Spelling suggestions: "subject:"conomic browth."" "subject:"conomic bgrowth.""
791 |
Economic Structural Change and Cancer Incidence - An International ExaminationFerretti, F., McIntosh, Bryan January 2014 (has links)
Yes / After heart disease, cancer is the most common cause of death in many developed countries. In this paper, we discuss the relationship between economic growth and cancer incidence. The purposes of the paper are to describe and measure the influence of an increasing real per capita income on the overall incidence of cancer. Using cross-sectional data for 162 countries, regression results with crude and age-standardised rates allow us to measure the elasticity of cancer incidence with respect to per capita income, and to decompose the elasticity coefficient into two components: age-effect and lifestyle-effect.
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Long-Run Macroeconomic Determinants of Cancer IncidenceFerretti, F., Jones, S., McIntosh, Bryan January 2013 (has links)
Yes / : Understanding how cancer incidence evolves during economic growth is useful for forecasting the economic impact of cancerous diseases, and for governing the process of resources allocation in planning health services. We analyse the relationship between economic growth and cancer incidence in order to describe and measure the influence of an increasing real per capita income on the overall rate of cancer incidence.
Method:We test the relationship between real per capita income and the overall rate of cancer incidence with a cross-sectional analysis, using data from the World Bank and the World Health Organization databases, for 165 countries in 2008. We measure the elasticity of cancer incidence with respect to per capita income, and we decompose the elasticities coefficients into two components: age-effect and lifestyle-effect.
Results: An Engel’s model, in a double-log quadratic specification, explains about half of the variations in the age-standardised rates and nearly two thirds of the variations in the incidence crude rates. All the elasticities of the crude rates are positive, but less than one. The income elasticity of the age-standardised rates are negative in lower income countries, and positive (around 0.25 and 0.32) in upper middle and high income countries, respectively.
Conclusions:These results are used to develop a basic framework in order to explain how demand-side economic structural changes may affect the long run evolution of cancer incidence. At theoretical level, a J-Curve is a possible general model to represents, other things being equal, how economic growth influence cancer incidence.
793 |
Economic Growth and the Harmful Effects of Student Loan Debt on Biomedical ResearchFerretti, F., McIntosh, Bryan, Jones, S. 10 May 2015 (has links)
Yes / Modern theories of economic growth emphasize the role of research and development (R&D) activities
in determining a society's standard of living. In some advanced economies, however, higher education
costs and the level of indebtedness among graduates have increased dramatically during recent years.
Student loans are evident throughout the Western world, particularly in the United States, and within
the bio-medical sciences.
In this paper the authors develop a basic model of economic growth in order to investi-gate the effects
of biomedical graduates indebtedness on the allocation of human re-source in the R&D activities, and
thus on the process of economic growth. Using this modified model to understand the consequences of
the rising cost in biomedical educa-tion, we derive a 'science-growth curve' (a relation between the
share of pure researcher and the economy rate of growth), and we find two possible effects of
biomedical stu-dent indebtedness on economic growth: specifically, a composition effect and a productivity
effect. First, we outline the Romer's classical growth model, and we apply it to a 'biomedical'
knowledge-based economy, and second, the model is developed by factoring the difference between
pure and applied biomedical research.
The 'biomedical science sector' is one of the key pillars of modern knowledge-based economy. The
costs of higher education in biomedical sciences and the graduates level of indebtedness represent, not
only a great problem of equality of opportunity, but also a serious threat to future prosperity of the
advanced economies.
794 |
A simple framework for analysing the impact of economic growth on non-communicable diseasesCohen, I.K., Ferretti, F., McIntosh, Bryan 13 May 2015 (has links)
Yes / Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) are currently the leading cause of
death worldwide. In this paper, we examine the channels through which economic
growth affects NCDs’ epidemiology. Following a production function approach, we
develop a basic technique to break up the impact of economic growth on NCDs into
three fundamental components: (1) a resource effect; (2) a behaviour effect; and (3)
a knowledge effect. We demonstrate that each of these effects can be measured as
the product of two elasticities, the output and income elasticity of the three leading
factors influencing the frequency of NCDs in any population: health care, healthrelated
behaviours and lifestyle, and medical knowledge.
795 |
Exploring the link between aid and economic growth : an African perspectiveKhampha, Avhatakali Tshifaro 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MDF (Development Finance))--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: It is a fact that development aid represents the single most important source of external finance for most developing countries. This study sought to answer an important question relating to whether aid has a positive impact on economic growth or not. There is much literature on the subject and the views are quite diverse.
Using the World Development Indicators (WDI) data, a cross-section regression analysis was performed over a period of 16 years and existing literature on the subject was re-examined. Of importance, this study tries to understand what the determinants or triggers of economic growth are, especially in developing economies. The results show that, although no significant relationship could be found between economic growth and development aid, there is strong evidence that there is a significant positive relationship between economic growth and the important triggers of economic growth used in the study, namely exports and investments. These are important components for the growth of any economy. The implicit conclusion is that since these two components are being impacted positively by aid, it follows then that the link between economic growth and aid can be considered to be a positive one.
These findings go against the critics of development aid who maintain that aid that is being pumped into developing economies, especially the African continent, is actually just going into a big black hole and could be used more effectively somewhere else. This study proves that this is not the case and donor countries need to intensify their efforts of providing aid to poor countries because they need it and it is actually making a difference.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Dit is ‘n algemeen aanvaarde feit dat ontwikkelingsteun die enkel belangrikste bron van eksterne finansiering is vir die meeste ontwikkelende lande. Hierdie studie poog om antwoorde te vind vir die belangrike vraag of steun ‘n positiewe impak op ekonomiese groei het of nie. Daar is volop literatuur oor die onderwerp beskikbaar en die opvattings is uiters uiteenlopend.
Deur die World Development Indicators data te gebruik, is ‘n deursnit regressie analise gedoen oor ‘n periode van 16 jaar en bestaande literatuur oor die onderwerp is weer ondersoek. Die belangrikste oogmerk van die studie is om te probeer verstaan wat die bepalers of snellers van ekonomiese groei is, veral in ontwikkelende ekonomië. Die uitslae toon dat, alhoewel daar geen beduidende verhouding gevind kon word tussen ekonomiese groei en ontwikkelingsteun nie, daar wel sterk bewyse is vir ‘n beduidende positiewe verhouding tussen ekonomiese groei en die belangrike snellers van ekonomiese groei soos gebruik in die studie, naamlik uitvoere en beleggings. Hierdie is belangrike komponente vir die groei van enige ekonomie. Die implisiete afleiding is dus dat, aangesien hierdie twee komponente positief beïnvloed word deur ontwikkelingsteun, dit volg dat die skakel tussen ekonomiese groei en steun ook as ‘n positiewe een beskou kan word.
Hierdie bevindings is lynreg in teenstelling met die kritici van ontwikkelingsteun wat handhaaf dat steun wat aan ontwikkelende lande, veral in Afrika, gegee word, eintlik net in ‘n groot swart gat verdwyn en meer effektief elders aangewend kan word. Hierdie studie bewys dat dit nie die geval is nie en dat skenker lande eerder hulle pogings om steun aan arm lande te bied moet verskerp omdat hulle dit nodig het en omdat dit regtig ‘n verskil maak.
796 |
La nouvelle économie fondée sur la connaissance dans la région arabe : vers une nouvelle stratégie de développementAlsalman, Mohammad 10 July 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse s'inscrit dans le cadre de l'économie de développement, et tente de traiter la question de blocage économique dans la région arabe, une situation qui a longtemps marqué cette zone. Nous proposons une nouvelle carde d'analyse qui adopte la notion de l'économie fondée sur la connaissance (EFC), qui a été élaboré par la Banque Mondiale, dans laquelle cette économie est composée de quatre piliers, a savoir : incitation économique et régime institutionnel, éducation et ressources humaines, Système d'innovation et l'infrastructure d'information (TIC). La thèse emploie le concept de l'EFC afin d'inspecter, d'analyser et d'évaluer la situation économiques dans les pays arabes depuis l'indépendance et jusque la veille des révolutions arabes, nommé : le printemps arabe. A travers de cette thèse nous élaborons plusieurs types d'analyse, et à la fin de thèse nous proposons un modèle économétrique permettant l'évaluation de la contribution de la connaissance à la croissance et au développement dans ces pays. / This thesis is part of the economics of development. It addresses the issue of the economic morass in which the Arab region has been mired for decades. We suggest a new analytical framework that builds upon the concept of knowledge-based economies and its four pillars – economic incentive and institutional regime, education and human resources, innovation system, and, finally, information infrastructure (ICT) - as conceived by the World Bank. Our thesis mobilizes this concept of knowledge-based economies in order to analyze and evaluate the state of the economy in the Arab region from the independence period to the eve of the revolution in Arab countries ' Arab spring'. Throughout the thesis, we develop several types of analysis and we conclude with an econometric model, that assesses the contribution of knowledge to growth and development in the Arab region.
797 |
Why are employment figures in airport studies too high?Reumann, Andreas, Thießen, Friedrich 15 October 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Luftverkehrsprognosen stellen ein wichtiges Instrument dar, die Luftverkehrsinfrastruktur zu beeinflussen. Hinter vielen der Projekte, die von Luftverkehrsprognosen begleitet werden, stehen Interessen. Dies gilt insbesondere für Ausbauvorhaben von Flughäfen, die von eindeutigen Zielen und Wünschen getragen werden. Die Gutachter, die im Rahmen solcher Ausbauvorhaben tätig werden, sind der Gefahr ausgesetzt, beeinflusste Prognosen zu erstellen. Die Art und Intensität dieser Beeinflussung sowie die Methodik dieser Analysen sind Gegenstand dieses Aufsatzes. Zunächst wurden neuere Ergebnisse der OECD und EU erarbeitet und denen der Flughafenstudien gegenübergestellt. Nachfolgend wurde die Intensität der Beeinflussung auf Grundlage einer eigenen Untersuchung analysiert. Dabei wurden politische Entscheidungsträger im Rhein-Main-Gebiet nach Ihrer Verwendung von Studien und deren Ergebnisse befragt. Die Impact Study, als häufigste Forschungsmethodik, wurde in ihre Bestandteile zerlegt und mit der Full Cost-Benefit-Analyse, welche die durch die FAA empfohlene Methode ist, verglichen. Grundsätzlich sind solche Gutachten meist externe Analysen aus privatwirtschaftlicher Hand, die einerseits im Auftrag von regionalen Entscheidungsträgern, aber andererseits auch im Auftrag von Flughafen- und Fluggesellschaften angefertigt wurden. Die Unabhängigkeit der Prognosen ist damit gefährdet. Auf Grundlage der (neutralen) OECD- und EU-Ergebnisse zeigte sich, dass etwaige regionale Wirtschaftsimpulse und damit einhergehendes Beschäftigungswachstum durch erhöhten Flugverkehr nicht zu finden sind. Die kritische Analyse von „bezahlten Studien“ ist demnach von Bedeutung. Die Mehrzahl der politischen Amts- und Entscheidungsträger in Deutschland trifft allerdings Entscheidungen auf Basis keiner oder ausschließlich nicht-neutraler, bezahlter Auftragsstudien. Historisch betrachtet ist dies kein Novum. Bereits in den 60er Jahren kann man solche Studien und Entscheidungen nachweisen. Bezüglich des Forschungsdesign zeigte sich, dass Impact-Studien kaum für zur Beurteilung des Luftverkehrs geeignet sind. Sie beziehen die relevanten Effekte nur teilweise in ihre Berechnungen ein. Es wurde eine Reihe von systematischen Fehlern identifiziert. Die FAA-Richtlinien in den USA für methodisch korrekte Studien greifen nur wenig. Für weitere Forschung sehen wir die wichtige Aufgabe, die Methodik der Full Cost-Benefit-Analyse für die Prognose möglicher Effekte zur Anwendung zu bringen. / Aviation traffic forecasts and airport analyses are important instruments which influence decisions on aviation related infrastructure. Behind many of such infrastructure projects, which are supported by forecast analyses, one finds political interests. This is especially the case for aviation projects, such as infrastructure enlargement projects of airports, which are motivated by distinct goals and desires. Referees who act within this framework are exposed to the risk of producing biased results. The form and degree of intensity of such influence and manipulation, as well as the methodology of such forecast analyses, are the subject of this working paper. To begin with, newer research results by the OECD and the EU have been formulated and further compared to results of studies commissioned by airport operators. Subsequently, the degree of intensity of such influence has been analysed on the basis of our own research. A survey was thereby produced, investigating the application of neutral and non-neutral studies in the decision-making processes of the public administration in the Rhein-Main-area. Impact studies, which are currently the most used method, have been segmented and compared with studies using full cost-benefit-analysis, the recommended method by the FAA. With regard to these results, it can be argued that most forecast analyses are produced by private consultancies, by order of public entities but also by order of airport operators. The independence of such research and its results is therefore endangered. Recent OECD and EU research results have shown that eventual effects, such as regional economic stimulus and employment growth, are absent. Thus, care in the application of study results in this field is necessary. However, the majority of policy makers (in Germany) unfortunately base their decisions mostly on non-neutral studies. Historically seen, this is not a novelty. Regarding the research design, impact studies are hardly suitable for airport studies. Further, it can be shown that impact studies incorporate mostly only non-negative items in their cash flow calculations, compared to full cost-benefit-analyses which incorporate all relevant items. A number of systematic flaws are further identified. The regulation-guidelines by the FAA, which demand to incorporate all items, have had little impact on the research design of airport studies in the US so far. The promotion and fostering of full cost-benefit-analyses is necessary to lift the quality of airport studies.
798 |
Foreign trade and economic growth in Namibia : a time series analysis / Cyril Ayetuoma OgbokorOgbokor, Cyril Ayetuoma January 2015 (has links)
Foreign trade is increasingly becoming a powerful tool when it comes to the promotion of economic growth in modern economies. This is especially so in the face of the continued rise of globalisation. In consideration of this fact, this thesis assessed the impact of foreign trade on the growth process of Namibia’s economy for the period stretching from 1990 to 2012. This main objective was further developed into primary, theoretical and empirical objectives. In order to realise these multiple objectives, two modern econometric time series techniques were employed, namely vector autoregressive (VAR) and auto-regression distributed lag (ARDL) models. Based on these two techniques, the following procedures featured during the study: Stationary tests, error correction modelling, co-integration tests, Granger causality tests, generalised impulse response functions and generalised forecast error variance decomposition. The following constitutes the main findings arising from this study: First, the study found that there is a positive relationship among the variables that were investigated. Indeed, this positive relationship suggests that the economy of Namibia can be expanded potentially by means of foreign trade. The result is also in line with economic theory. Secondly, the empirical findings also show that export, foreign direct investment and exchange rate endogenously respond to shocks in economic growth. Thirdly, economic growth itself accounted for most of the innovations that occurred during the period under consideration concerning economic growth. Fourthly, amongst the three explanatory variables used in the model, exports and foreign direct investment contributed more towards innovations in economic growth during the forecast period. Initially, exports and foreign direct investment dominated over the forecast horizon with each contributing almost an equal share of over 5 percent after 12 quarters.
Thereafter, exports’ contribution relatively exceeded that of foreign direct investment. Fifthly, it is particularly important to note that the exchange rate variable made the weakest contribution towards explaining economic growth for the forecast period of 24 quarters.
In consideration of the general constraints associated with this study, the thesis puts forward a number of proposals for possible further investigation by any theorist who is keen about probing the issue that the thesis investigated. The thesis considers the following as its significant contributions to the existing literature: First, this study primarily examined the relationship between exports and economic growth. By adding the effect of foreign direct investment and exchange rate to the analysis, this study became more comprehensive. This further widens the scope for policymaking for Namibia, as well as other developing economies on a similar route. Secondly, the study employed two modern econometric time series techniques, namely VAR and ARDL models in investigating the research topic under consideration. Most of the related studies that were reviewed either utilised ordinary least squares (OLS) or VAR or ARDL approach on its own. By implication, the results obtained from this study, therefore, are from a technical point of view more robust. Thirdly, through constructive comments, this thesis made valuable contributions to the relevant empirical literature as reviewed during the course of the study. Fourthly, since this study has a focus on Namibia, it provided the opportunity for the thesis to present a comprehensive analysis on issues pertaining to Namibia specifically. Lastly, the various recommendations put forward by this thesis will assist Namibia, as well as other developing countries, on a related path when it comes to formulating policies for the promotion of exports in particular and economic growth in general. / PhD (Economics)--North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2015.
799 |
Foreign trade and economic growth in Namibia : a time series analysis / Cyril Ayetuoma OgbokorOgbokor, Cyril Ayetuoma January 2015 (has links)
Foreign trade is increasingly becoming a powerful tool when it comes to the promotion of economic growth in modern economies. This is especially so in the face of the continued rise of globalisation. In consideration of this fact, this thesis assessed the impact of foreign trade on the growth process of Namibia’s economy for the period stretching from 1990 to 2012. This main objective was further developed into primary, theoretical and empirical objectives. In order to realise these multiple objectives, two modern econometric time series techniques were employed, namely vector autoregressive (VAR) and auto-regression distributed lag (ARDL) models. Based on these two techniques, the following procedures featured during the study: Stationary tests, error correction modelling, co-integration tests, Granger causality tests, generalised impulse response functions and generalised forecast error variance decomposition. The following constitutes the main findings arising from this study: First, the study found that there is a positive relationship among the variables that were investigated. Indeed, this positive relationship suggests that the economy of Namibia can be expanded potentially by means of foreign trade. The result is also in line with economic theory. Secondly, the empirical findings also show that export, foreign direct investment and exchange rate endogenously respond to shocks in economic growth. Thirdly, economic growth itself accounted for most of the innovations that occurred during the period under consideration concerning economic growth. Fourthly, amongst the three explanatory variables used in the model, exports and foreign direct investment contributed more towards innovations in economic growth during the forecast period. Initially, exports and foreign direct investment dominated over the forecast horizon with each contributing almost an equal share of over 5 percent after 12 quarters.
Thereafter, exports’ contribution relatively exceeded that of foreign direct investment. Fifthly, it is particularly important to note that the exchange rate variable made the weakest contribution towards explaining economic growth for the forecast period of 24 quarters.
In consideration of the general constraints associated with this study, the thesis puts forward a number of proposals for possible further investigation by any theorist who is keen about probing the issue that the thesis investigated. The thesis considers the following as its significant contributions to the existing literature: First, this study primarily examined the relationship between exports and economic growth. By adding the effect of foreign direct investment and exchange rate to the analysis, this study became more comprehensive. This further widens the scope for policymaking for Namibia, as well as other developing economies on a similar route. Secondly, the study employed two modern econometric time series techniques, namely VAR and ARDL models in investigating the research topic under consideration. Most of the related studies that were reviewed either utilised ordinary least squares (OLS) or VAR or ARDL approach on its own. By implication, the results obtained from this study, therefore, are from a technical point of view more robust. Thirdly, through constructive comments, this thesis made valuable contributions to the relevant empirical literature as reviewed during the course of the study. Fourthly, since this study has a focus on Namibia, it provided the opportunity for the thesis to present a comprehensive analysis on issues pertaining to Namibia specifically. Lastly, the various recommendations put forward by this thesis will assist Namibia, as well as other developing countries, on a related path when it comes to formulating policies for the promotion of exports in particular and economic growth in general. / PhD (Economics)--North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2015.
800 |
Determinants of credit risk mitigation in lending to Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) companies, from a banker's perspective / A Banker's perspective on the determinants of credit risk mitigation in lending to Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) companiesMeyer, Petrus Gerhardus 08 May 2009 (has links)
Credit risk mitigation that can be applied by commercial banks in assessing the lending decision /credit risk when advances and equity investments are considered for BEE classified companies. / A research report presented to the Graduate School of Business Leadership, University of South Africa / The previous political dispensation limited black people’s participation in the South
African economy. Poor credit records, lack of training, resulting in skills and capacity
gaps further limited entry into the lending market. These aspects are considered the
main limitations in obtaining finance for the Small, Medium and Micro Enterprises
This research report focuses on how credit risk can be mitigated by commercial banks
in lending to Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) companies in the medium to large
market. Exploratory research was conducted using various methods to achieve
methodological triangulation. These methods consisted of a literature review,
interviewing experts in the field and case studies. A qualitative research approach was
followed. It was found that the lack of own contribution and security were still prevalent
in the medium to large market, but the quality of management (little training and skills)
was deemed not to be a limitation as suitable credit risk mitigants were identified. No
credit risk mitigants were identified to mitigate poor credit records. It is postulated that
by adopting and applying the identified credit risk mitigants, commercial banks can
increase their success rate in lending to BEE companies. It will further assist in the
transformation of black people and compliance with the Financial Services Charter.
It is recommended that a similar study be conducted in the agriculture, hunting,
forestry and fishing industry. The reasons why BEE companies applications are
declined could also be investigated. Further studies could also explore other external
factors such as economical, legal and social that could have an influence on the
funding of BEE companies.
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