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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Birth Order and its Effect on the Attainment of The Eagle Scout Status

Moesser, Kevin Randy 01 May 1980 (has links)
The effects of birth order on achievement have been under investigation continually resulting in reported prominence of first born children in various areas of achievement. The purpose of this study was to provide further investigation into the effects of birth order on the achievement hypothesis using the attainment of the Eagle Scout Award as the dependent variable. Five hypotheses were formulated from a review of literature which included: (1) boys in the first born position are more likely to attain the Eagle Scout Award than boys in later born positions, (2) family income is associated with attaining the Eagle Scout Award, (3) high scores on the Ignoring scale by the mothers are associated with attaining the Eagle Scout Award, (4) high scores on the Dominance scale by the mothers are associated with attaining the Eagle Scout Award, (5) low scores on the Possessive scale by the fathers are associated with attaining the Eagle Scout Award. One hundred ten families with at least one son who had attained the Eagle Scout Award were included in the study. Each parent was asked to complete a questionnaire which provided information concerning family demographics such as parents' birth order, birth order and sex of children, highest scouting award of male children and the father, religious attendance of parents and scouts, education level of parents, occupations of parents, and family income. Parents were asked to report the supportive actions they provided for their sons in scouting activities and their perceived strength of the troops' programs, and importance of selected individuals to their sons attaining the Eagle Award. Chi-square tests calculated for the formulated hypotheses gave the following results: (1) boys from later born positions were just as likely to attain the Eagle Scout Award as boys in the first born position, (2) families of lower income levels were just as likely to have multiple Eagles within their families as families of higher income levels, (3) mothers who scored low on the Ignoring scale were just as likely to have multiple Eagles in their families as mothers who scored high on the Ignoring scale, (4) mothers who scored low on the Dominance scale were just as likely to have multiple Eagles in their families as mothers who scored high on the Dominance scale, (5) fathers who scored high on the Possessive scale were just as likely to have multiple Eagles in their families as fathers who scored low on the Possessive scale.

Nest-Site Selection of Golden Eagles and Ferruginous Hawks and Diet Composition of Sensitive Raptor Species Using Metabarcoding Analysis in the Uinta Basin and Ashley National Forest, UT, USA

Hopkins, Dylan J. 01 August 2019 (has links)
Development and climate change in the sagebrush habitats are causing population declines of North American hawks and eagles. For these species, understanding the landscape features that are preferred for nesting and the prey they consume in sagebrush habitats are important in developing conservation plans. Specifically, we know little of the preferred nest-sites and diet of Ferruginous Hawks (Buteo regalis) and Golden Eagles (Aquila chrysaetos) many locales. In our study, we determined the landscape characteristics associated with nest sites for these two raptor species in the Uintah Basin, UT to predict where nests may occur in our study area. We found that slope, elevation, distance to nearest oil and gas wells, geology, and facing south were the most important variables in characterizing Golden Eagle nest-sites. Elevation, slope, vegetation type, and distance to nearest oil and gas wells were the most important variables in characterizing Ferruginous Hawk nest-sites. In addition, we looked at the diets of Golden Eagles, Ferruginous Hawks, and Northern Goshawks in the Uinta Basin, UT using a genetic analysis method novel to raptors. We found species consistent with previous diet studies and detected prey items not previously reported, including the Western Whiptail (Aspidocelis tigris), Domestic Cow (Bos Taurus), Domestic Pig (Sus scrofa), and Rock Bass (Amboplites rupestris) within Ferruginous Hawk samples. Results from our study can provide managers with tools to better survey for nest-sites and to provide an alternative method of diet analysis to provide insight into prey species important to these raptors.

A Tectonic Study of a Part of the Northern Eagle Cap Wilderness Area, Northeastern Oregon

Neal, Kenneth Gordon 03 May 1973 (has links)
Upper Triassic metavolcanic and metasedimentary strata in the study area are intruded by the Hurricane Divide and Craig Mountain Plutons of the Late Jurassic-Cretaceous Wallowa Batholith. The Clover Creek Greenstone is overlain by the Martin Bridge Limestone, which is in tum overlain by the Hurwal Argillite; although the sequence is in normal stratigraphic order, contacts are generally tectonic. Concurrent with Early-Middle Jurassic regional deformation, during intermediate to mafic dikes, emplacement of the plutons of the Wallowa Batholith began. The plutons intruded vertically through the greenstone and limestone and then horizontally above the greenstone. This resulted in intense penetrative plastic deformation particularly of the Martin Bridge Limestone. Emplacement of the Hurricane Divide Pluton followed a northeast axis, and resulted in isoclinal folding and the formation of northerly trending synformal anticlines in the Martin Bridge atop a zone of uncoupling between the plastic limestone and the more rigid underlying Clover Creek metavolcanic basement. Subsequent final emplacement of the Craig Mountain Pluton caused cross folding of these anticlinal structures. Granitic plutonism was followed by regional uplift with associated faulting and erosion. Miocene Columbia River Basalt flood lavas were injected along many of the more northerly trending of these faults. This magmatism was concurrent with or followed by block uplift on the order of 1800 m of the Wallowa Mountains along the Wallowa Fault.

Performance Management Systems in Albanian Mobile Operators - Two Case Studies

Pone, Dorian January 2012 (has links)
This thesis explores the components of the MCSs in use by two Albanian Mobile Operators AMC and Eagle. The methodology used is that of multiple case studies; the study is interpretative, analyzing qualitative data, and has an inductive approach. There are three MCS frameworks used the Object of Control (Merchant and Van der Stede 2007), Control Package (Malmi and Brown 2008) and Performance Management Systems (Otley and Ferreira 2009). The empirical findings were gathered by using semi-structured interviews. Both managerial and non-managerial staff were interviewed according to their areas of expertise in MCSs. The findings suggest that the MCSs used by the two operators are highly structured as per the three frameworks, that AMC does not use any well known model (such as BSC, Tableau de Bord, Performance Prism etc.), whereas Eagle uses a customized BSC, and that the strategies of each of the companies are translated into action through the respective MCSs.

Modelling habitat suitability index for golden eagle

Johansson, Maya January 2020 (has links)
The aim in this study was to develop a model for the probability of finding active golden eagle nests during their breeding season. It was done by using environmental variables derived from expert models which were tested against empirical data. This resulted in a habitat suitability index (HSI), which in this case is assumed to indicate the probability of active nests of golden eagles. The study was conducted together with the County Administrative Board of Västernorrland with the purpose to improve golden eagle’s ecological status.To develop the model, different combinations of several explanatory variables were tested in a model selection process, where the most optimal and parsimonious model was chosen. The tested variables have earlier been shown to affect golden eagles, as slope, aspect, forest age, foraging habitat, suitable flight routes, human population density, roads, railways, power lines, wind power plants, hiking trails and clear cuts. The variables where applied in in ArcMAP at three different scales: nest scale (25 x 25 meter), proximate scale (a circle with the radius of 500 meter) and home range scale (a circle with the radius of 8253 meter). A preliminary test of the variables showed that all golden eagle nests were found in slopes with at least 5֯ degreesas well as in home ranges with human population density not more than 8 people/km2. Due to that a stratified analysis wasperformed. The variables where analysed by multiple logistic regression in R, where the occurrence of golden eagles’ nestswas compared towards random points in the landscape. All variables were also tested one by one by logistic regression. Afterperforming the multiple logistic regression, it was possible to apply its equation into ArcMap to obtain suitability maps withHSI values over Västernorrland’s county.The comparisons of different models show that it is better to combine different spatial scales in the model than only using one spatial scale. The result indicate that three different models might be the best, which all had different combinations of slope and aspect at nest scale and power lines at the proximate scale. Two of these models also include hiking trails and human population density, both at home range scale, in their equation. Since it was some unclarity about the causality between hiking trails and human population density, the conclusion was not to choose any of these as the final model. The final model was more parsimonious and had an additive effect from slope and southern aspect at the nest scale and an antagonistic effect from power lines at the proximate scale.This study clarifies that golden eagles’ habitat preferences for nesting sites during their breeding period is steep slopes (at minimum 5֯ degrees) in more southern aspects with few power lines in the proximate area surrounding the nest. Their homeranges are also situated in areas with less than 8 people/km2. The study also pinpoints a potential conflict between golden eagleand wind power planning, as golden eagles prefer steep slopes and remote areas, which also are valuable areas for wind powerplants. Golden eagles’ preference of remote areas also indicate that they might be affected by human persecution, why certainconservation effort should be focused into this issue. Out from the final model, you can find cluster in the landscape where youcan focus conservation management and restrict exploitation. Due to low number of wind power plants in the landscape, nothingcould be concluded about their effect on golden eagle in this study. An advice from the golden eagle’s perspective is to use theprecautionary principle and further plan wind power plants in areas which already have high disturbance, as for example closeto power lines or roads. The result also indicates that forest age from SLU Forest Map is not suitable for telling where to findgolden eagle nests. GIS-data over forest age would facilitate conservation management for plenty of species connected to theforest.Although good statistical results for the final model, cautions need to be taken in general, since neither population viability analysis have been included, nor changes over time in the landscape. Another issue is the low sample size, where a larger sample size would make it possible to perform profound calibration and validation of the data. To develop a more robust model, the advice is to include these into the model and use a larger sample size.

Presentation of Eagle Syndrome Following Radiation Therapy to Carcinoma of the Larynx

Cartwright, Jake K., Moreno, Francisco G. 01 January 2022 (has links)
Eagle syndrome is a rare clinical condition that is characterized by either an elongated styloid process or a calcified stylohyoid ligament. This report describes the case of a 35-year-old woman who presented with Eagle syndrome following the treatment of recurrent laryngeal carcinoma with ionizing radiation.

Aspects of bald eagle winter behavior in Rush Valley Utah: A Telemetry study

Sabine, Neil B. 11 December 1987 (has links)
The diurnal behavior and nocturnal roosting patterns of 28 bald eagles outfitted with tail-mounted radios were investigated in Rush Valley, Utah between January and March 1982-1984. Casting analysis and feeding observations indicated the principal food source was jackrabbit carrion. Jackrabbit availability declined from 1982 to 1984 and eagles responded by; 1) roosting closer to feeding sites, 2) shifting from canyon to valley roosts, 3) arriving later at and departing earlier from roosts, 4) decreasing diurnal activity, and 5) decreasing residence time. Foraging efficiency appeared to be maximized by experienced eagles using familiar feeding areas and by naive birds monitoring their activity. There appeared to be a slight (8.6%) energetic advantage to roosting at valley sites because of their proximity to feeding areas. This saving was presumably dissipated under adverse weather conditions when eagles selected the sheltered microclimate of canyon slopes. Twelve eagles were tracked during spring migration and all followed northward routes.

Biology of northern bald eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus alascanus) on Amchitka Island, Alaska

Sherrod, Steven K. 08 August 1974 (has links)
Bald Eagles on Amchitka Island, Alaska, were studied from 1969-1972. From 1970-1972 the population averaged 214.6 eagles. The average ration was 66% adults to 34% subadults. The eagles move to and from the island in relation to significant food sources (especially the garbage dump). An increase in active nests occurred from 1969-1972 due to an increase in food. The average percentage of nests containing young from 1970-1972 was 71.28%. During these three years, the average number of young known in a nest per nesting attempt was 1.24, and the average number of young known in a nest per nest containing young was 1.75. In 1972, .86 young fledged per nesting attempt, and 1.42 young fledged per nest fledging young. Prey remains from 1971-1972 averaged 23% mammalian, 61% avian, 14% fish, and 1% invertebrate as calculated by numbers. Bald Eagles were found to regularly prey on sea otter pups.

Dispersal and migratory behaviour of osprey and bald eagles in Labrador

Laing, Dawn Kelly January 2005 (has links)
No description available.


White, Nicholas N. 24 June 2011 (has links)
No description available.

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