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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Ekonomska kultura u Srbiji: kulturni obrasci,institucije i legitimizacijski mehanizmi / Economic culture in Serbia: cultural patterns,institutions and legitimation mechanisms

Cvetković Vladimir 03 June 2016 (has links)
<p>Uloga kulture u dru&scaron;tvenim promenama javlja se kao nezaobilazna tema u kontekstu postsocijalističke<br />tranzicije. Ispostavilo se da institucionalna transformacija političkog i ekonomskog uređenja dru&scaron;tva nije<br />dovoljna, te da uspeh institucionalnih promena uveliko zavisi od nacionalne kulture, i promena na nivou cele<br />nacije (Elste, Offe, Preuss, 1998:19). Ekonomska strana tranzicije se pokazala posebno problematičnom jer<br />ekonomske aktivnosti čine veliki deo svakodnevice svakog pripadnika dru&scaron;tva, neprestano ukazujući na<br />probleme vezane za ekonomsku transformaciju dru&scaron;tva. Kada se od nje odvoje apstraktni pokazatelji kojima<br />se savremeni ekonomisti služe očito je da ekonomija sama jeste deo kulture (Beugelsdijk i Maseland,<br />2014:116). Dru&scaron;tvene i kulturne promene u osnovnoj strukturi i vrsti modifikacija kulturnih institucija tokom<br />nekog vremenskog perioda ogledaju se kroz kulturne obrasce (Koković 2005: 228). Primenjujući savremene<br />ekonomske metode i teorije novi institucionalni ekonomisti uglavnom poku&scaron;avaju da izbegnu argumentaciju<br />prisutnu u drugim dru&scaron;tvenim naukama &ndash; argumentaciju da institucije nisu rezultat efikasnog re&scaron;enja<br />ekonomskih problema (Granovetter u Biggard ed. 2002:88), već ne&scaron;to mnogo kompleksnije. Ipak, kako se<br />kulturni obrasci manifestuju kao ustaljeni načini pona&scaron;anja te stoga predstavljaju relativno stabilne pojave,<br />oni su takođe i temelj institucionalizacije &ndash; kada se takva pona&scaron;anja nađu u okviru većih koherentnih celina<br />prerastaju u institucionalizovano pona&scaron;anje, učestvujući u izgradnji institucije (Koković 2005: 228). Jedan od<br />nedovoljno istraženih pristupa u sociologiji kulture je legitimacija kulturnih obrazaca, i sledstveno tome<br />legitimacija institucija i institucionalnih sistema. Mehanizmi legitimacije kao socijalne činjenice zahvataju u<br />&scaron;iroko polje kulture, uključujući socijalnu strukturu, odnose moći i slično, pa se ne mogu posmatrati mimo<br />toga (Berger, Luckmann, 1991. Searl, 1996). Sa svoja četri funkcionalna nivoa, prema Bergeru i Lukmanu,<br />legitimacija povezuje čitav socio-kulturni svet zajednice i pripadajućih individua. U kontekstu<br />postsocijalističke tranzicije u Srbiji stanje ekonomske kulture se posebno manifestuje na relacijama između<br />institucija svojine, trži&scaron;ta i nacionalne države, kao specifičnih artikulacija srpske kulture, i za njih vezane<br />kulturne obrasce.<br />Disertacija je imala za cilj da pruži uvid u odnos između institucija svojine, trži&scaron;ta i države kao jednog<br />institucionalnog sklopa iz perspektive ekonomske kulture, a oslanjajući se prvenstveno na legitimaciju<br />institucionalnih i kulturnih obrazaca i sistema. Imajući u vidu složenost zadatka &ndash; stanje u savremenom<br />srpskom dru&scaron;tvu trebalo je objasniti i iz istorijske perspektive &ndash; bilo je neophodno kombinovati različitu vrstu<br />građe i evidencije, i u skladu sa tim različite metode opisa, analize i interpretacije. Pored istorijske građe i<br />radova autora koji su istraživali socioekonomske aspekte srpskog dru&scaron;tva i istorije kori&scaron;ćena je empirijske<br />evidencija prikupljena u okviru Evropskog istraživanja vrednosti (EVS) i Projekta jugoistočnog socijalnog<br />istraživanja (SEESSP). Pomenuta empirijska građa obrađna je klaster analizom kako bi se utvrdili<br />legitimacijski obrasci koji korespondiraju kulturnim obrascima u savremnom srpskom dru&scaron;tvu. Kori&scaron;ćenjem<br />istorijske i savremene evidencije trebalo je utvrditi kakvu ulogu u srpskoj ekonomskoj kulturi ima institucija<br />trži&scaron;ta, i u kakvom je odnosu sa institucijama svojine i države, kao i kako se to menjalo kroz razvoj srpske<br />države od XIX veka naovamo &ndash; kako se u ovom kulturno-institucionalnom trouglu organizovao ekonomski<br />život srpskog dru&scaron;tva.<br />U teorijsko-metodolo&scaron;kom pogledu pokazalo se da su legitimacijski mehanizmi solidni pokazatelji kulturnih<br />obrazaca čak i kada kori&scaron;ćeni podaci nisu optimalni. Sa druge strane, a nimalo neočekivano, ispostavilo se da<br />uvođenje trži&scaron;nih mehanizama u ekonomiju dru&scaron;tva kontekstualno uslovljen postojećim institucionalnim<br />ograničenjima vezanim za svojinu i državno uređenje, kao i &scaron;ire kulturne obrasce i etičke norme dru&scaron;tva. Ne<br />može se govoriti o uvođenju ili neuvođenju trži&scaron;ne ekonomije, već o spcefičnim trži&scaron;nim mehanizmima i<br />njihovoj strukturi i poziciji u ukupnoj ekonomskoj aktivnosti i kulturi dru&scaron;tva.<br />Kada je reč o srpskom dru&scaron;tvu, identifikovani kulturni obrasci potvrđuju nalaze drugih autora o kulturi u<br />kojoj značajno mesto zauzimaju egalitaristički principi, kolektivizam, i oslanjanje na državu kao<br />dominantnog ekonomskog arbitra. Istorijska analiza takođe sugeri&scaron;e da takva kultura nije rezultat<br />vi&scaron;edecenijskog socijalizma, već joj koreni sežu mnogo dalje u pro&scaron;lost, pojavljujući se kao karakteristika<br />zajednička različitim socio-političkim uređenjima. Kulturni obrasci iz prve decenije XXI veka ukazuju da<br />postoji legitimacijski deficit kad je u pitanju trži&scaron;te. Trži&scaron;te u srpskoj kulturi nije institucionalizovano kao<br />mehanizam pogodan za distribuciju bogatstva, odnosno, većina kulturnih obrazaca ne pozicionira trži&scaron;te kao<br />dobar kriterijum regulacije materijalnih nejednakosti. Takođe, iako većinu kulturnih obrazaca karakteri&scaron;e<br />preferencija privatne svojine, uočljiva su opredeljenja uspostavljena etičkim normama koje važe u srpskom Uloga kulture u dru&scaron;tvenim promenama javlja se kao nezaobilazna tema u kontekstu postsocijalističke</p><p>tranzicije. Ispostavilo se da institucionalna transformacija političkog i ekonomskog uređenja dru&scaron;tva nije<br />dovoljna, te da uspeh institucionalnih promena uveliko zavisi od nacionalne kulture, i promena na nivou cele<br />nacije (Elste, Offe, Preuss, 1998:19). Ekonomska strana tranzicije se pokazala posebno problematičnom jer<br />ekonomske aktivnosti čine veliki deo svakodnevice svakog pripadnika dru&scaron;tva, neprestano ukazujući na<br />probleme vezane za ekonomsku transformaciju dru&scaron;tva. Kada se od nje odvoje apstraktni pokazatelji kojima<br />se savremeni ekonomisti služe očito je da ekonomija sama jeste deo kulture (Beugelsdijk i Maseland,<br />2014:116). Dru&scaron;tvene i kulturne promene u osnovnoj strukturi i vrsti modifikacija kulturnih institucija tokom<br />nekog vremenskog perioda ogledaju se kroz kulturne obrasce (Koković 2005: 228). Primenjujući savremene<br />ekonomske metode i teorije novi institucionalni ekonomisti uglavnom poku&scaron;avaju da izbegnu argumentaciju<br />prisutnu u drugim dru&scaron;tvenim naukama &ndash; argumentaciju da institucije nisu rezultat efikasnog re&scaron;enja<br />ekonomskih problema (Granovetter u Biggard ed. 2002:88), već ne&scaron;to mnogo kompleksnije. Ipak, kako se<br />kulturni obrasci manifestuju kao ustaljeni načini pona&scaron;anja te stoga predstavljaju relativno stabilne pojave,<br />oni su takođe i temelj institucionalizacije &ndash; kada se takva pona&scaron;anja nađu u okviru većih koherentnih celina<br />prerastaju u institucionalizovano pona&scaron;anje, učestvujući u izgradnji institucije (Koković 2005: 228). Jedan od<br />nedovoljno istraženih pristupa u sociologiji kulture je legitimacija kulturnih obrazaca, i sledstveno tome<br />legitimacija institucija i institucionalnih sistema. Mehanizmi legitimacije kao socijalne činjenice zahvataju u<br />&scaron;iroko polje kulture, uključujući socijalnu strukturu, odnose moći i slično, pa se ne mogu posmatrati mimo<br />toga (Berger, Luckmann, 1991. Searl, 1996). Sa svoja četri funkcionalna nivoa, prema Bergeru i Lukmanu,<br />legitimacija povezuje čitav socio-kulturni svet zajednice i pripadajućih individua. U kontekstu<br />postsocijalističke tranzicije u Srbiji stanje ekonomske kulture se posebno manifestuje na relacijama između<br />institucija svojine, trži&scaron;ta i nacionalne države, kao specifičnih artikulacija srpske kulture, i za njih vezane<br />kulturne obrasce.<br />Disertacija je imala za cilj da pruži uvid u odnos između institucija svojine, trži&scaron;ta i države kao jednog<br />institucionalnog sklopa iz perspektive ekonomske kulture, a oslanjajući se prvenstveno na legitimaciju<br />institucionalnih i kulturnih obrazaca i sistema. Imajući u vidu složenost zadatka &ndash; stanje u savremenom<br />srpskom dru&scaron;tvu trebalo je objasniti i iz istorijske perspektive &ndash; bilo je neophodno kombinovati različitu vrstu<br />građe i evidencije, i u skladu sa tim različite metode opisa, analize i interpretacije. Pored istorijske građe i<br />radova autora koji su istraživali socioekonomske aspekte srpskog dru&scaron;tva i istorije kori&scaron;ćena je empirijske<br />evidencija prikupljena u okviru Evropskog istraživanja vrednosti (EVS) i Projekta jugoistočnog socijalnog<br />istraživanja (SEESSP). Pomenuta empirijska građa obrađna je klaster analizom kako bi se utvrdili<br />legitimacijski obrasci koji korespondiraju kulturnim obrascima u savremnom srpskom dru&scaron;tvu. Kori&scaron;ćenjem<br />istorijske i savremene evidencije trebalo je utvrditi kakvu ulogu u srpskoj ekonomskoj kulturi ima institucija<br />trži&scaron;ta, i u kakvom je odnosu sa institucijama svojine i države, kao i kako se to menjalo kroz razvoj srpske<br />države od XIX veka naovamo &ndash; kako se u ovom kulturno-institucionalnom trouglu organizovao ekonomski<br />život srpskog dru&scaron;tva.<br />U teorijsko-metodolo&scaron;kom pogledu pokazalo se da su legitimacijski mehanizmi solidni pokazatelji kulturnih<br />obrazaca čak i kada kori&scaron;ćeni podaci nisu optimalni. Sa druge strane, a nimalo neočekivano, ispostavilo se da<br />uvođenje trži&scaron;nih mehanizama u ekonomiju dru&scaron;tva kontekstualno uslovljen postojećim institucionalnim<br />ograničenjima vezanim za svojinu i državno uređenje, kao i &scaron;ire kulturne obrasce i etičke norme dru&scaron;tva. Ne<br />može se govoriti o uvođenju ili neuvođenju trži&scaron;ne ekonomije, već o spcefičnim trži&scaron;nim mehanizmima i<br />njihovoj strukturi i poziciji u ukupnoj ekonomskoj aktivnosti i kulturi dru&scaron;tva.<br />Kada je reč o srpskom dru&scaron;tvu, identifikovani kulturni obrasci potvrđuju nalaze drugih autora o kulturi u<br />kojoj značajno mesto zauzimaju egalitaristički principi, kolektivizam, i oslanjanje na državu kao<br />dominantnog ekonomskog arbitra. Istorijska analiza takođe sugeri&scaron;e da takva kultura nije rezultat<br />vi&scaron;edecenijskog socijalizma, već joj koreni sežu mnogo dalje u pro&scaron;lost, pojavljujući se kao karakteristika<br />zajednička različitim socio-političkim uređenjima. Kulturni obrasci iz prve decenije XXI veka ukazuju da<br />postoji legitimacijski deficit kad je u pitanju trži&scaron;te. Trži&scaron;te u srpskoj kulturi nije institucionalizovano kao<br />mehanizam pogodan za distribuciju bogatstva, odnosno, većina kulturnih obrazaca ne pozicionira trži&scaron;te kao<br />dobar kriterijum regulacije materijalnih nejednakosti. Takođe, iako većinu kulturnih obrazaca karakteri&scaron;e<br />preferencija privatne svojine, uočljiva su opredeljenja uspostavljena etičkim normama koje važe u srpskom.</p> / <p>The role of culture in social changes appears as unavoidable topic in the context of post-socialist transition. It<br />turned out that institutional transformation of political and economic systems is not sufficient and that social<br />success of instituional changes depends on culture, and requires changes at the national level (Elster, Offe,<br />Preuss, 1998:19). Economic transition has proven particularly problematic given that economic activities<br />make a significant part of daily routine for every member of a society, hence constantly bringing about<br />problems related to economic transformation of a society. Looking beyond abstract indicators contemporary<br />economists rely on economy is obviously part of culture (Beugelsdijk i Maseland, 2014:116). Social and<br />cultural changes in structure and substance of social institutions are manifested over time as changes in<br />cultural patterns (Koković 2005: 228). By applying contemporary economic methods and theories new<br />institutional economists try mainly to avoid an argument present in other social sciences &ndash; institutions are not<br />a result of efficient solution to economic problems (Granovetter u Biggard ed. 2002:88), but rather something<br />much more complex. Cultural patterns as habitual behavioural models manifest relatively stable phenomena,<br />and make foundation for institutionalization &ndash; when such behaviour finds itslef within larger coherent units it<br />turns into institutionalized behaviour, contributing to institution building (Koković 2005: 228). One of the<br />less explored directions in sociology of culture is legitimation of cultural patterns, and subsequently<br />legitimation of institutions and institutional systems. Legitimating mechanisms as identifiable social facts<br />reach into a broad field of culture, including social structure, power relations and similar, and therefore<br />cannot be analyzed separately (Berger, Luckmann, 1991. Searl, 1996). With four functional levels, according<br />to Berger and Luckmann, legitimation connects all socio-cultural world of a community and its members. In<br />the context of post-socialist transition in Serbia the state of economic culture is manifested through relation<br />between institutions of property, market and national state, as specific articulations of Serbian culture and<br />relevant cultural patterns.<br />The goal of the thesis was to provide insight into a relationship between institutions of property, market and<br />the state as an institutional entity from the perspective of economic culture, relying primarily on legitimation<br />of institutional and cultural patterns and systems. Having in mind complexity of the task &ndash; contemporary<br />Serbian society had to be explained from economic culture perspective &ndash; it was necessary to combine a<br />variety of sources and evidence, and accordingly a different ways of description, analysis and interpretation.<br />Apart from historical evidence and works of scholars dealing with socioeconomic aspects of Serbian society<br />and history two other sources of evidence were used: European Values Survey (EVS), and Southeastern<br />European Social Study Project (SEESSP). This empircal evidence was analysed using cluster analysis in<br />order to explore legitimation patterns that corespond to cultural patterns in contemporary Serbian society.<br />Recent empirical evidence was used to assess the role market as an institution plays in Serbian economic<br />culture, and its relation to institutions of property and the state, as well as changes from XIX century onwards<br />&ndash; to analyse how economic life of Serbian society was organised in this cultural-institutional triangle.<br />From methodological and theoretical side legitimation mechanisms proved to be solid indicators of cultural<br />patterns, even if data used was not optimal. On the other hand, and not unexpected, introduction of market<br />mechanisms into a national economy turned out to be dependent on the context defined by existing<br />institutional boundaries related to property and state organization, as well as more general kultural patterns<br />and ethical norms. We cannot simply talk about introduction of market economy, but rather about specific<br />market mechanisms and their structue and position in general economic practice of a society.<br />Regarding Serbian society specifically, identified cultural patterns coincide with conclusions of other authors<br />where egalitarian principles, collectivism and reliance on the state as a dominant economic player have<br />prominent role. Historical analysis also suggests that such a culture is not a result of many decades of<br />socialism but rather its roots reach much farther into the past, as a constant common to different sociopolitical<br />systems. Cultural patterns from the first decade of XXI century suggest legitimation deficit in<br />relation to the market. The market is not parceived as a mechanism appropriate for wealth distribution, and<br />majority of cultural patterns do not percieve market as a good criteria for inequalities regulation. Also, even<br />though most cultural patterns suggest preference towards private property, the norm linked to accumulation<br />and liberties to use property leads to ethical norm of Serbian society. Given the results, and although<br />indirectly, it can be claimed with certainty that ethical norm of relative egalitarianism in functional (as the<br />most appropriate mechanism to uphold and reproduce the norm) and legitimation (by establishing institutional interdependence) sense rely on the state as an institution &ndash; not the market. Long lasting</p><p>transitional uncertainity and lack of real reforms can be pointed at as reasons for identified situation in<br />Serbian society and culture, as well as a cause of cognitively dissonant legitimation and cultural patterns.<br />The research suggests conclusion in three main points: economic prosperity of a society requires<br />unambiguous cultural patterns which can provide clear guidance for economic action of an individual; one of<br />the preconditions is stability of the framework in which economic life happens, something we can with<br />caution claim is the situation in Serbia today; and finally, apart from stability and clear value orientation,<br />economic culture in Serbia depends equally on ability of society itself to eliminate cultural norms and<br />patterns for which there is a modern alternative. Apart from these conclusions theorietical framework and<br />results of this work by openning new questions present a solid ground for future research of economic culture<br />in Serbia.<br />&nbsp;</p>

Economia política internacional dos investimentos diretos externos: a complementariedade e interação das instituições políticas nacionais e internacionais para a governança global das relações econômicas transnacionais e desenvolvimento / International political economy of foreign direct investments: the complementarity and interaction of national and international political institutions for the global governance of transnational economic relations and development

Nakahara, Rodrigo Aoyama 17 August 2017 (has links)
O estudo se propõe a investigar as particularidades e especificidades dos mecanismos de governança global dos influxos investimentos diretos externos (IDE). Se, por um lado, não existe atualmente (à exemplo do comércio internacional) uma grande organização multilateral que garanta a governança dos influxos na relação entre os países (e, especialmente, entre entes estatais e particulares); por outro, prevalece a bilateralidade como esfera máxima da supranacionalidade para a regulação dos IDEs. Como especificidade dos IDEs, é característica a instalação do capital produtivo estrangeiro em um território nacional e a consequente sujeição à soberania de um ente estatal. Assim, configura-se, então, um modelo de governança sui generis em que coexistem uma governança com governo (no plano nacional) e uma governança sem governo (no plano supranacional). A principal hipótese de pesquisa é que as instituições nacionais e instituições supranacionais conjugam-se em uma relação de complementariedade e interação para configurar a estrutura da governança global dos influxos de IDEs. Para os testes empíricos, são estimados modelos interativos através de métodos econométricos longitudinais. Ao fim, conclui-se, com base em evidências robustas, que esse parece ser o mecanismo que configura essa peculiar forma de governança. / This research aims to investigate particularities and specificities of the global governance of foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows. If, on the one hand, a large multilateral organization, does not currently exist for FDIs (such as the existence of the WTO for international trade); on the other hand, bilateralism prevails as the ultimate sphere of supranationality for the regulation of FDIs in the international arena. As a particularity of FDIs, foreign productive capital typically crosses over into a national territory and thus foreign investors must undergo the sovereign power of such state entity and abide by its decisions. Therefore, a sui generis model of global governance emerges in which there coexists a governance with government (at the national level) and a governance without government (at the supranational level). The main research hypothesis is that national and supranational institutions conjugate themselves in an intricate relationship of complementarity and interaction in order to configure such global governance structure of FDI inflows. For the empirical tests, interactive models are estimated through longitudinal econometric methods. Finally, based upon robust evidence, it is concluded that this seems to be the mechanism that engenders this peculiar form of governance.

Economia política internacional dos investimentos diretos externos: a complementariedade e interação das instituições políticas nacionais e internacionais para a governança global das relações econômicas transnacionais e desenvolvimento / International political economy of foreign direct investments: the complementarity and interaction of national and international political institutions for the global governance of transnational economic relations and development

Rodrigo Aoyama Nakahara 17 August 2017 (has links)
O estudo se propõe a investigar as particularidades e especificidades dos mecanismos de governança global dos influxos investimentos diretos externos (IDE). Se, por um lado, não existe atualmente (à exemplo do comércio internacional) uma grande organização multilateral que garanta a governança dos influxos na relação entre os países (e, especialmente, entre entes estatais e particulares); por outro, prevalece a bilateralidade como esfera máxima da supranacionalidade para a regulação dos IDEs. Como especificidade dos IDEs, é característica a instalação do capital produtivo estrangeiro em um território nacional e a consequente sujeição à soberania de um ente estatal. Assim, configura-se, então, um modelo de governança sui generis em que coexistem uma governança com governo (no plano nacional) e uma governança sem governo (no plano supranacional). A principal hipótese de pesquisa é que as instituições nacionais e instituições supranacionais conjugam-se em uma relação de complementariedade e interação para configurar a estrutura da governança global dos influxos de IDEs. Para os testes empíricos, são estimados modelos interativos através de métodos econométricos longitudinais. Ao fim, conclui-se, com base em evidências robustas, que esse parece ser o mecanismo que configura essa peculiar forma de governança. / This research aims to investigate particularities and specificities of the global governance of foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows. If, on the one hand, a large multilateral organization, does not currently exist for FDIs (such as the existence of the WTO for international trade); on the other hand, bilateralism prevails as the ultimate sphere of supranationality for the regulation of FDIs in the international arena. As a particularity of FDIs, foreign productive capital typically crosses over into a national territory and thus foreign investors must undergo the sovereign power of such state entity and abide by its decisions. Therefore, a sui generis model of global governance emerges in which there coexists a governance with government (at the national level) and a governance without government (at the supranational level). The main research hypothesis is that national and supranational institutions conjugate themselves in an intricate relationship of complementarity and interaction in order to configure such global governance structure of FDI inflows. For the empirical tests, interactive models are estimated through longitudinal econometric methods. Finally, based upon robust evidence, it is concluded that this seems to be the mechanism that engenders this peculiar form of governance.

Brazil and Turkey, a comparative analysis of both countries' economic development and institutional design from the Great Depression to the early 21st century

Brigant, Pierre-Louis 13 March 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Pierre-Louis Brigant (pl.brigant@gmail.com) on 2014-04-13T11:19:48Z No. of bitstreams: 1 MPGI Master Thesis PL Brigant 2014.pdf: 1702113 bytes, checksum: d9dab6251c2e288a255dabd58489ecb3 (MD5) / Rejected by Ana Luiza Holme (ana.holme@fgv.br), reason: Dear Pierre, the number of the pages are incorrect, the right way is to count from the first page but only put the number at the table of contents page. the quote e acknowledgements has to be before the abstrat. and the abstract should be before the resumo in portuguese. the blue line that you use right below the table of contents and etc. you shouldn't use, because it can't have that line in the thesis. Ana Luiza Holme 3799-7760 on 2014-04-14T16:03:16Z (GMT) / Submitted by Pierre-Louis Brigant (pl.brigant@gmail.com) on 2014-04-14T20:48:31Z No. of bitstreams: 1 MPGI Master Thesis PL Brigant 2014.pdf: 1697416 bytes, checksum: bb8d3b79b9c9363a07282376b0d65239 (MD5) / Rejected by Ana Luiza Holme (ana.holme@fgv.br), reason: Dear Pierre, according with the the Ata (document that atested your thesis approval), title of the thesis that you post in biblioteca digital is a little bit different from the one you presented, is has to be the same title that you presented. if was change the title, Prof. Manfredini has to come to the graduate office and write in the ata the new title. below the title that was approve: BRAZIL AND TURKEY, A COMPARATIVE ANALISYS OF BOTH COUNTRIES' ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND INSTITUTIONAL DESIGN FROM THE GREAT DEPRESSION TO THE EARLY 21st CENTURY. Ana Luiza Holme 3799-7760 on 2014-04-15T12:40:55Z (GMT) / Submitted by Pierre-Louis Brigant (pl.brigant@gmail.com) on 2014-04-15T14:12:00Z No. of bitstreams: 1 MPGI Master Thesis PL Brigant 2014.pdf: 1697426 bytes, checksum: e8df18a03d7bbd0d1a41bdab04adf5f1 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ana Luiza Holme (ana.holme@fgv.br) on 2014-04-15T14:28:44Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 MPGI Master Thesis PL Brigant 2014.pdf: 1697426 bytes, checksum: e8df18a03d7bbd0d1a41bdab04adf5f1 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2014-04-15T14:33:36Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 MPGI Master Thesis PL Brigant 2014.pdf: 1697426 bytes, checksum: e8df18a03d7bbd0d1a41bdab04adf5f1 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-03-13 / After experiencing strong economic growth in the first decade of the 21st century, Brazil and Turkey have been regarded as two of the most dynamic and promising emerging economies. Nevertheless, several signs of economic difficulties and political tensions have recently been reappearing simultaneously in both countries. We believe that these signs and their simultaneity in the two countries are better understood by taking a retrospective look into both countries’ economic history, which reveal to be surprisingly parallel. In a first part, a comprehensive comparison of Brazil and Turkey’s economic history is undertaken to show the numerous similarities in the economic policy challenges and choices that both countries went through from the turn of the Great Depression to the first decade of the 21st century. These common economic policy choices define a remarkably analogous development path characterized first by the adoption of the import-substitution industrialization (ISI) model in the context of the world recession in the 1930s, then by the intensification and final crisis of this model in the 1980s, and finally by two decades of stabilization and transition to a liberal economic model. In a second part, the development of economic and political institutions as well as the underlying political economy in both countries are analysed comparatively with a view to providing elements of explanation for the parallel observed in the first part. We contend that the institutional framework set up in both countries throughout this period also shared many fundamental characteristics and contributes to explain the comparable economic policy choices and economic performance. This study intends to give some helpful background to understand the current context in both countries. It is also an invitation to consider emerging economies in a broader historical and comparative perspective in order to better comprehend their institutional weaknesses and adopt a balanced view of their economic potential. / Apos uma década de rápido crescimento econômico na primeira década do século 21, Brasil e Turquia foram considerados duas das economias emergentes mais dinâmicas e promissoras. No entanto, vários sinais de dificuldades econômicas e tensões políticas reapareceram recentemente e simultaneamente nos dois países. Acreditamos que esses sinais e a sua simultaneidade podem ser entendidos melhor com um olhar retrospectivo sobre a história econômica dos dois países, que revela ser surpreendentemente paralela. Numa primeira parte, empreendemos uma comparação abrangente da história econômica brasileira e turca para mostrar as numerosas similaridades entre os desafios de política econômica que os dois países enfrentaram, assim como entre as respostas que eles lhes deram desde a virada da Grande Depressão até a primeira década do século 21. Essas escolhas de política econômica comuns dão forma a uma trajetória de desenvolvimento notavelmente análoga, caracterizada primeiro pela adoção do modelo de industrialização por substituição das importações (ISI) no contexto da recessão mundial dos anos 1930; depois pela intensificação e crise final desse modelo nos anos 1980; e finalmente por duas décadas de estabilização e transição para um modelo econômico mais liberal. Numa segunda parte, o desenvolvimento das instituições econômicas e políticas, assim como da economia política subjacente nos dois países, são analisados comparativamente a fim de prover alguns elementos de explicação do paralelo observado na primeira parte. Sustentamos que o marco institucional estabelecido nos dois países durante esse período também têm varias características fundamentais em comum e contribui a explicar as escolhas de política econômica e as performances econômicas comparáveis, detalhadas na primeira parte. Este estudo aborda elementos do contexto histórico úteis para compreender a situação econômica e política atual nos dois países. Potencialmente também constitui uma tentativa de considerar as economias emergentes numa perspectiva histórica e comparativa mais ampla para entender melhor as suas fraquezas institucionais e adotar um olhar mais equilibrado sobre seu potencial econômico.

Institutions and Development : Analysis of the Effects of Institutional Environment on Agricultural Performance in Cambodia / Institutions et développement : analyse des effets de l’environnement institutionnel sur la performance agricole au Cambodge

Vin, Pheakdey 02 April 2012 (has links)
L’objectif de cette thèse est de découvrir si l’environnement institutionnel affecte la performance agricole dans le cas du Cambodge et comment le premier influe sur la dernière. Pour répondre à cet objectif, trois hypothèses sont formulées : (1) l’environnement institutionnel joue un rôle important dans la protection des droits de propriété foncière ; (2) les droits de propriété foncière sécurisés augmentent la productivité agricole par la stimulation des incitations d’investissement des agriculteurs ; (3) les droits de propriété foncière sécurisés accroissent la productivité agricole par la facilitation de l’accès au crédit formel. Méthodologiquement, la recherche est basée sur les différentes théories de la Nouvelle Economie Institutionnelle, qui expliquent que les institutions déterminent la structure des incitations des acteurs économiques dans une société. Spécifiquement, les institutions politiques déterminent les institutions économiques, c’est-à-dire les droits de propriété, qui à leur tour affectent la performance économique en général et la performance agricole en particulier. La recherche est également basée sur les données venant de diverses sources, telles que des agences gouvernementales, des instituts de recherche locaux, des organisations non-gouvernementales et des organisations internationales, qui sont susceptibles de servir de base pour des analyses empiriques. En outre, le cas de l’Afrique subsaharienne est également étudié à titre de comparaison. Le résultat de la thèse confirme fortement les deux premières hypothèses, mais peu la dernière. Le résultat indique que l’impact de l’environnement institutionnel sur la productivité agricole via la protection des droits de propriété foncière est lié au contexte particulier parce qu’il devrait être complété par un environnement économique favorable, tel que l’infrastructure physique et la technologie agricole améliorées et les institutions du marché développées. De plus, on apprend que les résultats désirés ne sont pas obtenus si les institutions formelles (c’est-à-dire, l’enregistrement formel des terres) sont imposées via l’approche top-down dans les régions où les institutions informelles existantes sont fortement encastrées. / The purpose of this dissertation is to find out if the institutional environment affects agricultural performance in the case of Cambodia and how the former exerts an influence on the latter. To respond to this purpose, three hypotheses are formulated: (1) the institutional environment plays an important role in protecting property rights in land; (2) secure property rights in land increase agricultural productivity through the stimulation of farmers’ investment incentives; (3) secure property rights in land raise agricultural productivity through the facilitation of access to formal credit. Methodologically, the research is based on different theories of New Institutional Economics, which explain that institutions determine the incentive structure of economic actors in society. Specifically, political institutions shape economic institutions, i.e. property rights, which in turn affect economic performance in general and agricultural performance in particular. The research is also based on the data from various sources, such as government agencies, local research institutes, non-governmental organizations, and international organizations, which can serve as a basis for empirical analyses. In addition, the case of Sub-Saharan Africa is also studied for comparison. The result of the dissertation confirms strongly the first two hypotheses but slightly the last one. The result indicates that the impact of institutional environment on agricultural productivity through the protection of property rights in land is context-specific because it should be complemented by a favorable economic environment, such as improved physical infrastructure and agricultural technology and developed market institutions. Furthermore, it is learned that, in developing countries, the desired outcomes will not be obtained if formal institutions (i.e., formal land registration) are imposed through a top-down approach in areas where the existing informal institutions are strongly embedded.

Institutions and Growth: The Experience of the Former Soviet Union Economies

SPREAFICO, MARTA 25 July 2011 (has links)
Organizzata in tre saggi, questa tesi si pone l’obiettivo di consentire una migliore comprensione del legame tra crescita e istituzioni, e dei meccanismi attraverso cui gli assetti istituzionali possono condizionare i sentieri economici. Riconoscendo, sulla base di considerazioni storiche, il potere esemplificativo delle ex Repubbliche Socialiste Sovietiche e della loro comune esperienza passata, questo lavoro fornisce, da un lato, una struttura empirica di riferimento per esaminare l’impatto sulla performance economica di un insieme di istituzioni, concretamente legate al funzionamento dell’attività economica; dall’altro, approfondisce lo studio degli effetti e delle determinanti delle azioni di policy. Il primo saggio offre una disamina della letteratura riguardante il legame crescita e istituzioni, fornendo un quadro esaustivo degli sviluppi teorici ed empirici, e illustra diversi aspetti che possono essere concepiti come obiettivi per la ricerca futura; il secondo, attraverso la costruzione di un modello statico e di un modello dinamico, quantifica l’impatto delle istituzioni economiche sui sentieri di crescita di questi paesi, impiegando e analizzando numerose tecniche di stima; il terzo saggio formula diverse specificazioni e affronta il tema rilevante del ruolo degli interventi di policy sullo sviluppo economico e dell’effetto delle istituzioni politiche su comportamenti e decisioni del governo. / Organized in three essays, this thesis aims at achieving a better understanding of the link between growth and institutions, and of the mechanisms through which the institutional arrangements affect the economic paths. Exploiting the past common experience of the Former Soviet Union economies, this work provides an empirical framework to examine the impact on the economic performance of a set of institutions concretely related to the “functioning” of the economic activity and offers a first attempt to include in this research program the study of the consequences of the government actions. The first essay offers a thorough review of the literature researching on the link between economic growth and institutions, and elucidates several issues that deserve further attention; the second develops a static and a dynamic approach to assess, using multiple estimation techniques, the impact of a set of economic institutions on the growth paths of these countries; the third essay, through several formal specifications, deals with the relevant issue of the role of policy measures and of the effect of the political institutions on the governments behaviour.

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