesis, it uses Internet Protocol (IP) rather than proprietary protocols for communication between Base Transceiver Stations (BTS), Base Station Controllers (BSC), and the Network Switching Subsystem (NSS). This architecture must deliver carrier-grade mobility, scalability, and reliability; while being optimized for efficient roaming, routing and backhauling from remote service areas. In a geographic arena that spans across the globe, classical circuit-switched networks are not cost efficient due to their integrated call control (signaling) and switching architecture. A solution to this may be soft-switching which separates the call control (Media Gateway Controller (MGC)) and switching (Media Gateway (MG)) into separate nodes. This methodology would fundamentally change the way circuit-switched services, such as traditional voice telephony, are handled. For a service provider this enables a much more efficient network, because it allows optimized equipment location for voice termination into other carrier networks. Co-location of media gateways with satellite ground stations enables local termination to the public switched telephone network (PSTN), thus offloading a great deal of the traffic from the backhaul transmission network of the mobile operator. This thesis adopts soft-switching as part of the call routing processes. The thesis considers the problem of transporting voice and signaling from-to the remote service areas, efficient routing and backhaul to the location of most suitable operator’s point of presence. The thesis explores an alternative which uses a packet switched backbone (e.g. IP based) to transport the media as close (geographically) to the dialed party as possible before terminating it at the PSTN network, thus achieving optimal routing of voice and signaling. Considering the aforesaid, the thesis describes a detailed network architecture and an operational system prototype for maritime GSM network deployment, as a befitting and challenging example of remote service area. / När det gäller deras Radio access nät, finns det inte två Mobiloperatörer, som betjänar avlägsna områden, som är lika. Trots olika omständigheter och teknologier, ett väl designat optimerat RAN måste anpassa sig till den existerande nätverks teknologin, både med avseende på äldre befintlig teknologi och på moderna telekomnät, för att kunna skapa bästa möjliga nätverk givet många begränsningar. Det är en missuppfattning i tekniska kretsar att en optimerad IP anpassad RAN arkitektur är mer teoretisk än praktisk. Å andra sidan så är det ovan sagda väldigt beroende på vilken teknologi som har använts. En paket optimerad IP-GSM Radio Access Nätverks (IPGRAN) arkitektur är föreslagen i denna masters uppsats, den baseras på Internet Protokollet (IP) snarare än något egenutvecklat proprietärt protokol för komunikation mellan Basstation (BTS), Basstationscontroller (BSC), och nätets switchade subsystem (NSS). Denna arkitektur måste leverera carrier-grade (operatörs klassad) mobilitet, skalbarhet och tillgänglighet och samtidigt vara optimerat för effektiv roaming, routing och anslutning från avlägsna områden. På ett geografiskt område som sträcker sig runt hela jordklotet är inte klassiska kretskopplade nätverk kostnadseffektiva beroende på deras integrerade signallerings och samtals arkitektur. En bättre arkitektur kan vara en sk “softswitch” lösning som separerar samtalet i en (Media Gateway Controller (MGC)) och signaleringen (Media Gateway (MG)) i separata noder. Denna metod skulle på ett fundamentalt vis ändra det sätt på vilket traditionella kretskopplade tjänster som traditionell telefoni hanteras. För en tjänsteleverantör möjliggör detta ett mycket effektivare nätverk då det möjliggör optimerad utplacering av utrustning för terminering av rösttrafik in i andra operatörers nät. Samlokalisering av media gateways (MG:s) med jordstationer för satellitkommunikation möjliggör lokal anslutning till det allmänna telenätet (PSTN), vilket kraftigt minskar den trafik som behöver transporteras genom operatörens stomnät. Denna mastersuppsats behandlar “softswitching” som en del av metoden att växla och transportera samtalstrafik. Uppsatsen behandlar problemet med att skicka samtalstrafik och signalering från avlägsna områden, effektiv routing och transport av trafiken till den operatör som har den närmaste(alt. mest optimala) anslutningspunkten. Uppsatsen undersöker ett alternativ som använder ett paketförmedlat (IP baserat) transportsätt för att transportera trafiken geografiskt sett så nära den uppringda parten som möjligt innan den termineras i det allmänna telenätet (PSTN) varvid man uppnår optimal växling (alt. routing) av rösttrafik och signalering. I beaktande av ovanstående beskriver uppsatsen en detaljerad nätverksarkitektur och en funktionsduglig systemprototyp för ett maritimt GSM nät som ett utmanande exempel på ett avlägset beläget nät.

Achieving Universal Access to Electricity through Decentralized Renewable Energy Technologies in Minas Gerais, Brazil

Bulut, Mehmet Börühan January 2012 (has links)
Brazil started the Luz Para Todos (Light for all - LPT) program in 2003 aiming at universalization of electricity access in the country. The program uses three technological solutions to reach this goal: grid extension, decentralized power generation with isolated grids and stand-alone systems. This master thesis analyzes the role of decentralized renewable energy technologies in the Luz Para Todos program in the state of Minas Gerais. The factors that lead to the use of such technologies in the specific case of CEMIG (Energy Company of Minas Gerais) are considered. The study showed that regulatory framework and energy policy mechanisms are the most important determinants of the method of attendance in rural electrification. It is concluded that decentralized renewable energy technologies emerge as a strong alternative when it is not technologically and/or financially feasible to extend the grid.

GhostBuy: An All-Steps Anonymous Purchase Platform (ASAPP) based on Separation of Data

Willems, Fabian 19 May 2021 (has links)
In recent years – and especially since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic – online shopping has become a part of everyday life for many people. Yet, in contrast to buying at a traditional retail store, staying anonymous is at least difficult if not impossible when shopping online – in particular, when physical goods are to be delivered. From the customer perspective, reasons for seeking anonymity when shopping online can be manifold, for example some do not want anyone to know about their purchases, others do not want their data to be used by Big Data-enabled online retailers. From the point of view of online retailers, the prospect of anonymous online shopping should therefore not only be seen as a threat to their data-driven business models, but also as an opportunity to attract new customers. In this thesis we search and find support in the literature regarding the question whether there is indeed a demand for anonymous online shopping, and we discuss system architecture designs that were proposed by other authors for potentially realizing what we call All-Steps Anonymous Purchase Platforms (ASAPP). We propose a new architecture design that improves earlier work by realizing the concept of Separation of Data within a single platform: GhostBuy. We implement a working prototype of this platform that demonstrates not only the fundamental feasibility of the architecture but also that such a platform can be realized with a look-and-feel similar to that of common online shops. We also propose solutions for certain related aspects that are particularly important in the context of such a platform, as for example a guaranteed use of secure user passwords or application-level database encryption. We evaluate to what extent the proposed architecture and prototype preserve the customers’ anonymity/privacy, showing that the prototype provides it to the maximum possible extent that can be achieved based on the proposed architecture. We also show that the system provides 256-bit security against all but one considered cryptographic and mis-authentication attack vectors and discuss how this can also be achieved for the remaining attack vector. Closing our evaluation, we show how well the platform could presumably be deployed in the real world. Finally, limitations, possible improvements, and potential further future work are discussed and proposed.

Bekvämt, prisvärt och tidsbesparande : En studie om all inclusive-branschens hållbara eller icke-hållbara arbete

Jansson, Johanna, Wiman, Amanda January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Role učitele v německé celodenní škole / Rolle of the teacher in German all-day school

Čapková, Jana January 2011 (has links)
PAVLÍKOVÁ, J. The Rolle of the teachen in German all-day school. Praha: Faculty of Education, Charles University in Prague, 2011. 198 pp. Doctoral Thesis. The doctoral thesis examines the role of the teacher in German all-day school, as a specific educational institution with many representative features. The theoretical part describes the context of the role of the teacher in the German all-day school. It is defined all-day school in Germany and described its characteristics. The doctoral thesis briefly outlines the history of all-day school in Germany as well as current history in each of the German lands. The theoretical part further defines social role, role of teachers and summarizes current knowledge on the profession of teacher in the German all-day school. The empirical part tackles the qusetion of the role of the teacher in the German all-day school, its characteristics and the context in which it takes place. The research is carried out qualitative strategies, using grounded theory. A concrete result of the research is grounded substantive theory of the role of teachers in the German all-day school. It is also compared with existing theories of the role of teachers. Keywords: role of teachers, German all-day school, grounded theory.

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