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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Generátor klientů pro Language Server Protocol / Client Generator for Language Server Protocol

Jelínek, Dominik January 2019 (has links)
The Diploma thesis deals with the Microsoft Language Server Protocol. The theoretical part describes the architecture and protocol properties, the LSP implementation within the Eclipse and VS Code development environments and a procedure for creating a new plug-in in the Eclipse and VS Code. In addition, the theoretical part familiarizes with Apache Camel project and implementation of Camel Language server and Camel Language clients for extended language support. The last mention in the theory is about the Yeoman tool for scaffolding a new projects. The description of the practical part deals with properties and implementation of the created LSP clients generator for Language Server Protocol.

Nástroj pro statistické vyhodnocení průběhu simulace knihovny JSimlib4 / Tool for statistical evaluation of the simulation process of JSimlib4 library

Pivoda, Štefan January 2009 (has links)
This master's thesis deals with the analysis of simulation of computer networks. A statistical tool was designed for evaluating a communication between stations in the computer network. JSimlib4 Java library was used for the simulation of computer networks. It is a lightweight but robust simulation library, designed for creating simple or even quite complex simulation models of distributed systems. The Statistical tool was written in Java programming language and developed in an EasyEclipse integrated development environment. It was designed as an Eclipse Rich Client Platform application. Eclipse Rich Client Platform is a relatively new technology, which has a lot of favorable properties. The Statistical tool can be divided into 3 parts: • creating a log file, • creating a filter, • creating/showing an output. The Statistical tool creates records into a log file during every communication between stations. This log file contains a comment on the first line. This comment describes the definition of records. Every record contains 2 IP addresses with the used ports at the beginning of the record, then the time, the amount of bytes, the protocol and the direction of communication. Every item in the record is divided by a colon. The Statistical tool can evaluate a communication between stations. At first, it has to define a filter according to which it will assess the suitable stations. It can be created either by adding IP addresses or names of the stations onto a list on a workbench. Filter can be loaded from a file that already includes these IP addresses and other information too. After defining the filter, the Statistical tool can create either a diagram or a file. At first, the Statistical tool reads the log file line by line and compares the IP addresses, which were added to the filter with the IP addresses in a log file. When the Statistical tool finds a complying IP address, it reads the whole line and adds an amount of bytes defined on that line to the final diagram that is shown after reading the whole log file. In the case of finding 2 or more complying IP addresses that sent the data at the same time, an amount of these transfers is calculated by adding them and this amount is then shown in a diagram. After reading the whole log file a diagram or a file is shown at the bottom of the window. The diagram is created by a Java library JFreechart and it shows the amount of transferred bytes. The x-axis represents the time and the y-axis represents the amount of transferred bytes. The created file is for next work with the calculated data and it can be loaded for example by Matlab or Octave. The first line in the file represents the time for axis x and the second one represents the amount of transferred bytes for axis y. These lines are followed by a command "plot(x,y)" for drawing a diagram.

Laboratorní úlohy v prostředí NS3 pro předmět Pokročilé komunikační techniky / Laboratory exercises in NS3 enviroment for Advanced communication technology course

Vadkerti, Gabriel January 2015 (has links)
This master thesis deals with creating laboratory exercises for students in simulator NS-3, where the IPv4 and IPv6 protocols, unicast and multicast transmission types, quality of services in wireless networks, furthermore protocols TCP and UDP are analyzed. The first section describes the NS-3 network simulator, the Eclipse development environment and the method how to connect them. In the next section protocols IPv4 and IPv6 are presented, the structure of the headers and the technique of fragmentation are described in detail. Based on this a laboratory exercise is created which deals with comparison of protocols IPv4 and IPv6. In the next section the types of transmissions are described, furthermore the multicast transmission type is explained more in detail. In the next practical section the second laboratory exercise is created, which deals with comparison of unicast and multicast transmission types. The subject of the following section is ensuring quality of services in data networks, the EDCA access method is discussed more in detail. In the next section the EDCA access method is implemented in a simulation as a laboratory exercise, in which the impact of the access category of EDCA to different transmission parameters is investigated. The next section deals with protocols TCP and UDP, furthermore with the structure of their headers. In the last section a laboratory exercise is created, in which the properties of the protocols TCP and UDP are compared.

Nástroj pro grafické prototypování systémů na čipu / Graphical Tool for Rapid Prototyping of System on the Chip

Netočný, Ondřej January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with design and implementing of a tool for development of MPSoC (multiprocessor systems on chip). It is going to apprise the reader with this matter and introduces several ways how to solve these issues in Codasip Studio IDE (integrated development environment). The graphical editor for multicore system development and a set of support tools for fast and effective development are introduced in this thesis. These are mainly interactive wizards which help user to start new projects. To handle the subject matter it is necessary to understand CodAL language, Eclipse IDE, GMF (Graphical Modeling Framework) and EMF (Eclipse Modeling Framework) which are used for graphical editor implementation.

Modelovací nástroj pro grafický návrh komponentových systémů / A Tool for Modelling of Component-Based Systems

Zemko, Zoltán January 2013 (has links)
Component-based Software Engineering describes a complex information system as a set of components. The thesis seeks to highlight the benefits of this approach. Also defines terms such as standard software, component software, and others. It provides an introduction to the modeling techniques of component-based systems in UML. The second half of the document describes the structure of the Eclipse Modeling Project. The reader by these lines should obtain a theoretical overview of the development of modeling tools under Eclipse. The document includes design and implementation process description of the tool for modeling component-based systems which has been developed using the Eclipse Modeling Framework and Graphical Modeling Framework.

Simulace procesoru PicoBlaze v prostředí Eclipse / Simulation of PicoBlaze Microcontroller in Eclipse

Šimek, Jiří January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with the design and implementation of a simulator of PicoBlaze microcontroller. The aim of this thesis is to create a graphical simulator of this microcontroller in Eclipse as an extension of the existing integrated development environment VLAM IDE. The thesis describes in detail the simulator uCsim which was chosen for implementation of PicoBlaze simulator core and introduces its improvements for a better support of automatized testing. The thesis also presents a description of desing and implementation of the graphical simulator in Eclipse which uses the created simulator core and discusses possible improvements of the implemented core and graphical simulator.

Model Interchange between ARIS and Eclipse EMF

Kern, Heiko, Kühne, Stefan 06 February 2019 (has links)
The Architecture of integrated Information Systems (ARIS) is a technical space that is widely used in the area of business process management. The reuse of ARIS models in other working contexts is offered by ARIS-specific import and export interfaces. Nevertheless, the interoperability with other technical spaces is limited. In this paper, we explore ARIS language definition concepts and relate them to the Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF). We describe an ARIS to EMF bridge which provides transformations of ARIS modeling languages and ARIS models to the EMF environment. Our bridge shows similarities and differences between the two approaches and provides technical interoperability that e.g. enables the processing of ARIS models in EMF-supporting tools (e.g. ATLAS Transformation Language).

Ergebnisse ionosphärischer Messungen am Observatorium Collm während der totalen Sonnenfinsternis vom 11. 8.1999

Jacobi, Christoph, Kürschner, Dierk 05 December 2016 (has links)
Während der Sonnenfinsternis am 11. 8. 1999 kam es zu einer kurzzeitigen starken Abnahme der Ionisation im Höhenbereich der D-Region (60-90 km Höhe) am Unterrand der Ionosphäre. Mit bodengebundenen funktechnischen Beobachtungen der Ausbreitung elektromagnetischer Wellen über die D-Region konnte dieses Ereignis in charakteristischer Weise als ein simulierter Tag-Nacht-Übergang mit allen zu erwartenden Konsequenzen beobachtet werden. Auf der Basis von Funkwellen-Ausbreitungsmessungen werden in Collm (51.3°N, 13°E) Windmessungen im Höhenbereich der Mesopause und unteren Thermosphäre (80-105 km) durchgeführt, die in der Regel - bedingt durch die Besonderheiten der ionosphärischen Wellenausbreitung des verwendeten Frequenzbereiches - nur in den Nachtstunden möglich sind. Während der Hauptphase des Finsterniseffektes wurden Messungen auch am Tag möglich. Die Ergebnisse fügen sich gut in das aus den mittleren monatlichen Nachtwerten für die Tagstunden extrapolierte Niveau ein. Die Reaktion der Ionosphäre auf die Sonnenfinsternis erfolgte mit geringer Verzögerung: der maximale Effekt war 5-10 Minuten nach der größten Abdeckung der Sonnenscheibe zu verzeichnen. / During the solar eclipse on 11 August 1999 a short-term decrease of ionisation in the D-region ( 60- 90 km altitude) at the lower boundary of the ionosphere appeared. Using ground-based measurements of radio-wave propagation through the D-region the event could be monitored as a simulated day-night-transition with the expected consequences for the ionosphere. At Collm (51.3°N, 13°E), mesopause region (80-105 km) windmeasurements are carried out based on radio wave propagation, which are not possible in summer during daylight hours due to radio-wave absorption. During the eclipse measurements became possible for a short period. Tue results fit well to mean monthly daytime data extrapolated from nighttime measurements. The reaction of the ionosphere on the solar eclipse was fast; the maximum effect was registered only 5-10 minutes after the maximum eclipse of the solar disk.

"Ecofiction: Realizing the Full Potential of the Genre Through Speculative and Ecofeminist Theory" and "Tricolored Waters: A Novel -- Part I"

McGinnis, Kayla 11 May 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Detecting And Characterizing Exoplanets: The Gj 436 And Hd 149026 Systems

Stevenson, Kevin 01 January 2012 (has links)
This dissertation investigates two stellar systems known to contain extrasolar planets. It is comprised of five chapters that are readily divided into three independent but related analyses. Chapter 1 reports on the analysis of low signal-to-noise secondary-eclipse observations of the Neptune-sized exoplanet GJ 436b using the Spitzer Space Telescope in multiple infrared channels. The measured wavelength-dependent eclipse depths provide constraints on the planet’s dayside atmospheric composition and thermal profile. The analysis indicates that GJ 436b’s atmosphere is abundant in carbon monoxide and deficient in methane relative to thermochemical equilibrium models for the predicted hydrogen-dominated atmosphere. Chapter 2 discusses the techniques used to analyze GJ 436b, introduces the Least Asymmetry centering method and compares its effectiveness to two existing techniques, and describes the functions used to model Spitzer’s position- and time-dependent systematics. Additionally, it includes best-fit parameters with uncertainties, histograms of the free parameters, and correlation plots between free parameters. Chapter 3 reports on the analysis of eleven HD 149026b secondary-eclipse observations at five Spitzer wavelengths plus three primary-transit observations at 8.0 µm. Chemical-equilibrium models find no indication of a temperature inversion in the dayside atmosphere of HD 149026b. The best-fit model favors large amounts of CO and CO2 , moderate heat redistribution (f = 0.5), and a strongly eniii hanced metallicity. These analyses use BiLinearly-Interpolated Subpixel Sensitivity (BLISS) mapping and parameter orthogonalization. The former is a new technique to model two position-dependent systematics, intrapixel variability and pixelation. The latter is a technique that accelerates the convergence of Markov chains that employ the Metropolis random walk sampler. Chapter 4 reports on the detection of GJ 436c, a 0.65 ± 0.04 R⊕ exoplanet transiting a nearby M-dwarf star with a period of 1.365862 ± 8×10−6 days. It also presents evidence for a similarly sized exoplanet candidate (currently labeled UCF-1.02) orbiting the same star with an undetermined period. Assuming an Earth-like density of 5.515 g/cm3 , GJ 436c has a predicted mass of 0.28 Earth-masses (M⊕, 2.6 Mars-masses) and a surface gravity of 0.65 g (where g is the gravity on Earth). Its weak gravitational field and close proximity to its host star imply that GJ 436c is unlikely to have retained its original atmosphere; however, a transient atmosphere is possible if recent impacts or tidal heating were to supply volatiles to the surface. Chapter 5 presents numerical simulations of the GJ 436 system using the Mercury N-body integrator and detailed calculations used to constrain the atmospheric composition of the sub-Earth-sized planet GJ 436c. The simulations find a ∼35-year periodic trend in the osculating elements wherein GJ 436c’s eccentricity varies between 0 and 0.21, its peak-to-trough inclination amplitude is 3.2◦ , and transit-timing variations range from ±200 to ±3 minutes.

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