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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Binderless fiberboard production from Cynara cardunculus and Vitis vinifera

Mancera Arias, Camilo 24 October 2008 (has links)
Binderless fiberboard production from Cynara cardunculus and Vitis viniferaTwo lignocellulosic materials, Cynara cardunculus and Vitis vinifera, were pretreated and used to produce fiberboards without synthetic adhesives. The lignocellulosic materials were steam exploded through a thermo-mechanical vapor process in a batch reactor. After pretreatment the materials were dried, ground and pressed to produce the boards. The effects of pretreatment factors and pressing conditions on the chemical and physicomechanical properties of the fiberboards were evaluated and the conditions that optimize these properties were found. Response surface methodology based on a central composite design and multiple response optimization were used. The variables studied were: pretreatment temperature, pretreatment time, pressing temperature, pressing pressure, and pressing time. Binderless fiberboards produced from Cynara cardunculus stalks at the optimum conditions found fulfilled the European standards for boards of internal use. Nevertheless, binderless fiberboards produced from Vitis vinifera prunings at the optimum conditions found for this material did not completely met the European standards; modulus of rupture and internal bond values for these boards were lower than required minimums.Simultaneously, commercial Kraft lignin was reacted in an alkaline medium to enhance its adhesive properties. Chemical changes in reacted Kraft lignins that include ash content, Klason lignin, acid-soluble lignin and sugars were determined, as well as, structural characteristics of these lignins in terms of phenolic hydroxyl, aliphatic hydroxyl, methoxyl, carbonyl, Mw, Mn and polydispersity. The effects of reaction temperature and reaction time on lignin properties were studied using response surface methodology, and optimal reaction conditions were found.Two different types of Kraft lignin were used, alkali treated Kraft lignin and crude acid-washed Kraft lignin, as additives to enhance the physicomechanical properties of binderless fiberboards produced from Vitis vinifera to reach and overcome the European standards completely. At the end fiberboards produced with 20% of Vitis vinifera fibers replaced by crude acid-washed Kraft lignin were able to meet the European standards completely.This research work was an effort to reduce our dependency upon petroleum derivates, to diminish deforestation and to increase the use of renewable and biodegradable materials with the intention of preserving the environment and to encourage a sustainable development of our society. / Producción de Tableros de Fibras a partir de Cynara cardunculus y Vitis viniferaEn el presente estudio trozos Cynara cardunculus y Vitis vinifera fueron pretratados, y usados para producir tableros de fibras sin adhesivos sintéticos. Estos materiales lignocelulósicos se explotaron con vapor a través de un proceso termomecánico de vapor en un reactor por lotes. Después del pretratamiento el material fue secado, molido y prensado en caliente para producir los tableros. Se evaluaron los efectos de los factores del pretratamiento (temperatura de reacción y tiempo de reacción) y las condiciones de prensado (presión de prensado, temperatura y tiempo) sobre las propiedades químicas y físico-mecánicas de los tableros de fibras y se establecieron las condiciones que optimizan dichas propiedades. Las propiedades físico-mecánicas de los tableros de fibras que fueron estudiadas son: densidad, módulo de elasticidad (MOE), módulo de ruptura (MOR), enlace interno (IB), absorción de agua (WA) y hinchazón en hinchazón (TS) y las propiedades químicas estudiadas de la materia prima y el material pretratado fueron las siguientes: Cenizas, contenido de lignina Klason, contenido de celulosa y contenido de hemicelulosas. Se uso una metodología de superficie de respuesta basada en un diseño de experimentos del tipo central compuesto y una metodología de optimización de respuesta múltiple.Los tableros de fibras sin adhesivos sintéticos producidos a partir de tallos de Cynara cardunculus a las condiciones óptimas encontradas cumplieron con las normas europeas para los tableros de uso interno. Sin embargo, los tableros de fibras sin adhesivos sintéticos producidos a partir de podas de Vitis vinifera a las condiciones óptimas encontradas para este material no cumplieron totalmente las normas europeas; los valores del módulo de ruptura y del enlace interno para estos tableros fueron inferiores a los mínimos requeridos. Una lignina Kraft comercial fue sometida a reacción en un medio alcalino para mejorar sus propiedades adhesivas. Se determinaron los cambios químicos en las ligninas Kraft tratadas, las propiedades medidas fueron: contenido en cenizas, lignina Klason, lignina soluble en ácido y azúcares, también se determinaron las características estructurales de estas ligninas en términos de hidroxilos fenólicos, hidroxilos alifáticos, metóxilos, carbonilos, Mw, Mn y polidispersidad. Se estudiaron los efectos de la temperatura de reacción y el tiempo de reacción sobre las propiedades de la lignina con una metodología de superficie de respuesta, y se encontraron la condiciones óptimas de reacción.Se usaron dos tipos diferentes de lignina Kraft, lignina Kraft tratada en medio alcalino y lignina Kraft cruda lavada con ácido, como aditivos para mejorar las propiedades físico-mecánicas de los tableros de fibras sin adhesivos sintéticos producidos a partir de Vitis vinifera, para alcanzar y superar las normas europeas completamente. Al final los tableros de fibras producidos con una substitución del 20% de fibras de Vitis vinifera por lignina Kraft cruda lavada con ácido fueron capaces de satisfacer las normas europeas por completo.Este trabajo de investigación fue un esfuerzo para reducir nuestra dependencia de los derivados del petróleo, para disminuir la deforestación y para aumentar el uso de materiales renovables y biodegradables con la intención de preservar el medio ambiente y fomentar un desarrollo sostenible de nuestra sociedad.

Producción de tableros de fibras sin adición de adhesivos a partir de arundo donax L. Y bagazo de Saccharum officinarum L.

Ramos Romero, Diego 09 November 2012 (has links)
En este trabajo se estudian los parámetros de obtención de tableros sin aporte de adhesivos, a partir de materiales lignocelulósicoscomo son la caña común (Arundodonax L.) y el bagazo de SaccharumofficinarumL. Los tableros propuestos aportan como ventaja el estar libres de emisiones de formaldehído y el no consumir recursos fósiles. Ambas propiedades son importantes en un mercado cada vez más exigente en aspectos medioambientales. En el caso del “ArundodonaxL” se ha partido de cañas silvestres de Tarragona. El bagazo de Saccharumofficinarum utilizado es el subproducto industrial de una destilería de la Isla de la Palma (Canarias). El material crudo ha sido pretratado realizando una “explosión de vapor” en un reactor “batch” a distintas condiciones de severidad. Este material explosionado se ha triturado y prensado en frío de dos formas (en seco y en húmedo). Posteriormente, los tableros prensados en frío y acondicionados a temperatura y HR constantes se han prensado en caliente a diferentes niveles de presión, temperatura y tiempo de prensado. En el proceso de producción a escala de laboratorio de los tableros, se han mejorado algunas de las fases seguidas como el prensado, introduciendo mallas de evacuación de vapor; y se han innovado otros, como la incorporación del prensado en frío y el tratamiento térmico final después de la conformación en caliente. Todo ello para mejorar la homogeneidad y obtener tableros de altas prestaciones mecánicas con estosmateriales. Se ha podido estudiar el efecto de los distintos factores que intervienen en la producción de tableros (Severidad del pretratamiento, temperatura de prensado, presión de prensado y tiempo de prensado), sobre las características físicas y mecánicas de estos tableros(Densidad, MOE, MOR, IB, TS y WA). Con ello se han obtenido las relaciones matemáticas que vinculan a estos factores de producción con las características físicas y mecánicas de los tableros. Puede ser muy importante para la industria el hecho de que los modelos ajustados definidos nos pueden permitir obtener tableros con características prefijadas. También se ha valorado la utilización de material integro explosionado y no lavado y, por tanto, sin ningún lixiviado ni residuo. Los tableros cumplen sobradamente los requerimientos de las norma EN para uso estructural, en todas las características físico-mecánicas estudiadas. Abreviaturas: HR Humedad relativa MOE Módulo de elasticidad en flexión o Módulo de Young MOR Módulo de rotura o Resistencia a la flexión IB Resistencia a la tracción perpendicular a las caras (Internal Bond) TS Hinchamiento WA Absorción de agua / This work studies the parameters for obtaining binderless fiberboards from lignocelullosic materials such as giant reed (Arundodonax L.) and sugar cane bagasse (Saccharumofficinarum L.) The suggested boards havethe advantage of being free from formaldehyde emissions and of not consuming fossil resources. Both properties are important in a market that is increasingly sensitivetowards environmental issues. Wild reeds from Tarragona were used as the base material to make Arundodonax Lfiberboards. The Saccharumoffinarumsugar cane bagasse was anindustrial byproduct obtained from a plantation on the island ofLa Palma in the Canary Islands (DestileríasAldea SL). The raw material was pre-treated by performing a “steam explosion” in a “batch” reactor. The exploded material was ground and cold-pressed in two ways (wet and dry). Subsequently, the cold-pressed boards, which had beenconditioned at a constant temperature and RH, were hot-pressed at different levels of pressure, temperature and press time. Some of the processes for producing boards on a laboratory-scale,such as pressing withsteam evacuation meshes, have been improved. Others processes were specifically developed in the laboratory, including the incorporation of cold-pressing and the final heat treatment after hot-forming. The aim of all this was to achieve high mechanical performance in boards made from these materials. Different factors involved in the production of the boards were studied (severity of pretreatment, pressing temperature, pressing pressure and pressing time) to determine how they affectthe physical and mechanical properties of these boards (density, MOE, MOR, IB, TS and WA). As a result, the mathematical relationships that link these production factors to the physical and mechanical properties of the boards were obtained. It is very significant for the industry that these adjusted models can produce boards with preset characteristics. The use of material that wascompletely exploded and unwashed and, therefore, without residue has also been studied. In terms of all the physical-mechanical characteristics studied,the boards fully comply with the requirements of the EN standards for structural use. Abbreviations RHRelativehumidity MOE Modulus of elasticity MOR Modulus of rupture IB Internal bond TS Thicknessswelling WA Water absorption

The integration of Dow's Fire and Explosion Index into process design and optimization to achieve an inherently safer design

Suardin, Jaffee Arizon 30 October 2006 (has links)
The integration of the safety parameter into process design and optimization is essential. However, there is no previous work in integrating the fire and explosion index (F&EI) into design and optimization. This research proposed a procedure for integrating safety into the design and optimization framework by using the safety parameter as optimization constraint. The method used in this research is Dow’s Fire and Explosion Index which is usually calculated manually. This research automates the calculation of F&EI. The ability to calculate the F&EI, to determine loss control credit factors and business interruption, and to perform process unit risk analysis are unique features of this F&EI program. In addition to F&EI calculation, the F&EI program provides descriptions of each item of the penalties, chemicals/materials databases, the flexibility to submit known chemical/material data to databases, and material factor calculations. Moreover, the sensitivity analyses are automated by generating charts and expressions of F&EI as a function of material inventory and pressure. The expression will be the focal point in the process of integrating F&EI into process design and optimization framework. The proposed procedure of integrating F&EI into process design and optimization framework is verified by applying it into reactor-distillation column system. The final result is the optimum economic and inherently safer design for the reactor and distillation column system.

Dynamics of heterogeneous clusters under intense laser fields

Di Cintio, Pierfrancesco 14 January 2015 (has links) (PDF)
By means of N-body simulations we study the ion and electron dynamics in molecular first-row hydride clusters when exposed to intense and short X-ray pulses. We find that, for a particular range of X-ray intensities, fast protons are ejected from the system on a considerably shorter time scale than that of the screened core. As a consequence, the structure of heavy atoms is kept intact", which may be relevant in the context of X-ray based molecular imaging. Moreover the final charge states of the heavy ions are considerably lower than those of the ions in pristine atomic clusters exposed to the same laser pulses, which is in agreement with recent measurement of methane cluster at the LCLS in Stanford.

The effectiveness of green marketing

Feng, Lung-Chun 13 July 2011 (has links)
Green marketing has been a main topic of discussion for several years. Most studies conducted in this area have focused on the benefits of green marketing for a normal company. However, no studies have considered the effectiveness of green marketing by a negative brand like BP. This study aims to reveal the effectiveness of green marketing after pollution. An experiment was conducted to evaluate participants’ attitudes toward the marketing strategy. Although the results were not significant, some interesting findings were revealed and are addressed at the end of the paper. They imply that individuals with green awareness are less influenced by both green marketing and an economic-assistance strategy in BP’s case, compared to individuals with lower green awareness. Overall, all participants in this study preferred the economic-assistance strategy, which means that green marketing is not effective for a corporation involved in pollution issues. / text

Etude de l'intégration d'une protection par fusible dans les convertisseurs à IGBT

Duong, Viet-Son 03 July 1997 (has links) (PDF)
Les progrès technologiques réalisés en matière d'interrupteurs semiconducteurs de puissance, ont conduit au début des années 80, à l'apparition du transistor bipolaire à grille isolée, plus couramment désigné sous l'abréviation IGBT. Etant donnés les niveaux de puissance que ces composants sont aujourd'hui aptes à commuter, une protection contre les défauts devient nécessaire. Un fusible rapide associé au composant permet d'éviter l'explosion du boîtier en cas de court-circuit, et ainsi de garantir la sécurité des personnes et des divers composants à proximité. Une étude du comportement de l'IGBT en régime de court-circuit a été entreprise afin d'évaluer une valeur caractéristique de l'explosion, et de dimensionner précisément le calibre du fusible. L'intégration d'un fusible dans un convertisseur à IGBT passe en premier lieu par l'étude des perturbations générées par le convertisseur sur le fusible. Ces perturbations, associées aux effets de proximité, se traduisent par une répartition déséquilibrée des courants entre des fusibles en parallèle ou même entre les éléments fusibles. Ainsi, nous nous sommes attachés à élaborer un modèle électrothermique du fusible permettant de calculer la répartition des courants et la température des éléments fusibles. Ce modèle permet de définir des abaques, en liaison avec un critère thermique de bon fonctionnement des fusibles. En second lieu, nous avons analysé les perturbations engendrées par le fusible sur le convertisseur. Celles-ci se traduisent principalement par l'introduction d'une inductance supplémentaire dans le circuit, laquelle pouvant être néfaste au fonctionnement du convertisseur. Nous avons proposé quelques règles de conception permettant de réduire l'inductance rajoutée.

The Architecture of Memory: Creating Personal Memory Within the Collective

Lau, Liz 10 July 2012 (has links)
This thesis explores the theoretical, psychological, and phenomenological notions of the singular personal memory and the collective memory through civic architecture. The main design guidelines are inspired by the ancient teachings on the mnemonics of rhetoric and the phenomenology of the imagination. This thesis uses architecture and space as a medium to be an interpretative tool of narrating the sequential event of the Halifax Explosion of 1917. Architecture as an art form can deliberately be created to mimic, represent, and express key moments of an event, which when experienced individually through the duality between body, memory, and light, the personal memory becomes the primary mode of story-telling. The civic collective memory is always changing dependent on time and intentional involvement. These processes are recorded through theoretical texts, drawings, and physical models that serve as interpretive tools for the haptic dialectics of memory, imagination, phenomenology, and the play on atmospheric emotions.

On Fuel Coolant Interactions and Debris Coolability in Light Water Reactors

Thakre, Sachin January 2015 (has links)
During the case of a hypothetical severe accident in a light water reactor, core damage may occur and molten fuel may interact with water resulting in explosive interactions. A Fuel-Coolant Interactions (FCI) consists of many complex phenomena whose characteristics determine the energetics of the interactions. The fuel melt initially undergoes fragmentation after contact with the coolant which subsequently increases the melt surface area exposed to coolant and causes rapid heat transfer. A substantial amount of research has been done to understand the phenomenology of FCI, still there are gaps to be filled in terms of the uncertainties in describing the processes such as breakup/fragmentation of melt and droplets. The objective of the present work is to substantiate the understanding in the premixing phase of the FCI process by studying the deformation/pre-fragmentation of melt droplets and also the mechanism of melt jet breakup. The focus of the work is to study the effect of various influential parameters during the premixing phase that determine the intensity of the energetics in terms of steam explosion. The study is based on numerical analysis starting from smaller scale and going to the large scale FCI. Efforts are also taken to evaluate the uncertainties in estimating the steam explosion loads on the reactor scale. The fragmented core is expected to form a porous debris bed. A part of the present work also deals with experimental investigations on the coolability of prototypical debris bed. Initially, the phenomenology of FCI and debris bed coolability is introduced. A review of the state of the art based on previous experimental and theoretical developments is also presented. The study starts with numerical investigation of molten droplet hydrodynamics in a water pool, carried out using the Volume Of Fluid (VOF) method in the CFD code ANSYS FLUENT. This fundamental study is related to single droplets in a preconditioning phase, i.e. deformation/pre-fragmentation prior to steam explosion. The droplet deformation is studied extensively also including the effect of the pressure pulse on its deformation behavior. The effect of material physical properties such as density, surface tension and viscosity are investigated. The work is then extended to 3D analysis as a part of high fidelity simulations, in order to overcome the possible limitations of 2D simulations. The investigation on FCI processes is then continued to the analysis on melt jet fragmentation in a water pool, since this is the crucial phenomenon which creates the melt-coolant pre-mixture, an initial condition for steam explosion. The calculations are carried out assuming non-boiling conditions and the properties of Wood’s metal. The jet fragmentation and breakup pattern are carefully observed at various Weber numbers. Moreover, the effect of physical and material properties such as diameter, velocity, density, surface tension and viscosity on jet breakup length, are investigated. After the fundamental studies, the work was extended to reactor scale FCI energetics. It is mainly oriented on the evaluation of uncertainties in estimating the explosion impact loads on the surrounding structures. The uncertainties include the influential parameters in the FCI process and also the code uncertainties in calculations. The FCI code MC3D is used for the simulations and the PIE (propagation of input errors) method is used for the uncertainty analysis. The last part of the work is about experimental investigations of debris coolability carried out using the POMECO-HT facility at KTH. The focus is on the determination of the effect of the bed’s prototypical characteristics on its coolability, in terms of inhomogeneity with heap like (triangular shape) bed and the radial stratified bed, and also the effect of its multi-dimensionality. For this purpose, four particle beds were constructed: two homogeneous, one with radial stratification and one with triangular shape, respectively. The effectiveness of coolability-enhanced measures such as bottom injection of water and a downcomer (used for natural circulation driven coolability, NCDC) was also investigated. The final chapter includes the summary of the whole work. / Under ett svårt haveri i en kärnkraftsreaktor kan en härdsmälta bildas och smältan växelverka på ett explosivt sätt med kylvattnet. En sådan FCI (Fuel-Coolant-Interaction) inbegriper flera fysikaliska processer vilkas förlopp bestämmer hur stor den frigjorda energin blir. Vid kontakt med vattnet fragmenteras först härdsmältan vilket i sin tur leder till att en större yta exponeras för kylvattnet och att värmeöverföringen från smältan snabbt ökar. Mycket forskning har ägnats åt att förstå vad som sker under en FCI men det finns fortfarande luckor att fylla vad beträffar t ex osäkerheter i beskrivningen av fragmentering av såväl smälta som enskilda droppar av smält material. Syftet med detta arbete är främst att underbygga en bättre förståelse av den inledande delen av en FCI genom att studera dels hur enskilda droppar av smält material deformeras och splittras och dels hur en stråle av smält material fragmenteras. Vi studerar särskilt vilka parametrar som mest påverkar den energi som frigörs vid ångexplosionen. Problemet studeras med numerisk analys med början i liten skala och sedan i full skala. Vi söker också uppskatta de laster som explosionen utsätter reaktorns komponenter för. En annan viktig fråga gäller kylbarheten hos den slaggansamling som bildas under reaktorhärden efter en FCI. Slagghögen förväntas ha en porös struktur och en del av avhandlingen redogör för experimentella försök som genomförts för att utvärdera kylbarheten i olika prototypiska slaggformationer. I avhandlingens inledning beskrivs de fysikaliska processerna under en FCI och kylningen av en slaggansamling. Det aktuella kunskapsläget på dessa områden presenteras också utgående från tidigare experimentella och teoretiska studier. Studierna i avhandlingen inleds med numerisk analys av hydrodynamiken för en enskild droppe smälta i en vattentank där VOF-metoden i CFD-programmet ANSYS FLUENT används. Denna grundläggande studie rör en enskild droppe under förstadiet till fragmentering och ångexplosion då droppen deformeras alltmer. Deformationen studeras ingående också med hänsyn tagen till inverkan av en tryckpuls. Inverkan av olika egenskaper hos materialet, som densitet, ytspänning och viskositet studeras också. Arbetet utvidgas sedan till en beskrivning i 3D för att undvika de begränsningar som finns i en 2D-simulering. Studierna av FCI utvidgas sedan till en analys av fragmentering av en stråle smälta i vatten. Detta är en kritisk del av förloppet då smälta och vatten blandas för att ge utgångstillståndet för ångexplosionen. Beräkningarna genomförs under antagande att kokning inte sker och med materialegenskaper som för Wood´s metall. Mönstret för fragmentering och uppsplittring studeras ingående för olika Weber-tal. Dessutom studeras effekten på strålens uppsplittringslängd av parametrar som diameter och hastighet för strålen samt densitet, ytspänning och viskositet hos materialet. Efter dessa grundläggande studier utvidgas arbetet till FCI-energier i reaktorskala. Här ligger tonvikten på utvärdering av osäkerheter i bestämningen av den inverkan explosionen har på omgivande konstruktioner och komponenter. Osäkerheterna inkluderar eventuell bristande noggrannhet hos såväl de viktiga parametrarna i FCI-processen som i själva beräkningarna. Den sista delen av arbetet handlar om experimentella undersökningar av slaggformationens kylbarhet som genomförts i uppställningen POMECO-HT vid avdelningen för kärnkraftsäkerhet på KTH. Vi vill bestämma effekten av formationens prototypiska egenskaper på kylbarheten. För detta ändamål konstruerades fyra olika formationer: två homogena, en med radiell variation i partikelstorlek och en med triangulär variation. Vi undersökte också hur förbättrad kylning kan uppnås genom att tillföra kylvatten underifrån respektive via ett fallrör (kylning genom naturlig cirkulation). I det avslutande kapitlet ges en sammanfattning av hela arbetet. / <p>QC 20150507</p>

Fragmentation Dynamics of Triatomic Molecules in Femtosecond Laser Pulses Probed by Coulomb Explosion Imaging

Karimi, Reza 06 1900 (has links)
In this thesis we have utilized few-cycle pulses in the range 10-15s, to initiate CE to allow us to image the structure, dynamics, and kinetics of ionization and dissociation of triatomic molecules. We have made a series of measurements of this process for CO2 and N2O, by varying the laser pulse duration from 7 to 500 fs with intensity ranging from 2.5×1014 to 4×1015 (W/cm2), in order to identify the charge states and time scales involved. This is a new approach in CEI introducing a multi-dimensional aspect to the science of non-perturbative laser-molecule interaction. We refer to this approach as FEmtosecond Multi-PUlse Length Spectroscopy (FEMPULS). The use of a time and position sensitive detector allow us to observe all fragment ions in coincidence. By representing the final fragmentation with Dalitz and Newton plots, we have identified the underlying break up dynamics. Momentum conservation has been used to extract the correlated fragment ions which come from a single parent ion. This is achieved by considering that the total momentum of all correlated fragments must add up to zero. One of the main outcomes of our study is observation of charge resonance enhanced ionization (CREI) for triatomic molecules. In the case of CO2, we found that for the 4+ and higher charge states, 100 fs is the time scale required to reach the critical geometry RCO= 2.1Å and ӨOCO =163º (equilibrium CO2 geometry is RCO= 1:16Å and ӨOCO =172º. The CO23+ molecule, however, appears always to begin dissociation from closer than 1.7 Å indicating that dynamics on charge states lower than 3+ is not sufficient to initiate CREI. Finally, we make quantum ab initio calculations of ionization rates for CO2 and identify the electronic states responsible for CREI. Total kinetic energy (KER) has been measured for channels (1, 1, 1) to (2, 2, 2) and it was found that the (1, 1, 1) channel is not Coulombic, while (2, 2, 2) channel is very close to Coulombic (KER close to 90% of the coulombic potential). As another outcome of our study, for the case of N2O, we observed for the first time that there are two stepwise dissociation pathways for N2O3+: (1) N2O3+ → N++ NO2+ → N+ + N++ O+ and (2) N2O3+ → N22++O+ → N+ + N++ O+ as well as one for N2O4+ → N2++ NO2+ → N2+ + N++ O+. The N22+ stepwise channel is suppressed for longer pulse length, a phenomenon which we attribute to the influence which the structure of the 3+ potential has on the dissociating wave packet propagation. Finally, by observing the KER for each channel as a function of pulse duration, we show the increasing importance of CREI for channels higher than 3+.

The development of a novel method for arresting tunnel explosions

Dwomoh, Michael January 1998 (has links)
The onset of an explosion in an underground mining environment is a threat that has over years attracted a lot of attention. Much of this attention has focused on either arresting the explosion after it has been initiated or preventing the initiation. The methods devised have proved successful in most cases, but on the odd occasion that they fail, the end results can be disastrous. There have been fatalities from underground mining explosions as a result of fires burning and sapping all the oxygen in the atmosphere leading to asphyxiation. A different approach to arresting these explosions would enhance safety in the face of increased productivity. A novel method using an explosion door with a porous media acting as a shock wave attenuator and arresting the flames has been introduced. This research investigates the ability of the porous media used in the explosion door to withstand explosions. The performance of the porous media is crucial, as its failure would render the explosion door useless. In order to assess the performance of the porous media, a shock tube was built capable of generating shock waves with a Mach number of 1.5. By placing samples of the porous media within the test section of the shock tube, pressure measurements were taken fore and aft of the porous media as it was impinged upon by the shock wave. Tests were also conducted using thin orifice plates to provide data for comparing the performance characteristics of the porous media. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations of the porous media and the orifice plates were performed to validate the experimental work as well providing graphic detail of the flow around the test specimen. The work presented in this thesis makes a contribution to the efforts towards the provision of a safe underground environment. This contribution is achieved by investigating the performance of the porous media to be used in an explosion door and correlating the performance of the porous media with thin orifice plates. The porous media in the work presented here is currently used in the castings industry and its application as a shock wave attenuator and fire arrester would contribute greatly to the well being of all people working underground.

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