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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Význam struktury daňových systémů pro ekonomický růst v zemích OECD - Extreme Bounds Analysis / The importance of tax system structure for economic growth in OECD countries - Extreme Bounds Analysis

Choutka, Petr January 2015 (has links)
The importance of tax system structure for economic growth in OECD countries - Extreme Bounds Analysis Abstract The thesis examines the importance of tax system structures for economic growth in OECD countries. It aims to find out whether a revenue-neutral tax reform can promote economic growth. In other words, its objective is to identify taxes which are most harmful for economic growth and suggest tax policy implications accordingly. The extreme bounds analysis is employed to examine the robustness of relationship between particular taxes and the growth rate. This method consists in running a number of regressions and observing how the coefficients respond to various model alterations. The results suggest that taxes levied on personal income have a robust negative impact on economic growth. On the other hand, consumption and property taxes appear to be non-significant predictors of economic growth. The policy implication is drawn that a revenue-neutral tax reform shifting the tax burden from personal income towards consumption and property is likely to boost the economy. JEL classification: H21, H24, H27, O11, O47 Key words: tax system structure, economic growth, extreme bounds analysis, tax reform

Essays in nonlinear macroeconomic modeling and econometrics.

Atems, Bebonchu January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Department of Economics / Lance J. Bachmeier / This dissertation consists of three essays in nonlinear macroeconomic modeling and econometrics. In the first essay, we decompose oil price movements into oil demand (stock market) shocks and oil supply (oil-market) shocks, and examine the response of the stock market to these shocks. We find that when oil prices are “net-increasing”, a stock market shock that causes the S&P 500 to rise by one percentage point will cause the price of oil to rise approximately 0.2 percentage points, with a statistically significant positive effect one day after the stock market shock. On the other hand, the response of the stock market to an oil market shock is a decline of 6.8 percent when the price of oil doubles. For other days, the initial response of the oil market to a stock market shock is the same as in the net oil price increase case (by construction). We then analyze the response of monetary policy to the identified stock market and oil market shocks and find that short-term interest rates respond to the stock market shocks but not the oil market shocks. Finally, we evaluate the predictive power of the decomposed stock market and oil shocks relative to the change in the price of oil. We find statistically significant gains in both the in-sample fit and out-of-sample forecast accuracy when using the identified stock market and oil market shocks rather than the change in the price of oil. The second essay revisits the statistical specification of near-multicollinearity in the logistic regression model using the Probabilistic Reduction approach. We argue that the ceteris paribus clause invoked with near-multicollinearity is rather misleading. This assumption states that one can assess the impact of near-multicollinearity by holding the parameters of the logistic regression model constant, while examining the impact on their standard errors and t-ratios as the correlation (\rho) between the regressors increases. Using the Probabilistic Reduction approach, we derive the parameters (and related statisitics) of the logistic regression model and show that they are functions of \rho , indicating the ceteris paribus clause in the traditional account of near multicollinearity is unattainable. Monte carlo simulations in the paper confirm these findings. We also show that traditional near-multicollinearity diagnostics, such as the variance inflation factor and condition number can fail to detect near-multicollinearity. Overall, the paper finds that near-multicollinearity in the logistic model is highly variable and may not lead to the problems indicated by the traditional account. Therefore, unexpected, unreliable or unstable estimates and inferences should not be blamed on near-multicollinearity. Rather the modeler should return to economic theory or statistical respecification of their model to address these problems. The third essay examines the correlations between income inequality and economic growth using a panel of income distribution data for 3,109 counties of the U.S. We examine the non-spatial dynamic correlations between county inequality and growth using a System GMM approach, and find significant negative relationships between changes in inequality in one period and growth in the subsequent period. We show that this finding is robust across different sample sizes. We further argue that because the space-specific time-invariant variables that affect economic growth and inequality can differ significantly across counties, failure to incorporate spatial effects into a model of growth and inequality may lead to biased results.We assume that dependence among counties only arises from the disturbance process, hence the estimation of a spatial error model. Our results indicate that the bias in the parameter for inequality amounts to about 2.66 percent, while that for initial income amounts to about 21.51 percent.

The impact of human capital on regional labor productivity in Europe

Fischer, Manfred M., Bartkowska, Monika, Riedl, Aleksandra, Sardadvar, Sascha, Kunnert, Andrea 11 1900 (has links) (PDF)
This paper employs a spatial Durbin model for analyzing the impact of human capital on regional productivity using for 198 NUTS-2 European regions for the sample period from 1995 to 2004. The study provides evidence for the existence of spatial externalities and interactions of the sort as emphasized by new growth theory. To interpret results meaningfully, we calculate summary measures that account for the simultaneous feedback nature of the underlying model. By sampling from the parameter distribution we present measures of dispersion, revealing that it is relative regional advantages in human capital that matter most for productivity growth. (authors' abstract)

Sociální kapitál a rozvojová pomoc / Social capital and development assistance

Štourač, František January 2010 (has links)
Objective of the first part is to find suitable definition of capital. For this reason is here made a brief summary of the history of economic thoughts about capital. Then is selected the proper definition according to previously defined requirements and criteria. Second part is based on the formerly founded definition of capital, which then helps to clarify the social capital definition. Moreover are in this following part analyzed main contributions to this topic. The final part focuses on the role of social capital in the development assistance. Here are described not only the results of the Official development assistance, but also some alternative approaches. At the end are proved by measuring and comparison the previously obtained theoretical outcomes. These are made on the case of sub-Saharan Africa countries.

Växthusgaser och regional tillväxt : Ett ohållbart dilemma?

Hassani, Hamed January 2020 (has links)
Both Sweden and the European Union have set numerous goals to reduce the emission of greenhouse gasses. At the same time, regional growth is desired in most, if not all of Sweden’s counties. With economic- and population growth being essential for reaching this desire, there is a potential conflict brewing. Is it feasible to reduce the emission of greenhouse gasses while at the same time actively working on growing the economy and the population?This paper has explored this idea in Sweden largest counties Stockholm, Skåne and Västra Götaland. The development in these counties over the last decade or so show that reduced emissions and regional growth in fact have been compatible. Not only that, the county with the largest population, population growth and largest gross regional product, Stockholm, has also had the largest decrease in greenhouse gas emission over the period. The trend of the emission reductions in these three counties are also compatible with the Swedish and European emission targets. However, the trend does indicate the actual development of greenhouse gas emission over a longer period. The findings indicate that reduced greenhouse gas emission can and have coexisted with regional growth.

Ensaios sobre os impactos socioeconômicos dos desastres naturais no Brasil / Essays on the socioeconomic impacts of natural disasters in Brazil

Halmenschlager, Vinícius 27 February 2019 (has links)
Tendo em vista o grande número de desastres naturais que têm afetado o mundo nos últimos anos e seus efeitos nocivos à economia e ao bem-estar social, é crescente o interesse da literatura, das organizações internacionais pertinentes e dos formuladores de políticas públicas, por avaliações dos impactos dessas catástrofes. O panorama brasileiro não é diferente, todos os anos o país é assolado por uma série de eventos naturais, que carecem de estudos sobre os seus diferentes impactos. Nesse contexto, o objetivo dessa pesquisa é avaliar, por meio de dois artigos, alguns dos efeitos socioeconômicos dos desastres naturais brasileiros. No primeiro estudo, foi verificado o impacto na atividade econômica dos municípios afetados, mensurada pelo Produto Interno Bruto (PIB) per capita, das chuvas e deslizamentos ocorridos na região Serrana do estado do Rio de Janeiro em janeiro de 2011. Esse evento, distinto aos demais desastres brasileiros, foi considerado em função do número de afetados e óbitos, o maior desastre natural do Brasil. Para investigar a relação de interesse, aplicou-se o método de controle sintético com procedimento de inferência baseado no descrito por Cavallo et al. (2013). Os resultados indicam que a catástrofe gerou efeitos negativos sobre o crescimento econômico dos municípios afetados. Já o segundo artigo, se propõe a avaliar a relação existente entre os desastres naturais hidrológicos e aspectos de saúde, como a morbimortalidade, nos municípios brasileiros. Essas catástrofes, apesar de não se tratarem do desastre mais comum, apresentam elevada recorrência e se destacam quando se trata do número de afetados e de óbitos. As possíveis implicações econômicas dos efeitos na saúde são variadas, perpassando pela redução da oferta de trabalho, perda de ativos, mudanças nas decisões alocativas das famílias, perda de capital humano, entre outras. Assim, o objetivo do segundo estudo é verificar os impactos regionais diretos e indiretos, de curto a longo prazo, dos eventos hidrológicos sobre a morbimortalidade por faixas etárias. Para isso, foi construído um painel de dados municipal com periodicidade mensal, de 2000 a 2012, com informações dos desastres e das taxas de mortalidade e morbidade. Os resultados indicam que, em curto prazo, se destacam os efeitos diretos como o aumento dos óbitos em virtude da exposição às forças da natureza e aos afogamentos. Em médio prazo, os impactos positivos se concentram, principalmente, nas taxas de morbidade em decorrência das doenças transmitidas pela água, com impactos relevantes na região Nordeste e sobre as crianças. Porém, dentre as enfermidades de médio prazo a mais crítica é a leptospirose. Essa doença é potencializada pelos desastres, tanto em relação às taxas de internações e atendimentos ambulatoriais quanto das taxas de mortalidade, em grande parte das regiões do Brasil. Já as doenças de longo prazo são pouco afetadas pelos eventos hidrológicos, com reflexos apenas para a morbidade em função da desnutrição na região Nordeste. Portanto, as evidências encontradas nesta tese indicam que os desastres naturais brasileiros demandam atenção, posto que geram uma série de impactos socioeconômicos nocivos no país. / In view of the large number of natural disasters that have affected the world in recent years and their detrimental effects on economy and social welfare, there is a growing interest in literature, relevant international organizations, and public policy makers on the impacts of these disasters. The Brazilian scenario is no different, every year the country is plagued by a series of natural disasters, which require studies on their different impacts. In this context, the objective of this research is to evaluate, through two articles, some of the socioeconomic effects of Brazilian natural disasters. In the first study, the impact in terms of economic growth of the affected municipalities was evaluated, measured by the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita of the rains and landslides that occurred in the mountain region of Rio de Janeiro in January 2011. This event, distinct from the Brazilian disasters, was considered due to the number of people affected and deaths, it was the greatest natural disaster in Brazil. To investigate the relation of interest, the synthetic control method was applied with an inference procedure similar to that described by Cavallo et al. (2013). The results indicate that the event had negative effects on the economic growth of the affected municipalities. The second study seeks to evaluate the relationship between hydrological natural disasters and health aspects, such as morbidity and mortality, in Brazilian municipalities. These disasters, although not very common, present high recurrence and stand out when it comes to the number of people affected and deaths. The economic implications of health effects are varied, ranging from the reduction of job offers to loss of assets, changes in the allocative decisions of families, loss of human capital, among others. Thus, the objective of the second article is to verify the direct and indirect short- and long-term regional impacts of hydrological events on health on different age groups. For this purpose, a municipal data panel was compiled monthly with information from the disasters and mortality and morbidity rates from 2000 to 2012. The results indicate that, in the short term, the direct effects such as the increase of mortality rates due to exposure to forces of nature and to drownings stand out. In the medium term, the positive impacts are mainly on morbidity rates, due to waterborne diseases, with relevant impacts on the Northeast region and on children. However, of the medium-term diseases, the most critical is leptospirosis. This disease is strengthened by disasters, both in terms of hospitalization and outpatient care rates and mortality rates, in most of the regions of Brazil. Long-term diseases are little affected by hydrological disasters, with positive effects only on morbidity due to malnutrition in the Northeast region. Therefore, the evidence found in this thesis indicates that Brazilian natural disasters demand attention, since they generate a series of prejudicial socioeconomic impacts in the country.

GULD ÄR GULD VÄRT : En företagsekonomisk studie om svenska aktiemarknadens samband med guldpris, ränta, tillväxt och valutakurs.

Hälldahl, Petter, Thelin Pesämaa, Andreas January 2019 (has links)
Denna studies huvudsakliga syfte var att analysera sambandet mellan den svenska aktiemarknaden och guldpriset. Guldet har en viktig roll i finansmarknaden samtidigt som området saknar forskning i Sverige. Genom detta skapades ett intresse att studera aktiemarknadens samband med guldpriset i Sverige. Forskning kring aktiemarknadens samband till guldpriset är splittrad på global nivå där resultaten både kan vara negativa, positiva och en del där inget samband existerar. Studiens underliggande syfte var att analysera sambandet mellan den svenska aktiemarknaden och ränta, tillväxt och valutakurs.Studien är begränsad till att analysera kvartalsvis data inom 23 år mellan 1995 och 2018 i Sverige. Uppgifterna har sedan analyserats i en korrelationsanalys och en multipel linjär regressionsanalys. Resultaten visar att det finns ett negativt samband mellan guldpriset och aktiemarknaden. Resultatet visar också att det finns ett negativt samband mellan ränta och aktiemarknad. Studiens resultat visar också att det finns ett positivt samband mellan tillväxt och aktiemarknad. Slutligen visar resultatet att det inte finns något signifikant samband mellan valutakurs och aktiemarknad. / The main aim of this study was to analyze the relationship between gold price and the swedish stock market. Since gold has a major role in financial systems, the interest arose because of the lack of research on the gold price relationship to the stock market in Sweden. That as well as divided view of if gold price relationship is negative, positive or not related to the stock market, has created the interest. The underlying aim of the study was to analyze therelationship between interest rate, economic growth and exchange rate with the dependent variable stock market.This study was limited by analyzing quarterly data in 23 years between 1995 and 2018 on the swedish market. Data was collected and analyzed in statistical programs named Apple Numbers and SPSS. Data was analyzed in a correlation analysis and a regression analysis. The result showed that there is a negative relation between gold price and stock market. The result also shows that there is a negative relation between between interest rate and stock market. It also shows that there is a positive relation between economic growth and stockmarket. Lastly the result shows that there is no significant relation between exchange rate and stock market.

Libéralisation financière, ouverture politique et croissance économique dans les pays en voie de développement / Financial liberalization, political openness and economic growth in developing countries

Lajili, Oualid 22 May 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse s’intéresse à l’étude de la relation entre l’ouverture financière et politique et la croissance économique dans les pays en voie de développement. En effet, réformes politiques et libéralisation financière étaient le mot d’ordre des instances financières internationales qui conditionnaient l’octroi des aides financières à l’application de certaines réformes en faveur de la démocratie, du respect des droits de l’Homme et de l’intégration à la sphère financière mondiale. Notre investigation empirique porte sur un échantillon de 108 pays en voie de développement entre 1984 et 2008 et fait appel aux techniques d’estimation de panel statiques et dynamiques et les nouveaux tests de causalité en panel hétérogène. Nos résultats, démontrent que la libéralisation financière en plus de son impact direct sur la croissance, agit positivement sur l’investissement, le commerce extérieur ainsi que la stabilité macroéconomique à travers une réduction de l’inflation. L’intégration financière favorise, aussi, le développement du secteur financier et du capital humain. Ailleurs, la démocratie, même si elle n’a pas d’impact direct significatif sur la croissance, semble influer positivement sur celle-ci de manière indirecte à travers le canal du commerce extérieur mais aussi du développement financier et la promotion du capital humain. Ailleurs, l’instabilité politique affecte négativement le développement économique de manière directe mais aussi de manière indirecte en diminuant les investissements et le commerce avec l’extérieur et en augmentant l’inflation. Finalement, nos résultats suggèrent l’existence d’une relation de causalité bidirectionnelle entre l’intégration financière et la démocratie. Cependant, la relation entre ouverture financière et stabilité politique est plus spécifique et dépend des caractéristiques régionales des pays. / The purpose of this thesis is to study the relationship between financial integration, political openness and growth in developing countries. In fact, political reforms and financial liberalization was the slogan of the international financial institutions which conditioned the granting of financial aid to the implementation of certain reforms in favor of democracy and more respect of human rights in addition to more financial integration. Our empirical investigation covers a sample of 108 developing countries between 1984 and 2008 and uses both static and dynamic panel data estimation in addition to the new causality test in heterogeneous panel. Our results show that financial liberalization positively impact growth directly and through indirect channel like Investment, trade and macroeconomic stability. It also favors financial development and promotes human capital. Even though, democracy doesn’t directly influence growth, it has an indirect positive effect on it through favoring international trade in addition to financial and human capital development. Otherwise, political instability negatively affects growth directly but also indirectly through decreasing investment and increasing inflation. Finally, our results suggest the existence of a bidirectional relationship between financial integration and democracy. In the other side, the relationship between financial integration and political stability is more specific and depend upon regionals characteristics of the country.

Towards an operational measurement of socio-ecological performance

Kettner, Claudia, Köppl, Angela, Stagl, Sigrid 02 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Questioning GDP as dominant indicator for economic performance has become commonplace. For economists economic policy always aims for a broader array of goals (like income, employment, price stability, trade balance) alongside income, with income being the priority objective. The Stiglitz-Sen-Fitoussi Commission argued for extending and adapting key variables of macroeconomic analysis. International organisations such as the EC, OECD, Eurostat and UN have proposed extended arrays of macroeconomic indicators (see 'Beyond GDP', 'Compendium of wellbeing indicators', 'GDP and Beyond', 'Green Economy', 'Green Growth', 'Measuring Progress of Societies'). Despite these high profile efforts, few wellbeing and environmental variables are in use in macroeconomic models. The reasons for the low uptake of socio-ecological indicators in macroeconomic models range from path dependencies in modelling, technical limitations, indicator lists being long and unworkable, choices of indicators appearing ad hoc and poor data availability. In this paper we review key approaches and identify a limited list of candidate variables and - as much as possible - offer data sources. / Series: WWWforEurope

Betydelsen av hållbarhet inom samhällsplanering : En studie om hur Malmö kommun arbetar med hållbarhetsbedömningar i sin planering

Hawkins, Josefine, Lithman, Sandra January 2019 (has links)
Hållbar utveckling har blivit ett begrepp på allas läppar under det senaste 60 åren. Långt ifrån alla är överens om vad en hållbar utveckling innebär men samhällets uppbyggnad, utveckling och förnyelse måste ske på ett hållbart sätt. Globaliseringen påverkar det hållbara utvecklingsarbetet på en global, nationell och lokal nivå. Syftet med denna studie är att beskriva och förklara tillväxtperspektivet i relation till ekonomiska och ekologiska värden inom Malmö kommun. Arbetet ser till översiktsplanen där målet om en hållbar utveckling ska förhållas till. Studien ser även till att utforska hur den sociala hållbarheten kommer till uttryck i den fysiska planeringen. Den teoretiska referensram som studien förhåller sig till består av teorier och tidigare forskning som genom sina polariserade synsätt beskriver hållbar utveckling och hur dessa ska appliceras i planeringen. Studien har en kvalitativ utgångspunkt där primärdata samlats in i form av intervjuer. Genom ett målstyrt urval har endast relevanta planerare valts för empirisk insamling. Ett induktivt tillvägagångsätt har använts för studien där slutsatser arbetats fram utifrån det empiriska materialet. Efter analys av insamlad empiri påvisar studiens slutsats att det ekologiska hållbarhetsperspektivet påverkas av ekonomisk tillväxt genom exploatering och ökade arbetstillfällen. Det visar sig att grönstrukturen och höga naturvärden åsidosätts när det finns mål för staden att växa och bli attraktiv. Beträffande hur det sociala hållbarhetsvärdet speglas i planeringsarbetet visar resultatet att den sociala dimensionen har en primär prioritering. Detta kommer till uttryck i planeringsarbetet genom aktiva medborgardialoger, skapande av nya arbetstillfällen och utvecklingsarbetet för en funktionsblandad stad. / The term sustainable development has become an important concept during the recent decades. Far from everyone agrees on what sustainable development entails, however,society’s growth, development and renewal should take pace in a sustainable way.Globalization impacts on the work within sustainable development on a global, national and local level. The purpose of this study is to describe and explain the growth perspective in relation to the economic and ecological values within the municipality of Malmö. The study reviews the comprehensive plan where the goal of sustainable development should be addressed. The study also looks at how the social sustainability is described in the spatial planning. The theoretical frame of reference that this study relates to consists of theories and previous research which through their opposed views describes sustainable development and how these should be applied in the planning process. This study has a qualitative basis where primary data has been collected in the form of interviews. Only relevant planners have been selected through a targeted selection, for the empirical collection. An inductive approach has been used for this study in which the conclusions have been developed based upon on the empirical material. The study’s conclusion was based upon analysis of the empirical material, which showed that the ecological sustainability perspective is affected by economic growth through exploitation and increased job opportunities. The conclusion also shows that green structures and places with high natural values are neglected when there are goals for the city to grow and become more attractive. As to how the social sustainability is reflected in the planning process, the results shows how the social dimension has primary priority. This is reflected in the planning through active citizen dialogues, the creation of new jobs and the development of a mixed functioning city.

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