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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Agila arbetsmetoder i eventprojekt : En fallstudie av Europamästerskapet i fotboll 2013 / Agile methods in event management : A case study of the UEFA women's euro 2013

Fåhraeus, Johan, Lagerkvist, Patrik January 2015 (has links)
Agila arbetsmetoder har uppkommit ur utvecklingsprojekt av mjukvara inom it-branschen. Det behövdes ett mer flexibelt sätt att arbeta än vad som var fallet i traditionell projektledning. Det gällde att kunna förändra planen efter förutsättningar som ändrades under projektets gång. Inom eventprojekt måste olika aspekter fungera för att resultatet ska bli lyckat och även här måste en projektledare vara beredd på att förutsättningarna förändras. Detta gjorde att vi blev intresserade av att undersöka hur agila arbetssätt går att använda för människor som arbetar med eventprojekt. Förklaringen till att vi valde Europamästerskapet i fotboll för damer 2013 för vår fallstudie är ett stort idrottsintresse, samt att vi kände till att den allmänna uppfattningen är att det var ett lyckat event. Syftet med uppsatsen blev att undersöka hur projektledarna och arbetsgrupperna arbetade med mästerskapet och om de använde sig av några arbetssätt som kan liknas vid agil projektledning. För att uppsatsen även ska vara framåtblickande presenterade vi ett antal agila arbetssätt för intervjupersonerna med förhoppningen att deras svar skulle ge en indikation på om agila arbetssätt kan fungera i eventprojekt. För att kunna besvara uppsatsens frågeställningar genomfördes fyra stycken kvalitativa intervjuer med fyra projektledare som arbetade med dam-EM 2013. Deras svar analyserades sedan och tillsammans med relevant teori ledde de fram till vad som sedermera blev uppsatsens slutsatser. Ingen av intervjupersonerna sa att de arbetade agilt, men det framkom redan under en sonderande intervju med turneringsdirektör Göran Havik på Svenska fotbollförbundet att flera av framgångsfaktorerna kan liknas vid agila arbetssätt. Efter att ha analyserat empirin kunde vi dra slutsatsen att det finns likheter i arbetsprocessen kring mästerskapet som kan liknas vid agila synsätt, exempelvis när det gäller kommunikation, ansvar och självstyre samt arbetsmiljö. När det gällde de agila arbetssätt som presenterades för intervjupersonerna fick dessa övervägande positiva reaktioner, även om de i vissa fall kan behöva anpassas från projekt till projekt. Efter genomförd uppsats är vår uppfattning att det finns anledning för projektledare som arbetar med eventprojekt att vara öppna för att använda agila arbetssätt. Dock kan det kanske vara svårt att helt ut använda agila arbetssätt, med de utmaningar som är typiska för eventbranschen. / Agile work methods evolved from developing software in the IT industry. The general opinion was that the industry needed a more flexible way of attacking different duties and the work methods in projects. There was a need to create a way of working that would let them change the original plan of the project if the conditions changed during the process. From this need, agile work methods evolved. In event projects different aspects must work together for the result to be as successful as possible in the IT industry, the project manager needs to be on his/her toes and be prepared for the conditions to change.  Our interest in investigating how and if agile work methods can work in the event industry evolved from this basic similarity. The reason why we chose the UEFA Euro 2013 for women for our case study is that we both have a huge interest in sports in general, and we knew that the general opinion is that this was an event project that was a success. The purpose with our project is thus to create knowledge regarding how the project managers and their teams work and the role of flexibility in their projects and were these project managers stand in the question of agile work methods and working more agile in the event industry. We did interviews with four project managers in different cities who were chosen to host a couple of games during the tournament. Their answers during the interviews were analysed with the help of relevant theory.  None of the project managers that were interviewed said that their work methods were based on agile methods. However, under the exploratory interview with the tournament director Göran Havik from the Swedish Football Association, it emerged that a number of factors that created the success of the tournament were similar in different ways to agile work methods. After the case study was completed we were able to draw the conclusion that event project managers would benefit from being open to learning more about agile work methods. Even though applying the full range of these work methods in the event industry could be difficult, the analysis of the interviews indicates that it is worth exploring further how the event industry could benefit from incorporating more agile work methods.

Plats? Pris? Mat? : Vad styr valet hos företag?

Johansson, Elin, Persson, Johanna January 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Event management - řešení projektu eventu z oboru IT a logistiky / Event Management – solution of event project, field IT and logistics

Halvová, Michaela January 2012 (has links)
The thesis on topic Event Management - solution of event project, field IT and logistics deals with the real project realized by company with particularly logistic branch, where the author is working. Whole thesis is about event, which was realized from November 2011 till March 2012. The aim of this thesis is to highlight problems linked to the project and event management and also to point out which methods are used in relation to the very realization of logistic forum. The reader of this thesis should be able to find out what the preparation, realization and implementation of the project contain and in which way might be used. Theoretical part clarify what the project and event management contains, which methodics are normally used and try to map different concepts of project and event management and what principles should be followed. Practical part deals with a real event, how gradually progressed in the implementation and project plan will be compared with the reality. This thesis is based on empiric method, especially on kind of empiric method -- project. For solving the main goal of thesis is used basically interpretation method - to show whole process of making this event. The conlusion and as a matter of fact hypothesis is to prove succesful realization based on theoretical principles of project and evetn management.

Building partnerships as a key strategy in developing an event management model for an international dance event : a case study of the 2008 WDA (World Dance Alliance) Global Summit, Brisbane, Australia

Liao, Shuyi January 2009 (has links)
With the increasing growth of cultural events both in Australia and internationally, there has also been an increase in event management studies; in theory and in practice. Although a series of related knowledge and skills required specifically by event managers has already been identified by many researchers (Perry et al., 1996; Getz, 2002 & Silvers et al., 2006) and generic event management models proposed, including ‘project management’ strategies in an event context (Getz, 2007), knowledge gaps still exist in relation to identifying specific types of events, especially for not-for-profit arts events. For events of a largely voluntary nature, insufficient resources are recognised as the most challenging; including finance, human resources and infrastructure. Therefore, the concepts and principles which are adopted by large scale commercial events may not be suitable for not-for-profit arts events aiming at providing professional network opportunities for artists. Building partnerships are identified as a key strategy in developing an effective event management model for this type of event. Using the 2008 World Dance Alliance Global Summit (WDAGS) in Brisbane 13-18 July, as a case study, the level, nature and relationship of key partners are investigated. Data is triangulated from interviews with organisers of the 2008 WDAGS, on-line and email surveys of delegates, participant observation and analysis of formal and informal documents, to produce a management model suited to this kind of event.

Management sportovních akcí - Světový pohár ve skicrossu / Sport events management - Skicross world cup

Fousek, Jiří January 2014 (has links)
Objectives: This thesis has two main objectives. First objective is analysis of management World cup skicross hold in Harrachov 2013. Second objective is execution of ex-post evaluation and preparation of new management plan for World cup skicross in Czech Republic Methods: In thesis are used methods like case study, interview, questionnaire survey, document analysis and SWOT analysis. Summary: The main aim was to create plans for improvement of management world cup skicross in Czech Republic. Implementation of these plans to event plan can be first step to get organizing WC for next period. Key words: Sport event, Sport event management, Event management, Event plan, Evaluation of sport event, Skicross.

Event Management in Ice Hockey : Case: Liiga (The Finnish Elite League)

Heinonen, Maiju January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this research was to discuss about event management theory and how the Liiga (the major ice hockey league in Finland) team organisations could use this theory to improve their home game events. This topic has been divided into two research questions from which the first discusses the current situation and the other gives suggestions for future improvements for the Liiga team organisations. This research is conducted as a master’s theses and it has been conducted in years 2014 to 2016. In order to understand the research topic the general theory of event management has been told from the sporting event point of view. This theory has been divided into two different sections which are the five stages of event management and the operational strategies of event management. Answers for the research questions have been search with a qualitative research and its methods of interview and questionnaire, observation and content analysis. These methods and the way these have been used in this research are introduced after the event management theory. The data collected with the selected qualitative research methods has been introduced as empirical findings. These empirical findings are introduced a research method at a time and in a same order as the data has been collected. After introducing the collected data it has been carefully analysed. The analysis have also been divided into two section from which the first answers to the first research question concerning the current situation and the other the second questions concerning the future improvement that could be done. The first part of analysis has been made in a same chronological order as the event management theory has been written in order it to be easy to compere these two to each other. In the end the conclusions of this research and its research questions are introduced. Also the knowledge which this research is offering for the tourism industry and for its readers have been discussed. This are also a lot of different ways how this research could be continued and made further and these ways have been discussed as well. Last but not least the research has been viewed critically and the quality of it has been questioned.

Situationsanpassat ledarskap : en studie gjord på Gotevent / Situational leadership : a study on Gotevent

Lönn, Niklas, Pipkorn, Matthias January 2012 (has links)
På många arbetsplatser i världen uppstår det dagligen olika situationer där det krävs av ledare att kunna anpassa sitt ledarskap för att kunna lösa situationerna. Situationer kan definieras så som konflikter, vägledning och andra oplanerade händelser som skulle kunna sätta ”käppar i hjulet” för en annars fungerande arbetsprocess. Det finns även behovet av specifik motivering för enskilda individer och grupper på arbetsplatser för att fånga uppmärksamhet och kunna förmedla den information du vill nå ut med.Syftet med studien är att undersöka om teoretiska föreställningar kring situationsanpassat ledarskap bidrar med förståelse för eventbolaget Gotevent och företag med liknande organisationsform. Detta är en teoretisk och empirisk studie där vi har använt oss utav publicerad litteratur kring situationsanpassat ledarskap samt litteratur om ledarskap och event management. Empirin har samlats in via semistrukturerade intervjuer från tre områdesansvariga på eventbolaget Gotevent. Även en deltagande observation på ett evenemang har använts för att ge empirin ett större djup. I analysen har det empiriska materialet tolkats och ställts emot fördjupade teoretiska studier. Detta har delats in efter begreppen Ledarskap, Personal, Beslutsfattande och Kommunikation. Uppsatsens resultat och slutsatser har avslutningsvis diskuterats.Möjligheterna att introducera situationsanpassat ledarskap hos en organisation som Gotevent är stora och det finns många hjälpande verktyg att utnyttja för arbetsledarna, som tidigare nämnts, har mycket ruljans på personal och många olika situationer som uppstår kring event. Vi ser tydligt hur arbetsledarna har högt förtroende för sina medarbetare och att medarbetarna har hög kunskap om sina områden.Situationsanpassat ledarskap bidrar därmed med förståelse för denna typ av organisationsform och det finns mycket som denna typ av ledarskap kan bidra med till liknande organisationer. / Program: Kandidatutbildning i företagsekonomi

Volunteering for the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games : visions, policies and capitals

Zhuang, Juan January 2011 (has links)
This research examines the use of volunteering at the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games for the creation of human, social and political capital at individual, organisational and societal levels. Despite a long tradition of Olympic volunteering, this has not been investigated so far. The concept of volunteerism at Beijing 2008, in fact, was constructed upon multiple contexts including the Olympic Movement, Chinese society and an international understanding of the ternl (BOCOG, 2005). Hence, volunteerism as an under-investigated concept is firstly studied individually in each of these contexts. The frameworks underpinning this research include Getz's (2005) human resource planning process which explains how specific policies for managing event volunteers are formulated for fulfilling its vision(s); and theories of social, human and political capital as developed by Putnam (2000), Bourdieu (1986; 1991) and Coleman (1988) respectively. Multiple qualitative case study strategy is adopted for this investigation, following a constructivist paradigm. The subjective and interactive epistemology is constructed upon the knowledge and experiences of a total of fifty-seven infoIDlants, most of whom were directly involved in the Beijing 2008 Olympic Volunteer Programme. The research findings illustrate that the Chinese state and BOCOG's interpretation of the concept of volunteerisrn was manifested in organisational visions for the Beijing 2008 Olympic Volunteer Programme. These visions were accomplished through a range of management policies, which in fact placed volunteerism at Beijing 2008 in line with the maturity stage of volunteerism in the Olympic Movement. During the course of the management practices, social, human and political capital were created in varying degrees at all of the three levels. It was also evident that participation and training were the critical processes in the creation of different forms of capital. Moreover, the findings suggest that the created social, human and political capital have both positive and negative effects on those involved, while full possible long-term effects are yet to become apparent. This research makes distinctive contributions to the body of knowledge. It adds six-dimensional conceptual frameworks for both volunteerism in general and Olympic volunteerism in specific. Investigation into how volunteering for the Beijing Games has been used for the creation of social, human and political capital at individual, organisational and societal levels is deemed to be original. Research findings will contribute to the development of volunteerism in the Olympic Movement and future Olympic volunteer programmes. Suggestions for future research are also proposed to investigate on further issues of issue of the use of volunteering for the creation of social, human and political capital at future Olympic Games as well as other mega events.

Digital Audio Video Assessment: Surface or Deep Learning - An Investigation

Hamm, Simon, sinonh@angliss.edu.au January 2009 (has links)
This research aims to investigate an assertion, endorsed by a range of commentators, that multimedia teaching and learning approaches encourage learners to adopt a richer, creative and deeper level of understanding and participation within the learning environment than traditional teaching and learning methods. The thesis examines this assertion by investigating one type of multimedia activity defined (for the purposes of this research) as a digital audio video assessment (DAVA). Data was collected using a constructivist epistemology, interpretative and naturalistic perspective using primarily a qualitative methodology. Three types of data collection methods were used to collect data from thirteen Diploma of Event Management students from William Angliss TAFE. Firstly, participants completed the Biggs Study Process Questionnaire (2001) which is a predictor of deep and surface learning preference. Each participant then engaged in a semi-structured interview that elicited participant's self-declared learning preferences and their approaches to completion of the DAVA. These data sources were then compared. Six factors that are critical in informing the way that the participants approached the DAVA emerged from the analysis of the data. Based on these findings it is concluded that the DAVA does not restrict, inhibit or negatively influence a participants learning preference. Learners with a pre-existing, stable learning preference are likely to adopt a learning approach that is consisten t with their preference. Participants that have a learning preference that is less stable (more flexible) may adopt either a surface or deep approach depending on the specific task, activity or assessment.

Marketingový plán event agentury / Marketing plan of event agency

Egorova, Valentina January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the creation of the marketing plan of the new event agency. The thesis consists of two parts - theoretical and practical. In the theoretical part are presented the foundation of marketing plan issues, parts of the marketing plan, its creation, goals setting, marketing mix, budget, action plan and control of marketing plan. A separate chapter deals with event marketing. In the practical part situational analysis and marketing research are implemented and then marketing objectives, strategy and marketing mix of the agency are determined, based on synthesis of its results. Finally, the budget, the action plan and the control of the implementation of the marketing plan are presented.

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