Spelling suggestions: "subject:"editor"" "subject:"auditor""
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基於領域專屬語言之數位展演可客製化開發環境之研製 / Development of a Domain-Specific Language Based and Customizable Development Environment for Digital Interactive Performance林如意, Lin, Ru Yi Unknown Date (has links)
在過去傳統劇場展演的藝術型態,因爲欠缺互動,易形成台上的表演與台下觀眾互動不頻繁的隔閡。近年來,結合科技與藝術的數位互動展演成為一種創新的表演形態。但在開發互動展演會有技術難度,完成腳本後可能會因為缺乏彈性和擴充性,重複進行一樣的表演,或是再由專業的劇場與程式相關人員反覆修改需求。本研究為解決上述遇到的問題,研發應用在數位展演上的圖型化領域專屬語言編輯器,讓終端使用者可以藉由階段性的操作完成腳本,也可根據不同需求更新背景或角色函式庫。另外,透過實體與虛擬角色的骨架資料繫結的方式,也解決在整合虛擬與實體平台的互動中,實體裝置收到感測器資料,卻無法直接解析取得裝置名稱的問題。於系統上本研究增加使用者自主控制元件和創作腳本,使虛實互動的創作更加彈性。 / In traditional performance, there is little interaction between actors and their audience. Recently, due to the advance of information and communication technology, art and culture are combined with technology mediated interaction between actors and their audience to create a new style of digital interactive performance. However, there are still many technical barriers in developing digital interactive performance. Essentially, the scripts for such performance are usually fixed, or with limited programmability. As a result, one performance will be repeated played or requires a lot of efforts to modify it. This thesis aims to address the issue of programmable scripts with a visual editor and supporting execution environment. In particular, we focus on helping performance director to develop programmable scripts that enable the flexible interaction between physical characters and their virtual counterparts. Our editing tool allows end-users to write scripts using drag-and-drop elements we developed on top of the Blockly framework. Besides detailed descriptions of the design and implantation of our tool, preliminary evaluation results are also presented.
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[pt] A dissertação apresenta o trabalho de designers-editores de livros, profissionais que possuem conhecimentos da área do Design e atuam no mercado editorial na função de editor. Evidencia o diferencial que a personagem do designer-editor traz ao contexto atual do mercado editorial e ao campo do Design. Diante das transformações ocorridas no entorno do universo editorial, profissionais da cadeia produtiva do livro e editores têm suas funções desafiadas e novos conhecimento são exigidos. Habilidades voltadas para a busca por inovação, criatividade e gestão da complexidade com que se estrutura o mercado são necessárias. O trabalho teve como objetivo identificar quais os conhecimento adquiridos a partir do DESIGN diferenciam o EDITOR na sua atuação no MERCADO como editor de livros. Para isso, foram estabelecidos os contextos da editoração do Brasil, aspectos históricos e culturais, delimitada a função do editor de livros no mercado contemporâneo e caracterizadas as competências e habilidades que capacitam o designer. A dissertação documenta três experiências editoriais: André Villas-Boas e a 2AB editora; Vitor Barreto e as editoras Novas ideias e 2AB; e Christiano Menezes e a DarkSide books. São analisadas as biografia dos três editores, o histórico de formação das editoras, as linhas editoriais propostas, os catálogos constituídos e as obras representativas editadas. E ao final, delimitadas as influências da experiência em Design sobre o exercício da função editorial. / [en] The dissertation presents the work of designers-book publishers, professionals who have knowledge of Design and act in the book publishing market as a publisher. It seeks to highlight the differential that the designer-book publisher brings to the current context of the book publishing market and the field of Design. Faced with the transformations that have occurred in the surroundings of the publishing world, professionals in the production chain of the book and publishers have their functions challenged and new knowledge is required. Skills aimed at the search for innovation, creativity and management of the complexity with which the market is structured are necessary. The work aims to identify which knowledge acquired from DESIGN differentiates the EDITOR in its work in the MARKET as a book publisher. For this, the research establishes the contexts of Brazilian publishing, historical and cultural aspects, delimits the function of the book publisher in the contemporary market and characterizes skills and abilities that enable the designer. The dissertation documents three editorial experiences: André Villas-Boas and 2AB editora; Vitor Barreto and the Novas Ideias and 2AB editora; and Christiano Menezes and DarkSide books. Then, it analyzes the biographies of the three editors, the history of publishing houses, the editorial lines, the catalogs and representative works. Finally, it delimits the influences of the experience in Design on the exercise of the editorial function.
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Generátor herní mapy galaxie / Galaxy Generator for GamesBřezina, Karel January 2018 (has links)
This thesis is focused on design and implementation of procedural generator of galaxy for games or simulations. Second goal is implementation of demonstration application which is showing possible usage of generator. Generator is able to create galaxy by predefined types or by user created map.
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Webová aplikace pro pořizování nových záběrů historických fotografií / Web App for Capturing New Shots of Historical PhotographsSikora, Martin January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to design and implement a web application focused on rephotography management. Analyze existing solutions, create list of features and simple graphical user interface. It also includes a design of API structure to communicate with the mobile application. Essential application requirements include adding photos on a map and combining different photos in a photo editor with enhanced auto-alignment features.
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Návrh a realizace aplikace pro správu RDS zpráv / Realization and implemention of RDS message management softwareHeralt, Jiří January 2009 (has links)
The purpose of this work was realization and implementation of two applications for the management of Radio Data System (RDS) messages. These applications will be subsequently used in the Czech Radio Ostrava to support two RDS services, namely the Traffic - Announcement Identification and Radiotext. Both applications are secured against unauthorized use by incompetent users through a password - protected access, access rights and encryption of passwords in initialization files. The text of this work is divided into three parts. The first describes the system RDS and services provided by it and implementation of RDS in the Czech Radio Ostrava. The second part deals with the realization of both applications and the last part describes the implementation itself. The work shows all applications windows. Work also includes all the flow charts. The list of all broken down by subroutines is given in the appendix.
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Aplikace pro správu překladů pro redakční systémy / Translating management system for publishing systemsŠtefaník, Pavel January 2014 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on creation of application for managing translation for content management systems. Application will help translation leader with distribution of requests for translation to translators and then to proofreader. Translation leader will be able to import needed articles from WordPress and export after translation. Editor will be able to write articles directly in application. For managing and granting access will be responsible user with administration rights.
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Online LaTeX editor / Online LaTeX EditorSokol, Miroslav January 2012 (has links)
This diploma thesis has its purpose in creating such an editor of LATEX language, which would succeed in the competition of existing solutions. To offer users a basis typical for this type of editors and add functions that will make him a unique project. The progress went in a direction of transparent environment and completely trivial operating. Most of the functions are available through 1 click only. Predefined templates are displayed immediately including previews and it is possible to download them with all source codes. Some kinds of actions redraw the whole content of the page. In other cases, we used update panels for partially redraw the content or client javascript. Due to available archivation of .zip files we can even process more files at the same time. Program is designed in a way to be able to further continue developing it and even broaden his features.
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”Man är ju medborgarnas ögon och öron” : En kvalitativ studie av lokalredaktörers syn på sin roll i dagens medielandskapAndersson, Lina January 2020 (has links)
Med avstamp i dagens medielandskap och med tanke på att dagstidningar dragit ned på journalister och särskilt journalister på lokalredaktioner de senaste tio till femton åren, så har syftet med den här uppsatsen varit att studera hur de kvarvarande lokalredaktörerna i Västerbottens inland ser på sin roll, vad som driver dem samt vilka utmaningar och möjligheter de har i sitt arbetsliv på daglig basis. Kvalitativa intervjuer gjordes med alla sju lokalredaktörer som just nu arbetar i Västerbottens inland och sedan analyserades deras uttalanden genom teorier kopplade till lokala medier och demokrati, ett medielandskap i förändring samt yrkesroll och identitet. Studien visar att lokalredaktörsrollen är komplex med flera motsägelser. Deras ideal och ambitioner hamnar i konflikt med deras faktiska arbetssituation. Medan de drivs av starka demokratiska ideal i sitt arbete, så känner de att de inte har tillräckligt med tid för att göra grävande journalistik eftersom mycket av deras tid går åt att bevaka minst två kommuner var. De uttrycker också att den kommun där de inte bor inte får lika mycket bevakning som de skulle vilja och att den blir något bortglömd, hamnar i medieskugga. Flera av lokalredaktörerna är välkända på den plats de bor och jobbar och vissa människor känner en stark koppling till tidningen på grund av dem. Många av dem har också svårt att gå ur sin roll när de är lediga. Samtidigt så uttrycker lokalredaktörerna att de inte har samma kontakt med läsarna som tidigare. De är nära, men samtidigt distanserade från sina läsare. / Based on the current situation in the media and the fact that newspapers have cut down on journalists over the last ten to fifteen years, especially those located in small, remote areas, the main purpose of this thesis was to study how all the remaining local editors in rural Västerbotten think of their role and what their driving forces are as well as what challenges and opportunities they face in their everyday work life. Qualitative interviews were conducted with all the seven local editors who currently work in rural Västerbotten and then analyzed through theories of local journalism and democracy, a media landscape in constant change, journalistic profession and identity. The results showed that their role is complex and has plenty of contradictions. Their driving forces and ambitions conflict with their work situation. While they are driven by high democratic standards in their work, they feel that they don’t have enough time for investigative journalism as a lot of their time goes to reporting from at least two municipalities each. They also express that the one municipality where they don’t live doesn’t get as much coverage as they would like and is somewhat forgotten. A lot of them are well known in the place where they live and work and some people feel a close connection to the newspaper because of them. Many of them also have difficulties stepping out of their role in their spare time. At the same time, they express that they don’t have the same contact with readers like they used to. They are close but at the same time distanced from their readers.
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Génération Formes Utiles, étude d’un groupe de designers en France : 1945-1973 / Generation Formes Utiles, study of a designers’ group in France from 1945 to 1973Lannuzel, Thibault 19 November 2016 (has links)
Le sujet se concentre sur un cycle majeur de l’Histoire de l’art et du design français d’après-guerre, pourtant largement méconnu. Durant cette période de croissance plus communément appelée Trente Glorieuses, une lignée de onze jeunes designers français s’impose ainsi dans le paysage de la création de modèles de série. Cette génération s’attachera à promouvoir le design dès la sortie de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, se basant sur la doctrine du fonctionnalisme social défendue plus tôt par Francis Jourdain, père du mobilier de série français et membre de l’UAM, puis par ses disciples René Gabriel et Marcel Gascoin. Leur formation commune au sein des meilleures écoles ou des bureaux d’études de leurs aînés, la similitude des parcours professionnels et l’existence d’affinités personnelles nous permettent ici d’avancer l’hypothèse d’un phénomène générationnel encore jamais identifié en tant que tel. Ensemble et séparément, ces designers s’attachent donc à défendre le rationalisme à la française et une production dépouillée de tout artifice, mais plus largement l’alliance du créateur et de l’industriel pour des formes justes et l’affirmation du beau dans l’utile. En outre, avec eux apparaît le statut de designer qui doit concevoir mobilier et aménagements d’intérieur de qualité, fonctionnel et accessible à tous. Cette génération fondatrice, pourtant reléguée au second plan de l’histoire du design, mérite à ce titre d’être inscrite dans la genèse d’une profession et d’une discipline dont nous tirons encore aujourd’hui les enseignements. / The topic is focused on a main period of the history of art and French post-war design but which is though largely unknown. During this period of growth also called « Trente Glorieuses », a line of eleven young French designers impose their self in the landscape of the model’s creation. This generation tries hard to promote the design from the end of the Second World War by basing on the social functionalism’s doctrine which is defended before by Francis Jourdain, father of the French serial furniture and member of the UAM, and then by his disciples René Gabriel and Marcel Gascoin. Their communal training in the best schools or in the design offices of their eldests, the similarity of their careers and the existence of personal affinities may allow us to claim the possibility of a generational phenomenon never identified in itself yet. Together or separately, this designers desire to defend the French rationalism and a production without any artifice, but above all the collaboration of the creator and the manufacturer for relevant forms and the proclamation of the beauty in the utility. Moreover, it is with them that appears the designer status who has to conceive furniture and interior organisations of quality and which is functional and reachable for everyone. This pioneer generation, relegated at the middle ground of the design history, deserves to have their place in the genesis of a profession and a discipline from which we still learn lessons.
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Redakce ČT sport bez šéfredaktora. Kde jsou její limity? / ČT Sport Newsroom without Editor in Chief.Where are its Limits?Zoubková, Kateřina January 2020 (has links)
This diploma thesis called ČT sport newsroom without an editor-in-chief. Where are its limits? focuses on the leadership of sports newsroom, which operated without editor-in-chief between the years 2013 and 2019. In January 2020 the sports department was reorganized thus there is the editor-in-chief at the head of the organization since then, who manages the organization in terms of journalism. The researcher paid attention to the analysis of both possible structures. In the theoretical part, the author describes possible organizational structures according to which the organization can be structured. She focuses on media routines and history and the presence of the sports newsroom, but she is mostly targeting the hierarchy of the department. The empirical part is based on 14 in-depth interviews with workers of the newsroom, who describe how the sports department works and point out the positives and negatives of the system. The research took place in two phases. The first one before the restructuring of the department, the second one a few months after. The result is, how the sports newsroom according to its employees worked in this kind of atypical structure.
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