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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Economics of Landfill Mining : Usefulness and Validity of Different Assessment Approaches

Esguerra, John Laurence January 2020 (has links)
Landfill mining (LFM) is an alternative strategy to manage landfills that integrates remediation with secondary resource recovery. At present, LFM remains as an emerging concept with a few pilot-scale project implementations, which presents challenges when assessing its economic performance. These challenges include large knowledge deficits about the individual processes along the LFM process chain, lack of know-how in terms of project implementation and economic drivers, and limited applicability of results to specific case studies. Based on how these challenges were addressed, this thesis aims to analyze the usefulness and validity of different economic assessments of LFM towards the provision of better support for decision-making and in-depth learning for the development of cost-efficient projects. Different studies were analyzed including the previous studies through a systematic literature review and the factor-based method that is developed in this thesis. Four categories of economic assessment approaches were derived in terms of the study object that is about either an individual LFM project (case-study specific) or multiple LFM projects in a region (generic); and in terms of the extent of analysis that is about either the identification of the net economic potential (decision-oriented) or extended towards an in-depth learning of what builds up such result (learning-oriented). Across the different approaches, most of the previous studies have questionable usefulness and validity. The unaddressed parametric uncertainties exclude the influence of using inherently uncertain input data due to large knowledge deficits. While the narrowly accounted scenario uncertainties limits the fact that LFM can be done in various ways and settings in terms of site selection, project set-up and regulatory and market conditions. In essence, these uncertainties propagate from case-study specific to generic study object. From decision-oriented to learning-oriented studies, the identification of what builds up the result are unsystematically determined that raises issues on their subsequent recommendations for improvement based on superficially derived economic drivers. The factor-based method, with exploratory scenario development and global sensitivity analysis, is presented as an approach to performing generic and learning-oriented studies. As for general recommendations, applied research is needed to aid large knowledge deficits, methodological rigor is needed to account for uncertainties and systematically identify economic drivers, and learningoriented assessment is needed to facilitate future development of LFM. This thesis highlights the important role of economic assessments, which is not only limited for the assessment of economic potential but also for learning and guiding the development of emerging concepts such as LFM.

Techno-Economic Assessment of Solar PV/Thermal System for Power and Cooling Generation in Antalya, Turkey

Kumbasar, Serdar January 2013 (has links)
In this study a roof-top PVT/absorption chiller system is modeled for a hotel building in Antalya, Turkey to cover the cooling demand of the hotel, to produce electricity and domestic hot water. PVT modules, an absorption chiller, a hot storage tank and a natural gas fired auxiliary heater are the main components of the system. Elecetrical power produced by the system is 94.2 MWh, the cooling power is 185.5 MWh and the amount of domestic hot water produced in the system is 65135 m3 at 45 0C annually.  Even though the systems is capable of meeting the demands of the hotel building, because of the high investment costs of PVT modules and high interest rates in Turkey, it is not economically favorable. Using cheaper solar collectors, integrating a cold storage unit in the system or having an improved conrol strategy are the options to increase the system efficiency and to make the system economically competitive.

Timetable evaluation with focus on quality for travellers

Warg, Jennifer January 2016 (has links)
Punctuality and reliability are important for travellers. Railway lines with heterogeneous and dense traffic have proved to be prone to generate delays. Faster services and increased traffic have to be counterbalanced with measures for increased reliability. Efficient timetable planning can improve the use of such lines. Usually, that aim is treated from either a capacity or a socio-economic point of view. Because both are important, this thesis aims to combine the fields. A new method to evaluate timetable alternatives is developed. Commonly used methods are combined in a novel way to reveal values for different variables as input for evaluation of alternatives. That enables the comparison of timetable strategies using relevant input data. The idea is to estimate the benefits of a timetable for a traveller by expressing them as a timetable performance index (TTPI). For this purpose, quality indicators and methods to reveal them are identified. In the next step, traditional valuations for relationships between the indicators are used to test different model configurations for evaluation of alternatives, for example alternative departures on the same line or different timetables.  To treat this multidisciplinary task, several case studies were performed on the Swedish Southern and Western Main lines. As part of a study focussing on methods to measure and evaluate capacity based on travellers’ valuations, the importance of delays was analysed in a questionnaire study and relationships between several variables describing the timetable were found. The other case studies aimed to identify relevant variables and use them to evaluate alternatives. Static and dynamic variables are distinguished. The static ones describe the timetable before operation, the dynamic ones the result of operation or estimated outcome revealed by means of, for example, simulation. Empirical delay data is used in one study, simulation with the microscopic tool RailSys in the others. In one of the studies, analysis is combined with the macroscopic timetabling tool TVEM (Lindfeldt, 2010). The case studies showed the characteristics of the analysed lines described by the chosen variables and which methods and variables are relevant to use for a comparison of timetable slots or evaluation of effects of changes in the timetable. An evaluation method was developed where simulation and timetable analysis reveal the variables. The idea is to construct an analytical function using traditional weights for relationships between the variables to convert the values of the variables into a performance index (PI). Based on a PI for each train slot (TSPI), the TTPI for the whole timetable is estimated. It describes the quality of a timetable in terms of timetable time, i.e. the resulting value is a time that is comparable to the scheduled travel time of one train departure, but includes additional information. With this method, complex timetables can be evaluated regarding their robustness to perturbations, which is valuable for socio-economic analysis of effects of measures applied on the railway system. As shown in a one of the case studies, quality in terms of punctuality and reliability is important for travellers, at the same time as the design of the timetable has significant impact on these aspects. Timetable analysis and simulation are relevant methods to reveal variables that describe these characteristics and evaluation with the presented method is recommended. The configuration of the TTPI is essential for the outcome whereas it is important to choose variables and parameters adequately. If this is taken into account, the approach can be an efficient way to adjust timetables and choose the best alternative, for instance if a train path or timetable change is to be chosen among several. / Punktlighet och tillförlitlighet är viktiga för resenärer. Järnvägar med heterogen och tät trafik har visat sig vara benägna att generera förseningar. Snabbare tåg och utökat trafikutbud måste uppvägas mot punktlighetsåtgärder. Effektiv tidtabellsplanering kan förbättra utnyttjandet av sådana linjer. Detta ändamål behandlas oftast utifrån antingen kapacitets eller samhällsekonomisk synvinkel. Eftersom bägge är viktiga syftar den här avhandlingen på att kombinera dessa områden. En metod för utvärdering av tidtabellsalternativ utvecklas. Befintliga metoder kombineras på ett nytt sätt för att ta fram värden för olika variabler som indata för en utvärdering av alternativen. Detta möjliggör en jämförelse av tidtabellsstrategier med relevant indata. Idén bygger på att bedöma en tidtabells nytta för resenären genom att uttrycka denna som ett prestationsindex (TTPI). För detta syfte identifieras kvalitetsindikatorer och metoder för att ta fram dessa. Traditionella valideringar för relationerna mellan indikatorerna används sedan för att testa olika konfigurationer av modellen för att utvärdera alternativ, till exempel alternativa avgångar på samma linje eller olika tidtabeller. För denna multidisciplinära uppgift har flera fallstudier på svenska Södra och Västra stambanan genomförts. Som del av en studie med fokus på metoder för att mäta och utvärdera kapacitet baserad på resenärers värderingar har förseningens värde analyserats med hjälp av en enkätundersökning och relationer mellan några variabler som beskriver tidtabellen hittats. De övriga fallstudierna syftade på att ta fram relevanta variabler och att använda dem för att utvärdera alternativ. Variablerna delades upp i statiska och dynamiska. De statiska beskriver tidtabellen innan den körs, de dynamiska det verkliga utfallet eller det estimerade resultatet framtaget med hjälp av exempelvis simulering. Empiriska försenings­data används i en studie, simulering med det mikroskopiska programmet RailSys i de andra. I en av studierna kombineras analysen med det makroskopiska tidtabellsverktyget TVEM (Lindfeldt, 2010). Fall­studierna visade de analyserade linjernas egenskaper beskrivna av de valda variablerna och vilka metoder och variabler som är relevanta för en jämförelse av olika tåglägen eller en utvärdering hur en ändring i tidtabellen påverkar. En utvärderingsmetod där simulering och tidtabellsanalys används för att ta fram variablerna utvecklades. Idén är att skapa en analytisk funktion med hjälp av traditionella vikter som beskriver sambanden mellan variablerna för att räkna om variablernas värden till en prestations­index (PI). Baserad på en PI för varje tågläge (TSPI) estimeras värdet för hela tidtabellen (TTPI). Detta index beskriver tidtabellens kvalitet som tidtabellstid, dvs. värdet är en tid som är jämförbar med den tidtabellslagda restiden för en avgång, men med ytterligare information inkluderat. Med hjälp av denna metod kan komplexa tidtabeller utvärderas med avseende på robusthet mot störningar vilket är värdefullt för samhällsekonomiska bedömningar av åtgärder i järnvägssystemet. Som en av fallstudierna visade är kvalitet i form av punktlighet och tillförlitlighet viktig för resenärer samtidigt som tidtabellens utformning har en signifikant påverkan på samma aspekter. Tidtabellsanalys och simulering är relevanta metoder för att ta fram variabler som beskriver dessa egenskaper och utvärdering med de visade metoderna rekommenderades. Modellens konfiguration är betydelsefull för resultatet vilket gör det viktigt att välja variabler och parametrar som är lämpliga. Om detta respekteras kan metoden vara effektiv för att anpassa tidtabeller och välja det bästa alternativet, till exempel när det gäller att välja mellan olika tåglägen eller justeringar i tidtabellen. / Pünktlichkeit und Zuverlässigkeit sind wichtig für Reisende. Stark belastete Eisenbahnlinien mit heterogenem Verkehr sind störungsanfällig. Zugleich besteht oft ein Bedarf an schnelleren und häufigeren Verbindungen, was jedoch mit potentiellen negativen Effekten auf die Kapazität aufgewogen werden muss. Effiziente Fahrplan­konstruktion kann die Nutzung solcher Linien verbessern. Dieses Ziel wird meist entweder aus der Sicht der Kapazitätsanalyse oder wirtschaftlichen Aspekten be­trachtet. Da beide Betrachtungsweisen wichtig sind, strebt diese Arbeit die Kombination beider Felder an. Eine Methode für die Auswertung verschiedener Fahrpläne wird entwickelt. Bewährte Methoden werden in neuer Weise kombiniert um Werte für verschiedene Variablen als Input für die Auswertung von Alternativen zu erhalten. Das ermöglicht es potentielle Änderungen im Fahrplan mithilfe relevanter Werte zu vergleichen. Die Idee basiert auf einem Leistungsindex (TTPI), der den Nutzen eines Fahrplans für die Reisenden ausdrücken soll. Zu diesem Zweck werden Qualitätsindikatoren gewählt und Methoden zur Berechnung und Bearbeitung der Indikatoren entwickelt. Traditionelle Werte für die Abhängigkeiten zwischen den Indikatoren dienen dann dem Test verschiedener Modelkonfigurationen sowie der Aus­wertung von Alternativen, z. B unterschiedlicher Trassen oder Fahrpläne. Für diese multidisziplinäre Aufgabe wurden mehrere Fallstudien für die südliche und westliche Hauptstrecke in Schweden durchgeführt. In einer Fragenbogenstudie mit den Schwerpunkten Mess- und Auswertungsmethoden wurde der Wert von Verspätungen für Reisende untersucht und Verhältnisse zwischen mehreren Indikatoren ermittelt. Die weiteren Fallstudien strebten das Finden relevanter Variablen und deren Anwendung zur Auswertung von Alternativen an. Statische und dyna­mische Variablen wurden unterschieden. Die statischen beschreiben den geplanten Fahrplan vor dem Betrieb, die dynamischen den wirklichen Ausfall oder das beispielsweise durch Simulation berechnete erwartete Resultat. In einer der Fall­studien wurde empirisches Datenmaterial für die Verspätungsdaten genutzt, in den weiteren das mikroskopische Simulationsprogramm RailSys. In einer der Studien wurde die Analyse mit dem makroskopischen Fahrplanungsprogramm TVEM (Lindfeldt, 2010) kombiniert. Die Eigenschaften der untersuchten Linien wurden mithilfe der gewählten Indikatoren analysiert. Weiterhin wurde die Relevanz verschiedener Methoden und Variablen für den Vergleich von Fahrten oder der Beurteilung von Änderungen in Fahrplänen beschrieben. Die gewählte Bewertungs­methode kombiniert Simulation und Fahrplananalyse um die benötigten Werte zu bestimmen. Mithilfe einer analytischen Funktion sollen die Variablen durch An­wen­den von traditionellen Werten für die Zusammenhänge in einen Leistungsindex (PI) umgewandelt werden. Basierend auf einem PI für jede geplante Fahrplantrasse (TSPI) kann der Wert für den gesamten Fahrplan (TTPI) bestimmt werden. Dieser Index übersetzt die Qualität des Fahrplans in Fahrtzeit, das heißt resultiert in einer Zeit, die mit der fahrplanmäßigen Fahrtzeit für eine Fahrt vergleichbar ist, aber zusätzliche Information enthält. Diese Methode ermöglicht es, komplexe Fahrpläne bezüglich Robustheit gegen Störungen auszuwerten, was wertvoll für die Berechnung der Wirtschaftlichkeit von Maßnahmen im Bahnnetz ist. Wie eine der Fallstudien gezeigt hat, ist die Qualität in Form von Pünktlichkeit und Zuverlässigkeit wichtig für die Reisenden. Gleichzeitig beeinflusst die Ausformung des Fahrplans diese Eigenschaften deutlich. Fahrplananalyse und Simulation sind geeignete Methoden um die Werte der Variablen, die diese Eigenschaften beschreiben, zu bestimmen. Auswertung auf diese Weise wird empfohlen. Die Konfiguration des Models beeinflusst das Ergebnis, weshalb es wichtig ist geeignete Variablen und Parameter zu benutzen. Wird das berücksichtigt, kann die entwickelte Methode effizient für das Verbessern von Fahrplänen angewandt werden und die Wahl der besten Alternative unterstützen, z.B. bei geplanten Änderungen im Fahrplan oder der Wahl zwischen unterschiedlichen Trassen. / <p>QC 20160902</p>

Practical implementation of Bio-CCS in Uppsala : A techno-economic assessment

Djurberg, Robert January 2020 (has links)
To decrease global warming, bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (Bio-CCS) has been proposed as an effective and necessary tool. Combusting biomass and capturing carbon dioxide (CO2) from the same process results in net negative emissions, hence, reducing the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere. The infrastructure around heat and power generation in Sweden has transformed to make use of biomass and waste. Bio-CCS has the potential to be a key factor in making the heat sector carbon negative and the Swedish energy system more sustainable. This study has assessed how Bio-CCS can practically be implemented in the Uppsala heat and power plant. In the assessment, three chemical absorption post-combustion carbon capture (CC) technologies were evaluated based on energy requirement, potential to reduce emissions and economics. They are the amine process, the chilled ammonia process (CAP) and the hot potassium carbonate process (HPC). The process of each technology was modelled by performing mass and energy balance calculations when implementing CC on the flue gas streams of the production units using biomass-based fuel at the plant. The modelling enabled finding specific heating, cooling and electricity requirements of the technologies. With this data it was possible to assess the potential emission reduction and CC cost for the different configurations assessed. A solution was proposed in how a CC technology can be integrated into the system of the Uppsala plant regarding land footprint, available heat supply to the process and possibilities for waste heat recovery. If heat recovery is not utilized the results show that the amine process is the most cost-effective technology when implemented on the flue gas stream of the waste blocks. When utilizing heat recovery to use waste heat to heat the district heating water, CAP becomes more cost-effective than the amine process. Further improvements can be achieved by combining flue gas streams of the waste blocks to increase the number of hours per year CC can be performed. The plant in Uppsala can then capture 200 000 tonne CO2 annually. The total cost of Bio-CCS will be approximately 900 SEK per tonne CO2 captured. / För att minska den globala uppvärmningen har infångning och lagring av koldioxid från förbränning av biomassa (Bio-CCS) föreslagits som ett effektivt och nödvändigt verktyg. Förbränning av biomassa och infångande av koldioxid från samma process leder till negativa nettoutsläpp, vilket minskar koncentrationen av koldioxid (CO2) i atmosfären. Infrastrukturen kring värme- och kraftproduktion i Sverige har omvandlats till att använda biomassa och avfall. Bio-CCS har potential att vara en nyckelfaktor för att göra värmesektorn koldioxidnegativ och det svenska energisystemet mer hållbart. Denna studie har analyserat hur Bio-CCS praktiskt kan implementeras i Uppsalas kraftvärmeverk. I analysen utvärderades tre infångningstekniker av typen kemisk absorption baserat på energibehov, potential att minska utsläpp och ekonomi. Teknikerna är aminprocessen, chilled ammonia process (CAP) och hot potassium carbonate process (HPC). Processen för varje teknik modellerades genom att utföra mass- och energibalansberäkningar vid infångning av CO2 från rökgasströmmarna producerade av produktionsenheterna som förbränner biomassa. Modelleringen gjorde det möjligt att hitta specifika värme-, kyl- och elbehov för teknikerna. Med dessa data var det möjligt att bedöma den potentiella utsläppsminskningen och kostnaden för infångning för de olika konfigurationer som har analyserats. En lösning föreslogs i hur en infångningsanläggning kan integreras i kraftvärmeverkets system när det gäller markanvändning, tillgänglig värmeförsörjning till processen och möjligheter till återvinning av spillvärme. Om värmeåtervinning inte utnyttjas visar resultaten att aminprocessen är den mest kostnadseffektiva tekniken när den implementeras på rökgasströmmen från avfallsblocken. När man använder värmeåtervinning för att använda spillvärme för att värma fjärrvärmevattnet blir CAP mer kostnadseffektivt än aminprocessen. Ytterligare förbättringar kan uppnås genom att kombinera rökgasströmmar från avfallsblocken för att öka antalet timmar per år infångning kan utföras. Anläggningen i Uppsala kan då årligen fånga 200 000 ton CO2. Den totala kostnaden för Bio-CCS kommer att vara cirka 900 SEK per ton infångad CO2.

Techno-economic assessment of CO2 refrigeration systems with geothermal integration : a field measurements and modelling analysis

Giunta, Fabio January 2020 (has links)
Several CO2 transcritical booster systems in supermarkets use the potential of integrating geothermal storage, enabling subcooling during warm climate conditions as well as being a heat source during cold climate conditions. First of all, field measurements of one of these systems located in Sweden were analysed with particular focus on the heat-recovery performance. The best theoretical operational strategy was compared to the one really implemented and the differences in the annual energy usage were assessed through modelling. The results show that an alternative to the best theoretical operational strategy exists; heat can be extracted from the ground while low-temperature heat is rejected by the gas cooler. Such an alternative strategy has important technical advantages with a negligible increment of the energy usage. In the second part of this work, the benefits of geothermal subcooling were evaluated. Applying the BIN hours method, it was demonstrated that this system is expected to save on average roughly 5% of the total power consumption, in Stockholm’s climate. The models utilized for the winter and summer season were combined to find the relationship between geothermal storage size and annual energy savings. In this way, it was possible to calculate the present value of the operational savings for the study case. Furthermore, a general methodology for assessing the economic feasibility of this system solution is presented. Finally, several scenarios were investigated to produce parametric curves and to perform a sensitivity analysis. Comparing the results with the typical Swedish prices for boreholes, the cases where this system solution is economically justified were identified. These are supermarkets with a Heat Recovery Ratio (HRR) higher than the average. For examples, supermarkets supplying heat to the neighbouring buildings (considering the Stockholm’s climate, systems with an annual average HRR of at least 70%). Relying only on savings from subcooling was found to be not enough to justify a geothermal storage, a not-negligible amount of heat must be extracted in winter. Finally, some interesting concepts and alternatives to a geothermal integration are presented to point out relevant future work.

Techno economic assessment of CCUS for a biogas facility in Sweden : Evaluating the economic feasibility for three CCUS concepts / Tekno-ekonomisk undersökning av CCUS för en biogasanläggning i Sverige

Johansson, Tobias, Knutsson, Markus January 2022 (has links)
Many countries strengthen their commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to limit climate change and meet the Paris Agreement (Masson-Delmotte et al., 2019). Commitments include achieving net-zero emissions or in some cases even negative emissions (Government offices of Sweden, 2020a; United Nations, 2021a). To achieve these goals, carbon dioxide capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) is considered as an essential strategy. Carbon capture storage and utilization are recognized methods of reducing or avoiding greenhouse gas emissions (IEA, 2019a, 2020). However, the uncertainty regarding costs, financial incentives, and pricing is impeding adoption. Further information is needed for CCUS concepts both in respect to cost estimates and required market prices for CCUS, this to provide guidance for decision makers and market actors. In this report a study has investigated the economic feasibility of three CCUS concepts for a biogas facility. One CCS concept where CO2 was captured and liquefied on-site to be transported to a terminal for shipping and end storage injection. The CCS concept annual capacity was ~16 500 ton net stored CO2. Two CCU concepts were considered, where synthetic natural gas (SNG) was produced via biologic methanation with on-site produced hydrogen, both with annual production of ~88 GWh SNG. A techno-economic assessment (TEA) was carried out where the key cost-drivers were identified, and the economic feasibility assessed. With performance and cost estimates for each process step in the different considered concepts a model was built where a cash flow was created and a net present value (NPV) could be calculated. The study found transportation to be the most prominent cost driver for CCS where shipping and storage represented 57 % of the total cost of CO2 removal. The cost driver for CCU concepts was found to be hydrogen production, where the electricity for the electrolyser constituted 65 % of the total cost of produced SNG. None of the concepts were found economic feasible when the Swedish market was considered. The break-even price for CO2 removal in the CCS concept was found to be 151 €/ton, just above the assumed base value used in this study. As the voluntary market is still undeveloped it is difficult to know what price that could be expected, however, in discussion with market experts a range between 150-200 €/ton would not be unthinkable for the concept studied. For the CCU concepts to be economically feasible, the estimated minimum price levels for SNG were 184 and 193 €/MWh respectively. Comparing to the benchmark price of diesel of 125 €/MWh, both CCU concepts were concluded to be unfeasible. The sensitivity analysis showed that the CCU concepts were very sensitive to variations in electricity price. When the German fuel market was considered, all studied concepts yielded a positive business case. CCS was the only concept showing economic feasibility, while the CCU concepts remained unfeasible. In the German market a GHG reduction quota credit was accounted for which was valued higher than the carbon removal credits in the voluntary market. / Många länder stärker sina åtaganden att minska utsläppen av växthusgaser för att begränsa klimatförändringen och uppfylla Parisavtalet (Masson-Delmotte et al., 2019). I åtagandena ingår att uppnå nettonollutsläpp eller i vissa fall till och med negativa utsläpp (Regeringskansliet, 2020a; FN, 2021a). För att uppnå dessa mål anses avskiljning, nyttjande och lagring av koldioxid (CCUS) vara en viktig strategi. Avskiljning, lagring och utnyttjande av koldioxid är erkända metoder för att minska eller undvika utsläpp av växthusgaser (IEA, 2019a, 2020). Osäkerheten kring kostnader, ekonomiska incitament och prissättning hindrar dock införandet. Ytterligare information behövs för CCUS-koncept både när det gäller kostnadsberäkningar och nödvändiga marknadspriser för CCUS, detta för att ge vägledning för beslutsfattare och marknadsaktörer. I den här rapporten undersöks den ekonomiska genomförbarheten av tre CCUS-koncept för en biogasanläggning. Ett CCS-koncept där koldioxid avskiljs och kondenseras på plats för att sedan transporteras till en terminal för slutlig sjöfrakt och injektion i geologiskt lager. Den årliga kapaciteten för CCS-konceptet var ~16 500 ton nettolagrad koldioxid. Två CCU-koncept övervägdes, där syntetisk natur gas (SNG) producerades genom biologisk metanisering med vätgas producerad på plats, där båda koncepten hade en årlig produktion av ~88 GWh SNG. En tekno-ekonomisk undersökning genomfördes där de viktigaste kostnadsdrivande faktorerna identifierades och den ekonomiska genomförbarheten bedömdes. Med hjälp av prestanda- och kostnadsberäkningar för varje processteg i de olika tänkta koncepten byggdes en modell där ett kassaflöde skapades och ett netto-nuvärde kunde beräknas. I studien konstaterades att transport var den mest framträdande kostnadsdrivande faktorn för CCS, där sjöfrakt och lagring stod för 57 % av den totala kostnaden för koldioxidavskiljning. Kostnadsdrivande för CCU-konceptet var vätgasproduktionen, där el till elektrolysen utgjorde 65 % av den totala kostnaden för producerad SNG. Inget av koncepten befanns vara ekonomiskt genomförbart när den svenska marknaden beaktades. Nollpunktspriset för koldioxidavskiljning i CCS-konceptet fanns vara 151 euro/ton, vilket är strax över det antagna basvärde som används i denna studie. Eftersom den frivilliga marknaden fortfarande är outvecklad är det svårt att veta vilket pris som kan förväntas, men i diskussioner med marknadsexperter skulle ett prisintervall på 150-200 €/ton inte vara otänkbart för det studerade konceptet. För att CCU-koncepten ska vara ekonomiskt genomförbara var de uppskattade minimipriserna för SNG 184 respektive 193 €/MWh. Jämfört med referenspriset för diesel på 125 €/MWh, ansågs båda CCU-koncepten vara ekonomiskt ogenomförbara. Känslighetsanalysen visade att CCU-koncepten var mycket känsliga för variationer i elpriset. När den tyska bränslemarknaden beaktades gav alla studerade koncept ett positivt netto-nuvärde. CCS konceptet var det enda konceptet som ansågs vara ekonomiskt genomförbart, medan CCU-koncepten förblev ogenomförbara. På den tyska marknaden räknades en kvot för minskning av växthusgasutsläpp in, som värderades högre än de krediter för avskiljning av koldioxid som fanns på den frivilliga marknaden.

Model-based assessment of energy-efficiency, dependability, and cost-effectiveness of waste heat recovery systems onboard ship

Lampe, J., Rüde, E., Papadopoulus, Y., Kabir, Sohag 20 August 2020 (has links)
Yes / Technological systems are not merely designed with a narrow function in mind. Good designs typically aim at reducing operational costs, e.g. through achieving high energy efficiency and improved dependability (i.e. reliability, availability and maintainability). When there is a choice of alternative design options that perform the same function, it makes sense to compare alternatives so that the variant that minimises operational costs can be selected. In this paper, we examine this issue in the context of the design of Waste Heat Recovery Systems (WHRS) for main engines of large commercial freight vessels. We propose a method that can predict the operational cost of a WHRS via thermodynamic analysis which shows costs related to energy utilisation, and dependability analysis which shows costs related to system unavailability and repair. Our approach builds on recent advances in thermodynamic simulation and compositional dependability analysis techniques. It is a model-based approach, and allows reuse of component libraries, and a high degree of automation which simplify application of the method. Our case study shows that alternative designs can be explored in fast iterations of this method, and that this facilitates the evidence-based selection of a design that minimises operational costs.

Economic Performance Assessment of Three Renovated Multi-Family Houses with Different HVAC Systems

Khadra, Alaa January 2018 (has links)
Since the building sector is responsible for 40% of the energy consumption and 36% of CO2 emissions in the EU, the reduction of energy use has become a priority in this sector. The EU has adopted several policies to improve energy efficiency. One of these policies aims to achieve energy efficient renovations in at least 3% of buildings owned and occupied by governments annually. In Sweden, a large part of existing buildings was built between 1965 and 1974, a period commonly referred to as ‘miljonprogrammet’. Stora Tunabyggen AB, the public housing company in Borlänge municipality, begun a renovation project in the Tjärna Ängar neighborhood within the municipality with the greatest share of its buildings stock from this period. The pilot project started in 2015. The aim of this project was to renovate three buildings with similar measures, that is, by adding 150 mm attic insulation, replacing windows with higher performing ones (U-value 1 W/m ²K), by adding 50 mm of insulation to the infill walls and by the installation of flowreducing taps. The essential difference between the three renovation packages is the HVAC systems. The selected HVAC systems are (1) exhaust air heat pump, (2) mechanical ventilation with heat recovery and (3) exhaust ventilation. Life cycle cost analysis was conducted for the three building and sensitivity analysis for different values of discount rate and energy price escalation was performed. The study found that the house with exhaust ventilation has the lowest life cycle cost and the highest energy cost. The house with exhaust air heat pump has 3% higher life cycle cost and 18% lower energy use at 3% discount rate and 3% energy price escalation. The study found that mechanical ventilation with heat recovery is not profitable, although it saves energy. The sensitivity analysis has shown that the possible increment of price energy and lower discount rate give higher value for the future costs in life cycle cost analysis. This lead to the main finding of this thesis, which is that exhaust air heat pump is the best choice for the owner according to the available data and the assessed parameters.

Modelagem computacional para avaliação econômica do tratamento de pacientes com câncer de mama HER2 positivo / Computational modelling for economic assessment of treatment of patients with breast cancer HER2 positive

Carlos Henrique Botelho 23 May 2018 (has links)
O câncer é atualmente a segunda maior causa de mortalidade no mundo, depois das doenças cardiovasculares. A prevalência de câncer em países em desenvolvimento tem alcançado patamares próximos à registrada em países desenvolvidos. No caso do câncer de mama, há evidências crescentes quanto à influência de inovações em tratamentos oncológicos na chance de sobrevivência de pacientes após diagnóstico e tratamento, assim como em termos de redução do risco de reincidência e melhoria da qualidade de vida durante tratamento. A avaliação de tecnologias em saúde constitui importante instrumento para alocação racional dos recursos escassos em saúde, especialmente no apoio ao cumprimento dos princípios do Sistema Único de Saúde quanto à equidade, integralidade e universalidade no atendimento em saúde da população brasileira. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo geral efetuar uma análise de custo-efetividade no tratamento de pacientes com câncer de mama HER2 positivo inicial e localmente avançado no âmbito do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS). Os resultados da simulação computacional apontam razão custo-efetividade favorável à quimioterapia adjuvante com trastuzumabe somente caso seja adotado limiar acima de três vezes valor do Produto Interno Bruto (PIB) per capita brasileiro por anos de vida ganhos ou anos de vida ganhos ajustados por qualidade de vida. O presente estudo encontrou resultados similares ao Herceptin Adjuvant (HERA), em que quimioterapia adjuvante com trastuzumabe reduziu recorrência e, particularmente, recorrência à distância, porém a sobrevida global apresentou um acréscimo modesto. Contudo, ainda é necessária extensão da investigação proposta, preferencialmente por meio de avaliação de prontuários de pacientes na rotina em prática clínica que utilizam quimioterapia adjuvante com trastuzumabe / Cancer is currently the second leading cause of death worldwide, behind heart diseases only. The prevalence of cancer in developing countries has been reaching levels close to the ones recorded in developed countries. Regarding breast cancer, there are uprising evidences in terms of the influence on innovations of oncological treatments on the chances of patients to survive after diagnosis and treatment, as in terms of the fall in the risk of recurrence and the improvement on the quality of life during the treatment. The evaluation of health technologies represents an important instrument for the reasonable allocation of the scarce resources in the health system, especially in the endorsement of the compliance of the Unified Health System (UHS) in regards to the equity, integrality and universality of the health care service to the Brazilian people. The goal of this study has as a general objective to analyze the costs and outcomes for the treatment of patients with HER2-positive breast cancer in early and locally advanced stages in the scope of the Unified Health System (UHS). The computer simulation results reveal a favourable cost-effectiveness ratio to the adjuvant chemotherapy with trastuzumab only if the threshold above of three times the Brazilian Gross Domestic product (GDP) per capita is taken according to surviving years or surviving years adjusted by quality of life. This study reflected similar results to Herceptin Adjuvant (HERA), in which adjuvant chemotherapy with trastuzumab reduced recurrence and, particularly, distant recurrence, although global survival presented a modest increase. However, the strech on the proposed investigation is necessary, preferably via reviewing patients\' records in the routine of the clinical practice who are in the use of adjuvant chemotherapy with trastuzumab

Modelagem computacional para avaliação econômica do tratamento de pacientes com câncer de mama HER2 positivo / Computational modelling for economic assessment of treatment of patients with breast cancer HER2 positive

Botelho, Carlos Henrique 23 May 2018 (has links)
O câncer é atualmente a segunda maior causa de mortalidade no mundo, depois das doenças cardiovasculares. A prevalência de câncer em países em desenvolvimento tem alcançado patamares próximos à registrada em países desenvolvidos. No caso do câncer de mama, há evidências crescentes quanto à influência de inovações em tratamentos oncológicos na chance de sobrevivência de pacientes após diagnóstico e tratamento, assim como em termos de redução do risco de reincidência e melhoria da qualidade de vida durante tratamento. A avaliação de tecnologias em saúde constitui importante instrumento para alocação racional dos recursos escassos em saúde, especialmente no apoio ao cumprimento dos princípios do Sistema Único de Saúde quanto à equidade, integralidade e universalidade no atendimento em saúde da população brasileira. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo geral efetuar uma análise de custo-efetividade no tratamento de pacientes com câncer de mama HER2 positivo inicial e localmente avançado no âmbito do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS). Os resultados da simulação computacional apontam razão custo-efetividade favorável à quimioterapia adjuvante com trastuzumabe somente caso seja adotado limiar acima de três vezes valor do Produto Interno Bruto (PIB) per capita brasileiro por anos de vida ganhos ou anos de vida ganhos ajustados por qualidade de vida. O presente estudo encontrou resultados similares ao Herceptin Adjuvant (HERA), em que quimioterapia adjuvante com trastuzumabe reduziu recorrência e, particularmente, recorrência à distância, porém a sobrevida global apresentou um acréscimo modesto. Contudo, ainda é necessária extensão da investigação proposta, preferencialmente por meio de avaliação de prontuários de pacientes na rotina em prática clínica que utilizam quimioterapia adjuvante com trastuzumabe / Cancer is currently the second leading cause of death worldwide, behind heart diseases only. The prevalence of cancer in developing countries has been reaching levels close to the ones recorded in developed countries. Regarding breast cancer, there are uprising evidences in terms of the influence on innovations of oncological treatments on the chances of patients to survive after diagnosis and treatment, as in terms of the fall in the risk of recurrence and the improvement on the quality of life during the treatment. The evaluation of health technologies represents an important instrument for the reasonable allocation of the scarce resources in the health system, especially in the endorsement of the compliance of the Unified Health System (UHS) in regards to the equity, integrality and universality of the health care service to the Brazilian people. The goal of this study has as a general objective to analyze the costs and outcomes for the treatment of patients with HER2-positive breast cancer in early and locally advanced stages in the scope of the Unified Health System (UHS). The computer simulation results reveal a favourable cost-effectiveness ratio to the adjuvant chemotherapy with trastuzumab only if the threshold above of three times the Brazilian Gross Domestic product (GDP) per capita is taken according to surviving years or surviving years adjusted by quality of life. This study reflected similar results to Herceptin Adjuvant (HERA), in which adjuvant chemotherapy with trastuzumab reduced recurrence and, particularly, distant recurrence, although global survival presented a modest increase. However, the strech on the proposed investigation is necessary, preferably via reviewing patients\' records in the routine of the clinical practice who are in the use of adjuvant chemotherapy with trastuzumab

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