Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ecosystem services"" "subject:"cosystem services""
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Development and Validation of a Landscape Metrics Based Approach for Standardized Landscape Assessment Considering Spatial PatternsFrank, Susanne 17 July 2014 (has links)
The presented dissertation entitled „Development and Validation of a Landscape Metrics Based Approach for Standardized Landscape Assessment Considering Spatial Patterns” addresses three main questions:
I. Which ecosystem services depend on landscape structure?
II. How can landscape metrics be used to achieve a standardized routine for assessing the impact of landscape structure on the hereon dependent ecosystem services?
III. How can regional planning benefit from the consideration of landscape structural effects on the provision of ecosystem services?
The PhD study was carried out in the context of the Climate Change adaptation project REGKLAM (funding code 01 LR 0802). The work package “Land Use” was conducted at the Institute of Soil Science and Site Ecology of the TU Dresden under the direction of Prof. Dr. Makeschin. The PhD study took place in the framework of a sub-work package of it, which was called “Integrated Land Use Assessment”. The aim of this sub-work package was the evaluation of Climate Change adaptation strategies at the landscape scale in a cross-sectoral manner. The ecosystem services concept was chosen as methodological framework for this purpose. Particular motivation of this PhD study was that landscape structural aspects are often not sufficiently considered in commonly used ecosystem services assessment approaches. A standardized assessment procedure regarding the impact of the composition and configuration of land use/ land cover types is not yet existent in contemporary planning approaches, neither in strategic environmental assessment. In my thesis, I developed in the period from 2010 to 2014 a methodological basis which addresses this challenge.
My thesis was realized as cumulative dissertation, which consists of three articles. These articles are published in peer-reviewed, ISI-listed international journals, whereas the third article still is in press.
The short introduction in chapter one gives information on the motivation and the structure of the thesis. In chapter two, the research hypothesis is formulated and scope and objectives are explained. Chapter three gives an overview of the history of landscape metrics, the state-of-the-art, and current research in topic. In chapter four, the model region, focus areas, and the methodological basis are described. The fifth chapter summarizes results of the three articles (Frank et al. 2012, 2013, in press). Discussions in chapter six critically reflect the methodology and identify limitations, strengths, and its contribution to regional planning and to decision-making. Furthermore, some suggestions for extending the approach to other ecosystem services, especially regulating services, are made and perspectives towards different research questions are shown. Chapter seven summarizes the main outcomes of the PhD study.
The central output of the dissertation is a module of GISCAME, a land use change impact assessment platform for supporting regional planning. The landscape metrics based ecosystem services assessment approach facilitates calculation, combination, and interpretation of a choice of landscape metrics and, hence, the evaluation of the impact of composition and configuration of land use patterns on ecosystem services. I selected eleven focus areas in the planning region “Upper Elbe Valley/Eastern Ore Mountains” to demonstrate the application and validation of the landscape metrics based approach that I propose in my dissertation. With these use cases, I show that the landscape structure significantly influences the provision of the ecosystem services ecological integrity and landscape aesthetics.
Within the first use case I could demonstrate that the afforestation planning can be enhanced by including landscape metrics in the planning process. Actual priority areas for afforestation do not contribute to ecological integrity at the regional scale. Landscape fragmentation, habitat connectivity, and landscape diversity must be taken into account in order to identify most efficient priority areas for afforestation in terms of enhancing ecological integrity. The second use case focused on the question, how landscape structure influences scenic beauty. By means of a survey, I performed a comparison between the landscape metrics based approach and landscape perception of 153 respondents. This test underpinned my assumption that a landscape metrics based routine allows conclusions on the value of landscape aesthetics. The third use case gives practical advice in the current planning challenge about how to enhance water erosion protection planning in the context of Climate Change. Here, I demonstrated that not only land use change in preferential water erosion paths, but especially the change of management strategies combined with an improvement of landscape structure have the capacity to reduce water erosion potential by 92 %.
The results show that it is of great importance to consider landscape structural aspects in current and future regional planning questions because additional, relevant planning information becomes tangible. The comparison of the presented method with other landscape metrics based approaches for ecosystem services assessment shows that the interpretation of the landscape metric values in the GISCAME platform module goes one step further towards usability for planning support: its transparency, spatial transferability, and flexibility are the main strengths of the approach. However, there is a clear need to involve the impact of landscape structure aspects also regarding other ecosystem services.:Contents
Contents I
List of Figures III
List of Tables IV
Summary V
1. Introduction 1
1.1. Motivation 1
1.2. Structure and strategy 1
2. Scope and objectives 3
3. Background and context 5
4. Methods 8
4.1. Model region and focus areas 8
4.2. Assessment framework: GISCAME 9
4.3. Challenge of standardization 10
4.4. Approach for assessing biotope connectivity 13
5. Results 15
5.1. Assessment of ecological integrity: Frank, S., Fürst, C., Koschke, L., and Makeschin, F. 2012. A contribution towards a transfer of the ecosystem service concept to landscape planning using landscape metrics. Ecological Indicators 21: 30-38. 15
5.2. Relationship of structure and ecosystem service: Frank, S., Fürst, C., Koschke, L., Witt, A., and Makeschin, F. 2013. Assessment of landscape aesthetics-Validation of a landscape metrics-based assessment by visual estimation of the scenic beauty. Ecological Indicators 32: 222-231 17
5.3. Extended scope of application in current planning questions: Frank, S., Fürst, C., Witt, A., Koschke, L., and Makeschin, F. in press. Making use of the ecosystem services concept in regional planning - trade-offs from reducing water erosion. Landscape Ecology. DOI: 10.1007/s10980-014-9992-3. 18
6. Discussion 20
6.1. Critical reflection of the methods 20
6.2. Challenge of validation 21
6.3. Supporting decision-making and planning 22
6.4. Outlook 23
6.4.1. Extension of the LM set and assessment criteria 23
6.4.2. Extension by consideration of further ecosystem services and different research fields 23
6.5. Proposal for enhancement of practice relevancy of LMs 24
7. Concluding remark 26
References 27
Appendices 33 / Die vorgelegte Dissertation mit dem Titel „Entwicklung und Validierung eines auf Landschaftsstrukturmaßen basierten Ansatzes zur standardisierten Landschaftsbewertung unter Berücksichtigung räumlicher Muster“ behandelt die drei Hauptfragen
I. Welche Ökosystemdienstleistungen hängen von der Landschaftsstruktur ab?
II. Wie können Landschaftsstrukturmaße genutzt werden, um ein standardisiertes Bewertungsverfahren dieser abhängigen Ökosystemdienstleistungen zu ermöglichen?
III. Wie kann die Regionalplanung von der Berücksichtigung der Effekte von Landschaftsstruktur auf die Bereitstellung von Ökosystemdienstleistungen profitieren?
Die Promotions-Studie wurde im Rahmen des Klimawandel-Anpassungs-Projektes REGKLAM (Förderkennzeichen 01 LR 0802) durchgeführt. Das Arbeitspaket „Landnutzung“ wurde am Institut für Bodenkunde und Standortslehre der TU Dresden unter Leitung von Prof. Dr. Makeschin bearbeitet. Die Promotions-Studie erfolgte im Rahmen des Teil-Arbeitstaktes „Integrierte Landnutzungsbewertung“. Ziel dieses Teil-Arbeitspaketes war die Bewertung von Klimawandel-Anpassungs-Strategien auf Landschaftsebene in Sektor-übergreifender Weise. Zu diesem Zweck wurde das Ökosystemdienstleistungskonzept als methodischer Rahmen gewählt. Der spezielle Anlass dieser Promotion-Studie war, dass landschaftsstrukturelle Aspekte in gebräuchlichen Ökosystemdienstleistungs-Bewertungsansätzen oft ungenügend berücksichtigt sind. Ein standardisiertes Bewertungsverfahren des Einflusses von Zusammensetzung und Anordnung von Landnutzungs-/Landbedeckungstypen existiert weder in aktuellen Planungsansätzen noch in Umweltverträglichkeitsprüfungen. In meiner Dissertation entwickelte ich im Zeitraum von 2010 bis 2014 eine methodische Grundlage, welche diese Herausforderung angeht.
Meine Promotion wurde als kumulative Dissertation, welche aus drei Artikeln besteht, umgesetzt. Diese Artikel wurden in begutachteten, ISI-gelisteten, internationalen Journalen veröffentlicht, wobei sich das dritte aktuell im Druck befindet.
Die kurze Einleitung im ersten Kapitel informiert über die Beweggründe und die Struktur der Dissertation. Im zweiten Kapitel ist die Forschungshypothese formuliert sowie Geltungsbereich und Zeile erläutert. Kapitel drei gibt einen Überblick über die Geschichte der Landschaftsstrukturmaße, den aktuellen Forschungsstand und aktuelle Forschungsfelder. Im vierten Kapitel sind die Modellregion, die Fallstudien-Gebiete, sowie methodische Grundlagen beschrieben. Das fünfte Kapitel fasst die Ergebnisse der drei Artikel (Frank et al. 2012, 2013, im Druck) zusammen. Diskussionen in Kapitel sechs reflektieren die Methodik kritisch und identifizieren ihre Grenzen und Stärken sowie den Beitrag der Ergebnisse zu Regionalplanung und Entscheidungsfindung. Darüber hinaus werden einige Empfehlungen zur Erweiterung des Ansatzes für weitere Ökosystemdienstleistungen, insbesondere regulierende Leistungen, getroffen und Perspektiven zur Anwendung für andere Forschungsfragen werden aufgezeigt. Kapitel sieben fasst schließlich die wichtigsten Ergebnisse der Promotions-Studie zusammen.
Das zentrale Ergebnis der Dissertation ist eine Erweiterung des Entscheidungsunterstützungs-Werkzeuges GISCAME. Der auf Landschaftsstrukturmaßen basierende Ökosystemdienstleistungs-Bewertungsansatz ermöglicht die Berechnung, Kombination und Interpretation einer Auswahl von Landschaftsstrukturmaßen und somit die Bewertung des Einflusses von Zusammensetzung und Anordnung von Landnutzungsmustern auf Ökosystemdienstleistungen. Ich wählte elf Fokusgebiete in der Planungsregion „Oberes Elbtal/Osterzgebirge“ aus um die Anwendung und Validierung des auf Landschaftsstrukturmaßen basierenden Ansatzes, den ich in der Dissertation vorschlage, zu demonstrieren. Mittels dieser Anwendungsfälle zeige ich, dass die Landschaftsstruktur die Bereitstellung der Ökosystemdienstleistungen ökologische Integrität und Landschaftsästhetik erheblich beeinflusst.
Im ersten Anwendungsfall konnte ich zeigen, dass die Aufforstungsplanung durch die Einbeziehung von Landschaftsstrukturmaßen in den Planungsprozess verbessert werden kann. Vorranggebiete für Waldmehrung in ihrer derzeitigen Form tragen nicht zur ökologischen Integrität auf der regionalen Ebene bei. Landschaftszerschneidung, Biotopverbund und Landschaftsdiversität müssen vermehrt beachtet werden, um Vorranggebiete für Waldmehrung für eine Verbesserung der ökologischen Intaktheit effizienter anzuordnen. Der zweite Anwendungsfall richtete sich auf die Frage, wie Landschaftsstruktur die Landschaftsästhetik beeinflusst. Mithilfe einer Befragung verglich ich den auf Landschaftsstrukurmaßen basierenden Ansatz mit der Landschaftswahrnehmung von 153 Befragten. Dieser Test untermauerte meine Annahme, dass das auf Landschaftsstrukurmaßen basierende Vorgehen Rückschlüsse auf den ästhetischen Wert einer Landschaft zulässt. Der dritte Anwendungsfall gibt praktische Hinweise bezüglich der aktuellen Planungs-Herausforderung, wie Erosionsschutzplanung im Kontext des Klimawandels verbesset werden kann. In diesem Fall konnte ich zeigen, dass nicht nur Landnutzungsänderungen in präferenziellen Abflussbahnen, sondern insbesondere eine Änderung der Bodenbearbeitungsstrategie in Kombination mit verbesserter Landschaftsstruktur das Potential hat, die potentielle Wassererosion um 92 % zu reduzieren.
Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass es von großer Bedeutung ist, landschaftsstrukturelle Aspekte in aktuellen und zukünftigen Planungsfragen zu berücksichtigen, da somit zusätzliche, maßgebliche Informationen greifbar werden. Der Vergleich der vorliegenden Methodik mit anderen Ansätzen, die Landschaftsstrukturmaße nutzen um Ökosystemdienstleistungen zu bewerten, zeigt, dass die automatisierte Interpretation der Landschaftsstrukturmaße mittels des neuen Moduls in GISCAME einen Schritt in Richtung Nützlichkeit für Planungsunterstützung geht: Transparenz, räumliche Übertragbarkeit und Flexibilität sind weitere Stärken des Ansatzes. Jedoch gibt es eindeutig den Bedarf den Einfluss von Landschaftsstruktur auf weitere Ökosystemdienstleistungen einzubeziehen.:Contents
Contents I
List of Figures III
List of Tables IV
Summary V
1. Introduction 1
1.1. Motivation 1
1.2. Structure and strategy 1
2. Scope and objectives 3
3. Background and context 5
4. Methods 8
4.1. Model region and focus areas 8
4.2. Assessment framework: GISCAME 9
4.3. Challenge of standardization 10
4.4. Approach for assessing biotope connectivity 13
5. Results 15
5.1. Assessment of ecological integrity: Frank, S., Fürst, C., Koschke, L., and Makeschin, F. 2012. A contribution towards a transfer of the ecosystem service concept to landscape planning using landscape metrics. Ecological Indicators 21: 30-38. 15
5.2. Relationship of structure and ecosystem service: Frank, S., Fürst, C., Koschke, L., Witt, A., and Makeschin, F. 2013. Assessment of landscape aesthetics-Validation of a landscape metrics-based assessment by visual estimation of the scenic beauty. Ecological Indicators 32: 222-231 17
5.3. Extended scope of application in current planning questions: Frank, S., Fürst, C., Witt, A., Koschke, L., and Makeschin, F. in press. Making use of the ecosystem services concept in regional planning - trade-offs from reducing water erosion. Landscape Ecology. DOI: 10.1007/s10980-014-9992-3. 18
6. Discussion 20
6.1. Critical reflection of the methods 20
6.2. Challenge of validation 21
6.3. Supporting decision-making and planning 22
6.4. Outlook 23
6.4.1. Extension of the LM set and assessment criteria 23
6.4.2. Extension by consideration of further ecosystem services and different research fields 23
6.5. Proposal for enhancement of practice relevancy of LMs 24
7. Concluding remark 26
References 27
Appendices 33
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Remote Sensing of Urbanization and Environmental ImpactsHaas, Jan January 2016 (has links)
This thesis aims to establish analytical frameworks to map urban growth patterns with spaceborne remote sensing data and to evaluate environmental impacts through Landscape Metrics and Ecosystem Services. Urbanization patterns at regional scale were evaluated in China's largest urban agglomerations and at metropolitan scale in Shanghai, Stockholm and Beijing using medium resolution optical satellite data. High-resolution data was used to investigate changes in Shanghai’s urban core. The images were co-registered and mosaicked. Tasseled Cap transformations and texture features were used to increase class separabilities prior to pixel-based Random Forest and SVM classifications. Urban land cover in Shanghai and Beijing were derived through object-based SVM classification in KTH-SEG. After post-classification refinements, urbanization indices, Ecosystem Services and Landscape Metrics were used to quantify and characterize environmental impact. Urban growth was observed in all studies. China's urban agglomerations showed most prominent urbanization trends. Stockholm’s urban extent increased only little with minor environmental implications. On a regional/metropolitan scale, urban expansion progressed predominately at the expense of agriculture. Investigating urbanization patterns at higher detail revealed trends that counteracted negative urbanization effects in Shanghai's core and Beijing's urban-rural fringe. Beijing's growth resulted in Ecosystem Services losses through landscape structural changes, i.e. service area decreases, edge contamination or fragmentation. Methodological frameworks to characterize urbanization trends at different scales based on remotely sensed data were developed. For detailed urban analyses high-resolution data are recommended whereas medium-resolution data at metropolitan/regional scales is suggested. The Ecosystem Service concept was extended with Landscape Metrics to create a more differentiated picture of urbanization effects. / <p>QC 20160205</p>
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Estimating the Economic Value of forest ecosystem services using stated preference methods: the case of Kakamega forest, KenyaDiafas, Iason 24 July 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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Pollination ecosystem services to onion hybrid seed crops in South AfricaBrand, Mariette Rieks 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Insect pollination contributes in various degrees toward the production of a variety of
agricultural crops that ensure diversity and nutritional value in the human diet. Although
managed honeybees (Apis mellifera L.) are still the most economically valuable pollinators of
monoculture crops cultivated globally, wild pollinator communities can contribute
substantially toward crop pollination through pollination ecosystem services sourced from
neighbouring natural habitats. Pollination ecosystem services are thus valuable and can
motivate for the protection of natural ecosystems hosting diverse insect pollinator
communities. F1 onion hybrid seed production is entirely dependent on high insect pollinator
activity to ensure cross pollination, seed set and profitable seed yields. Data was collected on
18 onion hybrid seed crops grown in the semi‐arid Klein Karoo and southern Karoo regions of
the Western Cape, South Africa. These two main production regions are located within the
Succulent Karoo biome, recognized as a global biodiversity hotspot of especially high plant
diversity. It is also habitat to the indigenous Cape honeybee (Apis mellifera capensis Esch.).
Sites selected varied in the percentages of available natural habitat and managed honeybee
hives stocking density. Diverse anthophile assemblages were sampled with pan traps within
all the onion fields, regardless of the percentage of available natural habitat near the crop.
Crop management practices significantly affected the diversity of anthophile species caught
within onion fields, although less than 20% of this diversity was observed actually visiting
onion flowers. The honeybee (managed and wild) was by far the most important pollinator
because of its high visitation frequency and regular substantial onion pollen loads carried on
their bodies. Honeybee visitation significantly increased onion hybrid seed yield, while
anthophile diversity and non‐Apis visitation had no effect on seed yield. Neither managed
hive density, nor percentage natural habitat were important in determining honeybee
visitation or seed yield. Total annual rainfall was the only significant factor determining
honeybee visitation. Secondary factors caused by rainfall variability, such as wild flower
abundance or soil moisture, may have significantly affected honeybee visitation. In addition,
the positive correlation between honeybee visitation and the diversity of hand‐sampled
insects from onion flowers; indicate that either or both onion varietal attractiveness and/or
pollinator population size may have had significant effects on overall insect visitation.
Honeybees showed marked discrimination between hybrid onion parental lines and preferred
to forage on one or the other during single foraging trips. Hybrid onion parents differed
significantly in nectar characteristics and onion flower scent which would encourage selective
foraging through floral constancy. Interspecies interactions were insignificant in causing increased honeybee pollination because of the scarcity of non‐Apis visitors. Most farming
practices are subjected to favourable environmental conditions for successful production.
However, and especially in the South African context, the dependence of onion hybrid seed
crops on insect pollination for successful yields, increase its reliance on natural ecosystem
dynamics that may deliver abundant wild honeybee pollinators, or attract them away from
the crops. Nevertheless, this dependence can be mitigated effectively by the use of managed
honeybee colonies to supplement wild honeybee workers on the flowers. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Insek bestuiwing dra in verskillende grade by tot die produksie van landbou gewasse wat
variteit en voedingswaarde in die mens se dieet verseker. Al is die heuningby (Apis mellifera
L.) steeds die waardevolste ekonomiese bestuiwer van verboude enkelgewasse, kan wilde
bestuiwers wesenlik bydra tot gewasbestuiwing deur middel van ekosisteem dienste
afkomstig van natuurlike habitatte. Bestuiwing ekosisteem dienste is daarom waardevol en
kan dus die bewaring van natuurlike ekosisteme, wat diverse gemeenskappe huisves,
regverdig. F1 basterui saadproduksie is totaal afhanklik van hoë insek‐bestuiwer aktiwiteit
om kruisbestuiwing, saadvorming en winsgewende saadopbrengste te verseker. Data is
ingesamel op 18 basterui saad aanplantings in die half‐droë Klein Karoo en suid‐Karoo streke
van die Weskaap, Suid‐Afrika. Hierdie twee hoof produksie streke is geleë binne die
Sukkulente Karoo bioom wat erken word as ʼn globale biodiversiteits “hotspot” met hoë plant
diversiteit. Dit is ook die habitat van die inheemse Kaapse heuningby (Apis mellifera capensis
Esch.). Aanplantings is gekies om verskillende grade van beskikbare natuurlike habitat en
bestuurde heuningby korf digthede te verteenwoordig. Diverse versamelings blom‐besoekers
is versamel met water‐wippe in al die aanplantings, ongeag die persentasie natuurlike habitat
beskikbaar by elke aanplanting. Gewas bestuurspraktyke het die diversiteit van blombesoekers
betekenisvol beïnvloed. Tog is minder as 20% van hierdie diversiteit as aktiewe
besoekers op die uiekoppe waargeneem. Heuningbye (bestuur of wild) was oorwegend die
belangrikste bestuiwers as gevolg van hoë besoek frekwensies en wesenlike ladings
uiestuifmeel op hulle liggame. Heuningby besoeke het saadopbrengs betekenisvol verhoog,
maar blom‐besoeker diversiteit en nie‐Apis besoeke het geen effek op saadopbrengs gehad
nie. Bestuurde korf digtheid en persentasie natuurlike habitat was nie belangrik in die
bepaling van heuningby besoeke of basterui saadopbrengste nie. Totale jaarlikse reënval was
die enigste betekenisvolle faktor wat heuningby besoeke bepaal het. Sekondêre faktore wat
versoorsaak word deur reënval veranderlikheid, soos veldblom volopheid of grondvog, kon
betekenisvolle effekte op die aantal heuningby besoeke gehad het. Bykomend, dui die
positiewe korrelasie tussen heuningby besoeke en die diversiteit van hand‐versamelde
insekte vanaf die uiekoppe op die moontlike betekenisvolle effek van elk of beide basterui
variteit aantreklikheid en/of bestuiwer populasie grote op algehele insek besoeke.
Heuningbye het noemenswaardige diskriminasie getoon tussen die basterui ouerlyne en het
verkies om op een of die ander te wei tydens enkele weidingstogte. Basterui ouerlyne het
betekenisvol verskil in nektar eienskappe en blomgeur wat die selektiewe weiding van
heuningbye, toegepas deur blomkonstantheid, sal aanmoedig. Tussen‐spesie interaksies was onbetekenisvol in die verhoging van heuningby bestuiwing omdat nie‐Apis besoekers baie
skaars was. Meeste boerdery praktyke is onderhewig aan gunstige omgewings toestande vir
suksesvolle produksie. Maar, en veral in die Suid‐Afrikaanse konteks, omdat basterui saad
aanplantings afhanklik is van insek bestuiwing vir suksesvolle opbrengste, word daar meer
staat gemaak op natuurlike ekosisteem dinamika wat volop wilde heuningby bestuiwers kan
voorsien, of selfs bestuiwers van die aanplanting kan weg lok. Nietemin, hierdie afhanklikheid
kan effektief verlaag word deur die gebruik van bestuurde heuningby kolonies om die aantal
wilde heuningby werkers op die blomme aan te vul.
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Urban agroforestry : For developing ecosystem services in urban forestsTellström, Susanne January 2014 (has links)
As urbanisation increases choices in how to use green areas within cities growin importance, determining how several urban sustainability issues will play out. In urban environment the role for forest, both inside and at the city borders, is most important for the well-being of city inhabitants from several species, as well as provider of numerous ecosystem services necessary for anthropogenic development. Despite this,urban green areas are often given a lower priority in city developing processes compared to new structures, meaning them being transformed into built environments. This makes a higher awareness of what urban forests provides, and can provide, evident. Thus, this bachelor thesis presents the idea of urban agroforestry. The focus is towards agroforestry systems as they can be adapted and applied in a Swedish context. Firstly, literature review is used for investigating the concepts of urban forest, ecosystem services and agroforestry, defining and connecting them. Some of the critique towards the ecosystem services concept is lifted, as well as some specific ecosystem services directly connected to urban forest. Also, recent Swedish development in the agroforestry field is mapped and briefly described. Further, knowledge from this is adapted to the settings in Östersund, developing suggestions for construction of actual urban agroforestry systems. This part describes the local possibilities for urban agroforestry, as well as suitable urban forest areas, species and things to take into consideration in terms of risk assessment. Finally, the thesis also presents some suggestions for how to account for the change in ecosystem services in a more mathematical way. This is followed by discussion of both general findings and the local agroforestry potential, as well as some suggestions for focus points in further studies. This study shows that despite the cold climate in Sweden, urban agroforestry provides an interesting potential for preservation of ecosystem services as well as reconstruction of historical landscapes. It further suggests that urban agroforestry systems within Östersund should be focused on cultural services rather than high yields, by this aiming to connect to numerous local interests seen as defining for the region.
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Beyond impacts : Contextualizing strategic environmental assessment to foster the inclusion of multiple values in strategic planningAzcarate, Juan January 2015 (has links)
Strategic environmental assessment (SEA) has the potential to improve strategic planning. However, meeting this expectation is a major challenge since SEA practice still constraints itself to assess the impacts of strategic planning initiatives. To advance the role of SEA beyond impact assessment, it has been argued that SEA needs to adapt to strategic planning contexts. Yet, there is a lack of consensus on how SEA should adapt to strategic planning contexts as these are complex, vary considerably and carry high levels of uncertainty. Against this background, the aim of this thesis is to contribute to the development of SEA by creating knowledge on ways in which it can be contextualized to different strategic planning situations. Three case studies addressing different values and strategic planning contexts were designed from which experiences on SEA conceptualization were drawn. The results show that developing strategic focused SEA frameworks that enhance dialogue, collaboration and knowledge generation on multiple values can address issues such as: the lack of data and objectives in developing planning contexts; gaps in knowledge and uncertainty associated to environmental monitoring in transboundary contexts; and the recognition of the importance of ecosystem services and their needed green qualities in urbanizing contexts. Based on the gained case study experiences, it is argued that SEA contextualization can mean addressing strategic planning intentions, identifying and engaging actors, deriving and prioritizing key values, collaborating to generate knowledge on key issues, and using this knowledge to shape strategic planning. Due to the complexity of the issues involved, contextualizing SEA is considered to be challenging to achieve and requires time and resources. However, based on the SEA case studies, it can be argued that the value added to strategic planning outweighs these requirements. Continuing to study the practice of context adaptable, strategic focused and participatory based SEA processes may contribute to advance SEA’s role beyond impact assessment and enable reaching its expected potentials. / <p>QC 20150525</p>
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Integrating systematic conservation planning and ecosystem services : an indicators approach in the Hill Country of Central TexasFougerat, Matthew Gerald 30 September 2014 (has links)
Ecosystem services are the aspects of the environment utilized to produce human well-being and are key elements of landscape sustainability. Increasingly, measures of ecosystem services are being incorporated into conservation decision making. However, a framework for evaluating systematic conservation planning ranked selection scenarios with indicators of ecosystem services has not been developed. Using the Central Texas counties of Blanco, Burnet, Hays, Llano, San Saba, and Travis as a study, a suite of spatially explicit modeling tools, Integrated Valuation of Ecosystem Services and Tradeoffs (InVEST), are used to quantify carbon storage, soil conservation, and water provision. A fourth service metric, ecosystem richness, is derived using Texas Parks and Wildlife ecological systems classification data. The values of these four services are then used to evaluate four conservation scenarios, developed in conjunction with a local conservation non-profit, Hill Country Conservancy (HCC), and derived using Marxan decision-support software.
The evaluation process consists of both geographic information system (GIS) and statistical analysis. GIS based overlay analysis is used to identify areas of multiple ecosystem service overlap. Spearman correlation tables are used to test the spatial relationship among ecosystem services, as well as the relationship among each of the four conservation scenarios. Wilcox-Mann-Whitney U tests (WMW) are used to assess the statistical significance of each scenario’s ecosystem service values as compared to the values of a random control scenario.
The results of this work reinforce the findings that there is often significant variability in the spatial congruence of multiple ecosystem services and their provision across a landscape. This work also supports the conclusion that the targeting of ecological phenomena for conservation concurrently targets areas supporting multiple ecosystem services. More distinctively, the results verify the capacity of ecosystem service indicators to effectively inform an iterative systematic conservation planning process.
At the local landscape-scale, this work provides HCC with defensible support of their conservation decisions based not only on organizational priorities, but also on ecosystem service values. More broadly, this work provides a framework for evaluating conservation scenarios with spatially explicit values of ecosystem services which can be replicated across a wide range of project scales and objectives. / text
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Beaktande av hälsorisker från luftföroreningar vid lokalisering av nya bostäder i Stockholm : En fallstudie av fem projekt intill EssingeledenKarlsson, Josefine January 2014 (has links)
Andelen människor som flyttar till städer ökar, vilket gör att det blir allt mer konkurrens om markytan. För att skapa fler bostäder tas mark i anspråk som tidigare haft andra syften eller bestått av naturliga grönytor. När växtlighet prioriteras bort minskar ekosystemtjänster som har förmåga att rena stadsluften. Denna studie baseras på Stockholm, där den regionala översiktsplaneringen åsyftar att staden ska förtätas för att skapa mer centrala bostäder. Att stadsluften är förorenad är ett generellt problem som utsätter invånare för hälsorisker. Detta är en fallstudie som granskar hur luftföroreningar uppmärksammas när nya bostadsprojekt är planerade att etableras. Fem fall har valts ut nära en hårt trafikerad Europaväg, för att undersöka hur luftkvaliteter beaktats i planprocesserna. Dokument har granskats och berörda aktörer har intervjuats. Riskerna med luftföroreningar omnämns ytterst lite i vissa fall, medan de anses som betydande miljöpåverkan i andra. Detta har lett till att miljökonsekvensbeskrivningar (MKB) krävts vid vissa bostadsprojekt men inte i andra, trots att liknande eller högre nivåer av luftföroreningar eller fordonsmängd uppmätts eller beräknats vid projekten som uppmärksammat aspekten minst. Resultaten i fallstudien belyser den varierande förekomsten av omnämnandet om luftföroreningar och därmed risker för människors hälsa i de olika bostadsprojekten. / The numbers of people that are living in cities are expanding. That means an arising competition of the ground surface. To create enough homes areas that earlier was filled with natural green spaces are sometimes becoming mobilized. Green space’s that seems to clean the air becomes rarer. This study is based on the city of Stockholm, that is planned to expand more towards the central parts of the city. The city air is as in many other cities polluted and citizens are exposed to health risks. This is a case study that examines how air pollution is being noticed in new residential projects. Five projects located close to a heavy traffic road have been chosen. Documents have been surveyed and relevant stakeholders have been interviewed in reason to find out how air quality is being observed. The different concerns regarding air quality has lead to decisions that environmental impact assessment (EIA) has being required in some cases, but not in others. Thus the levels of air quality or traffic density have approximately been the same or sometimes even higher in the cases that mentioned air quality least. This case study highlights the varied mention about air pollution and thereby the risks for human health in the studied projects.
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Integrering av ekosystemtjänsbegreppet i LCA-metodik : Kartläggning av möjligheter genom en fallstudie på pelletsproduktion / Integrating the Ecosystem-Service Concept into LCA-methodology : Mapping of possibilities through a case study on pellet productionNordin, Emma January 2014 (has links)
De nyttor som människan får direkt och indirekt från ekosystemen kallas ekosystemtjänster. Mänsklighetens påverkan på ekosystemen idag leder till degradering av tjänsterna och då mänskligheten ytterst är beroende av vad de tillför, är bevarandet av dessa tjänster viktig. Livscykelanalys, LCA, är ett väletablerat verktyg som används för att fastställa miljöpåverkan från olika produktprocesser men få ekosystemtjänster beaktas i LCA. Det finns därför ett behov av att vidare undersöka och utveckla möjligheterna att med livscykelbaserade metoder analysera påverkan på ekosystemtjänster. Huvudsyftet med denna studie har varit att undersöka om det är möjligt att integrera ekosystemtjänstbegreppet i LCA-metodik. Detta har kartlagts med hjälp av en fallstudie på pelletsproduktion, som bl.a. identifierat berörda ekosystemtjänster och möjligheten att kvantifiera dem, vilka ekosystemtjänster som går att studera med LCA idag samt möjliga sätt att analysera påverkan på ekosystemtjänster med LCA. Ett delmål har varit att grundligt beskriva både ekosystemtjänster och LCA samt aspekter som kan koppla ihop dessa områden. En omfattande litteraturstudie och en LCA modellering rörande pelletsproduktion utgjorde grund för arbetet. I dagsläget är det inte möjligt att integrera ekosystemtjänstbegreppet i LCA-metodiken med undantag för de fåtal ekosystemtjänster som i LCA-metodiken redan beaktas i viss utsträckning. Det stora hindret är att det inte finns någon fullständig och enhetlig metodik för kartläggning, klassificering och kvantifiering av ekosystemtjänsterna, vilket anses nödvändigt för att kunna analysera påverkan på dem. Ett stort antal ekosystemtjänster såsom klimatreglering, näringsflöden, biodiversitet och rekreation kan kopplas till pelletsproduktion men påverkan på dem är inte möjlig att fullt ut analysera med LCA. Detta illustreras av LCA-modelleringen av pelletsproduktion där endast påverkan på tjänsterna förnybara energikällor och vattenanvändning ingår. Då kunskapen rörande olika ekosystemtjänster skiljer sig mycket åt varierar förutsättningarna för att inkludera dem i LCA-metodiken. Befintliga tillvägagångssätt för att försöka analysera påverkan på ekosystemtjänster med hjälp av LCA föreslår nya miljöpåverkanskategorier och samlandet av tjänsterna i gemensamma enheter såsom exergi och solekvivalenter. Metoderna är dock begränsade och täcker inte in ekosystemtjänsterna på ett fullgott sätt. Mer forskning behövs för att bättre utveckla tillvägagångsätten för analys av påverkan på ekosystemtjänster genom LCA. / The profits humankind obtains directly and indirectly from ecosystems are called ecosystem services. The impact human activities have on ecosystems lead to degradation of the ecosystem services and since humankind fully depends on what the ecosystems provide, the preservation of these services is crucial. Lifecycle assessment, LCA, is a well-established tool used to assess environmental impacts from different product processes but few ecosystem services are considered. Thus, there is a need to study and develop the possibilities to analyze ecosystem services through LCA based methods. The project aimed to determine whether it is possible to integrate the ecosystem-service concept into LCA-methodology. A case study on pellet production was carried out to identify relevant ecosystem services and the possibilities to quantify them, which ecosystem services that could be analyzed in LCA today and also available approaches to study impacts on ecosystem services with LCA. An intermediate goal was to present a comprehensive description of both ecosystem services and LCA and to map common aspects that connect the two fields. The analysis was based on a comprehensive literature study, and a specific LCA-modeling of pellet production. At present, it is not possible to integrate the ecosystem-service concept into LCA-methodology, except for the few ecosystem services that to some extent already are covered in the methodology. The main obstacle is the lack of coherent approaches to map, classify, and foremost quantify ecosystem services, which is considered crucial for analyzing the impact on them. A large number of ecosystem services such as climate regulation, nutrient cycling, biodiversity and recreation can be influenced by pellet production but it is not possible to fully analyze these impacts with LCA. This is illustrated by the LCA-modeling on pellet production where only impacts on the services renewable resources and water use could be included. The possibilities to analyze ecosystem services within LCA vary due to the variation in knowledge about certain services. The present approaches for analyzing more services with LCA propose new environmental impact categories an aggregation of services into common units such as exergy and solar equivalents. The methods are limited due to the fact that they are not able to cover the diversity of the services. More research is needed to develop the approaches for analyzing impacts on ecosystem services through LCA.
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Mapping social-ecological systems and human well-being : A spatial exploration of the links between people and the environment in South AfricaHamann, Maike January 2014 (has links)
It has become increasingly clear that dealing with present day environmental crises requires a holistic view that takes into account the interactions of social and ecological factors across multiple spatial and temporal scales. An example of where this new paradigm is being operationalized is the study of social-ecological systems. A substantial aspect of this growing research area aims to contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of the links between social-ecological systems, the ecosystem services they generate, and human well-being. This thesis summarizes the first part of a PhD project with the overall objective of unravelling some of these linkages using a mapping approach in South Africa, a country with high levels of social and ecological diversity. In the first paper, I present an approach to mapping social-ecological systems based on different bundles of ecosystem services. Mapping social-ecological systems has so far mainly been achieved by the overlay of separate social and ecological data. Here, I identify characteristic bundles of ecosystem services and use these bundle types as a proxy for different social-ecological systems in South Africa. The emergent pattern shows three distinct and spatially coherent systems that represent an overall low, medium and high level of ecosystem service use amongst households, and differs markedly from maps based on the overlay of social and ecological datasets. This approach not only identifies areas within South Africa where people are especially vulnerable to environmental changes that negatively affect ecosystem services, but also highlights areas in which distinctly different system dynamics operate in close proximity. It is especially in those areas where systems characterized by high and low dependence on ecosystem services lie side by side that nuanced and differentiated decision-making is required to sustainably manage ecosystem services in support of human well-being across all sectors of society. In the second paper I expand on the approach pioneered in Paper I by mapping human well-being bundles in South Africa. Mapping human well-being as bundles allows us to interrogate the trade-offs between different constituents of well-being at the sub-national scale, something that is not possible when measuring human well-being based on indicators or indices that reduce well-being to a single number. This approach also enables us to perform a spatial comparison between the levels of ecosystem service use (identified in Paper I) and human well-being, which signifies an important step forward in the development of quantitative tools for the analysis of the relationship between ecosystem services and human well-being at scales between the local and the national. / Governance of ecosystem services under scenarios of change in southern and eastern Africa
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