Spelling suggestions: "subject:"conomic browth."" "subject:"conomic bgrowth.""
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Crescimento econômico na República da Irlanda e em Portugal entre 1985 e 2000 : uma análise comparadaPiazzeta, Rodrigo Ochoa January 2007 (has links)
O recente processo de convergência econômica de Irlanda e Portugal para os níveis dos países industrializados da Europa Ocidental, é um interessante caso de estudo sobre os principais fatores causadores do crescimento econômico, os motivadores do sucesso de certos países em relação a outros, principalmente quando se observa que, a partir do novo milênio, Portugal não vem sendo bem sucedido em tentar manter o processo de convergência, ao contrário da Irlanda, que inclusive, superou os níveis de renda per capita de países como Alemanha, França e Reino Unido. O estudo se mostra interessante também, por compreender duas nações que apresentaram taxas de crescimento do PIB e do PIB per capita após se integrarem à União Européia, apesar de terem ocorrido grandes diferenças entre os dois países no aproveitamento de seus ingressos à comunidade econômica. / The early process of economic convergence of Ireland and Portugal to the industrialized contries´ levels is an interest case about the economic growth factors and the reasons for the success of some contries instead anothers, mainly when can be observed that Portugal, after new millenium, couldn´t maintain the convergence process. Ireland, on the other hand, exceed the levels of income per capita of coutries like Germany, France and United Kingdom. The another reason for the interest of this study is because the period of convergence occurred after the junction of the both countries to the European Union, although the differences between the two countries in the exploitation of the economic community.
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Vývoj struktury volných pracovních míst ve vztahu k ekonomickému růstu / Development of Structure of Vacancies in Relation to Economic GrowthTALÍŘOVÁ, Lucie January 2011 (has links)
This thesis deals with development of structure of vacancies in relation to economic growth. Objective of the thesis was to assess the development of vacancies in terms of economic growth in the selected region. The thesis was divided into theoretical and practical part. Terms regarding the given issues were clarified in the theoretical part. This part also deals with offer, demand and balance on the labor market, unemployment, employment policy, economic growth ? it´s measurement and patterns. The region České Budějovice, which will be further discussed in the thesis, is characterized in the first chapter of the practical part. The thesis answers the question, what the unemployment rate, number of job applicants or number of vacancies in the region is. It also deals with the structure of vacancies according to education, profession or length of vacancy and on the other hand it deals with the structure of job applicants according to sex, age, profession or length of unemployment. The effect of economic growth on the structure of jobs is assessed in the next chapter. There´s a certain mismatch between the structure of vacancies and the structure of the unemployed. Main problems of this mismatch are defined in the final chapter of the practical part. There are an overall summary of the results and recommendations for the future in the conclusion of the thesis.
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L'attractivité du territoire et le rôle de la localisation des investissements directs étrangers dans l'économie : un essai d'évaluation pour le cas de la Tunisie / Territories attractivity and the role of direct foreign investment localization on the economy : a test evaluation of the case of TunisiaBannour, Souad 19 December 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse étudie l’attractivité des territoires et le rôle de la localisation des IDE sur l’économie tunisienne. Il s’agit d’examiner les facteurs d’attractivité de la Tunisie aux IDE et les effets de ces derniers sur l’économie tunisienne. Dans une première analyse empirique, une enquête administrée à un échantillon d’entreprises étrangères ou ayant une participation étrangère a été mise en œuvre dans le but d’identifier les déterminants des IDE. L’utilisation du modèle économétrique de type « logit » nous a permis d’estimer d’une part la probabilité que la Tunisie soit un pays attractif avant la révolution et d’autre part la probabilité que l’entreprise étrangère implante une autre filiale en Tunisie après la révolution. Afin de confirmer l’analyse empirique sur l’identification des facteurs d’attractivité déterminants des IDE, nous avons mis en œuvre, dans une deuxième analyse empirique une autre méthode économétrique à travers un modèle de gravité. Dans une dernière analyse empirique, nous avons étudié les effets des IDE sur l’économie tunisienne en utilisant un modèle à système d’équations simultanées tenant compte des effets spillovers des IDE. / This thesis studies territories attractivity and the role of direct foreign investment localization on the Tunisian economy. It is about examining the factors of attractivity of Tunisia on direct foreign investment and their effects on the Tunisian economy. On a first empirical analysis, an administrative enquiry to a sample of foreign, or having foreign participation enterprises, has been implemented to identify the direct foreign investment determinations. The use of an econometric example of « logit » type allowed us to estimate on one part the probability that Tunisia is an attractive country before the revolution and on the other one that the foreign enterprise implants on other filial in Tunisia after the revolution. To confirm our empirical analysis on the identification of the factors of attractivity determining the direct foreign investment, we implemented, on a second empirical analysis, an other econometric method through a gravity example. On a last empirical analysis, we studied the DFI effects on the Tunisian economy by using a simultaneous equations system example taking into account the DFI spillovers effects.
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Districtalization: A Solution for Juliaca’s Development / Distritalización: una solución para el desarrollo de JuliacaChoquehuanca Huanca, Andrés 10 April 2018 (has links)
Juliaca is already a great city, which is growing rapidly with disorder and thus there is chaos inanyway. It is almost 300 000 inhabitants plus the floating population, which lives mostly in the more than 350 human settlements.During the 75 years between 1940, when it had 6034 inhabitants to 2007 the city of Juliaca has increased 50 times, with an annual rate of 4%, becoming the first most populated highland city in southern Peru after Arequipa and Tacna, and the eleventh largest city of Peru. This phenomenon has generated very vast social problems such as chaos in trade, transportation, lack of security, lack of infrastructure, deficient basic services of water, drainage, and flood control. Then, there is a population resistance to centrality and to the unreasonable local government behavior to adequately attend Juliaca’s needs.With this background Juliaca should be decentralized, at least in five districts considering the current urbanized area of Juliaca and four other districts from the first ring (ring) involving multiple cores of urban development. This may empower the authorities, reverse chaos and disorder and facilitate the solution of social problems. / Juliaca ya es una ciudad grande, que crece aceleradamente con desorden y por tanto hay caos entodo sentido, con su población próxima a 300 000 habitantes sin contar la población flotante. Tiene más de 350 asentamientos humanos que estructuran la urbanización, que es un fenómeno demótico actual propio del Perú y de los países del tercer mundo, estimulada por la migración rural y urbana regional y del sur del país, evidenciándose así en demografía el modelo de gravedad de Newton. En el curso de 75 años, desde 1940 que contaba con 6034 habitantes hasta 2007, la población de Juliaca se ha incrementado 50 veces, con una tasa anual de 4%, y se ha convertido en la primera ciudad más poblada del altiplano, la tercera en el sur del Perú después de Arequipa y Tacna, y la undécima ciudad más poblada del Perú. Este fenómeno ha generado vastísimos problemas sociales como el caos en el comercio, transporte, falta de seguridad, falta de infraestructura, servicios básicos de agua, desagüe, inundaciones; por tanto existe conmoción de la población a la centralidad y a la desatinada conducción del gobierno local que no se abastece para una administración adecuada y satisfactoria, por constituir Juliaca una ciudad que se agiganta progresivamente.Con estos antecedentes, Juliaca debe descentralizarse por lo menos en cinco distritos teniendo en cuenta su actual espacio urbanizado, incluido el actual Juliaca y otros cuatro distritos a partir del primer anillo (Circunvalación) que implica varios núcleos de desarrollo urbano. Esto debe ser tarea para las autoridades que buscan revertir el caos y desorden con la soluciónde problemas sociales.
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The Social Obligation Norm as the Framework for Land Restitution in South AfricaSibanda, Nkanyiso January 2017 (has links)
Doctor Legum - LLD / This research project proposes that the social-obligation norm of ownership should be
adopted as the ethic on which land restitution is carried out in South Africa. While there
exists a subtle and indirect appreciation of the social-obligation norm in South African
constitutional property law, this is veiled by the respect given to the classical liberal
conception of ownership which gives more regard to an owner's ius abutendi and
subsequently, accepts that owners can do as they please with their property as long as they do
not break any law. Of course, South Africa no longer adheres to such a classical liberalist
approach to ownership. An adherence to classical liberalist views of ownership has arguably,
led to the neglect of arable restituted land. To this effect, the Constitution as well as the
Restitution of Land Rights Act 22 of 1994 (RLA) need to clearly and more positively express
the social-obligation norm of ownership in order to promote productive and sustainable
utilisation of cultivable restituted land. The thesis argues that the current failures of the land
restitution programme are linked to the absence of a social-obligation norm in the RLA as
well as the negatively framed Property Clause in the South African Constitution. Even the
envisaged changes to the land restitution process as outlined in the 2011 Green Paper on
Land Reform as well as in the Property Valuation Act, will not solve the current problems of
wasteful neglect of land. The thesis therefore suggests that a positive expression and
formulation of the social-obligation norm in the RLA as well as in the Property Clause will
promote active, sustainable, productive, and optimal utilization of all cultivable land acquired
through the country's land restitution process. This will assist with meeting the
developmental aspirations for the rural economy as envisaged in chapter six of the National
Development Plan 2030. Furthermore, utilising the land productively through the socialobligation
norm is an expression of Ubuntu, a key constitutional theme in South Africa.
The experiences of Brazil and Germany deserve special analysis. This is because the socialobligation
norm occupies a prominent and positive place in the constitutional property law of
both these countries. Further, both countries respect private ownership of property as long as
the property is utilised in a manner that permits others to flourish and improve the quality of
their life.
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A Contribution to the Empirics of Development and GlobalizationLohmann, Steffen 08 May 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Desigualdad, instituciones y crecimiento económico en América LatinaCoatsworth, John H. 10 April 2018 (has links)
Inequality, institutions and economic growth in Latin AmericaThis essay examines three recent historical approaches to the political economy of Latin America’s relative economic backwardness. All three locate the origins of contemporary underdevelopment in defective colonial institutions linked to inequality. The contrasting view offered here affirms the significance of institutional constraints, but argues that they did not arise from colonial inequalities, but from the adaptation of Iberian practices to the American colonies under conditions of imperial weakness. Colonial inequality varied across the Americas; while it was not correlated with colonial economic performance, it mattered because it determined the extent of elite resistance to institutional modernization after independence. The onset of economic growth in the mid to late nineteenth century brought economic elites to political power, but excluding majorities as inequality increased restrained the region’s twentieth-century growth rates and prevented convergence / En el presente ensayo se examinan tres enfoques históricos recientes sobre la economía política del atraso económico relativo de América Latina. Los tres enfoques sitúan el origen del subdesarrollo contemporáneo en instituciones coloniales defectuosas ligadas a la desigualdad. La visión contrastante que se ofrece aquí reafirma la importancia de las limitaciones institucionales, pero argumenta que estas no surgieron de las desigualdades coloniales, sino de la adaptación de las prácticas ibéricas a las colonias americanas bajo condiciones de debilidad imperial. La desigualdad colonial variaba en las Américas; no obstante, no estuvo correlacionada con el desempeño económico y fue significativa porque determinó la extensión de la resistencia de las elites a la modernización institucional de la Independencia. El comienzo del crecimiento económico desde la mitad y hasta fines del siglo XIX llevó a las elites económicas al poder político, pero al excluir a las mayorías, a la par que la desigualdad se incrementaba, restringió las tasas de crecimiento económico de la región durante el siglo XX e impidió la convergencia.
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Inequality of opportunity : measurement and impact on economic growth / Inégalité d'opportunité : mesure et effet sur la croissance économiqueTeyssier, Geoffrey 17 November 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur la mesure de l'inégalité d'opportunité et son effet sur la croissance économique. Le Chapitre 1 étudie les propriétés axiomatiques de deux approches de mesure concurrentes. Dans les deux cas, la population est partitionnée en groupes rassemblant des personnes partageant les mêmes circonstances, ces déterminants de revenu que les individus ne peuvent choisir (ex. sexe ou milieu familial). L'inégalité d'opportunité est alors mesurée comme celle présente au sein d'une distribution contrefactuelle où chacun se voit attribuer le revenu représentatif de son groupe. La première approche considère la moyenne arithmétique comme revenu représentatif. Lorsque le nombre de groupes est grand et que leur taille est petite, ces moyennes sont peu précisément estimées. Afin de d'atténuer ce problème, la seconde approche, dite paramétrique, suppose que les circonstances n'ont pas d'effet d'interaction et remplace la moyenne arithmétique par la prédiction OLS du revenu régressé sur les circonstances. Le Chapitre 1 montre que la méthode paramétrique est faible d'un point de vue axiomatique. En particulier, elle ne respecte pas une version «entre-groupes» du principe des transferts. Le Chapitre 2 propose une méthodologie afin de contourner le manque actuel de micro-données sur les circonstances parentales, un déterminant majeur de l'inégalité d'opportunité. L'idée est d'utiliser 1 structure des enquêtes démographiques organisées autour de foyers afin de retrouver les circonstances parentales des adultes vivant avec leurs parents, puis d'utiliser une méthode d'ajustement statistique -l'imputation multiple -afin d'obtenir une mesure d'inégalité d'opportunité représentative de la population adulte dans son ensemble. Celle-ci est proche de la« vraie» inégalité d'opportunité, qui repose sur des questions directes à propos du milieu parental contenue dans l'enquête brésilienne du PNAD 1996. Le Chapitre 3 étudie empiriquement une récente explication quant au caractère peu concluant de la littérature empirique sur l'inégalité et la croissance: ce n'est pas l'inégalité de revenus qui compte pour la croissance mais ses deux composantes, à savoir l'inégalité d'opportunité et la composante résiduelle qu'est l'inégalité d'effort. Cette explication est validée au Brésil au niveau municipal durant la période 1980-2010, où le: inégalités d'opportunité et d'effort sont respectivement préjudiciables et bénéfiques à la croissance économique future, comme attendu. Leurs effets sont robustes et significatifs, contrairement à celui de l'inégalité total de revenus. / This thesis is about the measurement of inequality of opportunity and its impact on economic growth. Chapter 1 studies the axiomatic properties of two prominent measurement approaches. In both cases, the population is partitioned into groups of people sharing the same circumstances, those income determinants that are beyond individual control (e.g. sex or parental background) and that shape one's opportunities. Inequality of opportunity is then measured by applying a1 inequality index over a counterfactual distribution where each individual is attributed the representative income of his group. The first approach takes the representative income of a group to be its arithmetic mean. When a large number of small-sized groups are considered, these means can be poorly estimated. To mitigate this issue, the second approach, called parametric, assumes that circumstances have no interaction effect and takes this representative income to be the OLS predicted value of income regressed on circumstances. Chapter I shows that the parametric approach has poor axiomatic properties, especially with respect to a between-group version of the transfer principle. Chapter 2 provides a methodology to circumvent the current lack of microdata on parental background circumstances, a major driver of inequality of oppo1tunity. The idea is to retrieve the parental background of adults living with their parents thanks to the structure of household survey data, and then to apply a missing data procedure -multiple imputation -to obtain estimate of inequality of opportunity that are representative of the overall adult population. These estimates are shown to be close to their "true" counterpa1ts, based on direct questions about parental background contained in the Brazilian PNAD 1996 survey. Chapter 3 empirically investigates a recent and promising explanation for the inconclusiveness of traditional growth-inequality literature: income inequality does not matter for growth while its components -inequality of opportunity and the residual one, inequality of effort -do. This explanation is validated in Brazil at the municipality level over the period 1980-20 l 0, where inequalities of opportunity and effort are respectively detrimental and beneficial to subsequent growth, as expected. Their effects are robust and significant, in contrast to that of total income inequality.
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Efeitos da desigualdade de renda sobre o crescimento econômico no Brasil : uma análise não-linearCastro, Rafael Santos January 2006 (has links)
Neste trabalho busca-se analisar de que forma a desigualdade de renda em um país como o Brasil pode afetar as taxas de crescimento econômico. Depois de se apontar as possíveis causas da desigualdade e os principais modelos que estudam os efeitos que a diferença de rendimentos pode ter sobre o crescimento, aplicam-se, especialmente, modelos não-lineares para dados em painel com o intuito de descobrir a real relação entre essas variáveis no Brasil. Após realizar esses testes para o caso brasileiro mostrou-se que a relação negativa entre a desigualdade e o crescimento aparece com grande regularidade empírica, e, além disso, observou-se que variações na desigualdade, em qualquer direção, estão associadas com uma menor taxa de crescimento no período seguinte. / This paper analyses how the income inequality in a country like Brazil can affect the economic growth rates. After showing possible causes of inequality and the main models which observe the effects of income differences over growth, the article applies non-linear methods to panel data to detect the true relation between these variables in Brazil. After rebuilding these tests for Brazilian case, we show that an increase in the level of economic inequality has a significant negative relationship with subsequent economic growth, and moreover, it is possible conclude that changes in inequality, in any direction, are associated with reduced growth in the next period.
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Impact of Spatial Agglomeration on Economic Performance in developing countries : the Latin American case / Impact de l'agglomération spatiale sur la performance économique dans les pays en voie de développement : le cas de l'Amérique latineGuevara rosero, Grace carolina 19 October 2015 (has links)
Dans la littérature économique, on remarque que l’agglomération spatiale joue un rôle clé dans la croissance économique. Il a récemment été reconnu que les conditions de développement des pays peuvent modifier la relation entre l’agglomération géographique et la croissance. Cette thèse vise à analyser les effets de l’agglomération dans les pays d’Amérique latine.Tout d’abord, nous allons examiner l’impact de l’agglomération sur la croissance des régions latino-américaines et nous analysons le rôle du niveau de développement dans cette relation. Afin de répondre à ces questions, un modèle de croissance est estimé compte tenu de l’interdépendance spatiale. Les résultats montrent que les régions d’Amérique Latine bénéficient des effets croissants d’agglomération géographique jusqu’à un certain niveau de revenu. Ensuite, nous allons étudier l’influence de la nature des externalités d’agglomération sur la productivité sectorielle en regardant le cas de l’ Equateur. Un modèle économétrique qui traite de facteurs endogènes potentiels est estimé. Les résultats indiquent que les externalités de diversité génèrent les effets les plus élevés sur la productivité. Enfin, nous analyserons la façon dont la concentration spatiale au sein des régions est influencée par le commerce extérieur. Un modèle de panel de données est estimé en tenant compte des particularités régionales, des effets temporels et des tendances temporelles des régions colombiennes. Les résultats montrent que l’effet de l’ouverture commerciale sur la concentration spatiale au sein des régions est renforcée par deux aspects : le fait d’avoir un grand marché et le fait d’avoir une localisation géographique favorable par rapport au accès au marché international. / In economic literature, it has been underscored that spatial agglomeration plays a keyrole in the economic growth. Recently, it has been acknowledged that the conditions of development of countries are likely to shape the agglomeration-growth relationship.On these grounds, this PhD thesis aims to analyze the effects of agglomeration in Latin American countries.First, it investigates whether Latin American countries experience positive effects ofagglomeration on growth and to what extent their level of development influences such effects. In order to answer these questions, a growth model using regional data is estimated considering spatial interdependence. The results show that Latin American regions enjoy increasing positive effects of agglomeration on their growth until a certain level of income is reached.Second, it studies the influence of the nature of agglomeration externalities, such as specialization, diversity, density and competition on industrial productivity in cantonsby looking at the case of Ecuador. Using Generalized Method of Moments, an econometric model dealing with potential endogenous factors is estimated. The results indicate that diversity externalities generate the highest positive effects of agglomeration on productivity.Finally, it addresses how spatial agglomeration within regions is shaped by external trade. A panel data model is estimated taking into account regional characteristics,time-specific effects and regional-specific time trends of Colombian regions. The results show that the effect of trade openness in spatial concentration within regions isenhanced by two aspects: the home market effect and the location advantage effect of main cities within regions.
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