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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modulární jádro pro informační systém / Modular core for information system

Ruml, Martin January 2010 (has links)
This thesis deals with frameworks for modular information systems. The experimental implementation module for dynamic loading of others running modules is realized in thesis on the basis of research. In first chapters there are the description of solved problems of modular systems and the description of used programming language Java. Other chapter describes the specifications for modular system OSHi. Other chapter describes framework Esclipse RCP. Eclipse RCP is used for the formation of graphics of riched aplication. The experimental module is creative at the end of the thesis. The program uses Eclipse RCP for grant of GUI for control of loading of modules.

Metody segmentace biomedicínských obrazových signálů v Javě / Methods for biomedical image signal segmentation in Java

Románek, Jakub January 2012 (has links)
This thesis contains two main parts, theoretical and implementation. In the theoretical part, there are described the different segmentation methods. Mainly it is about description method Level Set. The aim of practical part was to create a java module for segmentation of biomedical images using Level Set methods. The work solves example of a simple GUI for the display of results.

Ionospheric Scintillation Prediction, Modeling, and Observation Techniques for the August 2017 Solar Eclipse

Brosie, Kayla Nicole 16 August 2017 (has links)
A full solar eclipse is going to be visible from a range of states in the contiguous United States on August 21, 2017. Since the atmosphere of the Earth is charged by the sun, the blocking of the sunlight by the moon may cause short term changes to the atmosphere, such as density and temperature alterations. There are many ways to measure these changes, one of these being ionospheric scintillation. Ionospheric scintillation is rapid amplitude and phase fluctuations of signals passing through the ionosphere caused by electron density irregularities in the ionosphere. At mid-latitudes, scintillation is not as common of an occurrence as it is in equatorial or high-altitude regions. One of the theories that this paper looks into is the possibility of the solar eclipse producing an instability in the ionosphere that will cause the mid-latitude region to experience scintillations that would not normally be present. Instabilities that could produce scintillation are reviewed and altered further to model similar conditions to those that might occur during the solar eclipse. From this, the satellites that are being used are discuses, as is hardware and software tools were developed to record the scintillation measurements. Although this work was accomplished before the eclipse occurred, measurement tools were developed and verified along with generating a model that predicted if the solar eclipse will produce an instability large enough to cause scintillation for high frequency satellite downlinks. / Master of Science / A full solar eclipse is going to be visible from a range of states in the contiguous United States on August 21, 2017. Since the atmosphere of the Earth is charged by the sun, the blocking of the sunlight by the moon may cause short term changes to the atmosphere, such as density and temperature alterations. There are many ways to measure these changes, one of these being ionospheric scintillation. Ionospheric scintillation is rapid amplitude and phase fluctuations of signals passing through the ionosphere caused by electron density irregularities in the ionosphere. At mid-latitudes, scintillation is not as common of an occurrence as it is in equatorial or high-altitude regions. One of the theories that this paper looks into is the possibility of the solar eclipse producing an instability in the ionosphere that will cause the mid-latitude region to experience scintillations that would not normally be present. Instabilities that could produce scintillation are reviewed and altered further to model similar conditions to those that might occur during the solar eclipse. From this, the satellites that are being used are discuses, as is hardware and software tools were developed to record the scintillation measurements. Although this work was accomplished before the eclipse occurred, measurement tools were developed and verified along with generating a model that predicted if the solar eclipse will produce an instability large enough to cause scintillation for high frequency satellite downlinks.

Inžinerinių tinklų įrengimas horizontalaus valdomo gręžimo metodu / Engineering networks horizontal directional drilling fitting approach

Šiaulys, Tomas 03 June 2009 (has links)
Darbe analizuojama inžinerinių tinklų įrengimas horizontalaus valdomo gręžimo metodu. Pirmiausia pateikiama literatūros apžvalga, kurioje aptariami veiksniai, lemiantys žemės kasimo darbus. Aprašomas atviras žemės kasimo būdas, kuris dažniausiai naudojamas atliekant žemės kasimo darbus. Aptariamos betranšėjės technologijos, kurios naudojamos kaip alternatyva atviram žemės kasimo būdui specifinėse vietose. Tyrimo metodikoje ir organizavime dalyje pateikiami gręžimo darbų projektai bei jų analizės, gręžimo darbų pasirengimo etapai, gręžimo mašinų ir kitos įrangos, naudojamos tyrime, charakteristikos. Aptariami gręžimo mašinų parinkimo metodai konkrečiam gręžimui ir aprašomi gręžimo darbai. Tyrimų rezultatų analizės dalyje pateikiama gręžimo mašinų charakteristikų analizė bei pasirinktų trijų gręžimų ,,Kryptinio gręžimo matavimo protokolai“ bei pagal juos sudaryti išilginiai gręžimo profiliai. Pateikiamos tyrimo išvados ir rekomendacijos dėl inžinerinių tinklų įrengimo horizontalaus valdomo gręžimo metodu. / The paper analyzes the engineering networks in horizontal directional drilling method. Firstly there is the literature review, which discusses the factors that determine the excavation. Describe the open method of excavating the land, which is mainly used in the excavation. Discussed in trenchless technology, which are used as an alternative way of moving to an open ground in specific areas. The study methodology and the organization of the work submitted for drilling projects, and their analysis, the preparation stages of drilling, drilling machines and other equipment used in the study, characteristics. Considered boring machine selection methods described in the particular drilling and boring work. Research results presented in the analysis of drilling machines and the analysis of selected characteristics of the three drilling, directional drilling measurement protocols, and to set them up under the longitudinal drilling profiles. Presented the study findings and recommendations of the engineering networks in horizontal directional drilling method.

WordHunch : Arkitektur och design av en androidapplikation / WordHunch : Architecture and design of an android application

Nadafan, Mohammadreza January 2015 (has links)
I detta projekt har en arkitektur och användargränssnitt skapats för Tweakers HB. Arkitekturen och designen kommer att användas till ett ord-baserat spel. Det här projektet är en del utav ett ännu större projekt som omfattar en klient-server android applikation. Hela klienten kommer att skapas utifrån arkitekturen som beskrivs i projektet. Användargränssnittdesignen och dess implementation skapar vyn. Arkitekturen har utvecklats med Astah Community Edition och dokumenterats med hjälp av Microsoft Word 2013. Den modell som valdes är MVC mönstret och den har anpassats en del för att vara lämplig just den här applikationen. Designen har arbetats fram med hjälp av Eclipse, Extreme programming och testdriven utveckling. Med hjälp av Eclipse har plugins som är essentiella laddats ned för att skapa användargränssnittet. Själva användargränssnittets design skapades mestadels i Photoshop men också med hjälp av inbyggda verktyg som följde med android sdk tools. Alla krav som ställdes har uppfyllts och är vältestade. Designen blev inte bara uppskattad estetiskt utan praktiskt, detta bekräftades genom att testarna var med på utvecklingen kontinuerligt och gav oss feedback. / This project creates a user interface and architecture for Tweakers HB. The architecture and design will be used to create a word based game. The project is a smaller part of an even larger project which is a client-server android application. The client will be created from the architecture designed in this project. The user interface design and the solutions presented will make up the view. The architecture has been designed with Astah Community Edition and documented with Microsoft Word 2013. The model that was chosen for this application is the well-known MVC pattern which was slightly reconfigured to be fitting for this application. The user interface has been developed with Eclipse, Extreme programming and test-driven development. Plugins which are essential for the developement have been downloaded via Eclipse. The design of the user interface was mostly created with Photoshop but also with the help of android sdk tools. All of the requirements were well tested and successfully met. The design is not only beautiful but also simple and easy to navigate. This has been confirmed by the testers who have been following the project and providing constant feedback.

Софтверски систем за каталогизацију по MARC 21 формату / Softverski sistem za katalogizaciju po MARC 21 formatu / Software system for MARC 21 cataloguing

Dimić Surla Bojana 28 December 2009 (has links)
<p>Извршено је моделирање и имплементација&nbsp;софтверског система за каталогизацију по MARC 21&nbsp;формату. За реализацију система коришћен је&nbsp;обједињени процес за развој софтвера, развој заснован&nbsp;на моделу и развој заснован на софтверским&nbsp;компонентама. Моделирање је извршено у CASE алату<br />235&nbsp;MagicDraw верзија 16.0 који подржава UML 2.0.&nbsp;Имплементација је реализована коришћењем Eclipse&nbsp;plug-in технологије и програмског језика Јава.</p><p>У софтверском алату Xtext специфицирана је граматика&nbsp;за опис модела МАRC 21 записа. На основу ове&nbsp;граматике генерисан је основни едитор и EMF модел.&nbsp;Основни едитор је проширен додатним&nbsp;спецификацијама над EMF моделом. То су следеће&nbsp;спецификације: ограничења на структуру и садржај&nbsp;библиографских записа коришћењем језика Check;&nbsp;темплејти за трансформацију записа у форму&nbsp;каталошког листића коришћењем језика Xpand; понуда&nbsp;предефинисаног скупа података за унос у језику Xtend.&nbsp;</p><p><span style="font-size: 12px;">Извршено је проширење основног едитора додатним&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 12px;">функционалностима система за каталогизацију: приказ&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 12px;">података о библиографском формату, унос локацијских&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 12px;">података, експорт и импорт записа, приказ каталошких&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 12px;">листића и библиотечко окружење.&nbsp;</span></p><p>Коришћењем RCP технологије генерисана је&nbsp;софтверска компонента за каталогизацију која се може&nbsp;користити у различитим библиотечким&nbsp;информационим системима.</p> / <p>Izvršeno je modeliranje i implementacija&nbsp;softverskog sistema za katalogizaciju po MARC 21&nbsp;formatu. Za realizaciju sistema korišćen je&nbsp;objedinjeni proces za razvoj softvera, razvoj zasnovan&nbsp;na modelu i razvoj zasnovan na softverskim&nbsp;komponentama. Modeliranje je izvršeno u CASE alatu<br />235&nbsp;MagicDraw verzija 16.0 koji podržava UML 2.0.&nbsp;Implementacija je realizovana korišćenjem Eclipse&nbsp;plug-in tehnologije i programskog jezika Java.</p><p>U softverskom alatu Xtext specificirana je gramatika&nbsp;za opis modela MARC 21 zapisa. Na osnovu ove&nbsp;gramatike generisan je osnovni editor i EMF model.&nbsp;Osnovni editor je proširen dodatnim&nbsp;specifikacijama nad EMF modelom. To su sledeće&nbsp;specifikacije: ograničenja na strukturu i sadržaj&nbsp;bibliografskih zapisa korišćenjem jezika Check;&nbsp;templejti za transformaciju zapisa u formu&nbsp;kataloškog listića korišćenjem jezika Xpand; ponuda&nbsp;predefinisanog skupa podataka za unos u jeziku Xtend.&nbsp;</p><p><span style="font-size: 12px;">Izvršeno je proširenje osnovnog editora dodatnim&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 12px;">funkcionalnostima sistema za katalogizaciju: prikaz&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 12px;">podataka o bibliografskom formatu, unos lokacijskih&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 12px;">podataka, eksport i import zapisa, prikaz kataloških&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 12px;">listića i bibliotečko okruženje.&nbsp;</span></p><p>Korišćenjem RCP tehnologije generisana je&nbsp;softverska komponenta za katalogizaciju koja se može&nbsp;koristiti u različitim bibliotečkim&nbsp;informacionim sistemima.</p> / <p> Modelling and implementation of software system for MARC 21 cataloguing have been done. Unified software development process is used as well as model-driven software development and component-based software development. System modelling is done in CASE tool MagicDraw (version 16.0) which supports UML 2.0. System implementation is realised using Eclipse plug-in technology and Java programming languages. Software tool Xtext is used for specification of MARC 21 record grammar. On the basis of this grammar the basic editor and its EMF model have been generated. The basic editor is extended with additional specifications on generated EMF model. Those specifications are: constraints on structure and content of bibliographic record written in Check language; Xpand templates for transforming records into cataloguing cards; content assist extensions written in Xtend. Addition functionalities of cataloguing system are also added to basic editor, and those are: showing data about MARC 21 format, entering holdings data, export and import of records, showing cataloguing cards and librarian environment. At the end, RCP technology is used for generating software component for cataloguing that can be used in different library information systems.</p>

以模型導向技術發展的一套高質語言編輯環境生成系統 / The Design of a High Quality Editing Environment Generating System Based on Model-Driven Technologies

詹亞騰, Chan, Ya Teng Unknown Date (has links)
近年來越來越多資訊應用領域,開始採用領域特定語言(Domain Specific Language)以表達並解決其領域問題。然而這些特定領域語言多數卻缺乏可大大提升生產力的高品質編輯輔助工具。其主因乃因為從頭開發一套高品質編輯輔助工具所費不貲,然這些特定領域語言普及程度卻遠不如一般通用語言,是以缺乏誘因驅使軟體商開發相關工具。為能快速開發輔助工具,現今的工具開發平台如Eclipse、IDEA,以及NetBeans等,均提供整合開發環境(IDE)的發展支援,以利開發者在平台上快速擴增新語言之編輯環境。即使如此,要發展一套IDE,開發者不僅需深入熟悉所用平台,而且仍需繁瑣與長時間之開發過程。基於此,為求更簡化IDE開發過程,本研究嘗試增強、重構先前開發之雛型系統EGOE【9】,發展出一套遵循模型驅動架構(MDA)之高品質語言編輯環境生成系統:EGOE II。經由此系統的輔助,IDE開發者僅需提供程式語言文法定義(Grammar)及IDE輔助機制客制化資訊,即能套用系統內部的模型轉換程式及程式樣板(Templates),自動生成以Eclipse為平台的高效能、高品質,且提供豐富編輯輔助的程式語言IDE。 / In recent years more and more fields of applications began to use DSLs(Domain Specific Language) to solve their problems. However, most of these languages were created without accompanying high-quality language specific editors(LSE) to help increase the productivity of the language. The reason for the lack of such tools is mostly economic consideration: because of the very high cost of developing a LSE from scratch, it is not worthwhile to invest a LSE on a less frequently used language. To avoid developing an LSE from scratch, however, most present tool platforms such as Eclipse, IDEA or NetBeans have offered required editor frameworks and APIs to help developers to be able to build LSEs on these platform more quickly and easily. Even so, however, it is still thought hard to develop a LSE by way of platform support since developers need a long and steep learning before they can get adept at a platform and, moreover, the process of developing a LSE remains long, tedious and error-prone. Accordingly, to enable even quicker development of LSEs, we proposed and have developed in this paper a high quality editing environment generating system called EGOE II, which follows the MDA approach and is the refactoring and enhancement of our previous prototype EGOE system. With EGOE II, the developer need only offer an editor-specific specification of the target language, which includes the grammar and editor-related customization informations; he can then apply to it the model translator and program templates provided by the system to automatically produce a high-quality editor on Eclipse platform for the target language.

Depuração simbólica extensível para sistemas de objetos distribuídos / Extensible symbolic debugging for distributed object systems

Mega, Giuliano 07 March 2008 (has links)
Depurar sistemas distribuídos continua uma tarefa difícil, mesmo após 30 anos de pesquisa intensa. Embora essa situação possa ser parcialmente atribuída à complexidade das execuções concorrentes, o rápido passo de desenvolvimento das plataformas e tecnologias para computação distribuída também carrega a sua parcela de culpa, por encurtar a vida de muitas ferramentas potencialmente úteis. Neste trabalho, apresentamos uma análise dos principais problemas, técnicas e ferramentas ligados à depuração de sistemas concorrentes e discutidos na literatura. Baseados nessa análise, desenvolvemos e apresentamos uma nova técnica, simples e portátil, que pode ser aplicada a sistemas distribuídos que utilizam chamadas síncronas e bloqueantes. Essa técnica, concebida para sobreviver à heterogeneidade, é validada por meio da implementação de um arcabouço escrito para plataforma Eclipse e instanciado para sistemas de objetos distribuídos baseados em Java/CORBA. / After over thirty years of intense research, debugging distributed systems is still regarded as a difficult task. While this situation could be partially blamed on the fact that concurrent executions are complex, the fast pace of evolution witnessed with distributed computing technologies have also played its by shortening the lifespan of many potentially useful debugging tools. This work presents an analysis of the main issues, techniques and tools in the field of parallel, distributed, and concurrent debugging in general. Based on this analysis, we develop and present a simple and portable technique targeted at synchronous-call-based distributed systems. This technique, designed for portability, is validated through the implementation of an Eclipse-based framework that is instantiated for Java/CORBA distributed object systems.

Depuração simbólica extensível para sistemas de objetos distribuídos / Extensible symbolic debugging for distributed object systems

Giuliano Mega 07 March 2008 (has links)
Depurar sistemas distribuídos continua uma tarefa difícil, mesmo após 30 anos de pesquisa intensa. Embora essa situação possa ser parcialmente atribuída à complexidade das execuções concorrentes, o rápido passo de desenvolvimento das plataformas e tecnologias para computação distribuída também carrega a sua parcela de culpa, por encurtar a vida de muitas ferramentas potencialmente úteis. Neste trabalho, apresentamos uma análise dos principais problemas, técnicas e ferramentas ligados à depuração de sistemas concorrentes e discutidos na literatura. Baseados nessa análise, desenvolvemos e apresentamos uma nova técnica, simples e portátil, que pode ser aplicada a sistemas distribuídos que utilizam chamadas síncronas e bloqueantes. Essa técnica, concebida para sobreviver à heterogeneidade, é validada por meio da implementação de um arcabouço escrito para plataforma Eclipse e instanciado para sistemas de objetos distribuídos baseados em Java/CORBA. / After over thirty years of intense research, debugging distributed systems is still regarded as a difficult task. While this situation could be partially blamed on the fact that concurrent executions are complex, the fast pace of evolution witnessed with distributed computing technologies have also played its by shortening the lifespan of many potentially useful debugging tools. This work presents an analysis of the main issues, techniques and tools in the field of parallel, distributed, and concurrent debugging in general. Based on this analysis, we develop and present a simple and portable technique targeted at synchronous-call-based distributed systems. This technique, designed for portability, is validated through the implementation of an Eclipse-based framework that is instantiated for Java/CORBA distributed object systems.

Towards Attribute Grammars for Metamodel Semantics

Bürger, Christoff, Karol, Sven 15 August 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Of key importance for metamodelling are appropriate modelling formalisms. Most metamodelling languages permit the development of metamodels that specify tree-structured models enriched with semantics like constraints, references and operations, which extend the models to graphs. However, often the semantics of these semantic constructs is not part of the metamodel, i.e., it is unspeci ed. Therefore, we propose to reuse well-known compiler construction techniques to specify metamodel semantics. To be more precise, we present the application of reference attribute grammars (RAGs) for metamodel semantics and analyse commonalities and differences. Our focus is to pave the way for such a combination, by exemplifying why and how the metamodelling and attribute grammar (AG) world can be combined and by investigating a concrete example - the combination of the Eclipse Modelling Framework (EMF) and JastAdd, an AG evaluator generator.

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