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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Aprimorando a visualização e composição de regras SWRL na Web / Improving visualization and composition of SWRL rules in the Web

Silva, Adriano Rivolli da 16 January 2012 (has links)
A Web Semântica tem como meta fazer com que os conteúdos disponibilizados na Web tenham significado não apenas para pessoas, mas também que possam ser processados por máquinas. Essa meta está sendo realizada com o desenvolvimento e uso de ontologias para criar dados anotados semanticamente. Entre as distintas formas de anotação semântica, a Semantic Web Rule Language (SWRL) torna possível criar anotações no formato de regras que combinam regras com conceitos definidos em ontologias, especificadas em Web Ontology Language (OWL), para representar conhecimento sobre dados por meio de afirmações condicionais. Todavia, à medida que o número dessas regras crescem, seus desenvolvedores podem enfrentar dificuldades para gerenciá-las adequadamente. Um grande conjunto de regras torna-se difícil de entender e propício a erros, principalmente quando usado e mantido de forma colaborativa. Neste trabalho é apresentado um conjunto de soluções para aprimorar o uso e gerenciamento de regras SWRL, que compreendem o desenvolvimento de novas representações visuais, técnicas de classificação de regras e ferramenta de detecção de erros. Essas soluções resultaram no SWRL Editor, uma ferramenta Web de visualização e composição de regras que roda como um plug-in para o Web Protégé. Como estudo de caso, foi utilizada a Autism Phenologue Rules, uma ontologia para caracterizar fenótipos de autismo, para exemplificar um conjunto grande e complexo de regras SWRL. A partir desse estudo, uma nova representação visual específica para as regras dessa ontologia foi elaborada, permitindo que um especialista em autismo, sem grandes conhecimentos computacionais, seja capaz de ver e editar regras sem ter de se preocupar com a sintaxe da linguagem SWRL. Os resultados obtidos indicam que o SWRL Editor é uma ferramenta clara e intuitiva, contribuindo para um melhor entendimento, criação e gerenciamento de regras SWRL. / The Semantic Web aims to make web content available not only to people but also to computers using machine-readable formats. This goal is being realized with the development and use of ontologies to create semantically annotated data. Among the different ways to annotate data, the Semantic Web Rule Language (SWRL) enables rule-based annotation that combines rules with ontology concepts, defined using the Web Ontology Language (OWL), to represent knowledge about data as conditional assertions. However, as the number of these rule-base annotations grows, developers face problems when trying to manage them. A large rule set becomes difficult to understand and prone to errors, especially when it is collaboratively maintained. This work presents solutions to improve SWRL rule use and management that include the development of new visual representations, classification techniques and error detection tools. These solutions resulted in the SWRL Editor, a webbased visualization and composition tool for SWRL rules that runs as a Web Protégé plug-in. As a case study, we used the Autism Phenologue Rules, an ontology to characterize autism phenotypes, to exemplify a large and complex SWRL rule set. From this study, a new visual representation, specific for this ontologys rules, has been developed, allowing an expert in autism, without a lot of computational knowledge, to be able to view and edit the rules without having to worry about SWRL syntax. The results obtained indicate that the SWRL Editor is a clear and intuitive tool, contributing for a better understanding and easing the creation and management of SWRL rule sets

Max Frisch Uwe Johnson. Eine literarische Wechselbeziehung / Max Frisch Uwe Johnson. Une interaction littéraire / Max Frisch Uwe Johnson. A literary interaction.

Letawe, Céline 25 May 2007 (has links)
In der vorliegenden Dissertation wird die literarische Wechselbeziehung zwischen den deutschsprachigen Schriftstellern Max Frisch (1911-1991) und Uwe Johnson (1934-1984) untersucht. Zu diesem Zweck werden nicht nur die literarischen Texte besprochen, sondern auch ihre Produktion und Rezeption, und zwar anhand von veröffentlichtem und unveröffentlichtem Material. Durch die Untersuchung der verschiedenen Lektoratsarbeiten Johnsons an Frischs Werken, des Projekts "Stich-Worte" und der intertextuellen Bezüge zwischen dem Werk von Frisch und dem von Johnson wird ein literarischer Austausch zwischen den beiden Schriftstellern rekonstruiert, bei dem die Frage nach der Identität und deren literarischer Darstellung sowie die Problematik von Biographie und Autobiographie im Zentrum stehen. Es wird gezeigt, dass die beiden Schriftsteller einander bei diesem Austausch erheblich beeinflusst haben. ---------------------------------- L´objet de la présente thèse de doctorat est l´interaction littéraire qui sest développée entre les écrivains de langue allemande Max Frisch (1911-1991) et Uwe Johnson (1934-1984). Afin de mieux circonscrire le dialogue qu´ils ont mené tout au long de leur relation et l´influence qu´ils ont exercée l´un sur l´autre, l´analyse des textes littéraires proprement dits a été combinée à l´étude de leur production et de leur réception sur la base de documents publiés et de documents darchives. De l´étude des travaux de relecture réalisés par Johnson sur quatre manuscrits de Frisch, des "Stich-Worte" et des liens intertextuels tissés entre l´uvre de Frisch et celle de Johnson, il ressort que le dialogue entre ces écrivains a pour thème central la question de l´identité et de sa représentation littéraire, la problématique de la biographie et de l´autobiographie et que, par le biais de ce dialogue, ces deux auteurs se sont influencés de façon considérable. ---------------------------------- The subject of this thesis is the literary interaction between the German-speaking writers Max Frisch (1911-1991) and Uwe Johnson (1934-1984). In order to better circumscribe their lifelong dialogue and mutual influence, not only the literary texts were analysed, but also their production and reception, which was done on the basis of published and unpublished material. The analysis of Johnsons comprehensive editing on four manuscripts by Frisch, of the "Stich-Worte" and of the intertextual links between the works of Frisch and Johnson, reveals that the dialogue between these two writers centers on the issue of identity and its literary representation, as well as the problems posed by biography and autobiography; Ultimately, it appears that through this dialogue Frisch and Johnson influenced each other to a considerable extent.

MPEG-4 Facial Feature Point Editor / Editor för MPEG-4 "feature points"

Lundberg, Jonas January 2002 (has links)
The use of computer animated interactive faces in film, TV, games is ever growing, with new application areas emerging also on the Internet and mobile environments. Morph targets are one of the most popular methods to animate the face. Up until now 3D artists had to design each morph target defined by the MPEG-4 standard by hand. This is a very monotonous and tedious task. With the newly developed method of Facial Motion Cloning [11]the heavy work is relieved from the artists. From an already animated face model the morph targets can now be copied onto a new static face model. For the Facial Motion Cloning process there must be a subset of the feature points specified by the MPEG-4 standard defined. The purpose of this is to correlate the facial features of the two faces. The goal of this project is to develop a graphical editor in which the artists can define the feature points for a face model. The feature points will be saved in a file format that can be used in a Facial Motion Cloning software.

MPEG-4 Facial Feature Point Editor / Editor för MPEG-4 "feature points"

Lundberg, Jonas January 2002 (has links)
<p>The use of computer animated interactive faces in film, TV, games is ever growing, with new application areas emerging also on the Internet and mobile environments. Morph targets are one of the most popular methods to animate the face. Up until now 3D artists had to design each morph target defined by the MPEG-4 standard by hand. This is a very monotonous and tedious task. With the newly developed method of Facial Motion Cloning [11]the heavy work is relieved from the artists. From an already animated face model the morph targets can now be copied onto a new static face model. </p><p>For the Facial Motion Cloning process there must be a subset of the feature points specified by the MPEG-4 standard defined. The purpose of this is to correlate the facial features of the two faces. The goal of this project is to develop a graphical editor in which the artists can define the feature points for a face model. The feature points will be saved in a file format that can be used in a Facial Motion Cloning software.</p>

The Pace Setter Houses: livable modernism in postwar America / Livable modernism in postwar America

Penick, Monica Michelle, 1972- 28 August 2008 (has links)
In 1946, House Beautiful's editor-in-chief Elizabeth Gordon launched the Pace Setter House Program, an annual series of exhibition houses that proposed a new modern architecture for postwar America. Set in direct opposition to Arts & Architecture's Case Study Houses, the Pace Setter houses criticized orthodox modernism, and offered a "livable" and distinctly American alternative. Organic design, particularly the work of Frank Lloyd Wright, further informed this new concept of American modernism, adding a rich layer of humanism, naturalism, and democratic idealism. Rejecting the Case Study prototype of universal solutions and prefabrication, the Pace Setter houses advocated a solution in which the craft of building guaranteed regional variation, artistic quality and individual expression. House Beautiful's Pace Setter Program, with its implicit organic roots, underscored one of the most charged architectural debates of the postwar period: the renewed tension between the specific and the general, the regional and the international, the individual and the collective. With the establishment of the Pace Setter House Program, Gordon developed a mature paradigm for the postwar house -- and simultaneously created a dynamic public forum for architectural debate. With the Pace Setters as counterpoint, she lashed out against the architectural current to attack what she viewed as the greatest threat to American design: the unlivable, autocratic, and foreign modernism of the International Style. Gordon's role in the larger architectural debate was critical, not only in her vociferous opposition to what she viewed as a blind continuation of an oppressive modernist lineage, but in her stalwart support of alternative design tropes. The Pace Setter Houses and their architects -- ranging from Cliff May to Alfred Browning Parker to Harwell Harris -- represented one battlefield in the aesthetic and philosophical struggle between the emerging modernisms of the postwar period. Accompanied by Gordon's insistent voice and publications, the Pace Setters became ammunition in an architectural revolution that, for House Beautiful, lasted nearly twenty years. The Pace Setters chronicled the emergence of a vital strand of American modernism, and provided a lens through which to view the ultimate integration and acceptance of modernism within the mainstream of middle-class America.

Rhetorical markers of democratization

Kovalyova, Natalia Vasilyevna 10 June 2011 (has links)
This study was motivated by a variety of democratic experience in the world that interchangeably perplexes and inspires students of politics. To understand the processes by which democracies emerge, this study was launched to examine new democracies from a discursive perspective. Four main questions guided the inquiry: (1) Is there a rhetorical/discursive counterpart to the process of democratization? (2) If so, what are the rhetorical features and markers of democratic changes? (3) What specific discursive practices correlate with growth and/or decline of democracy? and (4) What practical value might there be to having a more sensitive measure of democratic growth and/or decline? To answer these questions, a critical discourse analysis was conducted on two genres of Russian public discourse juxtaposing lay (letters to the editor) and elite (editorials) voices in three national periodicals during four election seasons between 1996 and 2008. The analysis of lay discourse revealed (a) that ordinary Russians enjoy expressing their opinions, (b) that they are argumentative, (c) that their repertoire of political voices is rather small, and (d) that their discussions are gradually sliding toward trivial matters. These findings portrayed a public that is attentive to public affairs and speaks out in a forum. Elite voices, on the other hand, were found (e) to be mesmerized by politics, (f) to think of the political world as detached from ordinary life, and (g) to envision the audience of ironic bystanders. Together, these findings pointed to a conclusion that ordinary Russians are rarely summoned either to renew democracy or to improve upon it. Consequently, they rarely identify themselves as true democrats, although many of their discursive practices resemble those that are thought of as a staple of the democratic public sphere. / text

Ανάπτυξη ορθογραφικού διορθωτή βασισμένου σε ακυκλικά αυτόματα / Speller development based on dynamic acyclic aytomata

Τσιμπούρης, Χαράλαμπος 28 August 2009 (has links)
Η παρούσα διπλωματική έχει ως σκοπό να συνδέσει την λειτουργία υπάρχοντος ορθογράφου με συγκεκριμένη δομή αποθήκευσης και αναζήτησης λέξεων. Κριτήρια του ορθογράφου είναι να είναι ανοιχτού κώδικα και σκοπός είναι να του προστεθεί η δυνατότητα να λειτουργεί με ακυκλικούς γράφους, ντετερμινιστικούς ή μη. Τα πλεονεκτήματα της νέας δομής και λειτουργίας του ορθογράφου είναι πολλαπλά και παρουσιάζονται στη πορεία της διπλωματικής. Αν και οι δοκιμές που έγιναν, δεν αναδεικνύουν τα πλεονεκτήματα αυτά, σε θεωρητικό επίπεδο η εξέλιξη μπορεί να είναι μεγάλη, και σε ταχύτητα αλλά και σε απόδοση. / Target of this project is to connect the proccess of an existing speller to a spesific structure of storing and searching words. Basic criteria of this speller are: open source, capability to work with acyclic graphs, deteministic or not. The advantages of this new structure and proccess of the speller are presented in this project.

英格蘭19世紀中晚期足球形象的演進 / The Processing Images of Football in the Mid and Late Nineteenth-Century England

馮奕達, Feng, Neof Unknown Date (has links)
呈現足球的公共形象在19世紀中晚期英格蘭地區的演進,以及此形象的演進如何促成現代足球(特別是協會足球)成形與流行,就是本論文的主要目的。   目前學界對於現代足球起源與成形有兩種主要看法:出身社會中上層的公學、大學師生,在19世紀中葉透過制定成文規則,「馴化」並保存此前社會上原有的民俗足球,最後促成統一足球規則的努力──此為其一;修正派學者則認為,早在公學、大學師生投入前,19世紀中葉以前的英格蘭社會中早已存在有組織、有規則的足球,而早期學者過分誇大了社會中上層對於現代足球帶來的影響。然而,現有史料尚不足以證明上述足球活動實際如何進行、組織,也無法顯示各種以「足球」為名的運動間是否有因果關係。   人們呈現過去的方式,足以暗示了他們希望別人,甚至是自己應該如何看待目前的現實。足球的規則,以及人們希望足球所能承載的價值、作用,都會隨著時間改變。除了用規則的出現與演變來追溯現代足球的起源,由制定規則的群體來判斷現代足球受到哪一階級影響較深以外,從時人對於足球的「印象」、「觀感」,也就是他們所相信的東西著手,或許更能推演出「現代足球」的「概念」源起於何時。   《英格蘭19世紀中晚期足球形象的演進》即以此為目標,利用19世紀《倫敦時報》的讀者投書,以及其他運動報紙和嚴肅期刊文章,試圖重建足球在19世紀中晚期英格蘭輿論中的公共形象,繼而回應、調和學界已有的兩種不同觀點。第一章〈斷裂或延續:現代足球起源問題〉呈現公學觀點與修正派學者的主張與其優劣擅場,並提出以足球的當代「形象」做為解決起源問題的可能方式。第二章〈公學地位競爭與足球議題上升的能見度(1858-63)〉直接回到上述學術論爭所指向的關鍵時代,透過當時媒體上有關「統一足球規則」的爭論來證明當時公學、大學師生與社會中上層人士對提高現代足球運動地位的影響。第三章〈從惡名昭彰到男子氣概:19世紀末輿論中足球形象的演進〉,則綜觀整個19世紀,在長時段中呈現足球形象在英格蘭輿論中的轉折,進一步突顯現代足球概念成形的時間。   透過足球形象的轉變與形塑,以及時人對於足球發展歷程的看法,我們得以了解19世紀中晚期的英格蘭人為何投身一種新興的運動,從而接近他們所追求的價值,並希望別人如何看待他們的所作所為。 關鍵詞:現代足球 協會足球 《倫敦時報》讀者投書

Interning at Convergys Corporation technical editing in a technical documentation team /

Parris, Tyler A. January 2004 (has links)
Thesis (M.T.S.C.)--Miami University, Dept. of English, 2004. / Title from first page of PDF document. Includes bibliographical references (p. 36).

Defining the role of the technical communicator an internship with the web-based learning group at the Kroger Company /

Denman, Christopher David. January 2004 (has links)
Thesis (M.T.S.C.)--Miami University, Dept. of English, 2004. / Title from first page of PDF document. Includes bibliographical references (p. 31).

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