Spelling suggestions: "subject:"economical"" "subject:"conomical""
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The sustainable new venture : Balancing growth with sustainability dimensions and the customers' influence in new venturesChu, Ying shuen, Westerhof, Sjanna January 2022 (has links)
Little is known about how sustainable entrepreneurs balance sustainability aspects with growth. The aim of this study is to investigate how growth and sustainability are balanced, and what role customers play in this balance. To answer this question we used a case study design and interviewed 8 executives representing 5 sustainable new ventures based in Sweden. The theory of the three pillars of sustainability was used to categorise and probe the data. Our research draws on two types of sustainability companies (sustainability-at-its-core and product-at-its-core) that balance sustainability and growth in a different way. Customers play an essential role in the balance, as they both impact growth and the sustainability level. Our research shows that within balancing growth and sustainability, sustainability can be seen as a company trait rather than a choice as sustainability is a part of the core of the new ventures’ business and will therefore always have an important position, even if growth is limited. It is recommended to explore the distinction in sustainable company type more in depth or other stakeholders’ influence towards new ventures in balancing growth and sustainability in the future.
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From Movement in School to being Active in a Sport Organization outside of SchoolBengtsson, Michela, Johansson, Elinore January 2019 (has links)
Previous research has shown that the existence of after school program is beneficial for children's health and their academic performance. Lorensborgsskolan, an elementary school situated in Malmö, implemented a project called “From movement in school to being active in organized sports” where they started a school sport organization. The project seeks to increase the amount of children active in external sport organizations and to make the transition more accessible. The project collaborated with Hemmaplan which is an initiative from the Scanian Basketball Federation. Therefore, the aim of this study was to discuss the prerequisites for implementing Lorensborgsskolans project “From movement in school to being active in organized sports” from a sustainable perspective. The sustainable perspective contains three concepts: social, environmental and economical. Three research questions has been formulated.How was the preparation of this project in relation to sustainability?What challenges can be identified when implementing this project?What benefits can be identified when implementing this project?Interviews, observation and document analysis were the methods used in this research and the data was analyzed through a six step coding process. The result and analysis were divided in three paragraphs named after the research questions connected to the theory. The research findings indicate how this project would give the children a protective factor outside of school. According to the collected result the children should be given the access to pursue sport in the entire city of Malmö and to work on their social skills. In conclusion, an external analysis should have been done before the implementation of the project. The financial aspect is identified as a challenge. For the children to be a part of the school’s sport organization is free of charge in contrast with external sport organizations where this does not imply.
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Circular Economy : Reuse of packaging / Cirkulär Ekonomi : Återanvänding av emballageTürk, Ferhat, Zandi, Roman January 2019 (has links)
This study is about finding methods for reusing of packaging from Elekta's product "Leksell Gamma Knife ICON" with Circular Economy as the focus. There is no process for this today. The important thing is the analysis of the entire supply chain from Suppliers to customer and then back to Suppliers to get general ideas about what the problems are and then to draw conclusions for the opportunities that exists. The methods used are analyzes if it is cost-effective and environmentally efficient to transport back packaging to the Suppliers who handle these packaging. Costs for the return process have been calculated, which is Supplier work, packaging costs, packaging costs and transport costs. Transport emission in the form of carbon dioxide equivalents have been calculated in the return process. Carbon dioxide equivalents have been calculated for the manufacturing of new packaging and transport by road and ship. The calculated values in the return process are compared with how Elekta is doing today during the process of packing LGK as well as delivering to customers to identify if it is effective to implement a new return process. A solution proposal that fulfils the requirements from an environmental and economic perspective is reported. Environmentally, it is reduced by 459 CO2eq number of carbon dioxide equivalents with transport from the US, 457 CO2eq from China and 1185 CO2eq from Europe. Financially, the company saves 17 190 SEK with transport from the USA, 19327 SEK from China and 18 126 SEK from Europe. / Denna studie handlar att om att hitta metoder för återanvändning av emballagen från Elektasprodukt ”Leksell Gamma Knife ICON” med Cirkulär ekonomi som fokus. Det finns ingen process för detta i dagsläget. Den viktiga är analysen av hela försörjningskedjan från leverantör till kund och sedan tillbaka till leverantörer för att få generella uppfattningar om vad problemen befinner sig och där ifrån dra slutsatser för möjligheterna som finns. De metoder som används är analyser om det är kostnads- och miljöeffektivt att transportera tillbaka emballage till de leverantörer som hanterar dessa emballage. Kostnader för returprocessen har beräknats vilket är leverantörsarbete, emballagekostnader, arbetskostnader och transportkostnader. Transportutsläpp i form av koldioxidekvivalenter har beräknats i returprocessen. Koldioxidekvivalenter har beräknats för tillverkning av nya emballage samt transport med lastbil och fartyg. De beräknade värden i returprocessen jämförs med hur Elekta gör idag under processen att packa LGK samt leverera till kund för att identifiera om det är effektivt att implementera en ny returprocess. Ett lösningsförslag där kraven uppfylls ur ett miljömässigt och ekonomisk perspektiv redovisas. Miljömässigt minskas det med 459 CO2eq antal koldioxidekvivalenter med transport från USA, 457 CO2eq från Kina och 1185 CO2eq från Europa. Ekonomiskt sparar företaget på 17 190 SEK med transport från USA, 19327 SEK från Kina och 18 126 SEK från Europa.
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Hållbart agerande inomFacilities Management – Fem förslag på förändrade arbetssätt vid outcourcing / Sustainability within Facilities Management – Five suggestions of changed ways of working when outsourcingJohansson, Elin, Ceder, Hanna January 2014 (has links)
Sustainability is a term that is constantly gaining focus in our society and we are becoming more and more aware of the need to take the next generation into consideration when making decisions. The sustainable activity within the core business is growing and is also connected to profitability in ways that have not been seen before. However, the activities that are not included in the core business have not yet reached this long-term perspective. These non-core businesses within an organization goes under the term Facilities Management (FM). This paper focuses onReal Estate businesses, FM-suppliers and the relation between them.The purpose is to investigate current knowledge regarding outsourced FM-services and the real estate organisation’s use of these services. Furthermore, the purpose is to analyse what obstacles are currently restraining a sustainable way of working with FM-services and finally to present substantial suggestions for change. It is commonly agreed that acting in a sustainable way is a shared responsibility, and that acting accordingly will have great impact over the coming years. The Real Estate companies are facing an obstacle with lack of knowledge and awareness of the current situation. The FM-suppliers do not have the last say in the procurement process which prohibits them from using their knowledge effectively. Collaboration between the two parties is essential in order to achieve an improved result of sustainable development within FM. Five suggestions that will develop sustainability within FM have been depicted within this paper. The first suggestion is a plan of action with the foremost purpose of promoting sustainability and FM. Next follows a suggestion that shows the importance of early influence from proficient people. The third suggestion is to make sustainability measurable by creating a certification. Fourth, a law regarding sustainability reports can show how companies act in order to enhance the three dimensions of sustainability within their organization. The last suggestion is a template that will support both parties in the process of signing FM-contracts. In an ideal world, increasing the understanding and knowledge of sustainability and FM will prevent Real Estate businesses from buying services that are not sustainable as well as keeping FM-suppliers from delivering such services. / Hållbarhet får allt större fokus i vårt samhälle. Genom ett mer eftertänksamt beteende har ett agerande för en hållbar utveckling där nästa generation ges samma förutsättningar som denna påbörjats. Tankesättet växer sig starkare inom organisationens kärnverksamhet och i takt med detta ses hållbart agerande även i större grad som en del i organisationens ökade lönsamhet. Inom stödverksamheterna har utvecklingen dock inte nått detta långsiktiga perspektiv. Sammantaget utgör stödtjänsterna en stor del av en organisations totala omsättning varför det är av stor vikt att påbörja en hållbar utveckling inom dessa. En organisations samtliga stödtjänster sammanfattas i termen Facilities Management (FM). Detta arbete är inriktat mot FM-leverantörer och fastighetsbolag samt framställs med intresse för relationen dem emellan. Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka befintlig kunskap om outsourcade Facilities Management-tjänster och fastighetsbolags nyttjande av tjänsterna. Vidare är syftet att analysera vilka hinder som idag motverkar ett hållbart arbetssätt inom dessa tjänster samt framställa konkreta förslag till förbättringsåtgärder. En litteraturstudie samt sju intervjuer har legat till grund för de resultat som framställs. Ansvaret för att agera hållbart inom FM anses ligga på var och en gemensamt och intervjuobjekten är eniga om att hållbarhet kommer att bli allt viktigare i dagens samhälle. Hinder hos fastighetsbolagen är bristande kunskap och medvetenhet gällande den ohållbara situation som råder idag. För FM-leverantörerna finns ett hinder i rådande partsrelation, där fastighetsbolagen har sista ordet vid upphandling trots att FM-leverantörerna besitter mest kunskap. Det krävs ett samarbete mellan parterna för att nå ett förbättrat resultat av hållbar utveckling inom FM-tjänsterna. Fem förslag för att utveckla hållbarhetsarbetet inom FM framställs. Det första är en handlingsplan med främsta syfte att marknadsföra hållbarhet och FM. Nästa förslag belyser vikten av att ge personer med kompetens inom området möjlighet att påverka i ett tidigt skede. I det tredje förslaget framställs en möjlighet att certifiera hållbart arbete för att göra hållbarhet mätbart. Vårt fjärde förslag är att införa en lag om hållbarhetsredovisning där organisationer tvingas redovisa hur de arbetat med de tre dimensionerna av hållbarhet under året. Slutligen föreslås en mall som kan vara till stöd vid tecknande av FM-kontrakt. I den bästa av världar kommer ett aktivt arbete med att öka förståelsen och kunskapen gällande hållbarhet inom FM att leda till att fastighetsbolagen aldrig köper ohållbara stödtjänster samtidigt som FM-leverantörerna heller aldrig levererar sådana.
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Vem ska få pengarna? : En studie om socialarbetares erfarenheter av rutiner och arbetssätt för handläggning av ekonomiskt bistånd i relation till kvinnors våldsutsatthet och jämställdhet / Who gets the money?Korucu, Ömer Sakip, Nilsson, Noelle January 2022 (has links)
The purpose of the thesis was to examine the social services’ routines for handling financial assistance from a gender perspective, to gain an increased understanding on how social workers' working methods related to financial assistance are designed in relation to women's exposure to men's violence in close relationships and gender equality goals. This study has been conducted because there is relatively little research specifically focused on financial issues and the economic dimension of abuse in close relationships and gender equality. This study used seven qualitative semi-structured interviews with a total of eight interviewees from six different municipalities. The main themes for the interviews were how the social services that work with financial assistance apply a gender equality perspective to their work and how they link their work with intimate partner abuse to a gender equality and gender perspective. Analysis of data was based on gender theory from gender researcher Yvonne Hirdman. In summary, the study showed that the different municipalities had different ideas about gender equality and therefore met the requirements of the Social Services Act and gender equality goals to varying degrees. Some municipalities reproduced gender norms and had contributing factors to violence in close relationships, while some municipalities challenged notions of gender and counteracting violence in close relationships from a gender perspective. Despite these varying results, our study showed that professionals have an interest and demand for improving gender equality work, which provides good conditions for developing the work.
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Modeling Of The Biomass Power Generation And Techno-Economic AnalysisMethuku, Shireesha 11 December 2009 (has links)
Biomass is one of the renewable energy sources being used widely for power generation. This research work includes developing a comprehensive model for a biomass based power generation system as well as analyzing the technical, economical, and environmental impacts. The research objectives include modeling of the system, stability studies, and sensitivity analysis using MATLAB/Simulink. A mathematical model for the gas turbine has been developed and successfully interconnected with the distribution network. Transient stability of the power system has been carried out for four bus and six bus test case systems. Maximum rotor speed deviation, oscillation duration, rotor angle, and mechanical power have been taken as the stability indicators to analyze the system characteristics. Additionally, the sensitivity of the system to the changes of gas turbine parameters has been investigated under balanced and unbalanced fault scenarios. The economical and environmental impacts of the biomass have been analyzed using HOMER software developed by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL). The net present cost of the four biomass resources namely agricultural resources, forest residues, animal waste, and energy crops were obtained and the comparison of the costs of the biomass fuels as well as the diesel have been carried out. To investigate the environmental impact, carbon emissions of the different biomass fuels have been explored using HOMER.
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Designing a Methodology for Optimized Small-scale Solar-drip Irrigation Systems in the Dominican RepublicScholten, Mirabelle January 2024 (has links)
As climate change continues to increase global temperatures and change precipitation patterns, water systems have come under increased pressure, especially from the agricultural sector. These climate effects on agricultural systems have been found to be much greater for small-scale producers and small-island developing nations. As such, the Dominican Republic, a Caribbean island nation with a deep agricultural culture dominated by small-scale farms is especially vulnerable. As a result, there has been a global call to promote more precise and efficient irrigation practices, such as drip irrigation systems, however, these systems most often require an external energy source. With one of the largest contributors to greenhouse gas being energy production, renewable energy should be used to truly have a sustainable irrigation system. Solar-powered drip irrigation systems (SDIS) have been heavily researched and been found to be technically feasible and economically viable, however, the techno-economically optimal configuration is highly dependent on the context in which they are applied. Therefore, this thesis aims to research and present a techno-economically optimal design methodology for SDISs for small-scale Dominican farms. To do so, firstly an in-depth literature review and market analysis were conducted where it was found that a fixed PV array coupled with an AC-powered, variable speed pump should be used. Additionally, the exact pump should be chosen from those locally available that best match the drip irrigation system head and flow rate characteristics. However, the literature pointed to no clear conclusion regarding if and what type of energy storage is best for SDIS. Thus, using the case study of a 1, 2, and 3 ha plot of plantains at Centro de Biotecnología Vegetal (CEBIVE) located on the outskirts of Santo Domingo, the minimum-sized feasible configuration options for a direct-driven SDIS (no storage) along with a battery bank and an elevated water tank were found. These configurations were sized using developed algorithms in Python that used hourly historical weather data from 2010 through 2023 and compared according to their respective net present costs (NPC) over 25 years and initial investment costs. Overall, it was found that for a 2 and 3-ha farm plot size, a direct-driven system was techno-economically optimal. Meanwhile, for a 1 ha farm plot, although the direct-driven system minimizes the SDIS systems NPC, the initial investment cost was found to be minimal for one of the feasible battery configurations (2 350W PV panels plus 1 kWh of lithium-ion battery capacity). In this case, the NPC of the battery configuration was 36.8% more than the direct-drive system, however the initial investment cost was 15.7% less. Ultimately, the use of direct drive versus a lithium-ion battery bank in an SDIS system for Dominican farms under 1 ha depends on the available capital resources of the farmer and whether they are able to put up sufficient initial capital or would rather pay less upfront and more over time. Noting that the sizing of the feasible SDIS configuration was conducted using historical weather data and climate change is expected to increase temperatures and change precipitation patterns in the future, a sensitivity analysis was conducted to gauge the impact of using historical data on the drawn conclusions. The analysis found that the decision as to what type of energy storage to use in an SDIS is not affected by accounting for climate change. However, using historical data to size an SDIS affected by climate change would likely result in an undersized system, given the predicted lifespan of 25 years of such a system. As such, additional research is needed to properly account for climate change effects in proper sizing techniques for SDIS systems for the Dominican Republic. Furthermore, future research should be focused on determining for larger Dominican farms whether multiple small-scale SDIS systems studied in this research or a large SDIS system should be implemented and whether such a system has a different techno-economical design. / När klimatförändringarna fortsätter att öka de globala temperaturerna och förändra nederbördsmönstren, har vattensystemen hamnat under ökat tryck, särskilt från jordbrukssektorn. Dessa klimateffekter på jordbrukssystem har visat sig vara mycket större för småskaliga producenter och små ö-nationer i utveckling. Som sådan är Dominikanska republiken, en karibisk ö-nation med en djup jordbrukskultur dominerad av småskaliga gårdar, särskilt sårbar. Som ett resultat har det funnits en global uppmaning att främja mer precisa och effektiva bevattningsmetoder, såsom droppbevattningssystem. Dock kräver dessa system oftast en extern energikälla. Eftersom energiproduktionen är en av de största bidragsgivarna till växthusgaser, bör förnybar energi användas för att verkligen ha ett hållbart bevattningssystem. Solkraftdrivna droppbevattningssystem (SDIS) har undersökts grundligt och visat sig vara tekniskt genomförbara och ekonomiskt lönsamma, men den tecno-ekonomiskt optimala konfigurationen är starkt beroende av sammanhanget där de tillämpas. Därför syftar denna avhandling till att undersöka och presentera en tecno-ekonomiskt optimal designmetod för SDIS för småskaliga dominikanska gårdar. För att göra detta genomfördes först en djupgående litteraturöversikt och marknadsanalys där det konstaterades att en fast PV-matris kopplad till en AC-driven variabel hastighetspump bör användas. Dessutom bör den exakta pumpen väljas från de lokalt tillgängliga som bäst matchar droppbevattningssystemets huvud- och flödesegenskaper. Dock pekade litteraturen inte på någon tydlig slutsats om ifall och vilken typ av energilagring som är bäst för SDIS. Därför, med hjälp av en fallstudie av en 1, 2 och 3 hektar stor platanodling vid Centro de Biotecnología Vegetal (CEBIVE) beläget i utkanten av Santo Domingo, fann man de minimistorlekar för möjliga konfigurationsalternativ för ett direktdrivet SDIS (utan lagring) tillsammans med ett batteripaket och en upphöjd vattentank. Dessa konfigurationer dimensionerades med hjälp av utvecklade algoritmer i Python som använde timvisa historiska väderdata från 2010 till 2023 och jämfördes enligt deras respektive nuvärdeskostnader (NPC) över 25 år och initiala investeringskostnader. Totalt sett fann man att för en gårdsplott på 2 och 3 hektar var ett direktdrivet system tecno-ekonomiskt optimalt. Samtidigt, för en gårdsplott på 1 hektar, även om det direktdrivna systemet minimerar SDIS-systemets NPC, fann man att den initiala investeringskostnaden var minimal för en av de möjliga batterikonfigurationerna (2 350W PV-paneler plus 1 kWh litiumjonbatterikapacitet). I detta fall var NPC för batterikonfigurationen 36,8% mer än det direktdrivna systemet, men den initiala investeringskostnaden var 15,7% mindre. I slutändan beror användningen av direktdrift jämfört med ett litiumjonbatteripaket i ett SDIS-system för dominikanska gårdar under 1 hektar på de tillgängliga kapitalresurserna hos jordbrukaren och om de kan ställa upp tillräckligt initialt kapital eller föredrar att betala mindre i början och mer över tid. Med tanke på att dimensioneringen av den genomförbara SDIS-konfigurationen genomfördes med hjälp av historiska väderdata och att klimatförändringar förväntas öka temperaturerna och förändra nederbördsmönstren i framtiden, genomfördes en känslighetsanalys för att bedöma effekten av att använda historiska data på de dragna slutsatserna. Denna analys visade att beslutet om ifall och vilken typ av energilagring som ska användas i ett SDIS inte påverkades, men att använda historiska data för att dimensionera ett SDIS skulle troligen resultera i ett underdimensionerat system med tanke på livslängden på 25 år. Därför behövs ytterligare forskning för att korrekt ta hänsyn till klimatförändringseffekter i lämpliga dimensioneringstekniker för SDIS-system för Dominikanska republiken. Dessutom bör framtida forskning fokusera på att avgöra om för större dominikanska gårdar flera småskaliga SDIS-system som studerats i denna forskning eller ett stort SDIS-system bör implementeras och om ett sådant system har en annan tecno-ekonomisk design. / A medida que el cambio climático continúa aumentando las temperaturas globales y alterando los patrones de precipitación, los sistemas hídricos han estado bajo una mayor presión, especialmente desde el sector agrícola. Se ha encontrado que estos efectos climáticos en los sistemas agrícolas son mucho mayores para los pequeños productores y las naciones insulares en desarrollo. Por lo tanto, la República Dominicana, una nación insular del Caribe con una profunda cultura agrícola dominada por pequeñas fincas, es especialmente vulnerable. Como resultado, ha habido un llamado global para promover prácticas de riego más precisas y eficientes, como los sistemas de riego por goteo, sin embargo, estos sistemas a menudo requieren una fuente de energía externa. Siendo la producción de energía una de las mayores contribuyentes a los gases de efecto invernadero, se debe utilizar energía renovable para tener un sistema de riego verdaderamente sostenible. Los sistemas de riego por goteo alimentados por energía solar (SDIS) han sido ampliamente investigados y se ha encontrado que son técnicamente factibles y económicamente viables, sin embargo, la configuración óptima desde el punto de vista tecno-económico depende en gran medida del contexto en el que se aplican. Por lo tanto, esta tesis tiene como objetivo investigar y presentar una metodología de diseño tecno-económicamente óptima para SDIS en pequeñas fincas dominicanas. Para hacerlo, primero se realizó una revisión exhaustiva de la literatura y un análisis de mercado donde se encontró que se debería utilizar una matriz fotovoltaica fija acoplada con una bomba de velocidad variable alimentada por corriente alterna. Además, la bomba exacta debe ser elegida entre las disponibles localmente que mejor se adapten a las características de la cabeza y el caudal del sistema de riego por goteo. Sin embargo, la literatura no señaló una conclusión clara sobre sí y qué tipo de almacenamiento de energía es mejor para SDIS. Por lo tanto, utilizando el estudio de caso de una parcela de 1, 2 y 3 hectáreas de plátanos en el Centro de Biotecnología Vegetal (CEBIVE) ubicado en las afueras de Santo Domingo, se encontraron las opciones de configuración mínima viable para un SDIS de accionamiento directo (sin almacenamiento) junto con un banco de baterías y un tanque de agua elevado. Estas configuraciones fueron dimensionadas utilizando algoritmos desarrollados en Python que utilizaron datos meteorológicos históricos por hora desde 2010 hasta 2023 y se compararon según sus respectivos costos netos presentes (CNP) durante 25 años y los costos de inversión inicial. En general, se encontró que para una parcela de 2 y 3 hectáreas, un sistema de accionamiento directo era tecno-económicamente óptimo. Mientras tanto, para una parcela de 1 hectárea, aunque el sistema de accionamiento directo minimiza el CNP de los sistemas SDIS, se encontró que el costo de inversión inicial era mínimo para una de las configuraciones de batería viables (2 paneles fotovoltaicos de 350W más 1 kWh de capacidad de batería de iones de litio). En este caso, el CNP de la configuración de la batería era 36.8% más que el sistema de accionamiento directo, sin embargo, el costo de inversión inicial era 15.7% menos. En última instancia, el uso de un sistema de accionamiento directo frente a un banco de baterías de iones de litio en un sistema SDIS para fincas dominicanas de menos de 1 hectárea depende de los recursos de capital disponibles del agricultor y si pueden aportar suficiente capital inicial o prefieren pagar menos al principio y más con el tiempo. Teniendo en cuenta que el dimensionamiento de la configuración viable de SDIS se realizó utilizando datos meteorológicos históricos, y pronosticando que el cambio climático aumente las temperaturas y cambie los patrones de precipitación en el futuro, se realizó un análisis de sensibilidad para evaluar el impacto de utilizar datos históricos en las conclusiones obtenidas. Este análisis concluyó que la decisión sobre qué tipo de almacenamiento de energía utilizar en un SDIS no se ve afectada por el cambio climático. Sin embargo, el uso de datos históricos para dimensionar un SDIS afectado por el cambio climático probablemente daría lugar a un sistema subdimensionado, dada la vida útil prevista de 25 años de dicho sistema. Por lo tanto, es necesario seguir investigando para tener en cuenta los efectos del cambio climático en las técnicas de dimensionamiento de los sistemas SDIS en la República Dominicana. Además, la investigación futura debería centrarse en determinar, para las fincas dominicanas de mayor tamaño, si deberían implantarse múltiples sistemas SDIS a pequeña escala estudiados en esta investigación o un gran sistema SDIS, y si dicho sistema tiene un diseño tecno-económico diferente.
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Tributação e desenvolvimento econômico regional: um exame da tributação como instrumento de regulação econômica na busca da redução das desigualdades regionaisElali, André de Souza Dantas 15 August 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-15T19:34:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2006-08-15 / On this legal research the objective is to demonstrate as object of the study the taxation as an instrument of regulation in the search of the reduction of the regional inequalities. It recognizes as an objective of the Brazilian State the economical development. Through the hypothetical-deductive, bibliographical and argumentative methods the research bases on the relation between the economical law and the tax law. It considers important some techniques and information imported from economics and economical analysis of law - the Law and Economics. In the first chapter the study examines the State in face of the purposes of the Constitution and of the federalism. Analyses also the relation between legal system rules, market and competition. It establishes the power of economics as a structural base of the social system and emphasizes the socioeconomic function of the economical activities. After that, the research dedicates to taxation and it s regulatory function. It is demonstrated how may State regulate private activities in order to reach development and to reach the regional and social inequalities. It also studies the importance of tax expenditures. The last part is dedicated to the conclusive synthesis of the research. / A presente dissertação tem como objeto o estudo da tributação como instrumento de regulação econômica na busca da redução das desigualdades regionais. Ao reconhecer como objetivo constitucional do Estado brasileiro o desenvolvimento econômico, examina a função reguladora da tributação. Por meio dos métodos hipotético-dedutivo, bibliográfico e dissertativo-argumentativo, e baseando-se na relação entre o direito econômico e o direito tributário, ainda valendo-se de técnicas e dados da ciência econômica e da análise econômica do direito (Law and Economics), no primeiro capítulo o trabalho examina o papel do Estado no momento contemporâneo, em face dos propósitos da Constituição e do federalismo, analisando a relação entre os princípios da ordem econômica, o mercado e a concorrência. Posteriormente, tratando do poder econômico como um dado estrutural, enfatiza a função sócio-econômica das atividades econômicas. Na terceira parte, o trabalho cuida da tributação e dos seus aspectos fiscais e extrafiscais, demonstrando as formas de intervenção do Estado no processo econômico, com ênfase para o regime jurídico das normas tributárias indutoras, especialmente aquelas que concedem incentivos fiscais. Analisa, também, os princípios da tributação vinculados ao tema do desenvolvimento econômico regional. Demonstra, em seguida, a realidade dos incentivos fiscais na busca da redução das desigualdades na região nordeste do país. A última parte é dedicada à síntese conclusiva do trabalho de pesquisa.
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Population genetics of the Mediterranean fruit fly Ceratitis capitata in the Western Cape Province, South Africa : invasion potential and dispersal abilityKarsten, Minette 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The Mediterranean fruit fly (medfly), Ceratitis capitata, is a highly invasive species throughout the world and considered as one of the most successful agricultural and economical pests. The increase
of global trade in fruit and human travel combined with the biology of the medfly has allowed the
species to spread from its proposed Afrotropical origin, to a number of locations throughout the
world. In the Western Cape various control strategies have been implemented to control medfly
populations, including insecticides and more environmentally-friendly techniques such as the
Sterile Insect Technique (SIT). In order to be effective, however, an SIT program requires some
knowledge of the population structure and the movement of individuals between pest-occupied
sites. The identification of sites from which re-invasion is most likely to occur and knowledge
regarding the primary routes through which pests are likely to re-establish are critical to ensure
successful SIT programmes. To provide this important information to SIT and area-wide pest
control programs in South Africa, sampling at two different spatial scales (regional- and fine-scale)
in South Africa was undertaken. Regional scale sampling was done at 13 locations in the Western
Cape and fine scale sampling was done at 13 locations within the Ceres-valley. All individuals were
genotyped at 11 polymorphic microsatellite markers and selected individuals from the regional
scale were sequenced for the mitochondrial gene COI. Our results show that populations at
regional- and fine-scale in the Western Cape are characterized by high levels of genetic diversity
(HEregional = 0.805; HEfine = 0.803). Little or weak population differentiation was detected at the
regional- and fine-scales, suggesting overall high levels of gene flow among sampling locations.
These findings were supported by coalescent based methods indicating sufficient levels of gene
flow to prevent population differentiation between neighbouring (200m) and distant (350km)
populations. However, natural dispersal in C. capitata has been shown to rarely exceed 10 km. As
such, high levels of gene flow between distant populations are more likely the result of humanmediated
dispersal, linked to the movement of fresh produce within South Africa. This high level of
gene flow has important implications for pest management practices, as my results suggests that area-wide pest management should be undertaken at a regional scale, rather than on a farm or valley
scale. My results are placed within a management framework, and I argue for more stringent control
when fruit are transported within South Africa. Of particular interest for future studies is the
investigation of gene flow at broader spatial scales (i.e. the whole of South Africa) and a
comparison of the genetic diversity, population differentiation and gene flow patterns of C. capitata
with that of Ceratitis rosa will be important to establish a successful pest management strategy in
South Africa. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Mediterreense vrugtevlieg (medvlieg), Ceratitis capitata, is ‘n indringerspesie wêreldwyd en word beskou as een van die mees suksesvolle ekonomiese en landbou peste. Die medvlieg het ‘n Afrotropiese oorsprong, maar die toename in wêreldwye handel en reis, gekombineer met die
biologie van die medvlieg het gelei tot die verspreiding van die spesie na ‘n groot aantal bestemmings regoor die wêreld. Die Wes-Kaap provinsie van Suid-Afrika implementeer tans verskeie strategieë om medvlieg bevolkings te beheer. Hierdie strategieë sluit in die gebruik van plaagdoders sowel as meer omgewingsvriendelike tegnieke soos die Steriele Insektegniek (SIT).
Om ‘n effektiewe SIT program te implementeer vereis basiese kennis ten opsigte van die genetiese
struktuur van die bevolking sowel as van die beweging van individue tussen verskillende pesvoorkomsgebiede.
Die identifisering van areas van waar herkolonisering mees waarskynlik kan plaasvind en kennis in verband met die primêre roetes waardeur pes spesies hervestig, is van
kritiese belang om ‘n suksesvolle SIT program te verseker. Medvlieg individue is op twee verskillende ruimtelike skale (streeks- en plaaslike-skaal) versamel om die nodige inligting aan SIT en area-wye pes beheer programme in Suid-Afrika te verskaf. Streeks-skaal individue is by 13
lokaliteite regoor die Wes-Kaap versamel en plaaslike-skaal individue by 13 lokaliteite in die Ceres-vallei. Alle versamelde individue is vir 11 polimorfiese mikrosatelliet merkers gegenotipeer en DNS volgordebepaling van geselekteerde individue vanuit die streek-skaal is gedoen vir die mitochondriale geen COI. My resultate toon dat bevolkings op beide skale gekarakteriseer word
deur hoë vlakke van genetiese diversiteit (HEstreeks = 0.805; HEplaaslik = 0.803) en geen of swak
bevolkings differensiasie. Hierdie resultate dui daarop dat daar hoë vlakke van geenvloei tussen bevolkings is. Hierdie bevindinge word verder ondersteun deur metodes gebaseer op die statistiese eienskappe van die genealogiese verhouding tussen allele onder sekere mutasie en demografiese modelle, wat voldoende vlakke van geenvloei aandui tussen nabye (200m) sowel as verafgeleë
(350km) bevolkings om bevolkings differensiasie te verhoed. Natuurlike beweging in C. capitata is
egter selde meer as 10 km, sodanig kan die hoë vlakke van geenvloei toegeskryf word aan die verspreiding van individue met menslike hulp, spesifiek in die vervoer van varsprodukte in Suid-Afrika. Hierdie hoë vlak van geenvloei het verreikende implikasies vir pes beheer praktyke, omdat
my resultate voorstel dat area-wye pes beheer onderneem moet word op ‘n streeks-skaal eerder as op ‘n plaas-tot-plaas of vallei wye area. Ek plaas my resultate in ‘n bestuursraamwerk, waarin ek streng beheer van vrugtevervoer in Suid-Afrika beklemtoon. Verdere navorsing moet fokus op die ondersoek van geenvloei op ‘n landswye skaal (hele Suid-Afrika) in C. capitata, sowel as die
vergelyking van die genetiese diversiteit, bevolkings differensiasie en geenvloei patrone van C.
capitata met die van Ceratitis rosa om ‘n suksesvolle pes beheer strategie vir Suid-Afrika te formuleer.
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Die ontwikkeling en huidige aard van musiekblyspele in Suid-AfrikaKatzke, Marlie 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MDram)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The musical is one of the many forms of musical theatre and consists of certain qualities that define the genre. This form developed out of various genres en there are many approaches and definitions for the musical.This study investigates the nature and changing nature of the musical in South Africa, and it also studies the various factors that contributed and still contributes to the development of the concept musical.The economic-, socio-economic, historical- en cultural background of South Africa is used throughout the study to understand and interpret the nature and context of this theatrical art form. The study is divided into periods; pre – colonial South Africa, Colonial South Africa, Apartheid South Africa and Post-Apartheid South Africa. The above periods are furthermore organized into the following categories; historical background, available theatre spaces, the involvement of theatre makers, forms of musicals found and examples of musicals present during the specific periods.Various forms of the musical are researched; the indigenous community musical, the urban black musical, the anti-apartheid musical, the township musical, independent musicals, international phenomena, contemporary trends as well as the appearance and relevance of the musical at festivals in South Africa.The conclusion of the study is that the nature of musicals in South Africa is bound to various factors that influence this theatrical form, and the form is thus adaptable due to elements such as social-, cultural-, economic- en socio-economic factors. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die musiekblyspel is ‘n onderafdeling van musiekteater en bevat spesifieke eienskappe wat dié genre definieer. Die vorm het ontwikkel vanuit verskeie genres en daar bestaan verskillende benaderings tot en definisies vir die musiekblyspel. Hierdie studie ondersoek die wese en aard en verandering van dié genre in Suid-Afrika, en ook die verskeie faktore wat bygedra het en steeds bydra tot die ontstaan en ontwikkeling van die konsep musiekblyspel. Die ekonomiese-, sosio-ekonomiese-, historiese- en kulturele agtergrond van Suid-Afrika dien as deurlyn, om sodoende ook die aard van die teatervorm in konteks te verstaan en te interpreteer. Die studie is voorts ook verdeel in Pre – koloniale Afrika, gevolg deur Koloniale Suid-Afrika, die Apartheid-era en laastens die Post-Apartheidsera. Die onderskeie tydperke is verder in die volgende onderadelings verdeel; historiese agtergrond, beskikbare teaterruimtes, betrokkenheid van teatermakers, vorme van musiekblyspele aanwesig en voorbeelde van musiekblyspele gedurende bogenoemde tydperke. Verskeie vorme van die musiekblyspel word bestudeer, onder andere die inheemse gemeenskapsmusiekblyspel, die inheemse swart musiekblyspel, die anti-apartheid musiekblyspel, die township-musiekblyspel, onafhanklike, nie staatsgesubsideerde musiekblyspele, internasionale verskynsels, hedendaagse tendense, asook die voorkoms en relevansie van musiekblyspele by kunstefeeste. Die gevolgtrekking van die studie is dat die aard van musiekblyspele in Suid-Afrika gebonde is aan verskeie faktore wat die teatervorm beïnvloed en sodoende is die vorm aanpasbaar weens elemente soos sosiale-, kulturele-, ekonomiese en sosio-ekonomiese faktore.
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