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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Towards an operational measurement of socio-ecological performance

Kettner, Claudia, Köppl, Angela, Stagl, Sigrid 02 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Questioning GDP as dominant indicator for economic performance has become commonplace. For economists economic policy always aims for a broader array of goals (like income, employment, price stability, trade balance) alongside income, with income being the priority objective. The Stiglitz-Sen-Fitoussi Commission argued for extending and adapting key variables of macroeconomic analysis. International organisations such as the EC, OECD, Eurostat and UN have proposed extended arrays of macroeconomic indicators (see 'Beyond GDP', 'Compendium of wellbeing indicators', 'GDP and Beyond', 'Green Economy', 'Green Growth', 'Measuring Progress of Societies'). Despite these high profile efforts, few wellbeing and environmental variables are in use in macroeconomic models. The reasons for the low uptake of socio-ecological indicators in macroeconomic models range from path dependencies in modelling, technical limitations, indicator lists being long and unworkable, choices of indicators appearing ad hoc and poor data availability. In this paper we review key approaches and identify a limited list of candidate variables and - as much as possible - offer data sources. / Series: WWWforEurope

Betydelsen av hållbarhet inom samhällsplanering : En studie om hur Malmö kommun arbetar med hållbarhetsbedömningar i sin planering

Hawkins, Josefine, Lithman, Sandra January 2019 (has links)
Hållbar utveckling har blivit ett begrepp på allas läppar under det senaste 60 åren. Långt ifrån alla är överens om vad en hållbar utveckling innebär men samhällets uppbyggnad, utveckling och förnyelse måste ske på ett hållbart sätt. Globaliseringen påverkar det hållbara utvecklingsarbetet på en global, nationell och lokal nivå. Syftet med denna studie är att beskriva och förklara tillväxtperspektivet i relation till ekonomiska och ekologiska värden inom Malmö kommun. Arbetet ser till översiktsplanen där målet om en hållbar utveckling ska förhållas till. Studien ser även till att utforska hur den sociala hållbarheten kommer till uttryck i den fysiska planeringen. Den teoretiska referensram som studien förhåller sig till består av teorier och tidigare forskning som genom sina polariserade synsätt beskriver hållbar utveckling och hur dessa ska appliceras i planeringen. Studien har en kvalitativ utgångspunkt där primärdata samlats in i form av intervjuer. Genom ett målstyrt urval har endast relevanta planerare valts för empirisk insamling. Ett induktivt tillvägagångsätt har använts för studien där slutsatser arbetats fram utifrån det empiriska materialet. Efter analys av insamlad empiri påvisar studiens slutsats att det ekologiska hållbarhetsperspektivet påverkas av ekonomisk tillväxt genom exploatering och ökade arbetstillfällen. Det visar sig att grönstrukturen och höga naturvärden åsidosätts när det finns mål för staden att växa och bli attraktiv. Beträffande hur det sociala hållbarhetsvärdet speglas i planeringsarbetet visar resultatet att den sociala dimensionen har en primär prioritering. Detta kommer till uttryck i planeringsarbetet genom aktiva medborgardialoger, skapande av nya arbetstillfällen och utvecklingsarbetet för en funktionsblandad stad. / The term sustainable development has become an important concept during the recent decades. Far from everyone agrees on what sustainable development entails, however,society’s growth, development and renewal should take pace in a sustainable way.Globalization impacts on the work within sustainable development on a global, national and local level. The purpose of this study is to describe and explain the growth perspective in relation to the economic and ecological values within the municipality of Malmö. The study reviews the comprehensive plan where the goal of sustainable development should be addressed. The study also looks at how the social sustainability is described in the spatial planning. The theoretical frame of reference that this study relates to consists of theories and previous research which through their opposed views describes sustainable development and how these should be applied in the planning process. This study has a qualitative basis where primary data has been collected in the form of interviews. Only relevant planners have been selected through a targeted selection, for the empirical collection. An inductive approach has been used for this study in which the conclusions have been developed based upon on the empirical material. The study’s conclusion was based upon analysis of the empirical material, which showed that the ecological sustainability perspective is affected by economic growth through exploitation and increased job opportunities. The conclusion also shows that green structures and places with high natural values are neglected when there are goals for the city to grow and become more attractive. As to how the social sustainability is reflected in the planning process, the results shows how the social dimension has primary priority. This is reflected in the planning through active citizen dialogues, the creation of new jobs and the development of a mixed functioning city.

Déséquilibres globaux et ajustements : modèle multinational en stock-flux cohérent. / Global imbalances and adjustments : multinational stock-flow consistent model

Hafrad, Idir 08 December 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour objectif d‟étudier les déséquilibres globaux avec un modèle multinational empirique en stock-flux cohérent. La dernière crise financière de 2008, qui a été suivie par une crise économique mondiale, a reconfiguré l‟évolution de nombreuses variables macroéconomiques. Les déséquilibres globaux se sont fortement résorbés et le maintien de cet ajustement résulte essentiellement de facteurs macroéconomiques conjoncturels, en raison de l‟effondrement de la demande. Compte tenu des changements majeurs durant ces dernières années, nous examinons dans notre recherche les perspectives de croissance future aux États-Unis, en Chine et en Europe dans le cas des poursuites des politiques économiques actuelles, à l‟horizon 2030. Pour cela, nous utilisons d‟abord le modèle C.A.M développé par F. Cripps, ensuite nous estimons notre propre modèle multinational à cinq régions. L‟analyse se focalise sur l‟évolution des déséquilibres globaux, la croissance économique et le taux de change. Les projections du scénario de base de notre modèle multinational, dans le cas de la poursuite des politiques actuelles, montrent que l‟ajustement des déséquilibres externes est maintenu au prix de déséquilibres internes. / This thesis aims to study the global imbalances with an empirical multinational stock-flow consistent model. The last financial crisis, which was followed by a global economic crisis, has reconfigured the evolution of many macroeconomic variables. Global imbalances have strongly resorbed and this continuing adjustment results mainly from cyclical macroeconomic factors, due to the collapse in demand. Given the major changes in the recent years, we analyze in our research growth prospects in the United States, in China and Europe in the case of the continuation of current economic policies, over the period running up to 2030. For that purpose, we first use the C.A.M model developed by F. Cripps. We then estimate our own five bloc multinational model. We focus on analyzing the evolution of global imbalances, the economic growth and the exchange rate. The baseline scenario projections of our multinational model, in the case of the continuation of the current economic policies, show that the adjustment of the external imbalances is maintained at the cost of internal imbalances.

FDI and Economic Growth : An Empirical Study of Lower-middle Income Economies / FDI och Ekonomisk tillväxt : En empirisk studie av lägre medelinkomstekonomier

Ngo Ngoc, Qui January 2019 (has links)
Within a panel data context with fixed effects method, using data on a sample of 40 lower- middle income economies, this paper investigates whether and to what extent FDI stimulates economic growth over the period 2007-2017. The main finding of this paper highlights the complementary effects between FDI and education, suggesting that a certain level of education must be reached in order for FDI to contribute positively on economic growth. Further, the level of education in this sample set is below the level that is considered as adequate in order to spur economic growth and thus this affects the absorptive capacity. This paper can only confirm that there is a certain association between FDI and economic growth and cannot confirm the widespread belief that FDI stimulates economic growth due to that the estimated models more often than not provided insignificant results.

Crescimento econômico e desenvolvimento humano: uma análise mundial da eficiência social de Estados-nação / Economic growth and human development: a global analysis of social efficiency of Nation-states

Mariano, Enzo Barberio 02 July 2012 (has links)
Mesmo sendo uma condição indispensável para que ocorra o desenvolvimento humano, o crescimento econômico nem sempre é convertido eficientemente em qualidade de vida pelos Estados-nação. Deste modo, o presente trabalho teve o objetivo de mensurar a eficiência social dos países, que expressa à capacidade de um Estado-nação converter sua riqueza produzida em qualidade de vida, e de determinar fatores que possam explicá-la. Como hipóteses de pesquisa para esses fatores, foram considerados: (i) a atuação do Estado, do Mercado e da Sociedade Civil; (ii) o estoque de capital físico, natural, humano, cultural, social e institucional; (iii) a presença de liberdades política, econômica e de expressão; (iv) o efeito do próprio desenvolvimento humano; e (v) outras características socioeconômicas dos países. Para que esse objetivo fosse alcançado, foram utilizadas as técnicas: (a) Análise Envoltória de Dados (DEA), em sua forma padrão, cruzada, invertida e tripla; (b) regressão linear simples; (c) clusterização por eficiência; (d) método k-means; e (e) testes estatísticos de diferença entre médias. Os principais resultados obtidos indicaram que as ex-repúblicas soviéticas e os países de passado socialista foram os que mais se destacaram na eficiência social; já os países desenvolvidos, apesar de apresentarem elevados indicadores sociais, sendo altamente eficazes, não se destacaram na eficiência; os países do sul da África, por sua vez, além de possuírem a pior condição social, foram também os mais ineficientes. Quanto aos fatores explicativos da eficiência social, concluiu-se que possuem impacto positivo: (1) a taxa básica de juros; (2) a taxa bruta de investimentos; (3) a taxa de estradas pavimentadas; (4) a taxa de alfabetização; (5) o número de médicos per capita; (6) a liberdade fiscal; (7) além de quase todos os outputs sociais utilizados na análise de eficiência, com exceção da inflação. Por outro lado, os fatores que se relacionam negativamente com a eficiência são: (a) o saldo da balança corrente; (b) a quantidade de reservas de petróleo; (c) o PIB per capita; (d) o nível de caridade; (e) a ausência de corrupção; (f) a liberdade de investimento e financeira; (g) a liberdade política e de expressão; (h) a taxa de fecundidade na adolescência; (i) a taxa de infectados com HIV; e (j) o nível de emissões de \'CO IND.2\'. Apesar de alguns resultados encontrados terem sido bastante polêmicos, afastando-se tanto do senso comum quanto de teorias estabelecidas, acredita-se que o presente trabalho contribuiu para lançar luz sobre um novo e fértil campo de pesquisa, denominado eficiência social. / Despite being a prerequisite for occurring development, economic growth is not always fully converted into welfare or quality of life, since countries have different levels of efficiency in carrying out this conversion. Thus, this study aimed to determine the efficiency of Nation-states to convert their wealth produced in quality of life (social efficiency) and, subsequently, to investigate the impact in this efficiency of the factors: (i) performance of the State, Market and Civil Society; (ii) stock of physical , natural, human, cultural, social and institutional capital; (iii) political , economic and expression freedoms; (iv) human development itself; and (v) other socioeconomic characteristics of the countries. To accomplish this goal, we have used: (a) Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) in its standard, cross, reversed and triple form; (b) simple linear regression; (c) clustering for efficiency; (d) k-means method; and (e) statistical tests of differences between means. The main results indicate that the ex-Soviet republics and the countries of the socialist past were most outstanding in social efficiency; whereas the developed countries, although having high social indicators, i.e., high efficacy, not were excelled in efficiency; the countries of southern Africa, in turn, have the worst social condition, and were also the most inefficient. As for the explanatory factors of social efficiency, it was concluded that had positive impact the variables: (1) prime rate; (2) gross rate of investment; (3) rate of paved roads; (4) literacy rate; (5) number of doctors per capita; (6) fiscal freedom; (7) and the most social indicators that were used in the analysis of efficiency, with the exception of inflation. On the other hand, the factors that are negatively related to efficiency are: (a) current account balance; (b) amount of oil reserves; (c) GDP per capita; (d) level of charity; (e) corruption absence; (f) freedom of investment and financing; (g) political freedom and expression; (h) adolescent fertility rate; (i) the rate of HIV-infected; and (j) level of \'CO IND.2\' emissions. Although some results have been quite controversial, away from both common sense and established theories, it is believed that this work has helped to shed light on a new and fertile field of research called social efficiency.

A doutrina de segurança nacional e o Milagre Econômico (1969/1973) / The national security doctrine and the \"Economic Miracle\" (1969/1973)

Giannasi, Carlos Alberto 01 July 2011 (has links)
Este trabalho busca aprofundar a análise sobre os aspectos autoritários do sistema político brasileiro durante o período conhecido como Milagre Econômico (1969-1973), cujo suporte ideológico foi fundamentado e sustentado pela Doutrina de Segurança Nacional e Desenvolvimento, produzida pela Escola Superior de Guerra. Através de ampla pesquisa bibliográfica de autores que se debruçaram sobre o tema, dos manuais de segurança nacional e, sobretudo dos planos econômicos que correspondem ao período estudado, em especial o Plano de Ação Econômica, Programa Estratégico de Desenvolvimento e o Primeiro Plano Nacional de Desenvolvimento, percebemos o quanto o autoritarismo político foi necessário para que os governos militares impusessem um novo modelo econômico, que se de um lado propiciou o rápido desenvolvimento da economia e a redução da inflação, por outro, desvalorizou os salários dos trabalhadores, aumentou o processo de endividamento e de concentração de renda, aumentando ainda mais a desigualdade social no Brasil. Nossa pesquisa analisa também de que forma ocorre a renovação da tradição autoritária brasileira, do ponto de vista do sistema político que historicamente sempre reprimiu com violência movimentos de contestação a ordem vigente. Agora através da forte repressão política as forças de oposição aos militares, sob a égide do combate ao comunismo internacional no contexto da guerra fria. Por fim, o trabalho de pesquisa mostra que a acumulação capitalista do período estudado (1969-1973), só foi possível pelo emprego da violência institucional colocada em prática pelo Estado Autoritário, sob o comando das forças armadas. / This study seeks to deepen the analysis of the authoritarian aspects of the Brazilian political system during the period known as the Economic Miracle (1969-1973), whose ideological support was reasoned and supported by the National Security Doctrine and Development, produced by the War College. Through extensive literature survey of authors who have studied the subject, manuals and national security, especially economic plans that correspond to the period studied, in particular the Economic Action Plan, Strategic Program Development and the First National Development Plan, realize how the political authoritarianism that was necessary for the military government to impose a new economic model, which is a side facilitated the rapid development of economy and reducing inflation, on the other hand, played down the wages of workers, increased the process of borrowing and concentration of income, further increasing social inequality in Brazil. Our research also analyzes how is the renewal of the Brazilian authoritarian tradition, from the standpoint of the political system that has historically repressed violently protest movements established order. Now through strong political repression of opposition forces to the military, under the aegis of the fight against international communism in the context of the Cold War. Finally, the research work shows that the capital accumulation of the period studied (1969-1973), was made possible by the use of institutional violence put in place by authoritarian rule, under the command of the armed forces.

Um estudo sobre a Curva Ambiental de Kuznets e a convergência da Pegada Ecológica / A Study on the Environmental Kuznets Curve and the Ecological Footprint convergence

Lopes, Guilherme Byrro 25 July 2013 (has links)
A relação entre economia e meio ambiente tem sido cada vez mais explorada, dado que o crescimento econômico pode ter efeitos prejudiciais sobre a natureza, contudo existe a possibilidade de conciliar crescimento com preservação do meio ambiente. A coleta e divulgação de indicadores ambientais permitiram relacioná-los com a renda per capita, o que motivou a investigação de uma hipótese conhecida como Curva Ambiental de Kuznets. O trabalho tem por finalidade estimar, através de dados em painel não estacionário, a relação entre o indicador de pressão ambiental e crescimento de renda per capita e, através da análise de dados em painel estático e dinâmico, a convergência da pegada ecológica entre os países como resultado da evidência direta e indireta, respectivamente, da existência de uma Curva Ambiental de Kuznets. A vantagem da análise está na abrangência da pegada ecológica como indicador ambiental em relação às emissões de poluentes, possuindo um caráter original por não ter sido empreendida anteriormente. Os fundamentos teóricos da análise de convergência estão no Modelo de Solow verde desenvolvido por Brock and Taylor (2010). / The relationship between economy and environment has more and more been explored, and given the potential harm that economic growth might have on nature there is a possibility to conciliate growth and environment preservation. The gathering and publishing of environmental measures allowed to establish their relationship with per capita income in an investigation of the hypothesis known as the Environmental Kuznets Curve. This work estimates the relation of environmental pressure and income per capita and also the convergence of the ecological footprint among countries, as a direct and indirect, respectively, result of the existence of a Environmental Kuznets Curve, by using static, dynamic and non-stationary panel data techniques. The advantage of this analysis is that the ecological footprint is a broader environmental index than pollution indexes. The theoretic foundation of the convergence analysis is the Green Solow model, presented by Brock and Taylor (2010).

Desenvolvimento sócio-econômico, infraestrutura de transportes e inovação: um estudo econométrico espacial dos efeitos de spillover nos estados brasileiros / Socio-economic development, transportation infrastructure and innovation: a spatial econometric study of the spillover effects in the brazilian states

Moralles, Herick Fernando 13 November 2012 (has links)
Ao longo das últimas décadas, um número cada vez maior de pesquisadores tem argumentado que simples índices como crescimento do PIB ou exportações são insuficientes para descrever o bem estar da população de um país. Contudo, apesar de estudos recentes adicionarem variáveis como desigualdade de renda, infraestrutura e inovação tecnológica às análises, a maioria dos autores falham na consideração de aspectos espaciais, tais quais os efeitos de vizinhança para estratégias governamentais de infraestrutura e desenvolvimento sócio-econômico. Nesse sentido, o presente trabalho tem como principal objetivo analisar a relação entre crescimento econômico, infraestrutura de transportes, gastos em inovação tecnológica e desenvolvimento sócio-econômico nos estados federativos brasileiros e seus efeitos de spillover (difusão), por meio de técnicas de econometria espacial. Os principais resultados demonstram a infraestrutura rodoviária como maior promotor de spillovers positivos para crescimento e desenvolvimento. Quanto à inovação, os resultados indicaram spillovers negativos, tanto para crescimento como para desenvolvimento, sendo significante somente para desenvolvimento. / Over the past decades, an increasing number of researchers have argued that simple indices such as GDP growth and exports are insufficient to describe the welfare of a country. However, in spite of recent studies add variables such as income inequality, infrastructure and technological innovation to the analysis, most authors fail to consider spatial aspects, as is the neighborhood effects for government strategies on infrastructure and socio-economic development. Accordingly, the present work aims to examine the relationship between economic growth, capital investment in public transport infrastructure, spending on technological innovation, and socio-economic development in the Brazilian federal states and their spillover effects, using spatial econometrics techniques. The main results show the road infrastructure as the biggest promoter of positive spillovers for growth and development. As for innovation, results indicated negative spillovers, both for growth and for development, being significant only for development.

Aménagement du territoire au Maroc : infrastructures de transport et disparités régionales

Malyadi-Rachi, Sanaâ 21 May 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur le rôle des infrastructures de transport dans la croissance économique et dans la réduction des disparités régionales, avec une application à la question de l’aménagement du territoire au Maroc. Cette question est importante dans la mesure où il s’agit de savoir si les infrastructures de transport peuvent être un véritable outil de développement économique. Le travail est structuré en deux parties et quatre chapitres. La première partie prend la forme d’une revue de la littérature théorique et empirique sur la place des infrastructures de transport dans l’aménagement du territoire et la réduction des disparités régionales. Le premier chapitre est consacré à une présentation des théories de la nouvelle géographie économique et de la croissance endogène qui se proposent d’expliquer les disparités régionales. Le deuxième chapitre aborde les effets des infrastructures de transport sur la localisation des agents économiques et sur les phénomènes d’agglomération des activités. La seconde partie du travail développe une étude empirique sur données de panel qui vise à tester l’impact des infrastructures de transport sur un échantillon de 16 régions marocaines. Le troisième chapitre a pour objet la description de l’échantillon et des variables du modèle retenu, ainsi que l’explication des choix méthodologiques effectués. Enfin, le quatrième et dernier chapitre présente et discute les différents résultats obtenus. Les infrastructures de transport semblent avoir un impact positif sur la croissance économique. Leur rôle dans la réduction des disparités inter-régionales reste ambigu. Au vu de nos résultats, il semble en effet permettre une réduction de l’écart entre les cinq régions les plus riches, sans permettre aux régions de rattraper ces régions. / This thesis examines the role of transport infrastructures in the economic growth and reducing regional disparities, with an application to the issue of the land planning in Morocco. This issue will demonstrate as whether the transport infrastructures can be a veritable tool for economic development. The work is structured in two parts and four chapters. The first part takes the form of a review of theoretical and empirical literature on the role of transport infrastructure in the land planning and reducing regional disparities. The first chapter is devoted to a presentation of new theories of economic geography and endogenous growth, which intend to explain the regional disparities. The second chapter discusses the effects of transport infrastructure on the location of economic agents and the processes of urban activities. The second part of the paper develops an empirical study using panel data which aims to test the impact of transport infrastructure on a sample of 16 Moroccan regions. The third chapter is intended to describe the sample and variables of the model used, and the explanation of methodological choices. Finally, the fourth and final chapter presents and discusses the different results.Transport infrastructures appear to have a positive impact on the economic growth. Their role in reducing inter-regional disparities remains unclear. Given our results, it seems to allow a reduction in the gap between the five richest regions, without allowing the regions to make up these regions.

Croissance économique et pauvreté en Afrique Centrale : une investigation appliquée dans la zone CEMAC / Economic growth and poverty in central Africa : an in-vestigation applied in CAEMC zone

Tomo Nkono, Madeleine 01 July 2014 (has links)
L’impact de la croissance économique sur la pauvreté est un sujet d’intérêt politique majeur dans les pays en développement. Depuis que les institutions internationales ont admis l’importance de la croissance économique dans l’amélioration du bien-être des individus, celle-ci est devenue un élément fondamental des stratégies de lutte contre la pauvreté. Dans un tel contexte, l’attention accordée à la croissance économique dans la lutte contre la pauvreté est beaucoup débattue dans la littérature économique. Cette thèse procède à une analyse empirique de l’impact de la croissance économique sur la pauvreté, dans le cas des pays de la Communauté Economique et Monétaire de l’Afrique Centrale, sur la période 1981 à 2005. Dans une première partie, nous dressons un bilan théorique incontournable sur la pauvreté et sur les liens entre la croissance économique et la pauvreté. Nous présentons les stratégies de lutte contre la pauvreté et les faits stylisés de la pauvreté monétaire et non monétaire dans les pays de la CEMAC. Dans une deuxième partie, nous testons empiriquement l’impact de la croissance économique sur la pauvreté dans la CEMAC, en incluant l’Union Economique et Monétaire Ouest Africaine (UEMOA) en guise de comparaison. Nous évaluons empiriquement, le rôle des inégalités de revenus, de la corruption, et de la stabilité politique dans l’impact de la croissance économique sur la pauvreté dans les zones CEMAC et UEMOA.Les résultats suggèrent que la croissance économique est nécessaire pour réduire la pauvreté dans la CE-MAC et l’UEMOA. L’étude révèle que l’impact de la croissance économique sur la pauvreté est une fonction décroissante du degré d’inégalités. L’investigation montre également l’impact négatif d’une amélioration de la qualité des institutions sur la pauvreté. Les efforts de réduction de la pauvreté réalisés à travers la stimulation de la croissance économique devraient être accompagnés par des efforts de réduction des inégalités, de réduction de la corruption et un cadre politique sain. / The impact of economic growth on poverty is a major political issue in developing countries. Since inter-national institutions have recognized the importance of economic growth in improving the well being of individuals, it has become a fundamental element of strategies that aim at reducing poverty. In this context, attention given to economic growth in the fight against poverty is much debated in the economic research. This thesis conducts an empirical analysis of the impact of economic growth on poverty, in the case of Central African Economic and Monetary Community (CAEMC) for the period 1981-2005. In a first section, we build a key theoretical assessment on poverty and on the links between economic growth and poverty. We present strategies for poverty reduction and the stylized facts of monetary and non-monetary poverty in the CAEMC countries. In a second part, we empirically test the impact of economic growth on poverty in the CAEMC by including the West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU) for a comparison. We evaluate empirically the role of income inequality, corruption, and political stability in the impact of economic growth on poverty in CAEMC and WAEMU zone.The results suggest that economic growth is necessary to reduce poverty in CAEMC and WAEMU zone. The study reveals that the impact of economic growth on poverty is a decreasing function of inequality. The investigation also shows the positive impact of improving the quality of institutions on poverty re-duction. The policies aimed for poverty reduction through the stimulation of economic growth should be accompanied by simultaneous efforts to reduce inequality, corruption and a sound policy framework.

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