Spelling suggestions: "subject:"coefficient"" "subject:"cofficient""
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Formulation, mise en oeuvre, comportement et tenue en service de textiles techniques éco-performants pour application nautique / Formulation, processing, behaviour and in-service strength of eco-efficient technical textile for nautical applicationsJacquot, Pierre-Baptiste 27 September 2017 (has links)
Les textiles techniques enduits sont de plus en plus utilisés pour des applications telles que les structures gonflables, les airbags ou les voiles de parachutes. Ces textiles performants et de faible grammage, sont constitués d’un renfort en tissu polyester thermoplastique (polyéthylène téréphtalate (PET)) ou polyamide (PA) et d’une matrice généralement en PVC. Cependant les contraintes environnementales imposent d’envisager une substitution au PVC, nocif et difficilement recyclable. Les polyuréthanes thermoplastiques représentent des candidats potentiels à cette substitution, mais l’absence d’adhésion inhérente à l’incompatibilité chimique avec le tissu constitue l’un des principaux verrous.Les travaux de cette thèse s’inscrivent dans le cadre du projet INOVANEX ayant pour objectif de réduire l’impact environnemental de textiles enduits types PVC / PET conventionnels par substitution isoperformante d’enduction polyuréthane thermoplastique TPU/ PET suivant une démarche d’éco-conception.Les travaux ont consisté à :1) Améliorer l’adhésion de l’enduction TPU sur le tissu PET via une augmentation de la température d’extrusion. Cette augmentation de la température a été rendue possible grâce à l’ajout de PEBD dans la matrice TPU (avec et sans compatibilisant) pour maintenir une viscosité suffisamment importante pour que le film puisse être extrudé.2) Étudier les propriétés rhéologiques et mécaniques des mélanges TPU/PEBD avec et sans ajout de compatibilisant3) Améliorer l’adhésion du TPU sur le tissu en effectuant des prétraitements du renfort et étudier la tenue en service des matériaux ainsi développés Les recherches menées ont montré une augmentation importante de la force d’adhésion de l’enduction sur le tissu pour les deux méthodes suivies. L’étude de la compatibilisation du mélange TPU/PEBD a montré une forte diminution de la tension interfaciale et une augmentation de la résistance à l’amorçage de la déchirure des mélanges avec ajout du compatibilisant. / Coated technical textiles are widely used for several industrial applications. A lot of producers use the extrusion calendering process to produce coated fabrics because it is one of the cheapest processes. Most of these coated fabrics are made with a polyester fabric and a polyvinyl chloride coating but in order to reduce the environmental impact, the producers are willing to substitute PVC by thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU). However, a technological lock of the calendering of TPU on polyester fabric is the ability to get a good adhesion of the coating on the fabric.This PhD has been realized in collaboration with the different partners of the INOVANEX project which aim is to reduce the environmental impact of PVC coated textiles by the substitution with TPU coated textiles.The main steps of the PhD were:1) Increase the peel strength of the coating on the fabric by increasing the extrusion temperature. It was possible to increase the extrusion temperature thanks to a blend with TPU and LDPE. The LDPE enabled us to maintain the viscosity of the extruded sheet high enough to get a good film2) Study the rheological and mechanical properties of the TPU/LDPE blends with or without compatibilizer3) Increase the peel strength of the TPU on the fabric thanks to several treatments on the fabric before the extrusion of TPU. Study the in-service strength of the materials that have been developed.The results showed a strong adhesion of the coating on the fabric for both studied methods. The study of the compatibilization of the blend has shown an important decrease of the interfacial tension and a strong increase of the resistance to crack ignition with the addition of the compatibilizer.
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Instrumento de apoio ao planejamento da inovação em combustíveis ecoeficientes para a aviação / Support of the innovation planning in eco-efficient aviation fuelSilva, Jéssica Traguetto 17 November 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2016-02-01T11:37:27Z
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license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2016-02-01T11:39:29Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2
Dissertação - Jéssica Traguetto Silva - 2015.pdf: 2171936 bytes, checksum: e643c2108827dd6c78fad5f3d248b88c (MD5)
license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-02-01T11:39:29Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2
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Previous issue date: 2015-11-17 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / It is anticipated that the next twenty years the air transport will present an increase of almost
double the growth rate of world GDP. It is projected that while GDP will grow 3.2%, air and
passenger traffic present the average growth 5%. This accelerated expansion of the sector has
caused some negative consequences, such as the significant increase in carbon dioxide
emissions. The aviation industry has already committed in changing this scenario and the
target is to halve CO2 emissions by 2050. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to planning ecoefficient
aviation fuel that minimize negative effects such as in the case of substitution of
fossil fuels by fuel extracted from renewable resources, which allows the reduction by 80% of
CO2 emissions. The identification of alternatives that allow this substitution has been carried
out in different research groups, however, it is clear that the planning of innovation has been
carried out not integrated manner and also the related literature neglects elements related to
innovation management, especially planjeamento . In this sense, this study seeks to fill this
theoretical gap and seeks to contribute to this issue by proposing a theoretical method that
guides innovation in this sector. From characteristics of tools to support the outstanding
innovation of planning in the literature was drawn up the proposed planning method,
identified as MEPICE. To check if the method would be considered applicable to the context
to which it is addressed, the planning of innovation in eco-efficient fuel, used the Delphi
methodology. The result demonstrates the feasibility of MEPICE and suggestions of experts
were used in order to improve it. / Prevê-se que nos próximos vinte anos o transporte aéreo apresentará um crescimento de quase
o dobro da taxa de crescimento do PIB mundial. Projeta-se que enquanto nesse período o PIB
crescerá 3,2%, o tráfego aéreo e de passageiros apresentará o crescimento médio de 5%. Essa
expansão acelerada do setor tem causado algumas consequências negativas, como o aumento
significativo das emissões de dióxido de carbono. A indústria da aviação já se comprometeu
na mudança desse cenário e a meta é reduzir pela metade as emissões de CO2 até 2050. Para o
alcance dessa meta, torna-se necessário o planejamento de combustíveis ecoeficientes para a
aviação que minimizem os impactos negativos, como no caso da substituição de combustíveis
fósseis por combustível extraídos a partir de recursos renováveis, o que permite a redução em
até 80% das emissões de CO2. A identificação de alternativas que permitam essa substituição
tem sido realizada em diferentes grupos de pesquisa, porém, percebe-se que o planejamento
das inovações tem sido realizado de modo não integrado e ainda a literatura relacionada
negligencia elementos relacionados à gestão da inovação, especialmente ao planjeamento.
Nesse sentido, o presente estudo busca preencher essa lacuna teórica e busca contribuir com
esse tema através da proposição de um método teórico que oriente a inovação nesse setor. A
partir de características de instrumentos de apoio ao planejamento da inovação de destaque na
literatura elaborou-se o método de planejamento proposto, identificado como MEPICE. Para a
verificação se o método seria considerado aplicável ao contexto a que se destina, o de
planejamento da inovação em combustíveis ecoeficientes, utilizou-se a metodologia Delphi. O
resultado obtido demonstra a viabilidade do MEPICE e as sugestões dos especialistas foram
utilizadas no sentido de aprimorá-lo.
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Proposta de um instrumento para diagnóstico do uso da ecoeficiência em empresas produtoras de móveis estofadosPorn, Denise 08 September 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-05T17:05:26Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0
Previous issue date: 8 / Nenhuma / Este estudo tem como objetivo propor um instrumento de diagnóstico de ecoeficiência. Trata-se de um mecanismo para obtenção de dados para a análise qualitativa da performance ambiental. A pesquisa é motivada pelo fato de que as preocupações atuais se sobrepõem às inquietações relativas aos impactos ecológicos e aos danos causados à natureza, e evidenciam o anseio da sociedade à melhoria da qualidade e preservação da vida humana. Considerando que a melhor solução para os impactos ambientais será sempre a prevenção, oportunizou-se este estudo focado no desenvolvimento de um instrumento para o diagnóstico do uso da ecoeficiência. A partir da revisão bibliográfica estabeleceram-se as características da ecoeficiência, as quais compuseram o instrumento proposto. Foram feitas duas aplicações piloto em empresas produtoras de móveis estofados, produtos que têm gerado, ao longo e no final de suas vidas, uma considerável parcela de resíduos a serem descartados no meio-ambiente, grandes desperdícios com a produção inefic
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Contribution to the Understanding of Fresh and Hardened State Properties of Low Cement ConcreteTagliaferri de Grazia, Mayra 12 September 2018 (has links)
Concrete, the major construction material used in the civil industry worldwide, displays remarkable performance and economic benefits. Yet, it also presents a huge environmental impact producing about 7% of the global carbon dioxide (CO2). Given the rise of global warming concerns, studies have been focusing on alternatives to reduce the amount of Portland cement (PC), which is the least sustainable ingredient of the mixture, for example by adopting particle packing model (PPM) techniques. Although a promising alternative, there is currently a lack of studies regarding the efficiently use of PPMs to reduce PC without compromising the fresh and hardened properties of the material. This work appraises the influence of PPMs and advanced mix-design techniques on the fresh (rheological behaviour) and hardened (compressive strength, modulus of elasticity, porosity, and permeability) state behaviours of systems with reduced amount of PC, the so-called low cement content (LCC) concrete. Results show that is possible to produce eco-efficient concrete maintaining and/or enhancing fresh and hardened properties of the material. Nevertheless, further durability and long-term behaviour must be performed on LCC systems.
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[pt] Esta pesquisa apresenta os resultados de uma investigação sobre a aceitação
de um serviço ecoeficiente hipotético para o reuso do mobiliário do quarto infantil.
Identificou-se que a composição do quarto infantil passa por constante renovação
pois sofre uma obsolescência funcional. Seu mobiliário tem uso de curta duração
pois perde função à proporção que a criança cresce e se desenvolve. Esta prática de
remobiliar amplia o consumo de móveis e produz impactos no ambiente. Sugere-se
um serviço ecoeficiente como solução para reduzir os impactos deste consumo.
Serviços ecoeficientes são considerados inovações na economia, que por meio de
ciclos de reuso ecoeficientes, podem tornar o sistema de produção e consumo mais
sustentável. Estes serviços baseiam-se na transferência da propriedade do
consumidor para o produtor, o qual será responsável por manter a ecoeficiência de
produção. Porém, a aceitação de serviços desprovidos de propriedade, enfrenta
barreiras ao demandar uma mudança no comportamento de consumo. O método de
pesquisa contou com investigação de literatura e estudo de campo baseado em
entrevistas semiestruturadas e questionários direcionados ao consumidor. Esta
pesquisa identificou fatores que influenciam a aceitação pelo consumidor e dentre
os fatores materiais mais relevantes destacam-se: a relação custo-benefício e a
percepção da adequação do serviço à composição do quarto. Identificou-se como
fatores psicossociais mais relevantes o valor simbólico de objetos novos, a mudança
na relação com o objeto e o valor ambiental da proposta. Concluiu-se que, embora
a pronta aceitação do serviço dependa da percepção do consumidor sobre os
benefícios do serviço em comparação com a compra e a propriedade, há uma atitude
positiva em relação aos serviços ecoeficientes. / [en] This research presents the results of an investigation into the acceptance of a
hypothetical eco-efficient service for the reuse of children s bedroom furniture. It
was identified that the composition of children s bedroom undergoes constant
renovation due to a functional obsolescence. Children s furniture has short-term
use as it loses its function to keep pace with child growth and development. This
refurbish practice increases furniture consumption and has negative impacts on the
environment. Therefore, an eco-efficient service issuggested as a solution to reduce
the impacts of this consumption. Eco-efficient services are considered as an
innovative strategy in the economy, which through eco-efficient reuse cycles can
make the production and consumption system more sustainable. These services are
based on the transfer of ownership from the consumer to the producer, who will be
responsible for maintaining the eco-efficiency of production and extending
product s use life. Research, however, asserts that consumer acceptance of nonownership services faces barriers and is subject to change in consumption
behaviour. Literature and field studies were carried out. Field studies were based
on semi-structured interviews and consumer-oriented questionnaires. This research
identified factors that influence consumer acceptance. Among the most relevant
material factors were: the cost-benefit ratio and the perception of service adequacy
to bedroom s furniture composition. The most relevant psychosocial factors
identified were the symbolic value attributed to new objects, the change in the selfobject relationship and the environmental value of the proposal. It was concluded
that, whilst readiness to accept service depends on consumer s perception of service
benefits when compared to purchase and ownership, there is a positive attitude
towards eco-efficient services.
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Short and Long-Term Performance of Eco-Efficient Concrete MixturesTagliaferri de Grazia, Mayra 09 February 2023 (has links)
Concrete is the most widely used construction material worldwide, yet, it presents major sustainability drawbacks due to the CO2 released during the manufacturing of its main constituent, cement. Several approaches are used to improve concrete’s eco-efficiency and reduce the binder intensity index, a metric used to measure the eco-efficiency of concrete, to a value below that of conventional concrete mixtures (i.e., 10 kg/m3.MPa-1 for 25-40 MPa mixtures). Particle Packing Models (PPM) is consequently an approach that can be used to enhance system packing density, reducing cement content while increasing hardened state properties and durability (i.e., reducing porosity). However, packed mixtures normally present issues in the fresh state while their hardened state performance is not fully comprehended. Therefore, this Ph.D. project proposes a new mix-design method called PPM-MP approach to develop eco-efficient mixtures. First, a detailed laboratory investigation was conducted on mixtures developed using the proposed approach in order to understand their fresh and hardened state performance. Concrete samples containing distinct ranges of cement content (320, 250, 200, 150 kg/m3) and slump (180, 90, and 20 +/- 20 mm) were fabricated and a wide range of fresh state tests (pH, temperature, fresh density, air content, slump and rheology over time) and hardened state tests (apparent porosity, surface electrical resistivity, compressive strength, and modulus of elasticity) were performed over time. Then, its performance against the alkali-silica reaction (ASR) induced expansion and deterioration, which is one of the leading and most damaging distress mechanisms issues in durability, was evaluated. In this section of the project, four sustainable concrete mixtures developed with varying cement content (e.g., 325, 250, 200, and 150 kg/m3) were developed and compared to a control mixture containing 420 kg/m3 of cement content. The mixtures were tested over a year under Concrete prism test (CPT) setup, which is the current method used to evaluate concrete ASR and using three different non-boosted test setups (i.e., Wrapped - W, Soaked - S, and Encapsulated - E). Moreover, two distinct types of highly reactive aggregates (e.g., Springhill Greywacke coarse aggregate and Texas Polymictic sand) were selected. Microscopic analysis was used to better understand the impact of ASR on sustainable mixtures, as well as the differences in ASR-damage and crack propagation under different test protocols. The results show the feasibility of producing an eco-efficient mixture in a more efficient manner which may contribute to the Net Zero Concrete targets. The proposed PPM-MP approach improves the sustainability of concrete mixtures and can be used for specific projects requiring 28-day compressive strength ranging from 18 to 45 MPa and slumps (180, 90, and 20 +/- 20 mm).
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Marketing Introduction Plan for the New Generation of Sustainable Circuit Breakers LTA 420 kV : A real-life case for implementation at Hitachi ABB Power Grids / Introduktionsplan för marknadsföring av den nya generationen av hållbara strömbrytare LTA 420 kV : Ett verkligt fall för implementering på Hitachi ABB Power GridsFradinho Bastos, Ivan January 2021 (has links)
En strömbrytare är en säkerhetsanordning som är utformad för att bryta strömmen om ett problem uppstår. Det finns ett flertal olika typer av brytare beroende vilket spänningsområde som avses. Brytare för lågspänning används för hushållsapparater, medan högspänningstyper används för överföring av spänning i elnätet. Högspänningsbrytare använder idag svavelhexafluorid (SF6)-gas, som ett isolerande medium för att släcka den elektriska ljusbåge som bildas när strömmen bryts. SF6 är dock problematiskt för miljön, då dess globala uppvärmningspotential (GWP) är 23 500 gånger högre jämfört med koldioxid (CO2). Företaget Hitachi ABB Power Grids har utvecklat AirPlus™-tekniken som ersätter SF6-gasen med en koldioxidbaserad gasblandning. Examensarbetet fokuserade på att utvärdera möjligheten att minska användningen av SF6 genom AirPlus™-tekniken och hur tekniken skulle kunna en introduceras på marknaden. Slutligen så utvecklades en strategi för hur detta skulle kunna ske. Studien innefattar den bakomliggande informationsinhämtningen och analysen av data, marknadsutvärdering och utvecklingen av marknadsstrategin. Detta utfördes genom att utvärdera AirPlus™-tekniken och dess konkurrenter, samt genom en kvalitativ och kvantitativ analys av implementeringen av LTA 420 kV-brytaren på marknaden. Sammanfattningsvis så visar studien att marknadsintroduktionen av strömbrytaren LTA 420 kV är genomförbar. Även om koldioxid tekniskt inte har samma prestanda som SF6, är tekniken fortfarande bra och ger starka kundfördelar: GWP minskar med över 99,9%, användningen överensstämmer med miljöregler, den ger lägre ägandekostnader, färre kontroller, lägre kostnad för hantering av koldioxidgasen, och fungerar väl vid extremt låga temperaturer. De viktigaste utmaningarna för Hitachi ABB Power Grids relaterar till konkurrensen på marknaden. Det är därför tillrådligt att företaget arbetar med en effektiv marknadsintroduktion för att säkerställa en stor marknadsandel. / A circuit breaker is a safety device designed to interrupt power if a problem is detected. There are several kinds of circuit breakers for different applications. Low-voltage circuit breakers are used for household appliances, while high-voltage types are used for transmission networks. High-voltage circuit breakers use sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) gas as an insulating medium, which extinguishes the electric arc that is formed when power is cut. However, it is a huge hazard for the environment, as its global warming potential (GWP) is 23,500 times higher than that of CO2 gas. The company Hitachi ABB Power Grids developed the AirPlus™ technology, which replaces the SF6 gas with a carbon dioxide (CO2) based gas mixture. The presented degree project has evaluated the feasibility of reducing the use of SF6 through the AirPlus™ technology and then developed a strategy for the company Hitachi ABB Power Grids for the market introduction of the eco-efficient LTA 420 kV circuit breaker. This study covers the background research, market evaluation, and market strategy. It was done through research about the AirPlus™ technology and its competitors, so as qualitative and quantitative analysis of the LTA 420 kV circuit breaker implementation in the market. In conclusion, the study shows that the market introduction of the LTA 420 kV circuit breaker is feasible. Although CO2 is not as good an insulation medium as SF6, it is still good and presents strong customer benefits: GWP reduced by over 99.9%, compliance with new regulations, lower cost of ownership, fewer regulatory controls, reduced cost of handling the gas, and well-functioning at extremely low temperatures. The main concerns for Hitachi ABB Power Grids are related to market competition. Thus, it is advisable that the company works on an effective market introduction to assure a large market share.
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