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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Produktionsuppföljning : Styrning av markarbeten mot en industriell process / Production follow-up : Control of earthworks toward an industrialized process

Eriksson, Jonas, Rosvall, Björn January 2015 (has links)
Idag är det bostadsbrist i Stockholm samtidigt som staden växer i rekordtakt. Detta har medfört att det är svårt att hitta en bostad och priserna är höga. För att motverka bostadsbristen har Skanska tillsammans med Ikea tagit fram konceptet BoKlok där de vill bygga bostäder för alla. För att möjligheten ska finnas för alla att köpa en av deras bostäder behöver de vara billiga, vilket uppnås genom en effektiv produktionsprocess som i hög grad efterliknar den traditionella industriprocessen. Husproduktionen är idag effektiv men effektiviteten i markarbetena kan förbättras. Uppgiften att utforma ett uppföljningssystem för förbrukade resurser och mängder har tagits fram för att ta ett steg i riktning mot den industriella processen med standardiserade rutiner och arbetsmoment. Syftet med examensarbetet är att skapa ett uppföljningssystem för markarbeten inom BoKlok-konceptet. Genom framtagandet av ett ifyllnadsblad, en databank och en metod för sammanställning och presentation ska följande tre delmål uppfyllas: - Ökad inblick i projekten - Anpassning mot en industriell process - Användarvänligt system Resultaten visar att uppföljningssystemet bidrar till en ökad inblick genom att uppföljning sker veckovis, vilket delvis kan ersätta den traditionella magkänslan för hur ett projekt fortskrider. Från resultaten framkom även att kontinuerlig utvärdering av arbetet är ett sätt att anpassa sig till en industriell process och det ligger i linje med det standardiserade tänkandet. För att uppnå ett användarvänligt uppföljningssystem har många yrkeskategorier inom distrikt Mark Stockholm Syd gemensamt bidragit med synpunkter på utformningen. Sammanfattningsvis visar examensarbetets resultat att uppföljningssystemet för markarbeten kan användas inom Skanskas och Ikeas gemensamma BoKlok-koncept inom distrikt Mark Stockholm Syd. / Today there is a housing shortage in Stockholm and while the town is growing in a record pace the prices of permanent residences keeps raising. Skanska have together with Ikea created a common solution to prevent the escalating problem, called BoKlok. The concept of BoKlok is to build houses that everybody can live in and also afford to purchase. In order to keep the prices down the houses must be built in an efficient way like the producing industry in general. BoKlok has embraced the industrialized process in building houses but the earthworks still have a long way to go. The task for this graduate thesis is to create a system that follows up used resources and amounts in the earthworks. The target is to try and find a way towards an industrial process with standard routines and work methods. The purpose is to create for the earthworks a functioning follow-up method within the BoKlok-concept. By creating a form, a database and a comparison-method of collected values could the three milestones of the graduate thesis be accomplished. The three milestones are: - Increased insight in the projects - Adjustment towards an industrialized process - User-friendly configuration The result shows that the follow-up system contributes to increased insight if it is done on a weekly basis. The follow-up system results in numeric facts that can replace the previously “feeling” of the projects turnout. One conclusion is that if the earthworks are evaluated constantly, a flow of potential improvement appears which is what an industrialized process is all about. To create a user-friendly configuration of the follow-up system the people that work with earthworks in the company have contributed with opinions that has improved the system. To summon up the results of this graduate thesis the follow-up system can be used within the earthworks of the concept BoKlok. In each case it can be used by the district “Mark Stockholm Syd”.

Řízení zakázky na zemní práce se zaměřením na cenu / Contract management for earthworks with a focus on price

Krátká, Taťána Unknown Date (has links)
The aim of the work is to explain the procedure of performing earthwork orders for electrical installations. Furthermore, a budget indicator of the construction company FA KRÁTKÝ is created here, based on previous executed orders. Eventually, a budget for a specific order of the actual construction is made, which the thesis is focused on.

Fish Weirs Et Alia: A GIS Based Use-Analysis of Artificial, Pre-Columbian Earthworks in West Central Llanos de Mojos, Bolivia

Robinson, Charlotte A 01 January 2021 (has links)
This study employed a GIS-based use-analysis on a network of recently mapped pre-Columbian earthworks lying on the west side of a Bolivian floodplain. This wetland region, called Llanos de Mojos, is home to many different types of artificial mounds that served different roles for the ancient communities who constructed them thousands of years ago. This new set of features, which was mapped by volunteers of the Proyecto Sistemas Informaticas Geograficas y Arqueologicas del Beni (ProSIGAB) was purported to be a network of fish weirs, linear earthworks built in rivers or floodplains that are designed to trap fish by exploiting seasonal floodwaters. This identification was based on their similarities with the Baures Hydraulic Complex on the east side of Mojos (Erickson 2000; McKey et al. 2016; Blatrix et al. 2018). Classification procedures made use of the features' physical attributes and relationships with other landscape features to identify them not just as fish weirs, but multi-use structures that connected infrastructure, impounded water, and trapped fish. When understood together with nearby forest island settlements, neighborhoods of agricultural fields, and drainage features, it is argued these earthworks played a substantial role in the lives of past inhabitants, demonstrating their ingenuity by fulfilling multiple functions in a complex anthropogenic landscape.

A Public History Project Atblakeley Historic Park, Alabama

Johnson, Dwight 01 January 2009 (has links)
The public history project described herein was performed at Blakeley Historic Park, Alabama. The project included the preparation of survey maps depicting the location, size and directional orientation of Confederate and Union earthworks, which were used during the siege and battle of Fort Blakely in April 1865. The project also included historical research and documentation of findings relative to the design, construction and use of the Confederate fortifications at Blakeley Park. This research attempts to answer the questions; who ordered or directed the earthworks to be built, who designed them and supervised their construction, when were they built, and who provided the labor for their construction? Recommendations are made for the acquisition potential of earthworks found that were outside of present park boundaries. In addition, recommendations are made for preservation of existing earthworks within the park. The historical essay on the Confederate fortifications advances the argument that the design and construction effort was beset with shortages of engineers needed for design and supervision, shortages of labor needed for construction, and a shortage of troops to man the fortifications. Because this project combined modern day Global Positioning System surveying and Geographic Information System mapping technology with historical research methodology, collaboration with faculty experts in the College of Engineering and Computer Science was essential.

Environment and Human Response at Newark's Great Circle

Culver, Emily G. 26 September 2011 (has links)
No description available.

3D-visualisering i mark- och anläggningsprojekt. : En studie utifrån Veidekkes förutsättningar att implementera 3D-modeller i produktion.

Radtke, Oliver, Kellgren, Markus January 2019 (has links)
Samhällsdigitaliseringen har lett till att byggbranschen mer och mer strävar efter att digitalisera verktyg och arbetssätt. Att presentera projekt i 3D har därför blivit ett hett ämne där flera aktörer strävar efter att både projektera och nyttja 3D ute i produktionen. Tidigare forskning inom ämnet har till största del valt att lägga fokus på byggskedet och belyser de fördelar som går att utvinna genom nyttjandet av så kallade VDC- eller BIM verktyg. Samtidigt belyser andra vetenskapliga rapporter mark och anläggning som ett betydelsefullt skede inom hela byggprocessen. Ett flertal menar också att mark- och anläggningsskedet spelar en huvudroll i huruvida ett byggprojekt når framgång eller inte. Med detta i åtanke upplever författarna att 3D-modeller i mark- och anläggningsprojekt inte utforskats till den grad som känns nödvändig för att belysa fördelarna, men även de olika hinder som står i vägen för en lyckad implementeringsprocess. Det råder inte heller några tvivel om att byggskedet kommit längre i digitala utvecklingsaspekter, så som att visualisera projekt i 3D, vid en jämförelse med mark och anläggning. I denna studie belyser därför författarna de fördelar som går att utvinna genom att visualisera mark- och anläggningsprojekt i 3D. Studien visar upp bevis på varför verktyget bör implementeras och vad aktörer bör tänka på vid en eventuell implementering av 3Dvisualisering i projekt. Syftet med studien är därav att utreda hur det undersökta fallföretaget kan integrera 3D-modeller i mark- och anläggningsprojekt, samt belysa vilka krav fallföretagets anställda ställer på en 3D-modell för att främja utvecklingen av ett verktyg som passar och leder till en hög nyttjandegrad ute i produktionen. Vidare sker en identifiering av vilka förutsättningar ute i mark och anläggningsprojekt som spelar en nyckelroll i huruvida en implementerad 3D-modell skall kunna figurera och verka så som det är tänkt. Studien utförs med en kvalitativ metod där granskning av befintlig litteratur lyfter fram de problemområden som författarna identifierat. Vidare utförs semistrukturerade intervjuer med tjänstemän och yrkesarbetare på fallföretaget Veidekke Entreprenad AB. Intervjuerna genomförs i syfte att identifiera aktuella problem ute i produktionen, undersöka respondenternas syn på 3D-modeller samt belysa verktygets potentiella inverkan på deras vardagliga arbete.  En tydligt övergripande slutsats är att 3D-modeller i allra högsta grad behövs ute i produktionen på mark- och anläggningsprojekt. Mycket pekar på att verktyget bland annat skulle bidra med en ökad förståelse kring utförandet av projekten, men också förbättra kommunikation och produktionsledande. Verktyget kan också enligt studien minimera problemområden gällande tekniska lösningar, förbättra planering, samt genom att digitalisera moment även tillfredsställa arbetsglädjen för produktionsteamet. / Due to the digitalization the construction business is increasingly striving against more digitized tools and working methods. Presenting projects in 3D has therefore become a hot topic where several actors are trying to implement 3D not only in the design phase but also in the production phase. Earlier research dealing with the subject largely chooses to focus on the building construction process and highlights the advantages that can be extracted using so called VDC- or BIM tools. Some of the scientific reports reviewed during this study on the other hand, highlights the importance of the infrastructure and earthworks stages as a part of the entire construction process. Many also believe that the infrastructure and earthworks stage play a key role in whether a construction project achieve success or not. With that in mind, the authors feel that 3D-models for infrastructure and earthworks, have not yet been explored to the extent that feels necessary, meaning that the advantages and the various obstacles that stand in the way of a successful implementation process needs to be investigated. There is no doubt that building construction has come further in a digital development aspect of visualizing projects in 3D, compared to infrastructure and earthworks. In this study the authors have highlighted the benefits that can be gained by visualizing infrastructure and earthworks projects in 3D. The study also shows evidence of why the application of such should take place and what companies should be considering when implementing 3D visualization into such projects. The purpose of the study is therefore to investigate how the company researched by the authors can integrate 3D models into their infrastructure and earthworks projects. This in addition to identifying the requirements that the employees have on a 3D model to facilitate development of a tool that fulfils these requirements and is usable in production. In addition, the conditions and requirements that play a main role in infrastructure and earthworks projects have been investigated to identify the most suitable conditions to allow the model to work in the most efficient way as possible. The study is conducted with a qualitative method including an examination of existing literature that highlights the problem areas identified by the authors. In addition, semi structured interviews are carried out with employees from the work-site leadership and the skilled workers at the company Veidekke Entreprenad AB. This to identify the current problem areas in the production of infrastructure and earthworks projects and to examine employees’ view about how 3D models would impact on their everyday work. A clear overall conclusion is that 3D-models are truly needed in infrastructure and earthworks projects out in production. A lot of factors indicate that the tool would, among other things, contribute to an increased understanding of the scope of projects and thus contribute to an improved communication and production process leading. Such a tool can according to this study, also minimize problem areas regarding technical solutions, contribute to a better planning, and by digitizing processes, increase job satisfaction for the site team.

Lines across the land : a biography of the linear earthwork landscapes of the later Prehistoric Yorkshire Wolds

Fioccoprile, Emily Ann January 2015 (has links)
During the first millennium BC, the people of the chalk landscapes of the Yorkshire Wolds began carving up their world with monumental linear earthworks. This project explores the meanings of the later prehistoric boundary systems of the Yorkshire Wolds. It writes a biography of the linear earthwork landscapes of the north-central Wolds, using geographic information systems (GIS), original fieldwork and theories of agency and memory. Tracing the construction, use and modification of particular linear earthworks, it examines how these monuments would have related to other features in the landscape, and how they could have exercised agency within networks of interconnected people, animals, objects and other places. Finally, the project attempts to situate these boundary systems within the larger context of Late Bronze Age and Iron Age society in order to understand how the later prehistoric people of East Yorkshire would have experienced their world. Taking a biographical approach to landscape and allowing linear earthworks to become the protagonists of this narrative, the project charts the life histories of the earthworks at Wetwang-Garton Slack and Huggate Dykes and investigates the collective authorship of the wider landscape. To understand the rural, monumental landscapes of the Wolds, we must consider the agency of not only people, but also of animals and of monuments themselves. By focussing on the relationships which bound together linear earthworks and other agents, we can begin to understand the ways in which monumentalised landscapes both reflected and generated the cosmologies of prehistoric communities.

Lines Across the Land: A Biography of the Linear Earthwork Landscapes of the Later Prehistoric Yorkshire Wolds

Fioccoprile, Emily January 2015 (has links)
During the first millennium BC, the people of the chalk landscapes of the Yorkshire Wolds began carving up their world with monumental linear earthworks. This project explores the meanings of the later prehistoric boundary systems of the Yorkshire Wolds. It writes a biography of the linear earthwork landscapes of the north-central Wolds, using geographic information systems (GIS), original fieldwork and theories of agency and memory. Tracing the construction, use and modification of particular linear earthworks, it examines how these monuments would have related to other features in the landscape, and how they could have exercised agency within networks of interconnected people, animals, objects and other places. Finally, the project attempts to situate these boundary systems within the larger context of Late Bronze Age and Iron Age society in order to understand how the later prehistoric people of East Yorkshire would have experienced their world. Taking a biographical approach to landscape and allowing linear earthworks to become the protagonists of this narrative, the project charts the life histories of the earthworks at Wetwang-Garton Slack and Huggate Dykes and investigates the collective authorship of the wider landscape. To understand the rural, monumental landscapes of the Wolds, we must consider the agency of not only people, but also of animals and of monuments themselves. By focussing on the relationships which bound together linear earthworks and other agents, we can begin to understand the ways in which monumentalised landscapes both reflected and generated the cosmologies of prehistoric communities. / The Appendices A to E are not included online.

Archaeological methodology and art making : excavating parallels

Simonis, Esther Malan 30 November 2006 (has links)
See file 01 / Art History, Visual Arts & Music / (M.A. (Visual Arts))

Beyond the Threshold: Allusions to the Òrìsà in Ana Mendieta's Silueta Series

January, LaTricia M. 01 January 2007 (has links)
The Cuban-born artist Ana Mendieta (1948-1985) created the Silueta Series during the 1970s and ‘80s. It consists of earth-body works in situ featuring the silhouette of the artist's body fashioned from mud, plants, rocks, gunpowder and other materials. Underlying the creation of the Silueta Series is Mendieta's belief that the elements are sentient and powerful beings. This perception is particularly strong in the Afro-Cuban religion Santeria, a creolized form of the Òrìsà tradition of the Yoruba of West Africa introduced to the Americas during the trans-Atlantic slave trade. While scholars have noted Mendieta's incorporation of Santeria in her art, a thorough analysis of the iconographical references to the deities have yet to be explored. This thesis aims to provide such an analysis of Mendieta's works; thus enriching the current discourse on the Silueta Series.

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