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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Economic Assessment of Organic, Eco-Friendly, and Conventional Peach Production Methods in Northern Utah

Knudsen, Trevor D. 01 May 2015 (has links)
Fruit producers in Northern Utah face several challenges to their production, urbanization, decreased availability of agricultural land, and competition from domestic producers and imports. As consumers are willing to pay premiums for foods differentiated by production method, such as eco-friendly and organic, conversion to these methods may increase the profitability of fruit growing operations. This study found that consumers in Northern Utah are willing to pay a premium for peaches grown using organic and eco-friendly production practices over conventionally grown peaches. The study also found that of the three methods of peach production examined (conventional, eco-friendly, and organic), organic had the highest average grower net returns and had the lowest associated risk, while conventional peach production had the potential for the highest net returns. These results may guide producers when making orchard management decisions and in the profitability assessment of alternative production methods.

Do Patent Systems Improve Economic Well-Being? An Exploration of the Inventiveness of Business Method Patents

Moir, Hazel Veronica Jane, hazel.moir@alumni.insead.edu January 2009 (has links)
The reach of the patent system has substantially broadened in recent decades. Subject matter extensions were not introduced by parliaments, but by individual judges considering specific cases, often between private parties. The focus in this thesis is whether these changes create a net economic benefit to society. Because of the lack of data on patents, it is not possible to address this question directly. The thesis therefore focuses on a critical aspect of patents: their inventiveness.¶ The main contribution of this thesis is a detailed empirical assessment of the inventiveness of patents. This assessment breaks new ground by using the actual claims in the patent specification as the basis for a qualitative assessment against the yardstick of whether there is any new contribution to knowledge. This yardstick is used because a key social benefit from private invention is the spillovers from new knowledge. In addition a low inventive threshold encourages monopoly grants for inventions that would have occurred absent patents, and thus increases social costs without any offsetting benefits.¶ A small universe of 72 recently granted Australian business method patents is assessed on this basis. Of these, one possibly contributes new knowledge, and three others possibly contribute new ideas, but without any associated new knowledge. It is hard to find any contribution in the rest of the dataset. The data suggest that the large majority of currently granted patents produce no benefit to society, and do not meet the normal definition of the concept of “invention”.¶ The detailed analysis shows the underlying problems to include identifying previous knowledge, an issue already suggested by the literature, but more extensively documented here. The legal judgement rules developed through case law are shown to be very poor yardsticks for implementation of an important economic policy. The narrow legal doctrines result in, for example, the computerisation of well-known methods being judged both novel and inventive. They also allow obvious combinations of old ideas, and trivial variations on old ideas to be granted patent monopolies. Despite the analogous use doctrine, patents are granted for the application of known methods to new areas for which they are well suited.¶ A number of proposals are put forward for reform of patent policy. The underlying theme is that there should be a good chance, and clear evidence, that the patent system enhances national economic well-being. Specific proposals include writing the objective of patent policy into the statute so that judges have clear guidance in their decision-making, limiting the grant of patents to science and technology based inventions, requiring the patent applicant to demonstrate novelty and inventiveness beyond reasonable doubt, setting the inventiveness standard in the context of a balance between benefits and costs, and introducing a defence of independent invention.¶ As the Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) mandates no discrimination under patent law between fields of technology, the results of this investigation may be generalisable to other technology fields. They may also be generalisable to the inventiveness standards in other jurisdictions: of the 72 Australian patents, 32 have already received at least one overseas grant (18 if New Zealand is excluded).

Modelo de inferência de variabilidade : traduzindo o desempenho de malhas de controle em alteração de variabilidade

Brand, Fernanda Raquel January 2009 (has links)
Diminuir a variabilidade de variáveis chaves do processo tornou-se um dos principais caminhos para quantificar os benefícios potenciais da melhoria do controle de processos, ou seja, com maior confiabilidade dos resultados é possível trabalhar em uma região próxima ao ponto de operação ótimo, o que se converte em ganho. Tal ganho pode ser materializado na forma de aumento da capacidade de produção da unidade, redução do consumo de energia, decréscimo de produtos fora de especificação, redução do tempo de transição entre produtos, melhoria na operabilidade, melhoria na qualidade final do produto, entre outros. Na presente dissertação é realizada uma revisão das principais metodologias que visam quantificar o potencial de alteração de variabilidade a qual uma malha de controle possa estar sujeita, além de propor um modelo de inferência que possa ser utilizado para predizer esse potencial de alteração de variabilidade, baseado em índices dados pelo Modelo de Inferência para Desempenho e Robustez. Neste trabalho é mostrado o procedimento utilizado para a construção do Modelo de Inferência de Variabilidade, o qual utiliza como entradas índices que possam ser facilmente quantificáveis e de características da planta (tempo morto e constante de tempo), usando somente dados em operação normal (sem mudanças no valor do setpoint). Para a sua obtenção, três diferentes métodos foram testados (a saber, Rede Neural, Mínimos Quadrados Parciais e Mínimos Quadrados Parciais Quadráticos), sendo os melhores resultados conseguidos ao se aplicar redes neurais. A eficácia do modelo de inferência proposto é ilustrada pela aplicação em casos de estudo nos quais o modelo de planta pode ser representado por funções de transferência de 1ª e de 2ª ordem com tempo morto e a aplicabilidade do mesmo é ilustrada ao utilizá-lo em um caso de estudo, desenvolvido em uma planta industrial. Nesse caso de estudo, procurou-se ainda analisar as principais malhas encontradas no cenário industrial. Os resultados obtidos para ambos os casos de estudo mostraram que a ferramenta desenvolvida apresenta um grande potencial de ser utilizada em projetos que contemplem a análise de pontos de melhoria da camada regulatória, uma vez que apresenta uma excelente capacidade de predizer a alteração de variabilidade a qual uma malha possa estar sujeita. / Reduction of the process variability has a significant impact into the process profitability. A reduction in the variance allows shifting the mean of the controlled variable closer to the constraint and thus ensures better performance like increase product throughput, increase yield of higher valued products, improve energy efficiency, decrease off-specification product, safer operation and reduced environmental impact, among others. In this dissertation, a bibliographic review of the main methodology used to estimate and assess the variance reduction is done. The main contribution of this work is to propose an inferential model to estimate the potential alteration in variance, based on indices determined by the Performance and Robustness Inferential Model. This work shows the procedure to build the Variability Inferential Model that assesses the potential alteration in variance of a given loop. The inputs variables are indices that can be easily calculated on-line and information about the plant (time delay and time constant) using only normal operating data (without excitation and/or setpoint activity). The set of input – output variables are fitted using different techniques (i.e., Neural Networks, Partial Least Squares and Quadratic Partial Least Squares). The best results are obtained by Neural Network. The efficacy of the Inferential Model is illustrated by application to first order plus time delay and second order plus time delay models. The proposed methodology was also applied to on a polyolefin plant, providing very good results, in a set of five loops, where the potential variance alteration is computed with small error, showing the efficacy of the methodology.


Guida, Ross 01 May 2016 (has links)
During the late 19th and into the 20th Century, the Tisza River’s vast floodplain-wetland systems were largely disconnected by levees, facilitating "reclamation" for agriculture and resulting in an estimated loss of over 90% of historical wetlands. While levees have been successful in preventing catastrophic flooding for a century, Lower Tisza flood stages continue to rise partially due to aggradation and increased roughness on the confined floodplain. The decrease in the Tisza's current floodway carrying capacity has reduced the flood-protection level of the Tisza's aging levee system. Recently in Hungary, "Room for the River" policies have gained more prominence. For the first of three papers for this dissertation, I assessed eight potential floodplain-reconnection scenarios that would provide more room for the river between Csongrád, Hungary and the Hungary-Serbia border. A novel framework using hydrodynamic and geospatial modeling was used to perform planning-level evaluations of the tradeoffs between floodplain-reconnection scenarios and enhancement of the existing levee system. The scenarios evaluated include levee removal and levee setbacks to strategically reconnect historical wetlands while reducing flood levels. Scenario costs and human population impacts were also assessed. Impacts of reconnecting the Lower Tisza floodplain were compared to heightening levees, the prevailing strategy over the previous century. From a purely construction-cost perspective, heightening Lower Tisza levees is potentially the most cost-effective and politically expedient solution (i.e., impacts the least number of people). However, levee heightening does not solve the long-term problem of reduced flood conveyance, nor does it result in wetland reconnection or enhancement of other floodplain ecosystem services. The suite of reconnection options evaluated provides engineers, planners, and decision makers a framework from which they can further evaluate potential flood-risk reduction options. At least three of the eight reconnection scenarios (setting the western levee back, 1500-meter, and 2000-meter setbacks) along the Lower Tisza demonstrated that floodplain-wetland reconnection is possible while achieving the objectives of minimizing impacts on human populations and reducing flood heights. The Illinois River has a similar history to the Tisza. Levees were constructed, and wetlands were drained during the late 19th and early 20th Centuries. By the mid-1920’s, Illinois River levee systems became increasingly difficult for private landowners and the state to maintain as commodity prices fell and flood levels increased. However, the 1928 U.S. Flood Control act shifted a substantial portion of the burden of flood mitigation from local landowners to the federal government, preventing the dissolution of levee districts. While these levee systems have facilitated floodplain agricultural production and development for the last century, disconnecting the river from its floodplain has led to concerns about the negative impacts of levees on the physical and biological systems of the Illinois River Valley. Recent studies have emphasized approaches that would result in setting back or removing levees in order to naturalize portions of large river-floodplain systems, including the Illinois. The costs and benefits of such projects have shown potential restoration benefits may outweigh potential costs, but these studies have not demonstrated the specific levee districts which have the highest reconnection potential from an economic standpoint. The second paper for this dissertation used geospatial methods to fill this gap by assessing the National Commodity Crops Productivity Index (NCCPI) soil values and agricultural production and profit values for corn and soybeans in 32 individual levee districts along a 235-km segment of the Lower Illinois River. In general, soil productivity index values were lower for Illinois River levee districts compared to the county averages in which the districts are located. Over the five-year study period from 2010-2014, the total agricultural profits in the levee districts ranged from $18-61 million. Several levee districts have relatively low per hectare agricultural values when compared to wetland benefit studies, indicating these protected floodplain areas may be suitable for reconnection. For the third and final dissertation paper I used a novel hydrodynamic, geospatial, economic, and habitat suitability framework to assess the tradeoffs of strategically reconnecting the 125-km La Grange Segment (LGS) of the Lower Illinois River to its floodplain in order to decrease flood risk, improve floodplain habitats, and limit the costs of reconnection. Costs included building-associated losses, lost agricultural profits, and total levee removal and construction costs. Modeled scenarios demonstrated that while flood heights and environmental benefits are maximized through the most aggressive levee setbacks and removals, these scenarios also have the highest economic costs. However, the tradeoff of implementing lower-cost scenarios is that there would be less flood-height reduction and less floodplain habitat available. Several levee districts had high potential for reconnection based on limiting potential damages as well as providing suitable floodplain habitat. To implement large-scale strategic floodplain reconnection along the LGS, opportunity costs ranged from $1.1-$4.3 billion. As such, payments for ecosystem services will likely be necessary to compensate landowners for building losses and decreased long-term agricultural production that result in an overall flood-reduction benefit, increased floodplain wetlands, and most-soil plant habitat.

Modelo de inferência de variabilidade : traduzindo o desempenho de malhas de controle em alteração de variabilidade

Brand, Fernanda Raquel January 2009 (has links)
Diminuir a variabilidade de variáveis chaves do processo tornou-se um dos principais caminhos para quantificar os benefícios potenciais da melhoria do controle de processos, ou seja, com maior confiabilidade dos resultados é possível trabalhar em uma região próxima ao ponto de operação ótimo, o que se converte em ganho. Tal ganho pode ser materializado na forma de aumento da capacidade de produção da unidade, redução do consumo de energia, decréscimo de produtos fora de especificação, redução do tempo de transição entre produtos, melhoria na operabilidade, melhoria na qualidade final do produto, entre outros. Na presente dissertação é realizada uma revisão das principais metodologias que visam quantificar o potencial de alteração de variabilidade a qual uma malha de controle possa estar sujeita, além de propor um modelo de inferência que possa ser utilizado para predizer esse potencial de alteração de variabilidade, baseado em índices dados pelo Modelo de Inferência para Desempenho e Robustez. Neste trabalho é mostrado o procedimento utilizado para a construção do Modelo de Inferência de Variabilidade, o qual utiliza como entradas índices que possam ser facilmente quantificáveis e de características da planta (tempo morto e constante de tempo), usando somente dados em operação normal (sem mudanças no valor do setpoint). Para a sua obtenção, três diferentes métodos foram testados (a saber, Rede Neural, Mínimos Quadrados Parciais e Mínimos Quadrados Parciais Quadráticos), sendo os melhores resultados conseguidos ao se aplicar redes neurais. A eficácia do modelo de inferência proposto é ilustrada pela aplicação em casos de estudo nos quais o modelo de planta pode ser representado por funções de transferência de 1ª e de 2ª ordem com tempo morto e a aplicabilidade do mesmo é ilustrada ao utilizá-lo em um caso de estudo, desenvolvido em uma planta industrial. Nesse caso de estudo, procurou-se ainda analisar as principais malhas encontradas no cenário industrial. Os resultados obtidos para ambos os casos de estudo mostraram que a ferramenta desenvolvida apresenta um grande potencial de ser utilizada em projetos que contemplem a análise de pontos de melhoria da camada regulatória, uma vez que apresenta uma excelente capacidade de predizer a alteração de variabilidade a qual uma malha possa estar sujeita. / Reduction of the process variability has a significant impact into the process profitability. A reduction in the variance allows shifting the mean of the controlled variable closer to the constraint and thus ensures better performance like increase product throughput, increase yield of higher valued products, improve energy efficiency, decrease off-specification product, safer operation and reduced environmental impact, among others. In this dissertation, a bibliographic review of the main methodology used to estimate and assess the variance reduction is done. The main contribution of this work is to propose an inferential model to estimate the potential alteration in variance, based on indices determined by the Performance and Robustness Inferential Model. This work shows the procedure to build the Variability Inferential Model that assesses the potential alteration in variance of a given loop. The inputs variables are indices that can be easily calculated on-line and information about the plant (time delay and time constant) using only normal operating data (without excitation and/or setpoint activity). The set of input – output variables are fitted using different techniques (i.e., Neural Networks, Partial Least Squares and Quadratic Partial Least Squares). The best results are obtained by Neural Network. The efficacy of the Inferential Model is illustrated by application to first order plus time delay and second order plus time delay models. The proposed methodology was also applied to on a polyolefin plant, providing very good results, in a set of five loops, where the potential variance alteration is computed with small error, showing the efficacy of the methodology.

Simulation, design and analysis of economic feasibility of palm oil biodiesel production by unsing heterogeneous catalytic transesterification route / SimulaÃÃo, projeto e anÃlise de viabilidade econÃmica da produÃÃo de biodiesel de Ãleo de dendà em rota de transesterificaÃÃo catalÃtica heterogÃnea

Caio Braga de Sousa 23 February 2015 (has links)
CoordenaÃÃo de AperfeiÃoamento de Pessoal de NÃvel Superior / Uma unidade de produÃÃo contÃnua de biodiesel com carga de 8000 kg.h-1 de Ãleo de dendà e metanol, com o uso da rota de transesterificaÃÃo heterogÃnea foi simulada, projetada e analisada economicamente com o uso do software Aspen HYSYS 7.3 e de planilhas de cÃlculo. O pacote termodinÃmico NRTL foi empregado para representar as propriedades de todos os fluidos na simulaÃÃo. Reatores de leito fixo foram dimensionados utilizando simulaÃÃes numÃricas para atingirem 97,3% de conversÃo do Ãleo no processo. Os reatores foram operados isotermicamente a 64,8ÂC e com razÃo Ãlcool/Ãleo de 17,5. Uma coluna de destilaÃÃo foi projetada para recuperar 99% do metanol em excesso. Um decantador para separar as fases biodiesel e glicerina foi dimensionado atravÃs do cÃlculo do tempo de residÃncia t. Uma segunda coluna de destilaÃÃo a vÃcuo foi projetada para purificar a fase biodiesel atà atingir 99,97% m/m, de acordo com as especificaÃÃes da ANP. A fase glicerina foi purificada em uma coluna de destilaÃÃo flash a vÃcuo atà 99,53% m/m. O Investimento Total ITOTAL da unidade foi estimado pelo MÃtodo Fatorial Detalhado, resultando em um valor de US$ 5,798,469. Os Custos VariÃveis de ProduÃÃo (VCOP) foram estimados utilizando a precificaÃÃo de matÃrias primas, de catalisador e utilidades, enquanto que as receitas anuais foram calculadas com uso das precificaÃÃes do biodiesel e da glicerina. Os Custos Fixos de ProduÃÃo (FCOP) foram orÃados considerando os custos com mÃo de obra operacional, custos de supervisÃo, custos de manutenÃÃo e reparos, despesas corporativas e seguro. Para o cÃlculo do fluxo de caixa do projeto foi considerado o regime tributÃrio vigente no Brasil, com a inclusÃo do PIS/COFINS a uma taxa segundo a regra geral e a reduÃÃo de 69% deste para empresas que adquiram o selo social, uma taxa de 12% para o ICMS incididos sobre as receitas, 25% de IRPJ e 9% de CSLL incididos sobre o Lucro LÃquido antes do Imposto de Renda (LAIR). Foi obtido um Lucro LÃquido apÃs Impostos (LL) de US$ 2,340,889, valor este positivo em comparaÃÃo com processos convencionais que utilizam Ãleo de soja virgem. A viabilidade econÃmica do projeto foi analisada pelo cÃlculo do Valor Presente LÃquido (VPL) e pela Taxa Interna de Retorno (TIR). Foram obtidos um VPL de US$ 21.36 milhÃes de dÃlares e TIR de 39,0%, valores que demonstraram a viabilidade econÃmica do projeto. A anÃlise de sensibilidade de preÃos de matÃrias primas demonstrou tambÃm que o processo à viÃvel desde que os preÃos do Ãleo dendà nÃo aumentem ou os do biodiesel nÃo diminuam, ambos em 3%. / A continuous biodiesel production plant with an 8000 kg.h-1 inlet of palm oil and methanol, using the heterogeneous transesterification route was simulated, designed and economically assessed with the software Aspen HYSYS 7.3 and spreadsheets. The thermodynamic fluid package NRTL was selected in order to represent all properties of the fluids through the simulation. Packed-bed reactors were designed using numerical simulation to achieve an oil conversion of 97.3% in the process. The reactors were operated isothermally at 64.8ÂC and with an alcohol/oil ratio of 17.5. A vacuum distillation column was designed to recovery 99% of the methanol in excess. A decanter to separate the biodiesel and glycerin phases was designed through the calculation of residence time t. A second vacuum distillation column was designed to purify the biodiesel phase until a 99.97 wt%, in accordance with the ANP specifications. The glycerin phase was purified in a vacuum flash distillation column until a 99.53 wt%. The Total Capital Invested ITOTAL on the plant was estimated using the Detailed Factorial Method presenting the amount of US$ 5,798,469 was found. The Variable Costs of Production (VCOP) were estimated using the prices of raw materials, catalysts and utilities, whereas the annual revenues were calculated using the prices of biodiesel and glycerin. The Fixed Costs of Production (FCOP) were calculated using the operating labor costs, supervision, maintenance, corporate overheads and insurance. In order to calculate the cash flow of the project, the current tax regime in Brazil was used, including PIS/COFINS with a rate following the general rule and the reduction of 69% on it to companies with the social stamp, 25% of IRPJ and 9% of CSLL on the Net Profit before Income Taxes (NPIT). A Net Profit after Taxes (NP) of US$ 2,340,889 was obtained, a positive figure if compared to conventional processes using virgin soybean oil. The economic viability of the project was analyzed by calculating the Net Present Value (NVP) and Internal Rate of Return (IRR). A NVP of US $ 21.36 million and IRR of 39.0% were obtained, showing the economic viability of the project. The raw material price sensitivity analysis also showed that the process is feasible as long as palm oil prices do not increase or biodiesel do not decrease more than 3%.

Modelo de inferência de variabilidade : traduzindo o desempenho de malhas de controle em alteração de variabilidade

Brand, Fernanda Raquel January 2009 (has links)
Diminuir a variabilidade de variáveis chaves do processo tornou-se um dos principais caminhos para quantificar os benefícios potenciais da melhoria do controle de processos, ou seja, com maior confiabilidade dos resultados é possível trabalhar em uma região próxima ao ponto de operação ótimo, o que se converte em ganho. Tal ganho pode ser materializado na forma de aumento da capacidade de produção da unidade, redução do consumo de energia, decréscimo de produtos fora de especificação, redução do tempo de transição entre produtos, melhoria na operabilidade, melhoria na qualidade final do produto, entre outros. Na presente dissertação é realizada uma revisão das principais metodologias que visam quantificar o potencial de alteração de variabilidade a qual uma malha de controle possa estar sujeita, além de propor um modelo de inferência que possa ser utilizado para predizer esse potencial de alteração de variabilidade, baseado em índices dados pelo Modelo de Inferência para Desempenho e Robustez. Neste trabalho é mostrado o procedimento utilizado para a construção do Modelo de Inferência de Variabilidade, o qual utiliza como entradas índices que possam ser facilmente quantificáveis e de características da planta (tempo morto e constante de tempo), usando somente dados em operação normal (sem mudanças no valor do setpoint). Para a sua obtenção, três diferentes métodos foram testados (a saber, Rede Neural, Mínimos Quadrados Parciais e Mínimos Quadrados Parciais Quadráticos), sendo os melhores resultados conseguidos ao se aplicar redes neurais. A eficácia do modelo de inferência proposto é ilustrada pela aplicação em casos de estudo nos quais o modelo de planta pode ser representado por funções de transferência de 1ª e de 2ª ordem com tempo morto e a aplicabilidade do mesmo é ilustrada ao utilizá-lo em um caso de estudo, desenvolvido em uma planta industrial. Nesse caso de estudo, procurou-se ainda analisar as principais malhas encontradas no cenário industrial. Os resultados obtidos para ambos os casos de estudo mostraram que a ferramenta desenvolvida apresenta um grande potencial de ser utilizada em projetos que contemplem a análise de pontos de melhoria da camada regulatória, uma vez que apresenta uma excelente capacidade de predizer a alteração de variabilidade a qual uma malha possa estar sujeita. / Reduction of the process variability has a significant impact into the process profitability. A reduction in the variance allows shifting the mean of the controlled variable closer to the constraint and thus ensures better performance like increase product throughput, increase yield of higher valued products, improve energy efficiency, decrease off-specification product, safer operation and reduced environmental impact, among others. In this dissertation, a bibliographic review of the main methodology used to estimate and assess the variance reduction is done. The main contribution of this work is to propose an inferential model to estimate the potential alteration in variance, based on indices determined by the Performance and Robustness Inferential Model. This work shows the procedure to build the Variability Inferential Model that assesses the potential alteration in variance of a given loop. The inputs variables are indices that can be easily calculated on-line and information about the plant (time delay and time constant) using only normal operating data (without excitation and/or setpoint activity). The set of input – output variables are fitted using different techniques (i.e., Neural Networks, Partial Least Squares and Quadratic Partial Least Squares). The best results are obtained by Neural Network. The efficacy of the Inferential Model is illustrated by application to first order plus time delay and second order plus time delay models. The proposed methodology was also applied to on a polyolefin plant, providing very good results, in a set of five loops, where the potential variance alteration is computed with small error, showing the efficacy of the methodology.

Qualidade de investimentos em sistemas prediais de aproveitamento de água pluvial : uso de particles swarm optimization / Quality of investments in rainwater harvesting systems : use of particles swarm optimization

Campos, Marcus André Siqueira 20 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Marina Sangoi de Oliveira Ilha / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Civil, Arquitetura e Urbanismo / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-20T11:57:01Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Campos_MarcusAndreSiqueira_D.pdf: 2890130 bytes, checksum: 1dd550889b35580500ff1fcbf1bf6c8e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012 / Resumo: Os sistemas prediais de aproveitamento de água pluvial tem como objetivos possibilitar o uso de fontes alternativas de água em atividades que prescindam da água potável nas edificações e também contribuir para a redução do escoamento superficial ocasionado pela impermeabilização do solo dos centros urbanos. O uso desses e de outros sistemas relacionados com a conservação de água nas edificações pode ser também atrativo do ponto de vista econômico, do que resulta um maior incentivo para a sua implementação. Para tanto, a análise da qualidade dos investimentos nesses sistemas deve ser considerada na tomada da decisão pela implantação de medidas voltadas para a mitigação do impacto ambiental da construção dos edifícios. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo propor uma ferramenta para a análise da qualidade de investimentos em sistemas prediais de aproveitamento de água pluvial, baseada na otimização do valor presente líquido dos investimentos necessários. Para tanto, é proposto o uso da técnica da Particle Swarm Optimization. A ferramenta desenvolvida foi utilizada para a avaliação da qualidade dos investimentos em sistemas prediais de aproveitamento de água pluvial em edificações representativas de três categorias tarifárias: pública, comercial e industrial. Os resultados obtidos indicam as oportunidades de investimentos nos referidos sistemas, a partir da consideração de cenários que contemplam ou não a cobrança da tarifa de esgoto decorrente do uso dessa fonte alternativa / Abstract: The main purposes of a Rainwater Harvesting systems is to allow the use of alternative water sources where potable water is not necessary and to contribute to reduce the surface runoff caused by the impervious areas in urban centers. The use of this system or any other technology that promotes water conservation in buildings can also be economically feasible, resulting in more incentives for their implementation. To achieve this goal, the quality of the investment's analysis must be considered when the decision making process is occurring, that way, the reduction of the impacts caused by is encouraging. The present work aims to propose a tool to analyze the quality of investments in rainwater harvesting systems, based on optimizing the net present value of the investments realized. It was proposed the use of the Particle Swarm Optimization technique. The developed tool was used to evaluate the quality of investments in buildings that uses rainwater representing three tariff categories: public, commercial and industrial. The results indicate the opportunities for invest in those systems, specially those scenarios that include or not the sewage rate , resulting from the use of this alternative water source / Doutorado / Edificações / Doutor em Engenharia Civil

Posouzení návrhu malé vodní nádrže v obci Mutěnice z hlediska ekonomické stránky / Assessment of design small water reservoir in the village Mutenice in economic terms

Suchánek, Petr January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis evaluates a design of a small water reservoir in Mutenice village from an economic point of view. This final work is a follow-up of the bachelor work of the same student, it completes it and improves on previously noticed inaccuracies. There are several aspects elaborated in the theoretical part, such as sellection of material for homogenous dam, safety spilway, accompanying woods in the flooding area of and especialy the evaluation of the commercial advantage of the water reservoir design. There are corrections of the bachelor work in the practical part of this study, based on the comments and lately found facts as well as the economical estimate based on the cost calculation of the construction. Content of the work are also technical drawings illustrating this take on the reservoir design and a detailed bill of material.

Simultaneous removal of H₂S and siloxane from biogas using a biotrickling filter / 生物付着担体充填塔を用いたバイオガスからの硫化水素とシロキサンの同時除去に関する研究

Zhang, Yuyao 23 March 2021 (has links)
京都大学 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(工学) / 甲第23181号 / 工博第4825号 / 新制||工||1754(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院工学研究科都市環境工学専攻 / (主査)教授 高岡 昌輝, 教授 橋本 訓, 准教授 大下 和徹 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering) / Kyoto University / DFAM

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